Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 05, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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flti H$m$ fircl
Edlfe! Iir Mrs Harriot T ( larkc.
Whnl can be done or said ?
Will dealh jhe up hU dead f
JO, thou, who ever art our own !
U, faint anil fluttering breath t
From lip and eye, and brow forever flown,
mat room be mado for this drtad presence,
Death !
Who bids both life and time, and still for
thee, this day,
Forever and aye 1
Brief, brief is life at best ;
But ah, for thee how brief I
' 0, mom 'ntary guest 1
I Thou liad'st partaken not of joy and grief ;
While stais still watched thy wakening dawn,
juerimi mpnt came on I
0, stricken soul t whose senses all are sealed !
Deaf, dumb and blind ; nj beat in heart or
brain :
Ere to thjsolf thou was't thyself revealed,
j nat ngut was gone that none can bring
again 1
Death's dispossessing glance
naa jeu tnee I on, so cold, ana still, ana
white 1
IXever to know this Btrango inheritance
UI hope, love, knowledge, sorrow and
delight 1
Ah I tender plant 1 on which his fallen the
E That seeing no leaf to seize, nor flower or fruit,
itcjened aowu and stilled the stirrings m the
No perfect ihaft to mark a well-won goal ;
No broke n column for a half run race
Thy little hands droppel life's unwritten
Upon a sbaftiefs bate !
James Hunter MacCulloch.
Doing Duties.
Dear Girls Beside one of my favorite
walks a little rill flows so rapidly and with
inch force, that high banks are left on either
tide of the broad channel it has made for it
elf. A little farther down, it moves so
smoothly and so noiselessly that even the
acute ears of a blind man could hardly catch
, its murmur.
W I seldom rass this spot without stopping a
'moment to watch the even flowing of this
tiny stream, and muse upon its likeness to
the life of a true and noble girl. There is a
great deal to admire in the life of a true
maiden; she is quiet and gentle and modest,
' and one unacquainted with her merits would
pronounce her (food for nothing but to be
petted and admired and cared for. But let
'"advene circumstances came, and how soon
"'"'this quiet and apparently nervelesss maiden
Swill prove herself .possessed of strength that
fnanj a man might envy ! Cases are not rare
here a daughter with her own earnings
'supports an aged father or mother, putting
v eff, perhaps, her marriage, that she may the
Jfmore faithfully care for thtm. And some
" times a sister bends every faculty she pos
seises to caring for orphaned little ones, and
patting aside her own wishes and hopes,
trains them up into noble man and woman
hood. J. Not to every maiden comes the opportunity
"of so publicly showing her innate strength;
4s)ut the smaller events of life teach us that
jlalthough delicate and fair, she can rise to
4 meet any emergency. It is a no easy task for
i a carefully nutured girl to go out on a winter
' day and feed the stock, so that when her
'father comes in from his lone ride in the
i .freezing air, he need not again leave the com-
lortabls nreeide. Hio one wonld think that
the. girl to whose gentle touch the piano so
readily responds, was an hour before making
all secure lor tne m;ht in Her lather a barn.
Still the transformation is no greater than the
brook underwent in passing from the rapid
stream that made for itself a bed a hundred
time too large, to the noiseless, gently flowing
t rill.
t One occurence I remember that shows the
' force of will that may be possessed. There
r had, bean an accident; a ghastly wound had
ash .day to be dressed, and a daughter was
, , obliged to assist. This she did without a
visible tremor, and the sura-eon. who at first
4; disliked to trust her. found no one could be
Mt-braver than she. Finally, on one occasion,
if thsro was no positive need of her being
Y present, bat so accustomed were the others to
ner help that no one thought of excusing her
until they saw by the pale face and involun
tary trembling that tbejbrave gill had nearly
fainted. They then saw that while she knew
it to be a duty she had put aside all thoughts
'of self, but as soon as other help was at hand,
her nerver could no longer bear the strain.
. Now, I sometimes become acquainted with
girls who have a perverted sense of modesty
and refinement, and think they must always
, pass along idle and listless, as does the stream
. at the point wlie-e I cannot even bear its
Cripple. They think it the height of refine
ment to scream when they see a mouse, and
to declare they could never, never milk a cow,
'And they imagiue that to wash the dishes
viand to roughen their hands, or to rake hay
-cfor father when a shower is coming, or to do
housework a week or two fnr a sick neighbor,
would irretrievably rain their reputations and
, cost them thsfr womanliness.
