Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 23, 1883, Page 6, Image 6

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    $rangtf epHmcnt.
An English View of the Grange.
ITU- followiug article appeared in the Hut
inmhn m lo'ij? ago and has Bince been going
the rounds, thus provine its merit Intro,
iluctory remarks have been varied, but the
report of observations has k'pt Its old form
aad h is appeared so often that we aie in-llnen-ed
to i(ivo it again a place in the payer
when) it had firtt app a ancc Kii
It is of tin tho case that wo do not ippro
ciate our own surroundings nor sufficiently
value home blessings. Th truth of these re
marks is fully vouchsaftd by the appended
view of the (irango by an English farmer who
has been traveling cjuito extensively in the
United Stites. 'Hut the Grange, when
properly comlusteil, is a Missing to our iurd
friends tliero can bo no p .ssible doubt, and
where it has bicn so conducted and main
tained its influence for good is very pcrcepti
bio and of lasting benefit. The writer referred
to very appropriately says :
Wo are much impressed with tlii griat and
widcsiead influence of the (tiairgu system.
Wo had good evidence of tho successful man
ner in winch it promottil social intercourse
and monl culture among the farmers and
their fnin I es. Wo had met with tho Orange
I cturtr in different parts of the Union, and
we invariable found him an individual of a
practical and intelligent turn, with a mind
well stoi.il with agricultural and general
knowledge, and with a readkess, case and
clearness of expression almost peculiar to the
cilia-. Through the wilds of Texas W) trav
olid with a Orango lecturer, who was out on
an organising as well as an educational tour.
JIo visited all the princip.il settlements, gave
lecturers to tho settlers upon improved farm
ing and other matters interesting to them,
explained the objects and advantages of the
Orange system, and assisted in forming local
blanches. Ho was a middle acd, trank,
genial, i tclligci t, gray haired man; he had
spent his iiirliur manhood lit farmiiu, had
served in tho army, had turned back to his
favorite calli' g, and was adding to tho direc
tion ol his own tauning operations the delight
ful task of hut acting otlurs.
All the business and ceremonial meetings
aie held in sti.U secrecy After the Itasiness
and ccremoniis, s'ichaa the initiation of mem
ber.', nro all ov r, the hall or asembly room
is thrown open to friends, mid hero a monthly
feast is hod. This feast is a social affair,
and has coiitnbiuid largely t tho success of
the order. I' "' is no pr- tenoo at display,
all being sin p .mil homelike 'the spread is
nitildy of li 1110 propuction, being the contri
butions of the (armors' wives ami daughters.
Dancing and cames initially follow, and as
members liuvu liberty to bring fuuiils with
them, theFii fu ts are generally very success
ful. An i nportant feature at each meeting is
a discus ion on gome su ject of intereit, tho
topio ami muling disputants being selected at
tho prev uus mi-cting. Tho lieturer is always
present, .iiul hu is supposed to be ready to
apeak foi his (Irango at all times and upon all
subject. I'his institution ii immensely popu
lar .uihi.il' tliu American farmers, and I havo
often tlmiight, while traveling here, that an
organi,it on sum ar to this would bo of great
service in Knlatid, ntid in fact all over the
world. It might bo beneiicial to havo tho
same on. iniation in tho two countries, I
should perhaps explain that the Grunge is not
a political organiation. Hut while it ignores
parties noil individuals, and whilst its mem
beis alu.ijs ve to ac. onling to tin ir own free
will, it is hut ua'ur.il to expect that its dis
cussieui uud risolutions should exercise an in
ducno ulvv.iyo, howovci, a healthy influence-
upon the conduct of politicians.
Tho Orange In Politics.
Although tho Order of l'atrons of Hus
bandry is not a political organization, in a
party sense, being composed, as it is, of
representatives of all parties, yet it is neces
sary in thu advancement of their common in
tcrest us farmers to enter thu political arena,
and by the eleotion eif legislators representing
their mtinst, secure the passagu of such laws
as will relive them from tho injustice and op
pression imposed upon them through the ln
llui'iicef powerful corporations and glgantio
monopolies. KfTcotive work in tkis dlreotion
can only be dono in this, or any other State,
through tho subordinate granges, which con
stitute thu rank and file of tho Order, by in
telligent diiection and instruction from the
Stiite glumes. There must lie leadership and
organi7Jitiv.ii, not as a distinot political party,
but to u e their influence in securing the
nomination of men pledged to their interest
ikrnierH ii possible and then, dropping all
foriuor p. litical prejudices, work and vote for
their elu'tiou, l'atrons, and others identified
with thuu interests, will thou hold the bal
ance of power, aud the regular political par
ties, seeing this, will endeavor to put audi
men in nomination as will hold the vote of
thu l'atrons aud farmers, By this means,
without a pai ty organization, further than a
uuioii of lutufujt, we m ty secure, to a large
extent, win. uuani aiming and woikmg for.
