Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 02, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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fyht Hfjomij 4 il
rtlle! ' Marrl'il T (lurk
Thi lioiry hills are streaked with white,
The fieliU are swept as bare,
Aul through tho liouhug bhstnt niht
ONI wint r cruM "Beware!"
Ho mocks us with his fiery stings,
He strike his hands together;
And, like a hiwk with flipping wings,
Djvvu swojps the sionny weather.
He binds the running water fast
la stony links of mail;
He strikes ns with the sounding blast,
His mighty harvest lliil.
Aw iy I aw ay ! the forests reel,
The ml lenes circle after,
Ueueath the grinding of his heel,
Beneath his sivage laughter.
He beats his clashing cymlnls hark !
To arms! away I away I
The forest bellows in tho dark
An 1 mutters in the day.
He drains tho earth to miet his mood;
He strikes hi hands together,
And, like a hawk upon a brood,
Down swoops the stormy weather.
Dora Head Goodale.
Nothing to do ? 0, folde I hands
Why will yo lie so white an 1 f iir,
When tho busy world on etry side
Calls for thy labor, thy earnest care ?
Nothing to do ! there are tiroJ feet
Walking with thee life's weary road;
Show them the way in patn so sweet
That leads to Heaven, that leads to God.
Nothing to do but live in ease,
When thousauds fall on every side;
You might have helped to t ear the pain,
And breasted the swift an 1 rushing tide.
Nothing to do ! thy days are light,
With golden eves and sunny morns;
You gather fliwors fresh aud bright;
So ne are tortured with cruel thorns
Nothing to d 1 1 what will you say,
When the Lord of the harvests asks of you,
"What gleauest thou ui thy fields to day ! '
"Lord, there was nothing for me to do."
Ktnqnton Fieemnn.
Sweet chimes 1 tint in tho loneliness of the
Siluto the passing hour, and in the dirk
And silent clumbers of the household mark
Tho movements of the mymd orbs of light 1
Through my closed eyelids, by the inner sight,
I see the constellations in tho arc
Of the great circles moving on, and hark 1
I almost hear them singing :n their flight.
Better than sleep it is to he awako
O'er canopied by the vast starry dome
Of tho immeasurable sky; to feel
Tho slumbering world sink under us and make
Hardly an eddy a m:re rush o( foam
On tho great sea beneath a sinki'ip keel.
Ijonnfrllow'a Last Poems.
IlAtiFD Bccits At night take one quart
of flour, two cups of sugar, a piece .f butttr
the size of an egg, a teaspoonf ul of cinnamon,
a pint of new wanned milk, two-thirds of a
cup of good home-made jeast aud a little salt.
Stir the butter to a cream; mix tho sugar,
flour, salt an 1 linnamon together, drop the
butter in, pour the yeast upon it, then the
warm milk, and stir uutil jou hae a soft
dough. Set where it is warm overnight In
the morning sift a teaspoonful of soda with a
pint of flour, anil beat the whites of three
eggs until stiff nnd the yolks until frothy.
Add the j oiks, then the whites to the light
dough, work in tue flour and let it rise agun.
Roll out and cut into rouuds or squares
three-quarters of an inch thick, let rise
twenty minutes and drop into hot fat. Keep
turning to cook evenly.
FhATlltlt Cakl Biat to a cream lnlf a cup
of butter and two cups of sugar, one cup of
milk, with a teaspoonful of soda uVolvcil in
it; beat well together, then add one cup of
flour, with two spoonfuls of cream of tartar
rubbed in it, and the well beaten oik) of
three egg. Beat the whites separately uii'il
still, adil them and tw j mo e cups of flour to
the other ingredient"; beat well, butter two
tins, pour in the cike and beat twintj min
utes or half an houi. Carefulness in baking is
Camulii For Coiin Baits Fop a large
milkpanful of corn, and have the syrup all
prepared to turn over jit while it is warm.
Mako the syrup by dissolving one ounco of
gum arabao in half a pint of boiling water,
and when all melted, stir in one pound of
light brown sugar, and boil it until it is to
thick that as you pour it out of a Bpoon the
last drop will string out like a thiead. Or
turn a lit le into a saucer ef water, and if it
hardens it is boiled enough. Stir the sj rup
in the pan of cru, and with buttered fingeis,
roll it into balls.
