Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 23, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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j)ur jttutni.
The Clatskanie Country.
V cinnot olTor any bettor description of
thn cm t-y ner the Columbia river in Ore-
Kou, W st of the Cascades, and the mouth of
ftthe Willamette, than is givin by a corres-
.pindent of the Oreijonian. He says : The
Ctatskanip valley lies between the Columbia
river and Beaver valley and the Nehalem
river. It is about twenty-five miles in length
and of good width. The bottom lands will
average over half a mile in widui. 1 he bench
lands fully half a mile wide on lach side of
the river, and then a gentle slope to the sum
mit of the hills on each side, in distance from
one-half t three miles from the river The
Jbottom lands are easily cleared, and are
covered pnnc pally with vine maple and
almnn brush, and some ash. The bench lands
witli vine maple, maple, alder, crab apple,
tithe very bet of fir and cedar This kind of
itimber continues over the hills and the soil is
wjgond all the way.
w The spaces between the ridges are splendid
99valles, some quite large, and the soil splendid
J1 most of it whit is called "B-aver dam
Mand." The old settlement on the Clatskanie
jiis about six miles from the Columbia river.
M Up to three years ago thero was no s-ttle-jrfment
above Birr's. The people thought that
,'jthe valley enciert in a Dig canyon, inere wm
.4 not much immigration and no one cared to
push thmugh. Now, however, a break has
.. be. n made, numerous settlers nre in posses
sion for miles up the river, and a county road
' has been surveyed ending about eight miles
fr m Tichenor's store. It is known that there
is as much good land and limber here to the
square mile as there is in the State, and all
we need is money and Bettlers. The Clats
kanie river and Its branches will float any
siz3(l logs. There are a few drifts to clear
out and a ft w places where the banks are low
to fix, and then the loggers'-!!! begin en the
ji as vet virgin forests.
J For health the place can't be beaten. There
T is no sickness. The yal ey is protected from
the cold winds and it is much warmer than
- anyone would believe. The South Fork of
t the Clatskanie from its mouth to falls, a dis-
j ' tnnita wit 4-nn tnildo ill otimA nuV flA ft fintlpH
j. lUUW J lylU Ultimo j n lit OUIIIW "J
iJf resort for pleas ire seekers. The scenery is
grand and the tails all ot three nunnrea leei
Eipji, and one plunge at that, is no mean rial
of many that people travel hundreds of miles
to see. Iron abounds in all the ores. Coal
is here and will some day be developed, and
in many of our awaits there is every indica
tion of petroleum. Numerous mineral springs
exist and to this water as well as the climate
the people owe their good health.
As a location for a big dairy there can be
no better. 1 he tanee is large and unoccupied
and the feed plenty and good. A few of your
v rortlsnd men nave neen nere ana seieciea
'( lands; some have purchased school lands;
others have filed on government land, intend-
. ' inir to move on the same this spr ng. There
(,' are one or two splendid quarter sections for
sale, ine owner.! neeu money n ouy biuck
and improve, and would sell reasonably and
move on railroad land and there make their
All kinds of fruit do well here. For vege
table s it can't be beaten, and it may surprise
some in the East to learn that an average
crop of timr.thy is four tons to the acre and
that five and six tons are not uncommon.
Wheat is not much raised here, but over
eiuhtv bushels to the aero has been raised
ft In fact all grains ill do well if cultivated.
& The time is not far off when all of this land
will be located, and when prospected will
have found mines of tin and other metals;
when cnal mines will be opened and oil wells
flowitiL', and when we will hive railroad com
munication with Portland and Astoria.
The Bis Bend Country.
A correspondent of the Walla Walla Union
writes that paper from Cott nood, in the
Big Bend country, northwest of Cheney, as
follows: The present winter, thus far, has
been the most pleasaet and favorable we have
eveJ experienced in this country. Until the
last three weeks the weather, with trifling
exceptions, has been mild, salubrious and per
fectly delightful. We have received a very
light snow fall, somparatively, yet sleighing
has been excellent during the greater part of
the winter. This region seems to be averse
to chinook winds, as there was nothing of the
kind last winter, and tin. re has been none this
season up to date, excepting, perhaps, or.e
poor apology which blew for a few hours one
evening last month. The snow at present is
about ten inches deep, and as this is the
greatest depth it has yet attained, the state
ment may be more readily understood when
we say that all stock, such as horses, such as
ca tie and sheep, of which there are large
herds all through this region, has done re
markably well on the bunch grass with no
other food and no sheter whatever.
