Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 09, 1883, Page 6, Image 6

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    4jtirmtf 3itcrafur4.
There is nothing o cheering
To linn who has trouble
A i to stick .1 right pin in
The obstinate bubble
'He'll fli 1 lift half sunshine;
Ami, fti to the rest ot i,
Thit miy be Iightcncil
lly making the best of it.
You're sighing anil brooding,
Mj n ighbor, that's certain
Qu ck ! Let in the daylight
lly lifting the curtain.
Now toss olf the burden
And have a ligh breist of it
But, if you mutt bear it,
Why, then, make the best of it.
At door, or at window,
(lo out on thought a pinions
1'orct your surroundings
Enlarge. yiur dominions.
Your neighbors h.tve sonow
ho are not in quest of it,
And many, full many,
Are making the bit of it.
Yr u met t with a friend.
Ho seems giy even jolly;
You know he Ins care.
You art shocked at his folly.
Why, nnn, though he Hufitrs,
He'll not toll his guest of it
He's breasting the billow
He's making the btst of it.
There's nothing that mikcth,
When woo drains his utals,
The fate so transcendant
As patitneo through tnils
It makes the heart better,
And this is a test of it.
That patience brings faith
When wlVc making the best of it.
Mr M. A. Knitter.
Three Times and Out.
If thcio were a spot on tarth into which
Christmas spirit had not penetrated, and from
which it would lie sternly shut out if the
faintest breath of it should bo detected in the
effort to ob'am in entrance, it was surely the
tropic nest gliwing in color and warm with
the rcllectcd lOBHist of firo and shaded lamp
in wlnth Jtmiiftr Mori tnd s tt one Christmas
cve ami waited. The statuettes and busts
that made the lew high lights of tho room
wore all pagin, inscrutablo in calm, unsm
patli!7ing as then marble before tho sculptor's
fhnol gave it foimj tho pictures were mere
fragments of river and forest scenery, tangks
of (.lark green trau-t 1 l) faint blue threa Is
of brooks, losing tlicmieUts an I rnppciling
with elf like fitildslintss, 01 Kndiau w ,ods,
dense juuglts 111 which palms and viiuh ami
all mannir of bright vtgetation fkuily fought
for spate and life; the brook", gay 11. all tilt
fantastic luxury of inoiKrn binding, 01 nth
with tho b tuty wIiilIi middle- ago craftsmen
1a Ulivil on all then work, rat g'd fiom light
est verso to dce-joit philusopli), but no re
ligious wjlunio found tpicu among tht m, and
in the piles of music width littered th'i pi tno
ami heaped the iriiii3 ritk w is neithir liyinii
Dor mass; hut all tlm might hae been tnkin
for accident. Pur ladies need not pin thtir
hearts upon tlio walls of thtir sitting rooms
for uniting d ees In pick at, any nioio than
they mid wtai tlitm o 1 tin ir sleces, and )ct
they be huinblu an 1 devout, title fnllowtrs of
tho Mastir, but n g'tiuu at Jeiimftr Murliud
would h iv e told the blindest of inn that she
was neillui ilcotit nor liiiuible. There was
pride in i. very line of tho fate, from the wide
ouro which the rippling jcllow hair mado on
tin) w Into foreln.nl tt) tho tip of tho small,
cruel thin; prido in tho arth of tho brow, 'he
cunoof the nostril, tho turn of the lip, mid
doubly iiiteusilied pndu in tho gray eyes that
wero so soft an 1 et to calm and steady. She
was still jottngj it was but a year silica liu
guardians had gicu up thtir trust ami her
ait wealth had tome into htr own hands,
but at twenty two thery was no moro touth
of yielding in her iiatiuu than in that cf the
most hardentd worldling, and life to her was
neither Lay sport nor pith to a higher world,
but only u game in w tilth she was to win, fall
or fail who might, Tho only thing which
rented likely to hinder htr purpose was that
with the best will shu had not learned either
to mutilate oi to dissimulate, and lur ptldo
Mil her intentions were alike perceptible in
tend of being decorously concealed as they
ihould luuo been for lur purpose, for although
man may toniierhy bodily showing that ho
if proud, a u oiu til must stem humble uuhss
he would be auitns!)fd on every hind, and
Jennifer b looks had alnady played her falsa
wore than onto, in spite of exquisite modula
tions of oite and cart fully rounded phrases
There was one who had necr read thtm
aright, to whom she had always soenuil the
iwcetest as well as the fairest of women, ami
M he approached, ln'i waiting was ovtr.