Cocoanut SnoAn Cakes Remove the
husks and brown skins of two eoccanuts, and
grate the whito meat finely. DissoUo three
a half pounds of lump or grauulat.nl sugar m
one and a half pints of boiling water, and add
a heaping teaspoonful of cream tartar Boil
for twenty mmuts, or tdl it will thicad from
the spoon Take tho porcelain kettle from
tho fire, aud let it cool by placing it on snort ,
or in a pau of cold water, and rub the sjrup
with a silver spoon against tne sun ci me
kettle until it becomes opaque. Then stir in
the grated coioanut, and stir until white as
snow. Drop on buttered tins by large spoou
fu's into round cakes.
The change that is about being made in
he conduct of tholnsuie Asylum, has brought
a question to my mind It is a fact that in
every Aylum for Insane, there are as many
women and men patients, and as this is tho
case; why should not there bo a women in 1 10
corps of physicians necessary to attend to tho
inmates of the asylum. It is well known also
to those who have been at all interested in
matters concerning the insane, that a large
percentage of the women in eery asylum
lose their mind by r ason of their sex; in
fact, "female diseases," aro so common now
as to create alarm for tho future generations.
Every women in her sine mind, will prefer a wo
man phjsichn; many revolt) at the idea of con
fiding to a man tho tioub'es that many hivo
and will suffer and die bif .ire putting herself
in a man's care. Then its not to be believed
that aentlemen phjsicuu, care to deal with
these sort of cases, and would not attend as
thoughtly to such cases as a women would.
Crazy w omen of ten retain this modesty, and
would perfer ministntions of a women.
There aie soveral ladie3 we could name, who
have well earned laurels, as successful practi
oners, the first name that omes to our mind,
is Dr. Ford-Wa-ren, whose consuliug rooms
are filled all day long, and w hose success in
treating disease of w omen is shown by tho
lucurativo business she has built up. bhe is
one who loves her profe-sin, and stands first
among Portland doctors. Dr. Ford-Warren,
would certainly not accept any such position,
and merely mention her name, in order to ad
vance tho fact that women can be and are
skillful as well as successful in medicine.
There are a number if other ladies who are
competent to fill reponsible positions. Mrs
Yeaknegan, Mrs. Danish and others. Dr.
Carpenter the newly appointed superintend,
ent at the asylum, told the writer of this:
that he would really liko to have a woman
connectel with the corps, and that there
would be one named, if he had the power to
do so. One of best evidence of modern civili
zation is that woman is taking her rightful
position in the world's work. We hope this
may encourage some woman to apply for her
share of work in the new asylum and its
honor. Jcsticl.
Have the conrage to face the difficulty, lest
it kick you harder than you bargained for.
Difficulties, like thieves, often disappear at a
glance. Ha e the courage to leav e a conv i
vial party at the proper hour for doing so,
however great the sacrifice; and to stay away
from one upon the slightest grounds for ob
jection, howevr great the temptation to go.
Have tho courage to do without that which
Sou do not need, however much you admire it.
ave the courage to speak your mind when it
is necessary that you should do so, and hold
vour tongue when it is better that you should
be silent. Have the courage to speak to a
poor friend in a seedy coat, even in tho street,
and when a rich one is nigh. The effort is
less than many p'tp'e think it to be, and the
act is wo'thy of a king Have tho courage O
adm t you have been in the wrong, and jou
will remove the fact in the minds of other,
puttm; a desirable impress in place of an un
favorable oni. Have the courage to adhere to
the first resolution 'vhen you can't change it
for a better, and to abandon it even at the
eleventh hour upon c nviction.
Waiimtii WniLh Riding Tho following
item will be worth knowing to some of our
readers : To keep warm when riding in the
cold, put a common kerosene lanteiu unilcr
the lap robe, and if the robe is well tucked
around, tho feet and limbs will be as warm as
when sitting by a stoe.
