Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 02, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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AU We Know of the Sun
Prof Charles A. Young' lecture on the sun
flu liia New York course, contains so much,
somilarlv expressed, concernine the present
cienti6o belief about that body, that it is
worth while to take a few items from the re
ports, imperfect though they are. As a
demonstration of the sun's great comparative
Vcize he supposed it to be hollowed out and the
Jrearth placed in its center, when the moon
jftnight travel around us but little more than
3 half way to its center, although the mo mis
1240,000 miles from the earth. Prof, Young
mentioned the curious coincidence that the
un's diameter is 110 times that of the earth,
and that lti distance from the earth is 110
times its own diameter. The sun is 339,000
times as heavy as our globe alone, and ex-
cceds more than 900 times the weight of all
'jjtthe planetary system put together, yet it is
ftomparatively very light. If the sun were
(Olid, as the earth in, its density would be
much greater, whereas it is reallv only about
fourth as dense. The only possible explana
tion of this fact is that the sun is mainly a
,' tall of gas. Yet its attraction holds all the
bodies of our universe together, and that at
traction is so immense that, if it were ex
pressed in material bonds, the. universe would
he almost solid. The tun Has not been ob
served v. ith accuracy even 250 years, all our
real knowledge of it is far within that time;
till it is. known to have manifested no change
'of power of any consequnce for at least 2,000
naturalist and taxiderm st. Bears seals and
birds were tarefullv examined, their stom
achs especially, to gain all prssible knowledge
of tlvjr lnbits and of the food obtained by
them in the Arctic regions The soundings
were marie with an ordinary line, and tcci
mens Itom the bo torn wern br nght up in a
sanicup. A Dole was alwas kept open
through the ice for that purpose.
B jlatlve Longevity In the Various Occupations
Its tremendous beat; whoseuaeneficent of
fects we experience without beginning to com
prehend its power, the Professor does not be
lieve to .be kept up by meteoric accessions.
The theory is that, as the checking of motion
produces heat, so that ,thoe meteors which
enter our atmosphere with SO or CO times the
velocity.of a cannon ball burst Into flame on
their decrease of speed therefore, the fall of
such bodies into the sun is enough to account
for its great heat. Under this theory it has
I Den calculated tnat it tno earth should tall
thither its stoppage at the sun would produce
heat enough to keep that body going for 100
years, and if Jupiter should drop into It that
would run it for 3."0 times as long, and so on.
Young, ns reported, does not accept this
theory, because if it were true "the earth
ought to be as hot as boiling water" a state
ment difficult to understand, for certainly the
meteoric den s't on the earth must be. very
small indeed and because the motions of the
Interior planets would in that case be other
than what they are. "Hi opinion apparently
inclines to that advanced as a hypothesis by
Helmhnlz that the heat of the snn is main
tained by its slow contraction. Suppose, he
ys,rthc sun's surface, is contracted, then
eyery portion ot its mass goes in to the center
certain nuniDer ni leet. a contraction f
125 feet in the sun s'diameter in a year -vould
Amount to little that.we should not notice it.'
If .the sun, had been shrinking at that rate for
the past 1,500 years we could not have de
tected it. The sun, however, is doomed, if
that be the way he is shrinking. Neverthe
less, there is atriHeof present comfort for the
olar system in the extensive figures which
the astronomers give us. Prof. Newcom's
calculation is'that while we can get along very
wtdl for 7,000,000 or 8,000,000, yet that with
in that time the condition of things in all the
system begin to change. And Prof. Young
quietly observes that reckoning backward, if
io buu o ib ujha wcvu sjj ouuueti jo. mai way
from the start, or'during the timi of its re-'
duction from the size of the orbit f Neptune,
then it has been giving out its present supply
of heat only about 18,000,000 years. The
geologists, he says, want more time, an'd this
Jeory may need modifying again. As afore
Mid, Piof. Younir regirds the sun as mostly
reous, but thinks that it is now certain that
is not wholly so. The luminous surface
I which gives us light is cbud, not composed of
water and snow like ours, but of iron and
other metals molten and at more than white
heat. This surfacn is "granular;" Prof. Lang
ley compares its appearince to that of a man's
ooat sleeve covered with sno flakes; to many
lay observers through telescopes it looks like
scalded milk at the point of wrinkling. These
granules, which give us nine-tenths of the sun
ughtj do,not cover one-fourth of the area. It
is imagined, Mr. Young imagines, that they
ore condensed material, looking like our sum
mer thunder clouds tall columns, with a
base floating 1,000 or 2,000 feet above the
earth's surface and expandirg with the top
8,000 or 10,000 fe t wider than the base. Thn
granules are such clouds seen endways, and.
in the sun spots we see them drawn out by
some interior actmty.
