Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 02, 1883, Page 8, Image 8

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The following represent wholesale rate
from producers or first hands
WHEAT Valley $2 00 per cental. Walla
Walla, 2.00;
FLOUR In jobbing lots, extra choice,
18.50; Country brands, $35.25.
OAT8. 62JG5c for good feed t bash.
ONIONS. New 2 to 2Jo.
POTATOES. -00 to 76c per bu.
GRKKN AI'l'LES Choice winter varieties
erce and will biing 70c(a,$l; inferior and
(Decked, 40g,60c.
" jinnt.mn.H TnMiinc for feed. I33(?i
SUttoa. Shorts,25'27.G0. Chop, f 3035
BRAN Jobbing at $20 per ton
BACON Sides, 1314s; Ilams, country
rated, Mi5c; city cured, 1516o; Shoulders,
rmiMfaP. Cal.. IRtnlSo J lt.
nnnv.V!n comb. 18aZ0c: strained, in 6
trmllTS Annlna. inn dried auar.
d. 846o: sliced, 6Jfe7ioj machine dried,
falOoi fear, macnine anea, wiua; numa.
ton dried, 89, and machine dried, I012$c.
POULTKY. Chickens, full grown, J4.00
BOQB. Near by fresh laid; dull, at 25o.
BUTTER We quote, fresh roll, choice,
271'30oj fair fo good, 2026c.
Uons. 12o.
" dried:
SRKF. Gross weinht 5 and 60 tor ehoioe.
BHEEP.- Gross weight, c5c on foot.
VEAL. 6JtoSo
Vuuu.-Eastern Oregon, 16a20o; Wil
lamette Valley, 1822o; Umpqua, none.
HIDES. Butchers' hides, dry, 16c;
enntrv cured, dry, 18c; culs i otf, green
Him, salted, 81c; country ditto, 8Jc;
Mrskins, dry, 30o V lb; d sheep pelU each
Ual.00; dry elk, 20c per lb.
TALLOW Quotable at 7c. per lb.
HAY Choice timothy, $2324; from wag
0B, 124.
SEEDS Timothy, dull ssle, but not Tery
much In the market; Red Clover is steadily
Advancing, having increased 2o the last week
with prospect of still going up. We quote
to-day ; Timothy, from 8 to 10c. as to quality;
Bed Top, Eastern, 17o per lb; Orchard Grass,
Eastern, 21c; Perennial Rye (lras, Eastern,
21o; Blue Grass, Eastern, 18c; Mesquit, Ore
on, 10c; Red Clover, 1820c; White Clover,
X to quality, 4050c; Alsike Clover, as t
quality, 3540c; Field Peas, about $1.50 pel
bushel; Potatooe, for seed, from 80c$1.25,
according to variety; Flax, scarce, 12Jc;
Onion Setts, according to quality, 1520o;
Oat, white Russian and other new kindi,
fKgl.COper bushel.
LARD In kegs, 16o; Oregon leaf, tins
lBoidoinpails, 1017io.
RTMK.l3nina. no. 1. 0Ol jaium xiu. a
Salmon There are so many influences an
the market tending to put prices up or down
that aocurite quotations are iliilicult to
arrive at. Kepoiti are very contlictiog. e
quote Columbia liver at 1.V.-Jl..iu on me
river. ....
Wool Firm; stocks ol all Rinas greauy
reilucul; pncM are unaltered.
Ks hteauy. .
Iiutter6.23c(s,2jc; stocks of all kinds an-
Chicaoo, Feb. 28.
Wheat The market is stronger; S1.0SJ
I'crk Firmer; S18.30 Match.
Lird -Higher; $11 45 March.
iikf.rboiimVkmjlii-ii market report.
London, Feb. 28.
Floating cargoes Quiet but steady.
Cargoes on pa'saue and for shipment
Quiot t'Ut steady.
Mark Lane Kather'easier.
English country markets Turn easier.
French country markets steady.
Imports into U. K. past week Wheat,
30 000 qrs. ,
Imports into U. K. past week Flour
278,000 bbls.
