Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 25, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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r.cIKfil by Mrn Harrlnt T. 'larkc.
" GONE "
The ripe midsummer days are here again,
With nil their splendor ol white-clouueu
Birds sing, flowers bloom, and fields of yel
lowing grain
Their neauiifiil beautvsm-ead before mv eyes.
Once it was sweet these quiet ways to tread,
Far from the city's toil and dust and heat;
To watch the cloud sail slowly overhead,
To smell the clover blooming at my feet:
Nature to me her strength and calmness lent,
And filled my spirit with uecp content.
Where is it now ? The tender charm is pone,
The virtue vanished from these quiet ways,
Since from my life a presence is withdrawn
That made the sweetness of all nights and
0 loved and lost onel I knew her worth
Above all others, knew not half the woo
Her vacant place would leave upon this earth;
Nor how the aching void would grow and
Within my breast, until both day and mt;ht
Were robbed of rest and emptied of delight.
Sleeping, a vision haunts mo, and I see
Her eyes, her smile; her voice again I hear,
Ah, loving voice, that rang so true to me
Through chance and change of many a
checkered year,
How shall I bear to hear it nevermore
In the lonely years that are to come ?
What peace can Nature bring, what joy re
store, When to my agony that voice is dumb !
Waking with empty arms, I know her dead,
And go my weary ways uncomforted.
Aa others must, alasl Too well I know
Mine is a unit in the mournful throng
Of hearts bereft, that bruised and bleeding go
By stony paths and find tho journey long.
Haply the lesson God would have us learn,
inrnugn gneis mat wnug mw aum, is sym
pathy; Eyes that were apt from others' woes to turn
Through tears, perchance, may come at last
to see.
Teach me, 0 Christ, what Thou would'st have
mo know,
And then where sho has gone may 1, too,
Potato salad is one of the best and most
easily made side dishes for tea. Boil the po
tatoes or steam them with their jackets on.
When they are done remove the skins, and
let the potatoes get entirely cold, then Blice
them in thin slices. Make a dressing of hard
boiled eggs, chopped, a little onion also chop
ped, and aa much salad oil, salt, pepper, pars
ley, etc., as your taste dictates. Be careful
when mixing the dressing with the potatoes
not to break the slices; toss lightly with a
fork, or better still, sbake the dish which holds
them. Line the salad dish with small lettuce
leaves, pour in the salad, and you have an in
viting dish for the table. Serve on small
plates; put one beside each tea plate, and
have the salad dish passed to each person.
Glossed Shirt Bosoms. Tako two ounces of
fine white gum arabic powder, put in a pitch
er and pour on a pint or more of water, and
then having covered it, let it stand all night.
In the morning pour it carefully from the
drees into a clean bottle, cork and keep it for
use. A teaspoonful of this gum water stirred
in a pint of starch made in the usual way, will
give to lawns, white or printed, a look of
newness when nothing else can restore them
after they havo been washed.
Testing the Sex of Ecgs. In selecting epgs
to set, choose the medium sized ones, with
blunt ends, and you will usually get three
pullets to one rooster, aa the eggs with ono
end small and pointed produce the most cock1".
When the hen has set ten days tho eggs
should be tested as to vitality. Hold them up
to the sun, with your hand encircling them,
and all added ones will allow th light to re
flect through them, while the good ones will
appear dark. This often allows the egca of
two hens set at the same time to be put to
gether. Creamed Cabbage. Slice as for cold Blaw
and stew in a covered saucepan till tender;
drain it, return to saucepan, add a gill or more
of rich cream, one ounce of butter, pepper and
salt to taste; let it simmer two or three min'
utes, then serve. Milk may be used by add
ing a little more butter; or have a deep spider
hot, put in the sliced cabbage, pour quickly
over it a pint of boiling water, cover close and
cook for ten minutes, then pour off water, and
add half a pint of rich milk. When the milk
boils, stir in a teaspoon flour moistened with
a little milk; season, cook a moment and
Evavoratinq WEET cobs is a much
easier process than canning, and will probably
supersede it to a large extent. It is performed
in the Bo-called evaporating machines, some of
which are made so small aa to be conveniently
operated in a kitchen of moderate size, while
the larger ones need only a shed over them.
