Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 04, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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it&ucci eury Week by the
rictAMi;iTi; rtitiiF.it pi i.msiiim; to.
One j car, (PokUie pal J), In rd,n.nca ,. 9 2.60
Six month"). OWatre paid). In a.lvantv , 1.25
Lcrsthin six month will be. x.r tuortUi ,, . . ,25
Alvertlscmentiw.il be Irwrttd, proUdlng tn are
ret portable, at the following1 Ublc of rates
One Inch of t-pco per month 6 2.W
Tbr- Inches of pwe per month. . f 00
On? half column prr month 15 00
On column jttr month 3000
V3.$an)plecopIin vnt free on Application
Publication OitiuK No. 6 Wail, tog ton Street Up
Ulra, room No. Carul r.jl
vm mm iji wuuwtnm iiti nnrsx j-k r ?
ii itLism:ii'.H mii x iiui.m
11.0 follow inir art) atitliorlzed to receipt for s iberlp
linns to this pnjM r. jtiMWirrc wo have no agents re
mlt'amiH MIST Im mode, (expenses pniel), to 114 b
Kn-Llcreet Lt'tir, or Jlonej Order, or Impress
no.v ok tiii: tijiu i-aid mil.
Arnlt . It li.Slinlion
Aurora. (loo ilillcrj
llronsilllt). . .WKhlrk
Hiltto Creek II hkervln
llrooks. W II Harrlsl
lMlcvuo Jen" Davis
Orawforilsvlllo It.U Ul its
OotMaOr .J II iliortrMgo
Lebanon 0 U Siiiiltli
U hi Me I I'JMtTIiilliiomla
Looking Glass 51 CcKhran
I.lniolu h Abrams
McMlnnllllc J .MtPlillllps
M.-Coy b Hobblns
Mtl'lisuunt I'HTInjcr
MarU IE II itullurfonl
Mohawk .1 S (.'Lure 1.111
.Vltyer Harris Monmouth VV VaLi.rhoii.B
eiiimpocjr A Jettc. iSoYuuililIJ. eiwbnnplnirton
Damascus I! I'orlics Powell allcj TKWillituis
1 Hi ton K Olll'liway Pilot Hock . K Olllilln
llntins Hon J O Driln Pendleton.. Lot Lhtrmore
Delias ...I I). Smith I'errjihlo .IVVJIcdreiw
Dulur -A J Dulur, Jr rie-ixnnllllll UW Hands ekcr
Kola . .Tliotn IVuree llttcrsldei . .0 F Knowlcs
Klkton , .A.!! Hilnc Kosehtirir 8 K Kaiiuoiid
Kiiiruiei Hun .III McCluiii: Svetct Homo 7. II Moss
raiin.btirtf Won M llllcy hilun S W (Jlmrch
Korcat flrovo. . .S lluirhcs smtou ..A IHlanlner
Fox Valley. .A I) fl.trdncr Sublimity Jno Downing
(kihlicn I Handsaker Scio . J 8 Morris
(Instou , AO lta niouil Micdd . W M Powers
ucrtam .M.M1U lien Tangent Jolin I.tijwr
lloliIcniW1e.II !' HnvIorA Co Tiirmr .. I' K 31attmon
Himsbuu .Hon II Smith Wilbur Hon Thos Smith
IbuV Mack, l'eirlC Uillamctto H St Wllklni
Irvlnir ....All Jciililn Willtj. .. A A Williamson
lililopcmli nee W Ii llnlirln WVston I, b UV.rnl
JakKOiiIIIe Stix Milllcr Wultshnrir V X Smllli
Junctljn WlllliucrlWalUWulU J Jacobs
nfferson J W Kolaml Zina h SOIiuMt
For years past e liavo kept lieforo tlie
fanners of Clicon a subject that is of greatest
importance- to their prospeuty to their per
manent welfare as farmcis ami producers.
We refer to replntinf,' tho natixe gra-sse", that
ale usually worn out, or in piocttiiof heingex
leriiiiu.itiril, with ptruiaiient pastures that can
he dcpcnilcil 011 to yield, for many years,
abundutit pasturage for all kinds of stock
We are tlc! that the native grasses of this
valley wtro onco abundant and very nutri
tious. It wat true of them, as of other 11 itivo
gracses, that thoy were eaten out by the in
aieaso of stock on the pastures. The cultiva
tion of grasses has become onu of the most im
portant branches of guod husbandly Cenlu-
lies of experience weio requited to placu 111,111
ill jioBBession of tho knowledge lli.it enables
linn to leplaco the nativii pwtuics of new
countries with such well known varieties as
tan bo depended 011 to insure continual sue
ocshiou of giccn food and provide the best of
fodder for slock at Mich seasons as pastures
aiu no longer green. This knowledge is most
perfect himI tho rmuHmnoitBatUfiictoiyintlio
older eivilired countries, where the need of
p-tfect methi ds is the greatest. When tho
iiinu comes mat mo peopiu 01 a new legion
need to leplaco the worn-out glasses with ie
liable pastures those tutcrrnUil most call fin
ing that will assist us in forming some rea
sonable estimate.