Red winter, per 480tti off coast, 48s;
prompt shipment, 46s 9d.
Red winter No. 2 per 480 lbs off coast, 47s
6d; prompt shipment, 47s.
California average cargors per 500 lbs, oti
coast, 48s; just shipped, 47s 9d; nearly
due, 48s. .
California standard Wo. 1 per aw iu-, juoi
lipped or promptly to lie shipped, 49s 3d;
nearly due, 4t)s iw. ,
California standard No. 2 per 500 n, ju
shipped or promptly to be shipped, 48s 3d;
nearly due, 48s 9d.
LtVRRPooi, Feb. 28.
Spot market Quiet but steady.
Fair average Red winter, per ctl 9s 6d.
California No. 1 standard, per ctl 9s 9d.
No. 2 Red American spring, per ctl 9a 5d.
Quantities on passage to continent Wheat,
400,000 qrs.
Spot market unsewiea.
To-day's nearest sale value in Liverpool of
Oregon wheat, prompt shipment to U. K.
per iron vcbhci iiei ju m; u. www ., w. -. - ,
nominal, 49s 9d50s.
Belmont Stevens, W. T.
SVM wa ' - - - r
Ml i Bandwlch Islands, 3g6Jo,
fKAH. japan,
Stm, 880800,
3840; Black, 4076(
FEB Costa Rica ll14o; Java, 20
dUGARS. Crushed A 12121oj Fim
n.i 100101 ..rSika l'Valltm Extra C.
Utot Oolden O, "01it Jo; Bandwioh Islandi
No. 1, 9J10o; D, 9tf9l0o.
SYRUe. Five gallons 70s
DANDLES 1214c.
RAISINS. -California, 2.75 $3.2628 B
80AP8.-Good, 76oll.7S.
OILS. Ordinary brands of ooal, 30o; hlgl
Ttdee, Downe. A Co., 37Jo; Boiled Linseed,
Wj 41t Raw, 77o; imou oil, 85o; Turpen
Hn; 70o; Pure Lard, 30; Castor, $1.25(g
SALT. Stock, bay, flO ton; Carmer
Island, 12it Coarse Liverpool,! 15 Fine qua!
ift llo20; Ashton's dairy, ditto, 30
Thursday, March 1, 1883.
A week of pleasant weather, as beautiful as
possible, tth light frost in the morning, has
Dot revived hopos ef the fall sown wheat.
JSIsewhere we tell all we know and show
farmers how they can get seed to sow on the
dead fields.
Wheat has a standard value of $1.90 per
esnUl here and sells for all sort of prices
rrsry where else. So with oats. They are
worth 62 to 63 cents here, and wo paid 6.1
Cnts last week for seed oats at Salem.
Potatoes are 76 cents and weak, but mer
chant aay there is a light supply aid the
market must be firmer and hisher.
Grton apples rate from 40 cents to $1 a
bushel, and quality has everything to do with
price. The supply of really choice Is very
Hay is high, going from $23 to $28 per ton.
W have revised the price list and give
latest figures. Eggs and butter are a little
lower, but still a paying price.
Meats are high tor really ehoioe stock.
aa rramotaoe Kaxketa.
8am Francisco, Feb. 2A.
The market are dull and weak. Holders
.r. aillllnn to make concessions! lower prices
uk.tt iron offerins at 46 to Cork for
orders U. K.
For Liverpool, British ship Portia, Iron,
1,424, private; for Liverpool, Br ship British
General, iron, 1,754 tons, 4 Is 6d.
Wheat The market la trong, but bus!.
Ds is light. Choice and extra ohoitt ship
i ai &lal.Q7it other mites unaltered!
futures fairly active; No. 1 white, buyer
February,, $1,941; buyer March, $l.U7it
teller the year, $1.78.
Flour Market quiet but firm) quotations
unchanged. ... ,
lUrly The market is firm at an advance.
Spot, il.'.Ml(4l.-ti,i brewing, $l.351.40
Kc, I feed, March. $U4(gl 23; May, $1.25;
bover season, $l.28l.2f.