The corn is first boiled and then removed
from the cob as above dcsiribed. It is then
placed upon the wire gauze trays and exposed
to the currents of heated air which pass
through the machines, and by which the
moisture of the corn is quickly removed. As
one tray is filled it is passed onward and an
other is filled, and so on until the first tray is
brought to the uppermost part of the machine
when the time occupied in the passage has
been sufficient to dry the corn thoroughly. It
is now quite brittle and hard, but in cooling
becomes sofy?r and apparently moist again,
although it is still quite dry. Care is to be
taken not to scorch the corn, or injure its na
tural creamy color. The com can then be
packed in barrels, boxes, or bags for sale, and
generally retails at 18 or 20 cents a pound, and
often more. Evaporating corn and fruits of
various kinds will furnish au agreeable, light,
and profitable employment in many a farmer's
family, and the possibility of doing this work
may very well lead to a mncb larger produc
tion. The cob and stalks will furnish a Urge
quantity of food or cows.
Skinny Men.
Wt'W Health Kenewer" restores health and vigor,
cue VftftrtU, Impotence, Sexuil Dtbility. tl-
There are thousands of women who are un
able to labor in shop, field or factory, and
havo no means outside of their household
duties of converting labor into capital.
There are thousands of others, who are
forced to live in idleness, or to go further,
paint bad pictures, write poor sketches, drag
their lives out teaching, or marry uncongenial
husbands for the sake of a living. And there
is a sentiment that it is a species of degreda
tion to a young girl or woman to "go out" and
nork but she will toil at home till her eyes
grow dim.
Silk culture, for all these people, is an easy
money-making employment at home, as it re
quires but a small amount of labor and capital
and is peculiarly adapted to the delicacy of
skill and care, which every woman naturally
No special buildings are required, as a room
in the house, attic, stable or shed, (with some
care as to temperature and ventilation) will
do for a cocoonery, and after the mulberry
trees are planted, an ounce or two of silk
worm eggs and a small book of instructions
are all that are needed for a start.
Silk culture does not interfere with domes
tic duties. Neither need the growing of trees
interfere with the growing of vegetables, as
the trimming system keeps the trees so
dwarfed thoy throw but little shade, and will
grow better by cultivating vegetables imme
diately. Use Osage Orange, or tho American White
Mulberry, to begin, as these trees are readily
grown in many parts of the United States;
but plant out a few of the Morus Alba, or
Roxea, Moretti or Japonka at once, and in
crease the number from year to year until you
cm abandon the inferior plants. Use nothing
but tho best eggs, and acquire the best trees
as soon aa you can. xou win neca to Degin :
About 1 oz. eggs, say $4 00
One tray and two frames (as models)
about 125
You can make additional frames and
trays as needed.
Perforated card board for 20 frames,
about 100
Lumber .and nails for racks or Btands
to hold trays, about 75
$7 00
In the lower Southern States three crops
can be raised a season, two in tho upper
Southern States, and one in the Middle, East
ern and Northern States, each crop taking five
to six weeks. Each crop will yield from $200
to 800 for every acre of land planted in mul
berry trees, according to tho care and skill
It has also been demonstrated that silk rais
ing -will absolutely pay better with light labor
than cotton or rice, or sugar or tobacco with
heavy labor.
Years ago silk culture was attempted in
this country, and much money was lost, be
cause there were no mills to consume the silk.
Ni w there are 3S0 silk mills in the United
States. Two-thirds of tho raw silk which they
use is imported, for which thirty-five million
dollars are annually sent abroad. Silk culture
can retain all this money at home, and put it
at once into the pockets of farmers's wives.