At certain seasons of the year it is pleasant
and profitable to know how to cook palatable
dishes without using egqs. Here is an excel
lent way of making rice pudding without
eegs : Wash a coffeccupful of lice in two or
three waters, then let it soak all night in one
nnnrt nf new milk. In the mormnirartd a lit
tle salt, a large spoonful of butter, a little
rrrimnd cinnamon and crated nutmeg. Put in
the pudding di-h and set in the o en, allow
ing ample time say two hours for it to
cook. Stir it frequently, but w lth. ut remov
ing it from the ov en. When it is beginning
t bubble add a quartet ot a pound ot stoned
raisins. Serve witn powuereu sugar spnumuu
over it when it is put in saucers.
"I had," said my neighbor, "some tough
beefsteak, it was useless to attempt to broil
it; I could not afford to throw it away, so I
cut it in small pieces and put it in a saucepan
with a lump of butter, a little water, aud
some pepper and salt. It simmered gently
for an hour; I then took n bowl of flour, some
baking powder and a little sweet milk, and
stirred up a stiff batter; this I dropped by
spoonfuls on a buttered tin and steamed for
halt an nour; wnenuono i uroppm me uunip
lings in the gi ay youth the pieecs of beef
steak, adding water and butter enough jutto
eovti the dumpling-, with baked potatoes,
tnrrntn Rauce and baked Efiuash: aud 00 lth
bread and butter, a fresh apple pie and
eheese, w e had .1 frugal but by no means an
untemptiug Monday dinner."
Hoov many in thers know that they can
knit up as yvtll as down? When children
have reached the age w hen they w ear out
the knees of their stojkiugsand the bee's and
toes also, the ingenuity of woman must bo ex
ercised. In thu most hopelefs-looking stock
ing there is usually a strip at least an eighth
ota yard long, vvuicn is too guou to nuun
away, and j et is too much w arn to pay to
ravel out and knit ooer; from this, then, cut
off the ragged top and bostom, and knit up
as w ell as dow n. If you cannot match the
color, use another shade, or to a brown strip
knit a scarlet or grayish brow n top.
PiehLED Camiagl Thinking that not all
of our young housekeepers know how to pre
pare pickled cabbage to that it will keep
nicely until spring (proyided, of course, it is
not eaten Booner), I will tell them how : Cut
the cabbage very fine, and for a six gallon jar
take a pint cup nearly full of salt, tho same
amount of horseradish cut in small pieces, and
two heaping tablcspoonfuls of ovhite mustard
seed Sprinkle a little salt in the bottom of
the iar. then nut in a layer of cabbage, and
with a potato masher pound the cabbage down
firmly. Then sprinkle on some silt, horse
radish and mustard seed. Then putinanother
layer of cabbage and proceed as before. Be
sure to gio e ey ery lay er of cabbage a good
thorough pounding. When jour jar is full
put an inverted plate on the cabbage, and on
that put a 20-pound weight. Let it stand till
next morning, then drain off every drop of
the bnne that has formed (the amount of
bnne will surprise you), and pour over the
cabbage cider unegar boiling hot. Right here
let me say that it spoils omegar to heat it in
iron; use a porcelain kettle or a stone milk
crock. Leave the plate on the cabl age to
keep it from floating, for it must be kept un
der the vinegar. Tie seoeral thicknesses of
cloth over the top of the j'ar, then cover
closely and set away in a cool place. Some
place in a cellar that is just abooe the freez
ing point; it n the best place for it.
The queen o' all pudding sauc calls for two '
Ullll, U4 M!b.JBi11, a IMIlip UI UM.lt;i hue DIM
of an egg. oue well beaten egg. Stir these to
gether, then add a teieunfnl of boiling water,
put it in a saucepan until it thickens; d not
let it boil; flavor w lth lemon or vaailh.
A damty way to prepare an egg for an in
valid is to first beat it till oery light, then
season with a little pepper, salt, nnd a tiny
lump of butter; then pour it over a slice of dry
buttered toast, and set the plate containing it
m the steimer; cover closely and let it steam
for two or three minutts An egg prepared
'bus will not bo likely to distress the weakest
A handkerchief case which is suitable for a
holiday gift is made of pale blue or pink satin;
it is marked in d anio.ids, and tlu hues cov
ered outh pearl be ids. Thecaso unfolds, and
so the beads are put on both the outside and
inside. The work of putting them on is sun
phhed by haoing the diamonds on each side
correspond; then tho beads for each side caa
be put on at once.
