Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 08, 1882, Page 7, Image 7

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Bwlne Their Breeds and Management.
AH improem?nts in (wine undoubtedly
originally came from crossing the domestic
hog of China upon tlio native breeds ot Eng
land. The hog of Europe, Asia and Africa
undoubtedly bad a common origin, since they
are fertile together, and the offspring are
completely so, from generation to generation.
Thus the hog of all these countries has, with
out doubt, contributed to the improvement of
our improved breeds, the hog of China and
Siam, prabably, having had n greater influ
ence than all others whatsoever.
China has a civilizition of greater antiquity
than any other nation on earth. Its civiliza
tion dates back far beyond that of Egypt, for
upon the monuments of ancient Eg) pt are
Chinese inscriptions, allowing that civilization
jirobably came from the direction of China.
Since when the hog came carefully to be bred
is not known, but thatthe Chinese hog has been
bred with care and attention in China from
time immemorial there is no doubt, and tbis
with special reference to early maturity and
strong fattening propensities. In China, from
its early civilization and the care bestowed
pon tho cultivation of tlie earth, we eariy
nd it ocennied with a dense population. It
ill holds this pre-eminence of density of pop
ilation. Thus everything there must conform
lelf to thoe conditions that will best sub-
rve a struggle for life. They cannot afford
feed the larger animals, nnr, indeed, any
imal to a great size. Their systems are all
ificial. Hence, we find the Chinssa hog;
race, the prepotenoy of his blood; and for
e reason that having once attained a breed
at answered the wints of the community.
further att-mpts were mado in expert-
ting, but the dominant breed was kept
'hey are a compact, rather small, chunky,
ite hog, of good constitution, active feed-
arid with plenty of bone. It is the infu
of this blood that long since converted
semi-wild, raw-boned, strong-snouted,
legged.'bristly and hard-feeding hog of
land, into the tolerably compact, deep-
led, broad-backed and short-snouted hog
tventy years ago in Eng'and, and that by
ful breeding has since given us the many
irabla breeds of white swine that have
aatfeeseiully held the public taste. So im-
!ifdjrement from careful breeding has from
Ithm ti time appeared, and which for fineness
sofpone and aptitude for fattening in the
,er Dreea, ana ior great uuik ana nuo-
ie, to-day are nowhere excelled, outside
other country and America, Gazette.
Distribution ol the Breeds of Sheep.
may not be uninteresting to our readers
iow the feeding grounds of the principal
ish breeds, and their characteristics. The
t of the United States, following the
a Exhibition, says the British breeds
divided naturally, according to the alt!-
and fertility of their habitat. The large
a, white, hornless, and bearing long
, with small felting qualities, occupy the
alluvial districts, the lands reclaimed
.the sea, and the more productive and
-cultivated farm areas. These are stated
the Leicester. Lincoln. Rnmnpv-marsh.
Saatoold and the few remaining of the Dr.
hire Notts, the Roscommon and simitar
ecp. Then come the sheep of the
downs, the commons and forests the
ns of the teveral families the Dorset
their congeners, and the pink-nosed
met sheep. All these are suited to a
land temperate climate, and produce a
felting wool.
Ryelaad, formerly famous as producing
inert cloth wool in England, is now said
slmoat extinct. This is probably from
it that, as a distinctly fine-wool produe-
luntry, the climate of England will, not
competition with the United States,
ia and some other countries.
third general division of British sheep
prises the mountain breeds, as the Chevi
ot, the North of England aad the Scottish
ers, tne rjiacK iacea sneep 01 tne central
and moors northward from Derbyshire to
fclfmountains of Scotland, and two varieties
.(-Welsh sheep, and also the Kerry and other
tain Dreeas or ireiana. ax.
