WILLAMETTE FARMER; POBTLAND, OREGON. DECEMBER 8. 1882. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. iiuaai Train Bitbbery. Hallas Texas, Dec. 3. An attempt was Rii i.ht ti rob the north bound ex- r tnta orf ihe Gulf of Colorado and Santa Fe road, near Blum station, 70 miles soum i Dallas ly threo heavily armed men. lhcv boarded the engine and ordered the engineer to pull out or they would kill him. He obeyed, and after proceeding three miles was ordered to Blacken speed, which he' did. Soon a torpedo was exploded on tl.o track and the the engineer ordered to stop. He did, and a lulf-dozen well armfd men sprang out of the bushes to capture the train. The threo men on the enein jumped off and joined their confederates The euards on the mail and expres car were awake and opened tire on the robbers, which the latter returned. The engineer then pulled nut at full speed. No one on the train was hurt. It is not known whether any of the robber were injured. Ihe railroad officials are trying to ferret out the desperadoes. . ' rust an the Lake. Chicago, Dec. 3. A-tug last evening picked up' the lake, barge A. W. Luckey ten miles down the lake in a disabled condition, and .no !. into noit. The captain of the t i.-.. .t.ii.,1 t r.r. thn utoim bareo R. O. Peters was towing the Luckey when suddenly the Peters caught nre, w mucs irom " kee, and before aid could be rendered saijk stern firt, with Uaptain Olsen, mate Larsen and eleven others, who composed the, crew. The Luckey tried to assist them, but the wind was high and the barge became unmanage able. The Peters was a nearly new vcesel, valued at $32,000, and owned by L. Sands of Manistee, fcshe ranked as a Brst class vessel and was insured. Tbe Railroad Halm. Chicago, Dec 3. Tho Tribune says: In formafion was received yesttiday that a meet ing between Iho Unio'i Pacific and Central Pacific roads and eastern trunk lines, for the when Dr. Evetzkv received a severe cowlnd ing from a Mrs. Moore and Miss Hawkim, who accused him of talking about them. Bvetzky was nnder the imtwetaion that his psrtner Dr. Clsy, had something to dp with his being cowhided, which, it it thought, led tithe fatal shooting. The Work Before Congnrn. Wismvn-rnv. Dec. 4. Conareta meets this morning and will boj-in the work of disposing of a greater amount of unfinished business than ever before confronted the national legis lature of this country. At the first session of the 47th congress there were introduced in the house of representatives 7182 bills and joint resolutions. In tho senatn, at the same time, 2283 bills and joint resolutions were presented, making a total of 9465 measures. Al ICaSl iUW OII11 nuunnuiu" -; - r sented, of which hardly a score will receive the approval of both houses. Six weeks at least of Jthe pending ses-iou will be occupied la the passage of appropriation bill?, and an earnest attempt to reduce the Uxation will be made very little outside legislat'on can be ex pected. The lobby will undoubtedly rally here In full force and dispute every moment of time that should bo devoted to public busi ness with schemes of a private and personal characte. Arabl an Exile fur Lire. Cairo, Deo. 4. Arab! Pasha this morning r.lnn,lpil imiltv to the charee of rebellion. In the afternoon the court martial reassembled and pronounced sentence of death. The khe- .1!ti nnmmnffil thn RpntenCB tO OXllo for life. It is believed Arabi will retire to Borne part of the British dominions. His demeanor oeiore the court was very dignified , Olher chiefs of the rebellion will be sim larly disposed of. It is now reported Arabi will be sent to the Cape of Good Hope. rienant fur the Sultan. CoxsTAN-TlsorLE, Dec. 4 The snltau did not at end the morgue Friday, and it has since transpired that an attempt to