If fanners w.li oincentr.ito theirelhirtsai.il
m npei.ito . u giatii;o principles, they 0.111
shape the future destiny and we If. no of the
nation, exp ugu iniquity and corruption from
the l.i w linking power", and secure tho pass
age of sue . l.tAs as would be just and eijuiti
bio to all v u.eiis.
Tho iiiairiiitudn of the undertaking, and the
stiength of opposition, mint not, however,
I w underrated, First, wo hive the iiimpllci
tile uiilillerenoi of a largo number of farmers
111 vvimt iiirei-uy concerns their interests, tho
stiength of party prejud'i-o keeping tlie'ii in
the old politic il ruts, from which it seems
almost impossible t rouse them, Second,
the puwi'i- and inlluence of the money used in
their interest ny great corporations. The
l'atrons of Husbandry, the Kiru'ers' Alli
ance and the Auti Monopoly l.eiguu, lisve
ah rady given soma sturdy lions foi the good
ratise, which will lw motioned patiently and
pcrslstuitly untilthu work is mvowpli'slifd
Cor, UmUiiiilmivi.
Economy on the rami
On the farm, aud in all the various details
of rural and doiuo.tic life, sa the (ieruuu
town VYi-irueA, prudriteo. and a ju.t economy
of time and means are incumbent in an uiu
ueiit degree. The narth itself is composed of
atoms, aud tho most gigantic fortunes consist
ol aggregated items, iusiintlcuit In them
selvtu, individually considered, but majestic,
whru routempUtnl in unity and as a whole.
Iu the luauageiiieut of a farm all needless ex
penditure should be systematically avoided,
and the income made to exceed the outlay as
far as possible, lYcuuiary embarassmeut
ttould always be icgsrded as a contingency
of evil bodmif. and if contended against with
energy snd persevering fortitude, it must
soon be overcome. Debt, with but little hope
of its removal, is ,a mill-stone dragging us
down and orushmp the lite-blood out ol us
Be careful, therefore, in, incurring any pecu
niary remit sibuitv which el es nit present a
clear deliverance with tho advantages which
a wise use of it ought atways ts insure.
A farmer who purchases a gooel farm and
cm piy down one-third of the price, give a
mortgage for the ether two-tlurde, and p s
scsaes the heart and resolution to work it
faithfully and well, enters upon tho truo path
to success. He will labor w ith tho encourag
ing knowledge tint each day's exertions will
lessen his indebtedness and bring him nearer
to the coal when he shall he disenthralled and
and becomes a freeholder in its most cheering
sense. But without due economy.cyery,dc
partment, ia the dwelling, as well as in the
barns and in the field., the gratiiyingachieye
ment may not be reached until late1 in life,
or may be indefinitely postponed,, A prueleut
oversight, therefore, over 'all the operations
of a farm, in order that evervthiiic may be
done that ofight to be done and nothing be
wasted, will exeit a powerful influence in
placing a family on the high road to an eariy
inuepentience. '
Wasco County.
The plains and hill sides of Wasco county,
clear up into the timber on the mountains of
the Cascade range on one side of it, and th
Blue mount .in range on the other side, has ;
soil of singular productiveness. Ages of grass
hai grown and died, or been eaten upon its
surface, and nature with its most powerful
agent? the sun, the wind and the frost
with their power to assimilata the elements
of earth to vegetable life and prtduction, has
had interrupted sway, and now man calls for
the application of this great deposit of fruit
fulness to the growing of grains and domestic
grasses. Although the 45th degree of lati
tude goes midway thr uijh our country, yet
our climate, thanks to the influence of the
wrm ocean winds, is as favorable to vegeta
tion and to the production ot domestic
animals as that of Virginia, Kentucky or Mis
souri. Fruits of all descriptions which are
grown in the temperate zones are singularly
fruitful and of most delicious flavor. Stock,
cattle, horses or sheep, are rarely housed on
account of the cold, and we say with confi
dence that we have looked upon the product
ive lands of a large portion of this and other
countries, but have never seeu a soil which
with irrigation or favorably situated for
moisturo can produce ao much of many of the
best agricultural products. Wheat, oats,
barloy, rye, potatoes, beets turnips, flax seed,
peaches, plums, grapes, apples, eto., all
flourish with marvelous success under what
would bo called good circumstances anywhtro.