"Con c in," alio said, not turning towards
the doom A) in wliitlt he stood, dark, sUuder
nil grateful, a figure eourtly in spite of the
stiffness of modern dress, ami gawd at her
with tJ)i' that were so nearly adoiiug that an
artist, seeing them, would hate taken for
onto taint's humblest wonlupper. lie obeyed,
but as he canto before her it could bo seen
that ho hesitated, and as her ci full of eiild
corn fell nit linn, he sank into a chair, almost
crouching in it as he tnuttercd, "Korgit."
Her lip did not curls hi r face did not
change, but lur eye dwelt ou him steadily as
lie asked, "And wh) ?"
"I loee! jou," he ansucre-el.
Who did nut apeak, ahe did not mote, but
the scoru of lur ees diepeued, "I loud
jou, lie aatii again, ami thru the sp ke, ris
ing to lur feet as aha went on, and walking to
ml frt), a ijuee til) figure-, atraight and alight,
with long hainU that now and then helped
out her flowing perch, hut were for the nicwt
part clasp, el before her, without stress but
till with Inimical.
"Without doubt jou letvetl me. Yen have
known me iiom ciilhlnood; vvv talkel et love
when wo were but babies; pledged each other
with rings carved from peach stones and
strung pre. ion tie-asures tt eherry stoue bas
kets tu wear tlie-m next our hearts; then we
walked in the white moonlight together ami
thought that vte might walk thus forever;
row eel on the river until the world fadtsl and
there was nothing bctwiwi the ky Mow and
the sky aboo but oursehes; clasped hands
as if we could never separate, touched lips
once yes I I remember and then you went
away, and jou forgot. I never shall, but I
learned how to remember, aril whit to think
of a foolish girl who gives her heart unasked,
and when a good man gave me his love, 1
promised hitn my hand, and thenyou came
She paused, but still walked on up and
down, and found nothing te say but to repeat,
"I loved you."
"Oh, and again, without doubt, "u did I
You found me beyond your reach, and so you
longed to draw me onco more to your side.
You found that you could not, and each di-y
of denial, each evening when jou saw me
uith another onlv added to our passion, aril
you felt that life was not life unless you could
have me onco more to love, to cam mm waiK
with, protect from mimic dangers, to look up
to you a a guardian againtt all evil And
then other men were at my leet, and jou
knew it nd you felt yourself but one of many
instead of the Bole occupant of my heart, and
you were mad with envy, jealousy, all manner
of hateful feelings. Certainly you loved and
what did jou do'"
"Forgive 1 ' he said, dropping on his knees
before htr, as she paused and looked down at
"lorgivt? Forgive you for trying to make
me vour own by separating me rrom my
promised husband ? Forgive you tor going to
him anil tcllmg him that wnoie Biorv in my
vouth, with insinuations th-t my heart bid
not changed, that I was still jours, although
I had promised myself to him? Forgive'"
"And you love m, Jennifer," murmured
he, still kneeling, still not daring to touch her
although she sti oil so close to him that it
seemed almost as if she meant to tempt him
to take those white hands and woo her for
'Toriive'" rcpe ited she, not heeding him.
"Why, there is nothing to forgive. You told
him nothing which ho had not known from
first hour of our betrothal. You could not
stir his faith bv anything which vou might
say of the endurance of my love for jouj jou
could not push me fiom his heart by any
ghost of faithlessness that ou might conju'e
from your inintl, anu give lite ami ueing witn
that clever tongue of yours. 1 forgivo jou
what jou have done, but not for what jou
are. I do not forgivo jour faithless falsehood,
your light assumption of love's tone and man
ner. I elo not forgive jou for looking like a
truo and chivalrous gentleman, while really
false as only ptiro selfishness can be. I do not
forgivo you for daring to ask to come hero to
night and poisoning my last hours before i
give my hand and heait to a truo man's keep
int', by looking at me with cvts that hive, by
speaking to inn in words thpt aie a tartss, no
mattir what their sense maj be; I do not for
give you tor reminding niu of the pact and
spoiling tho present. It was Christmas i.vc
when ou slid I love you first, let this be. tl e
last Christmas Kvo that jou dare t breathe
it, think it, dream it N ivv go "
And ho went, llus was Jennifer's tunc of
I wenty years have bioaght changes upon
the room fiom which Jennifer Morland ills
imsul her lovei, havo nu How oil the glow of
dinptrics and nigs, cracked the tono nf the
piano, eivtn to tvtrytlung tho indent able
touch that robs of youth without conferring
any ntvv thartc'tr, but still the room seems
blighter th n of old, for m more than one
plate it is v it iht.il by touches that re leeni its
former charatttr ml maku it more at one
with human in tenet mid taic for human life
A gpiithi Mndonrn hoi ling high the lltbo and
In iking down wit i mild Milan eves smiles
abovo tlm mantel; two work baskets and one
writing elesk make an amicable group by the
window; a llihlo and books of devotion are
piled upon a tab'o standing in a recess; a flute
Iuh upon the piano; a little tahiuet holds
some thoito toys, apparently, r hts of a happy
thililliriod, and tin
ee e hairs drawn together
about a round table on which stands a mi
troscrope with several open boaks stems to
militate joint study. The room is not so
pretty, his less unity of elftct, but it is nioio
i i thought Alexander I'mrhjiias ho loohtd
about it, and Hushed w th humiliation, re
calling Jennifer's words when she sent him
outof it twenty ears bofote.and remembered
the long lov el) eU)saud uvruiiigs tint hu had
spent in it in that far off cuth when he and
Jennifer htd loved. Ho had never expected
to sro h again, and ytt lute had drawn him
hither, and once moio his feet had justed tho
threshold and ho was waiting with sickening
impatience to hear Jennifer's toot on tho stair,
to know from her whether his Christmas gift
was to be happiness or misery. He had vowed
never to look at her face ag tin, and now he
was longing for it with almost tho old tagti
ucss, yet with a far liflerent motive, and
thinking what that motive was, he was stnil.
