Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 24, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Oerala Fennlorlal Eltetlea.
Atlanta, Nov. 15. Tlio legislature baKot
ed jutcrJay for U. 8. senator without a
choice t The tote tod for short trm : Sen.
ate, Harlow 29, U ill 14. Hone, Barlow 70,
Hill 91, Lod term: Senate, Gov. Colquitt
29, Jackson 12, Anderson 0, Black 5. Hone,
Colquitt 82, Jatkson 30, Black 29, Andcnon
18, Longstr. ct It.
Colquitt has 102, or 8 sljort of a majority of
the full vote. These, his friends say, he will
Ktt on j..iiit baliot to-morrow. A caucus is
in proxies to-i ialit.
Matron's Inends say 1 c will hold his three
rote' fvhautage and thus de'eat JounglJtn
axiii, buuuKii lucai inuiusiasm is very "troiif?
for Hill. Hi vote was cheered t.j-dy iri'lhe
house in r.pite of the strict orders of the
speaker. v!
i. u i i , . . .
mi .. ""uw " Dccn elected senator to
fill Hill's unexpired torn to the senate. A.U
fred H. Colquitt was elected on the first bal
lot to the so ate, term commencing on March
8caall Ckanre far Flit Jean.
New York, Nov. 16. -The Herald's edito.
rial on Grant's views toucbii g Fitz John Por
ter, says Gen. Grant declares straightforward
ly bis conviction that I'orter was not merely
justified in Dot acting upjn the'half past 4 p.
M. order, but that it veal his duty not to act
upon that order. His reasons are that Porter
knew the facts to be different from what thev
were supposed to be bv tho commander who who 1 aw hppn retain,! Y,v 41.. t.;i..A.,l r.m
Issued the order, and was not. in point of piny, and by Hen. A. L. Rhodes in behalf of
fans' Ika a.a.llf. ! I.! -a- Al -I I a It a ar ...
constitution, which gives no notice to defend
ant and afforded it no opportunity to be heard
respecting the value of fts property, and
for correction any errors of the State board,
thus depriving it of its property without due
process of law guaranteed by that amendment.
Important questions raised by the defense
win be argued by Senator Edmonds, ex-Senator
(Jonltiing and Judge S. W. .Sanderson,
It has lust hften rli'apnvprr,rl fnuf
Colquitt was not elected, the count showii c
that hu lacked two vntfu. lUrmw wja il,ri
ed for the short term, beating Hill seven
votes. Adjourned till to morrow.
New Yokk, Nov. I".. A later dispatch
from Atlanta repeats the statement that Col
quitt was clcctei U. S. senator for the long
Monopolizing the .Vew!
New Yokk. Nov.1(5. Negotiations wMch
have been pending for several months between
the Western Associated Press and the New
York Associated I'russ culminated to-day by
a unanimous agreement for joint management.
Tho proposition ciine from the New Yotk
Associated Press and wa accepted by the di
rectors of the Western Asociatcd Press. The
management is placid in the hands ot n iniut
ooniiniltrc, KnWd Smith aud Walker N.
Ilahlcrinan representing the Wealurn A.n.
ciated Press, rnd Whitelaw Kcid of tho YW-
oime ana I lios. IS. Conucry ot the Herald rep
lesentiiiK tho New York Associated Pres.
Mr. CtarluB A, Dana, of tho Sun, was el ctcd
chairman. Tho committee entered upon their
duties this afternoon. A further meeting
will be held to-moirow, when a plan of ser
vico will bo adopted. Tho Western Asso
ciated Press has smro the termination of the
contract between tho associations, perfected a
cablo service which hat pioved to be superior
in many aspects to that of the New York
association, and alio organized a news service
in mo oast, work of readjusting will con
tinue until all difl.-rcncoi are disposed of, aud
there will be hut one general service. A new
contract will bo midu with the Western Union
Telegraph Company.
Criminal .tews.
LI1TI.K Itoc'K, Nor. 15. News was received
yesterday of u douhlo tragedy near Tcpukala,
.-, oaturuay i.igur,. unarics llonry, Jr.
fact, in the position in which the order aim
posed he waa, and that as the order involved
the-forcing of tho battle on the dav on whioh
it was given, and was not received until alter
nightfall on that day, to act upon it he would
have acted contrary to tho spirit of the order
itself. These aro eood reator.s. but it takes a
great while to get justice from Congress, and
Urant 'himself illustrates the difficulty. It
required about ID years to convince him on
these points, but if a man instructed and ex
perienced in war could only set this case right
after such an interval, what can we expect of
the average congressman.
Alabama lgtiatare.
