Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 15, 1882, Image 1

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    VOL. XIV.
Assert Yourself.
Portland, Or., Dec. 11, 18S2.
Editor Willamette Farmer :
I have just read your article in last week's
issue heided "The Farmer's True Place.''
Your op:n declaration that "the farmer must
n?ert. himself ami claim his share of the, good
fortune if he expects to secure it,' is as true
as the gospel. You ought to set It up in big
capitals aud stereotype it, and let it stand in
every issue as a hereon light. Look around
us, and m almost every community we see
living example of men who have asserted
themselves and risen frsm very small begin
nings in their vaiious avocations to distinc
tion, who stand to day as living witnesses of
the truth of this proposition. The piges of
our country's history are full of bright illus
trations, nun w ho were reared in poverty on
ihe farm or in the workshop, but from child
hood up, with strong muscle and indomitable
will pwer, overcame all difficulties as they
arose, from hour to hour and day by day sur
mounted obstacles, till like Lincoln and Gar
field, they reaihed tin topmast pinnacle of
fame. We hoar farmers growling and com
plaining ; complaining for what? Why, pota
toes are only 50 cents; oats, 60c; wheat, $1 60;
butter, 40c; cheese, 16c; beef, 7c; pork, 7 to
7Jc; veal, 7c; mutton, 6c; fruit, 50c; chickens,
$4 to So per do?; ducks, 97 to $8; geese. $10;
turkey 15o per pound; eggs, 60c per dozen,
and hops $1 per pound, and I suppose, jf by
some magic these prices could be suddenly
doubled, thero would be still some to whine.
They have got to turn over a new leaf and
assert themselves, or they will be left out in
the cold, and the n ise of their grumbling
will be drjwned by the roar of the incoming
train as it comes op, the down grade from
over the mountains. Cipital has asserted it
self and gsined the ascendency. Business men
are asserting themselves and reaping the ad
vantages of so doing, and all classes, trades
and professions who do not represent much
capital power li ve comb nod and co-operated,
arid with their uni'ed strength have 'asserted
themselves for their individual benefit and
that of tin class they represent. This is no
new principle; no new fangled notion. The
founder) ot our government understood it
when they emblazoned on our nati mal cs
cutcehon tin motto : "United we stand, di
vided wa fall." Farn-rs have combined to
some extent, and are trying to co-operate.
The grange was organized for this express
purpose, and in some States has made good
headway, and mrit, through its guidance and
"direction, -farmers- are asserting themselves
Bat how is it in Oregon? Soms have joined
the grange and are making some alvance-
ment: a few hive backslidden, and a few
more are asserting themselves with the en
ergy of a sick kitten leaning up to a hot
brick. They came into the grange hoping to
he benefited. They are waiting for the good
time coming; they hops the hot brick will do
them good; they bring no contributions to thu
feast: thev neither sine, whistle or tell a
story; they don't do a single thing for the
general advancement; they are aboard the
-ship and hope for a safe voyage; they hope
.ho will not spnng a leak for fear they will
nave to man me pumps.
Mr. Editor, time and spaeeswill not permit
me to notice the many salient points in your
article except your closing sentence and ques
tion : "Where is the power that shall arise
to place the farmer on the height where he
ought to stand?" I'll tell ou where; the
power lies in each and every individual farnur
and granger; they have got to arise, shake off
their lethargy, put their own shoulder to tho
wheeland work out their own salvation, or do
' worse. Each of every man, woman and youth
in the grange ha got something to do; all
""must combine and co-operate together for
their own individual benefit and for the com
mon good. There is work for everyone to
do. We observe a growing disposition among
grangers, among farmers to do something, and
many are anxious, enquiring, "What shall I
' do: what can I dot" They seem willing, but
are groping in the dark.
It remains, then, for those of as who see
more clearly the necessities of the hour to
" point out tho way; to illustrate by prept and
' example the faith' that is In us, Our lamp will
lose none of its brilliancy for lighting our
' neighbor. The people want more light, more
1 intelligence upon the great questions affecting
I J their maUrial interests, their power tonight
their grievances if properly directed, the pos
Utilities that lie within their rrach "Tho
newspaper press is the nieeliuaith.roJgb which
much of this ii. to be accomplished. Every
farmer should take the leading farmers' paper
in the State where be Uvea, and M rrany.