Mi: at himself when she glided in, unheard, in
spito of his listening, anil seeiug hint, crinl,
before discretion anil prule warned tier, "iou
do w oil to smile, do you not?"
"And why not: asked ho.
"Truly, I do not know," salil she, "unless
it is that I do not remember that y on ofttii
miltd. We have received your note, my
husband and I, aud 1'ray ait."
"it is of no consequence," answered he.
"And you"
"Well, wo. But have jou spoken to
"And she loves vou'"
"And )ou are sure that this is not a mere
boyish amusement on jour part, a little en
tanglement from which you may escape light
ly ; or a mistake on her part You will not
take an Italian journey next year, or was it to
1'gjpt that you went when you made an error
be fort'"
"M idam!"
"Kxtuse me. A mother takes precautions,
jou know. Well vo refuse."
"You refuse I"
"Yes My husband and I have nothing
gaiuat jour tharactei, Mr, l'eiirhyn; your
wealth is undeniable; your fame makes vou a
desirable husband for our daughter, hut we
have memories "
"You can have none that are not creMittble
to him," aud a third voice, and Bertha
entered, tho veriest unleam that ever glad
elenrd a home, small, slender, swift of move
ment, her mother's opposite in complexion,
and stiHhl beanie her lover "Tell your mem
ones, mamma," said she, "I do not fnar them.
Or, do jou tell me, Alexander."
"Alexander! already I" cried her mother,
"Certainly. You called papa Uicliard. did
you not? We are engaged. This isn't Kng
laml, mamma. What am your memories,
"You must not ask," he answered, and as
he did so he saw lu Jennifer's eje's that he
ha I spoken utmiielj, but he would not take
the word back,
"Then tla you tell me, mamma. Tell the
very worst. You cannot change me. I am
ruck, adamant, diamond, if yon like, sir. Tell
me 1"
"I cannot," answered he.
4 Then I shall marry hint. Papa will not
say no. l'apa will be glad to give me to any
one so learned and wi.eai Mr. l'rnrhju I
am not afraid. I shall bring him here," and in
a moment she had ttraggeet him from a neigh
boring room and confronted him witht.ie
ether two, pouring out her enteatie and her
liroteltltiona of t-otiitanev w ith a nrtttv mir-
ture of fondness and energy, while her mother
and her lnaer looked at him with wonder at
hii calmness. When she had f.ni'heil he
s-nilel slightly and said, "My dear, this was
not necessary. I consent. '
'Hacou forgotten?" asked his wife
"No; I remember. Hut one mistake dies
not vitiate a life. I consent."
"Tell mo a hat he remembered," Ilrtha
raid, giing to her lover ns her father left the
room, taking her mother with him, but he
would not; and the newly betrothed narrow Ij
missed a rjuarrel in what should havo been
their first moments of bliss; and when he had
cone and Jennifer came back she found her
sunbeam transforms 1 into a small thunder
cloud, as it often was on occasion, and she
was besieged weth eager questions not to he
answered, of course, for how could she tell
the girl that Alexander had once been her
lover, or expose the la lit that her husband
had condoned '
"And I thought that I had found peace I"
she moaned m bitterness. "I ha 1 the Iov e of
a husband and a daughter, the joys of intel
lectual companionship, even something that
I called the consolations of religion, and he
comes, an 1 in one moment sw eeps it all aw a) .
Am I his slave still'"
This was Jennifers time ot self revelation.