assassinate him was contempiatcii. ine buuuu w.u niA.A nf flfppiii0 unon rates to San trail' cisco and California points, will beheld in New York December llth. As already stnt J tho Town, nool has appointed a connois'ion of general freipht agents and Commissioner Midgly to atunu me meeting uuu uis "" abolition of the present contract system on California business This system was lnaugu rated by the Pacific reads a few years ago to meet the competition of the Pacific Mail SUamshlp Company. Shippers who pledge themselves to ship their goods exclusively by the Pacific roads are given only about a third of the regular rates, while shippers who re fuse to bind themselves to'ship exclusively by rail must pay full rates, which are exorbitant in the extreme. The fact that the Pacific railroads can afford to take business from con tract shippers at one-third of the tariff rates and-make money shows how exorbitant ths regular rates are. The trunk dues, as well as the Iowa pool lines, are strongly opposed to the oontinuance of the contract system, claim ing that it tends to demoralize the business and does not help the roads in the leost. They said the contract system doea not Btop com petition by the steamship company, but rath er aggravates it. ., The steamship, companv knows full well what contract rates are, and it meets them just as it would meet regular ... n..nr.h rates nere charged to all ship pers. What they want is that freight be made ao low as to induce shippers to ship bv rail in preference to ocean line, and that all shippers should be treated alike. They will make aestrong effort at the meeting at New York to induce the Union and Central Pacific companies to recede from the position they have thus far taken. Wauls More Soldiers, Washington, Dec. 3. It Is understood that Secretary Lincoln will recommend a slight increase of the army, but Congress is not likely to appreciate his arguments. No more Indian wars are anticipated. The set tlement of moat of the western country by the whites hag pi ogresstd Tar enough to rein er outbreaks on the part of the Indians unlikely. The strengthof the savages appears thoroughly overthrown, and with the exception of little marauding bands nlone the Mexican bordtr, ..r. fn-tW trouble is expected. The reasons for the increase of the army are that the dis ciplinary entirety of the army is not large enough to give officers the requisite practice in handling troops. Appointment of Col. Tlrhenor. Col Isaac S. Tichenor, of California, has been appointed auditor of the district of Co lumbia. It is regardel as a wise nomination. Col Ttchenor is an old California!!, having lived in California for many.years prior to the war, and earning an excellent military record in a California regiment during the rebellion. He settled here at the close of the war, The t'olton Exposition. T ...... 't, 5 Fiftv thousand dol lars was secured in two hours canvass for subscriptions to the cotton exposition in 18SJ. It is certain S300,000is necessary to be raised. It ii intended to make it second only to the centennial. BeUw Par. Chicago, Dec. 3. In tbe sale of securities of the State savings bank yjiterday a note of D. D. Spencer, its absconding president, for three-quirtersof a million dollars wa. knocked down to a countryman for $801. Btsnejr and His Friends. Si. Locw. Deo. 3.-Joseph Pulitzer, editor of the Pott-Diipatch, Democratic, writes from Washington regarding the star route matters Stephen T. Dor.ey what he call, the se " . ?!! I h r obtained through an- n ."""' . -------- u .hen trior Kd conniieniiai wuiw;. - --y- itwaVlearned MacVeagh intended to prose cute Dorsey. the latter came from the sheep ranch in New Mexico and went to the White House. Garfield told Dorsey not to give him self any unnecessary uneasiness about the out .me, but return to bi. ranch and rest wsured he (Garfield) would be his friend. But lu spite of , this' MacVeagh proceeded with the retsined detective, and special counsel .cUdtteatimouy, and drew. -the cjnvicy. The Utter riarmadr the k.Mc- for Dor' m . 