WSVy-?" WILLAMETTE FARMER; PORTLAND, OBEGON, NOVEMBER 17. 1882 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. EMtCTIOH JIKTT. Boston. Not. 9. Tke total vote of Uu chnte'.ts, all but on town, giret Butler a Morality of 13.392. The returne ehow a pin nllty on the Republican Bute ticket, except Bltrjop, ot about iu,30O. -roe Democrat gain three congreumea. The total Qreenback rote of the iitate wai but 3200. lUw York, Not. 0. The Timti say tke assembly of 1883 will contUt of 43 Republi can and 86 Demncrata, Hiring the Democrat a majority of 41. The ti-nate, which holde OTer from laat year, conei.ts of 17 Democrat and IS Republicans. Hahtfokd, Nov. 9. The total vote rf the State ia 115, 333; Waller, Democrat, 69,0251 Bulkley, Republican, 64,872j Rogen.'Tem perence, 851; Firmer, Greenback, 690. One representative fa to be elected by the legisla ture. It stands 138 Repablicaue and llO Democrata. For coujtreea, Eaton, Democrat, in the fint district; Mitchell, Democrat, tec ond district; Walter, Republican, third dis trict; Seymour, Democrat, fourth district. Tbr.nton, N. J., Nor, 9, The house will stand 33 Democrat. 2 Independent Demo- orata and 25 Republicans. The Democrat are sure of 3 majority on joint ballot, and may have 7. Wilmington. Not. 9. The official vote gives Stockier, Democrat, for goTernor, 1938 majority. The next legislature stands, house aoltd Democratic, aenata 8 Democrata and 1 Republican holds over. Philadelphia, Not. 9. Official and esti mated returns from every county in the State except Elk and Forrest, give JfattiaoD, Demo crat; for governor, 32,122 plurality, Namivilli, Tenn , Nov 9. The Demo cratic central committee estimate Batea' ma jority over Hawkinr, Republican, for gover nor, at 30,000; majority over Hawkins, Fu aelle and Beastly at 20,000. Batea' legislative ticket will have a majority in both houses. Chicago. Nov . Return up to 1 a. if indicate the congressional delegation to lie evenly divided, mil mow a republican lots of 3 and a Dtnocratio gain of 4 owing to tbe new district. St. Louih, Nov, 9. ft appears now that Missouri will have a solid Democratic deleia tion in congress. Topika, Nov. 0. Republicans concede the election ot Ulyck, democrat, lor governor. Tke Democrat claim he will have from 12, 000 to 20,000 plurality, Tcosod, Aliz., Nov, 9. 0. H. Oury, Dem ocratio congressman, and W. B. Horton, superintendent of instruction, Democrat, are elected by about 750 majority. Both branchea ef the legislature are Democratic by a large majority. Walla Walla, Noy. 9. Nez Perce county Northern Malic, give Singiser, Republican candidate for delegate, 1000 majority, which electa him, as a Boise City dispatch places the Democratic candidate, Alnslie'n, majority at 600. Too Manj Cereaers, Nxw York, Nov. 9. The Tribune says: In th midst nf the ecatacie of delight inspired by tho election of Cleveland, democrats of tho metropolis find thomsclvea confronted with the most perplexing puzzle of modern times. It i all about a coroner. William H, Ken nedy waa elected to that office on Tuesday. To-day it turns out that there are five gentle men auswering to this name residing In the eity, with aeveral ward to bear from, two at laait of whom lay claim to th offico and pre pace to have it or have tbe reaaon why satis factorily explained to them. One of the con testants is a vender of beverages and the other an undertaker. (ievelaad'a Majority laertaa'ag. Naw York, Nov. 9. Tbe extont of the Democratic victory is not yet told. Clove land' majority in the State will reach th eutnnoiis total of lUO.UOO, utterly imprecu denttd in the history of the couutry. Coun tie that never weut Democratio since the Republican party waa organized, now have eonu heavy for Cleveland. Out of aixtv coun ties tho Republican carry just ten. But there i something behind this, for notwithstanding Cleveland's great majority he haa not received ao many polls aa Hauoock had in 1880, when the latter was beaten by 21,000. The fact la. Republican either stayed at home or voted for Cleveland, The rebuke to the adminis tration ia everywhere considered complete aud terrible, TV feat faaaer.a ThJaks. Philadelphia, Nor, 9. Simon Cameron ha had a conversation with ex-Secretary Quay and Chairman Cooper, regarding the Republi can defeat in the State. Cameron did not think it ush a defeat for hia aon as some peo- SI imagined. AU hia friends running for the tat legislature, ao far a he knew, were' eleoted, and he believed