Then there are others who be'ieve that to
show they are not nerveless and fragile, they
must be boisterous and manlike. They de
light in Derby hats and cloaks that are almost
coats? and whistle as they pass down the
street, and boast of their skill in masculine
sports, and enjoy rides in the farm wagon
more than in the carriage. They are like the
stream when it dashes down its deep channel.
,.( , Neither of these is right. Woman, to be
true to herself, must be a lady, and that, the
'dictionary lays, is "a woman of refined man
Wneny" -It. most be remembered, however,
44 that refinement never forbids the performance
f 'duty. No matter how repulsive'to a deli
i eat person a thing may be, if it be clearly a
dutv, its omission always injure the one who
"eglects it,-aaita performance always raises
in .everybody's esteem the ooewbo does it.
A ,woanan is (wvs admired who takes up a
hard or diaagrceable doty, and without flfnijh
ling', carries it bravely until there is no Ijuger
5anyrneceiity for so doing. Should, she rr
Ut.iri doing or bearing, beyond that point,
ahe is called self willed ajvl stubborn; and the
incense, we thereafter offer at bar shrine loses
a part of its delicate aroma.
Dear girls, the.amnnnt of. the whole matter
is that a true woman is not exclusively a rush
ing ton en t,, or a noiseless rill. Lot a mixture
Mt ef the two qualities so nicely combined, that
mu none can see loconsistncxcr unfitness!
P HktBor Men,
?J "WtV Dealt Betiesrer restores kealtn anj vijor,
3 " Drwria. Imiotcnee, bcise! IxUlltr fl
As all thingi connected with domestic
ecoromy or utility is discussed in this depiit
ment of the Farmer, I thought it not amiss
to put some of my thoughts on piper for the
benefit of the sisters of the Circle. A good
as4irtment of quilts are esteemed an absolute
necessity for a young housekeeper in begin
ning her married life, and most generally she
has been piecing up quilts for jears ahead,
her mother and grandmother giving liberal
donations besides. These quilts are good in
the way of spreads, but for warmth and real
utility a comforter or a woolen blanket is very
superior. Quilts are heavy, and the number
required to give the warmth necessary makes
a load upon the body that often will be a
burden toa delicate person's frame. Wool is
a non conductor, therefore retains the heat of
the body; the fabric of a blanket is such that
it is easily cleansed, therefore the absorptions
of the body is easily removed, and may
easily or neatly bo used as a sheet. Quilts
must be carefully used, as by frequent wash
ing the colors fade, and the cotton will get
sodded into hard lumps, and the quilt loses
the soft, pliable feeling that it had after com
ing out of thj quilting frames. We would not
by any mean; discourage the piecing or mak
ing of quilts', only that they may not consti
tute the greater part of the bedding. We
heard a lady not long ago ray she slept in the
juest chamber of a friend who had quantities
of these nice quilts. She counted eight on the
bed in which she lay, and ytt she slept cold,
for the bedding did not cling close to the
body, and was so heavy that it was burden
some. Hie best bed is a solt wool blanket
next to the upper sheet, then a comforter
made of three widths of calico on each side
with four pounds of cotton between. Have it
wide so as to "tuck in," then a prettily pieced
quilt over that; then, to protect the pretty
quilt, a white spread that is easily washed
may be put over all. There is a necessity for
plenty of under bedding, or one may sleep
cold, as these new fashiined wire or spring
beds give no protection from the cold under
neath the bed, as many a one has found out
by sleeping in hotel beds. Uood beds and
good bedding are as necessary as good nour
ishing food. A night spent in an uncomfort
able, cold, hard bed is enough to take the
soul and heart of one for a week to come, and
yet how many there are who pay but little or
no attention to these home comforts. It is but
a few hours' work to "tie" a comfortable,
while calico can be got fourteen yards for a
dollar, and cotton batting costs but little,
there is no excuse for comfortless beds. One
might well afford to throw away the cover of
a comforter when it is once soiled, or it may
be ripped off, washed and tacked on again on
short notice. We hare for many years been
in the habit of tacking a strip of some pretty,
oft material that would wash on the top end
of all comforters and quilts, so that the por
tion of the bedding which comes in contact
with the face and breath will be kept sweet
and c ean. Every housekeeper can notice that
it is only this part of the beddinp which usu
ally gets soiled; then it is not pleasant to
draw clothing about ones face that has been
used by others. This thought reminds us of
another hint which might be useful, The too
common use of the tame towel, comb and
brush. It may be admissible for brothers and
sisters to nse the same toilet articles, yet it is
better for every individual child or person to
have their own especial articles of ablution; it
forms neat, nice habits in a child. There are
plenty of families that permit the hired man,
or the help in the family to use the same comb
for the hair and wipe on the same towel. In
this way we know of a whole family getting
by chance sore eyes, which now, after twenty
years are past, is still in that family. Habits
of personal neatness are not to be ignored,
nor need a person be called proud or fastidi
ous because careful of personal contact with
strangers. Aunt Ruth.