1.. .11. Aa.J1 jIamaa alt mar Pleteiy tcrror-stncKen, uuu hiuij ui 0..Ur, hmiselr out side oi iub harem. Dervisch Pasha will be executed. ltepnrt at Attorney Oeneral. Wasiiinotos, Dec. 4 The report of the attorney general was aubmitted to coogress today. He calls attention to the necessity of speedy legislation in the direction of afford, ing effectual relief from delays which now cli .t..nt thn nd ministration of justice in the su preme court, and to some extent in circuit and distiict courts of the United States. The entire number of suits pending in the court of i;. ncriin.t tho United States is seven hun dred and eighteen, claiming $27,591,766 dur ing the fiscal year, 1973 civil suit, and 7778 criminal prosecution, were trrminated. In the civil suiti 999 cases terminated favorable to the United States, and 978 were either not proved, dismissed or discontinued. For ex penses of court, of the United State, for the last fiscal year $2,710,912 was paid, and the amount asked to pay the expenses for the next fi.c.l year is 83,200,000. This estimate is nude up with a view of avoiding future defi ciencies and moro prompt payment of public creditors. The attorney general recommends tho revision of the. present marshal fee bill and the increase ef the appropriation enabling the attorney general properly to investigate accounts of attorney, ana mansimio. -maining topics referred to in the report per- tain to matters oi iniereas umjr iu i.us.a ... the District of Columbia. First Bay or Congress. Washington, Dee. 4. Congress met to day. There was no general busiuesa trans acted ir. the senate. Herbert of Alabama introduced a bill pro hibiting political assessments, Eosecrao. a bill to incorporate the Yellowstone Park rail road, Kasson for better regulation of civil ser vice, Lefevre a resolution asking the secretary of the interior whether there had been an at tempt to consolidate the Union Pjcifio with any other road, and if so, b7 what authority attempted, Valentine to compel the Union Pacific to survey lands granted it, and by Cox asking the secretary of war what money ap propriated by the river and harbor bill has been withheld. K.a.nn'a resolution was adopted allowing the civil service committee to report any time this session. It caused many jocular remarks. introduced in the hruse to-day calling upon the secretary of the Interior for information as to whether there had been any attempt at consolidation of the Union I'acifio railroad comninv with any other railroad company, and if so, by hat authority! also, if any such consolidation was approved oy any uepan ment of the government, and if the grarorn ment had taken any action in relation to the issue of stock and oonds by the company. It was referred to the judiciary committee. A Desperate I'alr. Alnmrtii.v. Mn . Dec. 5 Nicholas. John and Richard Cook, notorious deperadocs of Mount Sterling, wanted for murder, burglary and other crimes, in Illinois and Iowa, were recognized here to day, and wnon tne cuy marshal and POS30 endeavored to arrest them opened fire. A large crowd of citizens gath ered and pursuod them, firing as they ran. They were finally overtaken. Richard Cook was killed, Nicholas mortally wounded and John was badly hurt. Strong. Socialistic Threats. New York, Dec. 5. An anonymous procla mation has been issued, addressed to various persons, saying the originators of if have de termined to abolish by phjsical force certain legalized wrongs. No good man need, how. ever, be