WILLAMETTE FARMER: POBTLAKD, OHGON, OCTOBER 6, 1882 6 H M 1 i i I MARKET IMPORT. mum moults: Milium. The following represent wholesale rate, Irom producers or first hands : VLOUR. In jolbing lots standard brands 6I.76&6.00; best country brands,$4.252$-.76. WHKAT Valley fl.55; Walla Walla, 11,62 (or new crop; f7 to GO cents ret to fanner a builirl at Walla Walla and mar OATS, fit cts, for good feed 1 b who'. New, GOtoO'Aj. WI0N8. Newljo l'( (TAT Or. NrwJfHaOOc. UDUMXUS. Jobbing, lor feed, i. '-' 00 032.60 1? ton. Shorts, SlbfeCO. Choi-, (27 Go fitIO.00 0' tun. BRAN Jobbing at $23 per ton. BACON Side, hyfc Hams, country cured, lC10c; city lured, 17&18c; Shoulders, lO&Hc. n , , LARD In kegs, 16c; Oregon leaf, tins 16oj do In pails, 16j16Je. BUTTKR Wo quote, extra fresh roll, 3 40cf fair .to good, 3035 cts; common, 1616c; In legs, S0321c. CHKKSK.-ilGatlPo i?lb. HONEY In comb, IGaISc; strained, in 0 callons, lie. , . , 0RIKD FRUITS. Apples, sun dried quar ered, 67c; sliced, 7S8c; machine dried, alOc; Pears, machine machino dried, OalOc; Plums, sun dried, .ditto, 12al6c, POULTRY. Chickens, full grown, ?4,00 C4 60. Small, 933 60. Ducks, $5 to 6. EGGS. Near by fresh laid, 30c. HOGS. Dressed, 8c. BEEE Net weight 6o and 6Ja for choioe. 8HKEP. Net weighi,Gc.'- V VEAL.-OJto7o. WOOL. Eastern Oregon, 16a20cj Wil lamette Valley, 18&22c; Umpqua, none. HIDES. Butchers' hides, dry, 16al6oj oontry cured, dry, 16c; culs 3 oil", green bid, salted, 7a8c; country ditto, 7o8e; deerskins, dry, 30o tf lb; d sheep pelts each lfol.00; dry elk, 20c per lb. TALLOW Quotable at U6Jc. per lb. HAY Choice timothy, $20; from wagon, Ual2. Ur.NKKtL MMICIIANDIKE. BICE. China, No. 1, Cc; China No. 2 lloi Japan, 7o; Sandwich Islands, 7fe7Jc. r TEAS. Japan,106065o; Black, 4076c: (keen, 65S0o. COFFEE CostaRica 1315c; Java,2830. dllGARtt. Crushed A 18c; Fine Crushed 18c; Cube, 13I.al.tJa; Extra C, 13Jal3lc Golden O. 1 ljl IS"! Sandwich Islands, No. 1, 10c. D. llfelUc Sugars drop Jo in each nadr. BYRUP. Five gallons 85o. CANDLES 1316o. RAISINS. California, $3.2Gt2.76tf2.) tl box BOAl'S. Good, 76c91.7ri. OILS. Ordinary brauils of ceil, 2flc; hint grade, Downc & Co., 37Jc; Boiled Linxocd, I ditto Raw, 77c; almou oil, 40c; Turpcn tine, TOo; l'uie Laril, l 10; Castor, $J.26 1.40. SALT. Stock, hay, $10 0 ton; Cannoi IsUrd, 12) Coarse l,ivorpuol,$ir; Finn iiuul I . f4i Ashtons Uairv. illlto, fc.w YV..VHT POWOKltS. Donnolly, $2 : doz: Pfcl. ton t Merrill &Z.2B 7 cloz. ; COMMEBCIAL. Thursday, Oct. 6, 1882. During the past week, commencing on Sat . nrdsy last, the weather has been very favor able for farmers all over the Columbia region. Rains have freshened the pastures and started the growth of wheat sown in Foptembcr on summer-fallowed ground,, and with ordinary, good weather through October such wheat efwlU' niiVe'a Yatcfraule growtli,before winter. '' These rains .also extended through the regions east of the Cascade Mountains. There ha been a wido oxtent of land prepared by sum-mer-f alio w ing both there and here, and it is certainly favorable for the agricultural inter ests that the season opens so auspiciously. There is certainly a great deal of grain in the Willamette valley, more than any one dared expect in July; nd the singular fact, . concerning the crop, is that the lich hill couu try of this valley is not up to Its usual' stand ard, while the prairie lands have done un usually well. It is thought that the v ry dry season affected the hill lands more than the prairies, to (list while tho hill farms averago less than twenty bushels to the acre, the val leys often yb Id over th'rty bushels per acre. We hear of extra good returns that range from 35 to over 60 bualu Is. This year the warehouses on the narrow gauge roads are taking in a great deal f