Montgomery, Nov. 10. The senate organ
ized by electing Georee P. Hanison nresident
and W. L. Cly secretary. The bouse chose
P. Foster for sneaker and D. W. Mclver
u imichant, after a quarrel with two brothers
named lt'itltr, went homo aud was pursued
by tho Jiutlira, they following him to a negro
cabin where he had taken refuge and kicked
tho door down. Henry had a doublo barreled
shotgun and killed both brothers as thoy
crossed tho threshold.
Kttw Viimr W..vr IK II.... . e-..i... i
- -"i w, iut living jumi, ageu I ,v" "ii c-w1
20, of Brooklyn, attempted to kiss Barbara the grand jury.
I'aiiuiiviu, iigeu io, aunuay ovcning. Ilrr
companion, nimed (leorgo (Irover, aged 19.
tried to stop him. Kuhn became enraged and
struck drover. They tlinched and Kuhn was
thrown heavily, his head striking the curb
stone. Kuhu dying, (iiover was arrested.
St. Joiith, Al,.., Nov. 15. 'I ho dead
bodies if Joseph Hurdles and ifnrk,.r fiavi.
wcro foui d on Suiith Sixth btreet this morn
ing. Haviuy been tumbling and wou money
from a ci uplo of strongcra, called lied aud
shank, with whom thiy quarrilvd, suspicion
points to tho latter as th- authors of tho deed.
ankto.n, Nov. 15. Biave Boar, the Sioux
Indian, was hung to-day for the murder of
Jos. Johnson, mar Fuit Sully in 1S79.
vj.. aiuii, iiuv. in. rraiiK Lucas, em
ploye at Iho Union depot in Dallas, Texas,
was arrested yesterday for I obbing baggjge.
A largo amount of missing property, includ
ing jowelry and other valuable articles, were
found In hjs house.
secretary. The legislature is Democratic by
u immense majority,
New York Takes the Banner.
Dallas, Tex., Nov. 10. A movement is on
foot among leading Democrats to give the
challenge banner to New York on account of
her big majority, although originally intended
kj uo contenueu lor ai presidential elections,
and presented to the State giving tho largest
mijority. Georgia won it in 1870 and kept it
three years. Texas won it in 1880, and ft is
now in possession of J. B. Simpson, of Dallas.
It will no doubt be sent to New York.
Cnrlaam on Top Again.
Washington. Nov. 10. An natimar alinur.
ing how the icnate will be divided between
tho two irreat nartici deinnnatrntoii that tl..
Virginia readjuster will hold the balance of
power. George C. Gprham is still a candi
date for tho otlice of secretary. It is siid bv
BOme persons that he will be selected and sup
ported by the Republican caucus. He will be
supported by Mahone and Kiddlebt-rger, two
readjusters whose votes will be needed.
Tlie llrlberr Case.
Washinoton, Nov. 1C In tho police court
this morning thocounsel for Shaw, the alleged
star route jury briber, waived examination
and the prisoner was held in 82500 ball in
await the action of the grand jury.
Counsel for boote, another alleged briber,
said he was not yet prepared to waive exami
nation, but would crive an anawni tn.mnrmu-
In the case of Dickson, foreman of the grand
jury, also under charges of crookedness, his
wuusci savs no noeB nor. Tirnnnin tn waiv .
amination, but intends to bo questioned in the
police court, where ho predicts ho will make
lite Stolen Bonil I'lnlc.
the county of San Maten and thn Ktae ft i
also probable that the attorney central of
eaiuuriiia win como to Washington to partic
ipate in tho argument in behalf of the plain
tiffs. Man Francisco Xevra.
Sax Francisco, Nov. 17. Pass.nger arri
vals for October were C980; departures, 6401.
For the corresponding month of last year the
figures were 8030 and 5124 respectively. The
excess of arrivals over departures during the
first ten months of 1882 was 34,950; gain, 13,
601 over last year. During the year ending
Auguat 1st, the Chinese population, under
pressure of the law restricting immigration.
then to go into effect, increased 24,000. Since
the bill went into effect three months ago,
3080 more have gone to China than have
come this way.
William Breckman. a well Wnnwn rnaiilent
of this city, while out huntinir with several
persons in a boat near Alameda yesterday,
met with a Mil accident. A shntunn nhilA
being taken out of the boat, was accidentally
discharged and t' e full charge entered tf.e leg
of Breckman, horribly shattering i:. He died
this mgrning, and leaves a wife and several
The damage to S. M. Wilson's house injured
by fire yesterday, has been estimated by the
fjre marshal at $75,000. Mr. Wilson, however,
states that $100,100 would be a low figure, as
in many of the rooms tho fresco work, which
in one room cost $5000, has been totally de
stroyed. The State of California, after being over
hauled at the drvdock.niadnatrinarmiml (tin
bay yesteidav to try her new nronellnr. It ia
said that at her fastest she made about four
teen Knots per hour. Everything was found
to work well.
