. jtMXtaig&jBtmHmuumiiMWf lmutmsMtunuiaiiHUHmuaaijaiBBtnint HtfH-ft..A..r HWl ..-IH-- jijsroitr. tfnt .tt, 1 , 1QRTLAto. " "MBER W. til MAlihJZT hiiiii: risoiMii: jiabkh. The folliiwing represent vilioltskle rat , torn iii)uifrcor first hands EPLOUK. In jolbitig lots standard brand WHEAT-AnllcySl 0r.1.721;ValUl 1 62 lor l.iw erop; &7 to CO cents r.. I)' Urmer a biiahel at alia Walla and i.e.. 'j - 0T. ct for good fed '.' but. 3.NIONS. New U'- !'()TA'l01X-r.O(Mc. -1IlJlllJh(th.-Jol'l'"!. f"r c1. "rtjft" 3Q 6U t' ti.ii. aborts, S'-U Chop, 1.1.10 A..0 (K) t1 ton. BIIAN Jobbing at ?2'J per ton BACttN-Sidcs, 17WI8SS nm"l!.c0""t' niwl, none; city eured, 17fcl8o; bhouldei "SKKSK.-l6tol7olt . . , . BONKY In comb, 15al8c; strained, in mllmtH, lie. , i i "HIED FRUlTa.-ArpUs, sun dried qua and 67cj sliced, 7(Sc; machine dried ZlOot Pen, machiuo machine dried, 9al0. RiS, . dried, ditto. ISalSo. HOU11KY. Chickens, full prown. 54 On J Hmall. We3 DO. Ducks, ?9 to 10. JCOG8. Near by fresh laid, 40c. HJOS. Dressed, 7c "Xhr -N t weight Gc and 6Jc for choice SHEEP. Net weight, Dc. VKAL.-4to7c ,Ron. UV WOOL. Kastern Oregon, 16a20c; M fcmette Valley. 18&22cj Umpe.ua, none HIDES Welters' hides, dry, lCalB. oatitry cured, dry, 15c: cul. oft gree kid, sailed, laHc; country ditto. 7o8 Siskins, dry. 300 tf lb; d sheep pelts ear cl.OO; dry elk, 20c per lb. , aLLOW-QuoUble at Jc per lb. If AY-Choice timothy, $22J; from wag.., r.M.ItAL MKttClltSUHHI- tlln r mnJn itRim. ie: Oregon loaf, Woi do in pails, lfiJOHio. VtUTTEH We quote, extra freBh roll, .1 ioc; .air to good, 30(65 oU in ktg l6E.-China, No. 1, Bi " .mJn..u 7o: Sandwich Islands, 77Ju. EA-Jn. 100065o; Ubok, 4UW7N. "aS'FF.fcO.-iwKic. 1315o; Java,it.?. . M.T.A1U.. LrUHhed A 13c; " tru.H-. 18 Cub., ll13iu; Extra C l.)J13Jl Golden 0 IV" UK sandwich IslamU, ... 1,10. D llfelllc. Sugars drop Jo in eacl SYKUI". Kio gallons 86o. UMM.-Uood. 7MS1.76. OILS. Unluury orami "'"-"-: B.i, Uoio & Co., 374o; Boiled L nsee.l, "i dito lUw, 77c; ltno- oil, 40c; lurpe. V, 70o; I ... Lird, ,l 10; Castor, S1.25 ,lBALT -Stock, bay, 10 l ton; Carmen I,V. l JJ. lw Liverr.ol,15; We .(.. Iv. 314: Al.i".u b dairy, ditto. S. YKAST l'O iV'UKKH. Donnelly. 32 II d COMMERCIAL. Tmm.il.AY, Dec 28, 18S2. We aro mndii.g "P thu J0-"" ,t8'J "'"' moderate weatl.er, andthugieeu wheat that was owe.l n November well advanced, at. wheat uh.allj is that was nomd 111 Oc uliei H I.bh bee., an exceptional season und o liaxe had no beVL.o Hosts to date. '1 here has hard J, lK.i .1 "him host even, of any time. (Siass J. grown rapidly, d beit looks like me.dow i.. May. 