8 WILLAMETTE FABMER: POETLAiND, OREGON, MARCH 9, 1883. tyjomuxcrtml REL'OllT. MAKKET uonr. ruoiiirK mahki:t. The ollowing represent tv)ioIcss.1o rate, ram producers or first hands Vlli: AT Valley $2.00 per cental. Walla Walla, S'J.OO; FLOUR In jobbing lots, extra choice, to.fiO; Country brands, $:(a .1.2.5. OATS. f;24(li7io for good feed 9 bush. ONIONS New 2 to 2Jo. POTATOKN.-00 to 7Go per bu, OKK'iN AI'l'LKS Choice winter varieties Kcarco anl will biing 7.rcSI; inferior and tpecked, 4(G0c. IDOLINUS. Jobbing, for food, $M!oi 9Qi.iif um. onnrw,z,ir.a,.j, U Uhop, f30, BRAN Jobbing at $20 per ton BACON Sides, 1314; Hams, country cured, Mfatflc; city cured, l.'i10c; Shoulders, lie. CHKKSK.-Cal., 10toI8o P lb. I10NKV In comb, 18u20cj strained, in 5 gallons, !2o. ORIKD FRUITS. Apples, sun dried quar .ered, fiJfaOc; sliced, (SJ(&t7jc; machino dried, uiuu, i ears, macmne urioil, WalOo; I'lums, un dried, HJ, and machino dried, 0l2ic. POULTRY.- Chickens, full grownrV.00 j5f6.00. KOGS. Near by fresh laid; dull, at 22o. BUTTER We quoit-, fresh roll, choice, 25c; fair to good, 202oo. HOGS. Dressed, aj'i). BEEK. dross weight S and 0i for choice. our.rai.- i.ross weight, 4c(g.ra on foot. VEAL. Oltooo VvUi.. Eastern Oregon, 16a20c; Wil Umetto Valley, 1822c; Umpqua, nono. HIDES. Butchers' hides, dry, 16c oountry cured, dry, 10c; culs i off, green hldja, salted, 8Jc; country ditto, 8c deerskins, dry, 30c tf lb; d sheep pelts each I6al.00;lry elk, 20c per lb. TALLOW Quotable at In. ,- 11, HAY Choice timothy, J23aj from wac. on, 2t. SEEDS--Timothy, dull silo, but not very much in the market; Red Clover is steadily advancing, having increased 2o tlio last week with prospect of still aniim un. V.. .,nnt I-. .1. ...-,. ... . . iniubii, iiiiiii o h, iuc, as lo qiMUty; Red Top, Kisturn, 17o per 11.; Orchard (Irass, (astern, 21c,- IVrcnnial Ryu (Iras', Eastern 21c; Illuo CraH, Eastern, 18c; Mesiiuit. Ore' I'ftll gon, 10c; Red Clover, 18fe20o; White Clover, a to quality, lOSOc; Alsiko Clover, as to quality, 35IOe; Kield Teas, about $1.50 per bushel; I'otitooi, for scod, from 80c81.25 according tu variety; Flax, source. 12Jc; Onion Hottn, according to quality, 1520c; ()at, while Russian and other now kinds $I1.C0 per bushel. eKWKKAI, MEBCUANDI8K. b&XD In kegs, 16j; Oregon leaf, tins IBo; do in pails, 16l7Jo. BICK.-Cliina, No. 1, 6,o; Chin. No. 2 5j i ; Sandwich Island, 'IgUJo. TEAS. Japan, 3040; Black, 4076o Oreen, 6680o. OOFFKE CoU Rica ll14o; Java, 20 ., dUGAK8.-Crushed A 12121ot Fine Criuhod 1212 ;Cube, 1212J0j Extra C. 11 Jo; OoldeuO, IOUJi; Sandwich Islands No. I, 9Jl0c 1), Ui(i)10o. 8YRU I'. Five gallons 70o UOnUliK!) I214o. RAISINS. California, 12.75 3.28 W6 ft BOX HOAPS (lood, 76c$l,76. OILS. Ordinary brands of coal, 30o; high Rd!vDSw"a : 9?V 370' Kon Linseed, K0, dito Raw, 77o; lmou oil, 05oj Turpen. 1 in " ' GmUt 1'26 BALiT. HtOOk. bav. tlO tf tnm r.m.n of March 1st, we take the following review of the markets in that State : Flour- The market was strong at lat" ad vances and quutitions are as follows ; Fancy brand', $(); extras, S5.50('5.75; ext-a super- line, c- t.ta,,t. Wheat Exporters continue to pay SI 92 J p r cent il, while a fancy lot sold to a miller Ht J2 per cfhU . Hut little anxiety was felt on account of the warm wcithtr. They ate confidetit in their expectations of rains in .unrcu. Potatoes Mat kit lower. Quotations about as follows : Peachblows and kidneys, 81.S.j 1 30; early n se. 70(&7.'ic nor cental. Hides. We quote as follows: Heavy Salted steers 10 lie fib; light salted hHe, cows ami steers, 304G lb, 9c; medium do 45 x551b 10c; silted kips, l'c$llc; salt-il calf, good ilf mind for plump skins, I4l5c; lmr goat, sound skins i.VJ70c; medium, 50c; small skin and kid 5(&25c each; dier skins, good summer skins, 37J'40c; mulium, l.wg hair, 25f3')c; poor alio winter