alarmed, as they will use persuasion, reason, ahd all other methods tirst. They will be scientific in their methods, whether of destruction or construction. "For the space of another year we shall employ our energies upon the hearts and intellects oi i"" '"? guided people who can see no criminality in making gambling dens of our markets of ex change, and who can see no injustice in the degradation of labor If, at tho end of that ... nti. .limniln hivfi nit uecn compiled with' we shall, without further ado, proceed to active operations. . Executive Committer. Senator Slater Means Business. Senitors Miller, of California, and SUtcr and Giover, f Oregon, were the cnly sena tors from the Pacific slope present at the open ing of the session yesterday. Senator Slater says it makes no difference whether or not the secretHry of war scuds in estimate! to mmrni,. fnr rivor nnd hsrhor improvements as the material for a river an.l h n-hor bill can be obtained from the engineer s report. If the secretary of war shi uhl attempt to ith hold the report of tne eniflfcers he v. ill intro duce in congress a resolution calling for infor mation as to the expenditures of the river and harbor appropriation in the last river and harbor bill, but he was forestalled by the in troduction of such a lesolution by Cox, of vr..... r.i.- h. nflfom it with & different pur pose, his object being to oppose any new bill tor river and harbor improvement. As the resolution goes to Page's committee, it will serve the' same purpose as his proposed reeo lutlon. . ........ t- Representative Kosecrans introduced a ui for the incorporation of the Yellowstone Fork Railroad Company, and to aid in the con struction of a railroad to the pirk. Oregon Railway and Naviga tion Company. OCEAN DIVISION. Between Ban FraneUe and Portland. Living San Francisco at 10 i. M. Columbia. Stite of California. Nor. ... 8! Nov It Not 22Nor. .85 Dm.. . 6 Dec. Dec JiODtc. .....2.1 J&n .. 3'Jan 0 Jan . ,17Jan Ml Oregon. Nor... Nor. , Dec.... Dec. Jn. Jsn... ...16 ...89 ,...1S ....2? ..10 Qneen of the Pacific SorTTT Dtc... Dec..... Doc. Jan. ...2lJan.. ..19 .. i ...10 ...SO ...13 ...47 Leave Portland at 180 o'clock, Midnight. Nov.. . Nor .. Dec... Dec.. Jan.... Jan... .141 ...8 ..12 ...26 Nor. Dec . Dec Dee. Jan. 23JaH. ...1JI .... 1 ...16' . .I8j ....12 ...28 Nov. Dec.. Dec. Jan., Jan.. i jjan . . ... 21 6 19 2 16 ....S0 Nov. Dec... Dec .. Jai.-.. Jan... THrough Tickets sold to all points In the UnlUd SUte Canada and Europe. RlRlit reserved tochanire steamen or silling; Uajs. Farc-Cabir, 20: .te-rae. 10. Children, 12 jears, full fart; from 12 to 6, half fare; nnder 6, free. RAILROAD DIVISIONS. Leave Portland for The Dallw. Umatilla, Walla Walla, and up river points at 4 o clock V. .. M1DDLK roitlMIII 4, M III.AMETTE ASD YAMHILL K11KR nniSIWM. Leave Portland for Mon. Dalles and Upper Columbia ..... AltorlaandLow-l er Columbia... Dayton Victoria, B.C.... CorvallU an 1 In termediate pt 7 AM 6 AH 7 AM 6 AM 6 AM 7 AM 6 AM Wed. 7 AM 1 M 7 AM CAM! ThurlFrl. irrl. J Sat. PORTLAND CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, 204 806 Fourth Street, Portland, Oregon. t'rihSQBpHcSr' V saaaaaaarSvtrnSaS vLFL s Builders of Fine Carriages of Every Description. Ttpnfllrlntr In &1I It. liranplira. Every Department filled with flrst-class workmen, n.l nothlnp- but the best work allowed to leave the houN The Portland Carriage manufactory U tho only Institution of l's kind In Portland. Bugg'es, Phaetors, Carriages, and every clasi of work turned out to order and satisfaction ruarantoaa. Portland Carriage Manufactory. - 7 AM 6 AM 6 AMI 7 AM SAM 7 AM 6AM 7 AM 6AM SPORTSMENJMPORIUM. WILLIAM BECK & SON IMl'OKTKIU AND DEALERS IN Guns, Rifles, Revolvers and Fishing Tackle, A. L. MAXWELL, Ticket