These thincs are all very interesting, and
yet principally sere to show how litile is
Known about the sun. When Prof. Young
discussed the sun spots this was the morn
plainly shown. He could tell what appear
ance the spots presented as viewed thiough
the telescops, and exhibit photographs and
drawings by Secchi and Langley and Trouve
lot, but when it came to raying what they
ore, he did not venture that at all, They are
coincident with magnetic ditutbinces that
bekiijws, as we do. by jneaos of the tele
graph wires. He referred to the wonderful
aurora of last November, when the wires all
over the world were wild with excitement
and averred: "I say I surpose it was con
nected with the san spot, but what the con
nection is I dale not tell I don't know."
That is almost the sum of all the scientist's
know ledge, as well as th,c r ligionist's that
he does not know. Sprimjfitld f Ji J it-pubtienn.
An interesting exhibit of the mortality in
the different walks of life was furnished by
the general register in report on the death
rate of the who'e population of England in
1851. From this it appears that out of every
thousand persons between tho ages of twenty
five and fifty five, forty died on an nvc age.
ClassiSed according to the most favorable
mortality, and increasing downward, we have
the following tables:
Below the Averagt. Above the Average.
1. Merchants. 7. Miners.
2. Weavers. S. Tailors.
3. Cobblers. 9. Bakers.
4. Carpenters. 10. Batcrers.
5. Blacksmiths. 11. Liquor dealers.
6. Laborers. '
The mortality of the eleventh class is so
great that in good companies they are only
admitted with great caution, aud on short
endowment policies
Mariners, also! are considered poor risks.
as 35 per cent, of the deaths among them are
attributable to accidents.' Among miners 25
per cent., among machinists 15 per cnt. and
among piinters, well diggers and glaziers 10
per ctnt. die in consequence of casualties,
.rbe callings of brewer, typesetter, tinsmith,
lithographer and stonecutter are also in a
measure detrimental to a prolonged duration
of life.
Individuality In a Parlor Car.
t is.
L a Bclenttffc Work on the Jeannette.
IM his testimony before the Jeannette
Board of Inquiry, at Washington, Lieutenant
DoBnhower'said that during the first year in
ttieide meterological olsenatioua were taken
hourly by special detailed officers. The in
strMtents used were the barometer, the wet
oad dry bulb thermometer, the maximum and
Minimum thermometer, the anemometer, and
iMiblack bulb thermometer in a vacuum.
Okiirvations were also made upon the ttU)
sftM clouds and their moement. the di
rssJMorn of the wind, and the general character
eftM weather and this couJition of the ice,
rkiitronomical observations were those of
thai mii, moon, and stars by artificial horizin
ferlltitude, longitude, and tim-: and Inner
ations and eclipses of Jupiter's satel-
ir chronorreter errors. 5P"n'liogs were
aiuii temperature orpine tea. water
mel, bjtli t the kurfacVaulat various
, by a Miller-Caacll thermometer,
ens of tha water were iiamiced and
ilfic cravitv determined. The'dreilv
wM Hiuled for.tpeciinen of the, bottom' and
it animal life existing there, and these', with
ipecimcnt, were turned over to the
Roscoc Conkling generally gets one seat in
a drawing-room, and he gets all the newspa
pers he can buy, reads them and throws them
and throws them all over the drawing-room
in a mass, besides he klwoa has a portmanteau
full of law papers, which he strews all over
every seat in the drawing-room. Conklimsa
very vain traveler, and wants everybody in
the car to look at him. Now there's Blaine.