' .more as he likes; not only take them tut
read, think and digest the content discuss
with his neighbors the leading topics that af
fect his interest, so that they may act intelli
gently when they come to the ballot box. We
repeat it : Every farmer should take the
Faumer, because it is working for his inter
est: becauso it gives him in value more than
he pays for it. If he raises anything to sell,
the market reports are worth more to htm
than the subscription price, because in every
issue he gams information that is of value to
him in his vocation; because, next to brcul
and meat and clothing, it is a necessity, a
neccs-ity that ho caintt aff rd to do without.
I know, Mr. E lit ir, it is an old story with
you to urge these facts, and no doubt you
sometimes get tird nnd disgusted at the tar
diness of f Winers im appreciating your efforts.
But we must persevere; ring the changes
a?ain; our motto is onward and upward. Be
fore I close permit me to recommend to every
farmer on this Northwest coast to subscribe
for the American Orange Bu'lrtin, a live pa
per devoted entirely to the iuterests of farm
ers and grangers, every number brimful of
matter and facts of interest to every farmer to
know, the great questions affecting the farm
ers' interests discussed, the remedies pointed
out, co operation explained, its practical
workings and successes in different places no
ticed; in short, when oico introduced to a
farmer's house he will be loth ti part with it.
I am making np a club for it, and I have
already enough nsmes to secure it at club
rates $1 50 a year which includes with it
the Little Granger, a monthly for the young
folks, and the seed distribution, all for SI 50
a year. &ena ma your names ana i . u. aa
dress. .and I will guarantee yon will never re
gret it. J. B. KvArp.
California, Oregon and Washington.
Citeney, Dec. 1, 18S2.
The writer and his family left Wisconsin
August for the Pacifio Coast; arrived at Oak
land, Cal., well and safe, without accident,
only short of ona large and valuable basket,
full of the most valuable things we had. This
was stolen from us from the train the first
night. The basket and c intents, fifty dol
lars, could not be replaced. From Omaha to
Cheyenne the emigrant coaches were coup'cd
behind two car loads of hogs. The train was
very Ionian I the hogs could be place 1 20
rods nearer the engine, but I suppose the
Union and Central Pacific Railroad Co.
think they can do as they please with the
poor emigrant. The writer had five large,
new trutiks, which he (.aid $11 each for, hut
they were badly used up wh'n arrived at San
Francisco. Their hopi is getting short ; the
great Northern Pacific railroad will soon be
completed, I have ascertained that emi
grants will be better provided and better
cared, for the'n. The writer has learned that
Mr. Villard is going to make the great North
ern Pacifio one of the finest and most com
fortable roads to travel on, and the company
will be well paid and rewirded for it.
The California Bureau of Emigration is ad
vertisingand sending pamphlets and ppers,in
ducing emigrants to emigrate to government
lands in California, The writer stopped at
Oakland and went to the different offices and
investigated some into land matters. Now,
the lands in Lake, Mendocino, Humboldt and
other counties on the coast north of San
Francisco that is, the government lands
are ropky, and barren, and mountainous, and
some of it very heavy timbered with red
wood. Tbe writer saw a party at Oakland
that went all through this country, and did
net see a good one hundred acre tract to make
a farm on. 8outh of San Francisco they have
a large tract of land in San Louis Obispo
county. This Un 1 is 40 miles from the coast.
I also saw parties that had been there and
taken land. There is no water on the land,
no springs, no brooks, nor rivers, and w hen a
msn commences to dig a well, he does not
know how deep he has to go 'to find water,
50 or 600 fett. Disgusted with this part, I
turned to the foot hills which is advertised so
much. There I find that there is some good
land, that would make many homes to the
emigrant; bat there again I found a draw hick.
These foot hill lands are held by stockmen,
and moat of it if fenced by tbem. The man
that takes a homestead here has to fight for
it, and many a man has lost his lite by stock
men when trying to keep and protect his cat
tle. I was disgusted with the country, and
aware that thousands are led astray anil
blindfolded by these pamphlets and circulars.
The. writer looked for some other country,
lie had heard and read mucV about Oregon
and Washington Territory, and thought be
wild .have glance at those, countries Left
his family ati Oakland, Cat.; aud started for
Portland, on brd'-theelegnt steamer1 Co
Luml:. (0. R- lJiTCo,),jndi arrived (ife,
after good, smooth voyage. Was quite
J sick and 'thought it very tongh, but as tbe
writer has crossed the Atlantic five times, tin
thought it was good and smooth. Was sur
prised to find Portland a large and prosperous
city, new buildings going up everywhere and
full of go ahead business. It has some build
ings that compare with any Eastern city.
This is going to be a very important place in
the future.