skins, -JUe; sheep skins, shearlings, 'J,j(7'.:j0c; s!iort wool, 30ro.li0o; medium wool, 00(0,300; long w. ol, $1(0,1.35; dry hides, usual telection?, lSfelSic; dry kip 173171c; do, calf, 20c. Hops -J here is no life in tho market and prices entirely nominil, say $1 per pound for eir. cnuicc, an oiners 8jg,uc. Butter- The market is overstocked and prices are on the down grade. Dealers are making concessions to effect sales, and buyers are holding off. We quote fan :y at 25255c; good and choice California roll, 2324c; fair do, 22123c; mixed lots from count y stores, 17i(a;20c; picked roll. 2l(ffi22J for citv trade. witn an advance for count y shipments; firkin 2021c; Western 192lc per lb. Cheese Thouch a'rivini? mnm trenlu. nl.l prices still rule. Western, 14ol5c; Eastern cr-amery, lfcV20c; California, 14ol5c. Egg The market is weak at 22a23j for ranch. Charter and Freights Tbnrn rnnlmn tn be a restricted demai d for tonnago, notwith standing tho advanced stcgeof the season and thescarcity cf good shipping wheat. Ssveral grain charters have been written during tne week. The basis rate civen for a nnntntinn ; 40(B42s for wood and iron respectively. Tho amount of tonnage available was 50, '51 tons. I'rru1iirn MnrLi.f Tl,a l.nl., ..L-& . t ,-r " "-" "v ." intuitu, is ai fectcd bv the warm dry weather, both as to spit and futures which are both the turn dearer, say $1.25 per ctl for feed. Oats con tinuo to bo controlled by a single house, caus ing high prices to rule entra nhni. o.. Corn is without movement. Rvn i very dull. liian is less firm. Beans aro unchanccd in value. Ifnns nm lignum o. i otaiocs are in uuyers favor, Butter is in excessive supply causing a dull and 'declining market. Clieese suems tn l,n stationary. Eggo aro abundant olid slow of louitry ana game aro both injuriously allected by tho warm weather. Oranges anil lemons arc in better demand than for some time past, being favorably affect-d by tho change of weather. Asparagus, tomatoes wild cucumbers aro now arriving daily. Wool is in better demand for all desirablo lots of nocco. iiiucs and tallow are unc hanoret. A London Wheat Market. Loni.ok, Masch 5.-The Mark Lane AV lirftn, m a reiew of the British grain tra'o last week, says : The wheat tradp ii weaker, utl;l1"" varying irom uu lo as. Mour, lower; trcde in foreign brcad.tufls, tidious and un s .tisfactory, with a downward tendency in prices; flour has weakened, owinp to . siv arrivals; in ether articles, qualities are ""-."""' "i ,"' "" tuiiii, are in restricteii iiemnnu; rcil winter wlieat closed Gd ilcaivr. Four arrivals and six sal. s, three withdrawn and two remain; about 12 cargoes are due this week. Trade forward is slack; siles of i-.ngiisn wneat tlio past week are 34,304 qrs at 42s 0d per qr, against 34,304 qrs, 44s 9d for corresponding period last year. Tilt: TIMISElt LAMM OF itnmi:sT. Tin: .m:w E. V. Smalley, in the Century ot February says : Practically, the whole country between the Minnesota prairies and the Rocky mount ains is bare of timber. There aie littlo strips of forest trees along tho water eourics in Da kota, but they consist mainly of cottonwood, soit maple and alder, and furnish only a tcjnty supply of fuel to the settlers and of no value as a source of building material. West of the Missouri there is nothing worth sawing into lumber until the advanced spu.