he's just the opposite; he 'always buys the
whole drawing room and shuts himself up and
js a very modest, retiring traveler. But Grant
is a queer old fellow. When he was Presi
dent of the United States' he nearly always
traveled in a special car, but now, since he
has become a private citizen, he travels just
about the same as ordinary folks. You', can
always find Grant in the rear end of the car
in the smoking apartment with a 'cigar in his
mouth, and there he sits with a hand on
either arm of the chair and smokes and
smokes, thoroughly oblivious of everybody in
the car. Hei never looks at any one; some'
times he will look out of the window for
hours; when he's not doing that' he's glancing
- . .. . . -
over a .newspaper. He s lnmnerenc to every
thing that's going on. Why, if the tain he is
in stops on the road in the open country for
some, minutes, he never moves, never inquires
what's the matter, but sits and smokes stol
idly until the train starts, while all the other
passengers put their heads out of the win
dows or get off the train to see what has gone
I remember a trip to Chicago Grant made
in mv car some time aco. His seat was di
rectly behind a lady who was traveling alone
ana who, by the by, Knew very little about
traveling. She had her window up'for some
time and it was pretty chilly, besides the
black smoke poured into the car. I watched
Grant for a little while, and I saw he was an
noyed at the smokr and the chilly breeze that
blew right over him. Presently he got up,
and leanii.g over the lady's shoulder put his
hand on the catch and Jet the window sash
down. The litt'e woman gave an involuntary
start and turned round fiercely, but Grant
never noticed hen and dropped back into his
chair. After a little while the little lady
hoisted the window sgain and some of the
pissengers who had seen the affair smiled at
one another. Then the little woman beck
oned to mn and said : "Conductor, who is
that hog bsck of me f"
"That's General Grant," said I.
"Oh," said the little woman, and she
dropped the window immediately. Grant
heard the question, but never let on, and
went on reading his paper as if nothing had
But Oscar Wilde took the cake. He was
more bother than all the women who ever
rode on a railroad car. He had an id that
he was the greatest man that (America had
ever seen, and he put on more airs than if he
had been the Czar of Russia, the Prince of.
Spain and the Emperor of Germany all in one.
Would jou belioye jt! he rujd the, porter of
the sleepmr-car to tell people at' the stations
along the line wherever tho train stopped that
uscar wnae was in tne car. lie was the
vainest, most conceited mule I ever fan-. He
wouldn't drink water out of the glass at the
From various dircc'ions, we see it reported
that hordes and other stock arc dying, not
from starvation exactly but from stuffing their
stomachs with dry food, that is either indig
estible or that is too dry for their stomachs to
digest. It is a tiico question, that of the re
sponsibility a man incurs by ownership of
dumb brute. The world is working up to the
belief that it is inhuman to permit animals to
suffer and die for want of care and attention,
when we hold then dependent on us for the
care needed to preserve them. We hold to
that belief in a reasonable degree, for, of
course, there may be times when owners can
not take the ca'e they would, for tome reasons
beyond their control. We believe in taking
fair care of stock as a matter of humanity, and
fuither as a matter of economy. The owner is
disposed, too often, to take chances on his
stock coming through the winter. Four times
out of five they do so, and he is perhaps
gainer by gambling on the chance of it, but
more probably he is loser all the times, and
stock well cared for pay well for such care.
Viewed from either the standpoints of hu
manity or good management, tho best course
is to provide food and shelter, and take such
care of domestic animals as they need to fair
ly thrive.
Every farmer know s that blind staggers re
sults from unfit food. Dry and indigestible
food, or too much dry food, produce certain
remits. The prudent man can easily provide
a supply of carrots to obviate that trouble,
and with these roots to act on the system and
did digestion his horses, cattle and sheep will
do well. Yet, with certain knowledge of all
the danger and with ability to provide so sim
ple a remedy, that will cost nothing, as it
only takes the place of other foo 1, and is as
cheaply raised, we hear every w inter, through
the Willamette valley where matters should
be on the basis of good husbandry, that stock
are dying of blind staggers and other com
plaints that arise from insufficient feed.
Probably Dr. Withycombe, or any other
veterinary expert, will confirm our opinion
that the diseases in stock he is asked to
account for at this season are caused by poor
food, and rather too often by want ot food.
