'll W H 'i i ; i i miM every Week by the WdJUMKTTR FAKMKR I'llltlHIII.IU CO. TKHMS OF HUBSCRIIT10.. One ) ear, (Toetane paid). In advance ,!? Hx months, (Potitace paid), In advance . l.JJ Loss than sU months will bo, pr month I . ,, AnVKIWISISO KATES! Adverttsetnp nt will be Inserted, providing tn are rospecUbles at the following- table ol raws : tne intn 01 ej.w. i ......... Three Inches ol s-iae-j pir month 6.00 One-hall column per niunin... T5.00 80 V) On column iwr uionin Jfl.-Jair.pl.. co)il- rwl.t U e on application, Street. - Up tarn, rooms No. 6 ami h mulication ' m; .... u .,mu,..,... TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. I'rolialilr it Srimtllnn. TJttir v.mir i int. fi Tlip Oraithic's Wash inetoii ijpci.il sijh thet npprojcliing se"ion of - . l t ll IT. ....! Ulnfna the tujrtuio c tin m mu " , which l.egins next Monday, was the means to day lor ui e. ninny an incident in tlio history of Asso. iate Justice Stephen .1. Kield, which )ias ptoljal.ly nil J et bun uulilishcil. Passing flown tliu avenue your correj onet ent wascalleil by a dealer in firo arum, sport ine traps and other paraphernalia, and asked if he had soe-n the- infernal niachino tint liad been eiit to .Iwlgo Field. Ho was taken into tho ruir of tho store and a case of da Uticrreoti pes was di-covtrcil lying upon tho counter. , " Kxaminc tins," mill the dealer, "and tell mo what you think of it " Close in-pectn n showed that concealed m this car were ten metallic cartridges with tho sides filled, exposing powilo-, ami many mi l.l 1 In i. All ordinary I ieco of sand nm,r una connect d wiib tho rasp of tlio case, which if i pencil from tho front would causu the ignition nf a bundle of matches. Tho case, Iiowpvi rjias been openod from the back, and the infernal instrument had luilid to accomplish its design. A clipping from a newspaper pasted in the lox detnili l an nccount of n elousion by Judge Field regarding tlm title of a certain property in San rraiicisco, and it is supposod that the midline was a cohtrivauco of socno elis.ip-uoiuti-d litigant. Further iniiinry showed that the p.icknijo mo by mill but was resided with sus i.icit.u by tin-iniiuitis of Judge Fields rcsi deuce and the pueel was placed over night in a pail of water, nfterwai diit was pried open from behind and the iloaillj natuioof its eon tents ellwilcol. Hud any one fenced the clasp open, as is the custom in Im dliug small cues of this kind, nothing shoit ot a miracle could have- pi- viuted ilio disihnigoof the metall o caitrulues. I lie 1lvliiy r.ilnlnfl. Dks'vkk, Si lit. 30. A Tiibuwr I.niilvillc special bajs: Last May, (ienilul Waid, lu sou of tl'iu Diu.kin Mine! on Fryer Hill, as "held up "and inhli.il of 1700 while letuni ing from town. Tliu police next day o p tiirt.l two nun, who ci placed in j .ll. Hhortly after tins enir.il Ward disipi..uvil. A few days ngo, while n party of miners were atwoik g ting out one of their eonnadis, who had (alien down the idiaft of tho Climax Mine, they foun a coat in d hit belonging to Waul. A Mcki'uiug odor nioso fiom tin water in tho bottom of tho niino, whuo it is thought Ward's body is lying. Am inching party lcaes U-monow, which will trolml.ly result in the solution of tho mysterious ills appo.ir.tnco of (Icntral Ward, leiii'lins llnuse- nlnlciiKiit. Nt.w Yimic, Oct, 'i.lho annual meeting of the Now Voik Cloanng Houto As ociation was held to-day. The manager's repent linwul li.timitctioiis for tlio year 8-18, 1 17,1 111.' 40(1, an nvnag- per elay of SISII.SSII.Wi. Total tiaimctious sineo the llth of October, I8.V1, the .late of organi ition, SOT'l.'tt!), 101.. S8I1. Tntil gold coin used in lottling lul aiicis lime re.uuiption Sjrars, ll months $971 11(17,000. For the past year tho amount of balances was Jl.fi'JJi.OOO.Uiri, "I which $'.VS,5:0,000 wi's gold coin, l,:rJ."i,llllO,000 Clearing House iiiiificates. anil 810, llil),'J15 legal timeline and I'liauge. The laigest tiaus action for any oiio elay, liming tlie year, was $'.M0,7IKI,,.'fi,., the ltd ot January, IbVJ. (ottnr.1l) Mtteelrr. CiiHUiio, Oct, It. A ilispatch from Taylor- ville, 111,, siys a I'olil-liltiuile.il mureler was eomii itt.'d a miln ninth nf Palmer. Julm Leigh and James Hegby, two fanners, epiar relled about tho posKuoiou of some lind and beiamo imolved m a law Suit from which Kigby came out victorious. Yesterday I.uigli approiched Keghy and motending that he lie sired to etl'.ct a piucoablo settlement suddenly opriuil Hie with a levcdver, one bullet pro-duci-d a fatal wound, I.uigh escaped but a posse am in puiMiit, and as the