Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 30, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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Placing the Utile hats all In a row,
Rea ly for church en the morrow you know;
Washing wee faces and Utile black fists,
Getting them ready and fit to be kissed;
rutting them Into clean garments and nhlto
That Is what mcthers are dulnjr to-hlght.
Spying out holes In the little hose.
La tng by shoes that are n orn through the toes,
Locking o'er garments so faded and thin
Who but a mother knows where to begin?
Changing a button to make It look right
That Is w hat mothers are doing to-n'ght
Calling the little ones all round ber chair,
Hearing them Hip forth thLir evening prajcr;
Telling them stories of Jesus of old,
Who loved to gather the lambs to his fold;
Watching, thy listen with weary delight
That la what mothers are doing to-night.
Creeping so softly to take a last peep,
After the little ones all are asleep;
Anxious to know If the chl dren are warm,
Tucking the blanVcts 'round each little form,
Kissing each little face, rosy and bright
That Is what mothers are doing to-night.
Kneeling down gently beside the white bed,
Lowly and meekly she bows down her head,
Tra Ing as only a mother can pray,
" God guide and keep them from going astray. ' '
Write It on the liquor store,
Writs H on the prhon dour,
Write It on the gin shop fine,
Write, aj e, write this truthful line
" Whera there's drink there's danger.
Write It on the work-house gate,
Write It on the schoolboy's slate,
Write It In th copy book,
That the 3 oung may at It look
" Where there's diink there's danger. '
Write It on the churchyard mound,
Wht re the drlnk-slaln dead ore found.
Write it on the gallows high,
Write It for all passers-by
41 Where there's drink there's danger "
Write it underneath your feet,
Up and down the busy street;
Write It or the great and small.
In the mansion, cot and hall
" Where there's drink there's danger, '
Write it on the ship whkh sail
Borne along by Btonn and gale;
Write It In lar.e letters plain,
O'er our land and past the main
" Where there's drink there's danger. "
Write It In the Christian's home;
Sixty thousand drunkards roam,
Year by j ear from God and right,
Proving, with resistless might,
Where there's drink there's danger. "
Write It In the nation's las,
Trampling out the license clause;
Write it on each ballot, white,
Politicians, read it right;
" Where there's drink there's danger. "
Here is a recipe for steamed brown bread :
One quart of Indian meal, one pint of rye
Soar; stir these together and add one q-iart
of sweet milk, one cup of molasses, two tea
spoonfuls of soda; add a little salt and steam
it for four hours.
Do not throw away as useless the juice left
in the cut when you send the cherries from it
to the table; it makes an excellent flavoring
for pudding sauce. If you do not care to use
it immediately, it is best to scald it and put
it in a small can and seal it Use it in the
sauce as freely as if it were wine.
Washing harness with warm water and
soap soon injures the leather. All varnishes,
and blacking containig varnishes, are injuri
ous. When harness becomes rusty give a new
coat of grain black. Before applying this,
wash the grain side of the leather with potash
water, cold, until all the grease is removed.
After the leather is quite dry pplythe grain
black, and then oil and tallow. This fastens
the color and makes the harness flexible and
soft. Grained harness can bo cleaned by a
cloth moistened with kerosine, but should be
immediately washed and oiled afterwards.
Here is a bit of economy : Examine the
squishes in the cellar; if they show anysiqas
of decay bring them out to the light; cnt them
in pieces; bake the good parti in the shell,
and when tender scrape it all out and-dry it,
just as our grandmother dried pumpkins for
pies, before pumpkin meal and canned pump
kin were dreamed of; then, when ready for
use for pier, soak the dried squash all night in
a little wat:r, or in sweet milk; then proceed
as for fresh squash pies. This is an economy
that will be appreciated by every member of
the family, for the pies are excellent.
Escalloped potatoes are delicious tor sup
per. Butter the bottom and sides of tin
basin, then slice and put in a layer of cold
boiled potatoes; sprinkle some pepper and
salt and little lumps of butter over it, then
dust it with flour, and put another layer of
potatoes, etc , until you have prepared the
rennlaita number of Dot a toes: over the top
lUt a layer 01 cracker crumoa to me ucptu ui
lolf an mob: Dour over this a little more than
t- ... 1L. J ,L f
one cup of sweet milk cream if you can get
it. Bet the basin in the oven, which should
be moderately warm, and keep it there, with
a steady fire going, for about half an hour.