if Donald deaired it, he could succeed himaelf in the senate. Tn defeat of the Rspublioan party in the State would have a bad rffect because it kept both factions apart. They oould never, in hi opinlou, unite. relgrr plalea. Waimiinutok, Not. 9. In a conversation on political topics thia morning Secretary Fol- Kir expressed the opinion that until the exist g breach waa healed in the Republican party it cannot consistently expect success at the oil. Judging from the tone uf hi remarks, the secretary never entertained any idea of uarryiiig New York, Baiter Kalertala Ureal, Ronton, Nor, 8. Gen. Cunt was driven to the New England Mauufau tirer' and Me chanic' Institute fair this afternoon, aud es corted through the building by President Lit tle, and waa afterwanl entertained at dinner by Gorcinor-elcct Butler. A laluabl fare, SaATTi.r, Nov, 9, The cargo taken from here by the steamer Geo. W, Elder to-day waa the most valuable that ever left the Sound, being valued at $400,000, Tho principal Items consisted of 'J.000 centals oat, 5,000 case aalmou and 1,477 bales hop. Btr.lallta. VxiU Ckvz. Nov, 9. A revolution m Ju thltan in takiug largo proportions. Troops from uaxaca attack Jiwuitan to-nignt, aelsare r Uv Slack. Aikxis, III., Nov. 0, Thia morning Jam Johnson anil William Buchanan, acting for tbe Clydtadale Building aud Exporting Coin pany, with a sheriff and post, seised and took away 134 Clydeadale hone from the large stock farm of Col. Robert Holloway, a well known importer and dealer of that breed nf .Hti.l. II.1Iawa. m... lhlv .... of animals. Col. llelloway waa merely att ing aa an ageut of the company to aell horaea for a (bare of the proceed. II haa repUv lued the herd, which U vald at f?J3,000. A M.rsa.a BTlatla. Salt Laki, Not. 9. John Taylor, head of the Mormon church, baa had another revela tion to the effect tliat those of, th brethren who held church office of high or low degree and hare not obeyed the releaUal law, must now go into polygamy or go oat f the church. They have the choice of the penitentiary or the wrath of Bos Taylor, There it a nutter among the brethren. iiladtLa.'t IxiKiOH, Nov, 9. Th Timti says Cllad stone's incidental remark laat night wilt ho Interpreted in Ireland to mean home rule that tli country abould know what It In tended by this unexpected statement, and that it i not to be auppoaed the premier or hi lapporten hare any notion of proposing the estat Iishment of independent legislation for Ireland. Terrlhte Bxalulea. Victoria, Not. 8. Two men named Jone were freighting a cargo of powder along the wagon road for railroad works a few day ago when tbe powder exploded. The horse and wagon were blown to piece. The men were dreadfully injured, but managed to walk some distance before they were auccored. Ooe of them has since died, and th other i dying. Tlsaker Call are Katrlea. Waxhikotos, Nov. 8. An evil which haa grown, o great proportions, and for which a emeuy ia ucing eageny suugns, ia iiuw in attention ol Ui.inmiasioner Mcrar- general land office. It i to pre- ho make wnat i known aa ntries from diaDOtinr of their entry without having made some improve ment, aa the law contemplates. Under' tbe law, oce year is allowed for improvement, but peculator have been in the habit of dispos ing of land before the period haa elapsed, thus complying with the letter while they violate the (pint of the law. Mineral rrednrl ef Japan. Wahiiinotoic, Nor. 8. The consular re port from Japan gives the following figures of the mineral product of that country for 1877, the latest year for which there is any return: Gold, $233,843; silver, S40l,064; copper, 91,436,061; lead, $25,933; pig iron, $107,759; coal, $1,712,493. In addition to these there was in all a production of sulphur, sulphuric acid, petroleum, antimony ana tin, the total value of which was about 4,250,000 yen. Tke Jury Bribery- Washington. Nov. 8. In the police court thia morning the case of Arthur Payne, one of tne persons arrested on the charge ul attempt ing to corrupt the jurymen in the star route trial, waa sent to the errand Jury, In default of $2000 bail Payne was lodged in jail. Expl.slon r a Powder Mill. Windson Mills, Que., Nov. 8. A mill where powder is grained and polished ex ploded to-day. Both buildinga were com pletely destroyed. About six tons of powder exploded. Ten acres of ground is covered with the debris. Only one man, John Ran dall, waa in the mill at the time. He waa blown to pieces. The rest of