I took a trip up tho great Willamette Val
ley. This is a very fine valley, and much
has besn said and wrote ahout it, I think
this is the cardan of Oregon. Mr n of means
will do well to look up this valley before buy
ing elsewhere ; but for men of small means it
is not so inviting ss Eastern Oregon and
Washington. Improve I farms can be bought
from ."0 to S75 in the valley, and unimproved
frnm S3 to S15. The O. & C. R. R. has some
foot hill land for sale from S2 50 to $10 an
acre. This unimproved land needs much hard
work to clear the brush and heavy timber.but
it will pay well near Portland, one of the best
markets in the Northw est.
After being in the va'lcy for three weeks,
tho writer went to Cheney, on tbe N. P. R.
It. This wss the second trip of the trains up
tho Columbia, and made, only one change, at
Wallula, between Portland and Cheney. As
it was night, wo cannot say much about tho
road up the Columbia. From Wallula to
Spragne the country is a high, rolling prairie,
covered with bunch gras, with some sage
brush in spots. The soil is a light color.
After we come to Spraguc, tho land chances,
fie soil becomes darker and heavier and more
watered, with timber as we are going towards
Cheney. At this place we stopped over night
and noxt day. This is quite a town; only two
years old. Here 1 found Judge Lewis at his
office, with many products of the soil and dif
ferent soils of different parts of the country;
were much surprised at the good cereals. Mr.
Lewis is selling lands for the Northern Fa
c'fic railroad. Here we found Mr. L W.
Range, a gentleman well posted in the coun
try. Of him we had vpry much information
about different parts. We found Mr. Range
ready to give all infoimation about the land.
Mr. Range is one of tho best posted mn mid
has good ju Ignicnt. Next day wo started
out with one of the Bow en Bros, for the Big
Bend country. Wo went through a stiip of
conntry which they call "scab'" land. Tim
ber, mostly pine, which is very handy for tho
settlers. About eight mi'es off we come to
tho noted Medical lake, with timber sur
rounding. This will be one of the greatest
resorts in the Northwest, as its waters make
wonderful cures, especially of rheumatism
After we leave the timber, we come to fine
prairie country till we reach Crab creek. On
this we find some good timber again, and saw.
mills busy getting out lumber for settlers.
Around here there is some of the finest land
in the Northwest. They raise some of the
best vegetables and cereals. Mr. Bo wen
raised 24 bushels of wheat per acre, on soil
sowed on the 1st of June, and had not a drop
of rain till it was in the bag; which we would
think much of in Wisconsin, Iowa, Minne
sota and Illinois. The country is rolling, but
most of the prairie can be plowed and fur
rowed to advantage. It is not so handsome
to the eye as some prairies of the States, hut
it is far more productive. This is one of the
best countries the writer has seen ; plenty of
timber without going far, and good water
without going deep. This will be a region
for emigrants to come to for some time. The
Northern Pacific Railrcad Con pany has some
very tine lands in the Big Bend and offer them
cheap to actual settlers. The time is not far
off when the N. P. R. R. will have a road
across the country to Seattle or Tacnma, on
the Sound. As far off as 75 miles from
Cheney, the land is good, and good crops have
been raised. Over one hundred bushels of
oats have been raised per acre near Bren's
this year. This has been tbe dryest year on
Towns are springing up in the interior, as
well as along the railroad. At Spokan Falls
is the best water power this side of Minneap
olis. Now, as it is getting along in the win
ter, we will go no further, but w ill come back.
We will take tbe stage through Stephens,
Pine City and Steptoe to Colfax. In the next
we will write about the country south of the
N. P. R. R. Fkeu L. Jones,
Late of Columbus, Wis.
Tbe Codlln Moth.
Nevvbdro, Dec. 10, 1882.
Editor Willamette Farmer :
I see by your last issue that vou give timely
warning against the codliu moth, or apple
worm. It is well that you call the attention
of Oregon fruit growers to this, the grealeit
pest of the apple. Having had considerable
experience with this moth during the past 10
years, in " the Statu," I give you my experi
ence and observations.
I have seen whole orchards ravaged by this
insitt so that a bushel of sound fruit could
not he found in a hundied.
The moth remains in the pupa or chrysalis
state during the winter, and comes forth in
the spring and deposits its eggs in the blos
som end of the apple when they are about
the si.-.o of a hazlcnut, or larger. The worm
hatches out in three or four days, and makes
its way to tho coro of the apple, where it re
mains until full grown, about four week.