The farmers of this section have concluded
that thev can duplicate the big crop of the
Walla Walla country by sowing their wheat
in the fall, hence a large area was put in last
fall, and we have every reason to anticipate
splendid results. One of our mott enterpris
ing grangers has sown ten acres to barley, be
sides experimenting in other novel ways. We
will report results in due time. The winter
has been generally favorable for the thorough
protection of the crops, as the snow has hn
tirely covered the ground since early in No
vember. The thermometer has registered an
average of about thirty degrees until the cold
snip late in January carried the quicksilver
down to twenty-eight degrees below zero.
Every circumstance points to tho most en
couraging prosperity of the Big Bend coun
try during the approaching summer, and an
immense immigration is the hope and expec
tation of all.
Northern Idaho.
The Nez Perce jVfu- (of Lcwiston) says :
In the days of the gold fever and under the
stimulus i'f a phenominal gold production, we
boome 1 on a tidal wave of prosperity. When
the inevitable reaction came it plunged us into
the other extreme of hopeless apathetic stag
nation. We have been a long time in recov
ering, but, thanks to the energy and patience
of our people, we are now emerging from the
darkness of isolation into the sunlight of a
more substantial and enduring prosperity. In
the dark interval that has elapsed since the
last prosperous tide we have seen our vacant
land populate 1 and utilized for productive
purposes by a thrifty and industrious popula
tion, who will still furtner improve the coun
try and develop l resources. We-have setn
Lewiston the eptome of North Idaho
improve largely in business and social advan
tages, until it is now one of the most desira
ble pi ices in the country fcr permanent resi
dence. So in the four counties of North Idaho
are to be found attractions and resources not
to be found elsewhere. For all practical pur
poses we are isolated from thn world, vet, by
virtue of our geognphical position e are the
gateway of the Northwest Our virg'n fii-M"
have a richer toil, are m re nbiiuil uilly
watered and posse-s a more eiiiiit- cliinn e
thin other and older settle! ng n. Our
mountain ranges teem with niinr.il ei
awaiting development at t e band, nf the
prospector and ndner. Our fnn"' embrnce
the best variety of timber known lietneen the
Rocky Mountains and the C.i'c iit. Oie t
rivers and countless s reams, h so sands
sparkle with gold, driin this r ch and pricti
ailly unknown countrj. The whole cnt
lugue of our resources are King dormant
awaiting the influx of a Urge civilizit on
which cheap and rapid transportation invaria
bly brings.
In the Goldenilale Gazette we find a sketch
of this valley, which affords a cooil pen pic
ture of all valleys in Y.ikima county, a f cction
that is not much known, I ecause it is
remote from transportation, but will prove
as valuable as it is extensive as soon
as progress shall reach it it lli shape
of the construction of the Cucade
branch of the N. P. R. R. The rich
valley land of Yakima was long ago settled
upon, but the bunch grass hills and sagebrush
bench land that abound in fully as good loca
tions for farms, are vacant. Experience
proves that the uplands of the Upper Country
bring good farming crops.
The following gives a plain but correct idea
of the valley referred to, and that valley cor
responds with many others. The vacant
farming lands in Yakima) county will furnish
homes for ten thousand families, and give fine
opportunity to combine stock raising with
farming operations. Ic is proved that or
chards do well in this county, and the hop
yards of the Yakima and Kittitas valleys can
not be excelled anywhere. The writer in the
Gazette says :
The river is about 75 miles in length, and
up this river extends one of tho passes
through to the Sound. Ou one's way down
the river fiom its head he finds at first rocks.
snow and timber, but the rocks grow less and
the timber confines itself to the hill's brows
more and more as he goes, until it fin illy
ceases, 35 miles from its mouth. The tiail is
not a very desirable one for pleasure till you
have traveled some 35 miles down the river.
It is not a desert country, for the hills, is
soon as the snow leaves them, produce good
grass most all the way.
On reaching the valley we fin 1 it small
and only used as a feeding place for stock in
the winter. Bick of the valley for miles the
hills are dressed with waving grassland the
valleys with pea vines and mount sin clover,
with water for drinking that would m ike a
New Yorkers eyes sparkle on a .inly morn
ing, that is if he ever took anything so thin.