the workmen were at dinner. Kxploslea of tias, 1'OTTSVILLI, Pa., Nov. 8. An explosion of 8 a occurred in an exhausted working rf the irard colliery, at Oirardville this afternoon. The detonation waa heard and felt at a dis tance of three mile. Earth and rock were thrown hundreds of feet in the air and scat tered to great distance. Nobody waa seri ously injured. Blare and Iwa Men Barned. Nkw Yohk, Nov. 8. A fire destroyed the aiut and varnish atore of Isley, Doubleday & Vo., 243 and 240 i'oarl atreet; loss fSU.UUU. Fred Doubleday was burned to death. Another unknown man wa terribly burned about tn less. Ball way Accident. fJANOOR, Mo.. Nov. 8. A special train which left Bangor this morning with the lead ing officials ot the Maiuo Central railroad aud the Eastern railroad came in collision with the regular train at Lincoln, on the European aud Nertb American road this forenoon. Two rear oar on the passenger train were badly damaged. One paasenirer had his leg broken. The locomotive of tho special train waa thor oughly tle-noliahcd and several membera of tne railroad party received cuta and bruises. Fgrptlaa News. Cairo, Nov. 8. Lord Dufferin and tbe khe- dive had a Ion" interview to-day. The battle between the black troora and the false prophet waa most desperate, Tho former lost 1000 killed, while the false pro phet suffered still more severely. The black troops woro not routed as stated in the special dispatch, hut rallied and reached Bara. The governor aaya ho ia able to hold Khartum un til aaiistauce arrives. Trader report that Obeld aud Bara, which were besieged by the false prophet, have been relieved. Lord DuOcrin favors a trial of Araai Pasha by Egyptian procedure. Government counsel still continue to refuse to act if English pro oeduro is followed in the trial. Brediff, French controller, addresaed a pro teat to Cherif l'aaha, president of the council, against the arbitrary suspension of the board of control, and aaya France maintain a right to an exercise in the control, BLKCTION NEWS. New York, N,ov. 10. Complete aemi-otB-oial returns aro now being received from coun ties in New York State, and in nearly every Instanoe they either decrease Folger'a vote or increase Cleveland'. Only eight counties iu the State have given a majority for the Re publican candidate for governor and the foot ing of the latest figures at hand ahow a ma jority for Cleveland of 190,016. Albany, Nov, 10, The free ranal amend ment to the constitution waa adopted by over S00.000 majority, Ciuoaoo, Nov. 10, Returns f the State for legislature ahow the senate will be com. noted of 31 Republicana and 20 Democrata. The house, will have 77 Republicana certain, with a possibility ot 79, and the Democrata 74 with a possibility of 76. fivinu tho Ronub- licans a majority of 12 to IB on joiut ballot. which means the eloctinn of a United State aeuator. Omaha, Nov. 10. Returni ahow the elec tion of Daw ra, Republican, for governor, and tho rest of the State ticket by 12.000. with the exoeption of Clark for treasurer, and (love lor regent. Murtuvant, Democrat, fur treas urer, will have 8.000 maioritv: Burke. I)umo. orat, for repent, over Gove, 2,000; Valentine, lor coiigreaa, win nave from TUU to l,UUU; Laird, 4,000; Weaver. 3.500. The legislature will stand about 00 Republicans, .10 Demo crats, and 40 aiiti-mouopulisUi and iudepeud- enia. Dxnvxk, Nov. 10. Keturna from remote prooiiiot are valuing lu slowly, Utatit, Dcm., i surely elected governor by not lets than 2,500, and Bedford is returned to congress by about 800. Both brnuchea of the legislature are undoubtedly Republican. EuitKKA, Nov. 10. The count of tho State ahow Casaidy for oongreaa, Adams for gov ernor and the legislature a tie on joint ballov. Saokamkmto, Nov, 10. Complete return Siva Stoneman 3,250; Keteo, 3,064, And Budd ,014. WALLA WALLA, Nov. II. Ilrent'a majority u Columbia county is 231) in Garfield, 103; in Spokan, 234. hnough oountle have been ksard from to insure Brent'a election. Arakl tiesa Ike KaujUah lata Traakle. Caiku, Nor, 10, The Egyptian authorities arretted a aerrant aent by some one of the rrbel prisoner to the English counsel who is acting for Arab! and his fellow. Sir Edward Malltt, British Consul General at Cairo, there upon demanded that he be released. Aiabi in priaou is a greater curio to the people ot England than Arab) free. The ooloatal blun der of the trial of Arabi ia now universally ad mitted. lactates! al Cay pi. Pari. Not. 10. French