The last list of names on the Temperance
Roll was printed the 28th of May, and con
tained 48 names of boys and girls 27 girls
and 21 boys. So the girls are in the majority
this time as they always are when good, right
and true ideas are concerned. It is the influ
ence of women that dictate for good or for evil
in the world. This list has 28 names and just
exactly one-half are girls. We think that one
name got lost maj be there one more than one
omitted; if so, we will thank any one to let us
know that we may commence tho new year
with those names. We have been waiting for
the new year to come, so as to publish thoie
we have on band, then after this shall publish
every three months a list, and hope it may be
a good long ons. It will be nice for everyone
to cut out the list, and paste it in a scrap
book. If any name has not been printe 1, it
will afford a good excuse to write another let
ter for the Home Circle.
There are two questions in which woman is
deeply interested, and these are schools and
liquor trrffic, the last. Mothers, now have it
in their power to wield an influence, and th
way is, while her children are about her, to
train them up to strict Temperance ideas
Boys and girls who pledge themselves to tem
perance will be apt to vote that way when
they are older, and the girls, if not voting by
that time, may be able to influence a vote at
any rate.
Mary A. Shaw,
Ellsworth Braiie,
Jane Eby,
Otis U. Taylor,
Tomies Jordan,
Robert Hartin,
Licncy Mote,
Ad lie May Drake,
M. I,. Garrett,
Cynthia J. Reed,
Maggie McMeekin,
Haney Taylor,
Lucie r Naomi Pringle,
Grey It. Menmin,
Alice M. Martin.
John Sbaw,
F. M. Taylor,
John Jordan,
Grace Bell Drake.
Jennie Hartin,
Jane K. Mote,
Henry Jackson.
George F. Reed,
rreeldie Powell,
EtU Hsndsaker,
Blanch Adams,
Emma C. Misner,
Felix Grilzmarker,
Qe ci, cwnploU cure, an aanojUig Kliaej, BkUr
mju vnau ir.
d ah.- i.:t.i
3imk Vbu,t VLiiiurrii.
-,--,- -j
count the broken lvres that rest
ttnere ine sweet waning singers slumber,
But o'er their siltnt sister's breast
The wild flowers who will stop to number I
A few ran touch the magic string,
An 1 noisy fame i proud to win them;
Alas I for those that never sing.
But die with all their music in them t
Nay, griete not for the dead alone,
Whose song has told their heart's sad story;
Weep for the voiceless who have known
The cross without the crown of glory I
Not where Leueadiau breezes sweep
O'er Sappho's memory-haunted billow,
But where the glisttnmg night dews weep
On nameless sorrow's church yard pillow.
0, hearts that break and give no sign,
Save whitening lips and faded tresses,
Till Death pours out his cordial wins,
TtTI .1 . t. ' .
oiow dropped from misory s crushing
If singing breath or echoing chord
To every hidden pan:; were given,
What endless melo lies" were poured,
As sxd as earth, as sweet as heaven I
Other Wendall Holmes.
A Lesson of Self-Dependence.
Bess was out in the summer house, playing
with her dolls, when her brother Dick came
running in, very red in the face, talkine very
fast, "Say, Bess, gramma's come, an' she
brought you tomejin'. Come an' see what."