Still another change has come to the little
sitting-room. Above the mantel hangs a por
trait, of which the calm, rather dull face and
quiet eyes arc those of Jennifer's husband,
me ot the work baskets is gone from the
window and ever thing is set in order, lenm
fer, her goldtn hair still golden, hut with
saddened eves and face from which the pride
has mercifully been taken by life and widow
hood, sits quietly at the piano and softly plays
music strange ti her skilful fingers in the old
days, but now very dear to her, and the
sound of the choral grtets Alexander I'enmyn
oa he enters, and for the fourth time ees her
on Christmas Kve.
There was holly in tho windows and
massed in tho vas-s, and the whole room
breathed of Christina", and Jennifer herelf,
with holly on her breast and in her hair, sue
gested tho festival, but l'tnrhjnsavv nothing
but her face as sho played, until, taking a step
forward, ho ttugnt signt ot a locket winch
huiij at her throat, a Ictket which he remem
bered perftctl) will. He spoke, ami in an
instant, before alio tuined, she hal caught it
from its pi ice, snapping tho thread of
chenille that held it, ami when shs faced him
she was pale and calm-
"I did n t expect you," she said
"1 tome to )ou from Bertha, ' he answered
grav ely.
"Bui news?" she asked, looking at his
grave face
"Yes and no," ho answeied lightly. "Jen
nifer, Bertha Ins jilted me,"
"How daro she," cried Jennifer. "She
o nnot'"
He shook his head.
"D n't believe it, Alexai der. It ctnnot bo
true. It sha'l not be true I Don't lou't
look so palo Yuu shall have Iter I You
shall ! Ah h " and hjstencs seied tier for
tho first and last time in her lite, and her
eager protest was lost in s passion cf tears
and laughter, not quenched by Penrliju's
eager remonstrince and oilers of all manner
of absurdities supposed to be soothing.
' I'm 1.1 ul '" he sai 1 bluntly, as s on at he
dared to say anything, thereby reducing her
to speechlessness
"You seo," Penihyn vvint on, eiKomaged
by her silence, "she has alw.av9, all through
our engagement, been dissatified bocauxo I
would not tell hu why jou opposeel it; since
her father's diath she had insisted on know
ing this secret. I refused to ttll her; w e
quairelled, and last night, while wo were
both Btaying at jour cousin's house for tho
holulavs, she sent me a note to say that in
fact, Jennifer she's married my nephew,
"Oh'" was all that Jennifer could find
breath to el filiate.
"Anil that's all," l'eiirhyn concluded,
rising as if to go.
"U'litio aro they ' ' Jennifer asked.
"Oh, safe) enough; m fact I caught them
Thev ran away hkt two fool", and they nic
housed at l'eiirhyn Place, safo enough, in all
"Anl jou'"
"I'm going hick to jourcousiu's."
"Do you?"
"Not if you don't."
"That sounds like old times, Jennifer.
You did care at first."
' I should not wish my daughter t be
faithless, sir."
"Likome? And come? You vvoultl havo
been aveneed, Jennifer, if I had only 3ared."
She would not look at him, hut he saw her
tingi-rs tighten on the locket which she had
Held m spite of all her hysterics, and, with a
quick movement he caught it from her grtsp,
transforming her in an instant, w hat with her
rosy flush and her animation to her younger
"(iivo it to me '" she cried eagerly. "Cow
ardly I Unmanly I How daruyou?
"Because i love you," he said "Step!
Because I have never ecaseel to love you,
although I taught myself to think tint I had
Because, jou know that I love you -aud ami
is thcro another excuse, Jtnuifer? Look
up' Tell mo."
"And because I have always loveel you,"
he said, "in spite of pri le in spite of
another man's love, in spite of my daushter
But truly, I did not know it until I was
alone. iot truly know it until to day, my
first lonely Christmas t-.ve.
"Ami so you put ou the locket," he asked.
They will call us two old fools, she re
plied, irrelovantly,
"Bettsr than that we should call ourselves
so," ho rejoiued "We wire two young fools,
but we aro wise now."
And when Bertha ejaculated, "How every
body will talk, mamma'" Jennifer only
This was Jennifer's time of love.
Brsnembrr This.
If )ou are siek, Hop Bitters wilt surely aid Nature in
making you will when all else fails
If )OU ars costive or d)peptlc, or are suffering from
li) other ot the uuuieooua diseases of the stomach or
bowels. It is jour own fault If you runaiu IP, for Hep
bitters are a sot ertUn reuu-d) in all such complaints.
If )ou are wasting awa) with an) form of Kldne)
disowao, slop tempting IHalh this moment, and turn for
a cure to Mcp Uitu r.
It you in sick with that Urnble siekness Nervous
aeM, you will And a Uarai lu tlllaad" la the use of
Hop Biturs.
It vou arv a frequenter, er a rtsidrnt of a miasmatic
dlstrUt, harrtcule )our svstem anlrt the scourge of
all couutriea tuaUrUl, ipldiiuie. bilious, and intermit
lent fv era b) th uk ol 11 p bltt rs.