The mothers o' nursing babies w id find it to
their adantago to provide thcmselocs ooith
two light flannels sacks, to be slipped on oyer
the nightdress on cold nights. Colds are taken
which are followed by more or less serious
consequences, by the slight exposure which
comes from attending to the needs of little
children at night. It is a good plan also to
haye a pair warm and loose elippe's at the
bedi lo. The slippers w Inch are crocheted of
toft B rlin wods, and o Inch haoe soles of
leather thickly w added oo lth lambs' w ool, are
espc-eially adapted foi this use.
A useful tabic scarf, andono that is particu
larly pleasing to the eye, because it does not
suggest almost endless labor, is made by tak
ing a strip of all wool Java cany as of the
pioper length for tho table upon ovhich it is to
bo used. Line it with some stiff cloth, aud
then with silcsia. At about three inches from
the outer edgo seoy on two strips of black oel
Net ribbon, two inches wide. Through tho
centre work a hands me scroll pattern, using
bright yellow silk; tho velyet stripes may bo
put on perfectly plain, oi may bo worked in
old fashioned cross Btitch, or in some niodill
cation nf leather stitch. Finish the bottom of
tho S".arf witlijellow silk balls. This is suit
able lor tho comimn sitting-room; it is so
bright, and the dust can bo shaken fiom it
w ' li ease.
A plain plum pudding is made thus. Chop
three ounces of suet oery fine, add a quarter of
a pound of currants! the sime quantity of lai
sins, half a teaspoonful of salt, aud a teaspoon
fill of baking powder, a pound of sifted flour,
a pint of sweet milk, threo tablespooufuls of
molasses, and tmes to suit your tiste. Mix
thoroughly, and boil three hours in a pudding
bag Another recipe for plum pudding is rich
er an 1 much m re expensive, but for certain
occasions, say ouee a year, is preferable. One
pound ot curiants, one pouud raisins, half a
pound of citron, one pound of sugyr, apiut
bowl of grated bieud crumbs, and a pint bowl
of Houi, two wine glasses of wine, one nutmeg
grated, a teaspoonlul each of cloves and of all
spice, one pound of butter, and one dozen eges
It will be seen at once that this will make a
largo pudding Rub tho butter and sugar to
a cream, then add the other ingredient. Boil
in a hag for four hours. Servo with cream
and sugar or sauce.
A Christmas gift of a pretty tablo is one
that would bo appreciated by almost any body,
and a yery ptetty and eyen elegant ono may
bo made at no great expense. Haye made at
a carpenter shop a stand with a squaro top,
and with four small, straight legs, coyer the
top and legs with royal blue velvet or y eh e
teen; around the stand put a sort of oaleucc or
lambrequin, from eight to ten inches deep,
and if skilled in tho needle work of tho day,
work at intervals of five or six inches, a rose
o bud, with slight stems and a few leaves, m
the lovely ribbon embroidery which makes so
liandsoni-i an adornment, and does not require
so much tune and material as many other
kinds of emb oidery. If J on ehooso to havo a
low shelf on the table, that may bo overed
with the oelvet but need not be decorated.
A sofa pillow to match this table is oery
effective. A squaro of the royal blue velvet,
w lth a bunch of roses and buds carelessly
laid oil, is all that is required, and tho cushion
is handsome if lined with satin, a id ue. da no
cords or other finish at the e li,u3.
Wristlets knit of silk or sephj r aro a us ful
and pretty article of tho toilet. Mide of blue
satin and trimmed with swansdown, they-are
fit for . i fairy. Directions for knitting wrist
lets: You want a little oyer an ounce of sing e
zephjr, aud four medium sized knitting need
les. Cast on tin first two needles thirty
stitches, and on tho other thirty-one; for gent
lemen s Bize, forty-one on last. S'lp on tho
first stitch narrow; then b nd with tho slipped
stitch that is, draw the slipped stich over
the narrowed one: knit thieo plain, thread
over; knit ono plain, thread over; knit threo
plain. This completes one scollop oi ii-n
stitches. Commence again as at hist, aud so
on until of desired length. At the end of
third needle thero will always be one left to
carry on and bind off tho first narrowelone
on next needle. Always knit one round plain
before commeciuir by these directions. I hey
aro in scollops, and I have knit several pair
and know them to lie pretty.
jjtoi; $hc $!tiltlren.