oncitcineut niua high, lynching is prouiblc. Miirdurnis have usiltlly escipel the law in this legion. lira) Urlea-rit, Dunns, Sept. .10. -Judge Lawsou has oul.ii'd the uleaio of K. l)wer Oiay on the m incut of i'.r)00, Justice t.iiWHon, in ordenng the iu!eaio of Qray, poiiitul out that since his im risoiiment counielerable chance for thu bettei had taken plait' in the tone of his piper, the h'lreiiuiii's Jonniitl. Tlio judge ainl the action taken by himself ami the law ollicers had been clux tusl in pieventlug the course of justice being impelled Tin onlir of tlio court in leijard to (iray's suit ties was made to prou'nt any pub lications similar to tho tbect(onable one Iroiu sppearing, but in the event of such publica tions hereafter the oxt'ciltiwi had thu full vjiowir iieee.siry t deal with tlitiu. He was also, he added, not without hope that a ve aetiou would spting up against tho system ot ei line and outiagc which had long ilisguiced thu i ouo try. Unllroud Ariitlmi. Ttil-KKA, Oct. a. A eolhsioii on the roil rod at hetlem " biiitly roixirted last night Kuiiinetr Westlake ali.l F.rthor and tluir lit email anil nai-gagu i..i killed. Four asiioualy injured t ajjaongors. ,,..! .vn.irto.1. atv nuw at iMckirson, c , II. .11, .!.. unri. riiiivi.'B ' ,""t attention IHwsible. Iho UomotiMs nf both trains aio badly wreckc. , The iwn'iii?rr coaches are uot much injured Further particulats of the accident ay the switch, which v. a. iiil.Uad. wa. tuniivl by a kin in iiraUi smaii. who Immediately dis appeared, but wtitt to NlcWentou tliivo hours ,.' i ..,.v- Id,. ... .11 ui). All eiiginetr, tin man, and baggagemen were bullied in the wreck, which aooii Ignited fr)in the enuine n... ..;.i ..... f...l l.v fii.it coal in the tender. Whoa the bodies were taken from the iiiin tlivy weieicarcely ni-ognisablo. Kiwi Car- lMittrnnaier, wiiu ."" f-o- -- has since died ot his injunos, mjkiug deaths by tho axii'ont. The lc' " oupt Holhday, teat led here. I'rrlla sf late ara. Sas Kiummm-i), Oct. 0. lb American hip llargastnwii which arrived here !at nlAr, HI duya from Nuw York, report. hv nig i-iic-tinti-red c)clon on the 12th of hfp Umbel The gale lasted 31 houc. l'trtioua of tSierigln! -'f cMrrifci away, and si veil feet ol water ... In the hold at one time. The veel iiainiv.lv eold fouudering. c.. ...!.. l...r.. ult uathed ovelbeanl, bill to..,,, ....-- - , . was rtaciio. I, ami i CtvlT nviv The Prraaon lalarr's Atttpinnt. Nisvf York, Oct. 6. Juelge Folger has written his letter of acceptae ce and the loi lowing newspaper comments have been made: V Ym-kVlmai Unfortunately not even Kulger's great ability, high character and good intentions, nor evtn the reasonable as etirraoce thit he will make an excellent gov ernor in tpite of the influence which has bec-n entered in behalf of hil candidacy, can auHice to theone chief objectiou of thtise who are diisatisfied that is tixed beyond recall in the r cord of the past and is not in his power to wipe out. The Ri-publicans of this State were not permitted by unanimous choice, by the tree exercise oi ueieaaiou power nunsiuy arid fairly execate'l, to nominate their own candidate for governor, and many of them feci the principle to bv vinclic itcd even rrioro important for the time being than the ex cellent ideas ol State and national pdicy which are urged in tho letter of acceptance Evening Posl: Judge Folgci's letter of ao ceptanc-. is no cheerful or inspiring document, and could hot well bo under existing circum stances, A man who feels himself obliged to make an elab. rate apolcev to the people for being a candnlate, who virtually asked them for a suspension of judgment as to the con scientiousness of his conduct in accepting the nomination, cannot be expected to be quite free from a certain depression of cpirit when speaking to the public. It is the circum stance) and influences surrounding him which make him and his election unacceptable to a large portion of the Republican party, and tho confusion his pers nal feelings with re gard to his camlidacy therefore is rather ctl culatcd to strengthen tl an weaken their ob jections to him. Evening Telegraph: Folgor is probably wrong in his estin ate of tho clamsge which the party would have incurred by his right ful declination of this nomination. He evi dently is wrong in imagining his party can be benelitcil by Ins assenting to tno consumma tion of acknowledged wronir. Mail and Express : As might be expected of ao brave ami honest a man, he laees without fear and handles without gloves the conven tion frauds that havo been so