'Ihe month paid wit hsavy rain ..ml actual storms until l'iida bo (ore Uiri.tiiiii. Wo do not icmembu 111 nn) ,tKt bm more ram has over fallen 111 thuo wetkb'tiim-.oiwhoft there as more stoim. Kor several days at a time wo na.. 6v.o..H ,oull.i i'. ut ii"ut t0 ll lu"" kut stormy. Ca.1fou.1a laru.ers have ltn very anxious lor ra.11, d buNo bad no turpliis as ytt, but then Uvis of not liaMiig sutbcient lamfall are di.pe.Kdl.) unlit rains thiom.li that Mate, nd thev y that thin grain fieldi are uu Mually luxiiiiant. The siino is true of tbo wlw.o .f Oiegon and Washington. The pios. pct lor an enormous v.beat yield in '83 from tho 1'ttuno btaioi a now so good as it is to OilitiBl maiKtware ii.mv fc Ust v.nk, a..d lust week's luat upoit ma) ItlVMHiUti xattt) applicable. loOAL UAIlKKT.1. "Ituviev.e.1 and eorreoied weekly by J. 11. Kuai.p. piodileo eomuilMion dealer, 2tl7 First ilnwv, I'ortl mil, Oiegon. Wheal. No u.atiial cl.augo; the top of tHe uiai kit "bout I 7-4. Date -No 0. aut,o this week; ipioUtious an u i.s last. Oiiiou.-N obange. "luiui. Uwuppl) of flesh loll niouing lessexii) week, aid much of it lUfu'iint in litl.t). riieisdicliniim on i count of i" .jitasid fchipiiiii-ta Horn California, which aie rating loxei, 30 to .Ucts. Cl.te. Uiie,on; uiuo in the maiktt. jj.-Pomii anam to 40e Voiilii). 1 not ee. the printer omitted ipirt- Ut.o. i'd r 11 arks for lat w eek on account ' of tho bu-ak in the railroad. The expected (Upputs were liehuid time, which e-.uued eon- ideislno nnxiety among dealtra m making pr. I aiallons loi Chrutuus. I urke) s tu.i.n n ly' wiul up Hi lhau'l -" u,jt ",uc" ehangein ctV1'l",", - stunlay ttio lieUttd sup liiawiue ali.iu '! chickens dropped a lit tl, Unswnk poultry is scarce ami pucf op Cluekeiw, S; ducks. U to I0 g.H-s 2l Tuik')', 15t IS01 eiy llUle wild game 111 1, ti urke t. I m 1. No ih-iupe; cheap and uot In-pini- nit. J Wiol. No change. 1, N in 11. uppl this "irk. S'lllng S?t ?-' r,r ,on- itoof. "in unl l,Jtk ' otoiwU Cr" auaMarkt We J.. tUMU., S nom S VW ' i., .1 ' i.withBii'iirln hiring the week, and these have been of wide xtent, giving renewed avurancei of another .,,0.1 crop) ear. The nsult of these timely rims has been the occasion of a serious fall in nice, of barley futures at the Call Boards and 1 flight rcjo'ion in the price of wheat, with, ,. ,.. ..,. 1 rr srect of any material decline ,f t'ic latUr, as t e avail' le urplus for ex- rt 1ms 1 ten rc.lue.ed to that exunt as 10 ... Lilj brndlul withoat tho assignee of ex ,rter. Rliipmenls lo this coast of oats and t . -v- 1.-....I n . nrf. HOW it t.' liy ran inim hbnii"i ,l,r, and to tudi an extent mmciem. eu .. . !-.... rnm i lneerr. c' W any rising ..'.."""J' "-" ' n.-ably whit-. Hay lomman.ls tun pnes. I' .tut is and onions find reid buyers at good prieis. Hop .oi.tiniie without moveinpnt. ..... .. ,.u, t A conte hi orary fays that (.00,000 pounds will be crrr.td over -nto the . m jear. W i" think tins must .; .. k'" y r.,r an oetrestimatc, as it by no means tellies til previous st.temenls of stock on bind. . It.les continue in good lequ.st at stead) prices. Tallow se lis readily at the nign rae uling. liuttcr is in goon uVv.j, --- V at tho Ute decline. Cheese and eggs are ir.nly held. 11 ans are nuiet. Honey 1 ithout movement, l'oultry and game con ., ,00 to command good prices. Apples and .ihir seasonable