Bess jumped up in such a hurry that she
upset the dolls' tentable, and left the dolls
themselves lying in a state of pitiable helpless
ness upon their faces, and scattered the tea
things about in dire confusion.
" hope it's that croquet set," said she.
Now, B ss had all manner of playthings;
beoks, dolls, dishes, and the like, all more or
less soiled and broken, but she did not have
what she thought she most desned a croquet
It was her own fault, too, for her mother
often said that the child should have it in a
moment, only she knew veiy well how it
would be, Bess was so careless that before the
end of the first week she would get tired of it,
and then the mallets would get broken and
the balls lost; so she had to make the best of
it. Besides, if Bess had saved out of her
month's allowance of spending money, which
she wasted on every occasion, she would have
had enough to hive bonght two or three
croquet sets.
Theq Miss Bessie wrote to grandmother,
and told her how much she wanted it, confi
dently expecting that the kind old lady would
gratify her. But she was mistaken; grand
mother had another plan.
She threw her arms around the dear old la
dy's neck and kissed her. After they had
talked awhile she said:
"Bessie, my dear, I have brought you some
thing. Go out on the porch, and lift the lid
of my willow basket and see what it is I
know you will be pleased."
Bess knew very well that wicket and mal
lets could hardly be carried in a willow bas
ket, and she went out rather lajggingly. But
she lifted up the lid of the basket, aud there,
in the coziest, cunningest of nests, was a
plump, little snow-white hen, about which
cuddled twelve little, downy chickens. These
were Bessie's present. She was really pleased,
and they were so pretty that she forgot her
disappointment. Pretty soon grandmother
came out, and said to her:
"Bessie, that is Mrs. Biddy and her family
I have brought them to vou as a tn-esent. f.
though, I knew you would rather have had
something else." Bess blushed and looked
ashamed, but her grandmother pretending not
probably raise eight or ten of them. Against
j - -..-..- JVW
next year, then, these will have broods of
their own, to say nothing of the eggs vou will
sell during the winter, when thy In nj audi
a high price. Then, when next summer conies
and you still think vou want the croauet set.
you will have money enough of your own to
get it. I could and would have brought it to
you, but 1 want you to learn to depend upon
and get things yourself. It will do you good.
You will have to wait awhile, but you will
enjoy your pleasure all the more when it does
Bets swallowed a big lump in her throat,
and tried to squeeze back two stubborn tears
that would drop, and then went off very
cheerfully to get some bread crumbs for her
new pets.
After awhile Mrs. Biddy grew very tame;
her brood thrived and grew very ugly; first
the disagreeable-looking pin feathers came
out, then their necks grew long and their legs
grew long in pioportion, and they prom
enaded the lawn, looking very gaieli, as Dick
said, and very melancholy and hungry. Besj
was delighted with them, and thought that
they were the most beautiful things shs ever
saw; grasshoppers and crickets s enied to
agree with tnem, for, wonderful to tell, not
one of the twelve died. And, finally, when
they grew up to be Bcdate heus and roosters,
her satisfaction was comp'cte.
Ou Saturday Bess sent to the city a basket
of eggs, and that afternoon she dropped into
her savings bank the first dollar she ever
earned. Nothing the had ever had given her
so much pleasure as that dollar, and that mi
only the first.
LV-1.. l A -! II V1!.1J1-- .
(.aiijr tne uc4 auuug iijra. 4muy came on
with another brood, and six of the other hens
did the same, these grew rapidly, and were
readily sold.
Une day grandmother came to visit them
again, and liess concluded that it was time to
count her money, Dick eot behind her chair.
grandmother put on her spectacles to help,
wiu uer mutucr jiticncu wnue ress counieel;
"One, two, three, five, seven, twelve dollars
and fifty cenU. Why, grandmother, the
croquet set won t cost half of that 111 have
six dollars over for seed, as papa always says.
nnei i earncu n an myteu, too. i never was to
Grandmother smiled, and said, in a kind
voice, "Vou 11 find, my dear child, if you live
very long, that few things you get wil give
you aa much real pleasure as that which you
get yourself. Learn to depend upc.n yourself
and others will help you, Vou see, now, how
it has been. I should have brought you the
set at once, but your mother wrote and told
me not to do so, as it would be money thrown
away, you were getting so careless and waste
ful. I thought it would be a good chance to
teach you a lesson, and I see that you have
learnedit; ou are more tidy and more e-are-fill.
