Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 20, 1882, Page 7, Image 7

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Far tii Toes cf Colts.
It ! not generally re ognized how much
cornel to horses f i um the simple over-
wth of the- toes; and yet, in the case of
na and unshod horses especially, hardly
thing is more destructive to their sound-
and permanent utility. Judging from
number of colts turned out everywhere
;h the whole winter growth on their toes,
ire seems to be a surprising amount of
lorance on this matter; and it becomes the
necessary to draw special attention to
need of paring.
good average slope for the front of a
thy hoof is one forming an angle of 45
with the ground on which it rests. In
er words, if a perpendicular line were
,wn upward from the toe, the line of the
t of the hoof would be midway between
:h vertical line and the flat surface of the
or ground. But the average foot grows
more rapidly at the toe than the heel, and
iva fVmi.jh mnr Innrlir Tha nnal fiW.
Ut grows, turns inward, so that even with an
Mltl growth, it never projects, as does the
overgrown toe. as the toot increases in
'4ssigth, therefore, the effect is shown and felt
cially at the toe, and with addition to the
igtb of the toe, the front of the foot and of
pastern recedes further from the vertical
ition and approaches nearer to the hori-
tal. So much is this the case tbat au in-
use of one and a half .to two inches at the
will often diminish the angle formed by
front of the hoof and the ground' by one
d. In other words, the angle formed by
front of the hoof and the ground becomes
ut thirty degrees instead of forty-five de-
ies. This increasing ODliqmty or me iooi
pastern throws a greatly increased strain
the cords supporting the fetlock and pas-
joints, and gives them an enormously in-
led predisposoure to strain and injury.
t this injury of increased obliquity in the
iterri'is seriouslv aeeravated by the length
tnitoc. AnVcreased length of two inches,
Isufigested, together 'with tfie greater obli-
ty, throws a line rising vertically trom tne
nt of thn toe at least three inches further
ward from the shank, and vincreases the
erage exerted by the toe to an equivalent
ount. If we now consider that this lever
acted on by the weight of the body, and
it the fulcrum is at the fetlock and (pastern
lints, we can see plainly enough how over-
town toes so consianuy uctenmuo iuiuvub
igbones in young animals. The extra strain
I M. .L-l llt.1'1- .VV-.1 .1.11.
isequeni on trie increaaeu tcugtu uu uwj
ty must be borne by the posterior "and laV
,1 ligaments of the fetlock and pasterns;
as these latter come from the sides of the
item bones, the consequent injury deter-
es inflammation and bony deposits on the
Ies of the pasterns. Similarly, the back
ws, which act a supports to these joints
ind, become sprained, thickened and short-
ucing knuckling over at the knee, and
era! unsteadiness of the limbs.
n paring, remove the whole projecting
er border of the hoof wall down to the
iction with the sole. The greatest danger
il from the toes, but overgrown heels curled
isen the sole imprison masses of hard, flaky
tfcefn, bruise the sole and determine corns and
tltraiu of eyil consequences. The process
VT .1.9 , n 1 1 ? .:... -a ..-..11 1.1.4-
?um ue aiujuuvu u m niuwi w nc, h,uv
i especially in summer, when the colt is
aning at liberty in the fields that the effects
t undue length are to be feared. Chicago
run tot Front.
By Col. F. B. Curtis In American Agriculturist.
be care of pigs in summer can De maae
troublesome and more profitable than is
ally the case. Unless confined in restricted
rters, pigs art liable to break out and do
hief. Thev are not adapted to being with
ler stock, as no animal likes to feed after
anil while this dislike is so marked that
lals will not eat out of the same vessel
which pigs have been fed, or in which
ly have "mussed; mey may ue .orceu
hunger to eat the crass in the pasture
ire they run, but it is not wise to compel
.m tn An an. For these reasons, farmers
nerally keep pigs shut up in pens, where
Mty mUlt DC Supplied Willi au IUO iwu luujr
fSuire. Sometimes this condition is improved
FLV i II..!.... l-an. mall riTion iinnn the
raeen uy iiu"iuu . ... .-..a,.. -r -
I' . rV.Lt. f !....- (li.n nlnaii -wtntinavnAnt
inU. J.niS IS UCvlCi I.UKU WW.B WWMMW-..w--
nen. as it makes them more comforts,-
and healthy, but it does not lessen very
ih the amount of care they require, as the
ily of food is soon exhausted, it is a
r plan to have the enclosure so large tbat
ligs cannot readily consume all tne grass
take it btre of any kind of vegetation.