agent O. R. 4 N. Co. JOHN MUIK, , Snperlntendont ot Traffic. yM C. H. PBESCOTT, Manager Hon Bitters are the Psireat and Best Bitters OerHailc. Thev are comnounded from Hopi, Malt, Buchu, Man drake and Dandelion the oldest, best, and most ralu -ki. Muiintt... in ih. wn.ld and cnntiln all tbe Destand BUIC lUWIVIM. ... " ... .. ,, hjnx moat curative properties oi an oiner rcmsuin, . the eteatest Blood Ponder, Live Begulator, and Life and Health Restoring Aeent on earth. No "liseaje or ill healtn can poislblv long- txl-t where these- Bitters are used, so vartod and perfect are their operations. They alvo new life and vigor to the aged and Infirm. To all whose employments cauae Irreitula'ltv of tne bowels or urlnvy organs, or wno niui ,..--.. Tonlo and mild Stimulant, Hop Bitters are Invaluable, being highly ouratlve, tonic and stlmu'atlng, without No matter what your feelings or nmptomsare, what th. dl,u or ailment is. use HOD Bitters. Don t wait until you are sick, but If you ,. .. ..-, ... j --"--- ---- . . ...a TTnn R ttP &t And,. 11 IDSV KY. UUI 111.. . convict Dotmt. The utter, aiairns,u reportioi MacVeagh'. dom.rerurBed thrSprUg'of 1881. whUe In New York, VeagfactuaUy procured a ftte The warrant waa about to be oau irniVf xuv reai" -- . . . i r .. ..!. li.il his secret tcents rSf art.waa only one roan who could SvVwM. "oVhJ pert train for Wash .ington, arrived Uw at night, went from the d?pot totb YfMt. House, and PPd .OaVfieltorkiip hUT promise and save Mm. o.1S!ij .-Kf fJr1vl.eVeaffh. What ensuc.1 rnaybeinferrea from the fact that tho war rant for Doraey't arrest was never lery.-J. but JTn.A-.-r. Thi. iucideut is historical and i.-..n m he true bv Blaine. It haa never been published, but it is true, and MacVeagh will not daradanyit. Martter and ftalelde. DasvMs, Deo. 3.-The RrpublicanU i Duran no. Col., specW says! Last night about 11 o:(Joek. whUe Dr. H. A. Cly, a pioneer phj aician ani ouo of the most eminent citizeu-, was sitttng in ht. office, his partner, Dr. Evetaky. entered and without warning fired aereralVhot. at Clay, and then blew hi. own brains out with the same revolver, dying in auntly. Mr. Clay died this morning. They f"T i?... ..,. for several months in a thriving busiueas. No difficulty was known .to have existed between them until yesterday, Speeches or Irish Lenders. r,r,r.vr Tin.. 4. The Irish members of parliament gave a banquet to A. M. Sullivan r . r AnAl. Uanntr Honnrlhpfl yesteruiy. in opo;" . .7 -- Jenkinson as an ex-murderer from India who was organizing a system of provocation to crime. Sullivan extolled the power of the Irish in America. He anticipated the day would come when the American government would declare it failed to uuderstand why the Irish trouble could not be settled by granting Ireland BOvernmeut rlahta, and would invite r i.j .,.- friandlv conference on the sub- I. Pornoll .inreased a confidence that the Irish party in parliament would continue to make solid progress. Tbe Dublin Aaaasslaa. Tr.,,vj nn 4 Four men arrested on uspicion of being concerned in the ato on Dennis Field, have been discharged. One of them, Martin, was identified by a litt e girl as one of tbe men engaged in tho awault, but as she was not acquainted wnn ne " an oath, her 'evidence waa not r available to convict him. Field is now out of danger. The authorises have reason to believe the re cent desperate outrages were aripuged in Lon don and New York. Moses to be Left Alone. WAntS0T0S, Dec. 5. The surveyor gen eral of Washington Territory will be ""tract ed by the commissioner of the general land office not to issue an order for the survey of a mining claim within the limiUof Chief Mo-ea reservation, although it appears that the loca tion of the claim' wai made before the reserva tion waa. set apart by the executive order. This decision will affect other cases of a simi lar character now pending before the land office. The Mraruu Maddle. Tho National RtpMiean to morrow morn-, ing will print an interview with John A. Kas . of th house oummittee on f. reign affairs, with regard to BUine'a statement concerning the Nicaragua canal bill. Ka.aon aaya if Blaine's remarks have been correctly report1 he has never seen eitner me xiiearwu-..