If you have never tried this dish, you will be
pleased if you do so.
How to distinguish between butter and
oleomargarine : Now no person with keen
sense of taste can be deceived about oleomar
garine. Butter is pure oil. Put a little of it
in a warm place and see how quickly it liqui
fies. If the temperature comes close to boil
ing the butter is "oiled" and unfit for food.
Try the same experiment with oleomargarine.
It will not harm it, and you will find it diffi
cult to melt it if you drop it in boiling water.
It will dissolve like tallow, not like butter.
It also cuts like tallow, with a sort of metallic
glint. Oleomargarine, if flavored with true
butter and madt into prints, alays keeps the
original clear lines. You can handle it with,
out crushing it. It seems as if it bad juit
come off ice.
DEiiciors Lfmos Pudp'xg The juice
and grated rind of one lemon, a cup of sugar,
the yolk of two eggs, three well-rounded
tablespoonfuls of flVur, a pinch of salt, one
pint of rich milk; mix the flour and part of
the milk to a smooth paste, odd the juice and
rind of lemon, the cup of sugar, yolks well
bestea, the rest of the milk (alter having
rinsed out the rg? with it), line a tin with
puff paste one fourth of an inch thick, bake
in quick oven until done. Beat whites to a
stiff froth, a'ld two tablespoonfuls of suijar,
spread over the lop, return to the nven and
brown. Serve with ver cold cream, or for a
very nice dish add whipped cream. This is a
rich but not expensive pudding. The recipe
makes sulficient for six. The pudding should
be eaten cold.
For the sk of variety try this for break
fast ; Buy some nice pork chops, with little
fat about them; fry them a delicate brown,
and pour hot tomato sauce over them. Make
a gravy, usin 1 a little of the fat fried out of
the pork; send to the table with baked pota
toes, warm corn bread and coffee.
Here is something for dessert which never
fails t please the younger members of the
family : Make a batter as if for wafflts; to
one pint of milk allow two eggs and enough
flour to thicken; one teaspoonful of baking
powd r should be stirred luto the flour; fill a
sufficient number of teacups with this and
fruit in laye.i; then set the cups in a steamer
and let the water boil underneath it for a full
hour. Serve while hot, with sugar and cream.
Any jam is nice for this, or raw apples
chopped fine.
Blood Diet A French savant, M. Reg
nard, has been lately trying the effect of a
blood diet on Iambs. Three lambs, which for
some unexplained cause had been abandoned
by their mothers were fed on powdered blood
with the most gratifying results. The lambs
increased in sizi in the most marvellous
fashion, and attained unusual proportions for
their age. The coats of wool also became
double in thickness. Encouraged by his suc
cess with the lambs M. Regnard is now feed
ing some calves on blood.
For 8obe Thro Ta Take one gill of good
vinegar, one gill of honey, a pice of allum the
size of a nutmeg and a piece of borax the
same size, and pulverize them thoroughly to
gether. Set the mixture on a Btove until it
begins to simmer, and afterwards use freely
as a gargle. It hai been discovered also tha
nothing will so quickly remove inflammation
and swelling from the eyes as a poultice of
grated potatoes.
For breakfast wear, very pretty and inex
pensive caps are made of ficelle net in hair
pin work, with a ficelle lace bordering. Some
of these are lined with bright surah of a be
coming shade, and others have narrow black
velvet ribbon run through tho openings in the
net, with a cluster of velvet loops on one
side. Except for very old person", black lace
is now seldom used for breakfast caps.