People who neglect their stock suffer loss as a
consequence. It is a natural law that food
and shelter are needed in such weather as we
have had, of late. The farmer who neglects
his stock has to right to complain of his
pecuniary loss. Ihe only providence in
volved in the matter is his own improvidence
in not providing for their wants. It is becom
ing monotonous, this continued winter com
plaint that domestic animals die when they
have nothing to live on.
all farmers, what the chance is for them to
make a profit on fattening meat for this
market This, as we said last week, all
leads to diversified farming and creates col
ditions favorable to your interests. Tho
question that occurs at this time, in view of
tho existing facts, is: How can meat be made
to pay the most profit? If some man wl o is
stall feeding cattle will give his plan and tell
his oxperiene, that may call out facts and
theories of general advantage. The longer
we write of agriculture the more we realize
the great field for inquiry that lies before us
The whole world does not contain a finer field
for investigation than pertains to the econ
omy of farm management and the science of
The Horse Dlseass Is It Botts ?
cooler, hut sipped it out of -a-sjlver and gold
ed with him, and, he d' sit with
mug he cam
the tips f his fingers messed together, and
look ub at the roof of tho car as if he was
about to offer up a prajer.
Herbert Spencer was the most rrstless
traveler I ever saw, and Hob Ingerso 1 is the
best. When Iugersoll enters a car to go on a
journey the first thing he does is tn hang up
Lis big slouch hat,yien he commences to
make himself comfortable, and by the time
the train starti'hjjuit acts as if he were at
home in his study. If there's no one on the
train that he knows, it don't take him lone: to
strike up n acquaintance, and everybody
seems glad to know him, He's u,ery jollv
au 1 a very" liberal traveler, smoke's nearly all
the time on the cars, and always carries a
bundle of choice cigars with him, I remtm
ber one night there was a freight wreck1, land
our train had Jto'' lay' up for three.. or four
hours. It was a terrible night, the winJlilew
a hurricane, and the rain came down in tor
rents. Colonel Iugersoll was one of tho pas
sengers. Everybody got tiriH; nobody could
get anyboly to talk with him. At lait a lit
tie Scotchman who was traveling through
Americt sight seeing.,lerned who fngersoll
was, and he tackled him then and there. In-
gersoll wasju.t in the humor, aud m less
than ten minutes 'overt body in the car
crowded around' hitn'anil listmed to him for
over twohourB, and the passengers seeined so
p'eased and entertained that they forgot all
about tho night acdjthe cccident.;-r'm,
There is a lady lnim; in.H?xington who be
lietes in doing everything in a Tury, The
other day"her h'u.banil hired 'a man of all
work who W4S. too slow to suie her, The J
ocner morning ao was enipt lyeii culling wood
while the family were at prayers. Upon ant
ing from her knees the first thing she said
wait "That boy dUln't strike huUnrfcsIleki
while we were at fTytn,"OyltU',rpt(Oa)
The difference in times now and a few ears
ago, is well illustrated by recen(, events. In
former years we have known good farmers to
put up beef cattle and stall'feed them with
out being able to get enough for the stall ted
beet to pay for trouble, time and feed ex
pended. But that is all changed and we can-,
not expect to ever recur to the old days and
the old conditions of thincs.
It is claimed that good beet can be found
en the bunch grass ranges, but that is hardly
true in the best sense. Good meat is some
thing worth having and that every man
sh'uld understand cannot exist on the mild
rangq of the months of coldj winter weather.
It is true that animals can often be found on
the range in winter and spring that are tolera
bly well fleshed and weigh well, but' the meat
that has staid on the bones through snow and
storm, cold and exposure, has not the excel
lence and the toothsome quality that belongs
to really choice beef. On the contrary, take
an animal that has been; well cared for, well
fed and comfortably housed, gaining'flesh and
laying on fat and lean in perfection, and such
meat, (tender and. juicy with all the flaor
grod feed a'nd proper' caro can 'give) possesses
richness and excellence that those who are
able to live well are always willing to pay
for. This city contains many gjod livers
who are, particular about their food and
willing o pay well for good living; such know
tha difference .lie twee n beef of the range and
siaii leu meai. 10 please such customers our
butchers are now hunting through the county
for good meat. One of them brought down,
last week, from Lape county, two carloads'
of beef that was stall fed and well fattened
He pud six cents per pound, live weight. It
doesn't.tolc! a very large steer to wiigb 1,500
pounds and this whole lot of beef cattle aver
aged that.weight and to cost S!)0 a head. To
get at the profit of feeding these animals fig
ure their value befoie they were fed. To be
worth $40 to $50 when on grass in the fall an
animal must have ood size. It is, safe to be
lieve that the man who fed those cattle made
half the price tor his feed and care and as we
don't claim to know tho mount fed, the tiniu
and care required, we cm only grapple with
t ie main fact that to carloads of beef cattle
wire worth a small fortune.
