i 0. 8 I il n i;. ft I lm 199 mK 1 i: I. If w ft , 4sr-Tnnp vrtv aeac&i HE7 1. AK ;Mll.lrc: f liniiKrMMAKAlDril f ftgpfjjiji$yf-g!vgr imued every Week by the WILLAMETTE fABMEBPrill-ISHUrCJ CO. ""TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTS , Onoycar-CrmtatceHftlnxlvanco.. 8 Z- Six months (Postage. pM). In advance. . f Less than si months will he, per month ...v ADVERSISINO RATES : Alvertiwmcntswlll be Inserted, provldlmr tn arc rc8ptoWc, at the following ; table of rates . Ono Inch of space per month... Three inches of space per month "" On s-half column per month On column per month.. i!"!!!!' TO Samnlo copies sent free on application. iS&tlon Ofllcc: No. 6 Wosniniiton Street. Up talrs, rooms No. Band fll. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. The Egyptian Wnr tleiuindrln licitroyed nnil len to I'liinac. Losikw, July 13--A Standard's corres pondent on boar.1 tl.olnvinc.Mc, tolcgrapli" it 8 o'clock this morning, says : Tho whole, civil population ami troops have withdrawn. Tho wholo of Oranil Squaro is burned. The Telican, which went to discover the meaning of tho last flap of trace last evening, could discover nobody on board the hiryptian ves scl Mahroussa, or in tho arsenal. I he corrcs pondent accompanied an ollicer to shore in a steam pinnace. The purveyor of the Heel. who was ono of the party and well acquainted with tho town, landed and proceeded a con siderable distance. All was perfect.y silent but for tho roar of the flames. It is believed Arabi Tasha has concentrated his forces be yond the city to oppose tho British advance. Tho work nf tho ships is now over and further action must bo ashore, r ully one half of tho town is burning. There will bo a landing in force to investigate the condition of things and, if possible, render aid There ...ii Si.i.i .. i. ii.rno nr four hours suspen sion of telegraphing in consequence of the Chiltern's clmngo of position. Al.RXASi.itiA. July 13, 8:20 a. m.-o-douins aro stealing by thousands 1 o l'.uro. peanB who fought their way down to the beach number a hundred. They report all other Kurop-an and christians, numbering somo hundreds, massacred. Al.KXANimiA, July 13, 8:40 A. M Alexan dria has been ovacuated and tho city is in flames. Tho telegraph ship Cniltcrn has been ordered to tako up a position near tho neutral ships. IxWIKW, Julv 13. In a telegram at ,:2.j A.M.: Admiral" Seymour confirms tho report of tho evacuation of Alexandria. Tho cntiro garrison withdrew under a flag of truco, leav ing Uedouins to firu and pillago tho town. Tho Decoy lias gone to I'ort Said to ascertain the state of affairs there. Khcdivoand Dorvisch l'asha left Kainloh tliis nftcrnoon and drovo thiough Alexandria with their suites. AI.KXANHIUA, July 13, 7:40 A. i. Atilay. light this morning n Hag of truco was flying at KiwKI-Tin palaco. The Helicon, with a flair of truco Hying, and the Inviiuible, Monarch and Penelope, aio now staiming into the inner harbor. Tho remainder of the pqiiad ron aro outsido steaming about. Tho firo ill town greatly uxtended during tho night. A Turkish vessel is still lying oil' Hamleli. '1 hero is a heavy sea on. Alkxanmua, July 13. A dispatch to tho Times confirms tho statement that a body of marines and sailors waB to bo landod. It also says tho bulk of tho Kgyptian army is at Kosetta, -lU mnos noruioasi ui muaauuiiu, and at Damanhour, 38 miles southeast of Alexandria. The soldiers had joined in loot ing tho city before leaving it. The fire of tho Invincible was vory olfectivo against Has-Mi-Tin fort. Two twelvo-ton guns wcro found rearod mi their cuds in consequence of being truck bv shells. Ai.kxani.kia, July 12, -I r. m. The Invin cible has just lired a 1) inch shell at Fort Mex. Tiro atmosphere was clear and e had the exact range, thercforo, although the ship was rolling heavily, it struck the oxact point aimod at and flames broke out from the build ing. Tliero was no roply nor is thero any ain of lifo in tho fort. As far as Lieut, hambton could judgo while in tho harbor, Alexandria appeared quiet. In tho kliedivus palaco is a largo gap cauiod by shells. The harem of tho julaco was completely gutted. Bombardment had evidently pioduecd great moral effect upon military olliujra with whom ho convened, liKlriirlliiiis to Ailmliul M'jnicinr. (jONImiv, July 13 In commons Caiupboll llaimermau, lluancial secretary of the war ollioe, read instructions to Admiral Seymmir as follows: That as opposition of the foits has ceased he should not dismantle them or disable gun; that he should open friendly communications v. itli