Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 23, 1883, Image 1

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    VOL. XV.
Summary of Repsrtt from Every Orals Grow
ing Section In the Willamette and
Cmpqua Valleys.
List week the Oregon and California rail-
I road sent to its agents on the east and west
Broad, and the Oregon Railway and Navigation
(Company to ita agents on the narrow gauge
division, the following circular, soliciting in-
formation concerning the wheat crop :
What proportion of the fall own wheat In your vi
tal ty was killed or damaged by IroitT
What Is the acreage of the fall sown wheat which re
main, uninjured ?
What proportion of the killed or damaged districts
have been or will be reaown with spring wheat?
What Is the prospeit for the farmers being able to
Securu sufficient seed ?
How does the tall acreage, Including the spi lng sown
districts, compare with last veart
With ordinarily faorable weather from this time on,
what Is the eeneral opinion as to prospective yield this
season compared with last?
An epitome of the answers is (riven below.
It will be seen that the crops in the Umpqua
valley suffered less than those of the Willam
ette. Reports from several stations, which
were exact repetitions ot others in the same
neighborhood, are omitted :
Milwaukee, March 16. Nearly all the
(wheat was killed, but most of it has been re-
Ksown. ihe general opinion is that the crop
twill be as good as last year.
Canby, March 18. All wheat was frozen
out. All fields have been or will be resown
with spring wheat, seed having been secured
in this neighborhood. Prospects at this writ
ing are as good as ever known in this season
jkof the year.
Barlow's, March 16. All frozen fields and
!manv more in addition will be resown with
? spring grain, and tho prospects are good. I
estimate that the yield will be 25 per cent.
J greater tnan last year.
I uregon wty, luarcn ii.-au wneat Kiuea.
1 No difficulty in securing seed wheat, and all
j farmers are supplied. The acreage is about
the same as last year and the yield will at
least be as large.
Woodburn. March 17. All wheat killed.
Farmers have all the seed wheat they want.
1 and with a continuation of the favorable
t weather the yield will be as good as last year.
' r: tr.L. tt an i & J i!it-j
juariuu, itxatvu ji.--oil wucafc wifl Klliou.
Almost all the farmers in this section have
secured seed wheat from the Train warehouse
in this place and they are still hauling. With
f;ood weather, the acreage will be as large as
ast year.
Turner. March 17. All wheat killed, far
mers can get all the seed wheat they want,
and more acres will be sown this year than
last. The opinion prevails that the crop will
be heavier and the 'wheat cleaner than last
year. The past three weeks has enabled far
mers to resow all the ground that was frozen
out and those on Mill creek bottom to put in
their usual amount of spring wheat, -while
those on the hills east and west of 9s oomplain
that the ground is too dry to plow to advan
tage, but will get it.ajl in. , 7 7 1 '
Gervais, Much 17. All wheat kUled.
Plenty of seed wheat in this neighborhood to
resow all fields andacreage will be larger than
last year. Farmers say with present outlook
and condition of 'ground, 'the yleUtwillbe far
ahead of last year.
Silverton, March 17. All winter wheat is
killed. Farmers have secured all the seed
wheat needed and the acreage is greater tnan
last year. The yield will probably be larger
than last season.
West Stayton, March 16. Nearly all the
fall sown wheat froze out. All has been re
sown or will be. Most of the farmers in this
neighborhood have secured seed. Fully as
much grain is sown as last year and probably
more. With favorable weather from this time
on, we will have a larger harvest than last
Salem, March 17. All winter wheat is
killed or damaged, so that It will not make
half a crop. From present indications, all
damaged fields will be reseeded. Most far'
mere have alieady secured their seed. We
think the acreage will be equal to last year.
Farmers are hopeful and think, with favor
able weather, that a good yield will be ob
tained, at the freezing much improved the
condition of the land.
Tangent, March 17. All fall-sowed wheat
is killed. All will be resown with spring
wheat. All are supplied with seed. Acreage
is as large as last year. Prospects better than
ever. Farmers are getting along well with
their sowing, and the soil works better than
ever before.