Washinoto.v, Nov. 10. W. F. Sellers,
charged with Wilmot and Ward with a con
spiracy to iniuro the renutntinn f f!nl Tri.b
of tho bureau of ciiaravinir ami tirtntmn ;,.
Retracting a plate from tho office, was to-day
released on $2000 b.iil to await the action of
Heavy "Jfortlicr."
San Kiianchco, Nov. 10. The northern
wind which prevailed hero last night was
destructive acro's tho bay ' Trees and fences
were prostrated, and in somo cases houses if
1'uht construction worn lilnwn i'mwh n l.a
bay shipping hid a lively shake up, but no
wt""" utuiugu is reported.
SrANbuiTowN, Cal., Nov. 10. Last even
Ing the heaviest wind storm known in this
section for years provailed. It was from the
northwest, aud fences, sheds aud barns wcro
destroyed, windows broken and trees upioot
oil. Tho weather is very raid.
Honml Idea.
New York, Nov. 17. A meeting of the
Tammany general committee was held last
night and a congratulatory address was adopt
ed. The addiesssets forth among other things:
"We detrnud the immediate abolition of in
ternal revenue taxes and a revision of the pres
ent oppressive tariff, and we should have but
a single kind of paper currency."
SenatorCox said: "If weremain true to nur
Democratic principles and mike no mistake.
in lS84wo may elect for president Grover
Cleveland, whom we now hail as our guy.
Kilurnllou of the Soldier:
Wasiiisoto.n, Nov. 17. The annual report
of Chaplain Mullius. in charms of the niln.
tion of tho army, has reached the secretary of
"ii i j wiui iu,j military posts ami
camps are sunnlied with tp.inln.ra Tl,o
schooli were attended during the year by 1500
enlisted men and 1700 chilcfren. At 32 posts,
thirowerono teacher; 147 posti and camps
have libraries with a tntal nf ns 7no v,1,i,,.
. , ,7 . .,. ........(...?,
uuiiig iwo anu a unit olumes to each enlisted
min. Tho report recomn-ends the nas.iirn bv
rtnnrr. ... nf n I. III. ...I Ii l ,
-.w..K,o3 ui u ujii uuiuuriziDg ino employment
of 150 teachers with the rank and pay of com
missary sergeants. 34 per month, with an
allowance for rations, room, etc. Mullius
joins in the recommendation of several olfirirs
that compulsory education be enforced amiuw
a certain class of men.
K?gs 35 cents a dozen at Medical Lake.
County warrants are at par in Klickitat
The Port Towi.scnd saw mill cut its first
lumber last Monday.
The Imltptndnit siys there-is too much pife
fering goine on in Vancouver.
There are about thirty newspapers pub
liihed in Washington Territory.
As high as $21 per ton has been paid for
baled hay tho past week in Vancouver.
The large ciop of apples in Walla Walla
valley this season makes that fruit very cheap.
Medical -Lake comes in for a real estate
boom this time, iown lots there are rising
in value.
Damrell, a pcstoflice in Whitman county,
has been changed to Imbler, John Imblcr
Boise City has erected more handsome build
ings this year than ever before in the tame
length of time.
The tax levy in Spokan county for tho com
ing year is 10$ mills. In Walla Walla coun
ty the tax levy is 14 mills.
Scarlet fever is now practically under con
trol at Puyallup, only one or two new cases
being reported this week.
The court house tax was voted down in
Whitman county. Colfax went for it strong,
but outside precincts were generally opposed.
According to the report of the Indian com
missioners there are 13,286 Indians in Wash
ington Territory. There are four reserva
tions. The S'stcrs of Charity have commenced the
erection of a three-story building, about a
mile west of Yakima City, to be used as a
convent and boarding school.
The Northern Pacific officials have agreed
to ereet a large round house with a capacity
for 24 engines, in Bozeman. Work will be
commenced on the structure early next Spring.
The St. Helens Columbian tries to comfort
Clarke county by lavmc that the N. P. K. R
will undoubtedly hayfi lines oil both sides of
tne river, so Vancouver will not bo left out in
the cold after all.
The next legislature in Washington Terri
tory will probably be divided in politics. As
near as can be ascertained the Republicans
will have a majority in the council and the
Democrats in the house.
To pickle peaches take seven pounds of
sugar to one quart of vinegar; trail the peaches
in this until a broom splint will easily pierce
tho skin; stick a few clove in each peach be-
fore them in tho vinegar, and put a handful of
stick cinnamon in the vinegar; if you have
only ground cinnamon in tho house put some
say three tablespoonfuls in a muslin Jbag,
and let It boil in with the peaches; if the
amount of sugar here given seems large, you
need not weigh it, but sliut your eyes and
keep putting it in until the right taste is im
parted. Some cooks peel tho peaches and do
not boil them, but pour hot vinegar over them
f r several mornings, but I confess that I like
them bes "cloth and all," as a little girl said,
simply taking care to wipe them off with a
olean tow el first. Pears may be put up after
this recipe; they, however, ought to be peeled,
as the skin is tough and has no association
of down or red cheek with it. Plums of almo
any variety are delicious pickled in this way :
To twelve pounds of fruit allow six pounds ot
sugar, one quart of vinegar, spice to suit your
taste; heat the vinegar, sugar and spice, pour
while hot over the fruit; do this for two
mornings. Blackberries are very nice also
prepared in the same way.
forelun .Vein.
