p m m I ' t ri - r ,& v. Ia, i 111111 frmnurOd. MARKET REPORT. nnuis ruouijce mahkitt. The following represent wholesale rate, rom producers or first hands FLOUR In jotbing lots standard brands, S.OOiLcnt country lratidp,$4.(J0a&i.76. tnjirttAT Vollnv fl.fl'A: Walla Walla. 1.C2J for now crop; 67 to 60 cents net ' fanner a bushel at Walla Walla and near )tnU. OAT8. CC eta for good feed P bash. ONIONS. New Ho. - POTATOES. -o0&55c. SaUDDLINGB. Jobbini?, for feed, $35. 32.60 V ton. Short, $25 Chop. (27 MX.OO ton. HHAN Jobbing at $20 per ton BACON Sides, 17IS; Hams, country nired, none; city Hind, 1718c; Shoulders, 13 Ik. 30324c . CUKKSE.-ltol7o t? lb HONEY In comb, lC18c; strained, in 5 gallons, lie. . , 0RIKD FRUITS. Apples, sun dried quar and, 67c; sliced, l(gc; machine dritxl, QalOc; Pears, machine machine dried, 0atOc; Plums, inn dried, ditto, 12al5c. POULTKY. Chickens, full Rrown. $4 00 m Small, $33 60. Ducks, $6 to 7. BOGS. Near by fresh laid, 40c. "HOGS. Dressed, 7c. BKEK. Net weight 6o and 6Jo for choice. SHEEP. Net weight, 6c. VEAL. 6Jto7c. WOOL. Eastern Oregon, 16a20oj Wil lamette Valley, 1822o; Umpqua, none. HIDES. Butchers' hides, dry, 15ol6cj eonntry cured, dry, 16cj culs & off, green hid, salted, laHo; country ditto, 7a8c; deerskins, dry, 30o If lb; d- sheep pelts each lfiql.00; dry elk, 20o per lb. TALLOW Quotable at 8Jc. per lb. HAY Choice timothy, $20; from wagon, fiKIKKAI. MKRVIIANDIMK. LARD In kegs, 16c; Oregon loaf, tins Mo; do in pails, 16Jl61c BUTTER We quote, extra fresh roll, 37J AlOc; lair to good, 3035 cts; In keg, RICE. China, No. 1, 6o; China No. 2 fill Japan. 7c; Sandwich Islands, 77o. TEA8.-Japan,06066o; Black, 4076c; J.-mjh, 6580o. OOKKEE CostaRica 1316o; Java,2830. SUGARS. Crushed A 1 So; Fine Crushed lSo; Cube, 13al31o; Extra C, 13Jal31c QoldenC. llt&llja: Sandwich Islands, No. 1, lOo. D. lllllc Sugars drop Jo in each grade. BYRUP. Five gallons 85c. CANDLES 1316c. RAISINS. California, $3.25$2.7S 125 II box SOAPS. Good, 75c$1.75. 'OILS. Ordinary brands of ccal, 2So; high grades, Downe A Co., 371c; Boiled Linseed, I ditto Raw, 77c; lmou oil, 40o; Turpen. tine, 70o; Pure Lard, 1 10; Castor, 1.25 1.40. '' SALT. Stook, bay, $10 $ ton; Carmen bland, $12J; Coarse Liverpool,! IS; Fine qual Ir, 914; Ashton's dairy, ditto, $.10 YEAST POWDHKS. Donnelly, $2 f doz; i .. j oOOMKBROIAL. Thuwday, Dec. 7, 1882. The weather continues vdry warm ami pleasant and December is nuking itself very agreeable. -. .' The tonoof tho whoat market is low and dull. English advices speak of a weaker market there, and the truth of tliu matter earns to be that exporters find littlo encour agement for striving to do business. They aay there is nothing in it and that they dare not invest to any great extent. Wheat is improved in price because freights have dropped. While there is littlo touago hire to carry oft wheat, wlie.it seems to bo scar-v Wlt'i the trade. Fanners are ovidently held log back a largo proportion 'of tho late crop, f he freight market is quoted at 45s for wood and 60s for iron ships, and no certain trans actions at thoao figures Tlis current figures (or val'oy when is $1 00 per rental, and 11.01 has boon paid. Tho standard ficuroa may be considered as $1,I0 but any person with a round lui of choice may lie able to eoinmaud an advance. That depends on tho foreign market of course. r The wool market seems to remain in a state of lethargy. The D. H. JCconom'ut says wools aire soiling at the Kast at jutt about what they cost at the places whore tho wool wai grown. Evidently thoro is a fair trade in wools the world over but not speculate o. The Sin Krancisao warehouses aio said to bo full with but light dennnd. Indication it not favor any very exulting tntuket when our fleeoes shall come'm neat spring. Hops were $1.00 to $1,10 per tt and Unit eras the time when holders should have taken the pi ice. There is uu sensible reason why bops should command such a figure, Sptcu latloua of a wild sort dil it anil a reaction Ii.m already take i place. Hops havo dropped to 75 ct. Very fe hop urowers have any on hand, but lonm may retain their crop yet. When at I'uyallup, tho other day, e luard that Mr. Muker, tho oldest grower there, wboie hop yards cover US acrtu, hail bought many of his neighbors hope alsi and had not )U ally. He will probably never see tho time whiu ho call get such a price sgaiu. LOCAL MAHKKTrt. Roviswra I and corrtuto.l weekly by J. H, Kuapp, produoo ommiision dollar, 207 First treat, 1'ortUml, Oieon. Wheat Since last week has advanced to $1.02,, per cental, Market Arm. Flour has also advanced 23o per Bbl. All kiuls of null feeJ sYinpathiisa la the adrauce movement. Ooncmiions iu charter rites m urobably the principsl aause of the alvaacs, A wooden ship baa juit been ehirtered for 4'-', shillings, which is 100 per ccut barer thau the rites one yew ago tola time, OeU-No ai'vauce tills week, in fact rates not quite to ririn. Sa'rt at Ik) to 01 cuU jr tmihot dealer olTeriug 00 etnt. Potatoes Supply and demand pretty even ly balanced, not -quit eo flriu as last wuok, Mlcs nto (rout 60 to 664 per builiel 50o U the f jir nuotation. Dealers will pay that only for immediate consumption as there is no visi ble prospect of an outlet in any direction and there is no disposition to speculate in them. Onions No change, good ones selling at ljc Butter The temporary weakness of last week has vanished, tho supply is diminishing and prices are firm, with no material change in rates. Good California butter cinnot bo laid down at present at prices to depress present latc. Cheese Very little Oregon in market. Kgj;s The supply is bettjr; first of the week pricoi rated at 43c per doz n, yesterday selling it 42Jc and will o to-diy at 40 cents and rather wiak at that. Poultry Alawys a lull after a storm. Next day after Thanksgiving hardly a turkey to be hid nu 1 market very bare of all kiDd ol poultry. ' Three days after Thanksgiving, or any other feast, the average citicn is ready for chicken again, in fact, he wants chicken every week. Chickens have advanced, selling at ?45 per 1I07. Ducks Good ones, $7, and even a higher figure. Occse 9 to 310. Turkeys loc per pound. Fruit Plenty offering. Good fruit, well packed 111 a littlo better demand though no pjiticnlar change iu price'. Wool Hardly worth rnentioning;iio change for the better. Hav Supply and demaud well balanced; no change in rates; good hay selling readily at HO per ton. Beef In good supply and no chango in lates. 3J cents livo weight. Pork Arriving freely and packers busy; no chamro in rates; GJ to 7c for medium, 7Jo for heavy wemht 200 pouuis and upwards. San Francisco Markets From the San Frantisuo Commercial-Herald of Nov. 30th, we gath r interesting facts con cuniuK tho tonnage supply. Freight! were down to 32s 6d to Liverpool or Havro with 40s asked U) U. K. The tonnage on route was placed at 220,000 tons register, and disen- giged tonnago there and in adjacent porta 83,000 more, making a total of over 300,000 tous register, with carrying capacity fully 6JO.O00 tons Tho shipments of grain, from July 1 to December 1, aggregated nearly 400. 000 tons, and 28 vessels on tho berth loading have 00,000 short tons capacity; making, with vessels loaded and leading 450,000 tons capac ity, wliilo vtsiels disengaged and now on the way havo further capacity of 500,000 tons, making total availabte tonn'ago for tho harvest year, so far as ktiown, 1)50,000 ton, of 2,000 pounds. That lleet will be able to carry away over thirty millions of bushels of grain, whereas the full estimate of surplus from crop of 1882 ami quantity held over from 1881, was less thau 25,000,000 bushels. This is why freights are low there. California has more than er.ough tonnage 'to her share to answer all her own demands, and to supply the 75,000 tons we shall laok in Oregon. Freights are about as low in San Francisco as ever has been tho case,and good wheat ranges theie at $1 70 to 1 75 per cental. (SOLD AMD STOCK COMPANY'S REPORTS. Ban Francisco Markets. Sa.n Francisco, Dec. 0. Wheat Firm with a fair inquiry. We learn of a silo of 60,000 sks to a shipper on nnvatu terms. Quote choice shippinc, $1 70 Mil 12J; fair shippiug, $1 57J1 02J; dark oast, 51 4UI 40. Flour Tho demand is light, and prices aro unchanged. Barlev Fted Market firm at full prices. Quote, $1 37J'a,l 43. No. 1 feed December, H 45; seller tho season, $1 35. Oats Finn at full prices; feed, $1 70 1 87J; milling. SI 90:. PotatoesSteady at former quotations. Of ferings are liberal. , Minion Columbia river Dull; quotations r. main nn;hani:cd. Wool The demaud is mostly for choice Northern California, Oregon wools very dull. Hops Weak and dull; choice Washington Teiritory, 85o asked, 80o bid. Eggs FrcsirCalifornia, 4042Jc; Eastern, 30().i5o. Market weak and tending lower. lintter Fresh choice roll, 3335c. Market is overstocked. IKKlllllTM. No material change to uote in the situation o( tonnage. vkw vokk makkkts. Nkvv York, Dec. C. Wheat Irregular; $1 0(1 1 12. Hour, wool oud hides Quirt. CHICAtlU MAKKkTM. Ciiicaoo, Dec. 6. Wheat Easier; 75Jj Jau. Pork Finn; $17 00 January. !ard Firmer; $10 70 January. BKKUHOIlal S KM1L11II llKI'DIiTS. London, Dec. (!. Ctrgots off oast Slow. Cargoes on p.niui.'o and for shipment Slow. Mark Lane Steady. Good cargoes rod winter oil' coast, 44s 3d. No. 2 lui winter prompt shipment, 42s IM. Impoita into Unitiil King loin past week WbeAt223,000 tp 230,000 qrsi Hour, 1(85,000 to 190,000 bbls. UYU11OL MAKKKTH. LlVKitroOL, Dee. (k Spot market Slow. r lour American extra State per cental, 12a (Id. Quantity of wheat on passage to continent, 410,000 qra. ,KV VOllH MMIKtTS, Nxw York. Dec, 0. Markets generally very dull, but prices about steady. The only tisnsactious in Cal ifornia products were sales of 2,000 hides at 2i, alxty days, and 18,000 pounds spring wool at 22(3240, MILWAUKEE MAHKaTH. '' MRw.veiuE, Dec 6V Wheat-Steady; 04) caih; 95 J Jan; J Feb; No, 3, 77. OataKaayi 35 f. Rye 58. Barley, 72J. CIIICAt.0 MAHKKTH, CltlCAIIO, DC. 6Vt , Wheat-Steady, regular. 94 j Dec; UJ1 Jan. Pork-8wady, easy, $17 50 cash; $17 65 Jan. Urd-Ihiicr, $11 50 cash Jaii; $11 78 Feb. WILLAMETTB FABMEt: POBTLANP, OBEOON, DECEMBER s a '-5 e aw PfWex-X a -8 -a sVaJr.l -J -1 a.m k vJmm I HSSfBiSlSiSil DeiO 3m NORTHWEST NEWS. JT HAS DEES DECIDtD 11V THK MAKAGE ment to announce poltUel) tha THK NOKTUWtST MW will appear Monday raornli'f , Januiry 1, 1882. ATIIA. CULE, Jr., Manager SEEDS, SEEDS, H. HANSON, Nil 82 FRONT STHI-tT, (.NEAR OAK.) POUT land, Oregon, keeps all klnili ot Gnnlril, Held, Flower. Bullii, Tree Need and ra Meed) Garden Implements. Also a complite as ortment ot Ornamental Trees, fehrubbery, Kosr, Kvrr arrtun, Mr 3-8PECIAL ItATtS TO DEALERS. Seed Store and office. Number 62 trsnt itrect, near OaW, Portlund, Oregon. declma Grade Jersey Bull for Sale. I If AVE A VEKY FINE GRADE (One hall) JEUSEY Dull! one year old which 1 offer fur title. Call at my place, three-fourths of a mile cast of btate lusane Abv Iuoi, Salem, or addrcsi fur tmrtlcuUrs, DtbXTEU MELDS, decti 2t Salem, Oregon. TREE SEEDS. WE CAN SUPPLY IN liUANTITlES TO SUIT Plum, Peach, and Cherry Pita. Apple, Peai and Quince Seed. Also all kinds ol Fruit 'Item, Uur rant, Gooaeberrles, -tc. Aeiuragus roots, fine S-year old at J per 10U. UlLLIilt DUOS. 8dec2t Cor. Front and Taylor S'., Portland. HOLIDAY PRESENTS ..IN ... BOOKS AND STATIONERY .... AT J.K.GillCo OS First Street. Eastern Cranberry Vines FOR SALE FROM A. J. BURR'S BOG, Olympla, W. T. i lines,,... i flues, 10 lines.... t J.OO .'tll.OO &0.00 3.00 IM Snd moner hv Reeis'ered Letter. Money Order or Wiills, Faruo & Co's, lh dlrntlcns (or forwarding. In 1R7T 1 nl.nljvl threA KO 1pl hr.1. nf th. J.mrtV cranberry Tines. I p'antnl them 18 inihrs apart, each way; sanded one bed tx inche. detp, one three Indies, and the oiher 1 planted on the natur.l lie?. The sanded beds yielded but few berries and are dytnir out. In 1880 I gathered from the nstural bod two larira fuirar liarrels lull of berries, and only on. barrel from both ot the sanded ones. Muck or Peat land that overflows until about the first of May It the bet for the Cranberry. Keep the water on the lines until thtlate frosts are orcr, aud y ou will ha a a good crop erery ) ear. Plant by dropping the fines t feet by G inches, and forcing Into the muck with a forked (tick or wedge .haped dibblei Hoe out the weed the first year; pull them out by hand the second, and the third yeirthey will ULe cue o! theuiaehes,. A. J. BURR. octlm Olympla, Thurston Co., W. T Oregon & Washington Mortgage Savings Bankof Oregon. IK!TMTIO.ALKltK, )t- fctLKtl. CITY OF HALtM'X, lot's t'.lfllltl. SIILLM. AXtUIICA MOBTAUttiK (OMPAW, Of CDIMilKV, HtOTtAU. 3 nO PREVKKT iiH-oiiTenUnre to our iu.t?merson L, account of iherrevnt clunAre, ierndt me tmy at tK Dundee Mortgage (Ximpan, of bcotland, has no couni-vtlon whstewr, and netr hid, with any cf the alHie lnttllutloiif, all cf vt litvli aro under my management. The AMI.KICS UOKTOAGF. COMPANY, and the MUHIXIAUK 3.WISG3 1IA.NU, luo at present isoe.eee to lua ll-o.v .tioKTi;At.t. At my eltlca In Sattngf lUnt. Iluililng, 4J Hnt Stre-t,wlfr.il .hall bo glad to rev It e plleatloi s for uiortfLge loans and meet oli triindi. WILLIAM REID. P. O Drawer No !. JOHNSON CRASt AND .. ESPERSETTE CLOVER To'be found In quantities at MILLER BROS., IM Front Mrrel. Cerner Taylor. Idectt JE8SUP THE . DENTIST, y vr oiAiiui j uof, m ana Minion, runiuw, crvroa. G.u.G. Hlal.ttMi llt'ATIil. COLUMBIA Commercial Uoliea. Journal. (llflna lud lufeiiustioo irUtiug to uic U the u.ot I'ractk! Institutions lor tur Uu.li m Irsluliur el Uis leungand allJJU And cf .ittitr ea, icnt lr oo applicatlou. eetklaalraai Adeullitd aajr. Week Itsvr latheletir. Addrara: W. b. J AUKS, li W, lortland, Or. ortWf as e Commission Merchants. Tlie follow Inn K a Hot or the CommUslon nerrlianl. orinln lily, wtaleh ncpnbllth for the beui III oronr reader. Tliey nrr perreet I) enable, and any bnslnes enlrnsleil to llirlr rnre mill recent! prompt alleiiliom J. C.TOHD. J. F. DIVES. TODD & BIVEN, o. 10 North Front "trrel, Fortland. Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants, And Dealers in IRUITS, Wool, Grain, an'l all kinds ol Prodece. ' Agents for J abob W hlskcy, Dry Monopole Cham pa'gnoand hlitn's vineyard, tresuo, Cil. ldey F. H. PAGE. Commission Merchant, ....DEALER IN . . Oraln, Flour, Feed and Staple Groceries. 81'F.CIAI. ATTK.NTIOS ;lK To COCNTKY PKOOl'l'K. t-132 Front Strtet, Portland, decline HENRY EVERDING, Commission Merchant, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Hay, Grain, Feed, aud Staple Groceries. TVTO- FROST STREET, BETWIEN ASH AND XI Pine, Portland, Oregon. dectt GEO. COHN & BRO. GENERAL Commission Merchants. WHOLESALE DEALER IN Flour, Feed, Provisions, and staple vroceries. -iONSIONMENTS SOLICITED. PRODUCERS WILL j further tnetr interests by corresponding wun us. Letters of Inquiry promptly bjibu cred. tS.LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON APPROVED SHIPMENTS OF GRAIN, WOOD, FLOUR, HOPS, HIDES, ETC., ETC. aprltt 1)0 Front Street, bet. Morrison and Yamhill. GEORGE HEH11EN. WILLARD IIERREN. HERREN BROS., Commission Merchants, CONSIGNMENTS OF Wool, Grain, Flour, and sail kind of Oregon fc CalUbrnia Produce Solicited. Importers aud Jobbers iu CI RAIN, WOOL, and FLOUR BAGS. Fleee H nnit Sen Inst Twines, Cotton Kelllng, llanimoeka, Oil llothlntf. Tents, Kle. JtiTPaiticular attention paid to buying Farmers' supplies on order. Consignments and correspondence solicited. Liberal cash adi ances made on consignments. 