When they can form some estimate of the
losses they suffer, because thoy do not pos-
ecru the best of meadows and pasture lands,
farriers will bo prepared to attempt sucl;
improvements as will secure more profit.
That involves a thorough knowledge of
grasses for tho various uses. This, as we
han s-iid, is very valuablo knowledge, and
must bo carefully acquired, and, when ac
quired, must bo very carefully applied. So
wc shall hope to interest all thb farmera of
Oregrn in the matter, as well as the farmers
of Washington Tenitory, and if tho result
shall be that one in twenty of the actual
farmers and producers of tho two States can
be induced to investigate the subject with a
desire to rcctive and impirt information and
and attempt to improve meadows and pas
ture?, then we shall feel that tho effort,
whatever time and labor it may require, has
been a success.
Wo cannot expect to ri-alie all we have in
timated as dctiiable, but wc sum up tho ob
ject of these desscrtati ns as follows: To
form some reasonable opinion as to the wealth
that would accrue to our North Tacific hus
baudincn, if they had good meadows and pas
tures and good stock to rear on them. To
leain as much as possiblo about good grasses
and inolhods of producing them. When we
shall hale investigated the aluo of grass as a
product; tho value of all kinds of stock; the
best varieties of grasses and best breeds ol
stock, and character of wool, as well as the
best methods of producing all, and feeding
and utilising all, we shall have accomplished
fcomrthing noteworthy, and if it can be well
accomplished, all the better.
To se:uro tho desired end wc ask every
icador to furnish his experienco and conclu
sions on this subject.
Wo have upheld, for years back, that there
is more actual profit in good meadows and
pastures than in growing wheat, which is es
pecially true if we can grow hut one wheat
crop in two years. To prove the asseition we
must find out what it costs to uiako meadows
and pastuics, what profit each can be mado to
yield, and then draw the comparison with
wheat. Considering that farmers are so much
lntctcuteil in this question, we ask them to
give all tho aid they can in arriving at a just
conclusion. Of course the experience of in.v.y
is different, anil wo must aieiago tho success
of dillerent persona to get at tho truth. Next
week wo shall commeiteo to show facts re
ativo to pastures.
horso owner cannot afford to take such
chances. Jt is for the advantage of his profits
to piuvida that the horse shall be comfortably
cared for, and it is only common humanity
that requires tho mercifnl man to be merciful
to his beast. We advise overy man, who
wifhes to engage in horse-raising, to secure
stock that is well worth raising and improv
ing, and see to it that tho maro with foal is
In the Big Bend Country.
The newest country now inviting settle
ment is in the Big Bend of the Columbia,
north and west of the X. P. R. K , in Spokan
county, W. T. Wo lately lisited this region
and wrote it up casually, and take the follow
inc interesting sketchfrom tho Spokan Chron
icle, evidently written by some adrpt in
descriptive style. U must bo remembered
1 eiescripiive Biyie. u mus
rcnucree. aoio to lurmsii me and strength to that 1)c jouriiejc,i through .1 new region that
the oUipriiifc, so that the stock shall improve 1 lu,j fcw improvements and scattered settler,
with care rather than deteriorate from neg- tr ,,., .
III connection w ith the Hi e-stock interests, it
should bo understood that moro and moro at
tention is constantly paid to raising horso,
throughout tho entuo l'acilio Northwest, in.
eluceel by tlio fact that tho wholo region is
aduiiiably adapted to bleeding the horso and
tho further reason that w 0 have gi on iug homo
and foreign dcmanel for gooel horses of all lie
scriptione. It is well demonstiated that tho
business pays. "There is nothing that sue-
ceeuls like success."
V hen wo wore lately traveling in the east
ern part of Washington, wc saw in overy di
rection bands of horses on tho lauge, and Baw
I and hearel constantly of fiuo stallions, of all
the best knowledgo of other countries, as well B1''. kept to iuipiovo tho htock. It is well
as stuely tho conditions Hint surround them,
and the niutlioils best adapted to those condi
tions. Wo repeats no branch of farm knowl
edge is moii) important; no department of
husbaii'lry demands moro cnioful study and
thorough practice.