Then it leaves the apple and hunts a suitable
place to spin its rocoon, usually under tho
loose bark or crevice in tbe tree; sometimes
Under a chip or stick. Here it remains for
wo weeks, when it comes forth ns a moth,
ready to lay a second lot of csps. These go
through the same changes as the tint, and
mature in tho tame length of time, spin their
cocoons and remain in this condition over
winter, and nro resdy to begin their destruc
tive work as soon as the apples aro of suitable
size By thus making two broods per year
and laying so many eggs at a time, they in
crease very rapidly. A great many remedie
have been tried to destroy this insect, none of
which has been so successful as to trap all of
tbe insects. A wisp ol hay placed in the
crotch of the tree, removed and burned every
ten clays; a cloth or paper bandage placed
around the body of the tree, examined evr ry
ten days aud the worms destroyed. Letting
hogs have the run of the orchard and eat the
fallen apples will destroy many of the worms,
hut not all of them. Many persons suppose
that if the fallen fruit is destroyed as fast as
it falls the worms are destroyed. Let us see
In 187.1 Prof. Beal, of the Michigan Agricul
tural College, examined 300 wormy apples,
picking them off the tree. Of these not quite
half of them contained worms. How many
more w ould havo crawled out before the apples
fell is not known. Certain it is that the hOL's
would not get half of them. The best rem.
edy is to take thick carpet paper ami cut it
in strips about three inches wide and long
enough to reach around tho body of the tree,
letting the ends lap a little ; secure the end
by driving a tack through into the tree. Ex
amino these hands every ten days throughout
the season and destioy all the insects found.
In order that these bands should be success
ful, tho anple trees should be cleared of moss
ami lor so bark, so there will bono suitable
places for th worms to spin their cocoons;
thin they will hunt shelter under the bands
The ground about the trees should be cleanly
cultivated. It will he a bard matter to get
all farmers interested enough to take this
much pains with their apple trees, and unless
all woik togt ther we canurt expect to rid our
orchards of this pot, as one careless farmer
will raise enough inse 'ts to stock a whole
We cannot expect a legislature to enact a
law so strong that all farmers will destroy
this great past. Nothing, in my opinion,
short of a total destruction of the apple crop
for one or two years before it gets any size
will rid the country of the codliu moth.
In reply to a question regarding when the
State Horticultural will meet again, we will
say : The society baa not had a meeting for
some time, but we consider that all the inter
ests of the State demand thai the State Hor
ticultural should hold regular meetings, and
in a stated place, for the fruit interests of
Oregon and Washington is one of vast and
gr iw ing importance. Let the society be re
vived and kept alive by earnest workers in
the cause. Knn ok
Seattle I'ott-Intelliijtncer: For a time they
had it warm and lively in buying oats on the
Swinomish fiats. The price began at $25, and
quickly went up to $20, $27, $28, $2!) and $.10
per ton. At the latter figure it stayed only a
single day, but all who lould do so availid
themselves of the opportunity to get that
price, w hich is tho highest paid for years, and
within $2 50 per ton of the priie paid in San
Franiisco, This $2 50 was all tbe buyers had
to cover every expense of marketing, includ
ing transportation to the city, insurance,
wharfage and leakage and loss of every kind.
Some buyers represented tho Utsalsdy ele
ment, who favored shipping by sail vescl
from that place, and other buyers represented
the 0. R. & N. Co., who were for shipping
rom this city by steam. One load has gone
below on the bark Henry Buck, while several
shipments have been made from here by
steamer. This competition made itself very
pleasant to the farmers, who thereby were en
riched ti the extent of many thousand dollars
at the expense of the buyers and transporta
tion companies.
, "Too late tej whet thu sword when the
trumpet sounds to draw it" But never too
Ute to whet V our a.K.-tite by tsking Kidney
Wort, restoring liealin and making jourself a
well, ktioi g, hearty man, It t unequalled
as a remedy fur all livir, Uiwcl ami kiiltey
nisiaiits, All druggists keep and reiomiiieiid
(Icn. Francis O. Walker, lately the Census
Commissioner, has written a statement of tho
extent of good, arable country yet vacant,nnd
subject to homestead and pre-emption ontiy ;
and n'so has estimated that with foreign emi
gration sustained, and the natural growth of
population, we cannot exp ct that any con
siderable portion of th!s vast domain will re
main unoccupied after Januery 1, 1880, three
years from now. This estimate refers to tho
good, arable area only, for there are hundreds
of millions of acres of inferior lands that will
be occupied in time, and timber lands that
will claim attention next, after tho arable,
open country is occupied.