Oats The demand is fair; market firm
at $1.7-i1.07i- Sales of choice milling at
Corn Large ystlow; market stead, $.68
fl.70; Nebraska yellow, March, $1.63;
priL, $1.62.
Potatoes PeUluma and Tomalta, 90ot
fit river, 60c70o market weak, only a
.. II I ii nn rH rlAllf.
Grain Baft Calcutta standard, market
alow and heavy; effering at 8c for Jon ard
California Crops and markets.
From the San Franciaco Commercial Herald
of Feb. 15th, we take the following review of
the markets in that State :
Wheat Transactions for the month have
been large and buyers are composed mostly ol
shippers. The range of quotations were as
follows : Extra No. 1 wh'te, Sl.HiJ! w per
Barley Spot lots sold by sample for $1.20
(1.25; while brewers paid as high as $1.35
1.60 per cental.
Oats Prices are kept up high as the stock
is all in the hands o( a single operator; quota
tions are for extra choice, $1.9v!$1.97.
Charters Quite a number of charters were
written. Up to the 15th inst there was on
berth 41,000 tons; disengaged. 54,000, and to
arrlvo within five mouths, about 40.000.
Dried Fruit Not much animation and low
prices; quotations were, prunes, oistiuc;
pitted prunes, ll12c; apples, Plummer,
9(2) 10c.
ii.'h. .v a mintniu follows! Heavv Salted
steers 10llc fib; light salted hides, cows
and steers, 3045 tt, 9c; medium do 45 a 551b
lO-. aaltml kins. 11 senile: BBlWU vail, KWU
.l..n fn. nlnmn MliiilR 14f2ltfiC! liair COat.
sound skins 6570c; medium. 50c; small skin
and kid 525coacli; uccrsKius, gooa summer
skins, 37J1S40c; midium, lng hair, 2530c;
noor and wiuter Bkins, 20c; sheep skinj,
shearlings, 2530c; short wool, 30fe60o;
medium wool, outgtinx:, i""ii "" .. t,
dry hides, usual (elections, 1818ic; dry kip
l(JJ10jc; ao, can, -w.
u,.. Th market was nrm for old at
$1 301.40; low grades, 7585c per bushel;
uew, ;ic per id.
Hops The market is inactive and quota
tions altout 9095.
Wool There is not much choice and at the
aim-time erv little poor steok on hand;
4,000,000 lb is held in San Francisco; there
is l,2SO,000 ns oi uregon; quiiMviuu, ui
fall, 1719; defective, 10121o per tt.
London W&eat Market.
Lomion. Feb. 27. The Mark Lane Ex
jren, in its weekly review of the British
grain trade, says the wheat trade is more
slack. Some provincial markets haye de
clined Saturday 12. FlourcloseOd cheaper.
ti..iu .t...lv Knrf.1011 wheat U ill merest
j..wj, -.-..j. "'; .,, ---,---
retail acmaml at iigxs lower, nuur iu lar.ijo
supply and cheaper. Eight fresh cargoes of
.!.... m..1 .inhl aali a rftnorted. eleven
cargoes withdrawn, with five remaining. Car-
goes on passage ana mr smjimruv io oi)
lh wheat for past week aggregate 48,263 qrs
at 41s Sd per qr, against 37,067 qrs at 45s 7d
lor tno correponaing pritu ia jrc..
Boston Wool Market
Boston, Feb. 27. Wool firm at recent ad.
vanoe, and prices well susiainen, wun a
..AA.l.. JAniBn.l fmm maniifai-tiirera. Stocks
of both flue and medium grades aro consider.
aoiy reuueed. oaie oi unm aim ouuojirauiR
neicra iMgtc lor a, uii i"i .-k. aun
X X and above. In Michigan fieeces sales
have been 4042Jc for X. Combing and de
laine neecea in uemanu, ami urainiuio iuia m
fine and mediom goods met with a ready sale
at full prices. The feeling is very general
that no wo. 1 can be imported from London.