1 you havo rough, piiupl), or sallow skin, had breath,
pains and at.hes, ana text miserable general!). Hop Hit
tcrs will give you fair skin, rhh hlooJ, ami sweetest
breath, health, and comfort
lu snort titer cure an luteals ol tne stomacn,
How sis. Mood, later, Srie Kidaevs, Fright slhsexse,
ix) wilt I paid for a case thev will not cure helix
That pwir, U-dridw'en, Invalid wife, sister, mother, or
can be made the pktu e if health, b) a f
ottles c(
Hep llltterti costing but a trine. Will you
The most perfect location for a bee sheet for
bees t be kept in should be on rather an ele
vatel piece of ground, and tho shed be built
o as to have an cast front, with a close-tit-ting
lock, to as to keep off all wind from
the west.
A llrnve- nntl Fnllhrul f.tiiirtllan or eur
Homes antl Properly IIerueil from
Imminent Peril.
A vtr popular and well known metn'ier of our police
force, who has performed duty twelve vears at the
Union ft K. depot on Exchange Tlace, In Providence,
It I , (rites his unsolicited testimony. Hear him '
" I have been drcadfull) troubled w,th disease of the
kilnevsand liter during the past six months, at times
1 was so severely aulicttd that I was unable to stand on
my feet, as my ftet and lower parts of my leirs were
very badl swollen, my urinary orgtns were In a dread
fill condition, my Hood was In a wretched state, and It
had become so ImporerMicd and circulated so poorly
that my hands and feet would be cold and numb, an I
so white as to appear llfele-s I could not rest nights,
but w as so distressed all orer that I cojld not he still In
bed, but would kep turning and rolling from one side
to the other all night, so that 1 woutd feel tired an 1 ex
hausteJ in the morning than when 1 went to bed My
condition became so serious that I was obliged to stop
work, and for thirtv days I was unable to be on dutv.
I consulted the best doctors, and tried the numerous
medicines and so cilled cures, but rapidly grew worse.
and was tn a sad condition every way when a long time
valued friend of mine, prominent in this city in a large
express ce inpany , urged me to try Hunt s Kemeilv, as
he had known cf worderful cures cflicted by it Upon
his rtpre'entation I obtained two bottles of the Item
edv and commenced taking it as dlretted, and greatly
to my mrprise in less than twenty four hours I com
menccd to feel relieved I was In an awful condition
when I began to tike the Remedy, and had no faith in
it, therefore, when I found almost Immediate relief,
even in one day's use of it, m) heart was made glad,
and I assure you I continued to take the Itemed) and
to impr jv e constantly from da) to day I took it w ith
nieon my trlpto Maine, fur I was bound to have itwilh
me all the time, and the result ia that 1 Itr proved
speedily all the time 1 was awa) , and cv er since m) ar
rival home, which was sevirai weeks ago, lhavtbeen
on dutv ever) day. I feel first rate, and the swelling of
hand, feet an J ligs have el sapi eared and the terrible
backache, which used to bother me more than all tic
rest, troublis tne no more, and I sleep splendUl)
n'ghts, and surely have verv exeellent and fortibU rua
sons for speaking hi praise of Hunts Kcmtdi for it
has inaelc a new man of me 1 don t know w hat I should
have done without Hunt's Hemul), it is the best medl
line tint I ever took, and I vir) gUdl) riconunena It
toall who lire atiheted with kidney tr llvir di-ease or
diseases of the urinar) org ins
itc-nie fuilv,
n-.Av.cn lAlituitoriiEH
It IT not about the right season of the j eai
for the fuimcrs and mechanics to begin to get
together in friendly, social w iy, to discuss
some of the great questions which so v it dly
concern all productive interests questions for
legislative and tongressional action ' In locali
ties where there is no fanners' tlub, or flange,
farmers' open meet.ngs should be held to ills
tuss not only matters important to themselves
as a class but othei anil w ider questions
which exert good influences on the general
public as well. It is not only prontanle Lut
pita' int do to to tell and hear ot experi
ments and experitncc, successes and disap
pointments, lly so iIoiul' tanners aie made
mentally stiongti, more lulhunt ul and better
sustain the tine dignity and importance of
tluir mot noble calling Uluiiia, Neil Yoil,
(oiihiiiiiptlou turret
An del physician, retired fiom practice
having had phittd in his I ands by an last In
rlia luUjiot.aiy tile fonnula of a Simple Vegeta
ble re ntdy for the speedy and pennauent
eu-9 for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catairh,
Asthma an 1 all Ihroat and Lurg affections,
iileoa positive and radical cure lor Nervous
Dtl mty uud ail Xtrvous Complaint--, after
having tested its vvondtrful curative powers
in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to
make it known to his sullenng felfows.