London'. Nov. 16. Tim i-r,,ir nf i '..
ing bo.it from tho btuumship Westphalia have
landed at New Haven, and report that the
utner steamer witli winch the Westphalia col
llded went to tho boitoni with all on board.
Cairo, Nov. 15 Tho commission of in
quiry prulimliiaiy to tho trial of Arabi Pasha
and other leadiu havo finally accepted the
forma of proculuro insiatod upon by tho Knir-
Hall ITntnnm.ai.l " "
H fu VI ..IIIGIIl.
Suleiman Daoud and Moua L'AUd, lead
era in the burning and pillaging o' Alexandria,
who worn iccoiitiy captured in Caudia, have
arrived as piisoners,
The sanitary council havo leeched a dis
patch from the sanitary inspector at Jeddah
"'ft the cholera epidemic continues,
The r.-portod agreement of Kugland and
franco on control f uncmdiniied.
Paris, Nov. 16. President Grevy has been
acied null u biiddin illu.-ts. c iait two at.
lacks of rua.li of blood to the biain which
were caused l,y indigestion. The attack was
appplUiu in its clwraotir. The exciUmeut in
political encles is intense and the Hilimiim. !..
guve-inniHiit circles is still fuilher complicated
hy tliisunexpeetcd factor. Pietldtnt Utevy's
resignation, which has been foreshadowed by
certain papus, may be expected by his illness.
IImiun, J,i,y. 16. Liberal meiubeis of the
I'UBhiaudletaio imuli di tied with the
speech fioin tho tlnoiio, n, i ting a iun,.a
ion of taxation in tho ftto of a deficit, aud
tlio proposal to tovu- the delidt by a loan and
a cnteiiiplatul nu'iraav in the imperial
sources of rt venue,
I'hmI ., "li-ilim Jnrk."
I'K.vsAixii.A, Nov. 13. It Is a bright, cloir
j ....v.,..!. iiniriiiiigs mill, mere is now
comparatively few fates of yellow ftver and
no deaths, the first time this repoit has been
undo siiicu S. pt. 2d. General joy prevails at
the rrjsoiiablu ummnnoo that the epidemic
has run it eouiao. There is mi apprehension
oil renewal of the epidemic except that tho
too early airiul of aluuiUo. may furnish
fresh iimtiri.il for tlio fever.
Urtul un I'orler,
Nkw York, Nov. 15, Central Grant's new
luagatiiio aiticlo entitled "Undosoivtd Stig-
'" voiulitenlly toviews the case of Gen.
rltx John Poller. LtlvfiiLV lliu . If... i.:.
former belief in Porter's guilt aud his present
oouviotiou of his entire luuoeciive, appeals to
.... h""'in ami ma oouutry lor prompt
action in. Porter's behalf, ' '
tilsra Hall.
Nmv YtiHK, Nov, !5.-Kx.Iudiu Agent J.
Illlaiiy, indicted in Arizona Territoiy for em
bexzliu;,' alwit $150,000, gave bail iu $150,000
to appear at the opening of tho U S. distnot
court in Tucson the first Monday In Febru
ry, to plead to the iudlctmenU. J. Jl. Cor
uell, irou merchant, become hit boiuUinau.
I'rru aud I bill Mails.
Waiiimw, Nov. 15. The foreigu mail
Illce of tho post utile,, have been informed by
the Postal Union Convention tl,.t i...,.r.
casta, Bolivia, and the entire ta coast, has
been suncml to Chili, aud that port will be
hereafter the i tat ion Irtmi which post union
oorrr.poudna will lw delivered. Mails
rroni Peru are still handled by the Chiliau au-MiMitie.,
FBHWInn .tlTiilra.
Cairo. Ni,v. Id Snln'mnn iif,,,.i .... i.
lore tbo pioFccuting commission ytstordny.
Ho confessed giving tho order to fire Alexan
dria after having nceived a peremptory one
from Arabi Pasha. As the conflagration did
not at first appear to bo general, Arabi Pasha
scut orders though Mahmoud to fire more
places. Suleiman also stated that Arabi
easii, oil tno istn day of July, ordered them
to take soldiers to tho Hamloh palace and
murder tho Khedive. Whilo on the road to
exocuto tho order, ho mot the president of the
chamber of the notables, who prevailed on
him to return and remonstrate with Arabi
lasha. Nouir iiev. th ,im,-r u-i,n i..i
oliirge of thu troops at Itamleh palace, cor
roborates Suleimau s statements.