- the committee'! report upon it Neither the bill nor the report propose that the govern- ment shall spena one aoiiar m wuu .. " the canal. A private company deaires an act of incorporation, after which they propose at their own expeDse to construct a canal acrras the isthmus. Aftr the canal shall have been completed, and veeia are patting through it, the United Stati is to guarantee three per . nun ka vr.lnf the canals construction. This it to be piid only upon actual service and for a period of twenty years. Then, Kaaaon say, the entire pecuaiiry i - aslumed by the United R'atcs and. it will be reduced by every ton of shipp'ng which paa.es through the canal. In the opinlnnof the committee this tonnage will be more thin sufficient from the first day to entirely dn charge the three per cent. " . elusion Kaon exprtssei regret that Blame name should ha v been glrtntoao eomplete misrepresentation of the provision of Mil of such national interest! a are involved in the ccsatruction oi tne propoaea cauu. - wBia lurersBatlem Washimotow, Deo. P. A latolntloo was inly feel bvl or miserable. nav save your inc. . dreds havn boon saved bv so doing. $500 will be paid faraose they will not cure or help. Do not suffer or let vonr friends suffer, but use and urge them to use Hop Bitters. ,,. r , it.... Til.ta. 1. nn .11, HnicmMl. drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Bet Medicine ever made, the Invalid's Friend and Hon,."andno person or fam ily should lie without them. Try the Bitters Unlay. Walla Walla Statesman: Mo'srs. Hill and Kirtuey, with their families, have just arrived here overland from Bates county, Missouri, en route to the Spokan country, where they have been preceeded by quite a colony., from the same section of that State. Thousands of emigrant! will start for this couLtry In the spring. They tell us that all along the route ef travel through the Western States, people told them that their coming was only a matter of a few months, getting a sale for farms and household goods. JOHN CRAN & CO., SPECIAL OPENING ....OF .... Colored Dress Goods, Silk Vel vets and Plushes. w will dlTOlav THIS WEEK a choice assort ment of the NEWEST stiles In Silks and Woolen DRESS MATERIALS, and call especial attention to the follow Ing lines which we show In the most delrablo shades and colors, with buttons and Trimmings to match: COKDKTTE CLOTHS, SIBA1I 8ttlTIX8, DKAf E cRonr, ILIXMIVVTF.D RIECKS, JERSEY SU1TINCS RILMARD CLOTHS, FANCY COtlRIVATIOS SITTINGS, SCOTCH lUIH, ETC. Silk Department. In this Department we ihow a very larjfe and choice assortment of Colored Velvets and Plushes. V raHal IsaaaaaW. eO a HAZARD'S SPORTING AND BLASTING POWDER, AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED DAKEft DOUI1LE AND THREE BARREL GUN COMBINED. 