There is no reason why the entire demand
of the mills should not be supplied by cocoons
produced here, as tho climate and soil of this
country have been found to bo as well, if not
better adanted to silk culture than either
France or Italy.
Silk culture can be conducted wherever
mulberry trees will grow; and Horu Alba and
Morua Japonica, the hardiest as well as the
best varieties, will grow almost everywhere in
the United States.
Tho nlmvfi facta we take from a circular is-
sued by the Nsw York Silk Exchange, of No,
rm 11 1 i i. V...a Vnl Ti f linn infirm
.jfotj $h$ liiWreiv
Two that wrecked each other's hope,
Parted coldly in their prime.
Met upon the downward slop?.
Taught by tears and calmed by time,
Under Autumn's perfect trees,
Dropping bright remembrance!.
There they spread their stories out,
race to face ami hand in nana,
Looking back with wistful doubt,
Into tho forgotten land
Whero the wheels of life went fast,
Hardly seen till they were passed.
Looking where the dawn had been
Till each gray and pallid lino
Shivers with a sun unseen
Which must never riso and shine,
And the moment, lost in vain, '
Cornea before their souls again:
Saying softly, "Yes, I think
You were there you came at ten,"
"In your hair was something pink,
How I hate the hue since then 1"
"Hate a hirmless ribbon 1" "Nay,
I havo pardoned it to-day."
"I remember what you said,"
"But you laughed, and I despaired,"
"Did I laugh ? 1 was afraid
You might fancy that I cared."
"Bo content, your pride shall bo
Scathlesa as your heart for me."
"Something in your voice assures
You havo angry feelings yet."
"Something told me then in yours
That you would not quite forget;
Just one foolish moment lit
Hope that laugh extinguished it."
"Sure tho flame was very weak 1"
" 'Twaa your silence, let it die."
'If a man's hope will not speak,
Can a woman's heart reply ?"
"Had I spoken!" "Do I know !
It was very long ago I"
Face to face and liaud in hand,
Looking at those eastern skies,
Is the light along the land
Only borrowed from their eyes ?
Can the song of birds be drawn
From the memory of dawn ?
Lo, the hill, the sea, the plain,
Flushing with familiar rose 1
Look away, and look again,
But the color Btays and grows 1
Wherefore stand amazed and dumb ?
Knew you not that morn must come ?
27 Bond street. New York. Further informa
tion can be had by addrcssine as above.
Sunflowers and Seed.
In popularizing tho Sunflower Oscar Wilde
has rendered one benefit to community.
There is probably no other article more useful
for horse feed than sunflower seed.
When I was a boy my father used to raise
sometimes half and sometimes a whole acre of
this glorious plant, tho stalks often growing
to the' bight of 8 and 10 feet, whh tho disks of
some of the blooms 10 to 12 inches in diam
eter, containing half pound or more of seed.
If carefully saved from 10 to 15 bushels of
seed may be obtained from half acre of sun
flowers, at no more cost per bushel than
A half p'nt of seed given to a horse with his
other feed, each morning and night, will keep
him in better health ind more spirited thaa
he will be without it, while his hair will be
When a saddle horse is required to be par
ticularly active and sprightly, he may be given
a pint of sunflower seed with his oats at night,
ar.d half as much in the morning, lie will be
found more antic and sprightly, through tho
day, and consequently, be more pleasant to
tho rider. I have seen this course pursued
with horses to make them antic, that were to
go on parade, on occasions of town'and coun
try trainings, in early times; after a little use
horses become very fond of sunflower seed.
Another important consideration, in this
connection, is the matter of health. In low
region, or those liable to malarious effects, the
growing of considerable sunflowers does much
to prevent or modify the evil effects of malari
ous localities, as they are rank, rapid growers,
possessing very large thick leaves, which rap
idly absorb most of the unwholesome vapors
nt ths air. It is advisable to plant consider
able rows or strips of these splendid plant
near the house in the directions of the prevail
inc soring and fall winds. The reaalta will be
decidedly salubrious.