Pleated batiste of finest quality is a favorite
material for moraine use. cans of this material
heing simply made in mob shape, with a
narrow lace edging, which forms a becoming
Cinders in the Eve Persons traveling
by railway are subject to continued annoy
ance from the flying cinders. On getting into
the eyes they are not only painful for the
moment, but are often the cause of much suf
fering that ends in a total loss of sight. A
very simple and effective cure is within the
reach of every one, and would prevent much
suffering and expense were it generally
known. It is simply one or two grains of flax
seed, inese may De placea in tne eye witn
out iniurv or pain to that delicate orcan. and
shortly they begin to swell and dissolve a
glutinous substance that covers the ball of
the eye, enveloping any foreign substance that
may ue in it. I ho irritation of cutting tne
membrano is thus prevented, and the annoy
ance may soon be washed out. A dozi n of
these grains stowed away in the vest pocket
may prove of very great value in any
Handsome table-covers are made of alter
nate squares or half squares of basket flannel
and of velveteen; one made of two shades of
brown is very pretty, and one of brown and
lemon color is particularly effective. The
spread should be lined; it is not necessary
that the entire lining should be of expensive
material; unbleached factory cloth will
answer, provided that the facing is deep. No
border is requisite, but if one prefers to have
it, this should be of velveteen, and the facing
of a contracting color. If the blocks are neatly
put together, no needlework is necessary to
adorn the spread; but of course this point may
be determined according to the taste and
means of the maker.
It is said that extravagance characterizes
the age, but there is a sort of ingenious econ
omy which marks it also. There is certainly
a disposition on the part of a great many
people to waste nothing. One illustration of
this is found in the way in whioh handsome
rugs are made : Wind in balls every bit of
woolen yarn or zephyr that you have in your
possession. Old mitt.ns can be ravelled and
the yarn of which they were made is availa
ble after it is washed. When you have gath
ered enough of these odds and ends together,
knit them with common knitting needles,
and in the old-fashioned "garter-stitch," so
well known to every one who ever learned to
knit, in long strips. After the strips are
done wet them and dry in the oven or witn
hot irons, and then ravel out the greater part
of the strip, leaving only enough to serve to
hold the yarn in pla.-e, so that it may bo
rowed firmly to foundation of burlap or
hsavy linen. Tne greater variety of colors of
course the prettier the rug will be. This
knitting and ravelling may all be done when
the hands thus employed would otherwise be
idle; it affords pleasant work for grand
mother, too, who can knit with her eyes shut
at any hour of the day or night. Another
useful article may be at least in part com
posed of the bits of zephyr left from worsted
work on afghan knit lu stripes. For one
stripe use the variegated worsteds; let the
color come just as it happens, like the old
fashioned "bit-and-miis stripes in carpets;
knit this with any kind of open-work stitch,
then have the next stripe of a solid color, and
so on, until the afghan is of tho proper width;
the ends of the stripes may be finished in
points, with or without tassels. This csn be
used for a carriage-wrap, or a lounge quilt for
the ho us .
An old-lashioned looking-glass with a frame
of brown wood, ai improved the other Jay
by an ingenious one covering it in this way s
She bought some pale yellow tarleton of suf.
ficieut length to allow it to be fastened to the
top of the mirror, and then to hang at each
side of it in graceful folds; the ends were
crcsed at the bottom and fastened with a
loose knot, and behold the unsightly frame
was biddeo, and the appearance of tus necei
ssry article of furniture was ver) much
Jay Cooke h completed arrangements for
the transformation of his beautiful former
home, Ojontz. near Chelte Hllli, , mto a
voung ladies' Warding school. The property
is valued at about a million dollars.
ot 4htf liililretj.
To-night the tender gleaming
Was silking In evening s gloom,
And only the glow tf the firelight
Brightened the dark'nlng room;
I laughed with the gay heart gladness
That only to mothers is knoan,
For the beautiful browned baby
Took his first step alone I
Ilurrledlv running to ment him
Came trooping tlie household band,
Jojous, lo!ng and eager
To reich him a helping hand,
To watch him with silent rapture,
To cheer him w lth happy nolso,
My one little fair faced d lughter
And four brown romping boys.
Lf atng I he sheltering arms
Tint fain would bid him rest
Close to the loie and the longing,
Near to the mother's breast;
Wild with laughter and daring,
Looking askance at me,
He stumbled across through the shadows
Tj rest at his father's knee.
Baby, my dainty darling,
Stepping so brae and bright
With flutter of 'ace and ribbon
Out of my arms to-night,
Helped In thy pretty ambition
With tenderness blessed to fee,
Sheltered, upheld and protected
How will the last step be!