tho Micdivr, and in ab sence of native authorities frorii Alexandrii, ho should land seamen or marine for police purposes, and that ho should inform com maintain nf these measures. The admiral was instructed to invito tho khedivo to assert his authority in restoring order. Tho landing of British forces for polico purposes was to bo in concert with tho khedivo or any native an tlionty in Alexandria, and nuy ui tho Kuro. pean meu-of-war woro to bo instructed to to operate. Protest" were made by conservative hcnchcB against'tho feebleness of these ill' structions. (lladstono, replying tn the ques tion, said tho government had not yet lieeu informed wheio Arabi l'asha was. Jsorthcote asked why the government lu.il not done something to prevent the teirible events in Alexandria. Gladstone replied that tho gov eminent could not havo anticipated them, Vile from the War. Alkxanduia, July 13. tl v St. Tho khe ilivo is surrounded by Key "tun troop? and his position is thought critical. UisiMN', July 13. 7 l". . A dispatch from Alexandria says the Turkish disp.itch boat Dot Uiidein arrived here this afteinonn. It is supposed tho Kgyptian troops will pro. vont tho khedivo leaving. The British gunboat Bittern is cruising oil Hamlvh. The tiro in Alexandria is tirotly extending in direction ol tho port. Admiral Seymour to-day landed 150 ma rines and IfiO sailors. It is suspected that the town and forts are mined, The Knglili church at Alexandria was do trtied by a chance shell during the bom bardment, A dispatch from Alexandria lUtcd 7:30 this ovruiri: says that since marines and sailors rnteitxl the town, tiring has been heard there. i Memo rmiumer Krr. CiilfAOO, July 13. Tho Summer trotting merlini! t the Chicago driving rrli will lie. gin to-morrow and last seven days. $S2(000 m inirsea and jreuiimns are oll'ered. Among the most interostiug eventa are the pacer, Little Brown Jug, to U-at Maud S.'s trotting rcooul on next Saturday, The sensational event of Monday is a race, open to all stal lions, with Von Aroiiu, Voltaire, Monroe Chief and J. B. Thomu as probable start. r. Tuoaday lias a race, open to all peers, with eight entries. Oil Wednesday will appear a special handicap race between St .lulien and Trinket St Julien to draw ICO pounds and Tri'ikit 135. for a purse of .'.000. Thursday has the 2:10 class with seven nitric. Friday hat the 2il7 elntl with four entries, and a i -1,I nit ttnf1r ' purse open to it .our year .-.---- I Ins is intcnaeu lor on - Thompson. Entries lor it ciose w-.i.u,.u night. Htrtiek lT iigmnina. Little Rock, July 13. Special from Tex arkana: Lightning struck Ohier s new three story brick to-night, and tho walls fell on the Karagon saloon crushing it to atoms. About nn i:... -. ln.f Hnmp nf the bodies aro al ready taken out, and workmen arc searching or others, ii nre nas ' "" u.'inm. .r,,l l.l A Paul-Dlnnatch Tex arkana special says: Eight bodies have been recovered from the building: Wl. juayneiu. Ford Smith, Johnnie May and others, names not learned. More aro wounded seriously and will probably dio t3-day. The Egyptian M'nr. A dispatch from Alexandria says refugees were chiefly (Jrecks and Italians, only one be ing Knglish. Twenty-seven of these came from the Kgyptian bank, whenco they made attacks on the mob, driving them away. J ho manager gave shelter to friends from the Ilinuuo ficneralo and from tho Credit Linmas. These with the manager marched in a body to Marina at four in the morning, after the mob, satiated with butchery, had retired. Tho sol diers and mob, joined by hundreds of women, sacked every shop, entered the houses of Eu ropeans and murdered the inmates. Tho ma rines who landed took rations for the, day. Tho party detailed for spiking guns landed at Fort Kuobe and dismantled the large smooth bore piece.. Admiral Seymour wished to land marines and take possession of Fort Napoleon and march to Cam-el-Dik; but on learning that the fort was mined and a large body ot soldiers stationed at Cam-el-Dik, operations wcro postponed. Tho Condor has gono to I'ort Said. ., ., . Tv-nnv .Tnlv 14 The JWics this morning says: There is reason to believe, if Turkey declines or hesitates to restoro order in Kgypt, n,n ,.n,,f..i-nn will summon Kncland to land a force for that purpose. Cermany and Austria have telegraphed Gladstone their approval of the action of tho fleet. A correspondent at Constantinople says the minister considers Turkish troops and iron clads should go to Kgypt at once, and tho sultan is consmeruig .ir ..n;rf Authorities at Washington have information