dishonestly manipulated, and tho misrepresented in teiests, general calumny andchao", in a terse and masculiuo style.' Hut this also fitly comes from a man utterly elevoid of the sense that always belongs to weak and insincer-" pre tenders. He revie-ws calmly tho history of tiauds that ailcctsd only the sii glo matter" of recommendation to tho State Committee ns to a temporary chairman, and that did not af fect a single toto in the convention, even on the preliminary skirmish in its procetdiugs. Uroollya Timet : Jueluo Folger accepted in a column or mote, which ho dovottel to an apology for not declining. A sorry and dis ourngnig ptelude to his statement of prin ciples. Accompanying the letter, the elocli i ation from Ml. Hepburn puis an additional plaintive (-train into the sid dirge over the stalwait metlioeh and mismanagement, the fatal policy of ndministrati.ui that will lno in history in having maikctl tho "rule and riiiu""ira on tho rrconla of tho Republican party. lhookhjn ,'('! Mr. Fnlgcr's letter accep ting tl u so tailed R. publi an nomination is one of tho most extraordinary documents in our political dteraturo Xever belore has it, to thu Engle'i knowledge, been deemed neces sary by a candidate) for it giett ollico to pre sent himself as apologist for an acknowledged fund in tho convention that submitted his name to tlio pontile and beg ottis to believe that while foictil by n stress of circumstances to liaurc as a representatio of Mich a body ho had no hand in debauching its character. Tho turn nt ullaire imposes upuu Democrats an exceptional responsibility. It is their highest duty n w to so behsvo in their nomi nating conventions as will later, or in tho management of tho State, gito no Republican cause to regret tho spirit with which he struck elown wroug-iloers in his own paity. iioie William furlli on llir Mlliialltiil. Nkw Yiiiik, Oct. (! William Cuitis in a letter to the tor.'tar of the New York civil service association sajs that Judge Folger's nbility and character are not in question, but his nomination is; that the nomination wis procured by the combined power of fraud and pationago nud to support it nt tho polls would bo to aieiuit'scu in fiaud and patronage ss le gitimate forces in the nominating convention. hi cry govil cmon is bound to resist to the utmost, such wrong to free institutions and tho only effectual way in which voters can bo emancipated fiom the corrupt and debasing rule of the machine is to defeat all cindidatts of this i'l.n-8. I believe ths will be doue dc cisiiely by the ltepuhlicau votus of ."Jew Yoik mid Pennsylvania at the election this Autumn. They will see their party defeated rather than the tuccess of Irauil and corrup tion of patiouage. This is an evil which will end lu vioh nee uiilcis conclusive eradicated h the people, at tl o polls. I ho Havana Itamzn: a nenunucan piper m panel of Schuvler county, start el by friends of Gar lie M, two years ago, refuses to support the Repuhliiun State ticket. UoIiik for Illinois. Ciiioaoo, Oct, 3 - The Democratic State Central Committee, in session hero this after noon, decided to mako a push for the control of tho next Statu legislature by nominating two out of tlueo represMitatlves iu districts where bertofore, uniler a minority presenta tion, they have lieen content to elect ono In dependent. In Democratic districts they will nomiuato full representation. OtMt'KH IIAKKY HHOT. lie Arrrta a Tule-r "ho Bhnetf Throuau the l.lliow ! Malm Ilia Karaite. II I m On Friday morning the StaMaki gavo an account of tho stealing of a case of cigirs fiom Joe Watson's saloon, on Moiriton street. The parties were seen and a description fur nished tlio police, who have for sevtr.il tlsjs I ecu shadowing the pirtlea suspected. One of them is a lellow kuown a. "Hoi Ryan," who jumped tho chain gang here some tinto nipoe, ami ino oiner an ea-cuii.ci n. "... Queutin, During the tla)tiuio they loafed aromiel tho streets tiresiHi in nut ciumes, um looked like lalwrers out of a job, but in the i veiling they would put on their "store' clothe, and MMt various congenial itaunts. I,ast evening they were tracked to a room on Third street, ami officer. Barry ud liolleu. Iieru seilt to arre.t. Thoy were captured while in the act of changing thtir clmhtnj, ami the otlio.li started with them for the po ll... Bttlm. On tho wav there Barry', pris oner, the ex-convict drew a pistol and shot him through ine leu eioow, iuiitc-.iii rj oaii.fnl wound, and then succeeded In break ing away. Red Ryan at tho same timo at- leinpieil to nrets iium