grain, and tie trains come down front Browns ville to Woodburn with long strings of heav ily loaded ears. The price of wheat in this valley has been considerably controlled by milling concerns, that have competed for the poraesaion of the best grain. There is n ilillrrenca in quality of wheat fioin various localities, for while all the valley wheat rates as No. 1, and is famous for whiteness of flour maile from it, experienced mill owners are aware that grain sown for in stance on the Waldo Hills, or on Howell Prai rie, and, in fact, all along the foothills of the Cascades on the east side of the vslli-y, haa capacity to make more wheat per bushel, and produces whiter flour, than grain rai.ed in tome ether localities. White this diflererce is hardly known to the export trade, it makes a important item for millers to consider. It is also usual with mill owners to try to secure good supply early in the season, and that ac counts for the anxiety they hive shown t se cure steokr after harvest. la doing this, they have kept up a market to soino extent, inde pendent of the export demand. This has been favorable to fanners, of course, but probably the call lor export will be the strongest factor U coming mouths. At the present time the whi at market', is literally stagnant all over the world. The Hwi from Knglaud on Wednesday was that the market was firm, but no important trans actions. U ia a state of things here. Wheat it quotable at f 1 AS, to f I S3 per eenUl at Portland, and ou that basis in the valley towns. People in the country are generally waiting to get SO cents per bushel for their wheat, which is not uow obtainable. Very little is done, because exporters sty they can of see any profit in trauaact'ousat that basis. Walla Walla wheat cannot be worth over $1 60 per cental at tho mos. Charters remain at C2s Gd for wood, and 55s for iron. There is nothing doini? and li'tle d(imnd for tonnage. San Franehco freights are a little firmer than a week ngo.snd quota bio at ten thillines lesi than from the Colam Ha river -say I2s 01 for wood and 4.rs for irrn. Tho quotation for Nil 1 shipping wheat is -SI Go per ccntJkl. With freights at 10a per ton less, they r' fully 12J cents per c-nt 1 more, and our No. 1 wheat is worth fully 7ic percental more than No. 1 California, loee arc brought to faco tho same ol 1 fact the Willamette Fakmiii his often shown thtt all iratten we 1 crnsidirail the Ca'ifornia pio ducer gets a belter prico in proportion, then docs the Oregon former. Ten shillings l(i freight is 7J cents per ljuihtl in Iiis favor. Then, if each counti' grain is tho same valuo, tho California fanrcr should get $1 CO when tho Oregon farmer gete 81 62J. Hut we see that the California fcrmir really gets SI Co, and as our whoit ii worth 7J cants per cental and the most in England, that makes it evident that with the difference in freight made up by the superior quality of our grain, our California neighlor getj 12J cents per cental more than we do for wheat. Orders for wheat, immediate shipment, are said tn bo 45a per 600 lbs, which is about the same as a month ago. This is a low price for wheat in England, but ths world's harvests arc so abundant that we cannot expect an udvupco soon. Tho wool market shows some improvement I'rio- s have advanced about 2 cents per lb, and medium grades Valley wool are now worth 25 cent.s in Sun Francisco. Considerable of Ore gnu wool yet rcmaii s unsold, and there are very heavy stock on hand in California. THE HOP MARKLT. Tho market for hops is in excess, as to prices, ol anytiung wo recollect oi in any year. It seems that in Europo and at the East theto is moro or less failuro in quantity and quality of tho hop crop, while in Oregon our hop growers have a fair yield ami splendid qunlify. Over