that tho Americans at Alexandria arc fully protected. , It is stated that Arabi Pasha has only 4000 vory much disorganized troops. Two tliousuun marines have been ordered to march through tho town and shoot all persons rioting. Tho 7'inies this morning saye: By tho last outrage Arabi Pasha lias put himself outside the pale of humanity, and ho must bo followed and his army dispersed. It is satisfactorily known that British preparation is completo and that wo aro ready to carry out the will uf Kuropo if no other nation bo found to do the work. Should tho porto still hold back, Lord Duficrin will Btato in tho coiifcrunco that Eng land is prepared to undertake the task, but will welcomo tho cooperation of any other government. 7VmM. Berlin: It is reported that tho Ger man corvotto Nymph has been ordered to Kt'ypt AVsm, Alexandria: Tho number of porsons massacred by the mob is estimated at 2000. Admiral Seymour telegraphs: "I have occu pied ltas-el-Tin palaco with marines and spiked the guns in six batteries opposito. Tho city is still burning, but I am clearing tho streets. Tho khedivo is safe in tho palaco, which is garrisoned by 700 mariues." Alexandria Orruplril by the Hrlllsli. Orv Alexandria. July 13. Tho firing heard in Aloxandria yesterday was by marines and soldiors, who wcro dispersing plundorers with gatling guns. Tho small dotachment first landing had to wait for reinforcements boforo thoy w;ro aj.lo to push to tho center of town. Tliero was somo short and sharp fighting. No water could bo obtained owing to tho stoppago of works. Thore aro somo French ladius amonir the fucitives rescued yesterday; also tho Egyptian prefect of police who Bucceeuou mo instigator oi vuu uuuauuiu in Alexandria and on tho 11th of June. Thero aro not enough Bailors and marines to occupy nil streets of tho city. LONDON, July ll. neuters jiiexauuna special : Somo field pieces wcro landed with the marines at Ras-el-Tin fort. The palaco was looted shortly before tho marines arrived. A whole batalion of Arabs wore blown up in one fort during tho bombardment. New York, July 14. Herald's Alexan dria : Col. Long, African explorer and acting American consul at Aloxandria, and party en tered tho city this afternoon, followed by a h-ittory of gattling guns, which engaged the rear guard of Arabi's army, wk nail lied. Tho massacro of tho 11th of June was avenged, by the Inllexiblo's 80-t.m guus, as IBOU Aral.s aro ueau nun -inju womiucu. Alexandria llurneil Alkxanduia, July 14 4 r. t rho town is totally burned and the houses from Grand Squaro to tho custom house havo been plun dered. In tho square itself nnd other wealthy European quarters there is hardly a building not ruined or still burning. Tho court house of tho international tribunal has so far es caped. Tho Anglo-Egyptian bank is also pro served. Tho streets aro strewn with einnty clock and jewel cases and similar debris. But very fow bodies havo been fouud, Two thirds of tho troops have deserted during the bombardment. After tho Khedive's palaco had been surrounded a party of soldiers on tered his npnrtiuent and declared they had orders to kill him and burn the palaco. After long parleying their loyalty was bought by premises of money, and then they escorted tho Khedive to tho British at Ras-el-Tin. His guard was not allowed to enter the palace thero with bun. All the ministers except Arabi Pasha presontod themselves at Kaa-cl-Tin palaco at 5 u'clock. Tnvi4. .Ink- II A French snuadron of seven iron clads under Admiral Kraul is off La Golotta. Alkxanduia, July II. Tho Khedivo with Dervisch l'asha and somo ministers and the Klie dlvoVharoin, have arrived aboard a vessel in the harbor. About five hundred loyal troops follow- tho Khedive. Conntaxtisoplk, July II. Ill last even ing's meeting of the council the prime minis ter, Said l'asha, maintained that Arabi Pasha was a rebel and must bo treated as such. Athens, July 14. l'ho Mttngr fe .iMriiJ confirms tho report that the govern ment of Greece has expressed its readiness to join with the corps ol 7000 men in inter vention iu Kgypt. The Turf. Nkw Youk, July 13. Throe-quarter mile -Lute Fugle won, Virginia 2d, Prosper 3d. Time. liltU. Mile und a half Ida B won, Monk 2d, Manitou ;U. Time, 2:41. Mile and an eighth Rob Roy came under the wire first, but was disqualified for cross ing and the race was given to Elect, Lute rogio ..1, wara .w. lime - minute. Sevcn-eiuhths mile Jase won, I.ord Kd ward 2d, Belle of tho North 3d. Time lt33. Mukuls paid 3S0. Steeple chase, short course Lillio Morri. sou won, Ingomar 2.1, Jerry 