Lebanon, March 17. All wheat killed. All
fields have been reaoTn with spring wheat,
except a small part, which will be sown in
flax and oats. I think the acreage will ex
ceed lut year's. Fanners are in good spirits,
as the frost has killed a large part of the wild
oats, sorrel, cheat and weeds of all kinds, and
left the soil light and loose as an ash bed,
which will, perhaps, overbalance all other
Albany, March 17. Ninety per cent, of
the wheat was killed. All will be resown,
r-nough seed wheat has been secured for re.
owing. The acreage will be greater than las
5'ear-, Prospects are good, as the land is in
plendid condition.
Halsey, March 17. Vevy little wheat
vtd. A treat portion is already sown, and
joe remainder will be Boon. Good judges in
ve will have one-third more wheat this
jwman last.
t..V;ln Mah 17. All wheat killed,
"gn seed wheat has been secured, and the
s rood ",utl t0 lMt "'" l'ro,PccU
Latham, March 17. Sauie report as from
Creswell, March 17. Farmers have nearly
all procured seed. Fall acreage sown or to
be sown will be about the same as last year.
Land is in better order that I ever saw it
Eugene, March 17. Fall grain nearly a
total loss. There is plenty of seed wheat and
all fields will be resown. The ground is in
splendid connition for growing crops, and
barring unforeseen events, we will have a
prosperous year.
Wilbur. March 16. Four-fifths of the fall-
sown wheat wm-killed. More than two
thirds ot the damaged fields will be resown.
The acreage will be nearly equal to that of
last year.
Korseburg, March 10. All wheat sown
early is killed; that sown later is uninjured;
so that about one-half of the fall wheat is
killed. The area destroyed will be resown
with srring wheat or oats. It is believed by
the oldest and best farmers that with reason
ably favorable weather the yield will be bet
ter than last year. The ground was never in
so fine a condition as now.
Myrtle Creek. March 16. About fifty per
cent, of the fall wheat was killed. Three
fourths will be resown. Nearly all farmers
have secured sufficient seed. With favorable
weather there will probably be a better crop
than last year,
Dilly, March 17. AH the winter wheat
was killed. Farmers are busy seeding, and
there will bs some fields sown to wheat that
were intended for summer-frllow, the farmers
claiming that the freeze is as good as the
former for the land Some have Bought Cal
ifornia seed, while others paid as high as
$1.60 per bushel for choice spring wheat at
public sale yesterday. Farmers, though some
what disposed to complain, are determined
to have the uautl number of acres for the
coming harvest.
Gaston, March 17. All wheat killed.
Nearly all will be resown. The general
opinion is that the yield will be as large if
not larger than last year.
Forest urove, March 17. All wheat killed.
Nearly all will be able to secure seed wheat.
and the acreage will be nearly equal to that
of last year. The general opinion among
larmers is tnat wim an average season the
yield will be better than for many years past.
as the soil is in excellent condition.
MoMinnville. March 17. All but ten acres
in "this neighborhood have been killed.
Nearly all will be resown with wheat; re
mainder with oats. Farmers will be able to
secure seed wheat, and the acreage will be a
slight increase over last year. With favorable
weather, the yield will be as large as last year
but only a small proportion will be winter
wheat. The weather is delightful for putting
in spring wheat. The ground is in firm work
ing order, enabling farmers to get grain in
early. This information is based on the state
ments of fifteen of the best farmers in this
vicinity, who came in to-day for seed wheat.
Amity. March 17. Ninety five per cent, of
the fall wheat was killed. All the damaged
district will bj resown this spring. Farmers
have all the seed they want. Prospects are
good, all things considered. The ground is
working nne and larmers are nopetul.
Sheridan. March 17. About 90 percent, of
the wheat was killed. All the damaged dis
trict has been reseeded. ihe acreage is larger
than last year. The1 general opiniou is that
the yield will not be so great ar last year. It
was supposed that the frost had killed the
wild oats. Such, however, has not proved
correct; from present appearances the wild
oats have not been injured.
Dayton, March 16. All damaged and
about 90 per cent, killed. About 10 per cent,
w ill not be resown and will yield probably
three-quarters ot an average crop. With good
weather all the ground will be resown. Suf
ficient seed has been secured. The reseeded
district is likely to exceed any previous year,
A large yield is generally expected, because
the ground is in unusually good condition.
Derry, March 16. All winter wheat killed
Nearly all will be able to secure seed. With
regard to this season's yield, opinions differ,
some holding that we will have a full crop,
while others say there will not be over two
thirds of a crop. Wild oats is growing very
thick and they may lessen the yield.
Monmouth, March 16. About nine-tenths
of the wheat is killed and the remainder
badly damaged. Only a few farmers are not
provided with seed. The 'acreage will be
about the tame at last year, and yield per
acre about the same. The greater portion has
been resown, seme with winter, but for the
most part with spaing wheat. Wild oats is
now coming up very thick and may choke out
the wheat.
Corvallis, March 17. All wheat killed
Nearly all will be resown. All application
for seed wheat has been met. Acreage will
exceed last year. If the California seed is
very good, the yield will be greater than last
Parker, March 16. All wheat killed.
Seed wheat is to be had to meet all demands.
With an experience of thirty-six years in this
Slate, I am of the opinion that, with the land
in good condition, and the quantity sown,
crops will be very good rnd the yield larger
than last yean
Crop in Clackamas County.
Gla'u Tiw.no-), March 12. 1SS t.
K'ltor Willamette Farmer:
Fall sown wheat and oat all dead. It 11
nearlv all resown, there bting spring wheat
enough in this part of the ounty to meet
nearly all needs If there it a favorable teason
.L n.ll lo mnnl, tt heat, anil DOSSlblV
more raised the coming season as the land is
in better conditiou. Yours,
P. J. Ripi.nos.
Beeswax and Honey Comb.
Silverton, Or., March 12, 1883.
Editor Willamette Farmer :
As I am well aware that there are many
pounds of bees wax wasted in this State, more
especially with farmers who keep bees in
box hives, for I have been a farmer myself,
and have had experience with box hives, too,
I am prompted to write a few words about
wax. Having occasion to use this article in
my apiary, I went to dealers in a neighboring
city to purchase the same, and was surprised
to find that the price asked was all the way
from 30 to 75 cents per pound, when the price
should more properly range from 22J to 28
or 30 cents the extreme, acccrding to quality;
also, that the greater part of the stock in
hand was imported from other States, when
we should, at least, be able to supply our
home market were all waste combs saved and
melted into wax. All good pieces of comb
should be saved and given to young swarms
to commence housekeeping with, or placed in
top boxes for extracted honey, and watte
pieces melted into wax and sold to dealers, or
given to the bees again; it is as good as new
after being purified by heat and straining;
the light and yellow wax for comb honey, and
the dark for brood comb. This may b 3 ac
complished by forming thin sheets of wax
with the impress of the bottom of the cells on
each side of the sheet. This is called comb
foundations, and when hung in the hive at
the proper time is quickly drawn out into
beautiful comb by the bees, thereby saving
fie beia much work, besides doubling the
number of bees occupied in gathering and
storing honey, for comb builders can gather
honey, too, if there is nothing to do in the
hive. The value of this will readily be seen
when we consider that the comb builders in a
hive of bees consume from fifteen to twenty
piunds of honey for every pound of comb they
build; it will be necessary to use a frame hive
to succeed well in this. Bees do not gather
wax from flowers; it is a natural secretion
formed in scales uner the rings on the body of
the working bees and looks something like
small fish ecales; is often seen on the bottom
of the hive after a swarm has been hived a
few hours. Farmers, give the bees a chance
and-theywill make honey for you; take care
of the waste comb before the moths get it
E. S. Brooks.
Interesting Letter from Lane County.
Irving, Or., March 18, 1883.
Editor Willamette Farmer.
I wish to correct the error in regard to the
"Winter Oats" spoken of in my last. You
printed the name Scotch Dim Oats. It should
have been Scotch Dun Oats.
Our worst fears have fully realized In re
gird to all fall sowing. Spring seeding is
making splendid headway; many are already
done sowing wheat, and if the weather re
mains favorable the wheat will be about all
in this week. High ground is now almost too
dry to plow. Some fears are expressed that
we are going to have a drouth equal to the
one of '57, when spring grain did not obtain
sufficient root to prevent its pulling up by the
cradle at harvest, as headers were not then in
much use; but prospects at present are very
favorable, as the ground is in splendid condi
tion, and the weather has been favorable for
killing wild oats, etc.