in Puyallup Valley, on the Sound, hop laising is a great industry, and we find in tho Tacoma Lnhjee a cry in teresting account of ihe businecs and the hop. picking season that wo shall publish. We hear of one gentleman who h.iught a small piece of Und with nino acres of hop yard in Line County, and ho expects to sell hops enough this year to pay the purchase price, $5,000, slid pay nil expense of saving the ciop. It is like a gold mine to own a thriv ing hop-yowl. Suppose a man hai 20 a res m Impn and has a medium crop, say 1,500 lb. per acre, with 39,000 pouiid-e to fell at 50 cuts per pound, he commands about $15,000 for i', ai.cl can sao his crop ciBily for $2,000. This yenr's prospect will very likely leael to such oxtemive planting as to pull down prices by raising more than tho world will need, but prices must bM ttill good another year. Hop do well with us, not only on the uch liottomr of l'uyallup, and the also rich bottoms in the Willanutto Valley, hut they haie been growu to good adansago in the WnMo Hills, on upland as well a lowland. We hear also i.f good hearing hop-yards in akima Coun ty, Washington Territory, east of the Cas cades, where ihcy are exlcnsivi ly planted in the Kittitas Valley, and prosper in all re spects. Many of our prosent hop-growers will extend their plantations, and wo hear of many who will ventuio into the business who have boin inte tested in it hcretofoie. It ie unnecessary to say that the hops raised in this region are of excellent quality and pro duce largely. THE KilUlT MAKKET. Tho opening of tho fall season tak s us past tho era of summer, anil even of early fall fruits, and introduces us to the fall and winter arictio. As to plums and prunes, the mar I ut is about bare, as, owing to the diy nature of the put few months, fruils have sometimes ripened in September that would under onu nary circumstances have lasted through Octu ber. fetches and giupes conn hero from oast of the Cascades in some quantity, but the real supply is brought from California, With tho construction of a nad through to California wo may expecta full supjly of all early and many exotic frui.s fium Southern Oregon, especially from ltoguu River valley. Prices nf fruits gi own near hciu have gener ally repaid the producer well 1 11 the season llartlett peara are now out of keasou, and so w.th early apples, hut we caunot say what piojpeet there is fur pi lees for a inter fruits. as much depends on whether Cnlifoiuia las uso for them, which is not jet to Ihj known. Tho completion of the Northern Pacific road another year wilt call for fruits to sup) ly nil the newly-developing regions of Idaho and Montana, as well as for thipmont to e.vtem oit ea. Whvu tho road is dole our producer here will fiud they have r.otioilued tho needs of the future, and are not prepared to supply what will provo a reliable niailet. Wei, can- nut raise a frvit tree so quickly as Californiuia can, or make it bear so early, but we can grow trees that will live long and bear fruit of very superior flavor. There is every indica tiou that fruit growing will be a leading m elustry and very profitable to those who shall enter largely and thoroughly iuto it. There are sect ion t of country iu Eastern Oregon aud Washington, as well as iu the West, that can produce fruits of mauy kinds to the best ae! vantage. The orchardist may easily can cr dry his product, and be independent of the world to some drgiee, and we assert that our own fruit farm will this year turn vtf dried plums, prunes and pear that will lick but little of being as perfect ae evaporation can leave them. As to the coming markets, we can only aay that we hate the civifiied woild fcr a custom er, end thsre io eeiy inducement for those who have taste aud capacity for