3d. Time 2:."3. Saratoga, July 14. '''irat race ouo mile, Adaglen first, Lutestriug second, Perplex 3.1. Time, 1:50. Second race, 13 miles Ella Warfielil won, Nettie arcoud Time, H 01, Third race, J mile Saunterer won, Square Dance second. Time, lilSJ. WILLAMETTE FARMER: PORTLAND, OREGON. JULY Fourth race, 1J mile Boatman Jst, Mamie 2d. Time, 2:03. Pittsrcko, July 14. Early Rose won tho 2:20 trot. Driver 2d, Win. H 3d, Leontine 4th. Best time, 2.21J. Thero were ix heats in the 2:25 pacing race. Felix won tho first heat, Princess the second and third, and Bay Jim the next three. Best time, 2;20J. New York, July 14. The California sta ble consisting of Duchess of Norfolk, Lucky B. Griamer and others, has arrived at Mon mouth Park, and will meet engagements at that point during the miqsummer meeting. I'ollllrnI .Nominations. Minneapolis, July 13. At the third dis tfict convention at Glencoe this afternoon Horatio B. Street, present member of Con rrrQQ. w as renominated. Jackson, Miss., July 14 Judge Jerds, of Issaquina county, ex judge of supreme court, was nominated for Congress by Republicans of the old "shoestring" district to-day. Portsmouth, 0., July 14. The 11th dis trict Republican Congressional convention, on the 264th ballot, nominated John VV. McCor mick. New Aldanv, Ind., July 14. Tho Demo cratic Congressional convention for this dis trict nominated S. M Stockslager for re-election. A Moillllrnllon. New York, July 14. The published report that President Villard.of the Northern Pacific, had issued an order that the company lands west of the Missouri river should be sold only to actual settlers, and the quantities not to exceed ICO acres, is wholly untrue. Directors of the company long ago resolved that pur chasers could buy to tho extent of 300 acres, or an entire section, if a guarantco was given of immediate cultivation, the intention being to secure cultivation and prevent large tracts from being absorbed and hem ty speculators. STATE NEWS. Mrs. Geo. Downing, who is well known in this State, and is now living near Silverton, has been very ill for several weeks. A grand ball will bo given at Gervais on Friday evening, July 21st, at Goodman's Hall, by Gervais Fire Co. No. 1. Wo learn from tho lleporter that Mr. A. R. L.ean, of the McMinnvillo livery stable, was badly hurt on last Tuesday by being thrown from a hack. Says the Orecpi Register: Somo of our farm ers have commenced harvesting. The pros pect for an abundant harvest and a large yield was never better in Yamhill. A leading canneryman from up-river in forms the Astorlan that the canneries above Tongue Point are all behind; but that the As toria canneries aro about up to last season's pack. How lonw. will it bo before Astoria warehouse men will have to bulkhead tho water front? There's constant filling in going on, and in somo places a noticeable shoalm? of tho water. the ausence or tne icreuo maKes iv. uumiuiu tively cheap; and its a job that must be be gun before long. Ono of tho prettiest sights in existence was seen yesterday, says the Daily Attorian, at sunset; over 800 boats coming in on tho even ing tide, their white sails gleaming in tho rays ot the sinking sun, and a llood of purple mist filling tho north sido of the river, deepening into dusky gray, as tho mountain shadows darkened into night. TEKRITOKIAli. V Moscow, I. T., has a public library. Yakima City wants a shoemaker and anothsr painter. Tho Walla Walla Statesman wants tho bo cial evil banished from that city, and gives many Vcasons therefor. Burglars infest Vancouver, and the Inde jKiulent wants them either removed or killed. Catch them and then talk about killing them. Tho Wasco Mirror, Vol. 1, No. 1, is here, It reflects credit upon the editor as well as reflects the spirit of enterprise exhibited by the business men of that place. A brilliant meteor fell at Bear Point on the Sound, on tho cvoning of the Oth, bursting as it decended, and making an appearance much like that of a sky roekot. Prof. Doll and wife, of Oregon City, have been engaged as principal and first assistant of the Vancouver public school for the com ing year. Two other assistants will be en gained. Says tho Walla Walla Statesman: The farm hands at Blalocks made a dash for higher wages yesterday, but in an hour after thoy struck, twenty-two presented themselves for work at tho old prico, and tho harvesting goes on. Tho Colfax Democrat says: Crop reports from different portions of this county are not tho best. Tho late sown grain and this cov ers tho bulk of it is Buffering for want of