Pulled wools are in demand, and for choice
...h..b (.tnliAi. n.l... akk.'ii common and
ail.KllB IUHIk.1 fHV". . ..,
ohoice are quoted at 247c, but very choice
iota oi Aiaiu1 aim 1.MH1111 uj, ......
Foreign wool quiet.
A correspondent of the Xorthtrett Tr'tont
at Cheney, write concerning a new town
laid off for Stevens county, which county
contains a vast umettled leirion, in eastern
Washington, bordering the British line, that
has, as yet, attracted very little attention.
Soeakinrof the new town, Belmont, he
This new town is situ 'ted in the lolviue
Valley, in Stevens county, Washington Ter.
ritory. This section is apparently heretofore
k..t l.llla Innwn In tllA nilt.illft WOrld. OUr
correspondent was induced to visit this beau
tiful valley anil waa lavorauiy iinmeeocu "..
.u. -i,.!....... nnA Avfonf if t.hft available land
at $1.25 per acre, and the unbouaded richness
in mineral wealth, the indications and trac
ings ot copper, silver, leaa anu gom icuKc.
tell to the world of the untold millions locked
n in fho inniintiins nf Stevens county which
the prospector and miners with the key of
time will Bocn uniuca vu yum iu -uo ?
the nation this vast treasure, making the
homes of many happy. This country is
abounding in never-failing springs and exten
sive forests of pine timber. Many thousands
of acres of this land Is overgrown with hazel
brush and rose bush, and index of the richest
land. 1 have seen nothing surpassing the
productions of this land in timothy, small
-..:. mnA rjiMtfthW nf nil kind, cabbace
grown to the weight of from twenty to forty
pounaa are a cominoa uiug. a.kmu aa .
grown in great abundance in the valley where
orchards are planted. In the midst of all
these natural resources is located the town of
Belmont. I was astonished to find the real
estate agent with surveAor, surveying out the
town notwithstanding the snow waa over one
foot in depth. The display of such energy
and determination forever obliterates the
word fail in their enterprise.
Belmont, the future county seat of Stev
ens county, is located upon a beautiful in
cline, the view from which is grand. From
springs elevated more than sixty feet flows
down through the town sufficient water to
run extensive machinery. At thesoutehern
line of the town site is already a well con
structed lime kiln with an inexhaustible sup
ply of lime atone. Five miles distant from
town is a vast ledge of marble.
This town was named in honor of Auguste
n.unt. hnildlnc commenced, lumber Being
hauled on the ground before the survey was
Pioneering in Yakima.
New Firm. Messrs. llerren Bros., have
been doing business at No. 16, North Front
Street, in this city fur aome two or three
years past, and by their strict integrity and
they have hail bul
gentlemanly courtesy have
ular with all with whom tl
neas connections. One of the brothers Wil-
lard has recently sold his interest in the
business to Mr. J. J. Ilaaaell. The new firm
Herren A Hassell. continue the business at
the old stand; and we b speak for them the
natronace they deserve. Their business card
appears in another column and to it w re
fer the reader for particulars, etc.
P.ntain !.nv I.nat. of the Oklshsma boom-
r haa arrived at Wachita. Kanas. Thus
ends the fourth attempt to sttle on the Okla-
hama lands in the Indian Territory. All the
olonists were escorted by United State
troop, to the Kansas State line and there released.