Wo have already reached this couiliti in as
to native pistures, 111 Western Oiegou, nud
w Inn ex cr ctock crowds tho bunch-grass ranges
Knat of tho .Mountiuns, wo hear that tho fa
mous buncli-giasa fade away. It 1.1 thcrcfoio
no iiuoHion for gratification of local prulo but
0110 of tho most imiHirtniit considerations of
rural economy that tin havu to meet, Tho
stock inturcst equals auy other, The import
ance of gooel pastures is second to no other
Item of agricultural iuteiest. And, stiango to
nay, there is 110 blanch of his profession that
tho Oregon fanner, as n rule, treats with so
much iiidiire'reuco and actual neglect. Wo
lull ei intioilueed tliu subject thus formally,
buc.iueu 11 e propose tn follow it up systematic
ally and endeavor to product) from goueral in
ftntatioti ami individual experience, if possi.
bli, facts that rhall bear 011 tho subject ill a
pructic.il w ay.
In tho coiutiifiicemii'ut, thru, we ,19k out
friends to 10MV0 their interest in the much
discussed subject of liiiadeiw and pas til lee
grasses, and give- tho fri'shest of their experi
ence) to tlio public, ltis now 0 number of yeais
mncu wo began in tho r'AUMUt a diicussion
that aroused ge octal interest, ami lias iesulteel
lit constant agreement in many join mils of Die
State But that discussion, with its a ambling
etHiys uiiel fieeiuent biddings ami ri-oriimua.
turns, has ecltled no qiustion satisfactorily,
and has only kept a matter befoiu the public
that iie-eid tei In) bo thoroughly iiuileistooil,
that the knowledge) can bo tuiitel to (ccouiit.
It should ho lutein the basis of successful and
ystcimfia pioduction of grasses nud rearing
of all kinds of stock, mid gum th of wool, ami
improvement of the dairy iuteiest.
The topici that appear in thu yoniu'ction
are various, lis for uistiiico 1 To iuwtigite
the impuraneo of glass, in tho form of hay,
as S 1 WH fodder, hi ensiltt.il', or how ever fed.
to calculate the laluo of pasturage 111 gm.
Nat, taken as the single item of grans, and
uiinpaiei this 11nivus.1l product with any
ctlur pi'duot, such as corn, wlnMt, toluco,
cott "mi, or tho gem ml fruit crop of tliu
woihl, When mi) l'At ainnM thm uiwiti
rati 11 to all possible limits, and found w hit
gros, wti tliu it in Oregon, is actually
wcttti, it will lo utWrt'ktii'g to ciimparv tliu
methods, or lack of invtliudi e-f present pro
diictuin, with llis iiivlliod that should bo
followed, aiu) discowr what gam our farm-n-
rould diitiM) from tb cultivation of me.ul.
own and paitutis in a more ptrfict way.
Such a coiuluiiou it insy not It) p.uiblu to
urivo at, but wc can, perhu, make a sliou-
established that horses w inter well and come
out in fair order from a severe season, when
cattlo sillier fearful loss. Karly in the spring
wo saw bands of horses, in tho l'aloueo Coun
try, limning on tl.o range, 11s thoy bad all
wiuter, neither having been fed or housed.
The) bunch grass stands as it grew, matuied
by ripening so that its nutrition ia w ell pre
served. Tho horse paws away the snow in
tho severest winters and keeps alive, and even
thriving 011 this dried grass. Last winter,
them was for ninety days snow on tho ground
111 some) sections wlieio noises 1110 numerous,
and tho percentage of loss was v ery sinill. It
wasfjpmmouly tho caso that there was unions
at all due to tho winter weather.
Tho whole territory Kast of tho Cascades is
admirably aelapted to raising the hoisc, and
thu iiumhor'of horses langing thero is rapidly
increasing. It is interesting, to a lover of the
horso, to ox imino into thu mcthoels of houeineu
ill all that region and sec tho lesults. Bands
of mares aro seen everywhere, in the spring
time, often with foals at theirsule. An aver
age band of marcs may bo worth $73 a head,
and tho colts at four years old be worth $100,
and still unbroken, They are iinullv well
brod. Iho coauer mures aie coupled with
heavy sires, rcrchcron or Clydesdale, half
breeds perhaps, and the result often is a stout
eolt, a groat improvement on the mare, well
calculated for heavy w 01k. The use ot half
bloods of these heavy breeds is thought moro
judicious than to use tho full blood, uud the
country is becoming viell supplied with these,
half-breed stallions, at icasotiablo puces.