fruit-growing to oome here, and for those here to go pru dently iuto orchanling. Oregon dried and canned fiuits should be as well known and as popular the wold over as Cvluinbia rive salmouare. Those who know will see that and cherries, quinces, etc.. we nn compete successfully. LOe'AL'MAIlKET-t. Review el and corrected weekly by J. B. Ivnapp, produco commission dealer, 207 Firt .trtct, Portland, Oregon : Wheat Outside piice ranzes from $1 50 to $1 52J, the litter prico the outside figure, but little doing. Dealers ore eihtaioing ell they wish at tl.cse figures, and are apparently in difletent whether they operate at all at these figures. Charteis for wooden Bhip?, 52s Cd; 55s asked fur iion ships. Oals Coming ficely; very little change in ratct; dealets well supplied, aud not disposed to buy nt over 50c per bushel. Butter Fresh elaiiy in full supily, and pricos not quite so stilfas duiing the past two weeks. Sale range mostly at 37J4Cc. Brmo butter ceinlng in quite ficely, and eel! inj inj3tly at 30u. Eggs In full supjly and weak at 3Cc. Poultry Market for past two week's fully supplied at very moderate prices, $2 50(a$4 tho rate Potatoes C.imine freely; Belling from wag ons at 4045c, the top of the market. In addition to our own supplies, potatoes are coming from Calife rn;a and selling at cur rent rate1. Fiuits, in full supply and cheap. Hay Good timothy, baled quick at $20 per ton. Wool Market for the fine crado wools has improv.el in that; there is more enquiry and a better feeling, but no change in prices moil valley wools, no eimuiry. Com- GOLD AND STOCK COMPANY'S REPORTS. San Francisco Markets. San FRANercsco, Oct. 3. Wheat Maiket is dull but not quotably lower; slightly affected by the financial em- barra'gmeut if Degeuer h. Co , and failure of Helmnch & Hansen, speculators. No. 1 white. season's storage, $1 GO akeel. Karlcy .Market easy at unchanged quota tions. The demand is mostly for futures. No. 1 feed,$l 28J&1 201spot,$l 31 Novem her, $1 32 D.cember. Oat The market is steaely at full prices: quiet; no change to nc to in quotations. I'otatocs Market turner. Uhoice E-rly Rose sold to-day at S5c. Quote Garnet Chili ut i)0c(S.$l; sweot i otetoes, market higher at 8175 Hides baited kip, lie; salteel call, 1415cj n, usual sel'ctidi, and dry kip and calf, un changed. Hops -Market strong at last quotations, with mole enquiry from huvera, and less dis pontion to sell on the art of holders. El'ks Fresh California choice; market firm and piicis unchanged. Oregon good to choioe, :Kj(j;(ac. Butter Fresh roll, choice and extra choice, demand is of a slow, cautious character. I'rices nron.it materially changed, yet a slight tendency in buyers' favor is noted. CHARTERED. To Liverpool, Havre or Antwerp, Br ship Orrinaiic, wood, 1,200 tons, 40fj to Cork for Tilers, 42s Cd. Tiih Am thip Theobold will load lumber on the Sound frr Shanghse Br hk Peri, "77 tons, flour tn Cork, U K., 2 s31. Latest Bte of vcsel properly reported is the Br str Sardonyx, now at Victoria, to Mexico; urm, privnte. She will be deliv. i red to her on ner as soon as she arrives from tho North. Tho hrit! Hazard has also been transferred to the Oceanic Steamship Company for $8, 000. NEW YORK MARKETS. NEW YORK, Oct. 3. Wheat Strong; $1 051 13. Flour and wool Steady. CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago, Oct. 3. Wheat Steady; O45o No ember. PorK $21 N"vemrcr. Lard $12 37 November. BEEKBOHM ENOLISH REPORTS. LONHON, Oct. 3. Floating cargoes Turn dearer. Cargoes on passage Firmly held. LIVERPOOL MARKETS. Liverpool, Oct. 3. Spot market Firmer. Hew York Wool Market. Nkw York, Sept. 15, 1S82. Tlio markeit this week has rhown no ovi. donee of getiiim out of the rut in which it has been the paat four tn six months. Manufac turcrs have had