fruit are abundant and uhap. . Tho numerous arrivals 01 eiecp ";. . ' .ring the put few days have had a depress , . iff, ct upon the freight market, and at this .itingitisviry .lillci'It to give a rchab'e unt ition for grain cargoes to Euro, e. Th ommerdalll.portfro! Portland, Oregon of u 15th ins'., tfives the charter of the B-it nh iron shiw, E kdale, to Liverpool direct, a. ,-n which ia far above rates here. Quota. ,.,ns for wh. at in California will not admit of x .y xt nsive business in charters for Europe , present nominal rates basco upo.i presem I,- I.ivemool wheat quotations riiu I us luss at best has been a losing one for miths past, and the wonder is how and wh) 1, export trade has b-eii prosecuted with the r x, ,,. The diseDgaged flea in port is I)'! 000 tons, agaitst 17,000 tons one year ag . T .'ere arc also 6,778 tons at neighboring ports. IViunaao to arrive within nve moue.. ..... loTfrnced .0 C.0,000 reg.sterel tons. 1 . dint GG.000 tons samo date laBt ear. ""Wheat-Call Bales in futures during the -wekhaic been of some impcrtance, as de ,, n ,1 hrrewHh. l'r. sent spot price for extr 0 c il 77 No 1, white,J$l 75l 701; No ' $"70.11 72 I' oil. Very few sales re " t, .1 on Chang" t- ExP0,ts COn 11 110 Iree and liberal. ,..., The rith C.oveniment is undoubtedly .nikiiiR an effort to liberate the kingdom from Seine upon the United States and Una in ,, ii.iv ..v. , rfpficipnev ot the I,,,,, production, and is looking to India as "'" ' ' .1 ,f i!,m minl)lv. Accordini; ? Hluir Ka MlWaWS - J nHofli : I Wmm&mAwMW(!gl8Mim i mimmmmmmmmmmmm sg Dtt9 3ro . . - - Chas. H. Dodd fic Go. Kt?nrFJOR8 TO HAW ELK Y. DODD & CO..) nili)IMIIUS AM) DEALERS I Hardware, Ira and Stee ASD n ONCIituai sounum ... --i;r'- --; a cor.etpondent ot the """ "' Vriw . tli.i IMni mil country produces nearly 100,000 .0 bushels of wheat, one-fourth of winch is iV, tabic for export. The cheapness of Indian I I r reduces lio cost of raising wheal to a y but lu.e, and is said to fully compel,, site, for the gl eater cxpeuse-s of ocean trans mrtition, as compared with the freight ' .lies from the United Stat.s There is ., taul to be n stretch of territory cove-ring MOO squire miles between .lacobibad and ;i,, wl eh though uncultivated at this time, ., I, made highly productive by irugatioii .1 v. river. The coirespniideni r:t:sbatth;U,govren,mentprop.,ses1toopeu op and iniS iteth.se new regions Wool -Toe ma.ket is """"." 1 ..... lioeiever. ri'PO'ted 01 nU.uuu 101 iiH-li r.0.l'lK It, poor to fair Eastern Oregon, Kiuv4o fit.. Klour l'l 0 m.irket is firm at steady price t. ntion is cal.cd to tho largo mc.easo of WILIS irOllO Hi IMSlllli 1 .-.- r "tuit "rolling Hour is .... old and exp oded I". . 1 uii.n discaielcd bv I2h ; dUrt vSSn Or Kon we received r Columbia, 1.000 ks and BJU hi . ".'