it.....uv.b, ..... ..... uot succeed, and he was safely landed iu a cell at the city jail. Barry', wound .mined b Dr. GhWel.ui at the .tatioti. The bullet passed through the elbow I lut, but it wa. uotpoaiiblo at flio time to say what bout wire injured. lUiry was Ukeu home iu a carriage. On n'aching the room oceui ieil by thethietes. tho elg.r. stolen from Watson werelound. alaoa "aud Ug," a valise and some clothing. B-irry had been waruil that el,.. rllnw lu. arreatnl was a danwrous man. but ho thoughtlessly lifgbcted to search hiui Ufore atartlug for the station, known and It is scinxly lHMii elude arrest. The ratcal is WILLAMETTE FAltMER: PORTLAND, OREGON, OCTOBER STATE 'NEWS. Washington county aaiesiment will be 1100,000 more than last ytar'a assessments. By the financial exhibit of Baker county, its outstanding warrants and interest amount to $29,391.66. The annual fair of the Union County Agri cultural Society was a decided success, and weather was the rule. The number of hoes that are now being put in shape for the market in Jackson county is larger than ever before. Sorghum mills are grinding and a large 3uantity of superior syrup will be made in ackson county this fall. A Chinaman, while at work in tunnel No. 3, was instantly kilted last Monday by a bank caving in. Plaindealer. The Biker County Jteveitle says; The Short Line Company havo adverticed in Hailey for 200 men to work on the road at $2.50 per elay T. V. Allen was drowned on last Thursday in the Tualatan river, sM a the Tribune. The accident was causeel by trying to swim the river in pursuit of a cow. O. C. Perkins and Wm. He-ffron have rested the. Reed hotel ill Salem, and will h-reafter conduct the hotel business at that place, for which they are eminently fitted. Itoseburg Plaindealer. A small detachment of United States troops aro in the vicinity of Willianisport, driving stakes ami surveying for the line of telograph which will run from Corvallis to Caps Hancock via Fort Stevens. There will be a meeting of tho Fine Stock Association at Ruuilar.ls race track near Union. Large purse i and a splendid speed nrocrammo is announced. The meetinp takes place October 9th and continues six days. The total tax levy for Uraut county this year is 23i mills; 16 mills for county purposes, 4 for general State tax, 1 mill for insane ob - lum, one-halt mill lor payment ot inuiau war bonds and 3 mill-, tor school tax, the rate is exactly the stme as it was last yoar. The blackleg is causing heavy loss to cattle men in Lake county now. Calves are dying from it in the Lingell valley, Sprague river, Lost river anil other sections, and it will no doubt reach every baud of cattle in the county before it has n n its course, says tho Tidings. TKRKITOiCIAL. Wheat is 57 cents per bushel at Walla Walli. List night at tho lower end of Jctlerson street, says tho Ielaho Democrat, a man was orderod to halt, and not doing so, ho was shot at two or three times, hut ho escaped by running. Rev. J H. Wilbur, !ato Tndiau agent ot Fort Sinicoe, W. T , lias been appointed a minister at largo by tho Methodist church and will probjd.ly bra tune make his headejuar ttrs ut Gohecudalo. Musician John Gioul, of the First Caalry band, Foit Walli Walla, who has been on trial before a court martial at Vancouver bir racks, nu a charge of desertion, has been ac quitted of tho ch.tTge. Ho will probably be trinsfcrrctl to t-oiue other land. It will bo ery gratifying to tho majority of the public to learn, s.i)s tho Walla Walla Statesman, that the city council havo pro vided for carrying eiut tho ordinance against making a cattle inngo of the streets of Walla Wa la. A pound is to he established at once. in: uii iv a m:. A Man Drop llcntl In Hie Centennial Opium lulnl from llreirl Disease. Yesterday morning at about 6 o'clock Henry Ott, second mate of the ship Daunt lets, died of heart disease in a room in the Centennial loelging house, corner of Second and Morrison strcots, occupied by himself ami a bawd named Mary Ann Daley, A po-.t mot tern examination mado by Dr. Rex dii closed the fact that Ott's heatt was greatly enlargid and somewhat diseased, enough, in the opinion of tlio doctor, to be tho cause of death. No traces of poison were discovered. The coroner helel an imiuest, which resulted in a finding agreeable to the leport of Dr. Rex. 1 he Daley woman testifiee) that tho deceased had been keeping her company for a month or more, and on tho morning of his death was called about six o'cb.e k to go aboaiel his ship. He got up for the purpose of dressing and fell to tho floor. The