nira are not runs', to prevent tnelr root-
thev will soon spoil a small enclosure,
!also damage a larger one. This injury
pasture can easily be prevented by in-
in their snouts two or three rings maae
illuhle wire. Care should be taken to
.. 1. . .L. ...!a a.alrrli. an ttiat
line enus u wu aMMigu, w ......
L?:n ... nnlt Anf. Ewerv farm should
a pasture for pigs, set apart for their
ive use. It sboald be large enougn 10
them ample space, so that while they
ling off one portion the grass will grow
mi of it. to afford continuous feed.
of the pasture must be regulated by
iber of pigs to be kept. An acre is
,t for thrrea or four hogs, especially if
mtirl hu been seeded with orchard
aatCwbieh starts the quickest and furnishes
pre Iked than most other grasses. The ma
n fcom the hogs will increase the growth.
bVin:es should be of a substantial charac--fso
that the pigs will not break out. An
Jm hog is the hardest kind of animal to
:!., k.nr the importance of good fences.
.,.., tl,m- liecominz breechv: a beard
or a stone wall is the best calculated for
purpose. There is no grouna so tu
1 for permanent pig pasture a an
I, and no grass so well adapted to it as
grass, which grow, freely in tne
shade, tn no other way can a crop be ob
tained so well under the apple trees; the or
chard is kept in a vigorous condition with lit
tU labor. I am not sure but the pasturing of
liosrs in orchard will keep the trees in a more
flourishing condition than tillage. The trees
will not be bruised and the roots broken off,
as when the ground is cultivated. The fine
roots can come nearer the surface, and conse
quently feed on the richer soil than when the
ground is plowed, as they are then torn away
and destroyed. Tillage is not necessary for
the vigorous growth of trees, nor is it essen
tial for bountiful yields of fruit. But for an
abundant fruit harvest richness of soil is of
far more consequence.
Pigs solve the off year problem the best of
any plan I know of, by making the land so
rich that a crop of fruit may be had every
year. I have a small apple orcnard v, men nas
not failed in an annual crop for years. Dur
ing this period it has. been used exclusively
as a pig pasture. No manure has been put on
it other than that made by the pigs. My faith
in this remedy for off years is so strong that
another apple orchard, embracing about five
acres has been prepared for a permanent pig
pasture. The pigs will undoubtedly improve
the quality of the fruit by devouring all of
the apples which fall prematurely, thus des
troying the worms that would injure the
apples. There is no mode of treatment which
will cause breeding sows to be so healthy and
to bear better pigs than when allowed to feed
on grass. They are not delirious or ferocious
when they have their young, as frequently
occurs when confined in a pen. The losses
which farmers often suffer on this account
would equal the cost of preparing a perma
nent pig pasture. When pigs are kept con
fined and fed entirely on grain, their profit it
often a doubtful quea'lon; but fed on grass
their growth can be made so cheaply that
there is no question about profit in hog rais
ing. Under the system stated above, pigs
are made valuable aids on the farm in pro
dueiug other beneficial results.
Look to the Lambs.
The near approach of spring, ac indicated,
not alone by the calendar, but by the bright
skies and high temperature that so generally
prevail, will admonish the flock owner that
the season for this, early.h&rveat is at hand,
If he has not already provided such.conveni
eneea and necessities "as WlU-insuro the com
fort and enhance the health and thrift of the
lambs, upon which so large a j roportion of his
profit depends, he should lose no time in per
feetlng such arrangements. A lamb once on
its' feet, and'welf filled with its mother's milk,
has escaped one half "the risks of lambhood
and is ready to crow and thrive, while its lets
fortunate associates are overcoming the back
sets resulting from being chilled and hungry
by reason of the oversight or carelessness of
their owners.