Jtidua Barrett, of New York, in the Su
lion made hi
ireme L'ourt, gave a decision on the spplica-
i.n mkiIm Kin. anma tima art! llV Attorney
IWM ....- ...... ...- -n- -,
General Ruisvtl for leave to bring action in
the nam of the people against the Mutual
Union Telegraph Company to vacate the
charter of that corporal ian. The court granta
the application, brcauae thf (act la lu.unwi
and public luterest demanded bringlug ac-
The following from the Yekima Siyual
shows how things were managed in pioueer
dav in that region. The interesting leature
to us is the fact that only a few years ago an
F.mbrvo mere! ant packed merchanuise over
the Cascade Mountains from Seattle, which
waa enterprising in tht extreme. The sketch
gives a very prettty picture ot Kittitas val
ley in it early day, and it isn't a very late
period there now. The Signal says:
A few years ago a blunt and honest man
came across the Cascade Mountain range
through the Snoqualmie Pass, from Seattle,
with some pack animals laden with merchan
dise. On arriving at this side he found a
great, fertile valley spreading out on both
sides of the Yakima river, about fifty miles
north of this place. The valley had in it at
that time scarcely any settlers; but the
shrewd trader who had toiled over the moun
tain with his merchandise saw in at a land of
great possibility and promise. Proceeding to
a point near the center of the valley he dis
nnnntud and untied his bundles. As soon as
he could he built a small log house in wh'ch
he sold his goods and which the Indians and
stockmen and scattered settlers were placed to
regard as a Btore. The supply of goods in
time became exhausted but the pioneer merch
ant had met with sufficient soccers to encour
age him in replenishing his stock, which
thenceforward trom year w year grauuau
but steadily grew larger until ne iouna n nec
essary to enlarge his Duitaing. ne nau pre
empted the land on which his building stood
and in his dreams he may have begun to dis
cern that his pack-sadle ot Dy-gone aays waa
to become as it were, tho corner stone of a
thrifty inland town. Intelligence of this fer
tile vallev spread abroad and home seekers
.A.i ;nin if with preat ramditv. To all
nf them the sturdy mercl ant sold his wares
wa .... , ,1L ..
and provisions and to many oi vaem wnu
needy he extended a helping hand by furnish-
.i ...:i. tim nM-piiAnM of life and im
mediate employment. All who dealt with
!.:. fr,,l him tn ha a man of his word. In
consiquence of this his business grew and
prospered, and as the great valley In the
r ' i t (.:.!. u u.aB lncafiMt Hpftnmn more
mmst oi wiiiuii i " ---
thickly settled he became more and more con
spicuous as the central figure in. its industrial
development. Mechanic came and other
tradesmen and bought small portions of his
ground on which to erect buildings and carry
on their business. The dream of the blunt
i 1- .... lAnn. i1.Akm Hia nank-
mercnaub i u" ww6H - i- -
saddle, as if by magic, naa oeeu vrauaiuruicu
into a thriving, busy town, with numerous
large stores, hotels, restaurants, magnificently
furaUhed saloons, livery stables, blacksmith
and wagon shops, saddle and shoe shops, four
i u.ii. uliw muH liiifohar ahori. a fine
school house, ami a great many other business
enterprises wnicn gow "f r-v" ";
considerable business variety. Indicative of
-i i . !.. knnth tin. blunt countenance
of iU founder dwell those kind impulses that
only now irora a irue uiu tiuvauuu. "i
. t a . an1 a lfA -kf ntll
the growing wn waa uauicu iu iiuuu. w. .-
worthy and devoted wife.
The valley to which we have here alluded
and which is now dotted over with fine farms
...j .'.iu .n.l aKnnl hnuaes. la ealled Kittitas:
and next winter, when the roll is called in the
legislative hall at Ulympia, our oiun mereu
ant and town proprietor will anawer.
Our Faciflo Empire.
Va Americans have any idea of the ca
pacity of this continent to support a dense
population. The tine will come when the
United States and indeed all of North Ameri
ca will be thickly inhabited a the nations of
Europe or the most populous state of the
east Soma Idea of the capabilities of our
own ection can be had by reading the follow
ing, under head of "Our Pacifio Empire"
which we find iu the last copy of the nrf
in Agric-uluvittt
Papains over, for the time being, the State
and Territories of Colorado, New Mexico,
Nevada, Aritoua Wyoming. Utah, and Idaho,
together about aa large a the combined area
ol Germany, Kranoe, Great Britain and Spain.
we find on the Pacifio Coast alone, in Cali
fornia, Oregon and Washington, an area oi
323,800 square miles, or over 50 per cent.
t..u. t..n m nrnin KmniM. or Kranoe.
mini iiu ..w MW.W --.-, - .
and fully ousting those countries in the ca-
With the entire present inhabitant of the
Udlted State concentrated in California, Ore
gon and Waahlafton, there would still be
room for from 10,000,000 to 15,000,000,
without exceeding to population per quar
mil of cither Fran or Germany.