Oriilma of the Domesticated Hoc
he wild hog is not indigenous to America.
its place appears, however, an allied ani-
the peccary of tho sub-tropical and trop-
regions. There are two species, and wero
ed Dictoylet, double uaveled, from a
dular opening in the back. One species
tarauatus) is the collared peccary: the
r (D. laUatui) is the white-lipped vari-
', and both inhabited originally the coun
of the Atlantic from Guiana and Para'
ay north to the Red river. They are small
than the common hog of the Eastern hem'
(tut ten fa,) and covered with stiff
ties cat, tht back, which, like the hair of all
iraals, is erected when angry or
I bat, usdike the hog, they are nearly
ititnW of a tail,,
original of the domestic hog- of Qreat
tain was undoubtedly white .or sandy.
wan of two general classes; the smaller
dusky in color, with erect or partly
t r, arched back, half wild, and gener
fonna in the highlands and islands of
tland. The second class wire larger, with
.alone ears, generally white, bat some-
i iswbj or spotted wiin duck, iney
coarse, large-named, arch-hacked, long
d and baee-iuouted. and would not tat-
until 2 or 3 years old; in fact, pretty
A such a boa as used to be found wild in
i Southern forests half a century aso.
The Essex, now the best of our small black
boos, was originally a Ions, flat-sided, roach-
backed, long-legged bog, with prick ears, and
long neaa ana nose, ins none was rather
I small ana uu eoior was wtut or Diaek-and-white.
They had little hair, were unquiet and
great feeders, but fattened quickly. Un
doubtedly they were a modified Siamese.
their eminent nodern jnalitiea being dne t
Neapolitan blood and careful selection and
.breeding. Bntdtr't Gosetfi.
The Wondrous Changes Effected In Thirty
two Tears.
Oregon Correspondence of the New York Times
Portland, Or., Oct. 9. Almost 32 years
from the day when I landed here, in 1850,
wai realized the great fact of the completion
of a railroad reaching from Portland more
than 500 miles eastward into Montana', and
ceaselessly pushing still further eastward,
across Montana, to join the eastern division
of the Northern Pacific Railroad that is com
ing toward the West. When the brig in
which I reached Portland had made its way
thus far up the waters of the Columbia and
Willamette, it found a scattered village of
primitive character growing up along the
banks of the Willamette as far as navigation
could approach the then and now famed val
ley of the Willamette. Long ago as that day
seems, even then there were gathering here
the men v hose brain and will were destined
to make the future. The early pioneer is
usually the man who survives -events and
proves the fittest for the coming race. The
energy and grit that carries men westward in
the van of immigration sustains them when
the cri- is comes in after days. In those now
primitive times the natives of various tribes
were numerous in this vicinity. Now they
have melted away, and the Chinese fill the
place they sometime held as hewers of wood
and drawers of water. But while the Indian
has gone entirely, the rest of us have grown
old; the freshness of those years has given
place to gray hairs and many memories; the
children who came after make tho life and
manhood of'our day; the world itself has ri
pened and fruited through a generation of
time to show many changes from the prin oval
look it woro in 1850.
Standing on the eminence back of the
spreading city one can compare the gradol
streets,. maple-lined and surrounding elegant
homes, that come now to the very base ot the
hills, and even scar their sides at intervale,
with the grand forest of ancient firs that
stood aforetime thickly planted from the riv
er shore to the mountain wall. The throng
ing houses and the business thoroughfares
lead down to spacious wharves and ample
warehouses. .The river is there, but its waters
are circumscribed by encroaching piers. On
the stream craft ot all sorts are plying in all
directions, and great Indiamen are waiting,
with furled sails and the English flag floating,
for the time when, with full cargoes of wheat,
they shall start for the long voyage home
ward. Ferry-boats ply back and forth to
connect the sister town on the east bank with
the busier metropolis on the west. Look
close and you will see great blocks of stores,
many stories high and turreted besides, grow
ing into solid masonry near the river. The
trade of Portland is growing opulent, and de-
spires the day of small things. It looks, in
truth, only one year ahead when the closing
lines of road shall meet midway of the conti
nent to reach across the ocean and claim it)
shore of -"the wealth of Ormus and of Ind.'
Great steamships, appointed with all the ele
gance and luxury of modern times, that now
voyage between the Golden Gate and the
great river of the West, lie waitin? at the
wharves yonder, anticipating the coming time
when thev will cross the ocean they now
know only the eastern verge of.