But tho punk of mires i very likely to con
tain aoiiit) animals bottii bieel mid mora valu
able', wen thy of becoming mother of the iu-
valuable) horso for all park; the work' horse, or
tho indomitable) roadster. The extensive, stock
owner will bo apt to have stallions of eiilleicnt
qualities to 11 su for these dillercut purpose,
and tin) s.imo range will turn off various
grades of horses, that in dun time' will bo
broken to work ami put on tho market. Tho
nullum of acres of those eastern ranges fur
tush opportunity foi tho production of horses
of every quality. They send to tins valley
liuxvy, matched truck-trains of enormous
K)wer and sue, as well as trim roadsters, that
make) beautiful eainace teams. All grades
art repic-jciiteil, though the mteiut is ouly
now in its boginnig, From tasteru range wo
leovivD installments of thoroughbred racers
who contest c.icii field 011 the race track, and
trotters funn that tlutrist of country often
claim the heaviest purves -oiler cd for that
When we say that in many instances Urg
bauds of horses cau and do run onfall winter,
without cato or fossl, other than tho natural
1 alive, vio elo not im-au t. say that nueli a
course! is the Iwst tn pursue. That it 11 vur-
lect. True economy dictated the saying that
whatever is worth doing is worth doing well,
(ireat humanity is due to this wonderful
creaturo that waits to dg our bidding.
Leaving the reaelcr to carry out the view
we aro presenting, without further illustra
tion, wo will allude to tho qualities of climato
aril pistures that increase the value of the
eastern ranges. East of the Cascades the at
mosphere is dry and invigorating, tho waters
pure-, the bunch grass, which has many varie
ties, is wonderfully nutritious, an I the effect
of all theso requisites is to confer on yountr
horses, bred there, very excellent constitu
tions, sound and solid bone and tough wind
and muscle. Frequently, bands of horses
graze off, miles distant from water, on tho
high table lands, while the streams aio in tho
canyons. When they start for water, it is
apt to bo a race at break-neck pace, and when
they go down tho side of tho canyon, or over
the brink of tho hills, it is at a Bpeed that re
quires sound limb anil wind. Tho "sunivd
of t ie fittest" is the rulo in that respect.
The horse that grows up on the range anil
learns to handlo himself in tho rushes of the
herd, is very sure to be tough and haidy, and
only needs to be well broken to win tha
highest regard.
A few weeks ai;o, at Salem, wo met Mr.
Thos. Cross, and got into his buggy to con
verge, w hilo ho drove around. We soon askeel
"Uncle Tommy" whero ho got that perfect
pair of horses, for they -were indeed beautilul;
meelium Bi'e, perfect in form, evidently high
bred, certainly not fitted for very lieivy work,
but just the thing for a light carriage team.
He said they were Baskctt's stock, railed
East of the Mountain?, almost pure thoiough
bred. Ihskett has a horse ranch thete, sup
plied from his Willamette stud, with some sires
that aio thoroughbred, first cousins to famous
Lexington, and hud bred up from oinmon
mires until "Uncle Tommy" bought theso
colls, just off the range, for S100 apiece, and
the) had by being well broken been probably
mado well worth $.)00. This anecdote serves
to illustrato at least ono feature of horso rais
ing East of the Cascades.
Western Oregon and Washington enjoy
mm , advantages natural to the horse, and
here, in tho Willamette Valley, wc have
homes for that invaluable animal tint cannot
be surpassed. While tho Eastern Country is
tho breeding ground, theso Western Valleys
aro tho nursery giound. Wo might say that
while horso roaring is a TltAUE there, it has
become an aut hero. Thero is a great deal of
veiy exeollent horse atock in this section.
You can find here tho swift thoiouehbred, the
fast trotter, the fino oarrisgo team, tho all
work horso, the heavy draft Normans and
Clydesdales. Tho best of sires and maros aro
here. Tho horse is propagated hero caref ullv.
not by tho wholesale, hut with excellence, and
having eaid so much in favor of eastern ranges
wo may as well add that tho native pastures of
this valle-y were originally far ahead of oven
the wonderful buueh grass, but they havo
disappeared, 111 a groit measure, We have
made pastures in their place, it is true, for
many grasses are known to thrive here. This
valley is no longer open rauge, but is usually
cut up in medium size farms, and the horse
stock, instead of having unlimited range, now
is kept 111 home pastures, each farmer a few,
and very few farmers have oven half a dooii
marts. While thero aro many mares in all
the Western alleys, from British Columbia
to California, thoy have many thousand own
ers, but thoy are usually well cared for ami
their increase is so kept as to giow and thrive
continually. So it appears that all imaginable
difference exists between the stock interests of
the different portions of this wido couutry.