They sent him round the circle lair,
To bow before the prettiest there;
I'm bound to say the choico ho made
A creditable taste displayed;
Althoug 1 can't say ov hat is meant
The little maid looked ill content.
His tusk was then anew b-gun
To kneel before the wittiest one.
Onco more that little maid sought he,
Ami ovent him down ou bended knae;
She bent her eyes upon tho floor
I think she thought the game a bore.
He circled then his sweet behest
To kiss tho ono ho loved the best.
For ail she frowned, for all she chid,
He kissed that little maid, ho did; ,.
And then though why, I em't decide
Hie littlo maid looked satisfied.
The Century Uric n-Iirac.
Bantam Chickens
Once wh"ii the Editor of the Farmeu was
traoelinc in Washington county he found
Inly who said she would like tJ tke the
Faiiueb, and send do n some Bantams for
subscription. Thu was some time ago, and
have lost the lady's address. If this meets
her eye we would like to know if the still has
these sort of fow Is , for wa would like to get
some for pets and to experiment with, as they
aro said to be great lay, ers in tne winter.
Women Farmers.
Along the line of the Northern Pacific and
Manitoba railroads in Minnesota and Dakota
it has been the fashion for several years for
the daughter of farmers, and m some cases for
the young la lies of the towns and villages, to
take advantago of the beneficent law which
allows single women over twenty one years of
age the same opportunities men have to locate
gooerment land under tho pre-emption and
timber culture acts, and most of them havo
been successful. Others who have had money
haoe purchased farms from the railroad coir
pany and cult vated them. One of the finest
farms in Barnes county is owned and oper
ated by a woman, who derives from it an in
come of several thousand dollars each j ear.
She spends her w inters in the east, leaving her
farm meanwhile in the charge of a foreman,
and each spring gots to Dakota to superintend
the planting and harvesting herscf. A cor res
pondent of The lntr-0:ern, who has recently
returned from that country', found in Rrand
Forks county four young ladies from Phila
delphia, who have located a sect on of land
one hundred and sixty acres each, and are do
lighted with their present prosp Tity and fu
ture prospects Two young ladies of Fargo
h e "tree claims," which they are cultivating
by contract, and they are very proud of their
independent business. llmlinnj Journal
Avy person, not a subscriber, who will get
us three new subscribers, not now on our list,
and remit 67 50, will receive the paper free
one year as compensation for the effort.
Las week thero were only two Utters in
hand, so we ovaited till this week, and have
now several moic.
Our first lutter this week is from a dear lit
tlo girl whom we havo known for a long time,
and who felt so sorry about thero being so
few letters that she immediately started to do
her part by writing a very nice and interest
ing letter, telling about tho machine shops at
Tho Dalles, w hich belong to the railroad com
pany, and which employ hundreds of men.
Ve hopo that I la will be systematic about
her letter writing, and endeavor to writo
often at stated times.
Oscar is a go-aheat and smirt boy if hu is
slashing brush and only 10 cars old. Theso
are the kiud of boys that aro going to mako
our smart men bye and-byo, and our good
and true men, when lu says ho wants to
be put on the temperance roll.
Loren writes a oery nice letter, especially.!!
to the chirography. Wo hopo that word is
not too big to be understood by the oery
little ones. It is, as w o hay o many times said
before, a flue accomplishment to writo well
and spell ovell. Tho card ovhich Loren sent is
a v cry pretty one. He is thoughtful in urg
ing the rest of oui little friends to keep up
tho Homo Circlo's interest Wo often havo
letters fiom grown up people, who say they
enjoy theso letters very much.
One of our little pi Is has written a piece of
poetry for this column. It is v ery good for a
httle t'irl.
Wo want to hear from Kthilenda again.