The fact'for alf to consider is, hat tho de
mand for good meat will steadily increase.
In 1890 there will be more peop'e living in
cities in Oregon than there were inhabitants
Jiving in our state in 1890. Then there were
175,000 papulation in the ttate Soon Port
land and its surroundings will have over 100,-
000 people. "Xbixt will be any army of oper
ators in work shops aud factories all through
the state. Commerce will call for suppliesof
all kinds and all our towns, will grow and im
oroteand meat will be In demand of excel
lent quality, -)Ve do not see bow butchers
can .afford to-, pay, over six cents on foot,
vlu'cli equals ten ctnt for every pound of
tee meat. To realize a profit ou tint the best
cuts inusttbnug twenty cents and the poorest
bring twelve a"nd aiilf cents.; Just to think
of poor I eople living on common wages and
paying such price for food I
We are ou
HiotiLAN-lis, Yamhill Co., Feb. 1", 1S33.
Editor Willamette Farmer i
I see from an article from Mr.T. M, Bur
nett, of Scio, Linn county, that the horse
disease is making sad havoo in that section
as well as this. From what I can learn it is
pretty general through the Willamette Val-
ley. It has been called various names and
doctored in various ways, with death to the
animal as a general result. I have net no
ticed in the Farmer a report from any rer
son who has examined an animal that has
died with this disease (although I have not
read the last number closely). Tho farmers
in this neighborhood, not content with the
various names and remedies, seem determined
to Bolve the mystery. A series of examina
tions, two of whi6h I witnessed, proves that
the great disease which has been so difficult
to name is nothing more nor less than the
botts; each case examined was found to bo
the same. After the numerous bitts eat
away, or cause to be destroyed a greater por
tion of the liuing of tho stomach, they leave
it and collect in a knot or body in the cutlet
of the stomach, where they remain until the
animal dies. No holes are found eaten
through any portion of the stomach or intes
tines where they are collected, but many of
them havo bored quite deeD and are sticking
very close and tight. If any p-rson will take
the trouble to make an examination in this
case tMcy will certa.nly find it as above stated.
I understand that In a case examined in
Sheridan that Dr. Cox pronounced that the
botts, undoubtedly, was the cause of the
death of the animal. And in conclusion I
would say tnat it is not reasonable to suppose
that the feed of horses in the country, which
is necessarily the same this winter as usual,
would be more likely to produce some new
disease among horses than in previous years.
Another thing, this disease is not contagious,
In this section, at least. The conclusion that
I have come to is this, that the vit fly, as it is
commonly called, was more plentiful last sum
mer than usual, or that its eggs wero more
favorably deposited in the stomach than
common, hence the botts. As to the stiffness
of the limbs in this case, it might reasonably
be accounted for in this way : that the
stomach being impaired, it docs not give
proper nourishment to the extremities, which
become useless, or die first, being the farthe t
from the vital organs. I will not attempt to
eive any of the many bott remedie, but will
give a preventive (an ounce of which is worth
pounds of carel that a neighbor mentioned.
which is certainly a nw and rather comical
I way of getting rid of this past. Take fir
iiauu i ur was mentioned) ana mix wun me
feed a little at a time. The hott beine cov
ered with rows of stick (a little less so than a
cucxie Durr) becomes entombed, as it were,
and helplessly passes away, Will some one
who has made examination on the subject
give their views in regard to it through the
columns of the Farmfr.
Tape Worm
Hundreds of people are suffering with
worms of different species. Worms cause a
great deal of sickness. Grown people suffer
greatly with them, as well as children. Many
do nor belive that norms of any kind exist in
tho human body. Tho tape worm Inhabits
the human sjstem much oftcner than is gen
erally supposed, and is very tenacious of life.
1'ersons may have a tape worm a long time
'" "may not trouble them psrccptibly,
while the monster is knawing at their very
vitals, and if removed liable at any time to
produce inflammation of the bowels, and even
cause death in a few hours. The head of tho
tape worm is a m'nute object, provided with
a number of sucking dics with which it fast
ens Itself tO the Walls Of thn intoafinm nnl-l.
tinn being carried on by absorption, the worm
t every point absorbing tho strength of vho
food eaten. A discharge of pieces of tho tape
worm is the only positive evidence of its ex
istence. Thejo pieces resemble melon or gourd
seeds in shape; when alive are white, and
when dead are yellow ish. When pieces are
discharged new ones are constantly given out
from tho head to supply their place. A per
.. uiuy uiocnargo iweniv icet or more ot a
tape worm, and if the head is not removed it
will grow full length again in from thirty to
.."cij. nays, many persons suaer greatly
from the effectt of the tape worm without
knowine that it is this horrible monster that
is troubling them.