We accept it jib true of the Pacific North
west that withi'i three years the cream of our
agricultural lands will be claimed ly sctual
settlers. That refers to the wheat lands in
the Columbia basin and south of the Colum
bia river, cast of tho Cacaies. Three years
w ill seo the Willamette Valley more dencly
settled. Very many already havo purchased
farms here, and the country is be
ing more divided up. There will bo a great
influx into Rogue river and Umpqua, condi
tioned on the railroad work now going on.
The best valleys will be taken up along the
coast, nnd inColumbia aud Tillamook and Clt
sop countie, Oregon. North of the Columbia
are the ChehaliB and Cowlitz valleys, the
Nefqually, besides others. That region be
twoen the Columbia river and Pugs t Sound
offets great inducements. Thero is also con
stant influx going on towards Whatcom
countv, which is next to the British line, and
of immense value as a farming country.
But, for three years to come,, tho flood of im
migration will come in and occupy Eastern
Oregon anil Washington, and the Palouso
country. Tho Spokan country, the Big Bend
of tho Columbia, nil the good lands north of
Snake river, much of Yakima and Klickitat,
in Washington Territory, and all tho liest of
Wasco ami Umatilla, in Oregon, will, in
three years' time, lie practically out of the
After three ycarB we shall bo brought
squarely to tace tho capaiity of other parts of
Oregon and Washington to support a farming
population, and tho question will be certainly
decided that we havo tti 1 vast areas f valu
able land to be sctWcd. After tho op'n prai
r cs are out of reach, imuiiginnts will bo glad
enough to possess much now cons dcred men
grazing land. It will be blinwn that sige brush
soil is among the best, that so called desert
anas aro to bo subdued ; that much of the
land in th Blue mniin'aiiis, nnd in the Cas
cades, is worth settling upon. Yakima and
Stevens counties, and much of Northern
Idaho and Montana, that are now compara
tively unknown, can lie made valuable as
farming land. Son them and Middle Oregon
has capabilities that will become apparent in
about three years.
But, after the open areas of the east
counties are all occupied, and after tho com
pletion of the Northern Pacific road, they
will be reached first, and will virtually lie
come the first object of attention the at
tention of people will lie drawn to theso
west valleys of the coast line, and the fact
will commence to bu apparent that wo have
still room for hundreds of thousands to come
and occupy. The great region of the North
Atlantic, and westward, including Pennsyl
vania, Ohio, New York, Michigan and In
diana, in great part were composed of forest
and wilderness as difficult to subdue as the
average timbered regions of this part of Ore
gon and Washington, and did not possess the
same valuable soil or ability to recompense
the pioneer that our soil has, nor the solu
brity of climate we enjoy. It is only reason
able then to believe that as soon as the open
p'aina ere gone, when tho tide of emigration,
added to the natural growth of population,
has occupied the available regions that now
invite settlement, that home-seekers will
have to take to the woods, and tbe clearing
of forests will commence,
As to the extent of good fanning land west
of the Cascades, we con'iss that we are sur
prised to learu the fact on that subject. For
instance, when lately journeying from Tacoina
to Portland, wo had the pleasure to meet
Itev, J. F. DeVorfl, Presiding Elder of the
l'uget Sound district, who has intunatn ac
quaintunre with all of Western Wsslungtoi ,
because he has traveled over It a a circuit
preacher of the M. K. Church much of the
time, visiting every nnok of those wilds
where a Methodist ihunh tonld bo planti d
or a meeting held. From him we gathered
valuable informati'li as to tho whole region.
He asserts that from the Can-ado mount tins
to the ocean, and from tho Columbia river to
the Sound waters, a tcrrft rv wi hundred
miles square, almost, there is only a small
proportion of waste land. That is to iay
This territory, thoiio'b often heavy wooded, is
such as (icrniaus and So.indiiiavianH can and
will releem and make av liWhle It lies
fairly well, as n ruli, ami the soil is very fer
tile and productive. Tli vii 1-j s constitute a
largo part of tins region Tho Cowlitz and
its tnbu lanes on the soi,th, tho varioim
streams that cuter Shoalnater biy, the Cue
hnlis and others that pour into Clray's harbor,
the Ncttqually, that gut to the Sound, all
these afford fine valltyn. The Chehnlis coun
try is veiy extensive) and immensely pi )duo
tivc. A great part of this was once a sound,
as Pugot Sound is, and contains (J to 70
townsht) s, over a million and a half of nore
of splendid valley land, overvrowu with
hoavy fwcats, but, fot all thapnsiesiiiig nat
ural advantages that will ilcin md attention
ii a Blurt tune.