Actuated by this motiveand a desuo to relieve
differing I will send free of charge to all who
desire it, this letipe, in German, French or
English, with full directions tor preparinjand
using. Sent by mail by addressing with
stamp, naming this paper, W, A. Nim-., 14
Power's Hlooic,
Harper d Mdazluo begins lts&it flt!i olunie with
tho PeiemUr number It U not onl the most popu
1 tr tlhiitrattd t triottLal in Amerka an 1 1- nirUncl. but
also the larK'tst In iUtKlwine, the met btautiful In ltd
appearand, anil the bist magazine for tl e home A
ik noitl, uultled "For the i ajor," b Constance
i-iiiluiore Woolhon, the author ot ' Anne," was leun
In the iSoicmWr number. In Httrarj and artistic ex
cclknccthe Magazine Improves with tach i-uccesie
nutntcr bpeeial efforts hive bttn nnde for the
lighter mtertalmmnt o( Us rtadera through humorous
stories, skiUhes, tte.
Harper's Periodicals,
lr lenr.
MAKl'hKh UhhMA, ..
The TMKLhubmc imbl teat Ions,
m two iboe turned , ,
llAlU'M.feai.Na UOl'LK,
Oneuir. (5 J num.HrTk)
10 00
PoULge fr,o to all subscriber tn the Lnited Matte
or Canada
The volumes of tht Magazine bttrln with theNum
txr for June in J Piitmbtr of cadi ear. Uhenio
time Is iihuiUhI, it will be understood that the lib
scrtber wu t b-vin with tho current number
V complete U of Harper Mag-izine, eomj.t aing
tolumiB, in nut cloth bin Hng, will to bent bj epresa
freight at expense of imrihasir, on receipt of tf-J '5
per olume Mmrln tolume, b mill, jot paid $j 00
(.loth comci, for binding, W cents, bj mail postpaid
Index to Harpers Magazine, Alphabetical, Aiultical
and Cltue&iritd, for olumee 1 to (o inelusite, from
June, $$0, to JuncliHt, one o ,&o Cloth, $4 vO
Kcmittanct should to made l PtonUo Mone
Order or 1 raft, to at ol 1 chance of loss
Jewpapcrs aro not t pj this tuhertisement with
out the express order i HsnxrA. IS rot her
Address HUtlh. A, MlOTlIt.lt., .New ork
llarrrs Wklj sUihis at the roaj ot merlnn Il
lustrated WI journals. Ii its unpartlsan jwsition
in politi.3, Its admirable Illustrations, its curtiulh
ihosen serials, short stones, sVetehcs and toetus, coti
tributcel b tho foremost artists and authors ot the
da, it carries ltistruetion and tnti rUluu'eut to thou
lauds ot me-rloan homes.
It illalaes Ik- the- aim ol the publishers to male
Harper s eetle the most opular and attriethe (nu
ll) newspaper in the Morld
Harper's Periodicals.
IVr lrspi
it turrits uefma
lUMFKs. HtZAlt
The TIliekK atmie publie-ationa
An TM) aboeualued
lURlKlfslMOtZi-V' I
llHI'e.K'b tOUMJI'tOl'LEf
a oo
4 O0
10 00
; oo
1 so
5 03
ene ear tfii uniU rs) 10 00
lV.tsc fn to all subseriber, U the United States o
Th. eoluiuc bevln ith the first XumKr for Jsnu
ar ol each )r When no time is mtntioncj, it 1U
be understood that th subsnWr wishes to commence
with tlie Number oet after the receipt of order.
The Ust four Annual olutues of IIakj'KS's sik
it. In neat ekth binding. vill be stnt by mall, postage
iw, or b etpna. Ire ot eiwtue fnrovided eh
I freltrnl dot. uol exceed one dollar yet volume), for 97
Cloth Ouee for eaih rolume, suitable for bindlnj,
will Ui sent b) mail, oetsid, oa leeelrt of II OOeaci.
Kauilttance. should be made be lost Office Honey
Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loee,
2te.sparH.ra are not lo cop) this adivrtltement lth
out the express order of Usarts A; ilaorutts.
Adders. lUUlbK i BKOTllKlti, .Ne York
9, 1883.
