Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 22, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Publication Office: No. 6 Woehlnxton Street. Up
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Hnil, If True.
Nf.w York, Sept. 11. A dispatch from
l'oughkcepsie rojatinf; to thu very gravo con
dition ot S. J. filileu was published in a Hus
ton paper to-day. A Times corrtsponrlcnt,
after very careful inquiry this evening, ha thu
best reason to know tlio dispatch is correct.
TiMen has beon attacked by a dUcaso from
which liia physicians liuvu said lio cannot pos
sibly recover. Ho may linger awhile, but his
early death is certain. The present trouble is
mental, bcin;, in medical termw, avaxy, or
disorder of tlio nerves, and in plain fact au
incident in his progress toward softening of
the brain. Mr. Tililen has been spending the
Hammer at (Jraystone, his handsome country
place, under thu caro of physician, who ad
vised perfect rest of mind and body. They
hoped quietude would restore him, but it did
not, ami thu ncuto condition has come -on,
completely disabling hint. A consultation of
physicians has been held, and the hopeless
ness of his case is now understood nbko by
medical men ami the patient. Mr. Tililen
was sonic time ago made aware of tho danger
he was in, anil the erection and dccoiation of
his magnificent new house in New York Citv
was infant by him for a diversion to keep Ill's
mind from morn engrossing subjects. Tho
time correspondent has it from a gentleman
in intimate iclationship with Tilden that in
consequence of tho development of this necos
sarily fatal malady ho lias resignedly laid
down his life work and put himscll in waiting
tor death. As yet his mind is clear, but he
has scarcely any control of his nerves, and tho
physicians lay that thu brain is already seri
ously ailccti'd and will speedily degenerate.
He may live several mouths, and ho may (lie
within that timo.
liTiillnii Mar Notes.
London, Sept. II. Tho Times, in an arti
cle on tho attack on Tel el Kcbir, says it is
impossible to conccivo of anything more suc
cessful and executod in a mora masterly man
ner. The wholo plan of tho campaign was
bottled by Gen. Wolseley with concurrence of
his superiors and hearty acquiescence of his
advisors, before ho left Unglguil. There nover
was any question about tho canal being tho
base of operations, and before hu left Kngland
lie put his finger upon Tel el Kcbir, saying
there Arabi would stand, and wo should at
tack him on the 15th of September. We
mention this circumstanco to show a great
deal to outsido observers that ehanco is really
foreseen, planned or allowed for. (Jcnoral
Wolseley has achieved a success which rcu
ls all apology for his moves superfluous.
Alkxammiia, Sopt. 14. llutras Dutraca
Pasha has arrived at Kfar el Dwar en route to
Alexandria, as delegate of tho inhabitants of
Cairo, charged to declare their loyalty to the
Negotiations for tho surrender are proceed
ing satisfactorily, and the Hritish will prob
ably occupy Kfar el Dwar to-morrow. It is
stated thu eiiiltiiidcr will bo unconditional.
London, Sept. 14. (Ion. Wolsely tele
graphs that tho cavalry will push on to Cairo
to-day by forced marches along thu ilescit
route, lie has gone to Zngnzig.
Major (Icneral Mcl'horson telegraphs fiom
Zagazig to tho war olllec that ho madu a
forced march after tho capture of Tel el Kcbir
and occupied Zatnjg at 4:10 yesterday after
noon, lie seized five trains and their engines
ami thu governor came in and surrendered to
the Hritish. Tho people are submissive.
Ai.kxaniihm, Sopt. 14 Toiilba Tasha has
sent a Hag of truce, ollering to surrender, and
(lemral Wood telegraphed (Icneral Wolsihy
for imiti notions. A deputation from Cairo i
at Kafar el Dwar, waiting to coinn in. Tho en
only have opened the caunl and water is coming
down rapidly. Orders havu been issued that
the dyko at Melts into Mariotis hu closed.
llio conditions of surrender aro not jet
known. Thu general opinion hero is that thu
natives will deliver up Arabi l'asha to the
Hritish. llritich troops havu been ordered to
hold themselves m readluoss to taku posses
sion of Kafar cl Dwar,
London, Sept. 14. (lent-rsl Wolseley tele
nraphs that about sixty guus were captured at
i'el cl Keliir. Ho says Arabi has gone to
Cairo, (leucral Wolteloy hopes tho cavalry
will occupy Helhays to-day, and infantry will
arrive thero to-morrow Ho oxpeets tn take
possesion pf Henha to-day, and if all is well,
to advance to Kelyook, if not to Cairo, with
the guards.
Tki. ku Kkiiih, Sept. II. -Our loss is lf0,
including 30 killed. Kight oflicers are among
tho deait. (Jeneial lowo is at Helbays with
the cavalry. A hrigado of Highlanders have
inarched towards Ziigaiig and aio now in pos
session of the railway to Cairo. All of Arabi'
papers weru ached hero. Hundred of fugi
tives, iucluding many olliccre, aic surrender
injr. A ;rc luMllllltr.