Leaving the timber one comes into the regu
lar bunch grass hills, and after five miles of
travel finds, on the top, as it were, of a mourn
tain, willows and cotton wood, and on lo iking
finds a lake of at least five acres, fed by
springs good and cool. Twelve miles trom
here one strikes what is known as the Upper
Natuhes valley, which is twelve miles long,
and on this side of the river it is from one to
six miles wide, and on the opposite side from
one-half to two miles wide. It all las w. 11
for irrigation, and the soil is a mixture bo
tween wild swamp grass and sage brush land.
Tht valley is fast becoming to look like a
thriving farming community. One finds good
substantial frame houses and board fences
everywhere. At the head of the valley and
at the mouth of the Tietan is in course of
compMn n a saw mill, which w ill furnish
lumber conveniently for the valley. Two
very good school-houses are located in the
valley. All the land is taken her-, but one
can buy out claims at various prices from
S2 50 to $20 per acre, according to title and
Climbing a hill for two miles we find
another valley not reaching so far down the
river as it does back Ii lies in an oval shape
back from and on the river for four or five
miles, and it is a much older settled valley
than the one we have just left. Tho soil here,
as before, is sage brush and grass, with som t
rye grass lands. Orchards here put in their
appearance, and apples, pears, plums and
cherries flourish.
At the end of the valley near the toll bridge
you find as nice a farmhouse as an ordinary
man would wish for, two stories high, finished
with porches, etc., with all outbuilding cor
responding. Land here ranges from 5 to
825 per acre, and is, on account of the great
fall in the river, easily irrigated. Following
the river down on its left you find a valley at
the junction of the" Yakima and Natchcsrivers
ot some 2,000 acres called the Selah valley,
though small ft is a most beautiful valley.
Sheltered as it is from the winds by the hills
it is an excellent place for orchards, and
grapes, too, seem to do well. The soil is
mostly rye grass land. The valley contains a
Baw mill of somo considerable pretension,
which furnishes lumber for Yakima city and
valleys. Their logs for sawing are ratted
down the Natches river in the spring and
boomed at the nulls. Crossing the river hero
you enter the valley that reaches to Yakima
City as well as up the Natches for seven
Southeastern Oregon
One-half of our State lies remote from tians
portation facilities and used only for Btock
range, consisting of the Blue mountain region
and all the country south of the Columbia
and beyond the reach of marktt. Of t is the
extreme southeast is least known. Mrs
Frank Brown, of Baker City, writes the
Ilereille, from Cedarville, Modoc county, Cal ,
giving a bright picture of her journey thither
through the southeastern part of our Stat .
She says :
Baker has been the metropolis so for, of
towns through which we have passed, and
said towns have been scattered and popula
tion iuclined to the diminutive, Between
here and Baker county lies the great Oregon
desert, one hundred miles In length and as
many wide; a vast plain extending for miles,
and only at long intervals can water be found;
yet it is a desert only so far as there is a lack
of water, for it is covered with a dense growth
of juniper trees, whose gnarled and twisted
branches look as though they had withstood
the storms uf centuries, and a perfect carpet
of luxuriant "bunch grass" familiar to all
Eastern Oregonians. It grows from twelve to
eightesn inches in hight and furnishes food
for immense herds of cattle, that are driven
into the desert to winter.
Wnile crossing this vast expanse of country,
like all erring morta's whom Providence has
deserted, we reached a point where there
were two roads and like the sinner of whom
we were told in youthful days, we took the
broad and level roid which would lead, we
knew not where. A drive of several hours
brought with it the consciousness that we
w ere lost, regrets and sighs were useless, to
go on and bnd water our only course, and
next day retrace our wear)' and rocky way.
A distance of thirty miles and water, at least
an np logy for water, to camp we must, for
o d "Sol sinks low in tho west and gives
warnii e that his rourse for that day is almost
run. Twilight deepened and night settled
down dark and solemn, and no sound breaks
the stillness savo our own vi.ices and the oc
casional sharp blood chilling bark of the
coyote. Alone, lost on the desert, "two souls
with but a smglo tho't," 1 1 get back into the
narrow way that leads to civdization.