Again, wharevor the Kistern Country settles
up and becomos farmed, the conditions as to
stock chango and every farmer is to some ox
tent 11 stock-raiser, as is tho case in tho Wil
lamette. It would be injustice to leave this improt
ant subject without referring 111010 particular
ly to Southern Oregon, by which we mean
the Valleys of tho Umpqua and Rogue River,
which cannot be excelled for horses. They
have ovon hotter climate than any other part
of this groat country, and tho experience of
such horse-men as W, C. Mycr and J. C. Tol-
man, of Jackson county, and others in Doug,
las county, shows that no better, if as good,
location can be fouuet for that business. It is
said that those who have tried, extensively, to
raise horses csp'cnlly tine horses in the
Klamath legion, cast of Jackson county, be
gin to believe that sectiou to bo too frosty and
unfavorable. That miy bo so, but, if so, is
the only exception to the general rule, that
the whole Pacific Northwest is admirably
adapted to the grow th and development of
the horse.
sued is absolutely true, but we insist that the I Oregon
Next Meetlne ot Butte Creek Qrauee.
To the Patrons of Iltubiudry of Butto
Creek Orange, No. 8i, Clackamas County,
Oregon! Notice is hereby gii en tint the next
Orange meeting will he lielel the feiurth Satur
day 111 September. Old and young, married
and iugle, rich and poor, am earm stly solici
ted to attend, as matters relating to tho
Orango Fair will be discussed and arranged.
No shirking or lame excuses, but como boldly
forward, put jour shoulders to the wheel and
give it a turn iu the right diroorieiu.
By order of P, J, Kiui.Mi.s, Masteri
M, Ruwkll, Secretary.
Italian Queens.
A rorrvspoudent wrote us last week inquir
ing where he could get Italian queen. Iu
reply vvo would refer him tn Mr. T. L. Wtant.
of I'ortUml, or Mr. J, 0. Husk, of Milwaukie,
He says :
Leaving Deep Creek Falls early in tho after
uoon of one of those brilliantly beautiful days
for which our summers arc so famous, vie
drove along tho mail route over rich rolling
prairies that are just beginning to show the
mark of industry by small patches of culti
vated land. Many farmers aie striving, with
what foice they can command, to improvo
their farms; others strir only to do work suf
ficient to hold tho laud; others try to hold the
laud by avoiding every requirement of the
law, and as long asthis condition exists (lie
richest portion of this country will show but
little development. Another drawback t the
settlement and impiovemect of this part of
the country is our Timber Culture law. In at
least two thirds of the sections of land in
question a timber culture is held by some
non-iesident, non-producing, uon-tax-paying,
land-giabhing, liw-cvading speculator, wait
ing for tho industrious settlers to iuipiovo the
land all around him and make his cliim vain-
able, and then he sells to tho best bidder;
tho other third are in most caes held by men
who are honestly striving to acquire land by
comply ing w ith ev try lequirement of tho law,
a very difficult thing to do and it is safo
to predict that at least three foutths of them
will fail.
In most cases they aro land poor, and will
remain bo until the extra tract is disposed'of.
All the woy to Cottonwooel Springs we drove
over a prairie whose charming beauty was a
constant surprise, Tho land is lolling, not
rough and broken, but sufficiently undulating
to afford good drainage, and at the same time
ailmit of cultivation. As no near Cottonwood
tho landscape is less broken, and extends
away on cither side ill long, easy sb pes, the
hills lower, the valleys wider, and are more
inviting. Taken as a whole, this is the moat
promising part of Washington Territory that
we have yet seen; there is moro good anil less
scab land, and a larger pi oportion of the wlio'o
susceptible of cultivation thin any we have
previously examined, and in our opinion, this
is destined to bo the richest portion, not only
of Spokan county, but of the w holo Territory.
There are miles and miles of laud lying
vacant, and homes for the thousands can be
obtained simply by seeking them. One great
troublo with land hunters is thu fact that
thero is too much good lanil to select from,
anil with the blooming landscape rich in ver
dure smiling all around them thoy become ex
acting in their requirements, and want at
least two quarter sections of land, one of
which must hive a royal spring convenient to
a nice building site, and tho other covered
with a natura meadow; failing to obtain these
they drive over thousands of acres of rich
alluvial soil, any quarter section of which re
quires only careful cultivation to make a man
Tho springs at Cottonw ooel aro a veritable
bonanza to the fortunate owners, act? furnish
an abundance of clear, cold water as pure and
healthful as ever spring from mother earth.