Daley woman poke to him, but ho did not answir, and she remained in her bSl nntil ten o'clock, leaving her pira mour to die and stiffen on the floor, while she slept off tho effVcts of the previous night's UisMpation. Ult on rruiay siineei articles with tho captain of the Dauntless for the ne.it uvace and receited S35 ctsh advance. He also had about $22 in addition to the above amount. When found only $20 wcrei in h pockets, together with his watch, fie was a uaturalietl citizen of Swedish elescent an alieiat thirty five yeors of ago. The captain of the ship will make application to the county court for the return of the $35 ad vance pay. UK MEtsr WELL. Itul n Being l'lel eta Much Wallers. He Krrrtli lis Jutluuietil. About a year ago the Rev. Yun.Deraal, of Foreit tlrove, and teracher iu tho sihool there, in formed Capt. Wilkinson and several other general gentleman of that burg that an attack had been mode on has virtue b) a lady there, and to draw it mildly intimattd til.t several of the taost prominent citizens f tho place had been guilty of inipropi r conduct. The inatttrcreated considerable excitement among tho partus interested, and thecharchof w'hich Rev Van Dersal was acting pastor held a mn.tiiii'and rxcotumuuicatml him. He ob jected to the action id the churali on technical grounds, elaimiur that the charges made werec indetiulte, when they certainly should hav been ylaln eiiough, and asked that a couuci ol the miuisteiaof the Cougrecatioital denoia uiatiou of tlua legion slinui.l ilecnm me matter. The council finisheel its delibera tions in this city on Friday, and ad. vised, the church at Forest Grove to "rocoiiMder the vote" by which thu reverend geutltnian was excommunicated and to re store him to full fellowship. Their reaiou. for this action are that they ilo uot thiuK the ivvrretid LT.utlei.ian iuteiukl to slander the parties he brought under suspicion, out mat the inferences he drew from tho ladie.' re mark, were wrong. As drawing inferences enters rather extensively into the busiuess of clerical gentlemen, he has 'certainly shown his mi lit ues j or the proiession ui a preacner, and it hit lias no more sense man to so tins uudtrstaud a l.dv' conversation, he is a fitter subject lor an as) lum than a church. Tiik Nkw Ciuktbr. Tho uew city char ter, introduced in the scuate by Mr. Hirsch, as S. B. S7, has been prtnte 1, and copie. havebecu recei id here. The bill contains 32 page-. It w ill now receive the finishing touches and will lw passed if it doe not get left. BWIXDLINa 8WEDE. He Collects 8dry Notes, Clalmlna; They Were tost, and Afterwards Bella Them. A reward of 300 is offered for the arrest and detention of one Otis. Carlson, a .Swede, who has been workins in the neifihborhood of Peoria, in this county, says' the Albany Herald, for the past three or four ) ears, and who left there for parts unknown on the' 21st of September last. It seems that Carlson has oecn in the employ of various prsous in that vicinity, but for two years past has been working for Mr. George Brattiin, who, some time mo. gave him a note for $460 for wages due. At different times Carlson has obtained notes from some other partie s for whom he had worked, Arming others, he held a note of Mr. Newt. Smith's for $240, and about a yoar ago, claiming to have lost the note, the money was paid to him and his receipt taken therefor. Just before leaving he disoosed of this note ; bat the purchaser will liave to stand the loss, as Mr. Smith alieady held a r.c-ipt for the money. When Mr. Brattain. 'wished to pay his note Carlson said he had lost it also. Coming to this city a day or two afterwards, he sold the note to Mr. John Connor for its full value, and th-n went hack to Peoria and received the money from Brat tain, giving his receipt therefor as in the other case. Having raped all the money ho could in this way, Carlson left on the 21st ult., and it H not known whither he weut. Sheriff Humphrey has had hills struck off and circulated, offering the leward stated at the beginning of this article for his arrest and detention. The folloinv detription is also given: "He (Carlson) "is a Swede; talks broken: 28 veiraold: weight. 