Yes, there are wondrous changes, as well
there might be in so many years of time, but
viewed from the eminence back of Portland
there are features that look as they looked
long years ago. The silver stream that lies
to the north and east is the Columbia, releas
ed from confinement in the" gorge of the
mounta ns, and spreading oat to rest itself,
after its struggles, in broader channels. Off
to the left, the white rounded cloud that rests
on the northern horizon is Mount Raineer, 100
miles away, 'where it overlooks the mazy
windings of Puget Sound. ' The magnificent
pyramid of mow, that Js "nearer to us is St.
Helen's, worth worshiping for its grandeur,
but eastward, looking as it lcoked centuries
ago, Mount Hood dominates the world below,
and impresses me to-day almost as rarely as it
did when I first gazed upon it. The things
that never change are silent, motionless, and
so far away as to be inaccessible. The things
we see and know and reach must change.
Looking back we realize that Oregon was pro
gressing hut slowly for many years. Popula
tion came to us by small detachments, and
changes were of slow growth. We were re
mote from the world, and the world let us
alone until the time came, a little more than
three years ago," when the genius and enter
prise of a single man changed all that and
made our fortune. A single corporation had
seized ou the gateways of commerce through
the mountains, and held the country' in a sort
of vassalage that looked for little change or
progress. There were "millions in it," as it
was, for the few lucky men who monopolized
the portage roads of the Columbia, and levied
tribute on the upper country to their hearts'
There is something far more than common
in the characteristics of Henry Villard, if we
simply take into consideration the scope of
mind by which he realized so thoroughly the
capacity of the eastern regions of Oregon and
Washington, and the importance of the coal
lands of Paget Sound. About three years
ago he came here and purchase the property
of the Oregon Steam Navigation Company at
what seemed a fabulous figure. That was the
initial movement in career that is unexam
pled, if we take into consideration the speed
with which it has been accomplished. From
there he and bis friends bave gone on until
to-day they own all the transportation tines of
importance north of San Francisco, including
the ocean steamers to thst place. As if by
magio the old hulks disappeared, and magnifi
cent steamships took their places. The coal
lands of the Sound are being developed grand-
ly; great stcameolliera are employed in that
work. The great feature of this new railroad
combination has been the eesutroetien of rail
road line to the interior, and the deTileysuent
of a vast region, .concerning' the .capacity of
which very little was known only, a few years
ago. As there was transportation by. the
river, with portage roads at the Cascades and
Dalles, at all times, except during some oc
casionally severe spell of Winter, thoy com
menced to build roads to connect the wheat
fields of thai region with the Columbia. The
road was thus finished along the river so as to
give continuous rail from The Dalles to Walla
Walla. Lost Spring connection was made be
tween the Cascades and Dalles City, about 45
miles, a very rough, and expensive piece of
road along the spurs of the mountains that
face the river all the way. That reduced
river navigation to below the Cascades. All
the Spring and Summer work has been push
ed on this portion of the route. .It has been
completed now, and the last spike a silver
Bpike at that has been driven. It occurred,
very happily, that the first train to come from
the East ever this new through route was a
special one that had conveyed the United
States Railroad Commissioners on a journey
to view the newly-completed section of 75
miles the Clark's Fork Division of the
Northern'Pacific Road. Thoy came back in
good time to help to drive the last spike to
make a continuous line on the Columbia. It
is v. orth w hllo to review the great system of
roads projected and in course of construction
by the Oregon Railway and Navigation Com
pany. Their lines now extend on tho south
side of tho Columbia, from Portland eastward
260 miles, to Riparia, on Snake river. The
same company bis bran;h roads in various
directions. A road to be 120 miles in length
leaves Palousc Junction, about 40 miles above
Ainsworth, on the Northern Pacific Railroad,
and goes cas'.wanl through tho rich Palouse
country. Another b-auch already reaches
Pendleton, 44 miles south of the Columbia
river, on v hat is called tho Mountain Divis
ion, which will cross the Blue mountains to
meet tho Oregon Short Line, a branch of the
Union Pacific, at the State Line between Or
egon and Idaho. Tnis system includes
branches in many directions, wherever thci e
is an agricultural region that needs develop
ment and can offer any show for remunera
tion. There have been, say, 300 miles of railroad
built by this corporation in tho past three
j ears, and during the same period as much
more has been made by the Northern Paclfio
Railroad Company, and as considerable road
has also been built during that time in this
valley it is safe to put the cntiie railroad con
struction in this region during the three years
just past, at 800 miles no inconsiderable
work to be done in a comparatively new re
gion. The importance of the wrrk completed
o i Tursdny, Oct. 3, cannot be easily over esti
mated. It will give the wes'era and eastern
regions of the Pacific Northwest reliable com
munication at all seasons, even in the worst
winters, while we have hitherto always been
liable, in severe cold weather, to see the Co
lumbia frozen and all communication stopped
between Eastern and Western Oregon a state
of things very disagreeable, and decidedly in
convenient to commeroe. It not tnly short
ens travel several hours, the difference be
tween the river and the rail, but will very
materially reduce charges, as it will enable
tho company to load freight here and unload
at its destination in the far interior. To ;ap
predate the change of three years, just see
what the transportation of grain involved that
long ago. Wheat was taken on the narrow
gauge road of Walla Walla to the Columbia,
where it was unloaded and again loaded on a
steamboat; it was taken from boat to cars
again, and transported over the 14 miles
portage to The Dalles, where it was again
transferred to a boat, to bo again unloaded
from boat to cars to make the Cascade port
age, after which it was taken by boat to Port
land and had a chance to rest. By careful
management they got along with handling it
only 10 times; it was transported by three
steuners and three different railroads, causing
the shipper constant loss, 'as wheat will waste
more or leu by constant handling in sacks.
Really, it is an important epoch with us when
we can travel freely by rail in any direction,
and we appreciate tho change and recognize
that if it wero not for the superior ability and
judgment of one man we might still have
been held in bondage by a corporation of only
average comprehension of the future. The
great interior possesses vast riches aud great
resourcos, and under the same mind We may
hope to see the accomplishment of enterprise
that teem as strange to-day as what done
Tuesday seemed only three years ago.
The business situation of this country is
Vi-ry encouraging. Times are fairly good.
Considering the drought that lasted all Sum
mer, and even in the late Spring, wonderful
results in the way of crops baue been attain
ed. We shall have about 7,000,000 bushels
of wheat of this year's crop to export, be
sides meeting the extraordinary home demand
that must be supplied to fet-d 10,000 railroad
workers and to afford bread and seed for the
constant immigration. I have lately visited
the upper country, and while many farmers
are disapi ointed in their expectation of get
ting 40 and 50 bushels to the sere on Sprii
sowing as they actually do in usual seasons
they still have 30 to 40 bushels to the acre
on all grain well put in in the Fall, and from
15 to 25 on Spring sowing where no rain of
consequence fell from seed-time te harvest
Such a dry season was never before known in
part of the upper country, bnt for all that
their crops equal what would be called good
turn-outs in this valley or in California, and
are seldom equaled in the best wheat-growing
districts east of tec Rocky mountains.
The fifth annual Mechanics' Fair or Port
land is now held in the large pavilion, 200
feet square, erected for the purpose. In some
respects this exhibit is very creditable to the
country. Among its exhibit are to be found
pig iron of the best quality, from nines near
here on the Willamette; flax of home growth,
ens) twine and rope made here; leather of do
meitio manufacture, and harness snd saddlery
work. Furniture factories are very successful
here, and make a good display! Potters'
warejs shown.- Canned-salmin-is. piled up
mountains high. Musio from the headquarters!
band and electric lights are attractions, and
there is a tloral annex that if charming for a
walk. But, after all, the best part of the fair
is the agricu'tural and horticultural dirpUy,
which is excellent, and is better woith seeing
than all besides. The Bureau of Immigra
.ion has made a fine collection of grains and
gr.usesin the sheaf, s well as in the berry,
and this has been charmingly displayed at the
Mechanics' Fair. At the Centennial Exposi
tion at Philadelphia dur State made a similar
display mat surprised all visitors competent
to judge in that respect. The present exhibit
must be superior to any ever, gathered from
Oregon harvest-fields. There is also a fine
collection of fruits and vegetables. This is
not a gripe country, but one man shows nu re
thsn 40 varieties of grapes grown in the open
air. This is not a peach country, bnt there
are peaches of excellent size and flavor.
Neither is this a corn country, but tho dis
play includes stalks of corn ith large and
well-ripened ears, to prove that wo can grow
corn if we try. The array of fruit that actu
ally thrives in Oregon was remarkably good.
The display included many varieties of apples
and pears, plums and prunes, quinces, cher
ries, and small fruits in alcohol be ng nut of
season now and nuts, from the chestnut and
walnut. This country has no nut-bearing
trees. No nuts grow here exrept hazel and
acorn if it can bo so called. The exhibit of
fruits, and also vegetables, was most credita
ble. Farming near Ainsworth -What an industri
ous German Has Done.
All published descriptions of the country
adjicent to the junction of the Snake and Col
umbia rivers have agreed in regarding the soil
as lacking in productive qualities. Few set
tlers have been satisfied with the appearances
cf that immediate region, and fewer have
taken up residence there. It has remained for
an industrious German to show thst firming
may there be profitably conducted, as the fol
lowing le ter will abundantly indicate :
Mr. Paul Schnlze. general land agent North'
era Pacifio R, R. Co. Dear Sir : Replying
to your letter of yesterday asking me to give
vou an account of my exp 'rience in Washing
ton Territory, In regard to the material pro
gress I have made upon the land purchased
from your company, I will say that I came to
Ainsworth, W. T., on or about the 1st day of
November, J 879, and obtained work at the
shops of the N. P. R. R. Co.Lt that point, as
DiacKsmitn, the company paying me lour aoi
law per day and giving me steady work. 1
was about eleven dollars in d-.bt when I or
rived there, and although I have a large fm
ilv, consisting of a wife and seven children, I
succeeded in accumulating in the- firt year of
my resilience at Ainsworth nearly one thou
sand dollars. Mv first savings I invested in
a lot purchased from the company for fifty
dollars I then built a house and barn upon
that lot, had a well dug, fenced the lot and
set out some fruit and shade trees, costing me
in the aggregate about $700. Remaining in
the service of the company, 1 had an oppor
tunity to save more money and better my cir
cumstances. Being anxious to lieeome inda
pendent and to make a comfortable home for
myself and children, I took up 160 acres of
government land in Section 26, T 9 N, of R 29
E, W M, and bought from tho company at the
rite 0152 bo an aero, uu odd acres oi land in
Senti n 2.1 At the time of mv takinar no this
land it was considered worthless, and most of
the inhabitants at Ainsworth and my fellow
mechanics would laugh and poke fun at me
for going on what they called a wild goose
chase. Some of them would go so far as to
style me a "crazy Dutchmau." I paid no heed
t their advice nor to their ridicule, hut went
ahead patting in my leisure hours at improv
ing what I called "my farm," with the assist'
ance of mv family. I made most of my im
provements on the 90 acre tract which I pur.
chased from the company. There are now
under improvement on that tract about 40
acres which are substantially fenced. I have
a house 18x27 with an L 12x16. and barn and
other outhouses. In addition to this I dug a
wen ana set out an orcnara oi appie, pear,
peach, plum and cherry trees. 200 trees in all.
and about 101 bushes ot small fruits. Last
spring I put in about three acres of wheat,
five acrts of rve and one acre of oats; besides,
I had about two acres of corn, five acres of
potatoes and about one acre of cabbage and
other vegetables. I cut all my grain for hay,
averaging about two and a half tons per acre.
The potatoes yielded me about 250 bushels
per acre This i consider would do an extra
ordinarily low yield as compared with ordins
ry seasons, sinoe according to the statements
of older settlers, the last season was the driest
ever known in that region. I have also five
horses, three cows and four heifers, eleven
hogs and three hundred chickens.
All this property I have accnmmulated
within the short period of three years, and
aside from hiring two or three carpenters at
the time of building my house, I have not
spent a cent for labor in improving my land in
tne seen ns namea or my garaen n in" rawn
of Ainsworth. To day I wouldn't take f 12 an
acre for the land which I bought from the
company, or tnat which I claim under -the
homestead law.
I believe that any industrious man, of
frugsl habits, can do as well as in that region
as 1 have done, and that region oilers nun
dreds of homes equally as good as my own to
frugal and industrious men. But only to such
loungeis, loafers and whiskey bummers, who
spend their time in saloons and lounging about
the stores aud talking politics need not come
to this country. 1 shall be glad to show in
tending settlers land in my neighborhood
equally as good as my' own, and will give
them the bene tit of my experience.