journal in lead ing article are very much incensed at the Egyptian government for suppressing the Eu ropean onutrol and attribute It to Lord Duff, arin'i iufluence. La Partttmvt calls it brutal caging tne Und of 'the rent persons w timber culture e and illegal. Jiutice ay it illustrate British bad faith and bad policy even in the light of British interest. Alaaesl Disaster. London, Nor. 10. The Standard this morn ing regard the American election aa a rebuke to Republican almost amounting to disaster, and asks whether the Republican party will retain enough energy and cohesion to purge out tbe vicious element that haa long leavened their mass. Preaa Oplalaa on (Jladslane'a Aellea. Dublin, Not. 10 The Freman't Journal aayt:' Premier Gladstone never before yester day declared so distinctly and clearly his opinion of the necessity ef home rale or the extent to which it should be conceded. It is impossible to exaggerate the significance of hi utterance. Gladstone would not dare to nae the word he did unless there was aome real meaning behind them. The proposition that England will recognize home rule U dis tinctly admitted and brought more clearly into the domain of piactical politic by Gladstone in hi speech. The Irith Timti commenting upon this point lay editorially: Gladstone baa made a remarkable and emphatic new bid for the Irish rote. To Beferm Ike Nary. Washington, Nor. 10. A secret meeting wa held laat night which was attended by a hundred or more natal officers, while four hundred others were represented by proxies. The object of the meeting was to formulate plan for the consideration of congre-s looking to obtaining a fairer distribution of offices and securing a fixed roster and detail for service. It claims that favoritism, detrimental to offi cer, haa been since 1861, when Capt. Fox became assistant secretary of the navy, and a determination is expressed to have tbe matter set right at all hazards. The names of thoae present were withheld, but it leaked out that they represented all sections of the country. Two officer have come from west of the Mississippi river. Blerttodl's Mansion Barned. at Irvington-on-the-Hudson, owned by Alfred Bierstadt, the artist, waa destroyed by fire this morning, lhe origin of the tire is un known, but the theory is that it started in a chimney flue. The building wo erected 16 years ago at a cost of $100,000. The stable, 75x50 feet, with a ceiling 35 feet high, war situated in the rear of the second story. All the rooms of the spacious interior were fin ished in hard woods, and large Turkish rugs took the place of carpet. The furniture waa costly, and nearly every room contained from three to ten valuable pictures of- famous ar tists. In the library were two pictures of the famous Yosemite valley, valued at $10,000 each. The house was filled with many valu able trophies and curiosities which Bierstadt had collected in the Yosemite valley and else where. As far as known these valuable relics and furniture are totally destroyed. The fur niture itself was probably worth $10,000, and the pictures and curiosities are estimated to be worth nearly $100,000 more. A New Monepoly. 9" Albany, N. Y., Nov. 10. T. C. Eastman, of New York, W. H. Monroe of Albany, W. H. Vanderbilt of New York and W, Arnold of Chicago, have formed a company with a re ported capital of $100,000,000 to oppose the Chicago dressed beef enterprise. They will have depots in every city where the other firm haa agencies, and will sell beef brought from Chicago in the American Re frigerator company cars at prices which will just cover expenses. This is coniidered a move to crowd out the dressed beef trade in the interests of tho livo stock business and railway companies. Hangers of Divorce Washington, Nov. 10. Acting Secretary Toslin decided a case to-day where a husband I and wifo were voluntarily divorced in order mat tne who migiit maKO an entry or iana under the homestead laws. Tho woman sub sequently lived with the divorced husband. The decision holds that in consequence there of lhe woman cannot be considered as the head of a family within the meaning of tho law, and the land entry is fraudulent. Ball way Lands. An appeal of the lawyers of this city to the U. S. supremo court for an injunction to re strain tho commissioner of the land office from issuing any more patents to railroada which had not completed their road in accordance with their grants, was completed yesterday ana forwarded to