Lynn, Mass., always was a good place for
health, but it has become a modern Uetnes la
since Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, of 233 Western
Avenue, made her great discoyery of the Veg
etable Compound, or panacea or the principal
ills that afflict the fair creation. Uhis diners,
however, from the ancient scene of marvelous
curea in this important particular! The heal
ing agent, with all its virtues, can be sent to
order by express or mail ail over the world.
The few hints that havo been given to our
little correspondents have certainly done good,
f r we see marked progress in the composition
of many letters which havo been lately re
ceived. Aunt Hetty has been away again on
a trip up the Columbia river, partly by steam
boat and partly by tho new railroad, which
latter route gives the traveler a much finer
chance to enjoy the varied scenery on this
most beautiful river. Wo who live here, at
least many of us, do not realize that tho
scenery on tho Columbia is not to bo surpassed
in the United States, and scarcely so in
Europe. A lady whom wo met in traveling
said that she had been in may parts of Eu
rope and had seen little to compare with our
noble river; that the Rhine and Danube,
which we have all read so much about, is not
near so picturesque and beautiful, and only tho
old ruined castles and towns that were to bo
seen there would mako the travel more inter
esting. Sho thought that the grand, rugged
scenery just about The Dalles and at Celilo
was finer than the Giant's Causeway that
many of you havo read about in your geogra
phys. Where in the world can bo found again
such a beautiful picture in nature as can bo
seen on a clear day just where the Willamette
meets the Columbia. Where the two rivers
meet are islands, now covered with beautiful
green foliage, which forms tho foreground,
while rising from the northeast and south
may be seen the peaks of five Bnow-capped
mountains, tho dark hills and blue water be
tween us and their grand proportions; so clear
is the air that it seems but a little way to our
giant old Hood. Then Ranier, with the horso
shoe mark away up on its snowy side. Jef
ferson, Adams and St. Helens, too, are almost
as large, standing out against trjo horizon.
People who are fortunate enough to be able
to travel in foreign countries ought to first see
and know of the beauties of their own coun
try. Eastern people aro beginning to hear of
our grand mountains and noble rivers, and aro
coming here every summer to enjoy the lovely
scenery and beautiful pure air which these
snow mountains give us. Just think of tho
little Kansas and Nebraska boys and girls
who never see a mountain there; how fine it
must be to look at ono after living on those
endless prairies. Yet it may be that thoy
would not think them nice at all, for one is
apt to love the land of their birth. The
Esquimaux, who live so hard and whero it is
so cold, with scarcely any comforts, wonder
how any body could live without raw seal and
walrus meat to cat, and plenty nf fish oil to
Aunt Hetty happened to visit where there
was one of her little letter writers, who had
a birthday party. She was 9 years old, and
her name is Iva. She wrote thirty nice little
notes to her little boy and girl friends, and
then went all around and delivered them.
She had only one note of regret sent in; all
the rest came at 4 o'clock and stayed till dark.
Many of her little friends brought her gifts
or birthday cards when they came. After
playing nice little games in the parlor, thoy
went out into the grassy yard and had more
games till there was a call for refreshments,
and it did one good to see how the hungry lit
tie folks enjoyed the sandwiches, cake and
fruit passed around. The little girls were all
prettily dressed and behaved sweetly, and the
boys were gentlemanly and polite, and we did
not see any rude actions.
These gatherings make the little ones
happy, and mothers would often gratify the
children if they only thought about it. We
hope this will remind some of the good
mothers, and that we shall bear of many more
parties like tbis.
Our first letter this week is from a little girl
irho never saw apples grow on trees; that to
her would, perhaps, be a nicer sight than a
snow mountain.
Evangeline sends a very good letter, show
ing caie and attention in writing, besides giv
ing interesting information. Aunt Hetty will
be sure to eo to Cheney next summer.