Heio land seekers, tourists aud freighters
pith their tents, and tho springs have become
a famous camping ground. In lookiuj over
trio situation 1 was remineleil ot a tamous ie
mark of Jack Hittson, tho cattle king, who
used to live at tho cross roads, who said that
no matter w hich way you started, yeiu were
sure to pass his door. Cottonwooel is tho great
crois loads of the country, and the natural
center for all lines of travel from tho Columbia
liver and lower Spokan to the North Pacific
Railroad. The Indian's are tho path-finders
in all countries, and the white niou only
widen and improve their trails, as they
always follow the most feasible routes. Tho
old trails diverge in all directions from these
springs, and tho last few years has served to
broaelen and deepen them into public high
ways of considerable importance.
Eight miles beyond Cottonwood, en routo
to the Columbia river, we struck a timber
belt of rocky land, intersected with ravines,
anil elottcel all over with little lakes, sur
rounded by meadows, the wholo practically
worthless for farming purposes, but furnish
ing splendid grazing, and affording wood to
the couutry lying west and south for many
miles. We drove eight miles through this
timber, and then began an abrupt descent
down n brawling and dancing littln brook of
clear, cold water that one might jump across
almost at any place, said to be full of trout.
It is a beautiful mountain dell, with abmpt
walls rising hundreds of feet on either riele.
and if you are imaginative yon can trace out
a thousand quaint figures, worn iu the sombre
huetl basaltic rock by tho ceaseless action of
the elements. One may lounre upon rich
grass under the stately pines and enjoy the
luxury of an atmosphere) laden with the per
fume of wild flowers, and musical with the
sweet notes of hundrels of tho feathered
songsters. The little stream here makes an
abrupt turn to the left aud takes a nearer
route to the tiver; wo cross a low divido
under the friendly shade ot pine ami fir, make
a quick descending drive along a side cut,
cross a Kagc-l rush plateau, and pull up in
front of Virginia Bill's cabin on the lunks of
the Columbii tiver The view from this
point is grand and Ix-autiful in the extreme.
On the opposite shore tho tiinhervd hills
rising gradually from tho river extend back
for miles, the nver sweeps noMy around the
jutting lr, it limpid water reflecting the
green tinge of the foliage on either side.
During a quarter of a century Bill his
watlieel tho river slowly moving by his iloor,
and ho ha learned to imitate its gait; like
tho river he has had his ups aud downs, but
unlike the river he has uever had a fixed pur
pose, aud therein he has faded. Bill was here
when the river yielded its golden sands to tho
rrineis at the rate of twenty, fifty aod even a
hundred dollars a day to each man: he was a
miner, trader, speculator, merchant and hotel
keeper, and a stream of yellow dust flowed
through his hands, but 110110 of it remained
there. The excitement camn up and Bill
floated on the full tide of prosperity with such
golden opportunities as seldom cane to men;
the excitement went down, the tide went out
never to return again, and left Bill standing
upon the bar. The fruitful earth yields abun
dant letutns for the slovenly efforts expended
upon a little garden spot, ami the tomatoes
and melons, which grow to great peifcction,
aio marketed at Camp Spokan, six miles up
the river, and bring big prices, aud yet a hun
dred acres of rich uncultivated sod is covered
with weeds. Threo apple trees only thra-i
on tho place bear every J ear, and establish
the fact that an orchard could be piofitably
cultivated here.
Supper over and pipes lighted, seated in
our romih chairs under the balcony, Bill asked
if there was any talk of .1 line of btcamers on
the upper Columbia. If Bill is agood prophet
there will booh bo a lino of steamers running
from the mou'h of Snake river to the fiozeu
lakes of British Columbia. Only two portages
will be requited, and the oldest of us may live
to see this prophesy fulfilled, with a flourish
ing town built 011 his garden spot, and a
good wagon road leading up Cottonwood
creek to the Bprings, only eighteen miles,
over a good natuil road.
On the Desert.
Pendleton wants crosswalks.
Jay Beach has refused S2200 for lib mare
.Maggie Arnolil.
Tho Pendleton Trihune, it is said, will dis
card its patent outside.
Eugene has bid sidewalks, and the Guard
wints the council to attend to them.
A. II. Parks has exhibited some specimens
of gold found near Milton, in Umatilla
All over the State vie sio a demand for
harvest hands and none arc to be found or
Misses Gora Pike, Sarah J. Fryer, Allie
Denny and Addie Mires, have been appointed
to scholarship in the State Uuiwjity from
Douglas c uinty.
P R. McDonald, marshal of tho town ot
Peudlettfn. is un before tho citv council on a
cnarge 01 ill trea'ing prisoners and malfeas
ance ol office.
Last Sunday, says the Eugene Guard, three
young Indies vveie riding out", when the saddle
on which Miss Dora Dickinson, ageel fifteen
years, was riding, turned, her foot bein,' fast
111 the'Stirrup strap. The sudden fall broke
both bones of her left leg just aboio the
An immigration train of 22 wagons arrived
atLowiston last week from Montana, by the
Mullan road. The first travel by that route.