In regard to the horses, I see an article in-
?uiring if we had any glanders on the coast,
have known a number of cases that have
every appearance of glanders, some of them
of two or three years' duration. One died
near me this winter, and another was shot on
the same farm. The first symptoms are sim
ilar to distemper, cough, etc.; the cough grad
ually dies away; the discharge from the nose
is only from one nostril, which is not the case
in any form of distemper or gleet. It has no
tenacity, but is more in the nature of pus; the
bridge of the nose is eaten away and surround
ing bones softened; the legs swell, especially
the hind ones; the appstite is tolerably good,
but the animal presents a dull, staring coat
and lifeless appearance. I am no veterinarian,
but if this is not glanders, what is it ! Res
pectfully yours, A. C. Jennings.
The Waldo Hills.
Sublimitv, Or., March 5, 1883.
Editor Willamitte Farmer :
Tho farmers here in this county are all very
busy sowing grain, at least all of them who
can get spring wheat to sow. I think it is
acceeded to generally that the wheat is all
dead, without any exceptions. Yours truly,
John Downing.
Marlon County Pomona Grants
Sasem, Or., March 19, 1883.
Editor Willamette Farmer:
Marion County Pomona Grange meets on
Thurrday, April 5th, at 11 o'clock, a. H., in
the hall in this city. Fourth degree members
are especially invited to attend.
E. Strong.
Lane County Pomona Orange
Ikvi.no, Or., March 19, 1883.
Elitor Willamette Farmer:
Lane County Pomona Grange will meet at
Smalaw Grange Hall on the fifth Saturday
ni., r.l rAMt, .( in . u All rtnm In
good standing are invited to attend. Res-
.if..ll.. A I"? 1 wit. na Ban
l-ctfctufiy, v. v ..---,.--, urn
FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1883.
California Crops and Markets.
From the Pan Francisco Commercial Herald
of March 15 :
As we write the drought continues. The
rains hold off wonderfully. It is idle to say
that no anxiety is felt as to the final result,
There is much solicitude felt on the subject
not that at this moment the growing crops are
injured, but that a much longer spell of dry
weather will bring about disaster and greatly
lessen what even now promiaes a bounteous
yield of the cereals. Usually we are favored
in March with copious rains, with April
showers in some abundance. We hope for the
best, and trust that the prayers of the faithful
for rain will soon be answered to the full ex
tent of our needs.
The market for wheat continues dull.
Nothing doing in ocean freights. California
corn is scarce. Oats are strong. Bran is
higher. Hay is lower. Beans are firm. But
ter is not as plentiful. Apples and oranges are
in heavy supply. Spring vegetables are be
ginning to make quite a show. Wool is qui
et. Hops are dead. Lard is higher. Hogs
are scarce and marked up. Beef and mutton
are unchanged. Redwood, cord wood and
posts are lower.
It is reported that a few vessels ha e been
chartered to arrive for autumn loading at
2 10s for Liverpool, or 2 12s Od for orders
to United Kingdom, and not at the rates er
roneously printed in the last issne of the Com
menial Herald. There have been no grain
charters written during the past week. The
rate for grain vessels to Europe may be quoted
at 37s 6d40a for wood and iron respectively
to Liverpool direct. Since our last issue two
ships have been chartered to load coal at
Seattle for this port. The engaged tonnage
now in port, 19,000 tons; disengaged, 54,000;
en route, 168,000 tons register, against 224,
886 tons samo time last year, and 172,068 tons
in 1881.
Wheat The market is dull and in a very
unsatisfactory condition, and although the
Liverpool market had dropped another penny
holders refute to sell. Shippers are holding off
as they cannot afford to pay the prices now
asked for wheat, and because holders of ton
nage do not offer their ships, but are hoping
that speedy rains will insure a good crop and
thus enable them to obtain better rates, l'hus
it will be seen that the market is at a dead
standstill, and all that fs needed is a good
rain to set the ball moving again. We quote
No. 1 wheat at $2 02J2 05; No. 2, $1 97J
2; extra choice for milling, $2 07 J.
Flour City Extras are jobbing at $6 45a
6 50; Superfine, $45 50; inferi r brands, Ha
6 25 for extras and $3 75a4 50 for Superfine.
Oats The demand is good and the market
strong. We quote extra choice 81 952; No. 1
$1 85a I 95; No. 2 $1 80a 1 85 per ctl
Potatoes Prices are lower and receipts
show a falling oil. The arrivals from Oregon
are in a poor condition. We quote Humboldt
Reds, 95cn$l; do Kidneys and Peachblows,
95cal 10; Petalumas, 80co$l; River Reds,
60c; Early Rose, 50ci60o t ctl; new, 3o t lb.