Mahlon and Sarah send each a good letter,
telling how helpful they try to bo. Wo hope
they will keep on writing, and so get a homo
feeling ip the Circle.
Our "Country Girl" writes a letter that it
would be difficult for a city girl to surpass. It
is a pleasuie to Aunt Hetty to see her girls
improving. Tluye is no reason why boys and
girls who live in tho country should not be
ladies and gentlemen; they can just as well
be refined and polished in their manners if
they do have to work where thoy cannot
wear fine clothes all tho time; they can find
time for recreation and improvement if they
chooso to, and can read and cultivate tho
mind. One way to keep up one's self respect
is to pay attention to personal habits. After
a hard day's work wash and dresa up. A
farmer must dresa according to his work, but
there is no need to keep on tho same coarse
boots and soiled shirt after tlje day's work is
done; it refreshes the mind and body to clean
up and change tho dress, beaides giving a feel
ing of self-respect. If young people get into
thia habit it will como easy and natural to
have a pair of slippers haudy to put on aiid a
comfortable suit of clothes hanging near to
Makshall, W. T., Aug. 7, 1882.
Editor Home Circle :
' Aa it has been some timo since I havo
written, I will write again to tho Faumeii.
The reason I havo not written betore is, be
cause I havo been going to school; I went to
the Cheney Academy. We had a fine school;
thero wero about a hundred scholars in at
tendance; there wero three teachers, Prof. D.
H. Felch, Miss A. Bunker and Mra. Mem
man. I learned very fast. Wo aro having
some very hot weather now, and the grain is
ripening very fast. They aro harvesting now.
My stepfather, Mr. James H. Kennedy, has
cut about 100 tons of hay this year; ho will
get about $7 a ton for it. Wo are milking four
cows, and get a great deal of milk, and mako
a great deal of butter. Butter ia worth 25
cents a pound, and right at tho door to. Wo
havo a great many floweis thia year; they
make the yard look so pretty, I think. I am
making a scrap book, and I am going to put
those notes of Mr. Clarke's trip up to tbis
country, in it; I think they wero very interest
ing. 1 waa in hopes Aunt Hotty would como
up to thia country this summer, i ou must
be sure and como up next summer. What has
become of Aunt L. ? Sho has not written for
a long time. I thought her letters were so in
teresting. Well I guc88 I will close. I send
Aunt Hetty one of my cards. Ono of tho lit
tlo eirls wanted to know whero she could send
and get some cards. Scud to tho Caxton
Printing Company, Northford, Conn.; you
can get fifty fine chromo cards with your name
on for ten cents. I give my respects to all.
every day; I ride a big grey and lead one. Pa
has to help through the gate, but I can man
ago them very well for a little boy. I went to
school in the spring; I did not know my let
ters when I started, but went half way
through the Second Reader before school waa
out. I will close for this time.
'Maiilon II. Dav.
Delhiht, Kan., July 1G, 1882.
Editor Homo Circles
I would like to come to Oregon to live. My
pa is talking of going to Oregon this fall. We
had a hail storm herd yesterday; it did not
do much damage here. 1 am gathering up
shells, ores and curioaitioa. I never saw ap
ples growing on trees. Wo will havo peaches
this year. I am 7 years ohl. I can't write
very well, so I am getting a little friend to
write for me. I havo three brothers and no
sisters. Oliver, the oldest, herds tho cattle.
Pa likes tho Farmer very much. Aa this is
my first letter I will close, wishing tho
Farmer success. From your little friend,
Carlotta E. Roe.
tjLMake your old things look like new by
using tho Diamond Dyes, and yen will be hap
py. Any of tho fas)iionible colors for 10 cts.
Waldo Hills, Aug. 4, 1882.