-s of the rockies are reached the Rig Horn, the Belt tho Judith, the Big Suowy and the Yellow' stone mountains. In the gorges running up their sides there is sullicicnt "bull ninn'",! spruce for the settlers' purposes, and for rail- way ties anu nridgo timbers, but there are no large well timb red areas. On both sides of the main divide of the Rockies about the samo condition is found. The pines are some what larger, and some cedar ' met with, ror want of eonuthing better, the timber is of great value for local consumption, for fuel u'i uimuing purposes in the neighboring val- be said of it. good rain is greatly desired and needed. The excessive warm weather will do much damago if it don't soon change. O.UD AND STOCK COMPANY'S REPORTS. Ban Francisco Markets. San Fkaxoisco, March 7. Wheat Tho demand s good; offerings aro small, pries cconiequrntly favor sellers; Sales, clioico milling, $2.07 J; choice seed whoat brings $2.10. Futures are easier; No. 1 white buyer March $22 03J; buyer tho season, $2(32 0!)J. Flour Strong; city mills, $60.35; Ore gon extra, $5(a)5.50; WilU Walla, $5.60 5.75. Barley Feed market not so active; easier i ..t T r , - .. .. leys, out mis is an that can oi until 1 reached Clark s Fork of the v-oiumoia, or the Tend d'Oreille, as it is known to the settlers did I see any ex tensive body of good timber. On both sides of the stream, between the Cceur d'Alenc and Cabinet mountains, lies a heavily timbered belt of about 100 miles in length hv an mil.,., in width, reaching down to and around Pend d Oreille Lake. The trees am "hull r,i., -Y""'. nullum; uim spruce wnn a nttio white pine. Tho western slopes of tho Cieur d Aleno mountains and the Bitter Root moun tains, which are a continuation of the same range, are moderately well timbered and fur nish material for fuel, fences and buildings .. ."luo.utnuui nun, uare country tur tlicr west. From those mountains woatward, to tho narrow valleys running up inte tin Cascide range, the country is nearly destitute of forest growth. A few Btunted pines grow un mo much oi me deep narrow valleys through which tho steamers run. AI. ng the lower cotnse of tho Columbia and around Puget Sound thero aro immense forests of fir, furnishing a practically iuexhaustihln lumber supply. Eastern Washington, fast becoming a great wheat field, feels moit the lack of for. ests. Eastern Oregon is almost treeless, but ;io ui win iiiuuuittiii ranges near sufficient limber for local uses. Western Oregon, in liding the fertile, wcll-settled Willamette vaney, is well supplied from both the coast and the Cascade mountains, while Western Washington is nil a vast forest, where the clearings are mere specks upon the immense oxpanso of woodland. This magnificent for est is destined to be a source of great wealth for centuries to come. The lumbering opera tions up to this time, although very exten sive, have only notched it hero and there at long intervals close to the water side. Acciiient.1I. Poisoning, Ou Sunday even, ing Mrs. Wilcox, au old lady living near tho race track, sas a Walla Walla paper, acci dentally took a heavy doe of sulphate of morphia. It appears that Mrs. Wilcox, who is ."(J years old. ha 1 been in the habit of tak ing cincbonia for chills, from which she has been suffering lor some time past. Ou Sun day cvtnuiB, running out of the drug, she went to Joseph Wcodworth's p'ace to get an ther tupply, and by mistake she took an eighth ounce bottle of morphino which Mr. ojdworth had recently purchased to doctor Ins horses with. Tho lady returned to her home and took, as she supposed, her usu d dose, but which proved to be from s tr in grains of morphine. The drug had already commenced its deadly work when Mr. Wood worth was dispatched after Dr. Boyd, who hastened to the relief of the tinfiirtnnnfn woman. Lnilur the doctor's care the lady was kept awak during Sunday night and Monday, and at last accounts was in a fair way of recovery. T3. Feathers, ribbon', velvet can all be co' ored to match that new hat hy using the Di.v mond Dyes. Ten cents for any color. Died of His Woi'.nds. Last night the man William Catching, who was run over by the cars at the Case ides, died at St. Vincent hospital. His injuries were greater than at first supposed, and the leg was badly man gled. The best of medical aid w.a in