The symptoms are restlessness at night,
sickness of tho stomach, vomiting, convul
sions, epileptic fits, faintness, stupor, loss of
memory, gnawing sensations in the stomach,
pains in the side and back, dry couch, a vora
cious appetite at one time and loathingof food
at another, disagreeable breath, face flushed,
nrse contracted, heavinir of thn mm-h
swollen at times bad digestion, emaciation
of the body and great nervous debility. Some
Muiauiia nave an tno aoovo symptoms, others
uuiy a pari.
A wido experience in removing this mon
ster leads me tn susccst to all suffering as
above, the possibility of its bomg the cause.
Farmini World.
prrom tlis Boston atobe.
Ou.ck. comnleto euro. tI mnmlnir KUnav nuj,!..
and Urlnarv Diseases. SI. DrutrifiaU
Portland, Oregon.
Writes Prescriptions 'or DIscMesot all classes ot stock
rlco, II for each proscription written. State symp
tomsand age of animals as near as possible.
Office O. P. Bacon's TJlarkhawk Stables, 9S Soconn
at , nee. NCark ana Oak.
Ilesldrrr Cnr Thirteenth and Taylor SU.
ttetm. Tditort -
The aboro Is a good likeness of Mrs. T.jdia t Plato
ham, of Lynn, Uam., who aborr all other human bsloffl
may b. truth f uUj called th "Dr Friend of Woman,"
uioino of her correnponJenU lore to call her. EM
b tealonilr deroted to her work, which U the ontoomS
ot a ufc-studjr, and Is obliged to keep aft Uif
aiulitants, to help her answerthe largo correspondence
whlci dally pours In upon her, each bearing' Its special
burden ot raftering, or Joy at release from It. Kf
Vegetable Compound la a medicine for good and n,
erU purposes. J hare personal! Inrestlgaled it and
am satisfied of the troth of this.
On account of lti proren merits, It Is recommended
and prescribed by the best physicians In tha country.
One aaysi "It works like a charm and mtVs raueO ' '
pain. It will cure entirely the wont form of falling
of the uterus, Leuoorrhoa, Irregular and painful
Menstruation, all Orarlan Troubles, Inflammatloa sad
Ulceration, Flooding., all Displacements and the eon
sequent spinal weakneas, and is .specially adapted to
the Chang, of life."
It permeates erery portion of the system, and gtTO
new life and rigor. It remores falntnes, flatulencl'.
destroystan crating f or stimulants, and rrUona weak.
nes of the stomach. It cures Bloating. Headaches.
Kerrous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplesan.sa,
Depression and Indigestion, That feeling of bearuf
down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always
permanently cured by Its use. It will at sJltlmcs, and
undir aU circumstance', act In harmony with the law
that gorems the female system.
It costs only tl. per bottlo or alt for (3-, and U sold by
druggists. Any adrlce required aa to special catee, and a
the names of many who hare been restored to pcrfact
health by the nso of the Vegetable Compound, can ba
obtained by addressing Mrs. r, with, stamp for reply,
at her homo In Lynn, Mass.
For Kidney Complaint of either sex this compound Is
unsurpassed as abundant testimonials showC
"Mrs. rinkham'a Llrsr nils," says ono writer, "are
the belt, f. f ht icorl.l for the cure ot Constipation,
lUlioiuncss and Torpidity ot tho tlrer. Her Blood
PurUler works wonders In Its special line and bids air
to equal tho Compound In Its popularity.
AU must respect her as an Angel of Mercy whoM soil
ambition Is to dogood to others,
I'htladelphia, Pa. (t) Mrs. A. K. a
commission Agent
A Cure for Blackleg.
Lewiston, Idaho, Feb. 13, 1SS3.