Wasco county has moat favorablo opportuni
ties for a magnificent system of irrigation
upon a vast amount of lands from the moun
tain str iinu upon both aides of the county,
which form the John Day and Deschutes river
Water power anil timber to any extent is
di-tributed about the couuty, and will in due
time be of immense value before many years.
A good local market and reasonable transpor
tation is what is wanted to quadruple our
population in five years. And we arc going
to havo it, not by infringing upon others, but
by an intelligent, united effort of our people
to distribute these advantages to all who
come, and make thsm participants. Wasco
Brickmaking In the Upper country.
A coi respondent of the Spokan Falls
Chronicle give the following account of the
manufacture of brick : When I came over
three years ago, I shared the popular impres
sion that brickmaking never could be made a
success in the vicinity of Spokan Falls, on
account of the gravelly nature of the soil.
When the frost came out of the pround in 'SO
and prospecting could bo done, I soon found
that there was not only an immenso quantity
of brickmaking material within easy hauling
distance of tho Falls, but that it was of tho
very finest quality, unsurpassed by any
thing on the I'acifio Coast,
The clay out of which the majority of the
brick have been made here is of a very strong
nature; it require an admixture of nearly an
equal quantity of aand to keep the brick from
cracking while in the procesfof drrtug. The
aaud, of which there fa an unlimited quau
tity, adjacent to the deposits of clay, also has
the effect of produoing a fine blood red color
to the brick when burned. ' When the sand
reashei a certain heat, in the process of burn
ing( it melts and fuses with the clay, result
ins in a briok of moat extraordinary strength
Their tenacity ii an important factor in re
ducing the price; sa the brlokmaker is at com
paratively little loss from breakage, while he
has the grim satisfaction of knowiug that
when once burned that they will stand like a
stone wan. ,
The slay used iu brickmaking all ovor the
Pacific Coast it fouud ill the top soil, instead
of underneath, as iu the East. The subsoil
here, from tome geologioal cause, does not
possess body eunuch (or the purpose. Aa a
result of these facts the fine steam power
briokuiaking machinery used in the Kast can
not bo used here; too many roots, etc., in the
clay In tho largot is well as the smallest
brickyards iu California and Oregnu the
brick aie all moulded by hand. Counting first
cost of very expensive machinery, break
downs, etc., they cauuot be manufactured on
any cheaper principle than by hand mould
ing. Taking all things into consideration,
the dunces for making brick at this point
are very favorable, bo much so that they can
lie, and are, profitably manufactured to sell at
a price so much below the piescut pi ice in
I'ort.uul as to more than counterbalance the
extra cost of lime required for brick build
ings here.
Caisar'a Forts
About 0110 huudiod years ago some forts
were discovered which were supposed to be
similar to those described by Crsar, These
were found iu Hcotlaud, but were similar tj
others which uvisted .1U0 iu Frauce. Thur
ing'n, Bohemia and other places 011 the uonti
nent. These forts were constructed both of
wood and of stoue, the wood lieiug placed
crosswise, forming a circu'ar wall an I then
the stone being thrown upon this, the stoue
prvtectuitf the wall and keeping it from being
burned. Recently other forts havo been dis
covereel in ar Bmgeii on the Hhiue. The walls
of these foils, as discovered, are vitntird, and
a sumiositiou is that the euemy, in attacking
the torts, set fire to the wood, burned the in
habitants aud Ult the walls as a vitrified
mass. The vitrifactiou of the wall would, of
course, preserve it, and so we hare vinb'e
ruins of hose very forts which Julius Caj.ir
attacked aud destroyed, -.mrritvm Anti
imiriiii. Kl.'ssu Salve is uuriv ailed for its speedy
healing qualities. Ask your druggist for it.
a cent.
Treatment ot Immigrants.