Und. ance at the hospital, but the wounded man was beyond human help. His parents live on L.ewi3 river, a no engineer in charge of the train, when the man was run over, did all in his power to avert the accident, but Catching had stepped from the brush only a short dis tance ahead of the cars and did not seem to hear the alarm, or mako any effort to save nimself, and the train could not be stopped in time. The deceased was almost deaf, and was not considered in his right mind at times. SEYMOUR, SABIN & GO., Manufacturers ot and Dealers in the Latest Improved Farm Machinery. MADISON STREET, (from Front to First), roitTLAND, OREGON. jtr - .. TBr Coughs and Colds. Those who are suf fering from Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore rhroat, Ac, should try Bnow.Vs Bronchial lnociiES. Sold only in boxes. NEW EVERY WEEK. Oregon Kidney Tea. rrom tne multitude of certificates received irom wen Known citizens who have been ben. efitted by the use of this remedy, the proprie tors, Messrs. Hodge, Davis & Co., have con tracted to publish two new ones each week for the year ending April 1, 1883, that all our readers may see the great benefits it has con ferred on the afflicted. StLVEUTo.v, Or., March, 19, 188". I take pleasure in testifying to the remedial pr 'perties of the Okeohn' Kiuvrv Tm t" the past two or three years I have been irouoieu WJth derangement of the kidneys, during which time I have tried various reme dies without obtaining relief. 1 bought a package of the Ouecjo.v Kidney Tea from J. C. Hayes, and from the first dose began to feel better and am happy to say that after using the package, I am almost entirely curcd- Samuel Cox. We are sole agents on the North Pacific Coast fcr the celebrated Standard double point and solid steel share MORRISON PLOW Which are warranted to scour In any soil. Also the Furst and Bradley Gang Plow, Kalamazoo Spring Tooth Harrow'aiid Cultivator, The New Buckeye Grain Drill, New Buckeye Broadcast?Scedcr, Buckeye Cider Press, The Diamond Feed Mill, The Burnell Four I'oint JHurb Wire We have many others that cannot be enumerated here. We cordially invite all wanting sasaz to come 'ee ua' and if yff as SXr pof tic. tugvittm fim:hal. Astobia, Or., Dec. 23. 1879. I take pleasure in testifying to the merits Of the OllEKOX KlDSEV Tea. Fnr H,o t..f three years I have been suffering from kidney ........,, u,. uuiui nie iime nave tneei uearly every kinet it kidney medicine in the market, almost without any relief. Having heard that the Obeook Kidney Tea pos sessed wonderful properties, I purchased a package, and from the first dose obtained re lief, and by the use of the one n.tt-lrr fi completely cured. Samuel Gbay. I. F.l POWERS, HAxuriCTuaia, iMroana aicd jobbm er FURNITURE, Bedding, Carpets, Paper Dang ing, Stoves, and Crockery and Glassware. Steam Factory Water Street, betwecaj Mootgomerr and Harrison. Streets. Warehouse 188 and 185 First and 184 Second Streets POBTLAND, OlUitlOf. sep9-lt Island, tl2Ji Coarse Liverpool, $16j Fine nuab IF, lfi20i Aahton'a dairy, ditto, 30 COMMERCIAL. Thursday, March 8, 1883. The beautiful weather continues, and be gins now on its third week. Commcuciug about tho 18th of February, it has become as mildas May. Tho days aro perfect. Farmers uako excellent uso of this fiuo weather to put in their wheat. Nine-tenths of tbo fall wheat u dead. hat was apparently alive, it is daimod, Inn been often killed by the warm days that canui aftor the cold snap. Tho gcu ial explanation of the loss of wheat is, that tho ground was thrown up and broke the tap soot, which caused the death of the p'ant. Many old settlers recall tho faot that 'J7 years .1.