The Bureau of Education at Washington
has published a very intsrseting pamphlet on
Alaska, which contains the following facts :
The area of Alaska is about 580,100 square
miles, whioh makes it about one-sixth as large
as the rest of the United States, or as large as
all that part of the United States, east of the
Mississippi, and noith of Georgia ana uaro-
From north to south, on an air line, it is 1,
400 miles: from east.to we-t, on an air line, it
is 2 200 miles, or as far as from Washington to
California. And the center of a line from the
farthest east to the farthest west of the
United States is San Francisco.
Alaska has a coast line of 25,000 miles, or
two and a half times as much as the Atlantic
and Pacific coast line of the remaining portion
of the United States. The total area of the
islands of Alaska is 31,203 square miles, or
twice aa much as the area of the State of
The climate of Alaska along the coast is
very even and temperate. At Unatashk, on
the southern coast, the mean winter tempera
ture 37 degrees above zero, and the mean
summer temperature are 77 degrees above
zero, or about the same as the climate of
Kentucky, but in the interior the thermom
eter often rises higher than a hundred in the
summer, and goes down below 70 degree be
low zero in the winter.
Along the ccast it is very rainy, aa more
than half the days of the year are either
cloudy or niny. The largest river of Alaska
is the Yukon, which is seventy miles wide
across its five mouths, for the first one thou
sand miles of it length it is from one to five
miles wide, and, inc uding it largest tribu
tary, the Peliy, it may at certain seasons of
the year be navigated for 3,000 mile. Alaska
haa a large body of fine timber, consisting ol
cedar, spruce and fir, also valuable fur pro
ducing animals, including seal and otter, and
vast quantities of salmon, and herring and
Taken all together Alaska is a grand coun
try, and Secretary Seward and President
JohnBon showed the'r wisdom in recommend
ing its purchase by the United States.
. . '.a. -J t-1AM In (hat fjtfattt
ilrmuiactureri oi anu vwici-
Improved Farm Machinery.
.t.nicnv RTnF.FT. ilrom Front to First), PORTLAND, OHEGOJT.
aaafaSflHH s HHHHRn?''
. .BtafaSWRm. W2&, -1 jaa,aBW'''
MSrwMiM r
We are aole agents on the North Pacific Coast tor the celebrated EUadat.ld.uble point and solid steel share
Which ars warranted to scour In any soil. Also the
Furst and Bradley Clang Plow,
Kalamazoo Spring Tooth Harrowand Cultivator,
nrhA Wow RiinkAVA firain Drill.
New Buckeye BroadcastJSecder,
Buckeye Cider Press,
The Diamond Feed Mill,
The Burnell Four PointBarb Wire
w.w.m.nv others that cannot be enumerated here. We cordially invite all wanting
., i- a. . ... ,. and if vnn cannot come, send for one ol our
anyming in our imo . v.u." -. ---- --.-,,.
liats and catalogues. """
Perhaps there is not a more prosperous
town in the county than the little town of
Blalock. about fifty miles east of this city.
It is the end of this division of the railroad,
and in consequence ba experienced quite a
boom. The company bas about completed a
Bix-stall round house and turn table; are
Betting lumber on tne grouna ior uew iiuu,
and making preparations for laying two side
tracks and other extensive improvement.
Mr M. L. Noble is bdilding a large store
house, in which ne lnienas vo uu b:uci
mpn-handise business. A school-house will
soon be finished and ready to start a school
for the winter, mere is over o.uw acre u.
wheat sown on the high land near Blalock,
which is coming up and looking well.
Commission Merchants.
The following; 1 a list or the Coninila.loi.
vir.,...!. .rihii niv. whirls we nabllsk for
tbe bearOt of oar reader. Tbey are '
Ir rename, ana mur .-... -;"--tbelr
rare will receive prompt attenlleni
ncnnnc HFnRF.K.
Commission Merchants,
- .! iranl. .nil VIJTiIIK RAfiR. F!