Hides. We quote as follows: Heavy Salted
steers 10llo V lb; light salted hide", cows
and steers, 3045 lb, 9c; medium do 45 $551b
10c; salted kips, H'J'gllc; salted calf, good
demand for plump skins, 14l5c; hair goat,
sound skins 6570c; medium, 50c; small skin
and kid 525c each; deer ski as, good summer
skins, 37 J 1340c; medium, long hair, 3035c;
poor and winter skins, 20c; sheep skins,
shearlings, 2530c; short wool, 3060o
medium wool, 60$1; long wrol, $ll.40;
dry hides, usual selections, 1818Jc; dry kip
17c; do calf. 2022.
Hops. W. H. ft H. Le May, of London,
under date of February 15th, report as fol
lows : Although the stocks all over the world
are the shortest ever known, buiiness it
quiet, and prices rule in buyers' favor. The
imports into England during the last week
were only about one-seventh of the quantity
of the corresponding week of last year, which
proves that the high prices still ruling here
Lean not bring over any hops to influence the
market. The present depression Is caused by
a few weak holders, who, having over-bought,
are forced to realize a portion of their stocks.
The Impo.ts of foreign hops into England la.st
week were 123 balea; for the corresponding
week last year, 987 bales.
Wool. There have beon some few bales of
spring clip received from Calaveras and
Sacramento valley in excellent order. Thoy
may be called fancy, and may bring a fancy
price, but the general spring clip will prob
ably range from two to three cents lower
than last yeir. The market is dull. We
quote choice fall 1820c; free mountain, 15
17; old spring, 1618.
Butter and Eggs. We quote fancy butter
at 2223c; good and choice California roll,
2l22c; fair do, 19(o.20c; mixed lots from
country stores, 15l7c; picked roll, 2021c
or city trade, with an advance for conntry
shipments; firkin, 2Kg22J; Wetern, 1720o
per pound, Eggs at from 2122o per dozen.
Dried Fruit. Apples, sliced sun dried, 6
fi per pound; machine dncd, 0l0c per
pound; Plums, pitted, ll12o per pound;
unpitted, lower.
Foreign Wheat and Corn Markets.
New York, March 19. The l'fi com
mercial says ; Foreign grain markets to-dsy
are generally lower. At Liverpool spot wheat
was slow, and corn lower. At Mark Lane
wheat w as easier, red winter and California off
coast being 6d lower; red winter for prompt
shipmeut 3d lower; tliatiug cargoes of corn off
coast 3d lower. Farmers delivints during
the patt week amounted to 50,000 quarters
French markets were steady.
I'li.tkiAiB n t.u if Mttnliinm all tlm .f.lil
IIJ.IVI.ua -v.t.-... a... a-.w i.v.i'.-
erata of every ferruginous tonic priscribul by
every school of medicine, lirowu's Iron
What a Lady of Oreat Prominence Has to Bay
About Her Bex.
tlotton Globe.
On a recent trip by a representative of this
paper to the city of Haverhill, Mass., a most
incident occurred, which cannot fail to be of
the greatest interest to all, and especially to
our lady readers Tho newspaper man met a
lady a trifle past middle age with luxurious
white hair that contrasted strikingly with
piercing black eyes. She possessed a strsight,
full habit, womanly but commanding, com
bined with manners wholly ladylike, and yet
pronounced. Any acute judge of human na
ture could see at onco that he was in the
presence of an unusual personage one des
tined to accomplish more than most of her
sex, and to exert an influence far reaching in
Its power. Thi lady was Mr. M. W. Win
gste. Almost from childhood she has taken a
special interest in the bodily troubles of her
sex, and has probably been more successful
in relieving suffering and raving Uvea than
any other woman in Amerit. Indeed, she
seems to have been to women what Florence
N'ghtingle and Corothy Dix were to the suf
fering soldiers. The instances of women who
were in the greatest agony and apparently be
yond the reach of human aid, that she has
restored to health and happiness are almost
innumerable, and it was only natural that the
scribe should become specially interested
and wish to converse with her more in
"How long have you been engaged in the
practice of medicine, Mrs. Wingate ?"
"For more than aa years.