Su'i,n. l'oud's assertions and Arabi
t asha s denials, bv themanlvia am v.t,,u..
m both havo equally a wido reputation as
ilia i orte lias informed the Khedive that
uy convention made with Knglaud must first
be referred to the Sultan. Lord Duffenn ap
proved the proposal of Cherif Pasha n ..i-..r-
a counsel of state to bo composed of leading
notiblcs having legislative anil administrative
Ihe defiuit in the current finaiwiat n 1.
..- , . . - j-.
...o ,?i' ft,tJ-'-."0 against an expected
,,'"?? , Iho deficit, together with the cost
of the Knglish oocupa ion and Alexandria iu.
deminties w ill constitute a heavo charge upon
the future revenue of the country.
CoNHTANTlNorLE, Nov. 10. It is reported
that tho Russian ambassador has in
formed the Porte that Russia is willing to
taku tlio initiative in proposing an early Ku.
ropean conforouco for a settlement of the
r.k'VPtian nuestion. Tim ttnltan ....,-... :..
his resolution t send a commissary to Cairo,
aid ulso o'niins tho right of investment of tho
Hat- nf 'li..:..
Corvallis keeps her city jail full of violators.
Several cases of scarlet fever at McMinn
villa. The Salem neonle aro ai?itatini thn l,i,;i,1,.,
of the Salem and Waldo Hills R. R.
I Salam boys under 20, found on the atiee-ts
after 9 P. ll ate locked un in the citv fail.
A largo amount of freighting is being done
to Canyon City now. They are gftting ready
for bad ro:ds.
Ncarlv all thn tuinb trnina fh.f Mn .
goods from Crescent Citv to Jcmcnhinn enimtv
aro owned by Chinamen.
Twenty. three thousand pounds of nnt.atnn.
were raised on 1J acres of ground in Crooked
River alley tho present scasjn.
Tho Albany sawmills are now engaged in J
""'"B nuiue mr eue tunnels on the south
ern extension of tho O. & C. R. R.
The recent term of the circuit court in
Yamhill county was tho least expensive of
any that has yet been held there.
A man named J. Meilbeh. rrabiino .f rv.
quille City, committed suicide last Saturday
by Hanging himself. Family troublo was the
Business in Hillsboro is brisk now. A
druir store, barber ahop and tobacco stand aro
among the enterprises that sprang into ex
istence recently.
Last Weduesday thirteen loaded cars left
The river having washed away considerable
of the bank in front of Mount Vernon, the
business men of that place have subscribed
liberally towards securing the hunt- frnm mv
further inroad of the current.
Dayton, by her recent vote, establishes her
right to be known as tho third citv in the
Teiritory. Her vote was 778, against 1214
for Walla Walla, 1274 for Seattle, 530 in Now
Tacoma anil 510 in Vancouver.
A large body of prospectori direct from the
on regions or rcnnsyivania are at Ulympia,
and they give it as their opinion that oil ex
ists in Puget Sound valley, and thoy are going
to find it if money and muicle are able so to
The thiee leading towns in Spokan county
aro Sprague, Cheney and Spokan Falls, but
which is the 1 icuest is hard to tell. At H,..
election last week Spokan Falls and Spracno
..U . OOO . ... I.I nnt L P.
voi.ii trta, ooo uies, wuue o,j were cast in
Last year Dr. Minor put three Chinese
pheasants on Protection isl'nd, in Puget
Sound. There are now over a hundred of
these beautiful birds on the islaml . a rra,.l
The birds are said to bo as large as grouse!
with gorgeouso plumage.
John Clenun will, this winter, says the
Gazelle, stall fetd 150 head of cattle in the
Kittitas valley. Whv wnuhl it. nr,t ,
dozen diff-rent farmers in Klickitat to do the
same. Our soil producers many things that
could bo utilized tor Winter provender.
bow for three tcosons, s,iys the Goldendale
Gazelle, wuhae kept a close watch of the
amount of freight hauled from Tho Dall s
through hero to the Yakima and Kittitas val
ley. The pnat quantity is really surprising,
and unmistakably indicates cnnatantlv .v.
creising prosperity in that section.
Fioin the Aitorian: A prominent saw mill
man said yesterday that we should cut 200,000
feet of lumber at Astoria per day for export
1 e, that much at least. It wnnM l, ti.-rc
cult matter to find a place whero shios and
luiuutr ami logs can be brought together as
cheaply as at Astnria not even on Pueet
Sound. e
Fruit, Shade and Ornamental
Trees, Shrubbery, Vines
TaJfas an especially fine lot of"ffl
Address C. N. POTTER,
Novl2tf Salem, Oregon.