(1 in lu'.ii i... ...i ,, .. "i " "iiiui bum u in mo tail was all killed by such a winter and had to bo re sown. Tho general result was the largest yield over known. The action of frost in throwing up loose soil, as was the ease last inter, is as valuablo aa if manure had been npplied. The soil is in splendid condition bv tlm action of tho frost, the- foul stuff on the iiilaceisalldcadaii:! wo may expect clean whoat and a heavy jield In ISM the yield ras 40 tu fit) bushels on the re-sowed laud, nd our pioneer farmers predict that tho re' u!t will bo similar for 18S3. Wo hope so; it ill elo uo harm to take encouragement from Urn paat. Thero is nothing new to rdate. Seed wheat Winging from $ tofl.Mpor bushel, ami we hear of one rich farmer near Salem who wauted to get $ per bushel. Such mou can Uki. leasous from the Salem Milling Coinpa. tnes, 'the railroad aiid tho wheat merchants of l'oitland. The mau wlu will not speculate ou calamity deserv-s to U. remembered and made nut ;h of. There continues but little activity save in the local demand for seed wli it, which, as rc state above, ranges from $1 to JI..V), "c. rording to the needs of the buyer. Our looil markets are about as follows i Oats, 67 to tVJJ for feed. Hay, JJ3 to 27J. I'oultry, fcSJ tu 0 per elo. for youug aud old chickens. Kggs. .JJ to ilo per doj., and not only plentiful, but stocks are not short, ltut ter, fflJ to 30o per pound, and some goo.1 Iota of crass butter are coming in, aud sell quite readily. Potatoes, fi5 to COc, aooordlug to mnuiiieui ami ejuauiy. lireen apples sell jaite readily for 7fc, although 85 to IXXj cau te obtained for choice lot. at slight decline; spot feed, $1.351.40: No. 1 feed, April, S1.3o1.3G: buyer the season. 1.35J1.42J. Oats Market steady and quiet; extra choice, $Ti; common to good, ?l.70l.!)2. Potatoes The market is very miiet and quiet, not tho slightest improvement to note: Washington Territory Peerless, $1.201.30; sales at lattor figures for choice. Salmon Sellers aro not inclined to offer at present owing tj indefinite knowledge as to the cost of packing; quotations aro nominal. Provisions No change to note in quota- nuuo, uut luicus are naruening on tiacon and lard. Wool Quiet but firm; nominal quotations, I'.asteru Oregon, 1023c; valley, light stock, 222uo. Kl'ks Market is well sunnliiul nml ,.,,;. prices not materially changed, yet a slight icuutiivj' in unyui h iavor is noieel. llutter 21J(32.")c; market overstocked with medium quality. IKKHIllTH. Tho market Is very dull; sometslk of lower figures than last quotations, nut wo think 42s Od for iron to Cork, U. K., the bottom of the market. The llritish ship Autiopo, irou, 1,443 tons was taken last week; rate, just M.a.l. ....l.tl . 111.. , 1 ... !..,. IT .' ' ...aiiu inning, i.a on eo e.orK, u, l, CIllUAtlO MAHKKTH. Cuicaih), March 7. All markets aro easier. Whcat-$l.37J Pork IS.:,2J(u,18..,W. Lar.1 $11.45. Ribs-!) 77J. Short ltiba-$9.85, All May. NKW VllllK MAHKKTS. Nkw Youk, March 7. Wheat Steady; 1.1581.20. Klour -Steady, Wool Quiet but firm, lilies Quiet and e.ny. llliKllllOIIM's KMIUKll MAKKKT UKPOHT. I.ONHON. .March 7. Floating cargoes Slow. Cargoes on passage and for ahipmcut- Cariroea oft coast Slow. Knglith country marketa Quiet. Krtuich country markets Quiet. Imports into U. K. past week Wheat. 2.ii 000 qrs. o-i'X.M , "lt0 l'' K' PMt eekFiour iS.tKH) bids. Jt'elTATlllNS elOOIl IWUllOfct AMKIlle'iV WIIKAT. lied winter, per .SCUM otl itust, 4Ss .1.1: point.' sliipinent, 47s. i.o.n.wintor .tu, 2 Hr 4S0 tin off ceiast, 47 Od; prompt shipment, 47s. California average cargors per 500 lbs, off ....... muu. eue, 47 Uil Tho funeral of tho lato Mai Vic. Trevitt took place at the Dalles on Sunday, Marcl th, to Memaloose Island, in the Columbia bolow that city. At ten o'clock a procsssion of about 400 people headed by a lodge of 90 Freemason's, marched to the steamer Hassaln with the remains, which wero covered with an American flag and flowers. The dav w not cloudless though