After leaving the dese t, Silver Lake butyts
on tho vision, a perfect gem, encircled with
lofty mountain p aks which loom purple in
the distance, the waters break in miniature
waves and beat with a mullled roar against
their rocky confines. Summer Lake is next
reached, the waters of which are charged
with a mixture of alkali, borax and salt, but
the lake lies placid and smooth in the sun
light like a hugo mirror. Both geese and
ducks float on its gl.vsy surface and fill tho
heart of the hunttr with delight, but hunting
without a bont is impracticable, so we forego
the luxury of toasted ducks, ami drive on to
Goose Lake, by far the largest uf all the lakes
in this section. The State line crosses this
lake and valUy in which it is situated, and
trom 1'ine City the eyes ot the tveutoot ure
goniau first cazed on California soil and
loun.i it to be nothing but common dirt, just
as there was in Oregon.
Jordan Valley.
This valley is within sixty miles of the Ne
vada line in Baker county, and is quite near
to the Owyhee mining district, across the line
in Idaho. It was named after a miner, who
was killed in battle with the Indians in 1863
or 4. The Jordan is a tributary to the Owyhee
river, which empties into Snake river. The
following we take from the Owyhee Av
alanche, that is published at Silver City, Ida
ho, 21 miles distant from the valley. That
paper says :
Jordan creek, on the banks of which
Silver City is located, flows through
this fertile valley for a distance of probably
twenty miles, where it changes its course and
empties into the Owyhee river. On either
side ot this stream may tie seen nouses aim
anches every few miles until Company ranch
is reachid, where the stream runs into a can
yon, and is lost sight of uutil it again flows
mts the valley above Ruby ranch The
ranchers are all in comfort ible circumstances.
and live easily off tho productions of their
t.irms and stock. Un either side ot the creek
there is as fine a summer range for caltle and
horses as lays outdoors, while the soil along
the creek bottom never fails to produce all
kinds of grain and vegetables. The population
in and around this valley will number in the
neighborhood of one hundred and fifty or two
hundred persons. There are one store and a
postoftice on the creek. Near Baxter's store
is a circular race track one mile around, which
will bo used next summer for the races that
will take place there. It is in excellent con
dition, and if a horse has any speed in him he
will have a splendid opportunity to show it.
Everybody has some money, and being a gen
erous set of pop!e they intend to raise a good
purse for fall races. They will no doubt give
public notice when the races will take place.
There are now a number of race horses in the
valley. The great drawback to these people
is tho great distance between Jordan valley
and Baker City, the county seat of Baker
county. It a man commits an assault and
battery there the person assaulted may go to
Baker City a distance of one hundred and
eighty miles, as was recently done to the dear
costs of the arrested party in the sum ot about
five hundred dollars. There is any amount of
good land in this valley unclaimed. The
population is large enough to supply a grist
mill with a large amount of wheat, that could
be made into flour, bran and shorts, which
would not only pay the producers, but the
mill also. The owners of the mill would sup
ply the residents of Jordan and Pleasant val
lei. s, Cow, Sucker and Reynolds creeks and
Silver City with all their flour. It is rumored
that a gentleman in Boise valley is figuring on
erecting such a mill, which, if he should do,
would uot only pay him, but would be very
agreeable to the people of Jordan valley.
South of Snake River.
A writer in the Pomeroy UepubUcan, speak
ing of the region along Snako river and im
mediately south uf it, that has long been
neglected by settlers, and which is of late at
tracting tho attention of immigrants, says :
Notwithstanding the fact that the past year
of (JarfieM county's existence has lieen ad
verse to the interest of our farmers generally,
inconsequence of an unusually dry season and
light crops, there is an abiding faith that the
future will more than make amends for the
past. Having haa occasion recently to visit
the different setioos of our c mntv, f find the
sentiment to be universal "to ligut it out on
this line" if it takes another summer. The
fertility of our soil and its adaptability to thn
successful production of nearly all kinds of
cereals, fruits and vegetables, have long since
ceased to be a subject of controversy, ami we
may now safely build ur hopes for the future
upon a basis which constitutes a nation's
wtalth at,d greatness. But few of the many
problems which presented themselves for to
lution, have produced results adverse to our
expectations, 'lho dissatisfacti m of many
h.ii first arriving here in consequence of
finding the country more hilly than they ex
pected, is soon supercedtd by tt e conviction
that no country governed by the laws of the
United States atlords more and better induce
ments to the man whose mind is his mister,
and "'hose labor is Ins capital. People from
California accustomed to fiuiju nt droughts
and the consequent t.nlure of crops, fully ap
preciate the advantages of hwng in a country
compaiatively fiee fr in such disasters Those
from Puget Sound and Willamette Valley feel
like one let out of prison, in that they arc not
drenched with ram from early fall till late
spring, and compelled to trav. I in mud huh
deep for tho same length of time. Those from
the East are no less exultant in the compara
tive lightness of our winters which exempts
them from feeding stock six months in the
year. The idea that obtains in the mm .In of
many thot the narow belt of land lying along
Snake river is comparatively worthless in con
sequence of being too hilly for cultivation, is
one that requires but little argument to show
any unprejudiced person its variance with the
ltruieiubrr Tills,
If you are sick, Hop hitters will surely aid Nature In
making jou well when all else falls.