"A long time, certainly. How did you
happen to enter the field at that early day
when women in the professions were speoially
frowned down upon ?"
"l think 1 must nave inherited a taste irom
my Father Professor, J. C. Wood, of Harvard
College. Ho was eminent in the profession,
a hard worker and equally earnest in his re
creations He hunted considerably, and 1
remember when only nine years I used to dis
sect the birds and animals he had killed. I
felt infatnated with medical science even then
and the infatuation has continued up to the
present time."
"And did you begin your studies so eariy
in life !"
"I can hardly say when I began, for I can
not remember when I did not read medical
literature. You would scarcely believe it, but
I was a slender girl and did not weigh over
120 pounds, but I used to sit up night after
night until 2 o'clock in the morning poring
over my studios and never dreaming of the
flight of time. It seemed as though calls for
my attendance on the sick always came unso
licited. I certainly cannot fix tho date whon
I first began practicing. Of course, most of
my pati-nts wero women, and the natural
sympathy I felt for my sex hss increased dur
ing all these years where I have been brought
so closely in contact with them and have
learned to anticipate their nciila and sympa
thize with their sufferings. After the openiig
of the Boston Medical College I appeared be
fore the faculty, passed an examination at d
received a diploma. I had practiced for years
previous to that time, but thought it desira
ble to receive another diploma, which I did.
without any effort."
"Your experience with the many and seri
ous discses of women having so extensive
must alto be valuable. Uan you give me some
regarding them ?"
"I find that woman seems born to suff ring,
and where she avoids it, it is by reason of
some care on her pait or owing to some spe
cial renewing power. It Is true some women
go through life without unusual suffering, but
they are none the lest in danger, for there are
critical peri' ds all along their pathway when
the utmost precaution is required. The in
numerable complaints called female weak
nesses; the irregularities of lifennd changes of
the system all indicate the perils which nang
over every woman's career, and which, unless
attended to, may result disastrously."
"But Is there no way by which these terrl
ble troubles can be avoided f"
"That has been tho problem for years. The
habits of life and- the demands of fashion are
clearly at war with the health of women. I
have been, perhaps, unusually successful in
my tieatmentof their troubles, but there have
been many cases that seemed specially stub
bom. I recall one in particular. I had ex.
hautted all the usual expedients and the re
suits were not satisfact- ry. I became worried
over the case and really did not know what to
do, but finally thought I would try something
out of the usual line. I hail heard a certain
remedy recommended very highly, and si I
procured some and made a chemical analysis
of it. I found it wss perfectly pure, and that
the ingredients were unusually valu ble. Ho
I began g'ving it to my patient, changing it,
however, into a bottle of my own. To my
reat joy it seemed to have an almost immo
late effect and a complete euro was tho re
suit. Since then f have used it constantly In
my practice and have cured every form of fe
male weakness, as well as displacements,
dropsical tumors, cellu dropsy and all such
troubles. I have also used it with the best (if
results in esses of pregnancy anil gestation.
Indeed I have found it 0' untold v.iluo and
"Have you any objection to giving mo the
nam r,f this rrinedy of which you speak "
"None whatever It is Warner's Safe Kid
ney and Liver Cure."
"Why, that it a proprietary medicine 1"
"Certainly, but what of that ' I have but
one end in view in the treatment of my pv
tients namely tin Ir restoration in health. In
the accomplishment of this end I prescribe
what I believe to be beneficial, no matter
what the professional contequencet may be."
"1 rotice in the New Yi rk pap-rs that Dm.
Hamrnon I, Agnew and other prominent phy
aieiant are taking a timilar stand Mrs. Win-
"Yes, and all independent thinkers In the
NO. 6.
profession are bound to do so. I am. how
ever, on the best of terms with my profes
sional brethren as yon can see," and the lady
produced a beautiful gold medal mounted In
the form of a badge which had been pre
Rented her by the medical society, known as
the Ensign of the Humble Family, of whioh
she is a prominent member. After examin
ing it closely, the reporter remarked that the
medical profession evidently were proud of
what she had done, as she might well be in
possession of such a medal.
"I am proud of that" she replied, "and I
was also pleased a short time since to receive
an offer at a large salary to take the profes
sorship in the new medical college at Walla
Walla, on the Pacific coast I do not know
how they heard of me out there, but I ml
obliged to decline their offer."