new lorn. Gambelta Ike Beal Head. Paris, Nov. 10. The Timti says of Du clerc, that ho haa not altered the aapect of af fair in France and aaya it must continne to regard Gambetta aa the' real arbiter of the r renen destiny, wnoever may be tne Republi can statesman nominally exercising power. Meellag T BMlallaU. LTONs,Nov.l0.Socialite held a mtetinglaat night Madame Paul Minok presided. Report en of the daily presa, who had front seat and were intending to furnish a full report, were oxpelled by member of a aecret organization. and the police, attempting to interfere to prevent trouble, were pelted with mud aud hustled about, with cries of, "Long live the social revolution," After the speeches were ended the meeting broke up in great dia order. The police yeaterdav forcibly cleared a square of the Hotel de Ville in order to pre vent a demonstration that had been previously announced would be held there. Troop are confined to their barracks be cause of fears that another outbreak may oc cur. TME TBKr A88 LAW. A much interest ia felt by the sportsmen of this city in regard to the trespass law, a copy ot it it given below. It will be n that it ia in fore now : SrcTtos 1, If any person shall go or tret Ma upon any land not hia own, aud ahall iau. neglect or refute to depart thereirom im mediately, and remain away, upon the verbal or printed or written notice of the person in the occupation ot aaid land, tech tretipauer be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, ahall be puniahed by fine not lea than fire nor more than fifty dollar, and (ball be committed, in default of payment ot the fine impoeod, to jail of the county in which the onviue i committed, one day for each two dollar of the aaid fine, Sao, 2 Printed or written notioea, having attached thereto, by authority, the nam of the person in the lawful occupation of aaid tauda, and requiring all persona to forbear tretpaaaing on aaid land and to depart there from, potted in three ooaipicuou place on aaid lands, ahall be held and deemed to be sufficient notice, aa mentioned in Section 1 of this act. Sic. S. Justice' court ahall b jurisdic tion oyer all offense defined in thia act. Sic 4. All fine collected under the pro vitiont of thia act ahall be paid into and snail constitute a part ot th common tcbool fund ot th county in which the offeoae i com mitted. bio. 5, Inaamuch aa th pretent law ia in. adequate to tne punishment of trespasser, this law ahall take effect and be in force from and after it approval by th governor, Approved Oct 24, 1882, Walla Walla want more voting pracinct. STATE MEWL Scarlet fever in Yamhill county. Sheridan ha a new town hall. . McMionville want a pelling tcbool. Diphtheria still raging at The Dalle. Game ia abundant in Washington county. A revival meeting it in progrts at Molalla. Tbe iron foundry at 'MoMinnville it 'nearly completed. Mechanic of every description are in de mand at Salem. ' . The fall wheat at Molalla look exceedingly well.' Foreat Grove ia going to hare a women's college. The tax collector i abroad, in the eastern part' of the State. Forest Grore farmers are holding their grain for a higher price. The Good Templar lodge at Hillsboro num bers 104 members. The Aitorian calls the recent election " a cold day for boasitm." A Frisco man talks ot opening a first-class crockery atore in Salem. Lafayette complains because no vegetable can be purchased in that town. The new term of the Wasco Independent Academy begin an the 15th inat. Work of repairing the opera house building in Salem ia progressing rapidly. Tom McEldowney killed a huge wildcat a few mile from Hillsboro one day laat week. Egg 50 cent a doxen in Canyon City, and non in the market. Annlea are offered at Corvallis for 25 cents a bushel, and no buyers. A Mrs. Wilkinton is superintendent of the Indian school at forest Uroye. Six thousand cast of aalmoa were put up on the Umpqua thia season. The bridge built nn the Coo Bay wagon road at Sumner ia 530 feet in length. The Baker City mills are not running, on account ot tne corner in wneat created by tne farmers. A pamphlet descriptive of Benton county will be published iu January by Hyde, Mans field & Co. Seventy-five men are employed on the breakwater at Coo bay. Minimum wage, $2 25 per day. The Hillsboro Tribune wants some one to run away with his neighbor' wife in that city, ao it can get a good local. On Saturday laat some Indiana caught at the mouth of the Puyallup river, a aturgeon