See, we are all beside jou
Urging and beckoning on,
Watching lest aught betide ou,
Till the sife near goal Is won,
Guiding the faltering footsteps
That tremble and fear to laU,
How will it be my darling,
With the last step of all f
Nay J Shall I dare to question,
Knowing that One more fond
Than all our tendcrcst loi Ing
Will guide the weak feet betond !
And knowing beside, my dearest,
That whenever the Bummors, 'twill be
Dut a stumbling step through the shadows,
Then rest at the Father's knee I
Wide Atrake.
The first letter this week comes from lows,
from one who has written beforo. Will some
of our little fri;nds of the Homo Circle send
quilt patterns to Emma at her address as seen
in the letter; if several send, all the better,
then this will be a good opportunity to write
a letter which, of course, will have to be dif
ferent in its composition from those written
for a paper.
Isabel writes a letter that is without criti
cism. It is beautiiully written and interest
ing also, and is long. Many do not write half
a page of note paper. It is better to try and
think of some little interesting circumstance
and write it down.
Vellie does just what I am try to teach you
all to do. He tells of things he sees, iust as
if he was talking. There are things to tell of
every day if you will only think about them.
Now, every child will be interested in reading
about the little blue birds that come to the
shelter of the porch during the cold, snowy
weather. It is these little incidents that you
can tell of to make letters good.
Maggie writes again and complains of the
weather up in Colfax. It has been colder
than usual everywhere The idea of trying
to do something for the missionary cause, is a
good one and if the money is earned or made
by personal effort it is a great deal better
than to ask father or mother for it. We hope
that Maggie will let us hear from the "Mis
sionary Hen," telling us how she manages and
how much she makes for the cause. It is
good to see the young begin early to live for
something else in the world than for personal
advantage and comfort. Those ore happiest
who are the the least selfish. It is true that
often thero is little gratitude shown, but we
must not do for others expecting such a thing,
but find our reward in knowing that e have
done our duty.
Our friend Mrs. Lewis sends another good
word to the Circle and words of encouragment
to all.
Kamsar, Iowa, Dec. 23, 1882.
Editor Home Circle :
It has been some time since I have heard
from ths little folks and I thought I would
write again, as you w as kind enough to pub
lish my other letter. I go to school; there
are 44 scholars attend; to-day was our speak
ing day; me and four other girls spoke a dia
logue, the title of it being "The Everlasting
Talker;" we have a gaod teacher; Christmas
will soon be here and I hope all the little
writers will have a good time; papab-iught
160 acres of land here; we have not got a
house built on it yet; we like our new home
very much; papa has 80 acres broke on it; we
have rented a farm till we can build on our
land; papa has sent for the Willamettk
Farmer another year; we have lota of worb
to do; when I don't go to school I have
enough to do to keep me busy; we churn for
the man that ownes the place; we have
churned about 40 pounds of butter this week;
Aunt Hetty how much will it cost for yon to
send me a nice quilt pattern. I will have to
close. If this is worth printing I will try and
write again. I wish Aunt Hetty and all the
little folks a Merry Christmas.
Yours truly, Emma F. Davw.
Ooldendale, W. T Feb. 5, 1883.
Editor Home Circle;
1 see so many "letters from little folks" in
your paper, it has inspired me to write again.
I wrote you one letter which you were kind
enough to print and for which you have my
thanks, but it has been so long since, 1 pre
sume the "little folks" have forgotten I ever
did write. I see in the Circle a letter from
Del A. Robnet. I used to know her when
we lived near Halsey, Ogn.; I wonder if she
remembers me? I wish she or some of the cor.
respondents ol the Circle would tell in their
net letter if they know where Lettie Bassett
is and give me her address. She used to live
atjour house when we lived near Halsey, but
since we came here over five years ago I
j have nst beard from ber. Jf she shoald see
this in the Circle, I wish she would write to
m prsonally or write to the Circle so I could
hear directly from her. My grtndpa takes
the Farmer and he kindly allows me to read
tho little folkes' letters all I want to. I take
the Toulh't Companion and like it very much,
but would rather read the Circle letters. I
must tell you about my nice little canary
given me by a kind lady. He is just the
sweetest little pet I ever had. He sings so
nicely and when I give him something to eat
then put my fingers up to the cage again, he
will open his mouth and ruffle up his feathers
and make an awful Bcolding noise as much as
to say "let my dinner alone." When I put
my face up to his cage and talk kindly to him
he will rub his beak against my face and act
so lovingly. This has been an unusually cold
winter for this country. The past month,
and so far the present one, has been very
stormy and co'd. Previous to that we had
very nice weather, the grass was growing
nicely and stock was doing very well without
any other feed. The present cold spell has
caused the feed and fire-wood to disappear
rapidly. Last Saturday night was the coldest
known here for many years. Sunday morn
ing the mercury was down to 23 degrees be
low zero. There is snow on the ground now
about eight inches deep. It has laid on the
ground for a week or moro. Some farmers
think their fall wheat is frozen so it will die;
others think it is not. Time will tell Wheat
brings a good prico here now, finding ready
sale at $1 per bushel. Now, I have written
quite a lengthy letter, and, perhaps, longer
than you care to receive from a little thirteen
year old girl; if so, pardon me, for I like to
write so well I can scarcely quit w' ile there
is any room left. If you think this worthy
of publication and say I may write again, and
you want me to, I will write you a letter
from tiuie to time descriptive of Klickitat, its
towns, country, far.ns and other points of im
provement since we came here. It may be
interesting tn some of the older readers to
hear a description of Klickitat, even from the
pen of a little girl. Until then, good bye.
Isabel Ham.
Philomath, Feb. 21, 18S3.
Editor Home Circle:
When it was cold and stormy the 1 ttle blue
birds came and roosted up in the poroh. My
cat tried to climb up and catch them, but
mamma would let her. We did not go to the
Christmas tree; papa went and got a little fir
tree and we had a Christinas tree at home; we
had n nice time. They were tolling the btll
on the college and cracked it and now it don't
sound well. We have 11 little pigs; it is
such fun to see them play; they push each
other over and then they jump and run away.
Please put my name on the temperance roll.
I wish the Farmer success.
Your little friend, Vellie E. Chapman.
Colfax, Fob. 22, 1883.
Editor Home Circle:
This is my second lette to you. I have lived
here four winters and this has been the coldest
of them all. I don't like such cold weather;
I will be 11 years old the 11th day of April;
we have a family schobl at our house now; I
think we have a good teacher. I study arith
metic, geography, reading, spelling and am
taking lessons in music; I can cook, wash
dishes, help mama wash and scrub the floor
and can sow and knit; I like to read the let
ters from the boys and girls of the Home
Circle; I am going to ask mamma for a hen so
that I can give all that she cams for the mis
sionary cause; I should like to visit you when
I come to Portland. Your friend,
Maggie Deal.
Editor Home Circle :
Few can estimate the real advantage that
Is derived from a good newspaper like the
Farmer. In studying its pages our minds
are invigorated, our views are enlarged and
the sources of our enjoyment multiplied. We
can all remember a decade or so in the past
when States and sometimes counties had their
own peculiar slang phrases. Many of the ex
pressions that had their meaning greatly dis
torted by the far Western man, have disap
peared in the long, long ago. It is true,
education is more general; public schools have
increased and improved, until they have
reached a high grade of learning; ye a great
deal is being accomplished by the general cir
culation of good papers, with large subscrip
tions, thousands of persons having the same
ideas presented to their minds, they are un
consciously influence in the same channels
and language becomes more uniform. It is
pleasant when one is all worn out with hard
work and the gloomy shadows of despondency
are gathering around by the still harder
strain, the demands of society, to sink into an
easy chair and with a good paper soar into the
realms of thought, with culture, vith real
moral goodness, getting help and hints in our
culinary affairs, we foiget the ill-tempered
malevolence that pervades society, they help
resist the destructive wear and waste of the
never ending routine of daily life. We are
thankful that we have outlived the miaUken
notion that it was not necessary for a woman
to)know more than how to read the new testa
ment and to spin and weave 'for her family.
These things are good in their place; yet we
are glad we live in an age when it is not con,
sidered unfeminine or as violating the concep
tion of womanly propriety to spend a short
time each day in reading, and with the aid of
a sewing machine and other modern improve
ments she has time to furnish her mind
thoroughly for ber life work of doing good
aid helping those around her onward and up
ward. And it is the high privilege of all
who dwell in this favored Und to have a
paper with a department wh illy for the bene
fit of ladies and children, ably conduit d by
oi.e who knows how t'J sympathise and in
struct and lead woman on to take her right.
ful position in the world a work
Mm. Lewih.
The Toronto Monttary Timti says that in
the opinion of lumber operators there will be
a shortage in the lumber pruduction of the
Northern Ontario district this year equal to
20 per cent, of the average product.
A Government Asked for Alaska
Senator Cross has introduce! tho following
concurrent resolution, requesting Congress to
piss an Act providing for a civil governmei.t
for the Territory of Alaska : Whereas, the
min'iig and commercial resources of Alaska
Territory are believed to bo of great alue,
and many mining and business companies
have ben organized in San Francisco and
elsewhere for the purpose of developing such
resources; and, whereas, the honorable Com
missioner of the General Land Office at
Washington has decided that no applications
iur pnivniB lur immuL- lamia in AiasKa lerri
tory will be received or considered by tho
Department of tho Interior, Congress having
failed to organize that Territory into a sur
veying district; and whereas, the effect of
this decision is to hinder and retard the de
velopment of tho mineral resources and the
settlement and occupation of the public lands
in said Territory; and whereas, the said Ter
ritory of Alaska is without local govern
ment, and its inhabitants have petitioned the
Congress of tho United States to organize a
Territorial Government in said unorganized
Territo-y, and a bill is now pending before
Congress with such object in view. There
fore, be it resolved, that the Senate in Con
gress be empowered and our representatives
lie requested to use all honorable means in
their power to sccuro tho passage, at tho
present session of Congress, a,; Act of C ti
gress providing for a civil government for the
territory of Alaska.
The Great Wa'l of China
An American engineer who, being engaged
in the construction of a railway in Chin ,
has had unusually favorable opportunities of
examining the famous Great Wall, built to
obstruct the incursions of tho Tartars, gives
the following account of this wonderful
work : The wall is 1,728 miles long, 18 feet
wido and 1C feet thick at tho top. The
foundation throughout is of solid granite, the
remainder of compact masonry. At inter
vals of between two hundred and three hun
dred yards towers rise up tu enty.fi vu to forty
feet high and twenty-four feet in diameter.
On the top of the wall, and on both sides of
ir, aro masonry parapets, to cnaulo the ilo
fenders to pass unseen from one tower to
another. The wall itself is carriod from
point to point In a perfectly itrnight lino,
across valleys and plains and over hills, with
out the slightest regard t tho configuration
of the ground; sometimes plunging down into
abysses a thousand leet deep lirooka and
rivirs aro bridged over by the wall, whilo on
both banks of larger strtams strong flanking
towers aro placod.
A pretty way to make a border for a patch
work quilt is to piece one narrow strip of
straight bits of silk; sew this to the quilt:
then put aronnil it a row of blocks matching
the center ot tlio quur; and out)iclo ot this
put a wide strip similar to the narrow one.
The effect is very prottv, and this is a good
way to utilizo tho strip of silk left that could
not bj used in tho blocks.
Ou.ck, complete cure, all anno Ing Kidney, Bladder
na urinary uiseases,
The Secret
of the universal success of
Brown's Iron Bitters is sim
ply this: It is the best Iron
preparation ever made; is
compounded on thoroughly
scientific, chemical and
medicinal principles, and
docs just what is claimed for"
it no more and no less.
By thorough and rapid
assimilation with the blood,
it reaches every part of the
system, healing, purifying
and strengthening. Com
mencing at the foundation
it builds up and restores lost
health in no other way can
lasting benefit be obtained.
79 Dearborn At., Chicago, Nor. 7.
X have beca a great sufferer from
a very weak stomach, heartburn, and
dyspepsia In lis wont form. Nearly
everything I ale rave lite distress,
and 1 could cat But little. X have
tried everything recommended. havs
taken the prescriptions of a doten
physicians, but xot no relief until I
look llrown's Iron Bitten. I feel
vooo of ths old troblts, ana am a
new mao. 1 am fetttaa; much
stronger, and fee ftnt-rate. 1 am
a railroad SDgiacsr. and now maka
my trips regularly. I can not isy
too much la prale of your wonder
ful medicine. P. C. Mack.
Brown's Iron Bitters
docs not contain whiskey
or alcohol, and will not
blacken the teeth, or cause
headache and constipation.
It will cure dyspepsia, indi-
ijestion, heartburn, sleep
cssness, dizziness, nervous
debility, weakness, &c.
Ui only I!row's Iron Ktttrs made by
Drown Chemical Co., lUldmor. Cou.
red Uacs and trade-mark va wrapper.
1R. Willi V:OHItr:. V. 8.
Portland. Orrguu,
Writ! Prescriptions 'or IIikof allcUMeiof itock
tic, tl (or each pfecrlUon wrltttu. But lynp
tomitad ft of anlau.l m nt7M pOMlMe.
umce c.
P, llacon's l!latkhak Stables, S3 Ssoond
Hi., bet. HUrltandOak.
Kealdeacc-Oor TlilrUxntk and Taylor Bta,
(UP fcTAUtS)
Cor, 1st aad Salmon Portland, Or f to.
always Cures and never Disappoint
The world's great PsUn-Heliever
for Man and Beast. Cheap, qulolv
and reliable.
Narcotic. Children grow fist
upon, Mothers like, and Physi
cians recommend CASTORIA.
It regulates tho Bowels, cures
"Wind Colic, allays Fevorishness,
and destroys Worms.
Care, a Constitutional Antidote fey
thlsi terrible malady, hy Ataorptlfi
The most Important Discovery elnofl
Vaccination. Other remedies may
relieve Catarrh, this cure at amy
stage before Consumption acta la.
gue mixture
JlliilS atlfJ FeVCr nre permanently
cured by Dr. .Buj iii'h Ague .MIX'
(nre. With n little euro 011 the pari
of the patient to avoid exposure, and
tho occasional uso of Ja ynk'k Sana,
tivk FiLLs.tliU romoily will bo found
to be certain In ibi oporution, und rad
ical In its effects. In many sectloui
of the country sublect to Ague out
other malarial dlaeuaea It has an es
tablished character ax a popular spe
cific for theso uarrosslngcoinplalnU,
and tho numbor of testimonials re
ceived show that its reputation If
constantly increasing.
Intermittent and Remittent Fevers
aroofl'octually cured uy Dr. Jajrne'B
Ague Mixture. In theso coin
plaints care should be taken to follow
the directions closely, and especial
attention given to tho liver, which
should bo assisted In porforinlng Its
functions by Dn. Jaynk'b8watIvx
V11.U. r
For sale by Hodge, Davis & Co., Agents.
(Old "NATIONAL," Established 1H6.)
28 Front Btrest, bet Wasnlnrttn and Aider
A. P. AIUISTnONO Prlndpal
J. A. WE8CO, Penman and Becrstarjr
An Institution deslirnsd tor tho practical bualnatf
education ol both Mies.
AdmltUd on any week day o( the year. No vao
tlon at any time, and no esamloaUoa
on enteritis.
MclioUrsblp, for rail Bastaess Coarse, t.
Of all kinds ssecuted to order at reasonable rates.
Satisfaction 'ruaranteed.
Tin. Coilrgr Journal, containing- Information 0
the course uf study, when to enter, time required,
cost of board, eta, and cuts o ornamental penman,
blp, from the pen of Prof. Wesco, sent free.
Lock Ilox 101, Portland, Or-oa
No othejr (IIwim U to pjrT-vlnt In Uili ooun-
trr m CotuUDaVtion. and no ramedrhu ?
quUd th 6lefar-ftt4 Kidney.Wort a a
Iowa. Wlutaver tba mum, how-er oUttuu
Ua ouo, wis rmay wmovroomlt.
131 1 Til Tiua autfo-Mln&T oom
J BaBBBaw " cTalnt la r-rv ani ta r
oompllcttxlwimtxnUpUoii. JUd.ijrWort
trengUiviui th ireakuet prU tad quioklj
otum All kind of FllM Ttn whma nhrilalAiu
eHia ra-aTaMaaee) (UTo oior nueo,
u- nru you bar ( uw or th troubl
Cor. U aad slain Sts., Portland, Oregon.;