Tho Daily Xtwt has tho following from
Goiiktvitiuoploi It is stated in ollici.il circles
that if no agreement is arrived at by Thursday
i'd regard to the Anglo-Turkish military con
veiitiun, thu Dorto will break oil' diplomatic
nations wiui r.ugiaim.
Mania Mure I'rulrrlluu.
Ckkhmin, l'a., Sept. lU. lly tho repoit
adopted by iion men to-day, tho follouiug
changes arc lecomniuudedi Iron ore ehaii.'ed
from "JO per cent, adalnrtm to 85 cents a tout
pig iron increasei fiom ?7 to $3 per ton; cast
scrap iron inctca.ed from ft! to $S per ton;
steel rails ni lined from JiS to $. 40 per tnu;
teel blooms changed Irom 40 per cent. adva
lorein tn J-JO per ton; steel wire rods in.
ereaied fiom 110 per cent, advaloivm to 50 per
rent, advaloioiii; steel iu form not otheiwite
firovided for, changed from IU) per cent, adva
orein to :i cents per pound. Tho other reo
pmiiietutatiou simply make clearer the pro
vision of thu present tariff. Seer.il
eoiomittcis were appointed to push the result
4 tho meeting uhhi Congress.
Tlir (itur Uiiutc UrltK-rs..
WAMUMiniN, Sept. 14. I'oiemsu Dickson
lit tho attorney general this cvvniuy the fob
lauiiig bitten
Suti During the progress of tho Star llouto
vriai an attempt was nude to corrupt the jury
Niiptuelled iu the case, ami an ollicer in vour
department named, lleury Howeu, assigned to
Arizona, u guilty of oll'ciitig a bribe to mo to
lulluiiice my judgment and verdict. A sworn
statement of tho detailed facts has be tiled
with tho district attorney of ilio District of
Coluut'iiJ, which is acccasiblo to) on, and to
which 1 respectfully call your attention, A
a citizen of the United States. 1 demand (nun
you )rUectiuii scaio.t the venomous, uiatio-'
ious and contemptible assaults upon my pri
vate character by vour principal assistants
and officers of the department of justice for
daring to perform my sworn duty according
to my honest convictions of rifht and justice.
(Signed) Wm. Dickson.
The Yellow Fever.
Know.ssviLLK, Sept. 13. There are 31 new
cases of fever and threo deaths all Mexi
cans. Tho sick are all doing well. The fever
is now at many ranches along tho river, and
assistance is tendered them. Mrs. Wither.
: ell is out of danger. Quarantine against Mat
amoras has been re-established.
Galvb-ston, Sept 13. Newt' Laredos Yel
low fever of the most malignant type lias
broken out at Mier, Mexico, 33 miles from
thu place. The fever was brought to town
from Matamoras by a shipment of merchan
dise. The inhabitants Lie leaving in every
direction to-day. Much uneasiness is felt
here and all towns have quarantined against
I'en.sacola, Sept. 13. Nineteen new cases
and threo deaths. Weather more favorable.
Heavy Wind' nml lliiln.
Mexico, N. Y., Sept. 14. A heavy wir.d
and rain storm swept over this placo at 3 P.
!., while 3,000 people were on the fair
around at thu time. A liberty pole was
blown down, killing a horse and severely in
juring several people. Horses ran away and
women an J children were panic stricken,
Thos. Delang, of Mexico, and Fred Winkler,
of Richland, wcro hurt. Winkler's horse was
killed. Much damago was caused to fruit
and crops
UociiKSTEit, Sept. 14. -Lightning last
niirht did considerable damago in tho city and
neighborhood. The Haptist Church at North
I'arama was badly wrecked, and P'any tele-
f;raph poles just north of there shattered by
Hrownsville, Sept. 13. The river is
llooling tho northwestern part, and many
families aro forced to leavo their homes.
The Wnr Is Mrr.
ZAriDzm, Sept. 141) i', m., English troops
are now entering Cairo.
General Wolseley to-day in reply to a dep
utation of chiefs from Tel cl Kcbir who asked
that tho country bo spared thu humiliation
from a further advanco of tho Hritish, said he
would occupy Cairo to-night and that in a few
hours ho would dispatch tho fiist train there
with troops. This has since been done.
The sultan has telegraphed Gen. Wolesley
circling congratulations on his splendid vic
tory and requesting him now that tho neck
of tho rebellion is broken to stop the inarch
of his army into tho interior. Gen. Wolesley
has sent a telegram in reply in which ho re
ferred thu sultan to London for a response to
his reoucst. All tho enemy's inuaazincs wero
blown up and ull immovable gooils destroyed.
Tee kl Keihh, Sept. 15. Hritish casual
ties iu Wcdnesdoy'a battlo weru, killod, 0 offi
cers mid 40 men; wounded, 22 oHice'rs lynl
330 men. Tho enemy's loss is estimated nt
15 killed and wounded.
Gen, Wolseley has gone forward on his way
to Cairo.