100 lbs; liiht complexion; lightly stoop-shouldered; height 6 feet 3 niche; has a small hole in right tide of neck about 4 inches below ear; scar mado with an axe on top of ono foot." A GII4ID IIII.L. Below will be found the bill introduced in the House by Mr. Dunbar entitled "A Bill for An Act to pro ibit the tululterat on of food and think and the manufacture of shtrt measure and weights " It w ouhl appear that no person can bai'o any objection to its pas sage except those who wish to adulterate arti cles of food or give short wsight and measure: Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon: Section I. That tho Governor shall havo power to appoint an inspector of all articles of food and drink inanufnctured or sold in the State; that such officer shall hold office dur ing the pleasure of the Goternor. She. 2 The duties of the inspector shall be to examine and, if ntcest-ar), aualze al aiticlesof food or drink msiinf.ctured or of fered for sale iu the State, and if he hud the same composed, in whole or in part, of ingre dients unwholesome or detrimental to health, he shall condemn and foibid manufacture or sale of tho same. Sic. 3. Tho said inspector thall be paid an annual salary of 81500 per year, to be paid by the State. Stc. 4. Any person who shall manufacture or expose for sale, in this SNte, any articles of food or drink, cider, vinous, spirituous or malt liquors, adulterated with any material elelcterious to health, shall pay a fine of not less than $100 or more than S1000, or be im prisoned in the p. nitentlary not less than three mouths n. r more than ono icar, or both line and imprisonment Stc 5. Any pi-rson who shall manufic lure, put up or expose for sale, in this Stite, any gnoels, articles cr packages, measuring or weitliing less than they purport, or are marked or soltl for, shall be subject to a fine of not less than 50 nor moro than 500, or imprisonment in the tounty jail for a term of not le8 than three mouths nor more than one year, ono or both, SM.C 6, It shall be tho eluty of the several prosecutiug attorneys of the State to prose cute all viol ttions nt this act, and complaint of violations may be, at any time, preferred by any person. A lilch llrslon. Iu his article on the "New Northwest," which appeared in the- October Century, Mr. E V. Smalley saiil : "South anil west of Lewiston the pood arable couutry sweeps aiouiul bv tho base of the Blue Mountains to Walla Walla, a distance of niuety miles. The whole fertile bt-lt of Eist Washington, I have said hsfcre, may roughly bo measured as two hundred and fifty milts Iont by fifty broad. It is all fertile, and amazingly fertile, t..o. There is absolutey no waste land in it, save on the strep slopes of tho Snake Kiser canon. It is sparsely set'lcd as jet, but immigranti are steadily streaming in, and it will Don cout tin a dense agricultural population. It ia a Letter grain country than evca Eastern Da- keeti, the average jieHtl ueiug cou-iueraoiy largvr. Boside s this magnificent tanning belt, all rts ot which aro alike in their peneral characteristics of olt vatiii, hilly surface and unif.iTii.lv productive soil, l"ast vva.-lungien cm. tains two other fertile regions: the Ilig Bond sountry, I) ing in the sweep ot Columbia nu utensii e ola n iust oceinniuu to attract settler and tho Yakima country, a series ot narrow valhys on the eastern slepo ol tne Casoaele moueitain I havo not visited either of them. Both are said to be good stuck aud wheat e.ctious." Diko ok His Wounds. Ham Johnson, a Dane, who was sht on last Friday, Septem ber 'Jlltliv by Frank Smiloy, Iwo and a half units west of Unin scnooi nt.use it Vyeuar n.illa, Washington county, ten tniUs from l,rtUnJL died on Friday eveuiiitf last. John am was tn his way to the hlacksnuth shop, r where Smiley wis employed, to have a wheel- '. .. ..f 1 !. .Iip.m.I. n l.rtln tin,. narrow, rvjuiten, Me.,. ,.,.w..b.. - ....... ...... ber to shorten his ro.ul. Hearing a watou approaching, he was in tuoacloi sailing iiown thu wlwel-uJirrow until tho team passeel so that ho would uot frighten the horses, when Smiley, who as returning Iroin a Hunting ex. pedition to the moauUtus, shot him, nusuk im; him, in the dusk, for a bear. The ball entered the back at tho right shoulder blade, coming out near the collar bon. ami entering the head under the jtw tone, passing through. Smiley theu discovered hi. mistake and helped the wounded man to the farm house of Mrs. Btrrett, about oue-qusrter of a mile from Johnson's owu home, where, being unable to tiroceed further, he rtmaimd until he elied. Smiley gave himself up, but the fact showed ouly an accmenr, ami tin ua u.ku.ikcu, Johnson leave, a wife and two small childrcu an I one huudrnl acres of land. He will be buried to day. I'ltMiLKTiis'a Aduitiox. Uolxrt S. Card uet, gocrnment agent, it now at Pendle ton, says the Walla Walla VttHocnti, to ob tain the consent of the Umatilla Indians aud have them igu the necessary document deeding WO acres ol the reservation, valued at $30,000, to the town of Pendleton. The department will soon appoiut sutveyors and appraisers, aud tbe addittou will be tilii.led up in blocks and disposed of. Mr. Gardner held council with the Indiana yesterday, with what result bts not yet been tnaJe public. 