raim A good heavy rain now would be of great benefit. Unless it comes soon the crop will fall short of what has been anticipated. Tho first meeting of the physicians inter ested in creating a medical society, was held at Walla Walla in the oflico ot Dr. Blalock, and tho following officers were duly elected: Prcsfllent, M. Pietryzcki; vice-president, H. G. Mauroy; treasurer, N. U. Blalock; secro taiy, T. W. Sloan. It was voted to adopt Eastern Washington Medical Society as the name of tho association. Tho society adopted constitution and by-laws, appointed a com mittee to arrange for future meetings, which will bo held quarterly, tho first boiug called for tho sccoud Tuesday in October. Another Bah Bar. By the following ex tract from the testimony of Pilot James II. Kogers, who took tho ill fated Escambia out of San Fraucisco harbor, which wo copy from the .dmfnVari Ship, it will bo seen that the bar of tho Columbia is not tho only dangerous place on tho cast ; "We left tho Heads about 0:20 in tho oveniug ; tho wind was west, with strong ebb tide. I ccftild see that there was a nasty sea outside. A strong ebb tido of about fix knots, running up right acainst a wind, always makes a daugerous sea There have Uen quite n mi ruler o w seh lost on thli tir roni the Mine cause tho wind choppiug suddeuly from the northwest to tho west. Two were pilot boats and lost all hands tho Caleb Curtis ard Relief. They werebalasted expressly for gomg across the liar, and wore lost precisely as the Escambia was. After she got over on her side and ha;l lost her speed it would le an utter impossi bility for this or auy other vessel to right up again. I would say that any vessel out on tho bar In a Heavy sea, mat laiis uu invu " trough, shins fifty tons of water, as this one did, ami loses her spetsl.'u bound to godowu. PAiNrnt Atv'iDKNT, As old Mr. Harding of MoMimiviUa was trying to split a tough tick of wood a few days ago, it flew through the kitchen door, where Mrs. Hardiug was at work, stnkiugber on the left side of the head, kuovkiug her euleaj. She was unconscious fur some time, but was finally restored, and has a seyerely bruised head ana neck. ILL-FATED COLFAX. Additional facts concerning the burning of Colfax on the 14th were hard to get yesterday, for the reason that telegraphic communication was cut off or interrupted. From private let ters received in this city it seems that the people up there are paralyzed over the dis aster, and go about viewing the ruins with an air ef disconsolation; but reaction will soon take place, and the. town will arise from its ashes as it did a year ago. Tho dispatches sent to the citizens of Walla Walla and to tho Statesman were disheartening enough " Col fax burning," "Colfax all burned up," "All is lost," etc. The heaviest losers ars Schwatacher Bro. Their los3 will foot up to about S70.000. S. B. Davenport & Company are heavy losers. They had about $42 000 insurance Shaw s loss will foot up to about S15.000. Chapman & Boyer lost about S3.500 by tho firo last July, and their loss this time will exceed that sum by S7.000. Lacy & Whitman have about $21,000 insurance. The following is a list of business houses burned: Boon's livery stable; Rycroft, restaur ant; Rice, blacksmith; Davis' livery stable; Trumbull, saloon; Downing, dry gooas: nam win House; Harris, merchandise; AIcEnnery, confectioner; Heatherly & Brackett, saloon; Lonsdale & Kennedy, merchandise; Suther land's drug storejpostoffice; Bogardus, jewelry; How & Fahler, hardware; Burgunder & Schwa bacher, merchandise; Kuhn, confectioner; Mc Claine, Wade & Co., bankers; J. A. Perkins, banker; U. S. land office; Hoover & Burke, bankers; Democrat office; Privette's barber shop; Grostem, Binnard & Co., merchandisi; Dcdano's meat market; Hamilton & Co., drug store; Warmouth &Golden; Dwyer, furniture store; Madonzr, harness shop; Kennedy, book store; Palace restaurant; uaKer, meat marKei , French saloon, stock saved; L,ippitt urotners. merchandise The (lavlle nrintinz office escaped, but the book bindery connected with it, the finest in the territory, was tetally destroyed. The house of Knapp, Burrell & 'Co. is located at the upper end of the burned distiict, and also escaped because of a vacant lot between it and the file. The Colfax Democrat in its last issuo before tho conflagration, said that the city council at the last meeting instructed tho committee on streets to expend 1000 to construct a sewer in Canyon street, and a large sum of money in constructing a sidewalk. The city was also making provisions for a town