The California Emigrant Association has
lately worked up indignation on their own
part aa to the way the way the would-be set
tler is treated in Oregon. The design is to
misrepresent this region and induce men with
musclo and means to remain ia California. A
recent interview with Mr. Schulze, Commis
sioner of Immigration, has calUd out the fol
lowing statement as tj the working of our
Bureau of Immigration. After carefully read
ing the complaint Mr. Shulzo said :
I have lo doubt that the California Ktii
giant Association, which by the way is man
aged by amateurs, havo received such letters.
We have received similar Utlers here, and the
newspapers of this vicinity have been the
recipients of Utters of like tenor.
Emigrants are coming in here now at a rate
of from six to eight hundred a week, and be
fore long as many as a thousand a week will
reach I'oitland. It is only natural that
among so many people some will be disap
pointed in their expectation. How can it be
otherwise? Among thousands there will al
ways bo a good many unreasonable people,
who cannot adapt themselves to circumstances
no matter how excellent they be.
I am not surprised at our friends in Cali
fornia trying to make the most of such letters.
It is simply one of the tricks of their trade.
This I know well from nine years' dealing
with them. When I took charge of the Im
migration business for those companies some
niee years ago, we began advertising the re
sources of the Pacific Northwest on a large
scale aud created quite a stir in Eastern and
Western States. We soon found, however,
that we secured a comparatively small portion
of the people who started over the Union and
Central Pacific railroads with the intention of
reaching Oregon. Our California friends gen
erally captured them in San Francisco and
sent them to Southern California and other
portions of their State, by misrepresenting our
climate and telling wonderful stories of orange
groves, bananas and other luxuries of a semi
tropical climate. To counteract these efforts
I found it necessary to carry the war into tho
enemy's camp. We established an office in
San Francisso and employed agent' to meet
the banana stories of California land owners.
The plan has worked xery satisfactorily, as
appears from the rapiel growth of our popula
tion. Even the California press has favorably
commented upon its workings.
It is quite natural that our neighbors
should become jealous of our success, especi
ally now, wnen witn tne completion ot the i.
P. R. R. and tho connection of the O. K. k
N. Co.'s system with the Union Pacific, they
are about to lose tho opportunity of collecting
tolls from the emigrants to the Pacific North
west, which San Fiauc sco has so lonu en-
The misrepresentations of our resouicos
ai.d climrte, the banana stories and other little
tricks having failed, our California friends
havo now doubtless caught tho brilliant idea
of trying to turning immigration from these
parts by spinning yarns of bad treatment of
nnmicraiits and a lark of covernment mid
other vacant lands in the Pacific Northwest.
It will help them no more than the other
kinds of patent medicine they have used for
the salvation of California. Nor w ill it draw
immigration to their sun parched desert lands.
The cmiurants will come hero where I hey can
git cood ferule wheat lands at moderate rates.
cheap fuel and fencing, and low rates of trans
portation to tido-water. They will come
where they know thoy will ouvi the land they
pay for. Thoy will not go where they havo
110 certainty of crops and where the bananas
and oranges have a flavor of Mexican land
The sympathy of our California friends for
the poor emigrants, who, come to Oregon and
Washington to be badly treated, if genuine,
may be very commendable, but is in fact
wasted. Those who come here with the will
to find land find it. They also find proper
assistances weierever uey may go, xne sniu
less and viiionary, howeyer, will find as little
land here as in any other State. A guide can
not be provided for every emigrant, nor can
we furnish him free of charge with a seat in a
palace car, nor with first-class hotel accom
modations, nor with an outfit for the farm,
nor with hands to work it, as these croakers
seem to expect. California is welcome to
that class. There is a class that is satisfied
nowhere, and who move from one place to
another whenever they have means to do so.
Thu only use they ae to the world is in the
shape of passengers, anil as such 'they ara
welcomed by the transportation companies.
But for them our steamers would have very
few steerage passengers to California.
The eeovraphical Itaowledee of our Califor
nia Emigration Association friends seems to
be somewhat myaty. They evidently think
that all emigrants who come to these parts go
to Walla Walla and must find Ianel there,
They seem to have no knowledge 9! the great
country north of the Snake river, of the
Yakima region, of the vast areas, of land in
Umatilla county, or of 'the wide region be
tween Dayton and Lewiston and east of that
place. There is no government land immedi
ately uear Walla Walla, but a good deal of
land ia left in the Walla Walla land district.