. I" . ' M111.1 ljniinrsks. The nres u.tiuicuot hippin cxtiasisW .... oO. ..xtrliMiperline.Sl 7.V 53 UO; supernno, o "-''" v... i,f .umi t.n b lifeless Hops 1 no SlH.e ." - . ,t h:,(V.K)a for good to chmee, W II. & H. U Mu, under date o London, Nov Jlh.li, m ort -. lhudiiess 0.1 this market is restrict d by thVsuppli.s being so short, l'ric s remain xee d.ogl y firm, ml .. strong .nqu..yex,sts , .1,11... ents to America and the Continent mr 1...11.1 . , i,'lici,,,,i la,t I he imis.ris 01 i"i(,h" " . . , , i . k" .'ere 3,0.i babs.and for the j comspom , g week list yr ren. 2.4. ,'' SOOOIhsvaiiudit im. shipped bv tin I utting Packing Company. ( , Nebraski is now bending on Mipnlus by rail, which has .1 tendency to check opoia I;!, m, Call. Spot pr.. htr. -c io.ee. S2J p.T ctl. r-istein is quoted at $1 bo )., Call 100 tins No l.Jatiuaiy.soldatSl -f l' Hilttrr-Tlio demand is not urgent, and V . .,!.. Kmcv 30e-: good and cliouo rhOe; fairdo,2ie. I l. kHII r. 11, ne -". --- "I:K:r. firmer. Stock, of all , ..Vi rr.....l..aie. Western. 10M10.-, New ! Y,k sinto factory. 10lo; Cdifornn, 14(.n lS-t IK firmlv he'd Kis'ern, 1), Ulo; CVif.r1.1a. 371 41V t dor 1' . alOell J oe I.c-t'." - ;-- , pid stok aceuniubel.ons fe " , WV iiuota Cuff.. Civo t l I2J(..?1 in "ml1, hit nnl.fi 00 Si 10; IV a ,, am '. 1... SI 00G.SI 10; river red. Us4, Oo; ,'.,rle..l 10: early rose. OOcC-f I D '; gar lelchibs?!! W.Sl l-'H'C. M. Tl.o mipplv is go.4. quote wh. at a SI7 wew w:". ,";- id (X): ital.'c, l- WHi'Cit es.j r... . v.. -$13 1"3, Alfa".. SIR MH W Onions-Supplies larger than demand, 00(2 80o. Wool Geueral features 01 tne roame .." changed. . . ., ,, . ... w.m. Hops JJUll. oaies 01 iuu umes ..-..., on Territory reported at 80c. Eggs Fresh California, 3739c. Supplies ue Farge and prices favor buyers. CHAKTKRKD. To Liiorpiol, Br bk Golden Gate, iron, 899 ous, 37s. NEW YOBH MAKKf.T- New Yoke, Dec. 27. Wheat Steady; $ 05 to 1 12. Flour Steady. CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago, Dec. 27. Wheat Turn dearer; 93i -Ian. Pork Higher; 517 20 Ja-i. Lard Firmer; I0 474 -Ian. BEKKBOHM S KNOLISH REPORTS. Loudon, Dec. 27. Floatin? cargoes Finn. Cargoes on pa sa2c steady. English count.y markets Unaltered. French c. untrv maikets Firm. Imports into the Uni cd Kingdom past week Wheat, 240,000 to 255,000 qrs; 11 ur, 185,000 to 190,000 bbls. Weather in England Mild. LIVERPOOL MARKETS. Liverpool, Dec. 27. Spot market Firm. . Quantity of wheat on paisage ti contiuei t, 080,000 qrs. CUICAOO WHEAT MAItKtT. CHICAflO, UCC. -(. Wheat Easier; regular: 93c, Dec., 93ilc, Jan.; spring, l)3c: winter, 93. For a cough or cold, there is no remedy equal to Ammen'a Cough Syrup. Paralytic strokes,;heart disease, and kidney nir-Piinnii nreventcd bv tho uso of Browns Accordini; jron Bittors. Commission Merchants. Tlierol!oliig l 11 list r "he tn"l",r0" ..i"V...;."