it their own way so long that thoy i ow refuse to be coaxed, or driven, but they go alout their own way in buying, and imny of them buy only from hnd to mouth, thereby saving interest, and storage,' and in aurancc. Tlictc three items are large in the aggregate of tho expou-e of a mill. We know of mills that formerly kept a half to a million of pounds ahead, which now have not a hun dred thousand pounds, and hence anybody can see what a large raving thoy mako iu their er pente acci tint. Of courie, such mills ruu a risk of a possible aelvunce in the market, but as they have lost for two jetrs ly going the other way, thov are now anxious to hedge by g.uiig as low as they can in stock, and they havei done maivelously well this year in that they have been able to average down, if any. thint?, in cost tf stock for six mouths. We doubt if ever iu tho hiatoiy of trade iu wool has there been tuch a determined strike against former abuses in buying as this year. Wool bu) era have bad to ear.i the r money this time, and groe: who gut up heavy clips aud tried to market them as merchantable, have had to submit to proper deductions, A year like this n of incalculable advantage, irom the fact that wool is now bought at val ue, while some years it i iwught uuwen and undeducted upou. Such a year has a bad in fluecoe, as then grower who get up their wool carefully see it go at no better pi ice for their car than their neighbors, whose wool waa half merchantable. So we judge that another year will aee wool more carefully washed and cared (or in ereiy way, and need there ir ol such car, as now there is a vast quantity ot wool bought at washed pricewhicb it really unmerchantable and one ner no better than unwashed, sheep being merely driven into water and out. Another thing that the market now doe in case of breeding. Wool which U well crvased now fetches 10 ctr. per pound more than that hlch has been allowed to run down by care less) breeding, aad those growers who hare with regard-to smill fruits plums, prunes, pears, apple", been attentive to bie ding now net the reward. In medium unwashed of choice jj to halt blood 36c can be obtained, while love1, coar o ai.d omiroiS ficd no buyers at even 24 t3 2Cc, tl e simo proportion being niain'aincd in washed hojI. A great numler of growers let their flocks take care of tl.errsilic, aud much wool h f roduced that is practically mis. leable sac t'j carpet milli. What wo must have among our growers of wojl to mainta n prices is core in quality and condition of flooks, and with such card thtir cli s of wool will be (.ought for ami the' will i oi laic to go aud beg bjye'8 to come ami look at them. Wo know of sections vlnrj not a buy.rhas hceu looliiug f r wool, aud wheronota el p has been sold, because the word was so infer, ior th it no one wanted to tup a ntk of ti king it to the market. Sometimes it is iu iridium districts where iiimy of the lleeces rivjl dog's hair in c an ems', and in otheis when i r ase and tjg locks mako the shrinkage of fo-clled washcel w ool run up to 55(3 CO per ccut. Such localities aro fought shy of in a.closeyear, as no money can be made there. During the past week come large lots of Texas and pulled woe 1 have been sold, alio some Califurnia and fleeced wool, but no great animation pervades trade. No increase iu prico sufficient to pay interest and storage has taken place, and we judge that second-hand lots in this country aro now being sold at no large range of profits to the holder. GHASS SEEDS 1 MILLER BROS., Cor. Front and Tn) lor Ms., Portlanel, A HE IN KECEIIT OF AND TO ARRIVE LARGE quantities of Ctoeer and Urasa Seed ot all klnda ctmBistiuif of ItKO, HIUTi:, ALMIKKA ALFALFA CLOVER TIMOTHY, Ui:l TOP, UltiLISII ItYE, ULl'F. CSUA8H mill ULMiAKIAN