She used to send us veises, but ban been
silent a long tune. She came to seo Aunt
Heity onco w hen she was in Portland, and
ovo were very glad to bo able to see oue of our
correspondents, and would like to haoe other
boys and girls come and seo us. Wo shall
hear from Ethlinda soon, wo hope, and from
Katie S. too.
Matthew, after a long silence, comes in with
a long letter pretty louf for a youug boy.
Wo hav e always felt that ho was a good friend
to the Circle, and has tried to do his put
faithfully. Matthew must go back to tho cold
States when ho gets to be a big man, and go
in the ov inter tune so as to cn y the winter
pleasures thiy have there Everybody is pre
pared for the cold, and havo warm houses anil
snug barns, os that there is no sight of suffer
ing among dumb animals to take away tho
pleasures of sleigh rules. Theie is also coast
ing aud Bkating. In thoso colder Statis like
Ohio they do not really feel the cold as wo do
here, for the ail is dry if it is cold, while the
dampness of out winters go to one's very
bones. It is tho colder or temperate climates
whciu there aie marked changes that brings
out the best mines, as we ceneially see a
great deal of energy displijcd by those who
have to struggle, while ill warmer climates it
is citicr to live, or the necessities of life aro
not so many, and man is apt to deteriorate,
having less brain force as well as vital. It is
said that a hive of bees, if taken to a warm
climate will entirely cease layinj up honey
The bees that had bicu so industrious and
busy where provision had to bo made for tho
winter will jut live fiom day to day without
a thought for to morrow. Is there any one
who can send the verses commencing, "How
doth the little busy bee improve each shining
Tilh Daiili, Jan. 8, 188X
Kditor Homo Circle:
I have not written to tho Home Circle fur a
long tune, and from thtre being so few letters
in the latt Fakmik I am afraid that a good
many of your young friends have been lay us
well as 1. Aunt sajs pcihaps you would like
to hear how we tried to entertain Uncle
Henry when ho made us a visit. We show oil
him the town. Among other things aunt aud
I took him over to the railroad company's
shops, There we saw machines that could cut
iron just as if it were wood. Then wo went
to the blacksmith Bhop, and there were little
fires all about, at which men were working
with red hot iron, and I was afraid a spark
w ould fly in my eye, ps I read a story about a
little boy getting his eye put out in that
way. The place we visited was the car shop.
There were lots of men in tho cars; some had
lights, and others had none, because they
were painting on the outside. These were in
tendeifor baggage cats. Uncle iluiry wanted
to know where thy got the water from, and
aunt told him it came from the water works.
1 her. we went into the boiler shop. '1 litre
we taw two men put one of the ends on the
boiler, I think the boiler was about tight
feet hih and s'x feet through, and twinty
five fi-ct long. The next we visited was the
saw shops; there were lots of men and lots of
noise, no much so that we could not hear any
one talk. O e of the things I saw was a
wheel, and it looked like a ring of sparks
around it. Uncle "id it way an emery wheel
'I he lat thing we went tj see was the large
engine winch ruus all thu machinery. The
fly-wheel was so largj and went so fait that
I ould feel the wind ciu-il by it in my face,
l our ftitnj, IvaC llKOUhn,
.Torkan, Dr., Jan. 13, 1S83.
Editor Home Circle :
I thought I would writo a few lines to the
Home Circle. I never tried to write to the
Fakoihi be'orc. I am a little boy 10 vears
old. I have been slashing brush to day; it is
pretty bird work. I havo been going to
school, but it is closed now. Wo had a good
teacher. 1 liko to read the little letters. As
I have no pets to talk about I will cIosj for
this time. Please put my mi ne o i tho tem
perance roll. 0cak K. Goonoi vs.
Tamunt, Jin. Ui 1SS3.
Editor Homo Circle:
I wrote n letter to tho Fauoifu onco be
fore, and I tbourht that I would writo agitn.