(Late of Salem.)
Office up stairs, N. W. Corner of 2d and Morrison St
rumijMU, OREGON.
Will practice In Portland and surrounding countrv
back part, Pain under thJJotaJ
blade, rullrUss after eat"!1tk8bSldM
linatlon to 'exertion of BtinrSJ H
Irritability of temper. Lowi5i5! ttla.
aiMllnsT of having nasftcted I se-m
I Heart, Dota before tho' oVci ?3?
i Seadaohe generally, over the ii7.Bkta
aatlesenesB,-with 'tful dxearLt hiSt?
olorod Urine, and "' "alj
such eases, onn .loso effect, sn-h. &
rtstiwt. and by their Tonle Aruals!fm.
OnaT IIair ob Wnrsicxaa chanced toarirZ
Black by a single application of this Drt uSL
parts a natural color, acts InstantaneonBhr aft
EF Drucclsts. or sent by express on So? Jt oMs
(Of. TtTTS liSClL aTValaakl. Ir.. T
p. C, ana a Prrllmliiily S
U1 be inutle of all United I titKul
Send a rotwh sketch or
rour luvomioi
Celebrated Horse Shoeing
221 Second street,'bet. Salmon and Main.
All Horses Entrusted to my care will
be kindly treated.
or money refunded. Satisfaction iroaranteed.
anilnatlun Mill be made of all United B&ea
Eitcntaof th; sameclaMof Indentions ond yoottS
e ad lsed wbethor or not a patent can be obtilu" S
iuiiw iiiauuie is i?r.uii.
What will a Patent
Ooverrunonl appUcatlon fee of jia, end A for
the ilrawlnirs required by tho Government. Thl! i.
layable when application la made, nd Is all of th.
jxpsnge unless a patent is allowed; WhcnaUowii
f0Mhand.5r.iAlay, whether yon are irolnir to iS
a patent or not, and no attorney fee Is chsrmdS
toe. J ou do aes a Patent. An attorney hose fee
depends on hi. nuccesa In obtalnina; a Patent wll
not adviM you that your Invention Is patenubff
ynloss It really Is paUntable, so far . his tail
iudgnunt can aid In determining' the question"
hence, you can raly on the tjlvicc iriv.n MnJ
llfsallmf neatrrar flvanslnailAafe I v j arv JS" .
prellmlnarr utmlnAUon ia had.
ery often valuable inventions are wed in these
Ti.-I n
ent and tb Itealstratlon of Lnbelal Trade
Marks ond Ke-Iaaura aecurL Cnveala ifo-
irrd and filed. Ai.Dllcatlr.ns. in rAm n i
.-.i il .. ".v:-: vr " " "
n uKouuncqtor r or iciira Cases made.
pared ani
ery orte
claauaa or cavcf. If you have undertaken to tjectua
of tnf eawiu.yletpsuccoaa. .Sendmeawrittea
request addressed tn.the OommlBuioner of Psienta
that ha rscpirnize Uioroe e. Lemok, of WMh.
tSS'ml PAl. M,yur at106? 'I"10 ". frivuij
ffiR,""? ,0' ,,nnUon ana about the date 5
flUnK your appUcatlon. An examination and re.
ll?irt.w!11 "J yu nothlmr. Searches made for
title to InientlonB, in fact any Information relating-
.!i'"i,nt? promptly furnished. Copies of Patents
ch ) ltcmemberlhiaofflcehasbeenlnsuooeufiil
The Towp of
Albany for Portland, containing mostly Hour
ground iu tliat city, all of the mills i ow run
mug mglit and day.
The editor of the lienton ., .,,
cnu ins (Kiiier iree lor one ear to the oldest
unmarried lady in lienton county. It is safo
to say he will never tiud her.
1.. 11. Bash, Collector of Customs at Soyoos
Lake, writes to Henry Mahr, of Ellensbun?
under date of October 13th, as follows; "The
smallpox is among the Indiars at Sovoos
i.aKe. lenueitlis m all. It is on the Brit
ish side. Two of Kruger's children are down
with it. It seems to be very fatal, as only a
few have recovered who took it,"
Alexander McDonald, foreman nf . ....... t
npi,lAro ., k xt ii t t i , . . . s"e y
f, '" " ,","" ; lruuri u i ie terri
bly maiioled below the knee while working In
a r..ck eut at the approaches of tho Thompson
bridge. It anncars that he waa ,rl,nn ; .
... n.uKl ,U
On the East bank of the W.rlam.Ue. 3 miles
from the business center of Portlaad.
ese of reaching; the city.
And facilities for procuriup; pure water, and plensy of t
than any other addition to the city f Portland.
The Companys
Ferry Boat--Doll.s
f- avant . t.
PampUIet relating i Patenta free uron request!
015 15th St.,WXSniN(lTON,D.C.
Attorney-nt-I.n w and Solicitor of Aroeri-
rim nnil Fnrrlcn l'nterro.
Bey of Tunis,
Important Tu 'aar,
WasIIINiitiin. Vnv 17 TI,ni..,.uto..i ...
of the eounty of Han Maten aeainat the
Southern Pacific it. It. ("V. u 1,1,1, ,1,., ir..i..i
Slates stipitnio court couseutid, ou Monday
last, to advance nrovidtd emmanl ..,,,,1,1 ..u.
n, .!., I. .nl I., .1. 1 , Ci.
..uv uui uisr man in-coinoer, Mas to-ilay
set for argument. The question involved in
this case, which is regarded by the justice of
tho court as oue of the most important ever
t IV" i. . """ mo nature ami extent
of tho limitation iniiHweil upon tmation bv
the provuious of tho 14th amendment tn th
constitution. The suit in which this case
arises was originally brought lu one of tho su
perior courta .f California to recover fioin tlio
.Southern l'aoitlo Hailroad Comiauy certain
r ..""' " itiYini upon iu prop
erty for tho ti.calj ear of lSSl-b3. The com.
pany, I , esulia a general denial if the allega
turns of tho complaint, set up at a special an-
wer to tno action tuat lu the assessment o(
Its property according to which tasea in suit
-cm H-.ieu, uuiauiui ana unjust discrimina
tion waa made between its property aud the
the property of indiUdml., to its disadvan
tage in that It was not allowed auy dwluctiou
from the value of its property for murtg.gu
thenon which is allowed for morlcagea iu as
aeaameut of property of individuals! that the
company waa thin .nl,U-t n ... ... i
share of pullo burdens, aud that as this dis
crimination was made in pursuauco of a pro
vision of the constitution of tha Slat- H,
oompauy was denied ssjual protectiot of laws
kuw.ukhiu y me mil ameuulment of the
hedural constitution. It was further alleged
by the railroad company that the au.rsmeut
Of i la property waa illegal and old, because
mailo iu pursuauco of jirovlsiooa of the State
Umatilla citizens aro rcmoustrating against
the continued stealing of stock going on in
that county. They aro looking for some one
of whom to make an example.
A Chinaman waa jerked across the "shin-
i-'S rivnr iu a noiy minute on tile O. & C. R
K one day last week, bv l,niim .i.,,.!.' .!
the head with a reek from a blast.
Quite a colony, composed of several fami
lies, arrived m our citj last Siturday from
Illinois says the Corvallis Gazette, and aie
now looking up a lrcatlon. They w ill prob
ably cast their at chor somewhere in the Wil
lamette valley.
.. . ' C0lirt came ,0 "'Wen halt at
Baker City the other day. Judge Ikuuett
couclmkd that he could not legally hold court
any longer in tho sixth district and accord
uigly adjourned court to await the comini? of
the new judge.
The busiuess of the Itoaelmr,. 1,l .i: .
as follows i Four huudred and forty-five acres
oi i.uu nia lor casn; homeste id entries
embracing 4010 acres: 18 final iin..,,....! '
tries, embracing 2035 acres; 1 miuoral tntry.
embi asing 80 acrea, aud 'JO preemption filings.
On the road from Tendleton to CeutereilV
says the -inbuilt, several log houses ar. Iwing
tTected by Indians or half-breeds, who have
picked odt their ISO acies aud will commence
fariuini! ii U white man. It will l.- ....i.. .
little while longer till the whole reservatiow ii
one vast wheat field.
We received a call on Saturday, says the
fJaif""' f.ro,u. Mr-,Jolln W. Welch, of
Uiitchrlat, who brought ns four samples of
potatoes raised in that locality, the reach
blows, Karly Koae, Buffalo White and Pink
hes. Mr. Welch iuf.rms us that VoUtoes
grow spienuiuiy in tne soil of that high plain.
He brought us at one tune superb sample of
wheat grown there, and ho assures us that
timothy growa there four or five feet high,
from all with whom we liav (ILI ....
ing tbia hlghlaad locality, we have become
couviuced that its soil and capicity to pro
duce good cropi are proving aatisfactory.J
cut dislodging rock after a blast, when a large
bouldtr rolled dnwn fh K...U .u: l1?.
riiltlt Ice and erushinir tl.P li.nl, f ..i.i ..
knee. McDonald lived only a few hours after
tho accident.
. ?,'",?" cxnnSe we glean the following!