About 20 immigrant waeons pass through
La Grande daily. 1 hey all report largo num
bers on the road, bound for the land of the
two wallas.
The anmal meeting of tho stockholders of
the Capital Gold aud Silver Minim? Comnauv.
of Salem, will be held in Salem on the second
Thursday of this month, at 2 o'clock v. M.
The Lakeview Examiner says : "A black
potato bug has made its appearanco in the
gardens in this vicinity and shows an officious
and disgusting willingness to help harvest the
While- passii g over the section of tho desert
sothwoat of town, it is particularly noticeable
that even on tho hillsides, where apparently
everything else is sccrched ly the heat of the
mn, and the dry winds, tho nobis of ryo are
flourishing, and promise a fine yield this year.
In many places where thero vv.s nothing to
attract the attention of the farmer, who has
tilled the rich soil of the valley, men who are
ess ambitious, but perhaps more cn-rgetic.
have carved out beautiful homes for them
selves, and are now surrounded by green hills
aud pastures. Tho chief draw luck in the set
tlement of the.o places is the scarcity of
water, natural fountains beimr verv r,r.
Though in many places water mav be fonnH
by sinking vvelh, it seems that little labor in
this direction has been done. . Tho stockmen
rely upon the surroundinc streams to supply
their cattle and horse, and this will probably
account for the abundance of crass on the in
terior dc3 rt, for'tho quality and quantity of
tho grass increases as tho distance from the
rivers lengthens. Tho ravages of civilization
are oaservable in the scarcity of trees, that
have been taken from their native soil ond
used for fuel. -Thouah farther on the desert
millions of cords of sun dried juniper are
silently awaiting the demand that must be
made of them before many years, th travel
ing over this desert one is foicibly impressed
with tho ualuial beauty of the surrounding
country, tho outlines of which cannot be ex
celled anywhere. Laree tracts of land, in
many places reaching for miles, thickly car
peted with luxuriant bunch grass, and dotted
here and there with groves cf the evercrcen
juniper, help to make more beautiful land
scapes than can bo imagined. From the ele
vated portions of the desert can be seen the
summit of the Cascades, on which several
snow capped peaks aro visible. To the south
is Diamond peak, and following in order are
tho Three Sisters, Mount Jefferson, and far to
the north, Mount Hood. All these, with the
beautiful scenery of the mountains, foot hills
aud intervening plains, make a grand picture
that defies portra al.Prmeville News,
potato crop.
Tho following was written on an immigrant
wagon which was passing through La Grande
recently :
"I11 Ood wo trusted,
In Nebraska we busted.
And now we're bouud for the promised land."
The Silverton Appeal informs the world
that Marion cuuntv offers more substantial in.
ducements to the immigrant to settle within
its boundaries thau auy county in the State.
Our land is the best in the State, a.id denir.
able bargains may be hail in real estate. The
county is centrally located aud the whole
aiea abounds with number ouo water power
now idly awaiting tho manufacturer's vvhc !.
e are reliably informed, says the llecord,
that the next annual fair of the Union County
Agricultural Society gives promise of being
ono of tho most attractive meetings ever held
in Eastern Oregon. The time selected. Sep
tember 18th, ensures good weather, and the
number of hoises already in training, that
nave siguincil their intention of being in at
tendance, guarantee a fine field of flyers. The
cattle ami snuie show will be unusually good,
while the pawhou will be par excellence.
Remember that thero w ill be no entrance fee
to any dep irtment except the speed. Now
let everybody como and bring-something, and
if you do not mako anything thero is no
cnancc to lose.
N. H. Crittenden, writing for the 'e.iourcei
oOretjon and Washington from the cabin of
tho Yaquina last April, Bays, as tho vessel
went over tho bar and stood to sea: "Sailing
southward, Oregon first presents some ten
miles of lowlands, occupied chiefly by dairy
men The Seaside Hotel, a favorite resort of
tho Portlanders and Astorians, built by Ben
Holliday, is situated here. Soon the Coast
Mountains confront the ocean, rugsed and
thickly wooded. Tillamook Headlight stand
ihg Bentinel upon a huge rock, one mile and
one-eighth from tho shore. Next tho mouth
of the Nehalem, where excellent coal has re
cently been discovered, then a lontr stretch of
magnificent beach succeoded by a bold, rocky
shore to Tillamook Bay, forty-five miles from
tho mouth of the Columbia. This is a fine
body of water, about fourteen miles long and
six miles wido, almost completely landlocked,
full of salmon, bass, clams, crabs and other
fish, its shores thickly timbered with spruce,i
and fir, abounding with elk, deer and bear.