Very respectfully yours,
Frank Schonemanh.
The Outlook in Walla Walla Vallsy.
That Walla WalU City and county is just
now passing to an era of the greatest prrsper
ity and most rapid development, there are ev
Jfcnces on every hand. For the past year or
iSfHpsiness has been adjusting itself to the
new order ef things, consequent upon closer
communication with the rest of the world;
agriculture has been extending; manufsctures
taking root, a better kind of economy being
learned, and a broader and more stable base
prepared for the growth of the future; a tran
sition from a hap-hazsrd existence, in which
there was but a partial hope, to an industrial
and social system, partaking of the character
of those stable occupations, which, if they
yield few sudden prizes, are more certsia in
their results. All about us there are evidence
of tbis growth. The agricultural district
have been steadily filling up, and the tide of
a good emigration still pours in. In the bus
iness enterprises of the city there has been
gradual but steady improvement, just such in
dications as evidence an era of prosperous ac
tivity. The bank are in first-rate condition;
there is an abundance of capital, and if the
rate of inti rest ha not fallen to an approii
Imation of the Eastern standard, it is tending
tint way," and will very toon 'arrive at that
rate, and there is an unusual readiness to in
vest in permanent improvements. Aside
from this, the demsnd for all kinds of labor is
active and healthy. With the growth of
these Btable and profitable industries, there
should be a more vigorous gron th of manu
factures. Walla WalU ought now to become
an impor'ant manufacturing point, producing
manufactured goods an aggregate, a'most, or
equal to the volume of her other commercial
business. The healthy development of this
branch of business would be an expansion of
our commerce, ami form a broader basis for
commercial operations of sll kinds. Some
cities are so situate 1 with regard to agricul
tural surroundings as to be measureably inde
pendent from manufactures, but we do not
believo this is true of Walla Walla. True, we
are in the midst of an immenso valley where
agriculture has tho conditions of perfection,
almost, but it is as true that this city is a
commercial center; enjoys a supremacy in this
respect, and tributary to it is a vast arcacf
country which must be supplied. If we can
supply these outlying towns and communities
with goods manufactured here at home, we
control not only that particular branch, but
others which are necessarily connected with
it. That Walla Walla and this portion of
Eastern Washington is destined to as'sume an
importance in the industi ill and commercial
world, which a fow years ago would bate
been deemed incredible, may now bo clearly
seen, and in view of this, it seems liko a mis
tiken and almost inexcusablo blindness, it our
capitalists do not realize the need of preparing
for it by the establishment of a manufacturing
uiteieit that shall become leading in its chir
1882. '
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tioned, it will be understood that the subscriber srlsbM
to commence with the Number next after the receipt of
order. , r" ,
The last Four Annua Volumes of llaarsa's Baxia,
In neat cloth binding, will bo sent by mail, postage paid,
or by express, free of expense (presided tae freight does
not exceed one dollar per volume), for 7 00 each.
Cloth Cases for each volume, sultalde for binding,
will be tent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of tl 00 each
Remittances should be made by Post-Offiot Money
Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss.
Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement with
out the express order of Haaraa Si Ilaaruau.
Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York.
Vines and 8hrubbery at verv low rates. No Mats ea
trees which are ruining so many trtes co this Oeast
tatScmd for Catalogue.
U First Street, Portland, Orejea.
Diamonds, Silver -Ware,
Watches & Jewelry.
Naatlral laalraasenU aad rthlirf.-turaaeeaeten
rated toy tmsull beervallasu us rcsUreeJ.
Cheese Factory sad
Creamery outfits, Cheat
and Creamery Vats,
Cheese I'rettes, Creaaacry
and I'umtly Churns, Hat
ter Workers, Salt, Color
ing, Cheese and Iteets
loths, llutter Tabs aad
Hoses, and evertthlna;
usrd In Cheese Factory,
Creamery or privets dairy.
SenJ for free copy of
as l.k &au.k St.,
.tfwii ?5s I
xCwnmvmmr! the HO PC 07
jjfjfc",4ki&fc& KACtJji
A thm Oar rVr all rasMU WBAt
NEMBS, laelaitmsj toaeevriuso, Zrw
retaUur sum! Painful MeastnuatUa,
IsJUasasattea ana Clensmtlea f
the Wesab, FleaeVat , PRO.