London, Sept. 15. Gen. Wolseley has nr
rived at Cairo, from whence hu has scut thu
following: "Tho war is over send no more
men from Kngland, I have been received
hero with open arms by nil classes. Soldiers
glad to return to their homes. Our cavalry
did exceedingly well in thu long forced march
llio Jiritisli took possession of the earth
works at Kufr cl Dwar this afternoon.
Ismailia, Sept. 15. Damietta has offered
to n'.r e der.
The Yellow Fcsrr.
1'ensacoi.a, Sept. 14. Cusua rciiorted to
day, 11; deaths, U. Fever continues to rago
in this city and destitution anil sullcring is on
thu increase, while means for its amelioration
are daily glowing moru inadequate. The na
tional Ijoaril ot Health retuse to make a rea
sonable uppropiiutiou and aid from tho out
side is scarce. About one liundred cases me
under treatment and medical men have been
taxed to their utmost.
Coitl'DH Ciiristi, Sept. 14. Forty cases of
jellow fuver nro luported nt Micr, Mexico, in
troduced in goods from Matamoras on tho
1 1th, The refugees uru going from Mier to
HitowNsviLLE, Sept 24. Thirty-two cases
aro reported, including relapses mid intermit
tent cases. No deaths. Thu force of tho
disease is broken.
Galveston, Sept. 14. Tho JYniV Matn
lnonis special says: Six deaths in tho last 21
hours. Thu finer is showing sudden and
staitling increase. Two of them ueio soldiers.
In tho poorer classes thero is also u slight ill
cieusu of eases. Thu disease is of a more
deadly character.
Twenty eases of fuver at Fort Hrown.
Tioops moved from Camp Smith ten miles
iloun thu river, on a liigh blull,
Galveston, Sept. 15. Hcpotts aro on hand
lion lug inu ouinreaK in yellow lever nt Ku
quoea,aud Hildngo, Mexico.
Illx lll or 'rare Holillers.
Washington, Sept. 15. Tho amount paid
for pensions during tho year, iucluding cost
disbursement, was $5l,t)'.'tl,U'..S; total number
of pensions on tho roll,2S5,li!)7, gain out
pruvious year, 111,807; total amounts paid by
government for pensions from Junu 1701 to
1861, $81,480,455; total amount from lMil to
Juno 30, 1882, $7(0,U!I,324. Out of this
amount, and siueu 1 871, $25,233,232 has been
paid survioin of tho war of lSl2iindto tho
widows of thoso who served during thu wnr.
Deducting this latter amount and estimating
that which mav hao been luiid to lu-nsiiwiei-M
on account of wars prior to 18lil-ll5, alout
5530.000.1XK) has been disbursed on account of
Woman's ImlUklrlal Lriiune.
Wasiiiniiton, Sept 15. Tho Woman's
National Industrial League rllcctcd a mTiua-
liuiueut organization heie to-night by thuclec
: t i m I...... o. ..:.i. .. '.. .1 ;
UUIl HI .111!, VllllllOllU oiiimi ui 11 usiiiilg oil
as president; Mis. llaniet L. Dolzen of Nuw
Yoik ns ico president; Mi's Latiuia Duuduro
of Washington recording secretary, and Mm,
Mary Kiiton Greene of Massachusetts, 1'eter
C'miper of New Yoik, W, W. Corcoran of
Washington, Gen, Koseemus, Mm, Senator
Fair of Nevada, and Susan King wero elected
honorary member,
1 hriKllili lr.
MlN.NKAroi.is, Sept 15, Mr. Sturtevant,
president of the IhkiiiI of trade, gave the tar
111' commission hi lews on tariff nguinst
Canada and Manitoba wheat. He opptcd it
strongly. Wo could not get their grain nor
they our product. Hu gave llguiv allowing
tho vast proHirtiou of thu malting hut,iucs
there and production of tho Xorthwot and es
timated the cixl of Manitolu. at from 13 to 20
million bushels this eur.
t'luiu ll'rlnnil,
Duiuis, Sept. 15. A general movement is
nt'.oat to prcsdiit Gen, Wtilsclcy with a sword
of honor on his leturn from Kgypt.
lliu lonl l euteuaiit Mitel tlio sceiio ot tho
munler of tho Joyco family, ttisir Cong, to
day, lie wus strongly escorted and tho route
wu guarded by parties of polico.
.Mi I iiilcaiii Krure.
San I'HANCikOts Sept. 17. ThoVico licgAl
iarty which left tho city vetU'riUy sfleriioon
had a lit edict scire, wh eh was originated bv
soino incei'iuus lulKKiMiit, .MhhiI an hour
Ivcfoio tho Cumut left tho liaibor the Captain ,
rcceiMxl a uoto which outlined the blood-'
curdling announcement that the steamer
would be blown up by a torpedo immediately
upon arrival on board of the Marquis and
l'riucess and their party. The Captain was
very much frightened and at once ordered his
gig and went on board tho revenue uutter
Richard Rush, lying near by. Captain Hoop
er was not present, but Lieutenant Herring,
who wan in charge, sent to Oakland, where
Captain Hooper resides, and in a short time
the latter arrived, and with two boats manned
with marines, examined every floating article,
including stray barrels and buckets, and other
implements bearing a suspicious appearance,
iu search of concealed torpedoes. The boats
preceding the Mcl'hcrson, which contained
tho Vice Regal party, on their way to the Co
mus. The nartv discovered nothing to verify
the suspicion, but tho Rush accompanied the
steamship to tho heads, and saw tho party
happily off.
Oregon Klnse Jloblicil.
Reddish, Sept. 17. This morning tho
overland stage from Oregon was stopped while
coming up and near tho top of Bass hill, about
sixteen miles from Redding, by a highway
man, who ordered the driver to dismount and
stand at tho head of his leaders while he pro
ceeded to investigate the contents ot Wells,
Fargo & Co.'s strong box by tho aid of an ax,
si curing its contents and tho United States
mail. He then ordered the driver to proceed.
Several robberies have taken place in this
same vicinity, tho tamo driver being robbed
there two years ago. Two pasengcis were
aboard, who were unmolested. Loss unknown,
but probably small.
A Cashier Abscond.
New York, Sept. 15. Tho report that
Dwight Lathrop, Assistant Cashier of the
New Jersey Central railroad, has absconded
with $40,000 ot the company's monev is true.
His uncle, Judge Lathrop, has been lately ap
pointed Receiver. The deficit was discovered
a week ago. He disappeared with some wo
Kirrptlan AITalrs.
New Yokk, Sept 16. The Tribune's Lon
don special says: "Tho country is deeply
grateful and will not withhold its rewards
from the army. Already we hear of a sub
scription tor a sword of honor for Wolseley.
and there are few who do not admit he has
well earned a peerage. Schemes of a settle
ment are numerous and thero is much floun
dering in tho business. One of the most far
seeing, as it appears, is that of tho Spectator,
which advocates transfer of tho Porte's sov
ereignty to Kngland, or as an alternative the
wardenship of the Suez canal, with tho right
of garrisoning Poit Said, Ismailia and Suez.
Cairo, Sept. 10. With the exception of a
few leaders and one or two persons accused of
crimes, no rebels were made prisoners by oen
cral Lowe, who merely requested them to lay
down their arms. Many who had been prom
inent in the rebellion wero told, much to their
surprise, that they wcro free.
Alexandria, sept. 10. fort Asiam sur
rendered this morning to Gen. Wood.
Tho Hritish now occupy Katr el Dwar. The
artillery camp is broken atJRamleh and the
naval brigade withdrawn.
It is currently reported Damietta has sur
rendered. Constantinople, Sept. 10. Tho impres
sion prevails in official circles heie that the
Anplo-Turkish military convention will not
now bo signed; r-cvcrtheless, another Cabinet
Council was held to-day in which Said Pasha
was instructed to address fresh conciliatory
communications to DufTerin. It is believed
here Arabi l'asha will be sent to England.
Th Yellow Fever.
Matamoras, Sept. 10. During the 24
hours to 0 A. m, there were two deaths in the
city, one of fever. Aid is given to.424 fami
lies, or 1884 persons. In Brownsville, 15
cases are in tho hospital, Forty cases at
Mier yesterday, and five deaths,
Penmacola, Fla., Sept. 10. Nineteen new
cases ot yellow fever within 24 hours and two
deaths. Total cases lo.S, and UU deaths.
Hrownsville, Tex., Sept. 10. Tho river
is rising, and about one-fourth ot tho town is
under water. Twenty-two new cases, but no
deaths from fever. The sick at Fort Hrown
are doing well. One death at Point Isabel
to-dav from fever, and six deaths in Mata
moras. Our mornings are very cool, and days
hot, which causes many relapses.
Oil HIslUK.
1'lTTSBUlto, l'a., Sept. It). Ull was very
mucli excited again to-ilay, ana the wild
scenes of the last few days were repeated on
change. Tho market opened very strong at
unj, ami steadily advanced until the close this
afternoon, when 73 was bid. The sales
aggregate 4,435,000 barrels.
A Lonic Line.
Chicago, Sept. 16. The Western Union
Telcuraph Company to-dav, in celebration of
thu Mexican Central Railroad, madu connec
tion between Boston and the City ot Mexico.
The rou to was from Boston via Albany, Buf
falo, Chicago, Kansas City, Pueblo, Kl Paso
and Chihuahua to the City of Mexico. Mes
sages wcro sent congratulatory of the event.
The C'rrrdtuoor SIlimllnK.
Crkiumoor, Sept. 10. Tho second gold
modal was won by Caldwell, of the British
team. Tho Heller trophy was won by two
points by the Pennsylvania team, tho Michi
gan team 2. Score 0S9 to 0S4. Tho Inter.
Stato Military match was won by tho Penn
sylvania team, tho New York team second,
and tho Michigan team third. Score, 0S9,
081. 005.
Ciikedmcor, Sept. 16. In tho competition
botft'een tho F.uglish ami American teams for
the gold medal, Dolau, of the American team,
Oolden Gate Evaporator.
No. 1, drying capacity per day, 12 bushel
to 15 bushels; price, $60. No. 2, capacity 20
bushels; price, $100. No. 3, capacity 35
bushels, price $150; No. 4, capacity GO to
70 bushels; price, $250. Any woman, boy or
Chinaman can run these driers as successfully
as au expert. It dries rooro fruit in a day
than any drier in thu State costiug tho same
money, aud twico as much as thu so-called
Acme, with half the labor, making in all cases
a first-class article of "evapo'atcd" (not ma
chine dried) fruit. If it will not do iu every
particular what is herein chimed for it, it will
cost the purchaser nothing.
Tweiity-tivu per cent cash, ludance in dried
Order the size you want; this advertisement
will re our contract.
Full instructions sent with machines.
W. C. Kv NTS,
Portland, Oregon.
H. W, Dilo, Agent aud Manufacturer,
pStf 82 Front Street.
Secretary lllaiue furuiiihes a long article to
a weekly magazine of Chicago upon thu
South American policy of tho Garfield ad-
mimntration. The following are the moru
salient p-iutsi The foreign policy of Presi
dent liarueltl administration had two prin
ciple ohjtot iu view, the first to bring about
a peace and pi event future war in North and
South America, and tho second to cultivate
ucli friendly coiiimercisl relations with all
American lountrica as would lead to a
large inert aio iu tho export trade of tho Uni-
, i o. . , . , . , . .1. "v ".,., ..iiHwit u i ureas is
ted .SUte in suimliiui! those fabrics in uhi.-h I liml IV T I..,. I... ;. i ... .
,, !,?? ,buu'la,l"y f.le to. " tbe
manufacturing countries of Kurope.
. .- - . j- --....., .
Wheat brings 60 cents per bushel at Pen
dleton Campers are already arriving at tho Fair
Grounds at Salem.
Nine convicts were pardoned out one day
last week by Gov. Thayer.
Mr. M. Morgan, of Happy Valley, has a
hen which laid an egg 61x8 inches.
Prairie-chickens are reported as being very
plentiful in the country around Prineville.
Up to September 16th 325,000 bushels of
wheat had been received at Albany.
Through trains will he running into Port
land by November 10th, 1882.
The Masonic order, of Wallowa valley, has
recently uiuit a large, neat hall.
Three new school houses aro now in course
of erection in tho Wallowa valley.
Says the Union county Jiecord: A one
Iccrged soldier with a hand organ and a mon
key might do a good business here next week.
Work on tho new brick banking house for
Hovey, Humphruy & Peet, of Eugene, has
been commenced.
George Myers of West Chehalcm, Yamhill
county, has a field of oats which averaged 100
bushels to the acre.
The assessment roll of Clackamas county
shows an increase of $400,000 worth of taxa
ble property above last year's assessment.
Capt. E. W. Spencer has purchased the
Salem and will run her on the Upper Willam
ette as an independent steamer.
A very large stable of running and trotting
hoises aro in attendance at La Grande, tram
in? for thu comiug meeting of the Union
County Agricultural Society.
The Corvallis Gazette says that a little boy,
son of Mr. Wm. Sloper, was thrown from
the back of a horse which he was riding and
was severely cut on the head.
Frank S. Bloomer, aged 27, was murdered
near Weston, by an unknown party and
robbed of 200. A reward of $500 is offered
by tha Sheriff of Umatilla couuty for the ap
prehension of the murderer.
Mr. Eldridge Hartless, an Oregon pioneer,
died at Corvallis on the 1st inst , aged 66
years and six months. He came across the
plains with an emigrant party in 1846, and in
'58 settled on the place where he died, re
spected and honored by those who are left to
mourn nis loss.
Jacksonville is to have a new brick court
house, 162 feet in length and 00 feet wide, and
is to cost $30,000. The court room is to be
98 by 40 feet, and is to be located in the
second story. The lower story to be used as
offices for the county officials.
The Portland postmaster is paid $2700 per
annum; Salem, $2100; The Dalles, $2000;
Astoria, $1900; Albany, $1900; Corvallis,
$1500; Orceori City. S1500; Baker City,
$1300; Eugene, $1300; Pendleton, $1100.
Upwards of 5000 head of beeves, says the
Prineville News, have been driven away from
this section this summer, the ayerage price
paid being $20, amounting in the aggregate to
8100,000, which has been distributed among
the stock men.
The Prineville News says that for a week
past a fire has been raging in the mountains
between Ochoco and Bridge creek,- and has
swept over thousands of acres of the best
summer range in the country, destroying the
grass, which cannot well bo spared.
Thefollowing are the salaries paid to the
following principal post offices in Oregon;
Albany, $1900; Astoria, $1000; Baker City,
$1300; Corvallis, S1500; Eugene, $1300;
Oregon City, $1500; Pendleton, $1100; Port
land, $2700; Salem, $2500; and The Dalles,
Last Thursday while Kalloston & Co.'s
machino was threshing on F. Stott's farm on
tho Lake, somebody was mean enough to nut
powder aud coal oil into a bundle of cram
When fed into the cylinder tho combustibles
ignited nnd almost immediately the machine
was a mass of flames and soon burned to tho
ground, Yamhill Roporler.
Tho amount of taxable Brouertv returned
by the assessor of Douglas county for 18S2
being $tt,34U,uio. it was ordered that the
tax levy be made as follows: For State pur
poses, 4 mills; for school purposes, 3 mills;
for insane asylum, 1 mill; for military pur
poses, Hi mills; making 20 mills in all, and
the county clerk was directed to make out a
tax list accordingly,
A thresher belonging to Mr, Ralston, of
Gaston, burned up. An eyo witness says the
teams were hauling the grain in from tho field
aud tho first load after dinner was going
through the thresher when it occurred. Only
two or three bundles had been fed when an
explosion occurred, and the entire machine
was quickly enveloped in flames and de
stroyed in spite of the efforts of the men to
put it out. Loss, $700.
Says the Weston Leader: Tho Bloomer
murder is still enshrouded in mystery, there
being as yet no real clus to the perpetrators
of the deed as far as we can learn.
The potato crop of Umatilla promise to be
rather below the average, and as the local de
mand will bo greater than in former years,
good prices may confidently bo looked for.
Says the L&JGramle Recortlx Looking lrnm
Meacham Station in cither direction the eyes
of the beholder are greeted with completed
railroad grades as far as they can reach.
Regular trains are now running to Pendle
ton. Cars will leave Umatilla on the arrival
of the East bound passenger train at 1:50 A.
M aud reach teudfetou at 7 A. ii.; leave
Pendleton at 0 r. M., and arrive at Umatilla
at 10 1'. M connecting with the down train.
Tho road bed beyond Pendleton is graded
to the summit.
Seattle is to have a national bank.
Wm. H. Newton, a resident of I'ort Town
semi since 1S53, died at that place last Wed
nesday. The Mechanic's Fair of Washington Terri
tory will he held nt Olympia on October 17th,
18th and llHh.
(leorge Range, living nsar Dayton, W, T
raised a cucumtier this season measuring five
l.-et anil weigning iniriy-inreo pouuils.
Mr. McKinuey, who lives near Waitsburg,
W. T., slipped and fell, breakiug his thigh at
the ioiut. As the old centlemau is SI vram
old it will be a long tin-e before he recovers,
if he ever does.
Kollou ing are the salaries paid to the post
masters of the eight principal otlices iu Wash
ington territory: sesttle, fJIOOj Colfax,
$1000; Dtyton, 81400; Xetr Tacoma, $1400;
Olympia, 1700; Spokaiie Falls $1400; Van
couver $100, and Walla WalU $-.'S00.
It is snnouueed I'aruell, Davitt, Pillon and
Breuiian have decided to hold a conferrnr i
the autumn iu onler to inaugurate a national
movement in which vaiious governments will
to consolidated upon a platform of natimal
elf-government, alolition of landlordism,
promntiou of home industries, rights of la
borers, aud paid representation in parlia
went. Knw ittut L ,'H.v.l I A...l.. i.rt ,
in the second degree, aul gws to nrUon for ?'M"i ?7n atdi ' pWuVctheaitbThy h'
-tcuyiure, l """ "-tottlrs cf IK-p Bitters, eoucg but a trifle. WW re
.,.., ,. , ... u-- iwu iuui.li i"uuiv m iniriit-
Emil Plantamour, the Swiss astronomer, ii
Arkansas has elected the Democratic ticket
by an increased majority.
Rohie, Republican candidate for Governor
of Maine, has 9.000 majority.
Baldwin & Jenkins, wholesale shoa dealers,
at Richmond, Va,, have suspended.
The Nebraska state fair was visited by 25,
000 people on the 15th.
The Melville banquet was attended at New
York by about 200 of its best citizens.
Gen. Henry Kersted, one of the oldest
retired merchants of New York City, died on
Swinburne, the poet, contemplates a tour
to the United States, where he will give a
series of readings.
At the Beacon Park, Boton, race, on the
I4th, Edwine Thome won the $10,000 race in
2:17, Clingstono beinp second.
Chief Engineer G. W. Melville and seamen
Wm. Ninderman, survivors of.tho Jeannette,
arrived on the 14th at New Y'ork City.
Abraham Hewitt made an able argument
before tho Tamil Commission against high
protective tariff, at St. Paul on the 14th.
The American Woman's Suffrage Associa
tion held their convention on the 14th at
Omaha. A largo delegation was in attend
ance. Mitchell & Roland lumber company's mill
nt Toledo, was destroyed by fire on the 15th;
loss $320,600.
The vcrcibt in the Star route case of Minor
and Reiedell has been set aside and they have
uecn granted a new trial.
On the 15th, at Chicago, James Tracy, the
murderer of officer Huebner, expiated his
crime on tho gallows.
It is impossible to get correct reports'in re
gard to the presence of hostile Indians in the
northwestern part of Nebraska.
Miss Emma Bond, at Tollcrville, was in a
dying condition on tho 14th. Her death will
probably arouse the people to lynch her out
ragers. Tho Governor of Georgia tendered the un
expired Senatorial term of the late B. R.
Hill, ts his son, B. R. Hill, Jr., who declined,
stating the position was beyond his aspira
tion. John B. Davis, president of the recently
suspended Richmond banking and insurance
company, made a deed of conveyance of his
property for the benefit of his creditors.
Tho Aztec club, of New York, composed of
officers who served in the Mexican war, on
joyed a banquet on tho 15th. General Han
cock presided.
The present woman's suffrage association
which is in session at Omaha is not the real
thing, but a secession faction. The boss con
vention meets nt Omaha on the 26th, with
Susan B. Anthony as the center of attraction.
Ed Stackpole, aged 23. son of Joe Stack-
polo, a worthy citizen of Anaheim, Cal., took
poison on tho 15th, becauso of a difficulty
with an abandoned woman with whom he was
in love.
Iho Republicans of the third district, in
Kansas, have split, and two candidates are in
nomination for Congress. It is expected the
Democrats will elect in the district, in conse
sequence of this split.
Tho yacht Nellie, connected with the Win
nepisogeo house at Alton bay, N. H., as an
excursion boat, was sunk in Lake Winnepise
gce, while on the way to Weirs with 14 pas
sengers. She left Alton early in the evening
on Wednesday.
A terrific hurricane passed over the village
of Winston, Conn., on the loth, detsroying
ten houses and five barns, mostly in the North
eastern portion of the village. No lives were
lost. Several persons were injured, Mrs.
Daniel Maxwell, Mr. Thomas Ash and Miss
Mary Connors seriously,
Tho Republicans of Coloradq have nomina
ted Eniest L. Campbell for governor; James
B. Belford for Congress; Milvin Edwards
secretary of state; Fred Watson, of Huer
fano, statu treasurer; John, Abbott, of Lari
mer, Auditor; D. S. Urmy, of Pueblo, attor
ney general and J. B. Chaffee, chairman of the
stato central committee.
Campbell, Republican nominee for sheriff
of Sierra county, Cal., was shot and instantly
killed by a man named Stubbs at Randolph
in Sierra valley on the 15th. The murder is
surmised to bo on account of the bitter polit
ical contest in that couuty. Over 200 men
are scouring the country iu search of the mur
derer. A San Francisco dispatch of the 15th says:
A fire broke out this afternoon in a large hay
barn on Fourth street, between King and
Berry,destroying tho building and contents,
a meat packing establishment adjoining, a
grocery and saloon, restaurant, blacksmith
shop and cigar box factory Losses aggregate
between $30,000 and $40,000. i
A Philadelphia dispatch says that war
rants aro out for the arrest of Frank Johnson
and Edward Dsnogon, U, S, Supervisors,
charged with illegally registering voters, and
it is claimed false registration is a part of the
reheme tor wholesale fraud at the approach
ing election.
The Journal thinks Cornell has 130 dele
gates already, Folger 124. Wadsworth 40,
Woo 1 13, Stariu 8, Rnbimon 6 and doubtful
5. Estimates of the first ballot at Saratoga
stand: Cornell 183, Folger 177, Wadsworth
56, with a complimentary vote for Wood,
Starin, Robiuson and Carpenter ranging from
10 to 20.
A Lincoln dispatch of the 14th, says: A
band of four or five hundred Indians have
appeared on Beaver creek, on the Kansas
line. SOdth of Dundv countv. anil nra Kfp.l.
ing horses and murdering settlers. Superin
tendent lloldridge of the B. k M. railroad.
iu response to a request, has sent an order for
a large amount of ammunition to be seat out
by train to-morrow. They are in the same
route followed by the Cheyennes when they
escaped from Fort Sill some years ago. In
tense excitement prevails on tht spot.
Urinrniber This.
If you are sick, Hop Bitters will surely aid Nature tn
making you well hen all else fails.
If yon aro costh e or dyspeptic, or are suffering from
any other of the numeoous diseases ot the stomach or
bouels, It Is your own fault It you remain ill, for Hip
Bitters ore a oi erel.ro remedy la all such complaints.
If you are waiting sway tth any form of Kldncv
dUeue, stop tempting Death this moment, and turn for
arure to Hop EitUri.
If jou are sick with that terrible sickness Nervous
nerf, jou lll find a '-Balm la Gilead"la the use of
Hop Bitters.
If vou are a frequenter, or a resident of a mlaimatlc
di.trlct, barricade your sj-.tem sgnlnjt the scourge of
aii countries malarial, epidemic, bilious, and Intermit
tent fevtrs-by the use of Hop Bitter.
1' jou hive rouifh.plmply or sallow sUn, bad breith.
pains and a.-hes, and feel mijerable geneially, Hop Bit
ters will give you fair skin, rich blood, and sweetest
breath, health, sod comfort.
In short tber cure all Dl.... ii ih. .An..Hi. nA
.Jiw!!?.' U,.7; NerT"' K'dnejs, PrigM's Dise.se.
Th , i 'PL eu "" H " not curt or -"'elP-
ni, . -"-ii, iuT.ua ue, si.xer, mouur. or
lie m suffer I
Salem Marble and Granite
Commsrclal St., South of Post Offlee.
(Fost-Offlce Box 89, Salem, Oregon.)
Scotch fandl California OranjIU
and Marble monuments, Head Stone
Enclosed with California Granite and
Stone Walls built of every description
Prices lied need One Bait.
(Patented by W. C. Evants.) '
Is the only one that will pay farmers and fruit growers
to bur as It dries MORE FRUIT in LESS TIME and
than any other one fn the market.
t2Tlt lrled 13.010 run nils or l'rulie and
riunis In TWKLYU DAYS, with $12 wortb of
Wood and One Man's Labor.
For terms address :
H. Wm. DILG., Agent,
mj-26 82 Front street, rear Hanson's bced Store.
Incorporated 18G4.
Home Mutual insurance Co
LossesPaid OgnJ," $162,363.29
Oregon Branch Office,
GEO. L. STOTtY, Manager
Southeast corner of First and Stark Streets,
Opp Ladd & Tilton's Bank,
. urtTLAND, OREGON apt
Portland, Oregon.
Writes Prescriptions 'or DIscasesof all classes ot stock
rice, II for each prescription written. State sympj
tomsand age of animals as near as possible.
Offlee C. P. Bacon's Blackhawk Stables, 93 Second
St., bet. Stark and Oak.
Besldenee Cor Thirteenth and Taylor Sta.
rlULIIIv) llrlll I LUbrst Family KiiHIIhk
.uacuine ever invented, will Knua pair ox Biocsinr
with HEEL and TOE complete in 20 minutes.
nDlete in 20 minutes. It will
also knit a great variety cf fancy work lor wbich tber
is always a ready market Send for circulars and terms
to the Twomly Knitting Machine Co., 163 Tn,
mont Street. Boston, Mass. sep8m6
19 First Street, Portland, Oregon.
Diamonds, Silver -Ware,
Watches & Jewelry.
Nautical Instrument and ShlnChronometers
rated by transit observations and repaired.
AU Sorts of Merchandise Exchanged tor
Dry Goods, Groceries,' Hardware, Crockery, Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps.
Everythfnga Farmer wants for sale. Everything a Far.
mer raises wanted.
Corner Madison and First Streets, Partland
Opposite Segman, Sabln & Co's Agricultural Wars
house. octzS-
pany have, the last few years, been constantly engaged
wiui a large lorce oi men grading the hills on this
route, until now they can safely make the announce
ment that there are now no imrfos nn thn rmt,l hnfc
that a good average team can easily pass up them with
. Mi, u, itcigii.. rw taiue ana sneep, wie roaa IS UM
surpassed. Orass Is abundant orrals at east Inter
vals, and sheep bridges over all small streams. Only 46
miles of mountain trat el. Distance from Barlow's date
to rortland, 78 miles. Supply stations at White River,
Summit rralrle and tho Toll Oat. Tolls reasonable. A
magnificent view of Mt. Hood ts not the least attraction
of this road. F. O. McCOWN,
II. E. Cross, President,
Secretary. aug4-Imo
Oregon City, Oregon.
tTTor several yean wo nave faroiahed the
fldal Color far hnttr. ummltA-tMi tti.lM u.
jwrrmen oi America witn An .wwiim mrti.
Irlth great sucooes everywhere receirtn th
.uituGDi, viu ouiy pruos as Dota inxernauonai i
tlTCat br patient and arienrlfla chemical
carch wo hare Improved In several points, and
now offerthls new color as tht ! ttevorbf.
It Will Not Color the Buttermilk. Iti
Will Wot Turn Rnnold. It l the
Strongest. Crlchteat and
Chenpest Color Made.
MrAnd. vrhita orenared In ctl. If so compound-
edlhatltil lmiioasiUoforllto become rancid.
ro-HmVARCr ct all Imitations, and of all
other oil colors, for they are liable to become f
rancid and epcll the butter.
f to 'know where and bow to get It without eitrai
I expense. ) A
I wtLLs, airnssiH-ai a co., n.rii.iia, ti. J
jijjasiijj namieiaiieiei saj
The BUHKalT CURE for
Ttu-.i.t-n hiflk or dirndl-tiered ttrlna ittdl-
cmle that you arc Tt?tlmf THETDONOX
TTESTTATa. mm KldnTWort at cnoo. drag"
cist reoommend 10 aud it will ipoedily oyer-
" .. u.a t..aKK aatlMI.
Afll ac JTOT Raapiwa jv'
'and veaxsoaaoa, Kidney-Wort i,wirejpai.
auauiiJBi urmiv bx-. aiicuaa vmw
Mitwmae-proopuyaiiaMisjj'. , , m
i wt,lv Trvtntlnriaa" MtltlOn OZUIU.
iw4fe dnt crronTdeooslta.anddaU dnrcinc
P1t., all tpeoiiy yiea w a jnwi.
43 pQT" " AXJj iJimuuiflia. vilZiL
aCjJ ft