If jou areeokthe or djrspeptlc, or are sullirlni,' froru
any other of the numeoous diseases of the stomach or
hovtels, It is jour own fault If you remain IP, for Hep
Hitters are a soerel.fn remedy In all such complaints.
if you are wastinz away with any form of Kidney
disease, stop tempting Ileath this moment, ans turn for
a cure to HopIlitUra.
If you are sick with that LerriMe sickness Nervous
ness, you will find a ''lialm In (jllead" in the use of
Hop Hitters.
II sou are a frequenter, or a resident of a miasmatic
distrie-t, barricade your sysUin aninst the aoourge of
all countries malarial, epidemic, bilious, and intermit
tent fesershy the use of II p Hitters.
II you has erou-h, pimply or sallow skin, bad breath,
pains and aches, and feel miserable generally. Hop Hit
ters will jrlse you fair skin, rich blood, ami sweetest
breath, health, and comfort.
In short they cure all Jjlseaset of the stomach,
bowels, Hlood, dtt, Nerres, Kidneis, Hright's Instate.
I sjO w III be paid for a case they w III not cure help.
That poor, bedridden, invalid wile, sister, mother, or
daughter, can be made the picture o( health, by a few
bottles of Hop Hitters, costing Vut trine. Will you.
The Walking Horse.
The country would reap incalculable benefit
if the walk of its ordinary horse could be ac
celerated a single mite per hour beyond what
is now general. It would put millions of dol
lars extra into the national pockets every
year. We might have horses that would walk
five miles per hoar, just as naturally and
easily as three to three and a half, and rarely
four, as is now the rule. All the farm and
much of the ccuntry road and town street
horse work is done at a walk. It costs no
more to feed a smart walker than it does a
slow, loggy one, and frequently not so much,
Now let any one calculate the profit and ad'
vantage of using the former in preference to
the latter. Let the farmer see how much
more land per day he can get plowed and
harrowed: how many moro loads of hay.
straw, grain and vegetables he can take to
market, and how much more rapidly he is
able to accomplish all his other work, and he
will have little pretense in keening a slow
walking horse any longer. It will be the same
with the expressman, tho teamster and tho
Bellfounder, got by the celebrated trotting
horse of this name, out of Lady Alport, was
not only a fast trotter, but had a natural,
easy walk of five miles per hour. Me was
kept by our family several years, nnd nearly
all his stock, out of quite common mares,
proved excellent walkers. This shows how
easily and rapidly an increased fast walking
stock may be bred by all farmers, if they will
only tako due pains to select the stallions to
which they may hcrea'ter nick their names.
A fast walking horse commands a considera
bly higher pries with those who care for the
pace, than a slow walker, and such buyers are
constantly on the in'rease now, and that day
will come by and by when a slow walker will
hardly get a bid. The fastest walk I have
yet seen exactly timed ana put on record was
that ol the Angnsn norse Sloven, tie made,
without-extra ctfort 5 09 miles per hour. All
agricultural societies ought to give good pre
miums to fast walking horses, the highest
prize to be awarded to the one winch will
walk five miles per hour; the second to four
and one-half miles; tho third to four miles.
This last should be the least time for which to
award a prize, and all breeds should be al
lowed to compete. V. 1". Tribune.
The American Draft Horse.
Too much careful study of the principles of
breeding cannot be given to the subject by
those desirous of perfecting a race of horses
that shall in time be known as the American
Draft Horse.