Editor Willlamete Farmer:
That fatal and incurable malady among cat
tle known as "blackleg" is causing uneasiness
on the part of stock men in tho "cow coun
try," The best known treatment proves
abortive in every case, tho diseaso is so rapid
ly fatal in its results. Whero stock receives
the closo attention commonly bestowed in tho
Kast, it may be possible to treat with medi
cine and preyent its spread. With our herds
such treatment is not practicable. Bleeding
has proved to be an effective prevention, and
one which we can employ, liefore a calf
shows any outward signs of the "blackleg,"
the blood in its veins becomes thick and black
and finally ceases to circulate in the extrem
ities. Hleeding any time, before circulation
stnos in the feet and legs, will prevent attick.
11 the blood nl tne animal is found to be black
and thick a large imsntity of blood should be
taken; if thin and light colored, less will bo
sufficient. It is most convonient to bleed in
thn neck by bucklinir a strnn Unlit around it.
ami opening a vein which will swell above.
None but small animals need to be tn ated.
The labor fs not much more thin branding.
Three mtii can bleed twenty in one hour if
accustomed to handling cattle. It is a poet
tive remedy. Out of 100 cilves, 93 were blod
and five wero not. The whole lot was turned
on sn infected range; all of tho five and only
the five diul. I. N. Ilium.
Diseased Etocft.
SViMioii, Or., Feb. 17, 18S3.
Editor Willamitte Farmer ;
And no Mr. Editor, as editors are sup
1 oied to know c crthing, I wish to know
how it is that stock raisers arc so negligent of
their own interests in rfgard to diseased
stock. There aro very fuw flocks in tins
:ountry but what are more or lrss diseased
scib, and in some instances nothing done to
prevent it, which makes it almost iiiipissibje
for those who do try to keep cfear of it Why
they will allow the law to be- enforced atrauist
them, as it surely will be this commu snriuu
and summer if they do not properly attend to
it thcmselvee, Some of us are gettu g tired
of so much work to keep cltar of it and then
cannot do it because we are surrounded by
dlseastd stock, and there al ays appears tolxi
some way in w hich diseased stock can find
their way over or through thi fence to con
taminate sound flocks, Tiiim. Smith.
200 head of Imported cattle. As an old resident
ot Oreron and Washington I know well the require
ments of the l'scMc Coast stock raisers. jsLAiIdreas
me care of Piatt 4, Evans, btotk Yards, Kansas Clti.
Missouri. dccMtf.
AU Sorts of Merchandise Exchanged fori
Dry Goods, Groccrlen. Hardware, Crockery. Boot Wo
(Shoes. ;iU and Caps.
. 1?. an tkl... t 1 -. I..
u.vijwiiuh rwuior w&n.aioMtie, creryituni; a raj
iqet; jalses wsnted
Corner Madison and First Streets, PoHlaad
Opposite Serman, Sabln A Oo's Agricultural Wart,
houM. octMVt
' 'l " ' ' l ' M II f.
Homeopathic Physicians ancy
Rooms 69, 60, el, a Union Block, Portland, O1
I)r Z II. N. Diseases of Women. '
DR. A. S, N. Diseases ot Eyo, Ear and Throat
Stock Breeders' Directory.
., ErUnder thishoad we whTpubilsh sraalfauvtr'
tlaemcnts, like tho following, for 13 por jear, Larirer
advertisements will bo charged In proportion.
Bhtep, Pilot Itoik, Umatilla county, Oregon,
ond for circulars and descriptions of sheep. j;im!
Salem, Marlon County, Oregon.
rlno Sheep. Dallas Polk County, Oregon.
AGENTS mmJEff38&'
Marlilnn over Invented, will knit. nnr. . ..'.V.'ifi,
With HfcKI, and TOE complete In 20 mlnutca. It wE
is alwaj s a ready market. Send for circulars and terms
to the Twomly Knitting Marhlne Co.. 16d TM
mont Street, Boston, Mass. sepsmll
OrriCE: No. 167 First Street. be.an il,.
Jrlson and Yamhill, Portland, Oreiros "
Pure Bred Berkshire Swine
from Knirland and his dam was u famous irlie
Miner. I hae fine pigs on hand and ready for sale.
Also I have the best breeds of
luiporleil Poland tlilna Nwluci,
Imported from Iho best Eastern herds. Mysis ill
have I'lrfs next (-print:. THOMAS CROSS,
""mt Salem, Oregon.
Coo. a lame baok or disordered uHna inril.
oat that you ara a victim P THEM" DO NOT
uKui-raYUi useiuanev.wortatnnn..rdrnF.
glstarooominandlDandlt wlllspeodlljr orer
oome the dlsoaaa and restore healthy aotlon.