At this time the shepherd cannot be over
kind to the inlambed ewes, provided his in
tentions are reasonably bestowed. Comforts
they must have; luxuries, if such can be se
cured, they will well repay such luxuries as
an occasional run over the pasture on fine
days, a chance to nibble in the rye field, with
extra articles of food when these are witbin
reach. These will give good tone to the sys
tem, encourage the secretion of milk, and in
every way prepare the mother for the trials
of maternity and the subsequent demands
upon her while suckling a vigorous lamb. It
is not enouaii to allow the breeding ewes to
take their chances with the other members of
the flock until weaning time, and then separ
ate tbem for a change in treatment. If not
kept to themselves all winter, they should be
separated some weeks before the lambs are
due, so that they may become thoroughly ac
customed to their surroundings, and have the
opportunity to reap such advantages as are
promised by the change before the lamb ap
pears. A well-sheltered sleeping-place, with
ample dry bedding is an essential that should
not be overlooked. Demanded at all times by
considerations of economy and mercy, and so
readily within reach of every farmer, the fail
ure to provide it at this time is an evidence of
negligence and shortsightedness of which an
intelligent man should be ashamed.
An examination of the Iambs affords the
best insight into the merits of the flock owner.
Here his skill as a breeder, as well as Ms
standing as a "handler" can be best deter
mined. These aie the key to success the
fullest results from either biing unrealized
when disassociated. Lavish expenditures for
breeding animals will have been in vain if not
supplemented by intelligent and liberal treat
ment. Such treatment, though always com
mendable, finds its best reward when be
stowed upon well-bred animals. As there is
no proper place in sheep husbandry for the
niggardly or careless provider, it seems a wise
provision of nature that discouragements and
mortifications, pecuniary and mental, soon
come to crowd him from the field to make
room for better men. 'those who wish to es
cape his fate have but to avoid his errors.
Brcedtrt' Gazette.
Som Nerve. A young man by the name
of Harmes had the misfortune to break his
leg whilo he was hauling timbers for a bridge
to be built on his place between Greenville
and Olencoe. While unloading the timbers a
skid broke letting the heavy timbers fall on
his leg, and both brones were broken.
Harmes reached the lines, while he was j et
fastened under the log, tied a chain around
the timber, hitched the team to the timber
and it was drawn off him. He then crawled
around an 1 hitched the team to the wagou,
climbed on the wagon, and then drove borne.
We call this an example of nerve, says the
Forest Grove Aurora.
Boom Broke!.-. Thursday night because of
the sudden rise in the Cowlitz river, the boom
above tree port, used to eaten iocs, uruae
away, owing to the great number of bgs that
had come down and lodged in the boom, and
the whole lot, amounting to nearly a million
of feet, went down the nver and out into th
Columbia. -This entails a heavy loss upon the
i .. .1-a . illv AfT-irit in atanrl it. The
iukkcib T.MU vaM ...j .
i ... ir-.11y.-vr. u-aa viaH nn Irf-lnv the boom
IhCSUlCI VtlV& ..---.- -r- - - .. .
and came very near ueing lorn w pieces uy
the rasa oi logs.
Why Dot til 3uttr Corns T
By Prof. O. C. CaUwell, Cornell UnlrtrtltT.
It Is known that the fat in the milk is in
the form of minute spherical globules, and that
these being lighter than the surrounding
l'quid, or the milk trrvm, as it is conveniently
called, collect mostly at the surface when the
milk Is allowed to stand quietly for a time,
and that when either this cream or the milk
is violently agitated so as to throw these
globules against ene another, they stick to
gether in larger and larger numbers until fi
nally visible clumps of butter appear. All
this we know full well; but wise men of sci
ence and of practice have sought for many
years for an explanation of these familiar phe
nomena, without being able as yet to find one
that is in all respects so satisfactory as to
meet with universal acceptance.
The oldest theory of sny importance, and
one that is familiar to many, is that each lit
tle globule of fat is enclosed in an envelope
or sao of albuminous matter, and that as long
as these sacs are whole the globules of fat
will not stick together any more than will
two pats of butter nicely wrapped up in cloth
or two sausages in their skins; but these sacs
are supposed to be very thin and tender, and
to be weakened by acids, and that when they
are knocked together, especially in -the acid
cream, their envelopes soon get worn through
or torn, and the fat escapes and naturally col
lects together, while the remains of the deli
cate sacs in the buttermilk make it turbid.