Those who flatter themselves that the draft
horse of the future is the one show ing the
greatest amount of avoirdupois are destined
to disappointment. Just at present any large
horse, if not decidedly ugly, will sell at a
price affording a profit above cost of raisiug,
but as soon as the public becomes educated
up to realizing the comparative value of the
different breeds and the market becomes bet
ter supplied, there will be a distiuction made
that will bring thousands of breeders to real
ize how easily they have been gulled by the
now stereotyped cry, "They are big and will
sell." A conformation will be demanded
which ensures the greatest strength and en
durance, proportions requisite for easy grace
ful action, and mill-power to propel the mas
sive proportions at a speed in keeping with
the worn required. Then, bone, muscle and
sinew will be taken into account and come to
the front as the first consideration; and light
boned, fat, flabby, indolent, weak constitu
tioned stallions that are now being hawked
about the country, whose only qualification is
their dead weight, will be sent to the rear.
The modern Clydesdale and his illustrious
progenitor the English cart or shiro horse,
have a world-wide reputation for energy,
Eower and endurance equalled by no other
reed. These two breeds practically one
have come among us to stay, and evoiy year
are demonstrating their superiority by practi
cal tests in every State, county and town in
our great Northwest.
There should be no strife batween theso
two strains of horses, for they both possess
the same characteristics and conformation,
unless it may be that the English horses are
somewhat smoother and more compact than
the Clyde; but there has been so much of tho
former infused into the latter of late yeais,
that it requires an expert to say where the
English leaves otf and tho Clyde commences.
I'rairie J'urmer.
The Outlook for Flock Products.
Men keep sheep for the money thero is in
the business. It is the knowledge and belief
that moro sheep would bring more monoy that
has stcdily swelled the flock census until the
United States, for the fiist time, has substan
tially one sheep for each inhabitant, and in
18S2 came near supplying the raw material
with which to clothe the fifty millions of
people here finding a home than ever before.
The sheep has paid its way to this promi
nence, and the men who have aided in bring
ing about so desirablo a consumation liao
cause for congratulation, and uiu entitled to
enjoy, unenvied, tho placo and profits they
have earned.
There is, however, n background, the sha
dows of which should bo closely studiid while
the brighter tints and bolder points of tho
picture are passing in review. Tho number
of sheep has been increased, and their quality
advanc d to such an extent that a survey of
the situation develops the fact that
the whole of the production of domestic,
wool is increasing more rapidly than tho con
sumption. Tho 1(13,000,000 pounds of lb70
is swelled to 103,000,000 pounds in 1 S to
2114,000.000 in 1SS0, and passes beyond
300,000,000 in 1S52. With a wool supply
thus rapidly oveitaking the demand of wool
maiiufa tine, the inexorable laws of trade
have held prices within a limit that lias
brought disappointmi nt to producers in many
localities, and shortened the. profits of the
most fortunately circumstanced. Wool keeps
low because w ool is plenty, and its buyers
having the advantage in the markits, do just
w hat every good business man should do
take every advantage that tnc situation at
fords picking up the most dtsirablu lots ob
tainable, while waiting for the ovsuers of
higher-priced lots to tiro of their holdings.
Here certainly is an aspect of sheep hus
bandry shorn of artificial glamour by which
is sometimes suriouuded. Wool is lower than
was expected, and there is very little encour
agement that it will be higher for some tune
to come. Nor is this condition ix-culiar to
the United .States. Australia and other favorably-located
c untries show a corr- spoil
ing picture, and tend rapidly-augmenting
clips to the ports of Europe that seem way
down to starvation levc when gauged by
the expense of production to American
The Gazette is not seeking to discourage
any of its wool producing na 'ers. It is aim
ing rather to reflect what is believed to be a
conci't ciimprehcnsion of tho situation sur
rounding the msrket for their product. It
would prefer that no man now in the business
of breeding sheep should abandon that busi
ness, and to this end insists that flock owners
adjust themsi Ives to the situation by a more
economical production. It would have them
raise more and better wool, on sheep that
will yield moro and better mutton from the
same amount ot tood and care now bestowed.