16.1 A IC7 Herond St., Rrt. Morrison anil Inmhlll fortlanU, Orraou. tr FOB THE 1 SKY REST TrX GOTO GEO. W.DAVIES' PHOTOGRAPHIC PARLORS, Ver First and Taylor Btrrels, Portland, Or. PRICES, VERY REASONABLE. Simpson & Killingsworth, REAL ESTATE AMD GENERAL BROKERS, (No. It, Union Block, up stairs.) Front Street. Forlland, Oregon. Omci Hocas: From 9, a. . to SO r. m. I OTTOMAN SILKS, In Black and Colored, the Latest! Novelty, JOHN CRMU CO., oct'20m3 FARM MACHINERY. JUST TO REMIND YOTJ THAT CHRISTMAS IS NEAR ! We give a ptrtlal list ol PRESENTS suitable for any age, relation, r condition of Frlcnd.hlp. Rlnga, Watches, Lockets, Necklaces, Watch Charms, Lleeve Buttons, Studs, Pins, Clocks, Bracelets, Scarf Pins, Onera Glasses, Vest Chains, Napkin Rings, Silver Table Ware, Knives, Forks, Card Receivers. Spoons. Jewel and Card Cases. THE llKtiKHT STOCK OF THE ABOVE TO BE FOUftD IN SALEM, AT F. D. M'DOWELLS, COMMERCIAL STREET, - - SALEM, OREGON. The TUIIIHFII ME THE J. I. CASK FLOWS, EDERS and DRILLS. We are (he solo airnU ter Onon and Washington Territory of the colebrated J. I. OASEPLOIffl, "TRIUMPH" SEKDEHSund DRILIJJ tudtaker Farm andtl'HINO WAGONS, J. I, Case Traction Enfints, PorUble Enirlnes, Engines on Skids, and Wnile or double Saw Mills Call and see us or v.rltofor CaUlogus. bTAVEU & WALKER, Front St., foot of Salmon, Portland. J.B.CONGLE&CO 110 Front Street, EasUjSlde,,Portlaod, Oregon. Again in Business. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Whips, Saddlery Hardware, Etc, Etc. Promptly Repairing Neatly and Attended to' DENNISON & WATSON. ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, Room 31, Unfcn Block, Portland, Oregon. A First rate 450 acre Wheat and Sheep Farm for Sale. TTIIVK MILKS FROM SALKU. TIIRBB IIUND H nd and nltv acres in cu'tivatlon. One bundrsd T-... v.u.. l.n1 whlrh make, a caidLU tUeTUOW. Buok wattr io eh Heidi all well fenced. Ile.lthy ''. m - . . ,L.. ...-W Ihj A..n location. Trout stream a mu. mng mn,. . .- Apply la si. - -.. norttU SIm, Marlon County, Oregon. OLDS & KING, OUR STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS Is now complete and Second to none in the city in quali ty and quantity. The Stock has heen select ed with great care from the BEST MARKETS, And embraces everything in the line of DRY GOODS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Our prices are always as vr as the lowest. Samples en t on application, and ORDERS Carefully and promptly filled. ' OLDS & KING, D. W. PRENTICE & CO., ...THE LEADING. Music Dealers. 107 FIRST STREET. PORTLAND, - - OREGON. Illuatr&ted Catalogue iT J A rbotoia-raiib and Loctura, I (Jr. W MaiHo LnnUnis and Mldm WAN1 II MIIIM'M H'. ".!.. 7 II. KII Hll'.l I II.IIKII 1 AUl'0,tIATIt) tUIIINI'T. I'lnrimy Tim. llli-lf III Wnmler ('jitjiliHfiit., I 1(1 lh -TltltKT. I'llll.AIICI.I'lll . I'A, N: 1H4 riral Hi,, hel. T,lr A Tamlilll, ectlSmS Portland Carriage Factory. Retween Front anj First Street, on Yamhill, Portland. rB DETTER I'HKFARED equijipvu wiiii viiv w THE YANKEE BAZAAR! U, Pint Street. OniUr Kew Market Theatre millS CHEAPEST Or ALL STORES WILL KrEP I couUntl, on band an Imrnens stock of all kiwis otuMlol and ornamental article. CaU and Scr, ad be AaUaUalicil. .KovltX WALTKB KCXS jfaaacrr. HAN EVKlt ilCFORK AND OI'EKB THE SI'HINO SEASON OF 188f FUtXf skllltd labor procurable at the Eut and UiLest material found In th. wotU, M manufacture everything In t line ol Buggies, Carriages, Pheatons, Webfoot Dog Carts, Light bpeea wagons, ugnx, ana neavy suck isoaras, Aeiter Wagons, Slile Knar and lilte Ckatwl Wacou, BprlnK and Tnorouahbrace mall wasons, th. bpy Buk, , UV.H VI HIV im. .,CII, ,ll.M.,fl. Kl... .1.1 P every article of our or. and prices that oaaata M anyuunir j ou ..hi. mhi oorar. wiui maj m asy rJirr.i, as. a as, r.niaaa, vrcavai. Tnitks, Drays anu nenvery nsiinn., nww nacwu, . lacllltlea of any shop on the Pacific Coas and tvarantre be beat by any dealer ami uiancrtuurir. wnw 10 m. io cfimnetitors and be convinced. W. W, jMpjnJ.BaPj?WrTnrwasasssssBarslsM. I. F. HiavraoTvaaa, uroarsa aao jo.iaa or POWERS, , uroarsa aao jo.iaa or FURNITURE, Ifcililliij,', ur)!tH, ruper Ukh( ing, Stoves, uud Crockery and Glassware. btuua Factory-WaUr Street, UtirMO Mosbronwrf and HarrtMn. HUmU. Warehou ISSand 114 Flrtaa4 U4 Becosd Strata1, POBTLANV, E', ;,