Our Pacific Empire
.Few Americans have any idea of the ca
pacity of this continent to support a dense
population. The tine will come when the
United S atcs and indeed all of North Ameri
ca will be thickly inhabited as the nations of
Europe ertho most pcpulous states of ths
tast. Some idea of the capabilities of our
own section can be had by reading the follow
ing, under head of "Our Pacific Empire"
which we find in the last copy of tho Ameri
can Aijrkulturirt:
Passine over, for tho time being, the States
and Territories oi ioiorauo, ixe .nexicn
Nevada, Aruoua, Wyoming, Utah, and Ida-.
together about as large as the combined --rea
of Germany, France, Great Britain aud-'Pnln
we find on tho Pacific Coast alone, -d a";
forma, Oregon and Washington, a' area of
323,000 square miles, or over f' VCT, cent
larcer than the German Empire or I-ranee,
and fully equaling those cotinfe3 m "J ca
. - . i. tt , , X VI
pabihtity ot sustaining a dee iiupu.nvii.
With the entire present i-liibitints of the
Udited States concentrate' in Cdifornia, Ore
yon and Washington, ticre would still be
room for from lO.OfO.OOO to 15,000,000,
without exceeding thJ population per squire
mile of either Frame or Germany.
Work along tH Oregon and Ctltfornia ex
tension has pr-rees-d well, notwithstanding
tho told wnttrcr. xun urmgu aim iica.ic
work is fiu.-"hed to Wolf creek. The long tun
nel is if 400 feet at tho north end and 900
ftet at ihe south end.
"Itouh koii ltnls."
Gears out rats, mici', roaches, flics, ants, bed bugs
kinks, chipmunks, gophers ic Druggists.
The Town of
On tho East bank of the ilamcttee 3J miles
from tho business center of Tortland
ease of reaching thecit.
And facilities for proeuringpure natcr, and plenty of it
than in other addition to the cit) of Portland.
The Companys
Ferry to:itDollj ,
Is at present miking four trips per dr. Its NEW
rFKK LOT will next Summer make hourl trips
to and f roil the town, miking- the distance Inside of
15 minute", ani when mxcasirj hi'f hcur trips will be
Lois arc sold on the popjlai
!vriimiT ili, nniioiT intcbest,
ON lllli:itll llIENTs.
es rnffe from $100 to $210 and in ...
Monthly Payments of $10 Fach.
tFor Map- and circulars address,
Three Days' Trial Given.
Siwitj weifbt of oprtor. rum 1 chler bu
1 more power, looter and quicker ilroie unkiDf
lAiiroKia per micuie, udi nu qom
wiiii ce jl vnj so
ooei inc wri n
meD iffnUwBU
ea. 4tk yonr
dfcUr. Clr
eular frt.
The 8. t)M
Air's to-
Queen i
OF r...ii
For Stock. Feed or Meal (or
Family use.
10,000 1ST U&E.
rite for TampUst
Simpson k Qault IFfg Co.
Successors to EtkaCB Mill. Co
Sawing Made Easy
With the Monarch Lightning Saw I
Sent on HO Day.
Te.t Trlul.
ArmvlTPrtr oil nnnnwlo fit and . Mlli
MtBRar I orti?e,Miii urit- u muih ltrad itb
80 InUtloujin Sinlnutea.'' For B-uii; lop Into fuitable
Itriih for family etove wood Andaaleurtaof lotf cut
tlrnf It ta reerlens and unrivaled A fi-reat tins
of labor moat-r. Sent on Test TpIrL
nitwtratiCataloeue, Free. a.fh irCAxYKik.
Mention thlft PPr AddreM UO AKCH UCUTM.NG
&-&W CO., 103 Kandolpb Street, Cbicaffo, ia
Small Steam Engines
We tuatj ecn tires, from
twotr nine tinr tmter. Ivtth
Cr-kfT uruil,j Horizontal, naapi
1 nl to the neeU of nuchinlsts.
men or farmers
ihi.st hfi7.net aro suitable
f.jrunj purport, requiring cheap
uiu rtuauir power.
Our price ore ex
ceptionall low
? enJ for fret? illus
tratet price IisL
Chai P.WillardiCo.
jo La Saiic St.
Tlio ossit Pony
Yl Uffrred for Ihe Money.
"r.sMi for Cirrnlar.
SteiHsWPisKs- men worsi
rmwS ImILv
$4cxi hMEM mlum
4oo K'SfB Hlvil.
i oo firJMBJ IILI-il !
10 oo ttLTr Dlw
7 00 4Rr1
150 .wr"
01. vS' """
MS :."il
srBJKsl? 3ir?i)
LoS9 o Appetites, Dowels costive, Pain in
the iead, with a dull sensation In th.
baat part. Pain under the Bhouldsi
bie, fullness after eatine, with a dtsin.
pinatlon to exertion of body or mind
irritability of temper. Low spirits, with'
a feeling of having neglected some dntv
eifanrln.,.. Ili9T.lnA4R. U'ltl tlAi-ln . .'
Heart, Dots before the eyes. Yellow Bkln
Headache generally over tho right eve'
Restlessness, with fitful dreams, hiehli
colored Urine, and
TUTT'S TILLS aro especially ndaptrd to
such cases, one iloao cfTpcts such a chaDcs
of fccllntr tn natnniah the sufferer.