8. K. Corner North Front and B. streets, apl4 PORTLAND, OREGON, J. B. KNAPP&CO. Commission Merchants, AND PU CHASING AGENTS, 7 First Street, Fernanda Oresea. Receifeand sell the Droductof the farm on eoev mission, purchsse and forward goods and farm Imple ments on the most reasonable terms. SIBSON, CHURCH & CO., Shipping and Commission MERCHANTS, Northeast Corner "of Ash and Front streets, PORTLAND. OREGON. aua-l-tl A. ROBERTS, 1 ... .SUCCESSOR TO..,. FISHEL & ROBERTS. Cor. First and Alder Sit, Portland, Ore. THE LEADING Clothier. Merchant Tailor, And Hatter. OF OREGON, Guarantees to sell the very best CLOTHING tor taw Money thaii stay ether heuse. in the state. - Juneltf L. Mv DYER, HORSESHOER, Cor. H anl MIn Sis., rortUnd, Ortsjon. PALMER'S DANCING ACADEMY, (ver She trt Naltesaal Baak.) f, Instru.tloos giien by THE FRA2ER CHART SYSTEM For Waralng t-. OIU. Walts. KaMtU, ficbotUaa ! etc. Ilubdioi (laiacrr. 1 1 . few kSiona. Call and ex. I aruloe lbs Sjatem an fteiilng. noltf I 8, 1882. Chas. H. Dodd A Co., (SUCCESSORS TO HAWELEY, DODD CO.,) IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IX Hardware, iron and Steel .... AND .... AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. SOLE AGENTS FOB JOHN DEERE'S SULKY PLOW, The Only Single Leyer Sulky made ; Perfect in Every Respect, Succeajj. ful in every Contest at Home and Abroad, GANG, STUBBLE AND BREAKING PLOWS Of the Latest Model and Improved Manufacture. SOLE AGENTS FOR Schuttler Farm Wagons BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR SEED DRILLS, Deere Harrows, and Spring Tooth HarroWs, SOLE AGENTS FOR Haish Barbed Wire, Best in Use, and Hall Safes. CHAS. H. DODD & CO., ool3m3 Front. First and SEYMOUR, SABIK & CO., Manufacturers of and Dealers tn the Latest Improved Farm Machinery. MADISON STREET, (from Front jaBBBBBBBBBBBBBstBBBBBBBKHrS We are sole agents on the North Faciflc Coast for the celebrated I tandard double point and solid sttel shirt MORRISON PLOW Which are v arranted to scour In any soil. Also the Furst and Bradley ang Plow, ; Kalamazoo Spring Tooth Harrow and Cultivator, The New Buckeye Grain Drill, New Buckeye Broadcast Seeder, Buckeye Cider Press, The Diamond Feed Mill, The Burnell Four Point Barb Wire, Wo have many others that cannot be enumerated here. We cordially invite all wanting anything in our lino to come and see us, and if you cannot come, send for one of our price lists and catalogues. E. W. ALLEN, Manager. ESTABLISHED CHAS. HODGE, T. A. DAVIS, r , vjvj fi, uiausU av u niMiu HODGE, DAVIS & CO., d. j o. it. ouch, r, oarjij i oruanas, uregon. Offer to