LnfllAC J) or oompiainu pooullar
itiiniumK, AJaney.wortuunsurpaMed.
aa It will act promptly and safely.
EitherBex. Inoontlnenoe, retention ofurine,
brlakdustorroDydonoslta.andduii riMn.
painj, all speedily yield to Its curative power. 2
dulojjjx ai.4, .uuuuuinTH. Tricotl,
tSsVji USjSJB J SJSsrj&fl I
Self ngulstlnjj
From I2p up.
Herd for desirfp
tlv price list etc.
poultry and eggl,
ion i Broad way,
Oakland, Cal.
. (Lato of Salem 1 '
Office up stairs, N. W. Corner of 2d and Morrison St
J'UIITI.ANI), ,. 1 (,i i OHKOON.
Will practice In Portiau 4 and surrounding oounttr,
A Loii'loner one day by accident saw tliu
sun. '"llivens," said lie, "'ow they 'avo
hltnproved that there lettric llnht," After a
moment's pause, during which he i;ad upon
the novel tight, he added, r'-llri.tively, "but
'ow in thunder did they get 'im liun so 'ml .'"
, 'So your business is pkkiiij; up, eh ' laid a
facetious cobbler tp'a ragp clter who had just
ciiiiicncd operation on au ash barrel in froi t
of jU shop door, "Vts, ami I see yours ii
inendiiii," qnicUy replied the ragge 1 urchin.
Yonlert Stututnnn,
This popular Journal Is u rare oomlilnutlnn of llUra
tun. art and Uthiou 1 U iUrl-it, kcijis, and issai.rs
h tin lust rltr of CurviK ainl Amirka , lts irav.
Ini iou( tho highest artlsth eseellriieu , ami In all
liutt r pertaining to fashion it U unliirhully acknowf
nlpurl to 1" the liwliiu authority In the land. 1 lie ut
uluimi will iqiiuIu many brilliant nottltlis.
Harper's Periodicals,
IVr Irnr
IIAHPf.it'H WH.hl
The '1 llllhf. alxjv pul.llmtlons
Any TVWlabotti liallicl
IIAItl'KH'ri VOLMI 1-hOpf.L l
HAIlPhU'H ntA.NKMN 80,(.'AI!r. I.I1IHAHV,
One Year l'ii S umbers) . 10 bo
I'OJtago r rce to all subscribers In tho United Htstior
6 --- " ' ''' .a-.
g FjS.Akln,. iltn Selling II. K. Dou.l.
CO ' U --ns.
ti . nJiPM
- t 35 m ' ' " MuLL-aM
to EH a Butmiiufiii kkWaJi'apS.BH
l VssVMHsH
pq H BB
li oo m
-. in - I
Ho Volumes of the Bazar biyln with the first Nun,
btr for Januirt o( taul year When no time la men
ttonud, It will Ui umkr.Uiul that the subscriber wUhts
to commence with the tuiiihurnsit ulu.r tl,n r-o. it .,f
lie !at Four Annual Volumes of llaaiia's Ijuak,
In iiuat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, twfoLui paid,
or by eiproM, trie of eiinrinetprQtiiJe.l Hi. freljlitdoot'
not exceed on dollar per toluuioj, for 7 rjr eaeh , t
llotil t'u for e-oeli toluiue, suitable! for binding
lll Im ?ent by mail, K.tul I, on receipt tl 00 each
Iteniltuncts thouM be made by Cost Oltlco alone)
Or ler or Draft, to aw.i.i thauee of loss..
e.pr ro not to copy tliU.odtcrtl.esuwit with
out the eiprcsa order of lUarta lltoiusas.
Address IIARI'KIt 4 HKOTIIEK.S, New York.
'T(IK liOS-J '
he. that our Trade tlark "THE BOS-j " and
A. B. A
' U "n every nalr
"JhJn-ff 'J'uli
Compton's Automatic Gate
lUKItl.ol '1IIIM.O' IIIUItl.ND.
Workh ItyrftatTy A lit aply, all
ti li'uuuiul Iurulili.
to order ami bat. bought the u.unt right.
Call and sc 11 Wkat IIOS8 4 ItlCJ-.'H AllOl', oiipo.
alt new hank, P-alem. 'de SOrnJ
' ' Prices : t 1S to $80.