The otlicera of the U. S. laud district at that
poiut have always been accommodating to in
tending settlers, California reports to the con
trary notwithstanding.
Besides the Walla Walla land offices, there
are U. 8. land offices at Colfax, Lewiston,
Yakima City aud , other points, whero infor
mation is readily given and 111 which districts
there is plenty of government land 'still un
occupied. It is not necessary to speak of, pur readi
ness to give settlers information and assist
ance; nor is It necessary to caU'particular at
tention to our local agencies, located at differ
ent point along the Northern Pacific line,
whose duties are to assist in every possible
Food Makes the Han.
Speaking roughly, says the J.ittictt, about
three-fourths, by weight, of the body of man
11 constituted by the fluid he consumes, ami
the renfaiuing fourth by the solid material he
appropriates. It 11 therefore no figure of
speech to ray that food makes the man, We
might even put the cue in .'.vttrouger light
and affirm that man is his food. It is strictly
and literally true, that "A man w ho driuks
beer thinks beer,'1 We make nth is concession
to the teetotalers', and will add that good
sound beet is by no means a bl thought fac
tor, whatever may lie the intellectual value of
the commodity commonly sold and consumeel
under that name. It cannot obviously be a
matter of ludifference what a man eats snd
drinks. He i,:iu fact, choosing his animal
aud moral character wnen he selects his tooet.
It is impossible for him to obange his in
heriteel nature, simply Wcause modifications
of development occupy more than an indi
vidual life, but he can help to make the par
ticular stock to which he belongs more or less
beery or fleshy or watery, aad ao on, by the
way he feedi. NVe know the effect the feed
ing of animals has on their temper and very
natures; how the dog fed on raw meat and
chained up so that he cannot work off the
superfluons nitrogeuized material by exercise,
becomes a savage beast, while the same crea
ture fed on bread and milk would be tame as
a lamb. The same law of results is applica
ble to man, and every living orgimsm is
propagate! "in its kind'' with a physical and
mental likeness. This is the underlying
principle of development. Happily the truth
is beginning, though slowly and imperfectly,
to find a recognition it has long beeu denied.
The Action of Saliva In the Stomach.
Numerous samples of gastric juice pumped
out of the ston.achs of healthy persons, at dif
ferent stige3 of the digestive process, have
shown that during the early stages no hydro
chloric acid can be detected even when the
fluid is strontrlv acid. The p riod nt which
acid first makes its apptarauce varies in dif
ferent individuals, and, with a mixed diet,
seems to depend primarily upon the quautity
of food taken. After a light breakfast the
hvrlrnnhlnrin aoid will be fouuel in three-
quarters to one hour, but after a full dinner
it does not appear tor two nours. .
Industrie BhMer says that ReinVard von
d' n Velden has been experimenting up n the
effect that saliva has on the gaslriu juice
These experiments showed that when starch
paste was mixed with acid gastric juice (free
from hydrochloric acid), and fresh saliva
added, the mixture at once impnt.d a light
yellow color to an aqueous solution of iodine
and iodide of potatium. On the other hanel,
whenever the juice contained hydrochloric
acid trie icdine always gave a blue color, no
matter how much saliva was added, or how
long it was kept in the incubation stove.
From this he concludes there are two sepa
rate stages in digestion; that iu the first the
salivi can act, in the second the pepsine alone
acts; the former is an amylaceous digestion,
the latter an albuminoid. The latter will, (if
course, begin as soon as the juices aro acid,
but only takes place in full force when free
hydrochloric acid is present.
A Rravc nnel Faithful Riinrillan nt onr
Homes anil Property Hesriied from
Imminent 1'erll.
A very popular and well-known member of our police
force, who has performed duty twelve years at the
Union R. It. depot on Exchange Dace, In Prov Idence,
R. I., irlres his unsolicited testimony. Hear htm :
H 1 have been dreadfully troubled w ith dUoanc of the
kidneys and liver during the past six months ; at times
I was so severely afflicted that I was unable to stand on
ray feet, as my feet and ldwer parts of my leers were
very badly swollen; m urinary org ins were In a dread-
ul condition, try blood was in a wretched state, and it
had beiomo so impoverished and circul ted bo poorly
that my hands and feet would be cold and numb, and
so whito as to appear lifeless I could not rest nlihts,
but was so distressed all over that Icoald not lie still In
bed, but would kep turning and rolllnjr from one side
to the other all nlffht.so that I would feel tired and ex
hausted in the morning than when I went to bed My
condition tecame so serious that I was obllsrcd to step
work, and for thirtv days I was unable to be on duty,
I consulted the best doitors, and tried the nurrerous
medicines and so called cures, but rapidly grew worse,
and was In a sad condition every wav when a long-tlmo
valued friend of mine, prominent in this city in a large
expreFS cempany, urged me to try Hunt's Remedy, as
he had known cf worderful cure? effected by it. Upon
his representation I obtained two bottles of tho Rem
edy and commenced taking It as directed, and greatly
to my surprise In less than twenty-four hours I com
menced to feel relieved. I was in an awful condition
when 1 began to tike the Remedy, and had no faith in
it; thoreforo, when I found almost immediate relief,
even in one day's use of it my heart vvas male elad,
and 1 assure y ou I continued to take the Remedy and
to Improve constantly from day to day I took it with
me on my trip to Maine, f -r I w as bound to have It vv Ith
me all the time, and the result is that 1 1 sproved
speedily all the time 1 was away ; and ever since my ar
rival home, which was several weeks ago, I have been
on duty every day. I feel first rate, and the swelling of
hand, feet and legs have disappeared and the terrible
backache, which used to bother me more than all the
rest, troubles me no more, and I sleep splendidly
nights, and surely have very excellent and forcible rea
sons for speaking In praise ot Hunt's Remedy, for It
has made a new man of me. I don't know w hat 1 should
have done without Hunt's Remedy, It Is the best medi
cine that 1 ever took, and I very gladly recommend It
to all who are afflicted with kidney or.llver disease, or
diseases of the urinary organs.
Hop Bitten are the Fnrett and Best Bitters
Kver Made,
They are compounded from Hops, Malt, Buchu, Man
drake and Dandelion the oldest, best, and most valu
able medicines in the world and contain all the best and
most curative properties of all other remcelies, being
the greatest Blood Purifier, l,lv e Regulator, and Life and
Health Restoring Agent on earth. No disease or ill
healtn cau possibly long exht where these Bitters are
used, so varied aud perfect are their operations
They (rive new life and vigor to tbe aged and Infirm.
To all whose employments cause irreerulatitv of the
bowels of urinary organs, or who require an Apetizer,
Tonic and mild Stimulant, Hop Bitters are inraluaMe,
being highly curative, tonic and stimulating, without
No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what
the diM.uw or ailment Is, use Hop Hitters Don't ait
until you are sick, but It you only fel brulormlserable,
ue Hop Bitters at once. It may save vour life. Hun
dreds havo been saved by so doing. 500 will be paid
for a esse thev will not cure or help.
Do nst suffer or let your friends suffer, but use and
unre them to use Hop Bitters.
Remember, Hop Bitters Is no vile, drugged, drunken
nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medicine ev 1 r made;
the "Invalid's Friend and Hope,'' and no person or farn
lly should be without them. Try tho Bitters to day .
W a have been annnlne..! ri.-...l .., tA. n.
egon and Washington lor the sale of Imperial Egg
roou, ene nest preparation for the poultry yard known.
Send for Catalogues, free upon application.
rortlaud, Orrcaa.
Write Prescriptions 'or Diseases ot all classes of stock
rice, II for each prescription written. State symp
torn, and ac of animals as near as powible.
OSace O. P. Bacon's Blackhawk Stable. 9J Seooon
St. bet Stark and Oak.
Kesldeaeo-Onr Thirteenth and Taylor Sta.
7" Will furnish a Hon Power with one.
third ltaa raalaodvsattr than anycthtr Engine
built, not fitted vita an astomaUs cnt-cn.
Si. CO., -eVjxentM,
X. 8 north rroit 61., PnrlUid, Or.
23, 1883.
4'onanmptlon Cured.
An old physician, retireel from practice,
having had placed in his ' ands by an East In
dia missionary the formula of a simple vegeta
ble remedy for the speedy an. 1 Pendent
curs for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh,
Asthraand all Throat and Lung affections,
aloa positive and radical cure for Nervous
Debiiitv and all Nervous Complaints, after
having tested its wonderful curative powers
in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to
make it known to his suffering fclfows.
Actuated by this motive and desire to relieve
suffering. I will send free of charge to all who
desire it, this recipe, in German, French or
English, with full directions for prepanneaml
using. Sent by mail by addressing with
stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Notes, 14
Tower's Block,
"Jtemli boh Hals."
Clears out rats, talc, roaches, flies, onis, bed-bugs
kunks, chipmunks, gophers. Ec. DrugjrlsU.
The Town of
On the East bank of the W.danicttec 31 miles
from the business center of Portland.
ease of reaching the city.
And facilities for procuring pure water, and plenty of It
than any other addition to the city of Portland.
The Companys
Ferry Boat--Dollj,
Is at present making four trips per dry. Its NEW
FEItKY BOAT will next Summer make hourly trips
to and from the town, making the distance Inside of
15 minutes, and when necessary half hcur trips will be
Lots are sold on the populai
... i- es range from $100 to 8210 and In....
Monthly Payments of $10 Fach.
?31.For Maps and circulars address,
Three Saya' Trial Given.
Swi by treiht ofoptrttor, rnoi lighter, hu
c power, raoiir ioa quicscr voie,msiinf
'Uumtoscsi ptrminuic. udhdui noes
Sawing Made Easy
wun me munaron Lightning saw i
Sent on DO Say.
Test Trial.
lluirllwH aM mi, aitwlnir fe amt aav Mtt.p.r
MerRHAT Portare,Mich writ "Am much pleasi-d with
the MONARCH, UQHTHINO SAW. I .unwed off a
30 Inch loir in minutes. ForaawunrlopM Into RUltabla
lengths for family atove-wood, and aJI sorts of jog-cut'
Mention this paper. AddrvM, UONAKCH UOHTKINQ
en wvii iOi nasaoipa sira?, voicao, in.
Cheese Factory and
Creamery outfits, Cheese
.ind Creamery Vats,
Cheese Presses, Creamery
and Kami I v Churns. Hut
ter Workers, Satt, Color
Inj;, Cheese and II utter
Cloths, Huttcr Tubs and
iloxes, and evtrjthlng
used in Cheese Factory,
Creamery or private dairy.
xor irte copy of
( Copy
ao La Salle hr.
We make a Hull assortment
of all sizes of Engines and
Saw 91111s.
If you want the best send
for circular.
GnzHsa. aaj
JMnVa White iletallio Ear Marking Ubel,'aUnVpld
iilt", "M'f''feapandctinwnJeot. Bells at
iKif?1 ty P.1'1 sUsfaciton, nitutnled
lliccUst and samples free. Agjtnu wan-l.
C. n. DAKA, Wo.tLeb.ae.fc. Jf.H.
Aa tt la for all th. painful rii.. .,.!
At r ..n.n. ui .Mm. ... .. - -. . ,
zr,i .,!..m rt" & wmcn
... ztztt :r "r? r "- .cna poison
hw mum. oi aaiamauiB ean imIJm
Of th. wane fro. .Yil .253 ...
W. Un quickly reUrred. aadin shortto2
run, iu ujniioB ai, soid m Darteurs.
atltZJPJr" mLB?V -wL Atk yoip
attest AlTTIsiMlllllfflBnWILtsssssBsWsMsWT f Ultf frf.
5jAM?Tl TJ ZZCisafc-KMsxJai Tfe 8. MftIM
flf 7I
I sK IstW I I
Iff SatS5sW7"TlIaHs3liRl
fcri IKSBsS S3sB!
It I - bsK """g-T-rf2a..vri
Loss of Appetite, Bowels costlre, Pala la
tbe Head, with a dull sensation in the
back pari, Pain under the Bhoulds!
blade, fullness after eatine, with a disln.
cllnation to exertion of body or'tntnaV
Irritability of temper. Low snlrits, with
a feelinu of having neglect cl lomeelutr.
Weariness, Dizzineis, Fluttering at ths
Heart, Dots before tho eyes, Yellow BkinJ
Headacho generally over the right eya.
Restlessness, with fitful, dreams, hig&lV
colored Urine, and
TTJTT'S P HAS nre especially adapted to
such crises, ir elese effects such a chaors
of fecllnlr iik tu astonish the sufferer.
Tney Inertiaae (lie Appetite, and cause th
body to Tielee nis Fleali, thus the system Is
noiirlahed. and by their Tonic Arllon on ths
lla-eatlT Organs, Rrttular Rloola are pre.
duced. Price 25 cents. 33 Murray HU, K:T.
nnAYliAiRORWmsKfcRS chatured teaatoaiT
IIlacic by a single application of this Dye. It Im.'
parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously, sold
by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of II,
(Pr. TCTTS K1ICAL of Talasbl. tafbrBsUm ut
cml aaitlsla rtU k suiM rail .. appiicaunj
Th lUMiT OURK for
TvMisma baok or dlaonUrvd nrln lndJ.
ofttethmtyoufcra aYictimf THEN DO NOT Jfl
glsta reoommend It) And It will kpeedily otw.
ooma th dlsaua Mid rMtore healthy Mtlot.
MfllAta or cgmpuunu peculiar
LdUICoi to tout sex. iraeh m mIa
M It will act promptly ana moiy.
rather Sax. Incontinence, retention ofurine.
brick duatorropy deposit, and doll drarsiag
pains, all peedUy yield to iu curative power.
ftaV tJUJUU I Lt4 awwu-wntp, j-ncq 1,
r CenflDCe J"7mwmV'i rfra eun
CLLOUUr U SpttHcula, Baumtert .Ttm
momelm, and Commun. 1J. fc .1. BEt'K,
Manufncturlnir Opticians, Pliflnitrlphltt, Pa.
Pf-Bend for lllustruted Priced Cuutlii.se.
Cured without
Pain or Sore
only use
Atidlitcletl It drtef Instantly, twils luitht.iff.-and Uiei
Mr. Crn off t-very time. Tiy it. Piice 25ci by mall,
30c. The genuine nut up In fellow wri-upiM sand mana.
fiutuml oi.lr by JOS. Jt. llOFKMS, Wholesale
Kelatl DrajutUt, MltineatMlle Minn.
Salem Marble and Granite
Commsrcial St., South of Post OSet
'(Post-Office Box 39, Salem, Orcgon.)T
Scotch and California Gricjt
and Marbl. moaumenta, Head StOM
Enclosed with California Qranlttul
Stone Walls built of every descrlpun
Prices Kedntwd One Hall
Aa t a rented aad worn y !
araVetly testorinff the hearing. ,En
tirely deal foe thirty yein, he heitl
them even whispers, distinctly. An
not traerrablej and icoiain l J
tion without aid Descriptire CircuUl
Free. CAUTIOHl Do eot be deceived
by boffut ear drums. Mine Ii the oaly
successful artiftcial Ear Drum maa
Filtk A Raca Sta., Clocinaati, a
Room 31, Union Block, Tertland, Oregon.
Cnmmarclal Collars Journal
Ohlnsr full information relating to one of the toon
rracticai institutions tor tne Business irainmie vi
Younarand Middle Aced of either sex. lent free o
application, r-rgtudenst Admitted any WW
stay in ine icar. Address!
W. 8. JAMES, Box 6S3, Portland, Ore.
rtnfinne to
Patents. caTests,
traae-marks, copyrights, etc. fw
the United States, andto obtain pat
ent in Canada. England, France,
Germany, and all other countn-
ThlrwlT v.arai nrSftice.
.Tea for nTamlnaHnn nf models or draff
ings. Adrlce ny mall tree. . , ,.
Patents obtained thronfib tis aro noticed in
the SCIE5IT1FIC AMEHICAN, vhich hsi
tho largest circulation, snd is the most infia
enrlal nowspaper of iu kind published In tne
world. The advantages of such a notice over
pateutee understands.
This largo and splendidly Illustrated news
papcris published WEEKI.T at 3.20 a year,
and is aelmitteel to be tho beat paper deroteo
to science, mechanics, inventions, engineeria?
works, and other departments of iud"1,"
progress, published in any country. Sine"
copies by mail, 10 cents. Sold by all ne
dealois. Address, Mnnn A Co., publishers of Sciea
tlfio Amencin, 2(11 Uriwelwav, New York.
Uandlinr ? fi"i'e I ffe.
Cor, 1st aad Salmoo rertlaad, OrafW-
InafU ""I"""""'.
V 4fSF"Vlt. A rMa tltnatMt. CeilAMasSBW SL
i. j
1 QFlVIUaafflB
saj Bmi sh