This explanation is generally attributed to a
Frenchman, who announced it in 1842; it looks
plausible, for it appears to explain many of
the phenomena satisfactorily; but the one
most serious difficulty with it is that so many
eminent rnlcroacopiits have searched for these
sacs or parts of them, without being able to
indentify them. When we find all who have
the necessary experience to enable them to
understand correctly what they see with it,
uniting in the declaration that, according to
the best of their knowledge, the fat globules
are not encased in membranous sacs, we can
safely affirm that the theory lacks its most
essential foundation stone, and that the ques
tion, why does the butter come, must be
answered in some other way.
A second theory Is that the fat globules,
though entirley bare, are nevertheless so
closely surrounded in the milk, and especially
in the cream, with a sort of thickened milk
serum, that they are kept apart until, by being
thrown forcibly together in the churn or in
any other way, the slimy layer is momentarily
sqneezed out from between them, and they
adhere. Soxhlet, to whom we owe many val
uable contributions to our knowledge of milk,
explains why the butter comes, that has
many strong points in its favor. Butter fat
melts at about 90 deg. Fahrenheit; but he
takes the position, to begin with, that even in
cold cream the fat is sbll in liquid form, as it
was in the warm milk just from the udder
that each globule is a globule of a liquid, and
not of a solid, as might naturally be expected
at low temperatures. That a substance may
retain its liquid form at a temperature much
below that at which it remains solid when
once solidified, is a well-known physical law,
and he illustrates it for this particular case
by interesting examples which I can but very
briefly notice. Water, if allowed to stand in
perfect quiet in a cold room may fall to sev
eral degress below its natural freezing point
without freezing; but as soon as the glass
containing this under-cooled liquid is moved
so as to agitate its contents, perhaps ever so
little, freezing follows instantly. Many of
our readers may have themselves observed this
phenomenon. When the liquid is divided
up into very fine particles it is still easier to
carry it to very low temperatures without
freezing; and this subdivision may bo pushed
so far that the smallest globules will require
a violent shaking up as well as a lqw temper
ature for their solidification. Again, it is a
well-known physical phenomenon that when
a liquid is thus divided up into very small
globules, which are suspended in the midst of
another liquid with which they do not mix, in
the same manner as oil will remain entirely
unmixed with water, these globules do not
run together as they would naturally be sup
posed to do; on the contrary, they resist any
attempt to make them unite, and are more
likely to subdivide still further if pressed
It is quite possible, then, for the globules
of fat in the milk to retain their liquid form,
even when the milk is very cold; and in re
maining apart, they only do what any liquid
globules would do under the same circum
stances. Now when this mass of liquid fat
globules in the cream, cooled down below the
temperature at which the fat of which they
are composed is solid, is shaken up In the
churn, the same result should follow as when
the tumbler of under-cooled water is shaken ;
the globules solidify suddenly, and then they
adhere when thrown against each other ; this
is Soxhlet's answer to the question Why
does the butter come ? If this is the correct
answer, then freezing the milk so thoroughly
that even the fat solidifies should at least in
part take the place of churning, sinoe the first
labor of the churning is spent in getting the
globules into the solid form so that they will
adhere. Such a result was obtained in one
experiment by Soxhlet. A quantity of milk
was divided into two equal parts, one which
was kept at about 68 degrees Fal.renl.eit,
while the ether half was completely frozen,
and then thawed out by putting the vessel in
water at 68 degrees; both portions of milk
were then churned as nearly at possible in the
same manner in small glass churns, and that
one which had been frozen was brought in two
minutes to the condition in which the batter
was just ready to come, while the other por
tion required eleven minutes to reach the
same condition.