..r.Ri 1 111. whlrli weuoblUh for ,,,cben; II. iri-r reailer.. Tlsejr -HSiSto I) rellalile. ami n "": ;:",, Hi. Ir care win .TKiir 1. ......... J.C.TODD. J.F.BIVKN. TODD & BIVEN, o. 10 .North Front lreet. Portland. w holesale firoccrs, Commission Merchants, And Dealers In FRUITS, Wool, Grain, ami all kinds ot Produce. Agent, f ,r t. abol. W hUkej , Do Monopolo Cham ,,?neaml hls.n's lne)rd, Iresno, CJ. laey A ill' ACR8CULT0RAL liPLElENTS. SOLE AGENTS FOli JOHN DEERE'S SULKY PLOW, GANG, STUBBLE AND BREAKING PLOWS Of the Latest Model and Improved Manufacture. anTW. AflTWTfi FOR Sohuttler Farm Wagon ., nTTTiTifiTAD awn TiTJTT.T.a Deere Hairows, and Spring Tooth Harrow anr.T?. AdVi TVTS FOR Haish Barbed Wire, Best in Use, and Hall Safes. puaq W. DODD& CO.. raTal sa- - s. V Front, PIrt and Vine Street!. Portland, Oregon. ocl3m3 C H. PAGE. Commission Merchant, ...DEALER IN . raln, Flour, Feed and Staple groceries. HIT.II II. ATTENTION lt KN TO COCNTBT 1-uoui ci:. tsrl32 Front Street. Portland. declmS SEYMOUR, SABIH & CO., Unmacturers 01 wia iier m tun "" Improved Farm Machine? mnisnn RTnEET. (from Front to First), TOKTLAND, OMMON. WM. WATSON, commission Agent for THE SALE OK GALLOWAY and POLLED ANGUS: Or Ani:itiit rtriLK. 1 iiavc fou sale J00 head ot ImiiorteU eattle. As un old re sldent 01 ore onundVUliiiitun I know well tho rei.ulre mints of llieraillle Loist stock nUer, X-LA rus lueearoef PUtt A. fcsm, btoik urus, leonnas Cll), Jliourl ilccwt. HENRY EVERDING, Commission Merchant, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Hay, Grain, Feed, and Staple Groceries. NO 47 FROST STKELT, BETWEEN AEII AND Pine, Portland, Oregon. "ectt Compton's Automatic Gate tiikiihtiiiim;i' tiikmnd. Works Perfectly & Cheaply, all Iron and Durable. YTK AUK. PltEPAllEDTO JIAhE TlltSE OATE toonlerunu luo iioiiiie euo j. uin. ,.... ej'll nd eo It otkat HOSi .. Hlth'SSlluP, ojipo il l.ew hank, -ale'.u. o Price: : : ib 10 .u. HOLIDAY PRESENTS IV BOOKS AND STATIONERY ,.AT GEO. COHN & BRO. GENERAL Commission Merchants. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Flour, Feed, Provisions, and Staple Groceries. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. PRODUCERS WILL further their lntcreti by corrcvpondlng with us. 1 ..... .. nl l.iniilr. ttrmimtlv answered. TLIIlERAL ADVANCES MADE ON APPROVED SIIll'ilKMa Uf unALt, nuuf, iuuu.., " - IIM1I.R ETf!.. KTC. sprltf I JO Front mrceC.Dct Jlorrtsonana lammu. ....rav..,u,J-W '1,,,8SSf OKOUUK UKU1IK.V. HERREN WILLARD HERREN. BROS., Commission Merchants, CONSIGNMENTS OF Wool, Grain, Flour, and all kinds of Oregon 0 uaniornia rrouun. Solicited. Importers and Jobbers in n It UN, HH. nii'l mK ". lifer I ' ' .' .... 1.. . 1.. ...... I'Kiiun lirlllnir. tliiiiiiiiorki, oil l.illiln--, lenl, tlr. ri'irili-ular attention paid to bueln.' Farmers' sunnliei on ord r. Con.iiiiuenti and iorrespondel.ee 8. K. Corner .Norlli i'rout and B. Sireeto, apH POiiTLA'D, OREGON, J.K.CillACo 9'i First Street. SIBS0N, CHURCH & CO., Shipping and Commission MERCHANTS, verllirait Cornrr or Ah a-id Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. autl-t' rm1., SggstW-M!. ;, We are sole agenU on the North Pacific Coast for the celebrated Standard double point and lollda i Which ar warranted to scour