hall. In the meantime, all proper provision for com batting a fire was utterly neglected. The losses are pretty well covered by insurance. The fire was the work of an incendiary. Horses Tor the Unecs. The following are tho horses which have been entered for the July meeting of the N. W. D. A. Association, which occurs this week: RUNNERS. Mulkey & Marsh's Montana stable Ch m Premium, b g Joe Howell, b h Billy Coombs, ch h Jesse B. Foster Bros., Lake county stable ch h Conner, ch m Lulu Riggs. b f Lady Foster (2), b f Estella Gould, b f by Ballot Box. W. G. Scoggins, Washington county stable B h Jim Merritt, ch f by Napa. Wm. Johnson, Washington county stable Ch g Telago, J. A. Porter. Forest Grove stable Ch m Trade Dollar, b m Caddie R, b f Neyella. H. Hamilton, Giant county stable Ch m Blue Mountain Belle. Ayres & Stemler, California stable Ch g Fred Collin, ch g Jim Renwick, b f Lou Spen cer. Woods California stable B gelding by Joo Hooker. J. Beach, Lakecountj stable Honest John. TROTTERS. Acker & Leahy, Portland stable b g Deri go, br g Billy Barlow, Jas. Misner, Portland stable b h Dexter, b g Stranger, b f Edna J. Hairy dmiley, Portland stable B h Milton Medium, ch h Gen. Crook, b c Sheriff, b c Wasco, bl c George Albert, bl o Black Hawk. Jas. Mooney, Portland stable B g Johnny Blue, b f Tappist, ch o by Hambletonian, Mambrino. John Panders, Vancouver stable B f May Wintler, ch c by Kisbar. II. A. Hoeaboom. Walla Walla stable B. g Tempest, bl m Walla Walla Maid, b m Nellv Russell, ch c Hector. J. Beach, Lake county stable br m Maggie Arnold, b h by Altamont, b o telephone The Gosi-el Ship's Return-. The steamer Evangel has been weighed in the balance, says tho Intelligencer, and found wanting. In otlicr words, she started for Alaska, but did not make the ritlm.- She got up as far as Jjepar ture bav. and there she remained till the Mas. tick relieved her of her burden three sacks of mail, and then returned. While lying at Departuro bay tho Evangel was overhauled, and sho came down the coast and up tho Sound flvinc before a fair wind. The trouble seems to be in the machine work dono on her and the bad arrangement of her steam pipos. A week's work by a corps of compe tent machinists will put her in a conditiou to prosecute her original mission the spreading of the Gospel among the heathen. It is now not likely sho will again attempt a voyage to Alaska Tho trip proved a very bad and dis couraging ono to tho men on board, and they aro rejoiced to get back once more. The con tractors havo about perfected arrangements for the purchase of a vessel suitable to perform the service on the Alaska route. i R. R. Material Comino. The steamo Umatilla, of the Oregon Improvement Com pany, went to Oakland on the 10th and took ou board two locomotives for Oregon. The lo comotives have been manufactured by the Baldwin locomotive works of Philadelphia. Thoy aro for the Oregon and California Rail road, and are the last of a consignment of sev enteen which have been taken to Portland by the Umatilla. They aro. placed on tho deck near tho alter hatch, and blocked and secured in place by heavy timbers and bolts through the deck and iron plating. The two engines and tenders weigh about 150 tons. On the deck, near the forward hatch, after loading the hold, is to be placed a largo steam excava tor weighiug about 60 tons. This is shipped to Portland, and is designed for work on tho Northern Pacific Railroad. The steamer is loading her lower hold with S00 tons of rails for the saute road. , m EsuoruNTS Coming, A party of 18 or 20 emigrant arrived in the city this morning, .iv, tho Walla Walla i'iYn.t. from Kansas C . ity, and aro now proapeciins lor ian. iicj ire an intelligent, good looking, well-to do , - - . , .... are eg. ad people, with good stock anil flirt-class waisons, and should be persuaded to remain here, as they are the kind of settlers this country most need. One of the men reports that the road between this city aod Kelton is well rilled with "prairie schooners," and that they passed two trains of 20 and 25 wagons, all headed toward Oregon and Wash ington. xklBar M. "Wells' Health Reamer restore health anJ rtfor, Cur 1J tjwrU, Impotence, Sexual Debility, II. 21, 1882, Bright Anticipation. For this north western country the y ar 1 883, the latter half at least, says the Tacoma Ledger, will bo a period of transcontinental railroad excursions and clam bakes. The route of the Northern Pacific ,;n h.n ho nnen hv rail for three-fourths ol the distance, and by comfortable road waons tho other fourth. Here is