weighing 60 pounds. A band of aheep will be wintered on the Malheur this winter. That country will, in all probability, soon be occupied by sheep. There are 14 families and 20 children in Sumner, Coos county, besides those living on farms close by, and still they have no school there. There seem to be difficulty in getting freight hauled from The Dalles to Canyon City now. The roada are not in the best con dition. A new aaw mill it in course ef construction on Kogne river, about ten miles from it mouth. Measrs. John and William Huntley are the proprietor, and the mill will be in operation in a short time. The Coos Bay Nttot says that Geo. Chard haa 200 cedar logs in North Slough ready to raft, and 200 more cut in the woods ready to be hauled and put in the boom. The 400 are said to be worth about $4000. Many emigrants have lately settled around Ruaselville and Dickey's prairie. They are from grasshopper Kansas and appear to be nonest sou muusinous citizen. The work of archlug the long tunnel at the new mill at Salem, says the Town Talk, pro greases slowly. Heavy pumps work night and day in keeping the water out, and work la delayed by Ibe constant caving of the walls. MoMinnville haa a young ladv who ar ranges her bangs by applying mucilage. She only need to drink half a pint of plaater of pari in water now to be properly "jastitled' all around. Partiea in Hillsboro are circulating a peti tion to have the connty road that runs be tween that place and Beaverton ahortrned, by changing it so that it will follow the railroad. It ia aaid that at leaat two mile can be raved by changing it thus. Happy Valley has rather a curiosity in the person of a little Frenchman, who pretends to heal the lick, prophesy, make it rain, or atop whi never it pleate him, and the people of that lection hare given him two day to walk away in. The Oregon City Enltrprite aay that latt week the Oregon City milla received 1,900 sacks of wheat from Hendricks of Wbeatland. Thi wheat when cleaned at tbe mill had ooly 20 pound of screening, and it the cleaneat lot ever received from any warehouse in Or egon. While the Tribune reader ate cudgeling their brains to aacertain why a.firtt-clata item filoher liko Durham will persiat in hiding him elf among the claatio hills of Washington county, when Italy offer to broad a field for firat-clau bandit. For further informatieu, read ita State, territorial and telegraphic new tlolen bodily from the Standard. At the (table and atcckyard of Measr. W . N. Wiley k Son, aaya the Waaco Sun, we saw on Friday a fine large brown atallion, of the "Luther ' stock, weighing 1570 pound, and tending 16 8 handa high. He haa good legs, good back and loiut, good thigh and ia well coupled; a good, intelligent head, and alto gether is a horse not often met here. TsaANKICIVIflG PBBCIAMATI)!. State or Orkoon, Executive Orrica, Salem, Nor. 8, 18S2. In accordance with a custom long eatab liahed and in pursuance of a recommendation of Cheater A. Arthur, President of the United Stat, I recommend that Tnursday, the 30th day of November, A, D. 182, be obaerved by all the people of this commonwealth aa a" day of pubho thankagiving and prayer to the Su preme Ruler of the universe, who ha vouch safed to us bU'iing innumerable during the year juat paat. He haa granted abundant bar. Vettt to the husbandman, prosperity to our commercial interest and general health to all of our people. For the and all other bleating which have been our portion, I. would recommend that upon th day named all aecultr business be ditpenied with and that our people aatemble at their reapective house of worthip, and in true lyropatny with the purpoae of thia pro clamation give unto God thankagiving and prala for hi many merciea. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto aet my hand aud eauaed the great aeal of State to be affixed thereto. Done at the capitolat Saltm thi 8th day of November, A. D. 1882. Z. F. Moodt, Governor. By the Governor: R. P. Eakbakp, Secretary of State. Bta Baas." " ' '- - Sm .Ate Wa a, stfii, rkT, iW. si -. TERRITORIAL. The farmer in Colvllle ralley raited 30,000 bushels of wheat this year. The Presbyterian church, at New Tacoma, will be dedicated on the 26th intt. At Seattle, on Monday, the wife of Dr. C. S. Miller fell dead at her home apoplexy. Jaa. Warner, of Walla Walla, recommends Wing Lee, a Chines physician of Dayton, a a sure ihet on diphtheria. Some of the latest Pullman aleeping cars, built for