CiltAfHEB. fSTl'rlcea upon application. auyJSm'J FARMS FOR SALE. GOOD HOMES IN THE COUNTRY. No. I. AAA ACRKS Well watered: part fertile creek VUv bottom; lirtfo barn; lojf house and other out uullding-s; Ituo orchard ol well faeluctcd fruit; good pastures and h-per. or run0'e, 1 ares In culthatlon and many more altncvt clear. ITUf, 91SW. No. II - AI'ttES Good past uje and range! good log XOO house; barn; 2v tcrea In cultivation and mucn of remainder easy to clcr. Price, $1300. No. Ill 1 A ACUI&; Nearly all fenced; good orchard; lOU 'artfe barn; never filling fpring; large per cniiiaUprln; 17 crta in cultivation; and nearly all of the remainder almost teady for the plow. FrlCf,f500 No. IV 1 tC A1UK8 All fenced; good orchard; running Xv" brok; excellent well; superior postures; 4i acres in cul 1 vat ion; ZO more can be plowed this ear, and much more easily cleared. Price, i?OOOe No. V 1 pr ACKKS 1'aitly ftrced; small orchard; 12 JLOO acres hae been undtr culthatlon; 60 ares green timUr; a large part ol the remainder almobt clear. 1'rlcr, SOOO. No. VI I iV Ai'RKS-Creen timber and vduahle swale XOU Und one half ml.e from Steam Saw Mill. Trice, $3.00 per aero. These places nre adapted to tillage, fruit, or live stock. Some of the best horses In the oountvnere mised htre. No better fruits or vegetables. They are in the garden of Clarke county, and distant but 20 miles irom l'ortuna, uie meiropo is, witn wuitiipiace there Is easy communication by steamboat. Demand for all the products of the farm, garden, dairy, orchard or fleece or hoof, constantly increasing and prices advancing. ThW is a rare opportunity to purchase good lands at low figures. Nnmbers II, III, IV, and V 600 acres are con tiguous and would be very desirable for one wishing to purcnaso a itvrge urm. i tuna muas x , Isit the lands per Steamer Lutona, or address A. A. LINIWLM', sep!5tf Union Ridge, Clarke Co., W. T. OPERA flLASSES ;. bthw mmwultr$,m& Compote, H. dc J. BECK( s-SendfcsTlUMatrated Price CatsJocae. FANCY GOODS. MRS. L. ARNOLD. HAS JUST OPENED A LOT OF FANCY GOODS of all kind! ut SI Third Street, between Wuh- Ington and Alder, PortUnd. She makes a specialty of Ladles and Chlldre ns underwear which she will nuke toenkr on hort notice. Anyone from the country sendlmr nuy be sure of fair treatment. Infants ward robei made, prices according to quality and quantity At these times it U muih cheaper to buy cotton wear thantolme it made at home, unlepi there is plenty of help. anrStf 11. i'AItPEN! Kit, 91. I. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. (Lato of Salem.) Offlco up stairs, K. W, Corner ot 2d and Morrison St TOUT-LAND OREGON. Will practice In rortluid and surrounding country auid-tt JOHN A. BECK, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Repairing a Specialty. A FINE ASSORTMENT OK WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry and Spectacle! at low price. HO front !-. Peritonei, Or. Ju)7m MAN1 che.ter StrarTry Plants 7&o dox., 4 r luu. vaiuaoie larorroauon in irea U'cirue. Address frM.BAQt. ft SON. Wethervfleld, Conn. aug-lSm J.B.CONGLE&CO, 110 Front Street, East Sid., Portland, Oregon. Again 1b Boslaea. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OP Saddles. Maraess, Bridles, .WMi. Saddlery Hardware, Etc., Etc. Kopairlmc Neavtlr i Hi Proaapil? to. S. O. WOOD, Engineer and Architect 1(1 First Street: Portland, Oregon. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS MADE FOR ALT. klnda ol csnatruttloo. Ju&eM SEYSOOR, Bkm & CO., JUcuf icturcrs ! and Tfe-tlcrJ In tho Tafcet E ? HflroiTnra u PI 3 iHiwyiyyi. M ' sM - I Ww M MAlISON STIILUT, (from H. ut sftaaaatfflaaMaaaaaaaaBasHslaiHHtallr ,7 sBassisallsfs B KBZT - M e are o!e ageots on the North Paclllo Coast lor the cclelinitcil .'t-iiiilard iloulc jn Int and tolld atcclshMe: MORRISON PLOW Which are warranted to rcour In any soil. Also the Fnrst aud Bradley Gang Plow, Kalamazoo Spring Tooth Harrow anc Cultivator, Tho New Buckeye Grain Brill. ' New Buckeye Broadcast Seeder, Buckeye Cider Press, 'J he Diamond Feed Mill, The Burnell Four Point Burb Wire, We have many others that cannot be enumerated hero. We cordially invito all wanting anything in our lin.te come and see us. and if vou cannot comr. senel for one of cur price lists and catalogues. ESTABLISHED Its' 1851. Olf AS. HODGE, T. A. DAVIS, HODGE, DAVIS & GO., 92 and 94 Front Street, (cor. Stark) - Portland; Oregon. Offer to the Drug and General Merchandise) Trade a Complete Assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware and Shop Furniture, and Druggists' Sundries. ALSO WINDOW GLASS OP ALL SIZES AND IjUALITV Of all the leading' brands, in kc?s and tin-, 00L0RS E OAilS AND DRY. Putty, Lampblack, Eed Including the finest brands for Coacn painters use. Paint, Whitewash and Varnish Brushes, Linseed Oil, in Barrele. and cases, Turpentine, Coal Oil, Castor Oil, Lard Oil, Neats Foot Oii Fish Oil, Alcohol, in Barrels and Causes. Blue Vitriol. Sulphur, Castile Soap, Concentrated Lye, Potash , Bitters, all kinds. Quicksilver, Strychnine, and Tar, in Pints, Quarts, and Half Gallon, Five Gallon, Etc. We are Agent for Oregon and Washington Territory for THE BEST MIXED PAINT IN USE. Millliickrodt's Carbolic Sheep Dip, Wakelce's Sheep Bath aud' Squirrel Poison, and Ayer'snnd Dr. Jayne's Proprie tary medicines. Vp buy our goods from first hands, thus enabling us to compete with any market on ths Coast as comparison of our prices will prove. SAN FKANCI8CO.-I IS FUOXT STBF.ET. NEW YOKK.-53 CEDAK STREET. GARRISON'S SEWING MACHINE STORE. 167 Third Street. JOMX 15. GAKRIOX, Pro prictor. AOENT FOR THE HOWE. WILSON. KOWN, 1 IMPROVED S1KGEB, DAVIS. NEWII09IE, I 'D'HOWlv, I ROYAL ST. JOHN. And General Agent for tho HOUSEHOLD & WHITE MACHINES. Dealer In all klnda ot Sowing machine attachments, Nee.Te , OIU. etc. Sowlnrinachlnesi. aired on ahortnotic t PACIFIC AGRICULTURAL WORKS, Stove Foundry. tiAZEM, OREGON, W. T. GRAY & CO., PROPRIETORS. MANUFACTURERS OF Agricultural Implements, Plows, Cultivators, Cook, Parlor ana aeaung oboves, nouow ware, JSic, MILL MACHINERY AND STEAM ENGINES, Repaired and built to order, at reasonable rates. Also, all kinds of c'arm Machinery and general repairing, and IRON and BRASS castings furnished promptly to order. Jan2er J. M, PATTEKKON, Manager. Portland Carriage Factory. Between Front and Flrat Street, on Yamhill, Portland. W. VI. ESPET, IS BETTER PREPARED THAN EVER BEFORE AND OPEXS THE SPRINO 8E.tSON OF 183 FUU.T oqulppnl with the beat skillnl Uhor procurable at ths Eeat and tl. beat material found In the world, te manufacture ever) thing la th. line of Buggies, Carriages, Pheatons, opwju ffaguus, iugui. DkUw Wagons. Side Soar and Whit. Csuswl Wafoiu. Trucks, Draya and Dellv.nr Wamna, IloUl Wagon., etc. built of the beat Eutera material. Largwrt aad b3 facilities of any ahop on the rciao Coast and guannU. er.ry articl. of our work, and prices that cannot b. w uj "j ;,, riiM mp ma compeUtort and be convtnc4. W. n i i m u ann noMT 3 asSsUoiaiiyi yi mm .a tf to Ti t I'Ol.TLAND, OKFCON E. W. ALLEN, Blanager. OEO W. SNELL, F. K. ARNOLD Lead, Glue, and Varnishes IlffT Webfoot Dog Carts, Light etna nisavy buck JDoaras, flnrinv .nrf nuwwWM M..i ... t.& i tr.w mo mnjuuag you wvik, tna eompare iu wit oc ms W. MrBT, Umx SM, rrttaBt !. I. F. POWERS, mxrricniua, mroarsa an joiaaa or FURNITURE, Bedding, Carpete, Paper Hug lag, Steves, mi Crockery and Glassware. Steam Fartorr Water Street, tietweu Uostfosasry and Harrison. Streets. Wanbooae 188 ana IU First sad U4 Second Strsets, rBTLA, BMW. sep-ti IV M