13, 1882 TUTT'S SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Iioas of Appetite, Bowel, costive, Fain to in Head, .frith a dull .ensstlon in the back part, Fain under the Bboulder blade, rullneia after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, 'Irritability of temper. Low spirits, with feeling of having nglectad some duty, Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the HeartyDota before the eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Restlessness, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. 1 LIU'S PILLS aro especially adapted to .ueh cases, ono dose effects soclt a change of feellntrns l. ustonish the sufferer. They Increase ih Appetite, and cause the body to Takvt. on FIe.li, thus the system Is atMMraafuiA. and hv their Xnnle Artlon on tbe Dlgmllve Ornate, Bvsulnr aioobt are pro- Uuced. Price 25 cent. 9 Ja cents. K Hurray .. H. T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Oair Baib ob WniSKKRs chanced toaGLOssr Black by a single application of this Dye. It im parts a natural color acts Instantaneously. Bold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of tl. OFFICE, 33 MURRAY ST., NEW TOItK. (Dr. IIIIS liStUL .f T.l..bli- Igromttlna arS CmM RsMtrh wills. niM taia .,Pliu FARMER'S EXCHANGE ! All SorU of Merchandise Exchanged for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Dry GoodH, Groceries, Hardware, Crocker)'. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Everythlnijja Farmer wants for sale. Everything a Far mer raises wanted. S. HERMAN, Corner Madison unit Firs I Streets, Portland Opposite Scjrruan, Babln & Co'. Agricultural Ware house. oct28-t DRS. A. S. & Z, B. NICHOLS, Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons. . Rooms 59, CO, 61 and Union Block, Portland, Or " Kpeclnlllea, Dr Z I). N. Diseases e I Women. DR. A S N. Dlncases of Ete, Ear ami 'lliroat. Stock Breeders' Directory. 5TUnder thl head mo will publish email adv. r tlsements, like tho following, for $$ ptr )uir. Lurger advertisement will bo thirled in proportion. AVM. BOSS, BltEEDEK OF SPANIall or AMEKICAN MEHINO Sheep, Pilot Kcxk, L'm itill.i count) , Oregon, bend for circulars and eluscriptions of sheep. jbli JOHN-MINTO, BREEDER OP MKKINO SHEEP, Stlcm, Marlon County, Orojon JAMES WITHYCOMBE, 1REEDER OK AMERICAN MERINO AND COTS JL wold Sheep, Portland, Oregon. DAVID QUTHKIE, B REEDER OF LONO-WOOL and SPANISH ME- rlno Sheep. Dallas polk County, Oregon. Willamette Valley Lands. ELKINS & lcL ASH , I IT. DALLAS, POLK CO.. OREGON. TTAVE IN THEIR HANDS FOR SALE, $500,000 Worth of Land Best quality of drain and Stock Farms, Dairy Farms, Mill and Mill Sites. Also, hate for sale Stock of all kiud, bhecp, Cattle) and Horses. X3" Our lands are located In Polk, Marion, Una, Lane, Benton and Yamhin counties. The cream of the al!ey, and consist ot rich Prairie toll, best of Hill land, Foot Hill region, and Mountain Kanco, Railroad land, and acant Ootcrntnent land will be shown. We have small farms, and large (arms. We can suit you ia price. We can please yoti on terras. Wo can satisfy you In quality. We have Just the farm yon want. Dallas Is 55 miles from Portland by rail and those who purchase of us will be taken fret) of coat from Portland and sho.n the ands. mayltl E. O. SMITH. OFFICE: No. 167 First Street, beWMa Mor- Prison a4 Yanihill, Portland, Ore-tot USE ROSE PILLS. PCUTC UJ IMTCn F.VERYWHEUlito sell lis AULlllo HrstllLUst Family k..iiiIsr Machine ever invented. Will knit a ilr or stocklnn withllKELandTOnennipletsln 23 nilnuUa. It will also knit a irreot sarierty ol fancy w..rk for which tbers is always a ruodr socket. 8nd for circu ars and terms to the TnoDilritullllat; Mat-blue ('.I.. 161 Tre mont Street. IVwton, MJ.. sepS.nU FRAZER AXLE GREASE. BKMT In tier WurM. Uet lite Crstalur. Every paeuaxr bias our Irnele-mark antl Is market! 'rirr'. -.ol.l i:rrylirre. au25y S250 WILL BUY SAWMILL Tct Offer! for Use Moatey. W Scad fear Clrcnlar. 9ICHM0HD MACHIHE WORKS, BIGHMOKB. IM rfl HAS BEEN PROVED Th SURBST OURS for KIDNEY DISEASES. lr)MslsLTaU )Adk. Ot AlMOT&Mnd. Uriti tadi yofcUUntyouJTitatlmf THEN" IX) NOT KittSKTATiii uot juoaay-won ai osoa, lonur- 1ctroiciiiuaiOtAdit wil.