Iinei ibat do not ran dining cart, contains a new. feature, consisting of a lunch room or buffet, at which 'the traveler, can ob tain an elegant lunch at moderate prices. A wealthy Eastern capitalist deaired to purchase water .rights in Spokan Fall, but waa discouraged -from investing iu that city on accout of the exorbitant prices asked for the water power, say th Walla Walla Union. Wft. F. Zeek brought to Vancouver laat week a boiler and 40-horse power engine, double rotary saw and all machinery, requisite for the largest lumber mill yet built in Clarke county. It will be established not far from Vanconver. Juat how soon it will be in oper ation ia not yet determined. The vote in Port Townsend this year, aaya the ruget sound Argue, indicates a consider able gam in population. Two years ago the vote cast waa 167; yesterday 249 votes were polled. Averaging according to estimates elsewhere, thia would indicate a population of izou. The Tacoma Ledger aay that John Laugh- Un, of South Prairie, haa sold hi farm of 160 acre, for $1000. When it is reflected that Mr. Laughlin simply aold a relinquishment, and that the party purchaaing must begin at the beginning ami com pi v with all therequire ments, it will be seen that lands in that vicinity have a real and, not an imaginary value. From an exchange we glean the following : Mr. Wm. Callow, of Mason county, went down to Puyallup on Tuesday to be married on the following day to Miss Hattle William son. Arriving there, he found the young lady aick, and immediately started to New Tacoma for assistance, but ahe died before his return, on Wedneaday, the day ahe waa to be married , Miss Williamson died of scarlet fever and waa buried in her wedding dress. Her age wai 18 yean and she was a grand-daughter of Judge F, Kennedy. II. CARPENTER, 91. D. PHYSICIAN and SUKGEON . (Late of Salem.) Office up stairs, N. W, Corner of 2d and Horrlsoa St rUHTljAflll, UKtuun. Will practice In Portland and surrounding couutry. auarl-tf Celebrated Horse Shoeing SHOP. 224 Second street, bet Salmon and Main. JOHJf MeARDLE, .... PBOPBIETOB. All Horaea Entrnated to my crnrf) will be kindly treated. INTERFERING AND OVER-REACIIINQ 8TOPPKD or money refunded. Satisfaction guaranteed. The Town of SELLWOOD On tht East bank of tke Wjlunettee St mUat from the business center of Portland. f-VFFERS BETTER INDUCEMENTS IN THE east of reaching the dty. HEALTBFVLME8H OF LOCATION, COOB BBAINASK, And facilities for procuring pun water, and plenty ol it than any other addition to the city t Pertlaad. The Companrs ferry Boat DolI, Is at preatnt maklaf four trip per dry. It NEW FERRY BOAT will next Sommtr make hourly trip to and from tht tewn, maklaf tht dlttauot tnttdt ef U minutes, and when necessary halt hour trips will bt mads. Lota art sold oa to popular MSTAXUIFJrr PLAN, WaTBOOT INTBBEST, ON BBBBBBBB PATafBNTS. .... es noft from tlOO to 210 and In.,.. Monthly Payments of $10 Each; t.For Haas and circulars address, T. A. WOOD, PORTLAND, OREOON. D. M. GUTHRIE. DalUa, Polk County. Or. ....BREEDER OF.... ,.,... PURE BLOOU Freaeh, Spanish and American Merinos, also Cotswolds. , AUWed istriciljr part aad stparaU. riontbtbtti unporttd locks oa the coast. A portion of thtm are from UM taaneaa rnaeh Sock of 1. D. Patttraoa, of Ntw Ytrk. aa R. Blac af Oaliforola, aad impottol from Bacop bj James Roberta, (afv SpaaUV art d.ssss is att from Rami aad Iia !mportdfrom Ntw York. VarmeaL Oallfarnla and Hun! Smn, th. a.wa ef Haaamead, .fCkwaO. Ban a Boa., aad tqoal to aa) lata. world.) JBtfirlmtat of wool from my shtep oa hand. aUl iMalrtMaaa were kr Letter. Callea ud asmltt toth thto aad wool. D. M. QUTaPtlE. R. WI1'HYCMBg, V. 8. VETERINARY SURGEOH, rwrtlaad, artisa. Writs PrtilpUaaocIlnsf allcUaattof toc rtM,M Nttacli pntcrlpUoa srrlttea. Statt'sTor1 as sad t( at aalatalt a aaarat jisstflilt. P. Baoaalt Blackaawk Mahlaa. M Isinni St.. baa. Starb .iniv "" afaxwBBBawaswBwXwBBwBaw aSawBBwa TBBBQ I Cft Tmm Opens CIsmh, HwBBBBHiHHVHHHBwaw" - UfcK inmmtpm. Jy isiKnt. i-g BltUae Oor.TMtvttatkaadtaftoiat. TUTHS ibbbbbbbebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV SYMPTOMS . TORPIDLIVER: tha HaaeiT 'wrtth aTar3l"Z.'2J vi-v ii CI-' jr.