They Incre-aao llii Appetite, And cauie the
boely to Tiikc- sin ric.li, thus th( sestem u
sintirl.hrd. and by their Tonic Action on th.
lllscllTn Omnn, Itccolnr Mlool. are nro
duied Trice i cents 33 Murray Mt., x; Y
ORAYllArBORWitrsicrris chanitcd toaOLow
I1LACK by aslnftlenppllcatlonof tnisDvr. Itim.
E arts a natural color, acts Instantaneously s0m
y Druggists or sent by express, on receipt of II.
OFFICE, 35 Jf tinnAV fT., HEW VOIIR,
(Dr TlirS llJUt of T.l.ibl. Infonaallnn .d
iHhil BMtlfU -111 b. Billed IKEE n sppllitUusJ
No other dlseaao Is bo prevalent in this eoua.
trr na ConstiDatioa. and no rcmcd?h(ui avim-
equaUed tho celebrated Kidney-Wort m a
leuro. Whatever tho cause, hovrever obstinate
tno case, una remoaywm overcome it.
EBB 3 ETC T1U3 cUstrosslni? cam
!W plaint 1 vers- aut to be
complicated with constipation. Kidney-Wort
strengthens the weakened parts and quickly
cures all kinds of Piles even when DhvalciAn
ana meaicuics unvo ocioro iauoa.
t&- OTIf you havo either or thesa tnoublcs
Ift2 If cr sr,pn niul 7''eenin It. A .1. Ill ( li,
KjAIsnuf at mriupr. Opticians lMiilnrlrlphin. la, i
sfivrr?' smhI forlIIntrni tl lrtt Cianlouue.
("'ilicil wltlioilt w
1 iiEn or Son n
nc .fA,miU
onli use
noi 1 1 ins i.imik.'s coirx ruin:
Wilit iftl It rlrlcj iilantly, MihnaUiinir en 1 tale, '
Mr ( iiifffitr tfmp Tiy u I'livu JHq by niAlH j
jue lb (.enitiiit t"t upln ellow wrnpiwrnanil nmnn
f Unm. lis h JO K. )lOi-ri Nr, W holcsale
Jtitull OruiicinU Mlnntupulim Mlnu.
Write he Laree liliutrsts rstaloeo.
Jlfles.Bbotaans,BerTvn,ente ov 4. foe eisnutetm
Salem Marble and Granite
Commsrcial St., South of Post Office "
(Post Office Box S9, Salem, Oregon )1
"It " A MIIACTI he 1: or
Scotch and California Oranjt
and Marble monuments, llead Stons
Enclosed with California Granite ani
Stone Walls built of ee erj descrlptlot
Prices Ketluerel One - Hall
A Invented and wra by his
perfectly restoring the hearing E
tirely deaf for thirty years, he hearvitt
them eren whispers distinrtly. An
not observable anj remain m post
non without id Descriptive Clrculu
Free CAUTION i Do not be deceived
by bogus ear drums Mine Is theonlt
successful artificial Ear Dram mano
Filth & Race Su., CiDdnaati, (X
Room 31, Union Block, Portland, Oregon
CommArrlal rnll.irA .TfliirfisJ
GiUnr lull Information relating to one of the mot
1'racticil Institutions for the Business Training cf the
0Uncand Middle Afffil nf rithfr t ,.nt frp M
application. CTKIudensI Adiuilleel uny Meet
Uii) In I lie- lrar. Address
W. S JAMES, Box 6S3, rortland, Ore.
Wn (jontinuB 0
natnts. caeat&
rle-marks, copyrights, etc. for
United States, and to obtainrsv
ents in Canada, England, France,
Germany, and all other countries,
Thirty-six rear.' nrsctice. M
clurgo for examination of motlels or draw-
uik. Advice by mail free.
Patents obtained thronchnBaronoticoalii
the larRest circnlation, and is the niost intla
cntial newspiper of its kind published in the
world. The aaAantsgesot buchanotice eTcrj
patentee understands.
This large and splendidly illustrated news
paperia published WEEKLY at fJ 20 a rear.
ana is admitted to hatha best paper demoted y
Works, atl 1 Other llon.MTnonta nf imlnetni
progress, p-.blished 111 any country. Sins'
copies b uail, 10 eouts. 'Sold by 'all news
deal e'rs
Addrt , Jinan .- Co., publishers of Sciea
tifla Airier nn . I Hrnailwav. New York.
uandtinnkir ..tT.it nt. mailed free.
Cor. lit and Salmo PorUaad, Oregon.
r InfiV Si-a3l
sp, av ciBawaM
sv I tra
IS the
3 Ail