BVTUasaat to the taste, eftUaelous and immediate
laltsaSMt. It Is a sreat kelp In pngaaaey, aad r
llovee pela daring laker aad a tssjvlu periods.
rtmiaiirscniT luruscunrr nso.T.
tWTa au. WaiTjrBtaa et the generative organs
of eltlwr i, it Issmuudlono remedy that baa ever
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KunnrsUuilbeOreatMSXMMdrUlas World.
Flod Great Relief la It Use.
will vxadJcate every veatlM of lliunora from tne
Mood, at the same lime wUTglve tone and strength te
tuasystexa. As marreUonsln results as the Compouiid,
tmoth tho Compound and Hood Purifier are pre
pared at SH and s Western Avenue, Lynn, Vast,
Price of either, SI. K bottles for A The Compound
Is sent by mall lntheformotnUls, orof loaengos,oa
receipt of price, tl per box for either!. Kra. Flnkham
freely answers alt letters ot tnquu-7. BneloeeieesS
stamp. Bend for pamphlet. JKmffoa tilt Aver.
I w-Lt nu B. PrsTBitra lira Prm cure Constlsa.
tkm, SUlouaDoM and Torpidity of tho Uvcr. xo cents,
jSeld by all Dragglsta'.-S 3
A Sure Cure Guaranteed?''
1 '
1 r nent asnoclnofor llv.uria. min. u pmml
sioi.s r.ervo& Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of
Memory S erroatorrhea,Impo,noy, InvolunUn Emit
siens Premature Old Age, caused by over-exeitlon,
Self-ALuse or Over-indulgence, which leads to misery,
dec and death. One box will cure recent rates.
Each liox isntalns one month's treetmnnt si.no a hn.
or six ticie t'or tJ 00; sent by mall, prepared on n eetyt
of prxe. Ve guarantee six boxes to cure any case.
with each order received by us for six boxos, accompa
nied with to 00. we will send tba nurchaji.v nur mia.
antee to return the money it the treatment dots aat
effect a cure. Guarantees Issued onl; by
Wholesale and Retail Druggists, P irtlaml, Or,
Orders by mall at regular prices JaniT-ij
All Sorts of Merchandise Exchanged for ''
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Croekery, Boots sad 1
Shoes, Hats and Caps.
Everything a Farmer wants for sale Everything a Far-
, mtr raises wanted.
Corner Madlaon aad First Streets, PorUaael
Opposite Begman, Sabln a Co's Agrlcaltural Ware-
Homeopathic Physicians and
Roosts , 60, ol an Union Bleak, Portland, Qr
Dr Z B. N. Diseases nf Wemea.
DR. A. S. N.-DUeaeea of Eye, lar and Threat.
ETKRTWHUU to sail the,
...... ... ...
Dss-raBsssv saaixisa
1st ever Invented wui knit a ualr ol atoekli
with UKKL and TOE craniate la to mlsutes. Its
also knit a great variety 01 fancy work for wkleb t
Is always a ready market, Sead for circulars and t
to the Twataly Kalttlag Hacklae Ce., IN Tu
rnout street, notion, Haas. teptin
BKST la the World. Cet lhe eeaalaa.
Every package has oar Irade-aaarit aad
tartiea rraaera.
Held Everywhere. eutSy
Corbetfs Fire Proof Stable
Mj and Taylor streets, Portland, Oregon,
chaneo. Particular attention oald to bos
Hacks In attendance at all trains and boats. 1
nlsbf. Connected by all Teleohone Oosnnaaiaa.
yeu came to Portland Inquire for "Corbett s Hanks,"
u a. autiKiua, ntmrmer.
omOE: Me. 117 First Street, bowesB Kt
frlssa and Tasablll, Portland, Orsfs
lHCrjrtvl 1M4.
Home Mutual Insurance Co
IMMsPaid .$1,334,638.44
LoMeaPaid Ogn Jf $162,368.8i
regeH BnuMh flee,
GEO. L. STOHY, Manager
eithsast serassef Fast and ataeti Itststs,
Oar UddhVMsa'slaak,