-pdilj oti laomt the UlmceBM ftnd retar heUttur Melon. a. .at -n .. ". .. C laaUICOi torocr ml loch u imIh J illilliil hwitl TT1 linn TTin I ! ii isi . I I4M it wtU ot proapUr and Mfelr. l Kthec 0x. InooBtlAsUiM. retcntlan at urtnm. i vl niGS cum cr ropy aopcciz, aa auu ancctaff WpAias, ftU ivdilr yiU, U iu curaU-ro ptnrw. HO- BOT-OLT ALI. DBOOIBTa. Prt tl. ML ... . ..' .. .. - . FILLS AWK' Tlio 1.0-et Pony WKtt The Oregon & Washington Farmer. S1.00 PER YEAR. A Sixteen Page Monthly. Devoted to the interests and development ol Iks raclflo Northwest will be Issued June 1st, TERMS AS F0LLOW8: One copy one jear, In advance, per year,.. .. l.H Three copies one year. In advance, per tear.. 2.0 Tsf. cotJes one year. In" advance, per year. ... e.M yPapors can be sent to on or more addressed, It will contain compilations from all the Journals published In Oreiron and Waalilnfrtoa, showuig th. derelopment of each section, and also many original articles prepared expressly for this issue. It will akw conUln compilations from tho Wliuaxs-rrs FASJlam. Tho fact that a great Interest is felt abroad .. through the United ttatcs, concerning tt.s Columbia River reirian, and the necessity ot furnishing reliable information concerning this reerlon, has induced us to commence inch a publication. We are aware that many people in Oregon are desirous of sending news back to friends In the l!att, and this monthly publica tion will contain Just tho tort of Inform Ulon they will wish to send. To secure the success of this enterprls Mr. Clarko will ttavel a great part of the time. lis willttslt in person every important portion of this wide region, and wtits up, on the spot, all facts of In terest. In this way we Intend to make the Journal Interesting and reliable. ' SKND IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS AT ONOJ, AS ONLY A FEW DAYS REMAIN BEFORE DATB OF ISSUINO. Remit by Money Order, or Registered Lest Address all letters and communications to H. A. tXAHKK, Editor, Drawer IS, Portland, Oregon PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. (Old "NATIONAL," Established 1886.) 28 Front Street, bet Washington and Alder PORTLAND OKEGOX. A. P. ARMSTRONG Principal J. A. WESCO, Penman and Secretary An institution desltrncd for the practical business education of both sexes. Admitted on any week da) of the jcar. No tm tion at any time, an no examination on entering. Scholarship, for Full lSiiftlnea Conne, M. PEN WORK Of all kind executed to order at reasonable raUi. Satisfaction guarantetd. The Collr&c Jotiniitl, containing information ot the courso of study, when to enter, time required, cost of board, etc., and cuts ot ornamental penmas ship, from the pen of Prof, Wesco, sent free. ADDRbss : A. I'. AIMIhTBOKU, Lock Box 104, Portland, Oregon. augl8tf JOHN A. H1ACDONALD. Salem Marble and Granite Works. Commsurclal St., South of Post Office. (Pott-Office Box 39, Salem, Oregon.); ltTANUPiOTIIREI OP Scotch and California Or an Its and Marble monuments, Head Stoats CEMETERY LOTS Enclosed with California Granite ana Stone Walls built of every descrlptioa rrlces Hedtteed One Half. COUNTRY ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Incorporated 1864. Home Mutual Insurance Co OF CALIFORNIA. FIRE ONLY. LoBae8PaidorJiSSLun31,334,633.44 LossesPaid Ogn $162,863.29 Oregon Branch Office, GEO. L. STCmY, Manager SowthtMst oorner of First and Stark Streets, Opr- Ladd tt Tilton's Bank, .uitTLAND, ORROON apl on. wmivcoMBE, v. s. VETERINA itY SURGEON, rarllaiid, Orrsotl. Writes Prescriptions 'or Diseases ot all classes of stack rice, f 1 for each prescription written. State syasp) tomsajM a, of animals a. Dears, pettslbto. OBee C. P. Bacon's Blackhawk SUblt., 9 Ssond St.', bet. Stark and Oak. ' Keatdence Cn. Thtrteentli and Taylor Sta. Corbetfs Fire Proof Stable T IYKRY, FKED AND HACKS, CORNER SBCONP j ana imyior svecu, roruna, urestm. iieuonaaw curgv. PirttcuUr attention paid to boanlinff borni Htckt In attenJ&nc at all tialiu and boaU. dairaW night. Connected by all Telephone Companies, what you come to Portland Inquire for "CorUtt'a Hacks." M10 L. a UAOOON, proprietor. SPLENDID POT PLANTS, paclalli'pra pared for Immediate Bloom. Delivered aafels by mall i-MqialcLatall rortofflc.Siifleii .Ulvarietles, jour choloe, all Ubell.fort 12 (orSZitOfortSi 20 for Ml 33fcr(9 7S'r SOilOOtorSIS. WE CIWEaH-tnd.om. Preaentot choice andsalua bis II OSEbftee wilit vmr order. OjrNEWOUIDt."flM frMti v. fas Rom, 7tl pp. alfTaatir iUttratvl-fTi wall. THE DINOKE A CONARD CO. Kas Orsn, Wset Orwft, ChssUr C., Fa. USE ROSE PILLS zfflidm&l 4j a 3 itt!Wfit -as? ,l'sBraisWsJs"- ROSES injured by fllinK !" ti&ri