Now, kits me, and we 11 write a letter
and order the croquet act."
They went into the library and wrote a very
dignified letthr which Bets sealed, backed,
aud earned to the post offics herself. Two
days after came the box, marked in big, black
Miss lltssir. Grfv,
It was the happiest day of Bessie's life, and
she kissed Biddy's smooth, white feathers
with unaffected gratitude.
l'apa put the wickets up, and that evening
there was a tea party a surprise for Ik-ss.
They plaj ed all the afternoon; when evening
came they were ready with keen appetites to
appreciate the dainty supper Mrs. Urey pre
pared. I am certain that of all things she ever pos
sessed, except B'ddy, Bess never enjoyed any
thing as much as she did the croquet set
simply because it took an effort to get it, aid
she made the effort herself.
I must not forget to say that Biddy's child
ren and grandchildren grew up and were sold,
while the plump, little hen grew plumper and
tamer every day. She would follow lies
about like a doe, and would fly upon the back
of her chair for her dinner. And far as can be
seen, she seems to promise to retch a dignified
and happy old age.
Oricln of Santa Claus.
To begin at the beginning, it is said that
when St. Paul, the A pestle, was waiting at
Myra, "a city of Lycia,"for a ship to take
him to Italy, he founded a church. At any
rate, a Catholic Church existed there in the
fourth century, and over it St. Nicholas, born
in the neighboring town nf Patara in 342,
became Bishop. This man was not only
extremely pious and attentive to his devo
tions, l.ut the accounts handed duwn represent
him constantly doing acts of personal kindness
to unfortunato people, and from this came
great popularity to him as a saint. Hearing
that a nobleman in his native town had be
come reduced to poverty and was uiuble to
givo the necessary marriage portions to his
three daughters, he went secretly to the
house by night, and, fhid'ng an open window
of the room where the three maidens were
sleeping with their father sitting by them,
threw in three purses of gold, and then the
girls were married and lived happily ever
afterward. Again, as he was traveling about
in a time of famine he lodged in the house of
a certain host who was a "son of Satan," says
the legend, who served up some pieces of
small boys for supper. The good saint took
in the situation, and, going to a tub in the
house where the three boys had been salted
down, made the sign of the cross over it, and
the little chaps "rose up whole and well."
And soon St. Nicholas became the great
exemplar of those who would make gifts in
secret, and the esp;cial protector and friend of
little children; came to have the precise
attributes of Santa Claus. He did other kind
things which have led sailors, travelers and
many other people to adopt them as their
patron, but it is by these two stories that he
is best known, and the old pictures usually
represent him either with the three purses or
the tub and little boys.
As the knowledge of Christianity spread to
the west, the story of St. Nicholas was car
ried along with it. As early as the tenth
century the saint had become very popular
in many parts of Europe, and there naturally
enough grew up a cu'tom of secretly making
presents to children on the day of his feast,
December 6th. The custom seems to have
found a specially kindly soil in Holland, and
there was created our Santa Claus, who is
nobody but St. Nicholas himself, transformed
to please little Dutch boys and girls. The
gifts were made in the night, as the saint
made his, and were put in stockings, or, more
likely, little wooden shoes, that they might
surely be found in the morning. Then, as
now, the jumping-jacks and wooden tea sets
came from the Alp,, the region of frost and
snow, and they came durine the cold uiunn
a"d "' the W0P d "i "osier
changed into something like a rubicund Dutcl
burgomaster with the reindeers and fur
clothing appropriate to his northern habita
tion, jumping down the chimney as the least
improbable way of getting into the house.
From the legends of St. Nicholas came the
custom of hanging up stockings on Christmas
eve, and from some such association of ideas
as here suggested, did the Dutchman shape
the saint of the elders into the "Santa Klaus,"
or "Knecht Clobes" of the juniors. The
name of Santa Claus comes easily enough from
the rapid pronunciation of the words St.