calm and pleasant. A thick covering of murky clouds hid the sun as thoug'i the heaven had clothed itself in mourning for the occasion. At half paat 12 the Hassaln landeel at a sandy spit on tbe lower end of this desolate spot. Above lay rocky bluffs covered with a few trees and a stuutcd undergrowth of sacra brnh Th.. rudo structures the dead houses appear at iicKiuar intervals, wnicn anil a wiir,i anrl ghastly aspect to this city of the silent major ity. The cortege was headed by the Masonic iratermiy, aim alter climbing a rocky point Ciine to the brow of the hill, where a brick vault had been prepared for tbe reception of the remains. From this sput a beautiful view of the river aud surrouuding scenery coulet be had, aud here the wiutry blasts will frown and the breeres of Summer wilt smile Hm....1 .I.!- ....... f!..ft '. . m. . aiuuuu .ma uiitu Ul lllliniie 1BSL. IMP imnrna sive burial ceremonies of the order were held, and after tho party had visited severai Tor tious of tho island, almost covered with the bones of Indians, the Ilassslo started on her homeward trip, arriving at The Dalles at two o clock. Nearly all tho old residents, those who had lived in this section in pioneer time and known Major Ticvitt in his younger days, were pres ent to pay their last respicts to the depirted. ineiuueral was the largest ever known in me miles, anil bespeaks tho rcsnect th nM. est inhabitants hold to the memory of their companions, lu time a marble slab, fourteen feet high, will mark the spot, thus being a signal to the passers-by of the last resting place of Major Trevitt. The base will be ba saltic lock, and the dio and crest of Italian marb'e. Thauks are due to Mr, Frank T. Dodge, superintendent of the river division of the O K. A N. Co.. for the use of the timr and for his uiiuainmcut of the funeral .. monies. Commission Merchants. The following Is a list or Ibe Commission Merchaiil. or mis Clly. whlrb Me publish Tor be benelli or our readers. They are perfect, ly reliable, and any business rntrusletl lio ihelr care will receive prompt allenlloni OEOUOE IIEMIEN. J. J. HASSELL. HERREN & HASSELL. (SUCCESSORS TO) UEKREN BBOS. and IIEEBEN A FAKBAB. GENERAL Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN GKAIJ, WOOL, and FLOUR BAGS. Fleece and MWltlff Twin. mrNui.Jnn.. a ConslgunienU solicited. Liberal cash advances nude w. WIMIHUU1.UM, I, J. 1JOX i0. VOO, a. E. Corner North niarltl THE " WILLAMETTE FARMER" FOR FIFTEEN YEARS Has been Regularly Issued AND MAILFD TO ITS THOUSANDS OF READERS ! Upward and Onward Front and B. PORTLAND, OREGON, Streets, J. C. TODD. J. F.BIVEN. TODD & BIVEN, .o. IV .North Front Mrret, forlUnd. Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants, mm vcaiera in FRUITS, Wool, Drain, and all kindl ol rrsduee. Agents for Nabob Whl.key, Dry Monopole Chain. Iiagneand Klaen's Vineyard, Kresno, Cat ldey SIBSON, CHURCH & CO., Shipping and Commission MERCHANTS, Northeast Corner er Ash and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. auel.tl Has been our Aim. The improved appearance of the PAKMER is but a sample of contemplated improvements impiovements YtrlsjVa nail noli iV 11 J.t a . numumiiHiiiiui uu uie assistance our inends can render us LARGE CLUBS CAN BE RAISED BY WORK. And these clubs MUST be gotten up by our friends for we can not afford to put canvassers in the field. The FARMER i acknowledged success, as well as correct authority on matters pertaining to the Agriculture of Oregon and Washington. It contains each week articles on such subjects as LIVE STOCK. HORTICULTURE, CEREAL GROWING, FANCY PET STOCK liitowTM OF COUNTRY, NEW SELECT FAMILY READING, POETRY CHOICE MISCELLANY, MARKETS, CURRENT AGRICULTURAL MATTERS, LANDS, GEO. COHN & BRO. GENERAL Commission Merchants. California Crops and Markets. Krom tho San 1'rancisco Com mirW.ii JlemU just ahlrirwj, 47. flj. utuy Califoruia lUnilanl Nik 1 per 500 ftt, ju,t lupiv.1 or promptly to bo sliippe.l, !.. nearly Jue, i'it AI. ' ' tilitoriiia ataniUnl No. 2 iwr 500 lb, just shimw,! or nromptly to be shinned. 