It seems to mo that the Letter Box cmtaius
less letters than it did when it was first
started. Now boys and girls it scorns to me
that jou could w lite to the Fahoiui onco in a
while, so as to keep life in the Homo Circle,
Aunt Hetty is willing to print them, for she
says so. It has been stunning very bard for
the last two or three days, snow iug awhile,
then it rains and freezes. I don't like that
kind of weather. I havo killed seventy ducks
and threo geese this w niter. I havo somu nice
cbromo cards, vv hich I will sell twenty-five for
tea cents. I ov ill send Aunt Hetty one, and
she w ill tell v ou w hether they are nice or not.
I hope that tho littlo b ys and girls will writo
ofteuer after this. I will now closo for this
tune. Lonvv B. Lurm.
nJwnys Cares and novor Disnppolntr
Tho world's Rroat Pnln-Rollovor
for Man and Boast. Cheap, qulaL
nud rollablo-
Kvst Poktumi, Jan. 8, 18S3.
Editor Homo Circle :
I know that many littlo boys and girls miss
tho nice letters that used to find tbeir way
into the Fakoilh. We musttiy and improve
the opportunity which dear Aunt Hetty has
given us of teaching us how to compose and
writ?. It will be a lasting benefit to us, and
every mother who consults tho interest and
welfare of her cluldien should feel ever grato
ful to her kind teaching. Iiio holdidaVB are
now over, and wo all had a jolly viiiie. Wo
had our Chiistmas tree as usual, laden with
presents for tho older ones and toys for my
littlo brother and sister. Our littlo lister got
a nice doll, a box of matched cards, a nico lit
tle puzzle; also, a box of email clothes puis
aud a cluomo card, and under the treo we
placed a box with a pair of rabbits in it. Our
littlo brother got his share; ho fairly dancid
with delight. My brother Ehbcu goes to
school; I do not go this winter; I do all I em
to asist my niamnu with her housework, and
also in taking caio of baby, for another sweet
little sister has put m her appearance siuco I
last wrote; ovo call hor Maggie. Tho winter
has been oery mild, and met of tho tune
ph as nit. During thu holidays it ovas a little
cold, but clear all tho tune. Ou Christmas
Day afritudgavous a nice hoquet; slit picked
it from her garden; but on tho 3d of tins
month when we got up in tho iiioimug wo
found tho ground coveud with snow. We
had a few rides on our sled. A boy w ho lately
camn Irom Illinois camo to spend New Ye irs
with us. Ho said sometimes it began to snow
as early as Octobtr there. I told lum that I
would not like to live thero at all, and told
bun of tho many advantiges we had here,
when to my astonishment ho shook his head
and said "Give mo the snow; I liko my sleigh
ndo too well." I was then fully convinced
he would novel mako a Webfooter. But wo
Oreconians seldom havo such a treat. I am
almost twelve years old, and I novcr had but
two sleigh rides in my life. 1 will now clcse,
hoping to see more- letters in tho l'ti.MKit
Somo call ou Katie S, but I would rather
hear from those who give more of their expe
ricuce in doing housework and of their iminy
pets. Mj best wishes to tho FoitMHtand
lovo to Aunt Hetty. Matiukvv Pun h
Tho Towi of
On tho Kiutt bunk ogtlio W i.ainttUe 3) n.lltti
from tho hmlnom imUr of I'ortUml
taut (if ruuUiln? tlio cltj
Xnrootle. Children prow Hit
upon, Mothers like, ami lh.si
ciium recoiuiiirnd CASTOKIA.
It regulates tho liowels, cures
AVIiifl Colie, nlla j s Fcverlsline.ss,
ami destrojs AVorins.
Cure, a Constitutional Antidote for
this terrible malady, hy Absorption
Tho moat Important Discovery since
Vaccination. Othor romodies may
relieve Catarrh, this cures at anr
stage before Consumption sets in.
1 had sult.ru i t i jiirnwltli .ivere ilwease !
lh.kliln.vs.ltforou.liu Jluiit's Ken.cdy two djr. t
wa. relieved, ...J am no well ' TUTn,LU
"My rhsrtclin. thought tlml l w. nwjrwu u" -.M.
V.i. IcrrlWv HtlllUul llli rliMllliatlam from
1800 to 1830
l....iir.ll.,lllint, ItPllll ilv
""" ' hi tl'lir Nil MASON.