John Hobson, who roelo down the Columbia-.
in an Indian canoe 39 years ago, has come
with us to expend $40,000 in the building of a
salmon fishery and cannery, greatly to the de
light of the old settlers, who have been pa
tiently waiting these twenty years for some
thing to turn up for the benefit of beautiful
Tillamook. There are about twenty-five
American families, and a small remnant nr
the Tillamook tribe of Indians living immedi
ately upon tho bay, and a large settlement oc
cupying an extensive openin" on the southeast
side. They are engaged chiefly in dairying,
lumbering and stock raising. There is a con
siderable body of surveyed government land
lying to the north and east along the western
slope of the Coast Range, .which, though
much broken, will afford many desirable sit
uations for those seeking homes in Oregon."
North American Review.
PoKTLAND, Oregon, July 20, 18S2.
To the Protluctn oOnyon, Washington ami
This bureau desires to make a full collection
of agricultural predects from the harvest of
the Pacific Notthwest for 1SS2.
For this purpose, the lequest is made, that
specimens of urain in the sheaf and in the ber
ry, native and cultivated grasses, and of all
sorts of fruits and vegetables, be delivered at
any railroad or steamboat station throughout
all this rtgion, addressed to the "Bureau of
Immigration, Portland, Oregon," and they
will be promptly forwarded by the agents of
Iho railroad companies.
Receipt of specimens will be duly acknowl
edged. Each articlo should bo labelled with its
name, jield per acre, name and post office ad
dress of the sender, so that due credit can be
Hoping for a general response, that will
make it possible to prepare an exhibit that
will do justice to the agricultural resource , f
wus granti region.
1 am, very truly yours,
Papl SciinLZK, Manager,
Sewing Macnlnes.
Mr. Ben Forstner, at Salem, has the vcj-v
best lot of sewing machine in that part cf
the country. It is better for anyone to buy
of him thin of traveling agents, for be not
only is able to sell cheaper, but he is a ma
chiuist himself, aud can at auy time regulate
a machine if it get out ot order. Forstner
also has a fine lot of guus and fishing tackle,
which caunot be beat fe-r fine finish aul cheap
price. Sporting goods, at a low figure, can
be hid; also all sort of work done in metal
in first-clii manner at Forstner' shop.
In the North American Review for August,
the Rev. Henry Wnrd Beecher writer of
"Progress in Religious Thoueht," pointing
out the many influenocs, social, educational
and scientific, which are by degrees trans
forming the wholo structure of docmatin ho.
lief and teaching. T. V, Powderlv, the official
head of the Knights of Labor, the strongest
union of workingmen in tho United States, ,
contributes a tomperate article on "The
United States Army," dwelling more particu
larly on those feitures of our army msnage-r
msnt which appear tn him tq be most worthy
of imitation by the military governments of
Europe. "Woman's Work and Woman's
Wages," by Charles Wi Elliott. ;'s a forcjble
statement of one of the most nriront nmMnm,
of our rime. The author sees no advantage to'
be derived by women in nun's work, whether
of brain or of hand; such employment, he;'in
sists. only reduces man's waires. ami ilnMnnt'
really aeld tn the total resources of the whole
class of workers. In a hiehlv interestincr
essavon "The E'hics of Gambling." O. B.
Frnthinghrtm analyzes tho passion for play,
with rare ingenuity. "The Remuneration of
Public Servants," by Frank D. Y. Carp-nter,
gives matter for aerious consideration, both to
the civil scnios reformers and their oppo1
nents. Finally, there is a pjper on "Artesian.
Wells upon the Great Plains," by Dr. C. A.
White, of tho Smithsonian Institution. The
Review is sold by booksellers generally.
The Last of Oltsau.
His lioica are being prepared for exhibition
at a Wabincton rnnwiini. The examination
of his bral.i bid A-v il oofhine peculiar,
but is quite natural in eveiy way. If he de
si rod fame when he killed the President, he
could scircely be disappointed if he could see
how .'n-famom he had become to have his
skeleton hung In a museum.
Information Wanted.
Robert Lenox McMillan went to Oregon in
1SS2, in company with James Forsyth and
others. Anvono serine this, and knownig the
address of R. L. McMillan, or if dead, they
will mnfer a favor by letting his sister know.
AeMresa, Mrs. S. E. Byers, 60 Lamar street,
Houston, Texas.
klBr Ufa.
"Wells' llemlth BuivMMdwM h..lt, .H.i -r. -
cures Dysjwjlnipcnc,lkxulDbuity. H. '