Thu in-at valuable portion of Western
Washington is the Skagit regiou and north
to the British line, Low is county has im
mense resources, Koginerrs say that t lwards
the mountains, now vacant land, it is the best
ol soil, has magnificent timber, with openings
that oiler speci il advantages. King county,
where Seat le is, comes next, and has the
White river country, the Kquak, Suoqualmie
md other rich valleys Clarke couiity.thongh
heivily wooded, is a goosl country. Chehali
c mnty comes next as possessing great advan
tages. There is a siavelly stretch in Thurs
ton c-uuty 10 miles long and 10 to 15 mile
wide, that produces a good, short grats in
winter and spring, bnt it ilioa down early.
As summer pasture, it is rather dry picking,
hut meat of animals raised thtro has very fine
llavor. Ou tho east side ef tho Olympic
mountains there is a atrip of country 10 or
15 miles wide that is good farming land ; on
tho ocean side, from Oape Fl ittery to Gray "a
hnrbor, 75 miles, is a belt of country 15 to JO
miles widn between the otean anil the moun
tains, that is partly prairie, welt watered,
with beautiful lakes. air. Va Vore visitetl
this ocean strip onco when government sent
i steamer to look after the Indians who live
along tho otoan. They went ashore frequent
ly and inspected the vrholo shore linn This
shows that somo timo a r&llrcnd will pass
forth from flray'M harbor to lap that belt of
o untry, font has no harbors and cannot use
the sea as an outlet. The Oiilleuto country,
liclow Cape Flattery, is mttlul to coino e
tont, and already lias ft ivputation as a dairy
Tins brief account ol Wosteni Washinjtuu
crrresponds with tlin chara ter ot much of
Western Orugon, notvbly, tho counties of
Columbia and Clatsop, along tho Columbia,
and all the coast countios. We thus sci that
when tho Kistern plains havo tilled up, there
will yet remain an empire of wilder country
to bo subduid, but wolth subduing, and of
great value when brought within the dnmaia
ot agriculture. All this western reeion is
near the ocean,- and so nearer to market. It
may seem a rash prediction, ami an unwise
thing to but, in half u rentury's time, when
tho wilds of Western Oregen and Washington
shall be sulidued, we believe thu region west
of the Cascades will Im worth more money
than double the area to tae eastward. Two
thirds of the area of Oregon and Washingtoa
is east of the Casosdee
With an area equal to New York, l'cnnsyl
yanla and New Kngland, and resources not
one whit behind, why sho)d not time bring
man equal aharu of wealth, population anst
prosperity Thre fHutef bavu over ten mil
lions of inhabitant. Thero will be immigra
tion to this section or 'many a year, until all
the industries thu world knows arn planted
bore, ami until tho waste lands are cinvcrted
into lioinu spots. Thorn who expect to me,
the country tilled up and immigration ceaee
in a few years, are srmply counting without
the hosts that aro sure to come.
A Medenl Muccrailuii.
If tho prouil and suhoktrly state of Maa
chusttts, which put so mmh latin upou every
ollicial ntatu document, stamped uiou it by
its great seal, would put a ImUIo of Hunts
Remedy on its seal instead, it would bo brief
er and answer every purpose. Thero is a vig
orous arm with a awonl striking Latin blown,
and an Indian shooting Litin arrows. But
Hunt's remedy drm more than this It
strikes blows In Latin, Kiglish, French and
Herman, ami in every lancuagu against tbe
moat iiuidurimt anil deadly iiieimtn of the
buiuiii Irauic, and sheits iltstruciivo arrows
into iliiease. It sp cially wages war a 'aunt
kidney diseasns, so common ih eur all! ctd
humanity; and cures ailments of tlin kuluiyi,
cladder, liver, ami nriiu.ry org ins, ,imt bring
health ailaui to tho despairing, If Massachu
setts doesn't wish to change lU seal, Hunt's
Remedy would be a significant diwic-ii for the
seal of win o uew Stato.
"Ihe woman who ni k relief fiom pain by
the free like of dp bolro stimulants ami iiac
eotn drugs finds wlnt the rkk o ly so far
as sensibdity is dtnrye. or tempirmly su
pended. A'o curt inn ror wrouylit In u A
iiikiih and the longer t! cy are iiuplujtil the
more h m.1is tho care Incomes. bive
chloral, morphia ami Ik I'adoui kl me and
I Mrs. I'liikham's Vegetable Compound.