in any s-.il. Also the Furst and Bradley Uang Plow, Kalamazoo Spring Tooth Hnrrow and Cultivator, The Hew BiicKeye ijiraui wrm, New Buckeye Broadcast Seeder, Buckeye Cider Press, Tim ftiiiiiimii Feed II ill. The Biirncll Four Point Barb J We have many others thatcinnot be enumerateu nere. e coruiuiy n... nnvthinir in our line to come anil see us, and if you cannot con"1, send tor ono of 01 U.U andcatalogues. E. W. AIX 2T. manager. cnAS. HODGE, T. A. DAVIS, ESTABLISHED IN 1851. GEO w. SHELL, r. H. AIUU ,S. HODGE, T. A. DAVIS, "e-uj ... -. - HODGE, DAVIS & CO., nn 1 n. TX a. Cii i. Ci.n..1, Prttflonrll Or PIT ATI. Offer to the Drug and General MerohamUse Trade a Complete Assortment of Dines, Patent medicines, Fine Chemicals, uiaaroait UOl til ni 1 1 lire, huh ifi uj;i.Tin o""'. ......... . .nn An oivl'O iVIi ATTlflTVI ALSU winiiUH uuAQa ur nuu dico '"; ' J.B. CONGLE&CO 110 l-Tont Street, E ue, rore.anu, uicku... Again in Business. MANUKACTUllEllS ASD IMl'OKTEltS OF Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Whips, Saddlery Iiaruware. Etc., Etc Promptly ?! mm J. B. KNAPP&CO. Commission Merchants AND PD CHASING AGENTS, 6J Ural Street, ruiiland, OrcRon. Krreie e and sell the e.rodilet ol the Ian., on con.' ulMion, pun-haio and fornard iroods and Urni Implc tu, ut on the most ieaMnible term Repairing ami tl ratu tin At'ended to- HOLD AND 8T0CK COMPAHfS Rl.elKT. Sao FraacUco Market. Has Khamm-o'. I'eo J7j . . n-e... . inivu) .ti ; D.r 30) Ilt.ff .nil" l lie, m.,v.. -- . Mr"l.j eata, 400 otU; potato... 3VH .it; W-. r00ili A. ... .., , s. . ...I Wheat-Hipiov "" V" - . - , . . ere t No. 1 hite. ltejinu r l 4rfl .h. L- .... 'n.ii.it iirlLfsai:aiiuit-tuye J i,ritr-'' '"u,k,,t ""cl,a"T!.'?i'.MU.Vr. .: . V.-r. ti !. 1 "'it. X ittSff'r.i.K" ar li' "I, i' "Jwraii no 1 0O,rUVea. anU dull, wl ol U IjHow, ,i,,W:4-H,l-.l,. , W-t l'ttluma anel UbwI' Si1 ,1 THE YANKEE BAZAAR! 25, Flrat Street. Under New Market Theatre flllll". t'IIKAl'-T Ot ALL hT0lU-5 WILL. KV LI I ....lu n.. t.n.l &n lmMll .t.wk O a.l klllU lll.ui..f "". ." " - - - ul ei ul and ornamental article Tall and tit, mail bi ll.nlhfl. A. ROBERTS, .SLCCESSOK TO.... FISHEL & ROBERTS, Cor. llrat and Alder Ste, Tortland, Oie. THE LEADING Clothier, Merchant Tailor, And Hatter. OF OREGON, 4aiaraiiUe to sell the vcrj 'est VLitTUIXG lor Irs Honey than any other house in the state. jinieUt Of all tne leaaing oranus, in ck win oniHDQ m pamq Aun nRV UwaLwIlw 111 Ufmllw flllU Willi Putty, Lampblack, Red Lead, Glue, and Varr- nt.!uuiii ene unese uuu iu .uv.i .....w.i Ti..i. TrtTl,....V. .! "7r....V. T2i.iiciViiq T .inapori Oil in b JTUIIll, 11 Xiiivuoji emu urmoji j. u..n.t,, ..."wwv. w.