"And so. in your experience with the dis
eases of womon, you have found success, and
that Warner's Safe Cure has been a most effi
cient remedy."
"Yet, I have had unusual success and the
remedy of whbh you speak has been proven
of great benefit. There are, however, some
base irritations of it to be found in the mar
ket; these rre bad rind should be avoided, bat
the genuine remedy is one of the very best "
"And has not the practioe of your profes
sion injured your health ? "
"No, I am better now than ever before in
my life. I froze my limbs last winter, while
riding one cold night to see a patient and was
obliged to remain indoors for over two months.
Otherwise I am healthy, as you can see by
looking at me."
"And may I publish this interview, Mrs.
"Yes. If what I have told you should bs
the means of assisting any women who may be
suffering, I shall be perfectly willing to have
it published."
Home Grown Sugar.
We have frequently urged the farmer of
Eastern Washington and Oregon to diversify
their oropa; have from time to time given
cogent reasons why they should do so, and
have also pointed out some of the possible
of increasing the number of their produoti
and so being able to have that great aim of
all farmers, a good market every year. When
the planting of new orchards, the increase of
the area of corn fields and gardens is reported
to us wo feel aitured that more wealth and
comfort has boen added to tho total by those
who have made the improvements, and a good
example set for others to follow. A few ex
periments, on a small scale, have been made
in Walla Walla valley with sorghum. The
seed is reported to germinato quickly, the
p'ants to thrivo remarkably well aud the cane
to yield a large percentage of saccarine mat
ter. Why are not these succcsful small ex
periment! tried on a larger scale? Why do
not somo of our wealthy farmers mako a
large practical test with sugar cane ! If. )V
A Plow "Shoe."
A Plow "Shoe" is something new to many,
though thcro are soma of our readers who
have used such a useful article for years and
find it a great convenience in going from place
to placo. Any one with but little mechanical
ingenuity can mako one of these "shoes," and
they will last almost a lifetime. A tough
Kieoe of hickory, four inches wide, two and a
alf inches thick and twenty inches long
should be used. The front end is pointed as
well as rounded up, so it will slip easily, A
broad, flat staple is t-wurely fastened in, near
the front end, to hold the point of the plow,
whioh slips uinler it. At a suittblo distance
back (according to the plow), is a half inch
iron pin, proj cting about ttyrio inUio. This
goes inside of tho mmild-boanl of ,tho plow,
when the "shoe" is oh, and prevents ita slip
ping off The team is attached to tlio plow
when the shoe is on, just the same as when it
is plowing. If an iron rod cannot be had, a
large iron spike may be substituted and an
swers the purpose almost a well. Green
wood can be used in making the "shoo," and
many farmers will prefer it on account of be
ing more readily worked.
Why docs not the proprietor of Ammeu's
Cough Syrup publish testimonials from those
who havo been cured or relieved lie his medi
cine ? The answer It, the greater the humbug
the more testimonials they publish Ammen s
Cough Syrup is no humbug, and to prove that
and to let it stind on its own merits, a 15
cent sample hot le is prepared, which is cer
tainly more convincing than a testimonial
from a stranger. Large bottles, $1, Ask
your druggist for it.
We live in an age of progress Nothing is
now done at it was in our grandfather's days,
and in no dcpart'iicnt is this more noticeable
than in agriculture. Varietiis of grains,
potatoes and seeds that wero formerly planted
havo now beuiiaupereoded by others and more
desirable sorts. Mtstr. II. K. lUias & Sons,
Seedsmen, of New York City, nfTer in their
illustrated Novelty List (free), a very attract
ive list of Cesealt, Vegetables, Flowers, etc.
This firm it one of the oldest and most reli
able in the tiadc, so that the mere recom
mendation by them of an article is a tuiricieut
guarantee of its desirability. We alto recom
mend everyone of our r adera who hat a gar
den, to semi for their Illustrated (land Hook
for the Farm and Garden, (6 ctn) which it iu
dispciitilileto every one interested in garden
ing or farming.
Quarantine. The chief of police tent a
communication to the council, last night, ro
questing that body to provldo a suitable place
tor the use an 1 accommodation of poplo who
hate been subjected to the small.pnx The
pest house, he urges, It not a fit place to keep
them in, though the best of care it given
them The matter was referred to a commit
tee with power to act immediately