4Ss! tiMarli. ,l. & .1. .11 . . l.tVKIil'Ot)!. MAKKETS, I.IVKKIMOl. Mirch ti. SMt inarLvt -St.aily; fair Jemaml. ,,J.r vrB" Ketl winter, tier ctl 9s CM. Otliforiua No. I stainlanl, jwr ctl-l). 8.1. o. . IU American spring, jht ctl CU M. .,Ju"1"iC4 l'e: o comment-Wheat, 4IU,000ira. Wiather Hsj1 Croat. JAuney Ordrr Stslrui. Wasuinotox, March 4. The senate passed tho house bill modifying the postal money order system so sa to authorize postmasters of money order ottices, under the authority of the ivistmaster.general, to Issue postal notes in denominations of rive dollar, .ml m.,l.r This important Mil will greatly fsciliute the luiiiii is of sonilini: small sums thiouirh tlm iiihiN, It alsoauthuriza. til. iuim nf mn ouUrs without corresnomlini? advii-. nl tla dullars and less, to be ou engraved paper aud kuown as ivital notes, ptyahle to bearer. Such notes to be invalid after three months. The holder can after that time get par value by applying to the post otYica department at ashingtoD. Kor issuing a postal note a feo of three cents will be charred. Thi. kill auinorizea tne issue ol money orders iu de uomlna'ionsof $100 or less. None for mora man aum can lie issurtl. The following fres aro tixed fur money orxlers: Kor oix'ers not excceiling $10, S eentsj fromlO to $15, 10 cents; $15 to $T0, 15 cents; $30 to $40. 20 ceuts; $10 to $50, 25 cents; $50 to $ti0, 30 cents; $00 to $70, 35 cent; $70 to $S0, sO ceuts; $S0 to $100. 45 cents. Itumiso'.s Russia Salve has provcsl hi effi ciencr bv a test of 75 vear.' con.t.nt n Try it. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Flour, Feed, Provisions, and Maple Groceries. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED, PRODUCERS WILL further their interwu bjcorreapondlnir with us. Letter, ot inquiry promptly ui ered. ..SJrlJI!iAL ADVANCES MADE ON AHPROVED lit Frat Street, Wt UorrUoaaiul TamhllL J.B. CONGLE&CO u rroni street, Kast side, 1'ortUnJ, Oregoa. AffsUn la Boalaeaa. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OP Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Whips, Saddlerr llardware, Etc, Etc Nstatlv auid Proaaptly Attended to In clubs of FIVE, sent at one time, .... S10 00 In cluba of TEN, sent at one time, ...... O0'0o And an extra copy to tbe getter up of the cluh " tsrSample Copy Sent Free to any address Address: WILLAMETTE PARMER PUB 00 Drawer No. 13. Portland, n ' '' Portland, Oregon. asLHsmMm H B.ulrl -.-- A. ROBERTS, ....SUCCESSOR TO. ., FISHEL & ROBERTS, Cor. Klrst and;Alder SU, PorUaad, Ore. THE LEADING Clothier, Merchant Tailor, And Hatter. OF OREGON, Guarantees to sell the vera best CLOTHING tor less Money than any other house ii i iie siaie. D. Langcll's Asthma & Catarrh Jl ti u i i LJl.. Xr i ""?a SO yeari. u.,Tc!.r""r"X eompietclr cured .".."." "J ."""'"r erer to send (Mb UV """I SiSA JrSn.S2?wtet "5!S - . wj.... UUI edjr completely cured me, I 'a.. I- 01 ,' rLvrrr .. "J, ""J rt u:.,T" i""" imuntir so th. comfortbly. Full . . .! (patient can real and sleep comforthi b.",vD, ISSiH, WLJ&t-Afl?- vne Co.. tfhln .. " ""''. A;p.e J-iu.. . A BARGAIN. F05he!0Ejul,"C"HLCOICEST ii ii.. -. uu vicvuh: miirm unprored and undei a u. BTLKOLS, Room 1, 4S First Su. (Ud Stair tet9tf oonn oirendliton All !! Tm'' ."fS"' -J "".? Ulatlon laat i. u-.n .... . ""'" " uuurr cui- '"m'i.hpriV..,0rjr'.n.i1- First Su, (Up Stairs.) Joneltf itA aiiliiliiliiliiliilm iL I I . . 1 ("tH TXBilHafl VH AGENTS V?lSZ. ."? fortune. i aJfsjSS 2? 2!2&&ZS52ni bers. Out. Jlgbt aad rrSr3Sp,,i?.conT,,,- 8Ui won) haasc u P teMi . .L i r Aitdr.' SMT.ce.;,..',irt;; WVe.frTTlVaniirnM" . H. OAKA, Wwt IUaaa, V. B.