-"K"'.H1 n .; "Te ?." .ji r usa one blade, fullneaa altar aatlna. with i . LrrMabllitr of temper. Low ipirlU. wlui aiselliicof haTlng neglected (omadatr! Waarinesa, Dlizine s, Fluttering- at Uu! Heart, Dote before the eye. Tallow Bkfiu Headache generally ovor the rlaht mS Beatleeaness, with fitful dTeamaThiti-' colored Urine, and i a j- CONSTIPATION. TtTTTS PIXL8 a re ipeetalljr adapted t ueh eaaet, ouo iIom asraeta such a chaan f feellnc-" ' natonlstttara tnfferar. Tber laMirt-as Use Asmatlttsaad cause Uu .body to. Take on Flesh, tbus tnt tysttm la 'MslaJscAaad by tbeir tfonle Artiais on th BtjrattlTe Orastaa. aJMrttlar sMoaUa art era: daosd. Wa a cent, all Mnrrmy ) . TfV TU ITS HAIR DYE. Gsut Haia oa WmsKiraa chanced to a Qlokst Black byaalncieappUcatlonorthlsDrx. It Im parts a natural color, acta Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or aent by express on receipt of tL OrPICK. as MCBBAT BT., JTEW YOBK. (r. Tim aUXClt TsImM. Ubmalba aat CMtal amass, wui kt auIM IIU tTTrrSaUnJ uinatinn to exertion, rr Kr,..- ..z.zrx PATENTS CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? Band a ronah sketch or (If you can) a. model of Tour invention to uisiHt tWttiK K. T.I .T.EJHON. amloatlon will be made of all TJnltet Wa ruBlna-ton. II. C. and a Prellmlnn rasa K tents of tne tame class of lnvenuona and rouwlll advised whether or not a patent can bt obtained. FOll THIS PRELIMINARY EXAMINA TION NO CIIAKUK IS MADE. What will a Patent Cnr YJJrwjsjflTteSSfaSKfeTS: nnvsriiment iddII uu in tuiAtsincuu p Vitu jat iofctitro fee of 015. ud HA for ilred by tbe Government. This ia ilication is made, and Is all of tbe the drtvwlnm reanli TaaTsbI when Annilnst)nti la tnBjiA. xpe&MiiiUeMftpatntlsaUowad. When allowed. we wwraiTA. iee ivxq; ana toe niiai uorern. meat fee fJSO) Is payable. Thai 70a know be-' tteehand, .or nofAfnjr, whether yon an going tog ft patent or not. andno attorney's fee la charged ns leas you do mi ft Patent. An attorney whoee f eft depends on his eucooBS in obtaining; a Patent witf , not advise yon that your invention is patentable, nleas It really is patentable, ao far aa his ben iudrment can aid in fotermliilna; the question: nance, you can rely on the advice given after ft preliminary examination is had. Dealcn Pat rnwiaa we ittuutrmnon 01 impeist 'iTaae natrxmunn of r.atw Af ark and Re-taftneft secured. Caveata j nnriMina kmsUidm eeenrea. iinfunti rm. Rrea ana niea. Appucaaona in revivor ci eted.Aba.ndaned.or Forfeited Caaee n Hired and filed. Applications In revivor cf R jeccentADanaoneqtOi Very often valuable Tnventiona are saved in these at nnfsii If von have tUxdertekMi to Benure your own patent and failed, a skillful handling of the case may lead to success. Bend me a written request ftdclreased to the Conunlsaionar of Patents that he recognize Qeobox . Leu etc, of Wash tngton.D. O.. aa your attorney in the caee, (riving; the title of the invention and about the date ot fllin-r your appl port Will cost y ppucation. An examination and re vcin nnthfiiB'. flf iishna marie ttw title to lnventlanii. in d inventions. In fact any lnfonaatlon relating to Patents r promptly f urnlsbed. irromDtlT f nrnlBhed. (Iotmm of I mailed at the retnilaF Ooremmant rates. (Sito. 'ueaie each.) member tills office lia beta In uwseerfai eratlon since 1868, and you therefore reap the ben. qh 01 experience, oesiaes reierenoe can do given to actual client in almost every county in the U. 8. Pamphlet relating to Patents free upon request GEO. E. LEMON, 818 10th 8t,,WABHINClT0N,D. V. nnd N.lleltor of Anirrl- rnn nnd FnretKn Pnl.'itt. S250 WILL BUY I Tbe toast Fouy SAW MILL Yet Offered for the Httaey. aa-Setsd far Clrenlar. 1ICHM0MO MACHINE WORKS, BICHHOKD. isn, 18 A SURE CURE for all dlaaaaaa of th Kidney and , LIVER It ha sptolaa actlsa on this most Impeetans sna. nabllnc It to thmw offtemLUtr and InsoHrm, trlimi latin- thahsaltlqr seentlon of wjiut,vu bt atttpatr u bows la rrta eonditlon, fibctla; lta regular dssebarg. Malaria. 2ZSZS2i r MHana. dTapH-, - r..r.i xiAmr Wot will turtle rallne and qitttkbnr lath. Sprint to olaus. to. Stains, Cray on. absvld talu a taeraca ooranwoflt. a- SOLDBVDBUOO1BT8. frteoBI. jmmMKiEm00 forS2i I0fort3i 20for4i 3SfortS 78 for IOIOOfori3. WE CIVE a Handsome Preaent of choice nd valuable ROSESfree wtUsererT order. Our NEWCUIDI.acunpUv TrtalUi o l JioM, ft pp. .laaily aimtlrmltirn " THE DINOCK A CONAKD CO. Growers, Was Ortvt, Cktstar 0., Pa, ' m ay kms aasittsi mtf&JlES. JOHN OAmtORft. -H aam lav, CtattstmC B. .tram. r i -"iv MMKBk ROSES SPLENDID POT PLANTS, ipaolaHypra pared for Immediate Bloom. Delivered aafely by mall rwtpaUUtau oetfacea.Bsplen did varieties vourcholca.alllabelal.foraii 19 OtSf& mm WaaftSrftaltVwS' Sfaajaii asrr 1 hesurad. WMm f