But even this theory, which appears to be
so fully in accordance with the laws tbat
govern the behavior of liquids, and which
does not teem to assume anything opposed to
the facts, and was consequently very widely
approved, is not allowed to have undisputed
possession of the field. Storck, an eminent
Danish investigator of milk, does not find
that the question put at the head of this arti
cle is satisfactorily ans trend. His snswsr,
how ever, as well as perhaps an attempt tn an
swer that other question which sometimes
presents itself to the practical dairyman-
Why doesn't the butter come ? must be de
ferred for consideration until another lime.
Be was Willing to be Put off:
A Justice of the Peace in the interior of
Michigan had a case before him some days
asro in which the defendant, who had been ar
rested as a suspicious character, and plead
iruilty to vagrancy, was sent to the Detroit
House of Correction tor six months. A con
stable took him in charge to deliver him here,
and as the man seemed rather pleased at the
idea of securing board and lodgings for tix
monthB, he was not handcuffed. As the train
was about to go the constable moved across
the aisle to tslk politics with a friend, nd
pretty soon they were having it hot and
heavy. Whon the conductor came in for tick
ets he held out his band to the prisoner, and
the latter shook his head and replied :
"I don't pay fare."
"Aha I You don't, ehf Well, now, you
pay or git."
"I won't pay."
"Then you'll git t When we slow up at the
crossing you jump oft If I find you on the
train after we pass there, I'll give you a
bounce that you won't forget 1"
In two minutes the train began to slow, and
the prisoner walked to the door and picked a
soft spot and dropped off. When the train
had made another mile the conductor held out
his hand to the constable and received two
"Who is the extra one for?" asked he.
"For the prisoner over there."
"What prisoner!"
'Why, that fel 1"
Then there was raving and gnashing of
teeth and hurrying up and down, but it was
no use.
"Sorry," said the conductor, as he pased
along, "but when a passenger says he won't
pay fare on my train I give him the drop.
The only thing that surprised me was to see
how willingly he obeyed orders."
I Am lHVMiUul !. warn Iit hlsH
I Mrfcetly restoring thehurlnf. ,fcru
linlj dcitrot thirty ytftn. he heart with
them even whiipen, distinctly. Ar
H bMrvmble, Md remain In poii
tio.. without aid Detcrfptive Circular
Free, CAVTlONi Do not be deceived
bvborut ear dnimt Mine li (haenlv
successful rtitcUl Ear Drum miau-
Fink Rtc Su., Clccinmad; Q,
Vor. Front and Taylor HI., Portland,
J quantities ot Clover and Orasa Sued of all kinds
consisuDy or
CTPrtcu upon application.
110 Front Street, East 81ds,Portland, Oregon.
Again In Buslneaa.
Etc., Etc.
Repairing Neatly and Promptly
Attended to
Eastern Cranberry Vines
Oljrmpia. W. T.
l,SN tlsn I T.M
S.M Vine 30.M
le.oo lines , m.m
Bnd moner bv Rtritferd Letter. Uanev Order or
... .. a r .: ...... t. . . ..
vveiis, rarir? isf wun uirecucni ror lorwirainr.
In 1377, 1 planted Ihrea U feet beds of the Jersey
cranberry vines I p'anted Uiem la inch apart, each
wai ; aanaea on ueu six lncnes deep, one mree inches,
and tne other 1 planted on the natural boir.
The sandtd kedi yielded but lev berries and
are d)ln( but. In 1880 I leathered from the
nitunl bed two larro anfar barre's full of berries,
and only one barrel from both of the sanded
ones. If uck or Peat land that overflovts until about
the Brit of May Is tbt best for the Cranberry. Keep
the water on the rloes until the late frosts are orer,
aad jou will bars a food crop every year.
Plant by dropping the vlnei 2 feet by 6 Inches, and
forctnz Into the muck with a forrt.1 itlcK or wedge
ahaped dibble. Hoe out the weeds the first year; pull
them out by hand the aeoonl, and the third yeir tliey
will take car of themselves.
Olyrnpla, Thurston Co., W, T.
Thoroughbred Poland China
HogH For Sale.
stnek brought from Btllplala. Iowa.
Auareaa; suiuia.i a &Li.ia,
Eaat Portland, Or.