the Drug and General Merchandise Trade a Complete Assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware Shop Furniture, and Druggists' Sundries. amu ninuuw UbASS or Ol all theleadlnz COLORS IN CANS AND DRY. Putty, Lampblack, Bed Including the finest brandi for Coach painters use. Paint, Whitewash and Varnish Brushes, Linseed Oil, in Barrels and cases, Turpentine, Coal Oil, Castor Oil, Lard Oil, Neats Foot Oii Pish Oil, Alcohol, in Barrels and Casses. Blue Vitriol. Sulphur, Castile Soap, Concentrated Lye, Potash. Bitters, all kinds. Quicksilver, Strychnine, and Tar, in Pints, Quarts, and Half Gallon, .Five Gallon, Etc. We .are &.ffe&.U for Oregon and WatHinfton Territory ffcr THE BEST MIXED TAINT IN USE. Hilliuckrodt's Carbolic Sheep Dip,' Wakelee's Sheep Bath' and Squirrel Poison, and Ayer'sand Dr. Jayne's Proprie tary Medicines. We buy our goods from first hands, thus enabling us to compete with any market on tha Coast as comparison of our prices will prove. 8AN FBA.M'lSi'O.-llC FKOST STRKKT. NEW VOKK.-U CKBAJ) STREET. WHAT WILL THE WEATHER BE TO-MORROW oFools Signal Caaa3S9TT..-.T-Tflsr ... r - rai uogBij tiiiWaU 0nla!r,nre.o.;itot W ua. . . v fiaas srv ui f fUiiy r iiiu tue u .! Or nilsSlI'i: 'Juul tha - -' It I. . VM.SerM nrtn.li, ggnii I: iW I: 9 EWAUK OK mant,aa below 1 - Cf-L" RKWAKKOV WOB' frftbout mrTrada ltark.an BBBBsLLalBssssWBSBSssssssai fjwWrtftjn4joiirrooMy. Ktaaa siala wliersjaSwwad" Vine Streets, Portland, Oregon. to First), FORTLAKD, OREGON. IN 1851. GEO W. 8KELL, F. K. ARrJOLD, an) ALL SIZES AND QUALITY brands, in kess and tins. Lead, Glue, and Varnishes' XaWXr Service Barometer Olt 8TOUM C2LAS8 AND TIICUMOMETEH COMBINED. "WTT.T. fnwr T vi .w T. .ItTrnliU'tectandindicatdcurrviUr any cliamre In Ilia weather H tiMhonra accurtun,( t J Iu rreO-cuoui. S.ivVs oJ Ilium Iu rsat Ins tiiiaVleUaann. ilasauuLVUratuljeruiaeterhltathe.l.wbiLn aJoueUwoitntiieiiriceol the oouiUniUon. IJilsinaat (U'rllim 1MUCATOH UtrnkiSd bythe lnivt ia.lncnt l'b kijus, lTo:eawrs DTOT 111 Tlir uinBl n I RttWa'in"".?.i.,teJ!.i?.l bfT IH.THE WORLD 1 with U.rr l Ufcl triiiiainwrji, et.,, tLttimr It a Iwiutui ell an UH-fulor uu w tauisiMfi stf ril1i' l . ltai htaiuiw Ut.cn tr tn t-on.1 1 Hf r. but i ruoneyrre ssmxl ustrrl M-tuitrH rTrrsfsfarr. h.a for (nn-uUr and term. AiUrMtU rOjrsfj t).VI lilt TJtl.lJ.UOIIiTtU ttOltlS iSi,!j'J.r..,1 Ul Mav-r. reMmsfter, tVranty CtVra;, Fins and fcVeood XaUonsllUuksorauybiuUifiiUoout0.srei,-u,.j; . TsJa "IU sm.I. Uea.un.1 ,mt , lM VrmmU t....!,-'.!? W"W TUB 1-L'ULIO SIV ABUCT IT. LvSl? b i u tan et, srT aiiu. i ... ri m Is tlainar In i11 Irt firnwN n..- i,..,, i. i.i...t. I.SUT!. J'"4 ' aw . ..a nut hi IkM Ik. Iulrw.t (Ins pnfeci u bluUuit Is .in rcl. It U B..U7 dk). .ol ml,iill, ckra. u n. SitUi v.r.. vw. . PW..W. mii"iaiuagBt.-Bj ameia , . US B. rua H.Ut.1. utam, Wtnll, Hack. rr. lUraMUr tualml; una m sui tl. It, w-t. I. hrtMUu tk. wtuha. .ai UoKTHLfcks LMITATIONN. Hon. asatmisaB H. Bawatnre of J. A. Foot, ou baU oTIaatrtK . dU2T fAO. 9 MARK. ..UMrta.ii