When the Hollanders came to New Vork
they brought their favorite saint along in
lioth forms. Mr. Diedrich Knickerbocker In
his famous history tells us that the ship Goede
Vrouw, which brought the first burghers
across the water, had for its head "a goodly
image of St. Nicholas." Certain it is tint the
Bishop of Myra was made the patron saint of
New Amsterdam, and that the first church
built there Was named in his honor, and that
the feast of San Claas "de patron van kin
dcrvrugd," that is, the natron of the children'
joy was one of tho five great yearly festi -al.
Then caino the Kuglish Christmas with its
custom of making presents, descended from a
pagan practice of the kind at New Year's ami
finally the great Christian festival swallowed
up the feastof St. Nicholas, and with it Santa
Clans aud his delightfully mysterious gifts,
Oraat U The Boom Thereof.
Never in the history of the great Columbia
Basin has there been such a boom, especially
in land matters, particularly iu this section of
the country, as we are called upon to witness
to-day. Lind, once denounced st only fit for
the coyote and prairio dog to inhabit, sells
now from $10 to $60 per acre. Our city, sur
rounded by what was once termed gravel beds
and alkali flats, is gradually spreading out its
wings and (and is sold by the foot for more
than it brought ten years ago per acre. Our
aoil has decived us all. Old settlers lived up
on inexhaustiblo mines and knew It not. The
bunch grass land and sage brush cojntry has
turned out to be the best wheat country under
the sun. This discovery led to the building
of railroads, for wi thout them, our wheat fields
would have been of little avail, but when the
yeomanry and the railroad magnates juntd
hands; ono willing ti raise the golden cereal,
aud the other able to give us a highway to
the sea, then a new era set in, and its name
wai Jirotperity.
Happy are those who have clone- to their
" 1
homes from the very first, and happy will be
those who still pour into our brjad and fertile
valleys, acquire a quarter sectioii of land by
some means, and stick to it. True, since tho
boom, many with long licaels and Inch cheek
bones hae taken up and grasped with ono
scoop, more laud than any one man ought to
hae, but th'y hao it all the same, and th y
"freeretoit like bees wax, but still they have
not taken all Eistern Washington Territory,
Eastern Oregon or Northern Idaho. There
are still thousands upon thousands of acres of
unclaimed land, both government and rail
We have often said: "this is a good couu
lrp,"and we never gave utteranco to such
words but what we felt the very truth there
of sink deep into our very heart. Wc have
seen this country when few whito men had
gazed upon its pine clad hills and valleys so
fair. We have chased tho coyote from our
tent, lest he should steal our grub sack, which
frequently formed our pillow; seen It when
The Dalles w as a large sand pile and Walla
Walla a huge w illow brush. Wo are march
ing on to golden times, for with us wheat Is
king and prosperity stands written in living
letters, upon the portals of every home. Tho
amszing fertility of our soil and our increasing
shipping facilities by water and land, have
caused this happy epoch, and w c rejoice and
feel grateful to Him, the great giver of all
good aud from whom all blessings flow. Roll,
Jorelou, roll! II'. II'. Watchman,
Hop Bitter are Hie Purest nml Brat Blllrrs
i.irr aiaiir.
They are compounded from Hops, Miilt, Ilueliu, Man
drake and Dundellontho oldixt, but, and most talu
able medlctnc9 in the v, orld and contain all the bet and
most curative properties of all other remedies, being
the irieatest Blood Turiflcr, I.h e lUirulator, and Life and
Health Kestorin? Aircnt on earth. No dlneaM or ill
healtn can possibly long cit where these Hitters are
used, so varied and p&ifect are their operations.
They irlvo now life and lgor to the aged and Infirm.
Th alf whose einpto incuts cuido trrugulwltv of tho
bow els of urintr) organs, or who require an Apetiscr,
Tonic and mild Stimulant, Hop Hitters aro invaluable,
being highly curatlc, tonic and stimulating, without
No matter w hat your feelings or s mptonis are, what
tho dlse tse or alhni tit Is, us'' Flop Hitters Don t wait
until y ou are sick, but if y ou only feel had or miserable,
uee Hup Bitters at once It ma sale vour life. llnu.
dreds nave tieen saved by so doing. 500 will be paid
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