Jaaaaair fc afc ' ,J
i.. 'BBl..k X (eJaaaV
It acts directly on the KldHey. Urer and Bwel
featorirur them at ene to healthy action. HUNTS
REMEDY Is at sate, aw and speedy ew, aad hudrstls
have testified to havl&f bean ourad by It, whea phys
icians and frisads had itvaa them up to die. De aa4
dslay, but try at one HUNTS REMEDT.
II li in vs benkbt (teres ell Blseaees ef Um
Kidneys Bladder, WrUaaury Organs, Bteaay,
Gravel, Diabetes, and InesnUneaee aad Be
tenttaa or Brine.
lllirm BEMBBY anres Pain la Ike Sides,
Back, ar Lolas, General BeMlltr, Franals
Dlieaaes. Matartod Sim. Less ef Appetite,
Brltkt'a Disease and all Oeaaplalata ef MM
irie. (Malta
CUTS BKBBBT aabkr laonsss the liver Is
healthy action, tssasrlnt the eusas that predass
Blllatu Headache, Bysntsla. Sear SleaaaM.
Cestlveacas, riles, ete.
By the as ot lim BBMBBT h Staasash ted
Bowels will SBsadOy rasala Uwtr ssraaurth, sad Iks
Biooa WUI M
IKf a aasesaai.il by tfca Vast
"alyetMisr aU kiads ci 'Ktdaaf
doctors tab Ik
HBHTS lUOT Is ferstrvasistkli.sed Isa
ure ear isr Bearl Mtaaetkad Ifcsa-aalasaa trkaa si
S -2,,0421
VBCtETABLI. compound.
A Rare Care for all VBMAI.B WKAK.
NBMESi IneladlEUf Laacerrfcoe, Ir-
resalar and Palnfal Bfeasmatlen,
Iaflaaamatloa aad TJIoaratlen ef
Ue Womb, Flaedlac, PBO.
ryPUaanttothetaeU,dlociOTS and Immediate
tniueffeet. It la afreet batata pnfmuwy, aad to-
llevea pain daring labor and at Mfslar perteds.
rtniiam ess it us rtssnrsi n num.
trroa auwrainratsas ef tkaftntratlT organs
or either sex, It la aecoad to no remedy that baa aver
been beror the poblloi aad (or all dhwaaas et the
KonTSltUtheGtvatasfXsauifyfette WarU.
Find dreat Belief In Its Use.
will eradicate ciery voaMee of Humors trom tbe
Wood, at the mum time wllfllve fame and tructh to
Ihesystem. AiioairelknslnrwiilaSUtlMOaaapwuid.
ra-Both the Compound aad Stood Farlflar are pre
pared at SIS and OS Western Avenue, Ina, Haas.
Prioa of either, (1. Six bottles for St. ThaOompooad
Is sent by man la the form of pUU, or of loatags,oa
receipt of price, Jl per box for atther. Mrs. rtakbaat
freely answers all letters of Inquiry. ft.goeeSo.aS
stamp. Band for pamphlet. JCietfoi. IMS aansr.
trUnax M. TTrraur, I mas Pars enr ttonstlr.
tloi. Biliousness tuid Torpidity of the Liver. Snuu.
J-SoId by all Dractto.-e ()
KrriiuiiiirJMli'd Ily all I'byalrlaua,
Rtad urtlrliitU-w f li I aik of bottle A sure cure for
llidl.ntion, I, of AK.l'e ad IIKHT Mver
iUvulator ruwn. iClTMrl.lt Sllir IN tiLlsM. To
All or veil any hut the yinulnu article out of ur bottles
Is a fcllony ami heri ikUctcl w I be prosecuted to the
estorit of the law. Tr ulo supplied I y
Jun1Cm3 t,J0 H athlnirtoi. Ht , tian rrandaco.