Editor Homo Circlo :
As you were so kind aa to print my last let
ter, I will writo again, as I think that our
Letter Box is getting empty and needs re
plenishing., We aro having very nico weather
now, and I hope it will continue so until all
the farmers arc through with their harvesting
and storing away their grain. I live on a farm
in the country, which consists of about two
hundicd acres of laud. We had only about
forty-eight acres in grain this year. Wo aro
having our grain cut now; wo will get through
cutting to-morrow. Wo have a twine binder
this vear, and I think it very much nicer
than hiring men to bind tho grain. I havo
not worked any in tho harvest field thia sum
mer, as thoro has been enough help without
me. Emma says thero aro a great many
Indians around where she lives. I am suro I
should not like that, for I am afraid of Indi
an 9, and yet I would like to see and know
more about them, as they havo so many curi
ous ways and live so differently from what wo
do. Indiana seldom come down in our neigh
borhood oxcept in the summer, and then they
come after berries. Several years ago I was
over at Yaquina Bay on a pleasure trip, and I
saw a great many Indiana thero. One that
was there pretended to know a great deal
about fishing, and offered to fix the fish hooks
so that they could catch salmon easily. The
men, thinking ho waa honest, allowed him to
do so, and he fixed the hooks so that they
were not good lor any thing. As some of the
littlci folks ask questions, I will ask ono too.
Who was it that said : "I am not worth pur
chasing, but such as I am tho king of England
is not rich enough to buy me." Please put
my name on the temperance roll. Hoping to
see this in print, I will close, with best wishes
for the Farmer. A Countrv Gikl.
August 0, 1882.
Editor Home Circle :
I am a little girl 10 years old. As you were
so kind as to publish my other letter, I will,
after so long a time, try again, I will tell you
what I do to help ma : I wash dishes, sweep
floor and make beds. I havo a pet lamb; its
name is Daisy. Pa gave my little brother a
sheep. e milk ten cows, I and my two
sisters and brother, who is younger than I
am, do the milking when tho Iran are olf har
vesting. We make and pack butter in the
summer and sell in tho winter. Ma has been
quilting this week; I quilted the border on
one end. Ma says I can quilt very well for a
little girl, I have 100 blocks pieced for a
quilt. I will send a Bible question i "What
is the name of the city in which Gideon
Democrat: Wo are told of a quick job in
threshing which takes the lead at the present
writing. Last week Friday and Saturday, M.
Haegy and Lewis Helmick headed and
threshed 1,010 bushels of wheat in two ono
half days, Friday afternoon and Saturday
morninj. Tho averago yield per acre was
about 40 bushels, certainly a big yiold. This
was on the farm of Mr. Wolverton on Soap
creek. Next.
From a single grain of wheat sown on Mr.
McKinnoy's ground, says tho Baker City
Tribune, on the east sido of tho river, prow 73
stalks, each nearly 4 feet in length, and tho
whole containiug 4,380 grains of wheat. It
can be seen at tho City drug storo.
Tho Dalles Timet; Ono cannot ascertain
the healthfulness of our climate by any better
mothod than by comparing the mortuary re
cords of this with cities on tho Atlantic sea
board. Speaking of this 8ubject, in a lato is
suo, tho San Francisco Chronicle says : Tho
telegraphic reports of tho great mortality two
to tho excessive heat in Eastern cities scaiteiy
attract attention on this coast. And yet they
should give rise to at least a transitory feeling
of satisfaction that thero ia a section of our
gloriouB country where climate does not kill.
It is truo constant iteration of tho claim that
thero is no country equal to this for comfort ia
to tome extent a conversational annoyance,
but it is not nearly so disastrous in its elTccts
as a dog day in New York City.
At the meetino of tho horsemen last Mon
day evening thero wero a number of our best
citizens present, and after considerable discus
sion pro aud con it waa decided to appoint a
committee of throe to invcatigate anil rcpoit
on the advisability of organizing a stock com
pany with Bulhcioiit capital to purchase
grounds, fence, build track, and mako other
necessity improvements. Accordingly tho
Chair appointed a committeo of three consist
ing of Hon. John T. Apporson, Goo. Brigh
ton and C. D. Latourotte. On motion, the
meeting adjourned to meet Tuesday evening,
August 1st. BuUrprlne.
Pottslnlelligenctr i Robert. Tiltou, a logger
on the Snohomish river, writes as follows to
Mr. W. A. Perry of this city : Thero havo
been six bears killed by the employes of Mr.
William Aflhok sinco the middle of Juno Inst.
Tho best sport took place last Tuesday, when
the boys in camp wero all dressing for a ball.
Soino were half dressed, and others less than
half, when they heard Mr. Alllick call for the
guns. Every man jumped and ran down tho
road to seo what was up. Charles Holmes
and myself grabbed tho rillts and took the
lead. After running about threo bundled
variln we came unon three fine bears. Wo at
once opened au attack, and in less than niuety
seconds tho tliroe animals lay dead at our
George W. Ely kindly furnishes us with tho
result of his harvesting thia year. The aver-
ago numtW of buahola from 37 acres of wluuit
waa 38; for 10 acres of barley, 35 bushels; lor
10 acres of oats, 20 bushels. This is good, anil
is not from fields situated at tho base of the
Goldendale Jttmizer: The crops in Kittitas
valley will be much better than was antic
ipated. The new school house at Kllensburg
will be completed in time for tho fall term.
West Kittitas is being improved in the way of
clearing, fencing and building.
Farmers in tho visinity of Walla Walla are
having a hard time securing harvest hands.
Men aro vory scarce, aud are demaudiug $2
per day, refusing to work for a less sum. They
havo the scale in their favor, and aro compell
ing their employers to their terms,
Walla Walla Stalrtman s Walla Walla ia
certainly an objective point for immigrants,
for their teams go through these streets at !
hours of the day. A largo number of immi
grants aro camped on the Miltou road. Thu
men folks engage aa harvesters for our farmer
friends, while tbeir long-driven teams are
resting and locations aro sought for.
'Hie Dalles Tiniest The recent school cen
sus of Seattle shows in that district 1,372
children, over 4 and under 21 years; 483 un
der 4 years; 12 away to school elsewhere,
Tbis gives a total of 1,877 children in the district.
Ouit kxcixlkst cotemi'okauv, thu Con
necticut Farmer gives tho following surges
Mother like, and Physrlolnns
recommend it.
World's great Paiii-Kcllovlng
remedies. They licnl, nootlio and
euro 11 urns, WoiindBWenkBuck
aud IHieumutism upon Man.
and Sprains, Galls, mid Lame
ncss upon Beasts. Cheap, quiet
and reliable.
SPURTS of dUguatinB Mucus,
Snuffles, Craoltling Pains in th
Head, Fetid Breath, Donfncss, and
nay Catarrhal Complaint, eon becx
terminated by Wei So Meyer's
Catarrh Cure, a Constitutional An"
tidote by Absorption. The most Im
portaut Disoo vory sinuu Vaccination,
n jgr.m &
Yfrtz jZ-eJ &&&&'
-3wrt-'5v -
1 n I'opIHvo Curo
For nil those Painful ComBlnlnts and Weaknesses
so common to our brut fomttto population.
A Sledlcino for Womnn, Inrcnteil hjr a Woman.
Prepared by a Woman,
flit Grattett Bcdlcsl lrl.orrr Bluet (fas Vaws of lllsUr.
t7Urcrlres thu drooping spllltfl, Invigorates and
hannonbes tho ortrania functions, gives elasticity and
nrmnett to t ho step, restores the natural lustro to tho
ejr, and plants on tho palo chock of woman the fresh
rorcs of life's spring and early summor time,
tsrphyjlclonj Use. It and Prescribe It Freely
It removes fulntnuss, flatulency, destroys nil craving
for stimulant, and retloves wonlaiitH of the stomach.
That fLellnrf.of IcarlrHf down, C'iu-linrtaln, weight
and borkacho, is always permanently rami hy Its use.
for tho euro r Kidney Complaint r cither sex
this Cooipouud is unsurpassed.
T.TnlAK, I'lNKIIAlFS JIMMIIi l'UlliriEtt
Mill fradlrale every vestllte uf liuinois fiom tho
llluod, and irlve toi and sircnt-th li tho sjttcin, of
wan wouuui or child. Insist en Laving It.
Both the Compound and uiood Ilirirler are prepared
at K33 aud gsl Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Itlceof
elthr-r.JL Fl bottles for 83. Bent by mail In tho form
of pills, or cf loseni'ff, on receipt of price, tl per box
for either, Mn.rinkhanlfm.-ly unssors all letters of
Inquiry. Enclose 3tt. stamp. Bindruriampldi.t.
tt family houM to without I.YIllA K. 1'IVK KAM'8
uvkk rn.LH. Tnsy curo oou.nino,
and tumidity of the liver. 85 cents jr box.
jTiTKoMby allIIrUB(tbiCrj.-0"n
I will close.
Your friend,
Baiiah N,
August 0, 1882.
Editor Home Circle:
I am a little boy eight years old, I
will tell you what I do to help pa and ma ! I
carry wood for ma and help shock grain after
pa'i binder, milk and take a team to the field
tion which we heartily endorse: "Th farmer
and tho farmer's boy need more than any otic
else to learn to know his friend aud his cue
miet in the insect world, tho lower grades of
animal and .bird life, Entomology ia a science
which in its practical appliance should be
taught in all our primary schools.- Now if wo
war on insects at all, most us war blindly aud
slay our best friends with our enernius. Kvtry
farmer's boy should by this know enough to
protect a toad aud kill tho anaku that would
make a meal of him,"
I liave used Oregon ll'ood I'uniier 'or neu
ralgia, it cooled my nerves and blood at once,
Mk, A.nxa Smith.
Tina uawx'
UU11KS WHEN Al.l. OTIII'.I'. Ml'dllClNKH KAlL,s
I Hits illrrrlly on tho lililncy. 1.1 tr rand HowrM
restoring them lit uncr to liesllhy action. HUNTS
ilKJIF.DY Is a tale, sure and tpeidy iiir-, and hundreds
have testified to having Iweu cured by It, when phys
icians and friends had (riven thtm unto die. Do not
deity, but try at oncu flUNTB IIKMKDV.
UT.M'S KlIHKItr nursnll lilsrases uf lb,
Ulilnr madder, Urinary Oriimis, Dropsy,
i.rutrl, IXnlit-trs, arid Ineoulluruce and Ut
Icrillini if trim-. . .
Ill M'.-i U:ili:i)i cures fnln In Hie Hides.
Hark, or Lulus, lieurrnl Uelilllly, t'ruial
III. cases, IMsturlH-il Merit, loss of -spirllce,
llrlitlil's lll.imr and all foliiplallils or Ik
I'rliKi Onllnl Organs. , .... .
Isl.YTn IIMIKUt' quickly Induces the Liter W
healthy action, removing the causes that prodttosj
lllllvut llruilnrlir, IlisprjisU, hour Mouiack,
lijl thsuMOf III.-!. KKilKUV the btcixchau4
liowelt will speedily regain ''' strength, and tU
Uluod will b peifsctly inutntd.
IIIAVri UCNf.llt' It pronounced by thj bast
doctors to be the "only curs" for all kinds ol Eldass
III.M'ii HKMKIiY Is purely vegetable, and b
sure eure for Heart DUets and hheumsUsm wUm aa
othifiuedkina tails.
ML r Ht.nr.UX U prepared txpnulTjvt
Ihe above diseases, and a "ever
kuown to foil
One trial will ceavlue jreo. rer sale
Kmxslsls. hnd lor rliuiphlsl to