a splendid oppor tunity, while making the trip to the States, consuming say two weeks of time, to see with all the advantages of slow traveling by stage, some of the best parts of Montana, a region of great wealth in natural resources. Through tickets are now being Bold at Missoula for principal points in tho East, and it seems not improbable that they may in a few days be purchased here and in Portland. A journey over the Northern Pacific route would be n journey fraught with interes. and memorable. An Editor Robbed. A man -about 33 years of age, who refused to give his name, was caught in the house of W. R. Boone, editor of the Journal of Commerce, last night at-1 o'clock. Mr. Boone, who lives on the northeast corner of Third aud Salmon, heard someone in his pantry and making an outcry, urougnt umcers xiicKey .., uamw, u w gether they captured the fellow. He had secured a ham, which he threw out of the window, and was proceeding to gobble up other viands w hen nipped. He had left his hat and shoes and otlicr valuables on the out sidi before entering the house through a win dow, so that in case he had a tussle with the editor the latter could not rob him of any thing. The burglar is a savago bruto and very saucy. He is locked up in the city j lil, Rushino Work. The Butte City, Mon tana, Inter-Mountain of July 1st, said : Tho tremendous activity displayed by the N. P. Compauy bids fair to result in the early completion of the road. ashiugton Dunn is working a very large force in Mis soula county, and the sub-contractors are rushing things with all available energy. E. L. B inner & Co. alone are working 600 men and aro operating six sawmills. An enormous number of ties are being stacked along the line of the road, and everything now dopends on the graders and tracklayers. E. L. Bonner & Co. have 75,000 ties stacked in the Deei Lodce valley, or enough to tie the road one-half of tho distance between Deer Lodge and Butto. Defrauded Purchasers. Somo of the C melius peoplo havo been swindlefl by Ben Holladay. In 1876 they bought a tract of land near the village of Cornelius, and last Spring they were given notice to vacate the premises. Judge V. Smith bought of this tract, 100 acres; B. Cornelius, 25 acres; Josiah Clark, 25 acres; 11. W. McNutt, 15 acres; Squire DeLetts, 5 aerca; all paying 25 per acre for the land. They paid the money for it but received no deed, and they are now glad to get their money back, though they 1030 six years' interest and what improvements they have made. John Cornelius had bought the tract of 23 acres, paying 30 per acre therefor. Nelson Wilcox bought the Josiah Clark tract, and has built a barn on it and grubbed 7 acres. Other's Misfortunes. A French wit has said: "We are all strong enough to bear the misfortunes of others." A kindred sentiment i found in Artemus Ward's willingness to sacrihce all of his second cous Ins in the late war. But why endure the mis fortunes of others ? Why see others sacrificed to the Moloch of diseased kidneys or liver, broken down in health, weak, wasted, ha;- tening to the crave, when we know that Hunt a Remedy is just the specific that will maKc a periect cure 7 mat man with weak back, sore loins, distressed feeling, lost ener gy, has disease of the kidnoys, and Hunt's Kerned V is iust what he needs. Let him not be sacrificed, but tell him the good news of mis wonuenui medicine. HAS BEEN PROVED The SUREST CURE for KIDNEY DISEASES. Does a lAme back or disordered urine indl- oate that you are a victim P THEN DO NOT mauTATgt use jutuioy- w ore at once, (oroz elate recommend It) and tt will speedily over some the disease and restore healthy action. ofiiffctt ' or complaints pecnuar and weaknesses. Kidney-Wort Is unsurpassed, aa it will act promptly and safely. Either Sex. Incontinence, retention of urine, brick dust or ropy deposits, and dull dragging pains, all speedily yield to its curative power. mmi xo your flex. Baenasimin a- sou) by .fl-Lij -Lmuiiuiara. Price SI. CONQUEROR OF ALL KIDNEY DISEASES. THE BEST KIDNEYand LIVER MEDICINE NEVER KNOWN TO FAIL. CURES WHEN ALL OTHER MEDICINES FAIL, as It acts dlrrrHy on the latilnrjr. User and HowrU restoring them al ourr to healthy action. HUNTS REM EI) V la a safe, sure ar d ipeedjr cur, and hundreds have testified to hating been cured by it, hen phys icians and friends had irlren them up to die. Do not delay, but try at once HUNTS REMKDV. Ils'.vr KENEDY rnrra all Diseases oT the Kliluna Itlailder. 