This requires time as well as labor and good
management; hence those who first begin to
adjust themselves to the situation that now
seems inevitable, will be the better ablo to
avoid the inconveniences and losses that can
not be separated from its presence. If, heed
ing these suggestions, any shonld apply them
selves to securing a more economical produc
tion of wool, and, after succeeding, should
find that tho Gazett's diagnosis of the wool
market was incorrect that prices advanco
rather than 'retrogrado they will find conso
lation in the fact that tho disappointment has
come in the most welcome form, bringing
more than was promised double blessmi'S
that were expected to come singly. lireeder'i
BllndJolding Horses.
A family hone of many caresses and favors,
concluded last summer that she would work
when she felt like it. When she elid not feel
like it, strings were tied around her ears
sand put in her mouth, oats hold temptingly
to ber, and a twenty-five cent carriage whip
shook menacingly about her, but no avail,
and the habit continually grew worso. In a
time of great perplexity to get some millet
into the barn belore an approaching shower,
work came to a standstill, and the loud of hav
stood with it. I thought of a "blinder." ami
taking a heavy woolen cloth about twelve
inches square, tied a cord to each corner, and
drawing it alosely over her eyes, secured the
tour corners to the bridal. Ihe cure was
magical. I left it on all day, and no more
trouble ensued. The little hood was rolled
up in as small a compass as possiblo and tied
to the harness, and when Kit is disposed to
rest too frequently it is quickly put in place,
and the work goes on. Soon alio c.-mn to
know what it was for, and when she saw
preparations were being made to adorn her
she would elraw, and for weeks has labored
faithfully without it.
Glandeiu prevails among tho horses in
Joaquin county. A philanthropist named
Gibbs, on the lower Sacramento road, had
his animals doctored for nearly a month be
fore he ascertained that they had glanders.
He then killed all the alllicted horses and
burned the stables and contents, together
with their bodies to prevent the spread of
Qu.ck, completo euro, all annoying Kidney, Bladder
and Urtnarv Diseases. $1. DrujotiHtt.
rorlland, Oregon.
Writes Prescriptions 'or Diseasesol all classes ol stock
rice, $1 for each prescription written. State symp
tomsand ago of animals as near as possible.
omee O.
P. Bacon's Blackhawk Stables, 03 Second
tst., net. BtarK anuuax.
Residence Cor Thirteenth and Taylor 8ts.
Spanish Merino Sheep
sale. I Invlyt corroBpoiidenco or will bo glad to
Show customers Biv farm on Mill creek, 6 mile Bouth
of Salem. THOMAS CROSS, Salem.
commission Agent for
. .. .the sam: ok . , .
200 h ad of Imported cattle. As an old renMent
of Ureifou nnd Watthtnutoi. J know well tho riimlrc
mentaof lho l'arfflc Count stock ritlaers. YQ.Ailiirt'iiH
mo care of 1'Utt A, Kaii8, Stock Yaids, Kansas City,
MUtourl. dcc'iinf.
Stock Breeders' Directory.
XiTUrider tFitsTuut. we wiirftiitillrth stiull adver
tisements, likfl the following, for $4 per j?ar. Larger
advertisement will ho charged In proportion.
Hhuep, Pilot Itoi'k, Uniitilla county, Oregon,
end for circulars and descriptions of shoep. Jlypd
Halein, Marlon County, Oregon.
rlno Sheep. DaHHtf Polk County, On iron.
Pure Bred Berkshire Swine
from KnifUn I and hit dunt uus a famouu prize
m inner I luvti lino iil.fi on hind and ready for muIo
AUo I have thu lcnt Im-cd of
IiiiMrlil roliiin! i III mi hnlnt,
ImjrUd from the hest llatteni hcrdx My ttows will
have phf next r-piiu. TJIOMAM CROSS,
tU&Jlttt Hat.lein.Orvf;0".
&. :
liana's Whlto llelalllo Kar Marking I.aU-1, tumped
to order with name, or niiiuo uuti addnss and nuin
bers. It la rilluMe, f heap and convenient. Killsut
eight and kIvis pc-.ft citlshictlun. Illustrated
l'rtu-Uit and samples free. Atents svanted.