-, 1 m . . z-i-.i v:i n..i r:i 1 .. n;i t ana cases, j. urpeuune, kjvul ju, vibiui ju, hiu v", "-, Foot Oii Fish Oil, Alcohol, in Barrels and Ca-rei Blue Vitriol. Sulphur, Castile Soap, Concentrated Lye, P Bitters, all kinds. Quicksilver, Strychnine, and Tar, Pints, Quarts, aud Half Gallon, Five Gallon, Etc. We aro Agents for Oregon and Washington Territory for ItXJBBEK; :e -A. 1 3XI THE BEST MIXED PAINT IN USE. Millinekrotlt's Carbolic Sheep Dip, Wakelee's Sheep Bat Siuiirrel I'oison, ami Ayer'saml Dr. Jaync's 1'ioiuie tary Medicines. We buy our goods from first hands, thus enabling us to compete with any marl Coast as comparison of our prices will prove. a.v imti r.-il HIOYrSTItr.l.T. EW1011K.-S3CEDAKJ .VOTll UALTtK K1.1H Manatrr. JOHNSON GRASS AND . . ESPERSETTE CLOVER To !. iomu . in mi I tl t WHAT WBLLTHE WEATHER BE TO-MORRO r-i ci r r B 4f " u koch s signal service oaromp Tt3.TV . nm..r ili fc.n rrivf. It HAW "TI. n i'flMIlP uie oxejxe..& ..-. .' ...--. . WILL TELL -STOTJ I , ,', Itw 11 detect amll ntlcato come tlr ny ctaniro In thaweitlier 1! t' J In J . du.u It n .J uu tut kind . tto rue U m iireuciiliiir. uJ If-' a.rwuou 1n1.e1u.1u1e' i uu . inuiur. c unm 1" it-. lector Jla j ta iu 1 reKUttiom. .i e- ol) llmen tin e out In M" aj'.s.raaRrss best ih the wob : 1 no . tierm uit-ter aa i liawmt ter are iut iu a ulceli fluirlml ut with Filt er i latod tnuuuliu. tlct luUiw It a Wsiuiilul 1ar5 nlAo n m mrrni Ml.iik Ylifhl. A t nrttlllfikitllT IlOUV'. i1.U uAltiiirtlio.il J iiiut (nl r'MriMM uuit. (Jliler at 111 IK truiii i " t.i'inr iflr. Uecn L. M. DYER, ITOHSKSHOER. Cer. M.i' s' IfrtU.d 'roffji PALMER'S DANCING ACADEMY, ' (ilirr It ir t NniLuinl t..uil. ) li -Ira How ,in t.f ' THE' FRAif CHART SYSTEM for lr"t. a.11 ell It n "' tl. tf. a.d u jaw Mice e.x i ti iXf niln t iv sfcttiu r.11 . 110IU pj y 1. . f--i 7t. r t ,Hi m (.tJjeHAeSEBVIufcifcf 11 a t-ij?ishr.r ! -lt;f & i 1 fef ir 81 ia" I II L t i.nuiouiwuur tho. 11 A. t.ml Kilt routine uua. IJliier BL L11CO. " kl.ll i' J.i t tho tiinrtx- n lltfifarriieTv. nitr.hantH. cU IDK. v"T.' - "".-: I'" : ".. .-1 r.. v. ...ri !,- i. t'tirr, 1 11 iu ciii oiui . dail) e'tiutUem A iul init ruurtair y. I1H Ji ; tlie Uiinx U k II to f aroien e-e-tody I h I'Orta-e btaiup taken u )U roca cwr, uui tv--AdaniJtJ lxV-rMO OMt I till TIII.UMOjU.TI.U iVJ- Wo rfer t- ths Maysr. IVvtmtrter. County C.trk, Un aa f ICatloual U-Oikc. oraio bualue h.ueinOiwt',-,'o, 1IVt' vo r W O County ( '( ftumly, nJ rrii( K w jrnfieii n J -rl r rqi$'ert U ttr.a our risk IM ultl wii!.e u Ik-aulITiJ oJ rr J 1'm.TuI lrvM-iit. i:kd viit thk rcnuo V IIIT it. I ftiiA PjoI t'ainatr ai wUi nt tbt toU tHT Ulli . imi m cn cu.i n r.Miii, buip Twuitn. """'"Hi Fsreratttr rpcdre-i ia tel rrJf, s4 rou.l ? b Ih l",r",',!ruW Ufe.tl tttriMT rvtnr'U ll U brail; iw-l ft4 on'llX,i!:i M!wuit' Uso I!, riMiw, ll ., """.' lilt ToI 1 nromtr m already rt mf wny tlmi lu ci. la f1!?,?'-' Itliawoo4rrfulcun-t.UraDiMUtTrTf.(iB F J Ifluaiaw."" IU:VAICKJJK VOItTH!aIS i-Jl JTATHJV. A0 d&TZC&Z-e-C mark. M Pmlnmmnl ..-.MtnJ T,, ,.. Hn.l f?tfi lAI. fIX6 9 S IW tT..i . i .ItTVrS'liV-lji!. ... n-titni n Di( ni'io, t uvtMinum uu httiiiu mniu' InuHllhlfunl mm tnnnai. Mcild ltntl he W ( U U UU VIU WUt7 f en iw ff ' w i irv. fa ttM rieaitatolwreycuaawourwTv-- r