"Mr doctor rr norniecd mv ca Ilrlulif. DImu
and told me Hint I could Ilv. only fortl -c w-ht hoilM. 1
then took Hunt', remedy, and "J",lJJrlj,,1FD
llavlnR sultind tuenty yrar with kidney aiwa".
IIIPUl 1111 WlUltl'll. will.,, --
I viirlitUM tiliVpkll
llevad. I wai then cured by limit". Ui nimly
and en pioyt
"I havo been itreatly bcnefUtul by tlio llie of Hunt"!
Heinedy. lor ilia uses or the kidney, and urinary or
,.n.ther.Uu0thi.,lf.uiierlc.,.A n ,,
"I can testily to tli lrtuof Hunt', ltiin.d In kW
.. . a I . l . I l.i. 1, In i ii lulli li liriaV
dtud thereby " ev " 1 u ''11
"I wiutinnhle tnanwi 'roni liul irom nuacit
kidney ill.t-o The iloct. r. mill 1 not ru bvo in. I
a llnallj complete'! I ty " '" ' '.V " Vil ,'-,'"l;;?ir
I HAriK It iiieivsuw.
"I have Bnrl.re.1 eitremj) with Milne) ill4Ua.e, aftu
ualn; HiiiiL'albiiiely toi.J, I a uubled ti i
ume I,iiIiih " (jI.U ' LI-AUK
Our Irliil itlll niiivlnri-ycm. r kale ?
all llrii!!Kll. Hen 1 for l'im lilc t to
Providonca K. Z.
n let ., 13 ' "I" ' f ' '"'
(Old ".NA HON Ab," r.UUIelud lWM )
28 Front Street, fcct. WaisliInKton and Alder
in:ti.rm m,m:ss or 101 iihin,
.OUII ,llt.4IM.r,
And Ucllllle. for pro.urlii,,'iiro wuttr, an 1 plenty of It
than any other addition to the city of Portland.
Ihe Company.
FurryBoutlollj ,
Ik at present making four trips per tlr Iu NKW
KKUHV 110 AT Hilt next humuitr nuku hourly trtpi
to and from tlie town, making the distance Intltlu of
15 iiilnute, an 1 w hm ntuiMHAry half hcur trip IU bu
IvjU are to I J on the populai
on jiti:i.uui:u paimknth.
ti frige from flOOJto '1210 and in
Monthly ayments of $10 Facli
Vfl.rcr.Mapiianl driulan addruw,
T, A. WOO!),
Simpson & Killingsworth
(So 12, I'nloii lilock, up Ulr. )
I runl Mrt rl, I'm lliiml, on u.
Orni )!li u I ioui V, a x. to 0 30 r
I-(lit I
a r AitJivri.oMi
I'tnuun and S rttary
An lh.tltutlon ilt.l Hid for tho j rattluil bmlneaa
nil! all mi ot lioth "in
Almllttd on any ick .Uj ol the u,r .So vac
Hon ut ant Unit, an I no examination
ou tnlirin.
Hrliiiliir.lili, tar lull lln.liii oiiric, 0.
Of all klul. tietuttil to onUr at retaormbl. rattj
SitMiUlun Kiuraiiltld
Tlio (iilltxr Journal, tonUli.liu Inform itlon of
the touro of ululy, when to enur, time r ipiirul,
co.t of boar I, tic , and tut. of ornamental itiuuaii
hip, from tho pm of I'rol Wraou, .iil frt
A'""1"" LIMKIhllWa,
Loik lion 101 lortUud, Hrey,on
Lilicrai 'lYriiii,
Low I'rlrt'S,
lioiiiX Time,
Low Interest.
fi Uowliu llbiral " Omitvlilh of ll'l
In ch.iuurcloii Uie bal-iicat loit ratt ul .uwuptr
tent ou year alttr wle, an I tach followtu. i
tiith cl the principal and iiiicmt on th tLi ' "
rau ol Mvei, rr eflt P-r " IJot1 pf " "
niUr.ui iahle In l a Currency
ilivimut ut cn per tent Ml "e allowed (wr .1
b c .. r, w iii I i a-1 lrri. il to
I tl LSI III lf Ui.il Af I
i) i l K I 1 jitUui, writ-oil