Mr. illiam Callow, of Mason county, W T
went down to Puyallup on Tuesday to bo
m?M.'.u'1' ou he '""owing day to Miss Hattie
iniamson. Arnvino- them.' tin fn,i n.
voung lady sick, and immediately started to
Aew laci ma for assistance, but she died be-
lore ins return, on cdnesday, the day she
was to be married. Miss Williamson ditd of
scarlet fever, ami was buiied in her wedding
dress. Her ago was 18. and she waa a grand
H.nnkla. nf T.. 1 t.- IT 1
....... u, uu,ii;u ', rvenneay,
A sad cso of drowning occurred at Wi!kc
son, last Sunday afternoon, under the follow,
mg circumstances. A thirteen-year old
daughter of Samuel D. Evans, rc.iding at that
place, left the house about 4 o'clock in the af
ternoon for .a stroll through the woods. A'
she did not return within half hour, he
mother went out and called her, and receiv
ing no answ-i r, shortly called her again. Her
parents then became alarmed at her prolonged
absence, and search for her was instituted.
u was then found in attempting to cross a
foot bridge over tho creek near the house, she
had iu somo way lost her footing, and fallen
into the stream, which though not very deep,
had sutlicient water to drown her.
A Nooksack farmer, says the Post-lutein
lenter, came in to see us the other day, and
gave us a bright accoiuit of his section. New
people ate goiui? in there more rapidly than
ever before. Farm land is being bought or
taken wherever it can be obtained. A tin
aeasou was given them in loS2, aud generous
crops are being harvested, and to ton off the
Irtlr all It m SAAniila.nn l- i I .
,-, . .... iiuaui mr nignesi price ami
ttie keenest demand have succeeded. There
is uot only a isle for everything raise.!, but
alio a sale for the farms themselves, and with
all their improvement, etc The trade is so
Kood that steamboat are eagerly seeking it
Two years ago they couldn't get a boat to run
-,....,,, vi. iuw several aro running there
andothtrsare anxious to. It is safe to say
that no part of the coast Is enjoying a mora
real and ceuuine prosperity than the Nook
sack valley, in U hateoni county, and it will
be strange if it doe not enjoy a long cootina.
anoe of such prosperity.
Is at present making four trips per dry. IU NBW
FERRY BOAT will next Sumaier make hourly trip
to and from the town, making; tha distance Inside of
15 minutes, ani when necessary half hour trips will be
Lets are sold oa the papular
.... es ruure from tl0Cf,to $210 and In..,,
Monthly Payments of $10 Each.
ti.Kor Maps and circulars address,
T3xg IBoist Fony
Yet OHered for the Honey.
aV-BciHl for Circular.
a It la for all the mins,i ,..:" .-
vmui-uo . ...-zrrz --" o ""
--nali,un:H AND BOWELS.
only the -rtctlins of nheumattaTn S5 .JaSST
of th. ia!S? OF CASES
ranrcuiLT CURED,
raict si. Liornin-i in,. ,.:..
- d.;.; "-.."'r v.' "'"-'sts. 01
WHmciriSsou",. 2!
K' bV-JI- BHJ3L'g.g tWt-l. .a.-L"I" L
&! Ajn si lfcoi n.s4lIASStlftW
Dallas. Polk County, Or.
....BREEDER OF. ..
Rnaaaatrf.1. : V. " " U "anOSOlTia
Praaatitof choice and valuabla ROSES fre
wttaerery ordar. Our HEWCUIDE.atiS
B0wan WtOiTsCaUrO.,Pa.
taBkSIIIHlllllHlLlllBklfl1 aa.a "- '" 1' " T ' 1 T I ISMlsil
LWLmLWLmwZLmLmWPmmmmWmmmmmmmWmWf '
Frenrh. Spanish and American
Merinos, also t'otsvvolds.
AU tred StricUr Dura anj iiiup.1. K. !.- i..-.
ImDartsd fliKka oa tha eoaat. A ,..'l . .rl'vr
Irnm the famous tench Bock oJ. D. PatUrsonrol
New Vara, aud B.Blc..f California sad toported
from Europe by James Robert. (jfoSrakuiu
dtsccndut Iron i Rams and Ewe Imporfedfrom New
Wi lnu,.,,li) " " "0a-"'1 "
fKfS "feo1 fron "r hep on hand.
aa.a!SS,'S?Vta!SSoVb' '' -
.Ttmnotn.ttrsxulCmt'Lm It-Aj.i.ftLt'llt
lamiiiuiiin-i-iimiu"jiiiil i'iuiriininiiiM n
trSeud fur Uliulrn 1 1 4 rricet Cutnl AtA
rertlaisai, Orra.
ttw,M terach pnscripUaa wrlttta. Slat syaipj
i ibb aauaaau a ar
t. Baooa-i Blatakawk ataJMaa sa m-
aUMiesOar. TtUrvseath aad TayVw Ma.
1V sal www ftr ktaa
FlUk Rat lak, CaaBaaMal, 0k