C. II, D.VSA, West Lehunon, N. II.
tor nil dlteaiei of the Kidney and
It hMipeclila action oa tlU mot JmportAuc
organ, eoabUntf it to throw off torpidity an4
Inaction, aUmnlatlnff tho healthy accretion of
tfco ItflA, and by keeping tho boweU In free
oondltion, effocUnjf it regular diMLWfiO
U a I aI o It you rosuflriii from
TlCllClllCIa malaria, ha vothacUllJ,
r blRous,dyipsptU,oi oonattpaterl. Kidney
Wort will surely reUervand quickly cure.
2a tl Hprtnjr to cUeiuotu System, every i
one should take a thorough course of it,
II- 80LDBYDRUCU.ST8. Prlo $1.
rS J ,-
la a Foltlve Curo
Pep nil thee Painful Complaints ami WfttsttWl
ae comaoi te our brut female population
A Medicine for UP o nun. In-ented by a Woman.
Frf pared by a Woman
ffc GrsMtMt It&Utf Dbeoterf Slaeetas Dswn ef RlaUrjb
WK rcTircs the droop I m? spirits, lnrlgorates and
harmonises the orffanlo functions, glres elasticity and
firmness to the step, restores the natuaa! lustre to the
eye, and plants on the pale cheek of woman the fresh
roies of life's spring and early summer time.
drThyslclant Use It and Prescribe It Freely "CI
It remores faint new, flatulency, destroys all crarloff
for stimulant, and relleres weakness of the stomach.
That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight
and backache, Is always permanently cured by Its use.
For the enreef Kidney Complaints of either sex
this Compound Is unsurpassed
art it eradicate every Titlare or Humors from the
Blood, and ph o tone and strrnorth to the system, of
man woman or child. Innlrt on having lb
Both the Compound and Dlood rurifler are prepared
at S33 and VS. Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price of
either, $L Six bottles for $ Sent by mall In the form
of pills, or of losenges, on receipt of price. ItperboS
for either. Mrs, rinkham freely answers all letters of
Inquiry. Sncloee Set stamp. Send for pamphlet.
Ko family should be without LYDIA E. riVKnAK
T.lVPtt 1MT.I.M. Thnr cum nnatitAtlon. Lilioumnofla.
and torpidity of tho liver, escuutsper box.
XT-Sold by oil Druggln.a.-e
All Sort of Merchandise Exchanged forfl
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Hoots and
Shoes, Hata and Cape.
Everything Farmer wants for sale, Ever) thin; a Far
mcr raises u anted.
Corner Madison nnd First Mlreels, I'orilanal
Opposite Seirman, Saliln & Co's Agricultural Ware
house. oct28.
Homeopathic Physicians and
(looms 69, 60, 01 a Unl'.n lilock, Portland, C
Dr 7. n. N. Discuses of Women.
Dll. A. S. N. Diseases of Kjc, Ear and Throat.
sjurliliie ever linenteil. Will knltu uilr of steekhwf
withllKKI, ami TOK roinlikte In 2 lull. litis It wDl
iilo knllajrrcut wiriitj cf f.ine m,rk for vt hlcli then
is tkla)H a rttulv market. hiMiil for cireiiiarsanil texml
to tho Ttsomly Knllilii:: Slnililne Id., ldj Tu
rnout btriet, Iloston, Mass. sepHuiO
OFFICE: No. 107 I'lrst Mrcot, be'-vcin Mor
rison nii'l Yamhill, Portland, Orrirai
silf regulating
I " r I! t TOU.
From $ii up,
fio il for destrlp
tie prUo list etc,
lho roil ithbrid
poultry unil etrs,
lull llrniuluav.
Oakland, Cal
(Ijitool s ill in )
OlncouimUlrs, N. W, f'ornir nf ".I "d Morrlnon St
I'OflTI.AMi, . nilKOON
Will practlco In Portland and surrounding country
K 8 Akin
See that our Trade Mark "TDK IIOMS ano
A. S. & CO.
is nn eury pair
Erin' Pair Guaranteed,
Jsnlmtl his, KI.U.Mi CO.
Compton's Automatic Gate
'inr. ut.si hum. iir miiiuMi,
Works INsriVcTiyA; Clii'Hply, all
iron ami ifuraiiic.
to Older snd hare taught the pltent rl! t.
Call sml see It work at HOiS A HICK'S MIDI', oppo
site neve hank, Haleiu. de ftjiuj
Price I i l $12 to 80.
!! u Si II li i II I,'. Iloscli
j lB!w fill
- 5 illl mm
!; WSm