A '"um Cure (iiiaranteed.
nenl a specific for IfralrrU, pluin-a., Conru).
tiois Mrvot. Deutsche, Jlmt.1 l-r.n.loo, ls 0f
Meinoo H rniMtGrrhba.liiipou n . InvoliinUr) Ends
sions lrr'irtiirc "Id Aire, ti iwl hj o erieitlon,
helf.AlxiteorOver IikIuIkciiui, I.KIi leads to rnltery,
decai ar.fl dtjath One bos ill (ure recont olms
hath tux rorita n. one month's trbatiuH.t, II O) aitos,
orsia lose i for IS no, sent by mall, prejr dour celyt
ofpne. V'u rurant4- six b ( u. or any case
With n:h order rtctlit.1 by u- f'.r tit bow, accomi.
nled wih t&W we will und thr lAirrhtMr oir guar
antoe to rtlurn the money If tra trt-.tmrnt daa not
effect a cure. (.utrariU-tsiuimlofil Ly
OiiAI(i ctMtKKti Co.,
Wholea.le.nJ Retail lirun.'tt, Portland ur.
Orders by null at rwul-r prices Juitf.ly
other BMdiala taaa
the above SUM
Vnawa Se Mb
aeMtawineeavtMMn. For sale eral
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(The Towix of
Oa the last bank ot th W ilameitaa S miles
from the business oentsr.ot Portland.
as of reaching the city.
HEAinurnufEss of iocatiom,
And facilities for procuring pure water, and plasty of It
than any other addition to ths city of Portland.
The Oompanya
Ferry BoatDoll,
Is at present making- four trips per dry. Its N1W
PERRY BOAT will next Summer maks hourly trips
to and from the town, making the dlitano Inside of
IS minutes, and when necessary half hour trips will b
Lot are sold on ths popular
....Prices rarur from 1100 to tllOand In....
Monthly Payments of $10 Each.
ULFor Ifapa and circulars address,
Cor. First and Alder I8ts, Portland, Or.
Merchant Tailor,
And Hatter.
Guarantees to Hell the very
best CLOTHINa tor lew
Money than any other house
in the state.
No I.
AAA AUBES Well watered- part fertile oreek
illt bottom; large barn; loir house and other
out buildings; fine orchard of well selected fruit; rood
pastures and auperlor range: 1 arrea In cultivation and
many more almost clesr, Prlr, 1150.
No. II-
1Q ACBKa Oood pastme and ramr rood lor
IIO house; barn; to acres in cultivation and
much ot remainder eaay to clear. Prlrr, IISM.
No. III-
1 R( ""'; Nearly all fenced; (rood orchard;
LIM larie barn; never filling- spring; larva per
ennial spring;; 17 -ere. In cultivation; and nearly all of
the remainder almost ready for the plow.
No IV-
1 OA A"- All fenced; rood orchard; runnlnf
r uiva, e.eoiiun. wen , eupenor putUrS;
It acres In cul'lvatlon; to more ran he plowed this
)ear, and much more easily cleared. Prlet, tMes.
No. V
ISBJ ACFJt Partly ferced; small orchard; 12
t) acres have lieen under cultivation; M ana
(rreon timber; a large part of ths remainder almost
clear, Prlre, HOO.
No. VI-
1Jv AfREH-Oreen limber and viluahl swat
IH? land one half mile from Steam Saw Hill.
Prlrr, 11.00 per acre.
These plsces are adapt I tn Ullage, fruit, or live
slock. Rom of the best horses In ths oountr war
raited here. No better fruits or vegetables They are
In the garden of Clarke county, and distant but 10
mile, from Portland, the metrnpo'la, with which plaos
there Is easy communication by ateamboat. Demand
for all the produces of l he term, garilrn, dairy, orchard
m. uaii-, ,-, ,,.,, ujii.iaiiiiy increaeing anu pnoes
adrandnir. Till, la a rars opportunity to purchat
goo I lands at low figures.
Nnmbers II. III. IV. and V floo acv.a-.ra ntn.
tlguous and would be ery dealrable for one wlahlns
to purchase a large farm. TEIIM8 EASV.
visit ths lands per Steamer lAtona, or addreas
A. A. tlVlMLRr,
sepUU Union Rhlge, Clarke Co., W. T.
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Repairing a Specialty.
Jewelry and Spectacles at low prices.
Its front HI., PeMlaad, Or.
Chester Strawberry Plants Tio dot., II
per 100. Valuable Information In (re
i-eiaicgue. Auarees r.l.rJAUE SON,
Wctb.rifl.lJ, Conn, auglSm