It anil' Sewlna Twines, correapondenca and
ConaltnmenU solicited. Liberal cash advances made
on consignment. P. O. Box No. 063.
8. R. Corner North Front and B. Streets,
No. 1 North Front Mreet, Portland.
Wholesale Grocers,
Commission Merchants,
And Dealers in
FRUITS, Wool, Grain, and all kinds of Predice.
Aa-enta for Nabob Whlskay, Dry atonopole Cham
pagne and KUen's Vineyard, freano. Cal. ldey
Shipping and Commission
Nertheaat Censer r Ash aad Front Streets,
aut-l-tf '
MUrcrAcnraia, twoana aas vuiaaa or
Bedding, Carpets, Paper Hang
ing, Stoves, and
Crockery andGlassware.
Steam Factory Water Street, between Moo tfoawn.
and Harrison.
Streets. Warehouse 188 and 185 First aad
18 Second Streets
Has been Regularly Issued
A.IXU JU.JLJ.Jj J! JJ xv j-jlo
Upward and Onward
Has been our Aim. The improved appearance of the FARMER.
iB but a sample of contemplated improvements impiovements
which will call for all the assistance our friends can render us
And these clubs MUST be gotten up by our friends for we can
not afford to put canvassers in the field. The FARMER is an
acknowledged success, as well as correct authority on, matters
pertaining to the Agriculture of Oregon and Washington.
It contains each week articles on sucn subjects as
Commission Merchants.
Flour, Feed, Provisions, and
Staple Groceries.
further their Interests by correrpondlnj with ua
rs ot Inquiry promptly aaswered.
. ...on., .rtviwra u a nit OK APPROVED
U1DK3, arru, niv. -r --
II MrswUbet. MorrtooosndTamhlll.
In clubs of FIVE, sent at Sne time,
In clubs of TEN, sent at one time,
Ana " eiui copy wj vuo gonr up ui vuc emu.
jjsrSample Copy Sent Free to aay address.
Drawer No. IS. Portland, Oregon.
" . . i . DIJ. Ba.laa.1 AmSMK
110 rtonl awn, a.i o.u, i.m, ..
Agmlm In Baaiaeaa.
Etc, Etc.
mtUrim mTosUlT susd Promptly
Attaalod f
Cor. First andJAldtr Sts, Portland, Ors.
Merchant Tailor,
And Hatter.
Guarantees to sell the Ten
best CLOTHING tor less
Money than any other honse
In taa aimt.
D. Langell's Asthma & Catarrh mi
J(rs. W. T. Brown, Monro, Tax, write
"I suffered with Aatksma 30 years. Yonr io B
GreM.Bcaacdy eompletelycnndinc. I XSM
! wish all Alhale SasTcrcri to send 10M
Creek, Marne
tkats 1 ! i1M1i aivat awt i 41 TlairVafm
-. aTsaVa .ult..a UafaHtlv BA that
patient co rwt and deep comlortbly. rou 10M
iim dox Dy mui f i. boiq dt onin- xbi
IiU1UaUt FT" MJk
tncralljr, Addrtrw D.
Co.. Ohio, prep'r.
wheat land In Umatilla county, Oregon; tt nll,thro
north of PendUton AU wall lmprored and under cm-.v..
Uratloo last year. Will raat to good responsibl. partial
lor on year, a ith pririltg. ot purchasing U dealrad. Hit C
IRA B. 8TUROE8, Rocss 1, 48 First St., (Up Stair.),,,,
iT-iru. . r. s
nt wwns fiv la """".T
KXBMVT M. 19 tafUj Ik. H. T,
jjasFaw ' . s isu
1 n ww awiiiin jwv aiarauw laawi, 'i if TS
to trim with tun, ar ma uAiiinmim&nz ,t t
tat. aawlaHila.rhs.pMd ifinHsl BfBM f
ftlhi aad grra parfact saiUfacttoa JOmmm M (n
ftwi Lataadasanpk.fr. Agsul usaoi. iothi
O. M. EUMA, WwtlitSMH .. fjj