1'rlnary Organs, Dropsy, Uravrl, Dlabcln, and laronllnenre and Kr. trntlon of I'rlnr. Ill VS REMEDY rorrs Pain In the Side. Bark, or Loins, Ventral Dcbllll, rrsnale Ulvrnsrs, Disturbed lerp. Loss or Appetite, Brians'. Disease and all C.nsplalaU or the rrlno'Venltal Ortians. HI'isTn at EM EDI quickly Induces the Elver to healthy action, removing the causes that produce Blll.ua Headache, Dyspepsia, Sonr Stomach, CostlTtnraa, file, ele. By the use ot KTSTn KEMEDl the Stomach and Bowels will speedily retrain their strength, and the Blood will b. perfectly purified. rVT BKMEW1 is pronounced by the best doctors to be the "only rare' tor all kinds of Kidney disease Ml' HIT'S BEMEDY Is purely Tegetable, and Is a sure cur. for Heart Diseas. and Rheumatism when all othir medicine tails. Mt.VTS BEMEDY Is prepared expressly tor the above diseases, and has never been kn.wn ( tall. One trial III eonvlne T.n. For sale by all Onanists. Send for pamphlet to HUNTS REMEDY COProvidence.R.I rrlec Cents and f l.M JuOuJ BBBBBKB ASsBBBBBBULsrSMSBBPBBBr BP SBBBBBBBsLsMk I "',K - iHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsWiBBBBBBBBBBBBKBBBl jfeuTw. ijf&J ? lmtw ItVniftTERED MAKGH&i. lftTJ. BJPJJlRilL zr Oregon's Fayorite STANDARD REMEDY. tl I'Elt IIOTTLK ItOTTI.KS FOB ?5. Every Druggist anil Store keeper sell It. Jnn2Stf PALACE ORGANS $85 PWARD WAIIKAXrD First Class. SIMON M ARRIS, SOLE AGENT, 4! First Street, Pnrllnlld, Oregon. Catalogues mailed free. JunlOw Incorporated 18M. Home Mutual Insurance Co OF CALIFORNIA. FIRE ONLY. LossesPaidorT2atm$l,334,63?.44 LossesPaid Ognj! $162,363.29 Oregon Branch Office, GEO. L. STOBY, Manager Southeast corner of First and Stark Streets, Opp Ladd & Tllton's Bank, f uitTLAND, OREQON apt USE ROSE PILLS. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. (Old "NATIONAL," Established 1S66.) 123 Front Street, bet. Washington and Alder, POUTMXD, ...... OKEGON. A. P. ARMSTRONG Principal. J. A. WESCO, Penman and Secretary. STUDENTS OF EITHER SEX, Admitted on any week day of the year. Pen work ( all kinds at reasonable rates. The College Journal, containing- Information of course and cuts of ornamen tal penmanship, free. Addrcaa: A. 1. ARMSTRONG, mchlm3 Lock Box 104, Portland, Oregon. COMMON SENSE FRUIT DRIER, (Patented by W. C. Evants.) Is the only one that will pay farmers and fruit growers to buy as it dries MORE FRUIT in LESS TIME and WITH LESS FUEL AND ONE-HALF THE WORK, than any other ono In the market. jtarit Dried 1.1.&I0 Pound or Prune, and flams In TWELVE DAYrt, with ?I3 worth or Wood nnd One .Han's Labor. For terms address : H. Wm. DILO., Agent, my20 82 Front street, rear Hanson's Seed Store. Willamette Valley Lands. EL KINS & DcIiASIMUT. DALLAS, POLK CO., OREGON. XT AVE IN THEIR HANDS FOR SALE, $500,000 Worth of Land Best quality of Grain and Stock Farms, Dairy Farms, Mill and Mill Sites. Also, have for sale Stock of all kind. Sheep, Cattle and Horses. tSTOur lands are located in Polk, Marion, Linn, Lane, Benton and Yamhill counties. The cream of the valley, and consist of rich Prairie soil, beat of Hill land, Foot Hill region, and Mountain Ransre, Railroad land, and vacant Government land v,tll be shown. We have small farms, and largo farms. We can suit you in price. We can plaaso you on terms. We can satisfy you In quality. We have Just the farm you want. Dallas is 55 miles from Portland by rail and those who purchase of us will be taken free of cost from Portland and shown the ands. mayltf DRS. A. S. & Z. B. NICHOLS. Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons. Rooms 59, 00, CI and 62 Union Block, Portland, Or. SPECIALTIES : Dr, Z. II. N, Diseases of Women. Dr. A. S. N, Diseases of Eye, Ear, and Throat. AQSBalMllHHnHIBHSSJwl ForConanraplUo, Anthran, BroDrhltln, Cntarrb. OrHpepain, Headaches Debil ity, XearnlKln. Kliruinnllsni, and nil lliroulGasidJs'erVfitiM ItlNnrdera. anj.Lr. agea uiny be roiivrqlrutly aent by x urea, rendy tor tmuicdln tonne nt home. fiin i or irea treatise on tn uu i or irea treatise on tiintixvm Ircntnient. Addrenatheproprsetoiv 1 1109, 1111 tilrardfltreet, PhllH.,Fa., or II uon 1. 1 jia sischb, rnrine fsenanltory, .Tlonfconiery M.Snu rranr)sw.Cl. FARMER'S EXCHANGE I AU Sorts ol Merchandise Exchanged for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Dry Goods, Groceries, Ilardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. E erj thine; a Fanner wants for sale. Everything a Far. met raise srsnted. S. HERMAN, Corner Kadlsoa and Hrst Street, rortlaad OpposiU Begman, cabin 4 Oo'i Agricultural Wan hoot. octiS-tc BBBBBBeaaBBBBBSUsI fcVBBBBBBBsl sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbsbbbbbbbb&