1 WILLAMETTE PAKMBE: PORTLAND, OBEGON. JULY 7, 1882, j VI I i fi : t, If I ;, & Iii. . 11 ; r r i H M ' : tammmiaL MARKET REPORT. noMF. rnoiirc.F. Ji.inuirr. The following rcprcsont wholesale rate, (fem producers or lirst hands i FLOUR. In jotbing lota standard brands, 4.76W' 00: best country brand,$4.25(g$4.75. WHEAT Valley SI.C8J1.(!0; Walla Walla, f 1.60 for new crop; 57 to 60 cents net to farmer a bushel at Walla Walla and near Mints. OATS. Whitc,50a55c; weakerfor good feed ft bushel. ONIONS. New lKaiJc. POTATOES. -!)0c(a$l per bushel. New CM lj18cperlti. UliDUNQS. Jobbing, for feed, $30.00 32.50 V ton. Shorts, S18,20. Chop, 825.00 $30.00 V ton. BRAN Jobbing at S18c20 per ton. BACON Hides 1410ctn; llams, country rand, 14lSc; city cured, l(i18c; Shoulders, lOfflllo. LARD In kegs, 16c; Oregon leaf, tins, 16fl do in pails, 15Jl(JJc. BUTTER We quote, extra fresh roll, 27J; fair to good, 22J(g(25c; common, 15IUi; a kegs, 2022c. DRIED KKU1TS. Apples, sun dried quar. tared, 87c; sliced, 7fe8ci machine dried, talOoi Pears, machino machine dried, 9ol0c; Flams. nn drieil, ditto, 12al5c. POULTKY. Chickens, full grown, $4.50. Small, 82.CO3. EOOH. Near by fresh laid, 20c. HOOS. Dressed, 8c. BEEF, Net weight Oc and CJc for choice. BHEEI Net weight, 5e. WOOL Eastern Oregon, lOaSOcj Wil Umetto Valley, 1822c; umpqua, none. HIDES. Butchers' hides, dry, ISalOoj country cured, dry, 15c; culs J otf, green bides, salted, 748Jc; country ditto, 7Ja81c; deerskins, dry, 30o v Hi; u slitep pelts each IBal.OO; dry elk, 20c per lb. TALLOW Quotable at SJallc. per lb. HAY Sl-(il:i per ton Mid scarce. SEEDS D. J. Mnlarkey & Co. give us the lollowing as their prices : Onion sets 2530 eti per lb; Timothy Seul, 08 cts per lb; Al falfa Hied, 17(0)18 ct per lb; Orchard Grass. M30 cts per lb; lied Clover Seed, 1718 Ot per'tl; White Clover Siul, I050 cts per ft; Alseke Clover Seed, 4(45 cts. .i:itAL MKIK'lll.MHHK. BICE. China, No. 1, 6c; China No. 2 Mot Japan, 7c: Sandwich Islands, 7fa71c TEAS. ,fapaii,405065o; lilack, 4076o; flreen. Wi$S0c. OOFFEE CostaRica 1316cj Java,28(3f. dUOAHS. Crushed A 1 fas Fine dualled, Mo: Cubo, injuKlJc; Extra C, lllj.il.'tle; Aelden C 1 1 Jfolltfuj Sandwich Islands, No. 1, 10c. I). llffilLfc. SYRUI'. Fivegillons 85c. CANDLES 1316c. RAISINS. California, $3.25$2.75 ? 25 It box SOAPS. Good, 75c$1.75. OILS. Ordinary brands of ccal, 25c; Mali grades, Downo & Co., 37Jcj Boiled Linseed, ditto Raw, 77c; iltnou oil, 40c; Turpen tine, 70c ; Pure Lard, i 10; Castor, gl.'J.'ife 11.40, SALT. Stock, boy, $10 t ton; Carmen Island, 812); Coarse Liverpool, $15; Finn qunl Uy. $14; Ashtnu's dairy, ilitto, $.'10. YEAST POWDERS. Donnelly, 2 V doj rrtlton & Merrill, .'JO tr 107.; COMMERCIAL. Tiiuiiriiav, .Tnikj 20, 1882. I OCA I. MAIIhtTri. Reviewed and corrocted weekly by .1. It. Knspp, pioduco commission dealer 207 First street, Portland, Oregon. Oats Market well supplied nnd dull at quotations. Potatoes M irkct is biro of old which aro wanted fur seed, leplantinu on the Colnmbii bottoms, rnld.to-day us high as ?l(nl.'J0pir bushel. New by the last steamer sold at U ljc per pound Onions Cabfoi nia full supply, HlJo. Butter Choieo dairy butter is scarce heneo Inferior qualities aru more in demand and at a little better price. Wool Market perfectly flat, buyers seem to have retired from the Held for the tiuui being. Our quotations arc such ns lncal buy n aro offering. COLD AND STOCK COMPANY'S REPORTS. Ban Francisco Markets. Sav Francisco, July 6. CHAIlTKn.S. To Cork, U. K Br bk Alaator, 825 tons, Ms, llr ship Orchomcne, 1542 tons, 55s; Br (hip City of Florence, 1200 tons, private; Br jbip Cilurnuui, 1885 tons, prior arrival, pri- Tate; to Liivcipool, Am snip Utintenmal, rjHi tons, private. Wheat The market is steady at full prices; Ho. 1 white, $1 (181 70. Barley Market is well supplied with new; the demand is light on spot; market easy at 1 15 120. Oats Market is steadier, but no chanuo to to DOte in quotations; salts of COO sacks choice Oregon witn slight mixture of grey at $1 55, IVttHtoea Market is steady at former quo tations; fold to-day at 05o to $1, according to quality, Onionfted, 50c; yellow, 76c. Grain Hags The general features of tho market aro uuihanged; no noteworthy trans actions reported; quote at $9 25 spot cash, Salmon- The Australian straimr took 8,150 ( eases. Prices are unuliaui;id ns far as made 'yubllo. Eggs California, 2427c; market is over- l...t.toeked with inferior and medium; choice fresh raice. Batter Fresh roll, market firm at good f rice, 2S(s,30o; stocks are large but mostly mtdlniu grades. Clllt'AnO MAllKKT. Ciiicaiio, July 6, Wbrat-Quiet. Pork-2l75Jutv. lard- 812 02 July. Jtlbs 9l'J ou.miy. SU.UVOHM ft K.Nousii mcroitrt. Loslon, July 4 . Floating cargoes Quiet. Caruoatm passage (juietrr. Quotations gwl cargoes California olT coast tSafld. Jjvsrp -ol t Qiriet. Iomk, July 5. Floating carcoes Firm, Cargtx sou passage Firiner, Mark Iiue Kitin. English country maikets Firm. Frcnph Kiiintry markets Finn. ImixirU of win at into tho U. K. pist week, 005,000 quartets. Imp-irtsof Hour into the U, K trttt wtik, 150.000 liarrels. Wher III Kliglainl Ui settled. LheliMxd st t Quiet but steady. The opinion is hunimig quite genets! anioi g tbe )ga futtiuity list none ( tli star iouIh rast will be givui to the Jury. I i they w II be thrown out of court t Jmlei Vlie and tho indictments dbmiuinl, tin rutinrs id Vlie tipou tho eidei.i thus f.u Jrentel Juitititd tliis conclusuu. California Crops and Markets. We tske- the following from the San Fran cisco Comm'rcitit-IItrntil, of June 20th : Spot grain freights hav advanced i"ino what from the lowest rates of the current month. Iron ships may now be quoted at 50s as the basis price for Liverpool direct; the lowest rate for Juno 45s. Ship owners are firm in exacting full rates for their vessels, at the same time exporters show no anxkty iu specting the future of the market. The dis engaged t innige in port approximates 40,00(1 registered tons; the fleet in sight, 290,000 tons; same time in 1881, 352,000 tons, aud in lb80, 151,000 tons. Wo hiar of no em-age-merits in futures. Wo are now in tho last week of the cenal year, and in the midst of another grain h ti est. Considerable new barley has biui already marketed, tho opening price $1 05 pel cental, and in ten days time tho spot price ol same has declined to $1 15; all this the very natural result of rushing new grain to market in expectation of realizing a fancy price for same. No new wheat has yet brtn harvested, nevertheless shippers seem to be willing to purchaso freely for June, July, August, September and 0:tober delivery at $1 70(S)1 75 per cental. Oats are on the down grade. Rye is nut wanted at present. Corn is in light stock, with no special inquuy. Hops aro in good request at the late advanto in price. Stocks light. Wool arrives frcuy upon a dull market, with considerable stock accumulations. Dairy products are in libeial supply, and prices keep up astonishingly in view of free riceipts. Fruit and vegetables aro now pouring in upon us moro 1 1 eely, en nblintfcanners to hao their own way in fix ing prices and to do a largo packing bu-iuess upon tne most iaoraiio icnus. At the San Jose Fruit Packing Factory 115 hands aro employed canning clicrncs, ol which nearly 100,000 cans have been put up there during the season. At the Golden Gat. Factory nearly 300 lunds aio emp oyed on the same fruit. Over GO.OOO cans of then its have been put up nt the latter place dunn the year. Cherries also are now being canned there. At buth places chimes will give'plai.u next week to apricots, mid the f.u tones will continue miming till Oo.ober. The crop ot chi riies this year Ins been larucr than th.it of last season. Prices at the factories range from four to live aud a half cents per pout d. Hides We quote as follows: Heavy Salted Steers, He tf lb; Light Salted Hides, cow and stiers, 30(ij4.') llw, If Jo; Medium do 4555 ll, 10c; -olteil Kip, lOglOJc; Salted Call, good demand for plump skins, l'JJe; II. ill Go.it, sound skins, (IJfeTUc; medium, 50c; small skins and kid, I5(a2.cuith; Deer Skins, uood summer skins, 37 Jc; medium, long bull, 30c; poor and winter skins, 20(a25c; Sluep Sinus, shearlings, 25 a 30c; short wool, 30 a 50c; medium wool, 50(l)0c; long wool, SI (a I 50; Dry Hides, usual selection, 10c; Dry Kip and Calf, 10c. Wool Overland shipments Eastward in May amount to 4,818,020 lbs. The ship Si in mole, for New York, has completed her load ing, cairying a considerable quantity. 'Jin Oregon, from Poitlaml, brought 1,057 babs, and tho State of California, !)74 bdes. 'Ihe snot market remains lifclis'. with n ste.ulv stuck accumulation, owing to the abseneu ot Eastern Olivers. Tho scourers and nunuf.ic- turers havo tho pick of thwnuiket. Actual quotations aru hind t give. We quoto Cala eras and foothill, 232c; Sonoma anil Men docino S520c; Noithern Sacramento Valley, 23a25c; San Joaquin, fre-i', 18(j20o; do, ilu fettive, I5&17c; iliight Coast, Iree, 20(fl,22o; do, slightlv hurry, HKglSc; do, heay i.iul daik, 14(ijl"(ic; Eastern Oiegon, 22(&,20o l? lb Hops . II, & 11 I .ci May, hop lactnis, I.on lou, report as follows, toncerniug tho eon ili'ion of thu British hop market, under date of June 3d: "l'nu nil.jnee m the rico is well established all round, inferior qualities being aguu a few kIiiIIiiius dearer; in tact, it is dilh ou.t to lind any Euglili Imps under live guineas. Continental hops are more in rtqucst now The American markets are w oikmg in unison with our own, and is quotid 2o l' tb ile art I. i lie rep rts mini the plantations con- tiniio unfavoiable, the lly is following the iues up the poles, and thu yovni; tender leatCB aro cuered with lico and lly in almost every district. Thu imports of foreign hop. into England last week wero 7.17 bales; for the corrcsponing week last J ear, 103 baits." Thu Tacouia Lnlytr sayB: "The bop giowers of this valley am taking steps to form w hat shall bo known as thu 'Puyallup Hop Growers' As sociation,' Saturday, the 24th of this month, at 1 1'. H., at 1'iijallup, is tho time aud place chosen to ellcet tho oigauization. One nliject of this organization is to raise funds that they may have the associate d press hop dispatcho for the months of August aud September. This will cost $50 per mouth. By these dis patches the Krowtra cuu know tho status of the hops aud hop market from day to day at a trilling cost to cacti, at union less expense, man tho speculator, who receives his dispatches from Kiiulaod daily. Thu hop growers hone to realize well this vear, as Inch as 15J3 having been olleied for thu coming ciop. Philip vtolt, ot San rrancisco, has Ins agent here. who, lost week, bought 10,000 pounds from J F. Kincaid, an I thu same amount from A, Gardella, for 15o per poiiud. m:w every week. Oregon Kidney Tea. From tho inultittulo of ccrtilicatco receivwl from Moll known citizu.is who liavu luen bou rtittutl liy tlio usu uf tins leninly, thu prbtrie tors, Messrs. llodgr, Davis i Co, have con tracted to pulilish two new ones each week for thu your ciuliuj; April 1, 188.'t, that all our rrailor may bio tlio uroat benvtiu it has con. fcircd ou tlio alllioliHl, ri.NUiRTtiN, Or., Jan. 12, 1SS0. lfa Ing aulhrt'd with my kidneys, 1 win in dued! to try tho Uncoil Kidney Tea, which rvliued me ma short tixiv. I take ploasum in rvi-oiniueuding it to thu pulilio as a safe rvino dy for kiitney dillivuliirs, (iM)lUIK V. lUn.Kr, Comity Judo of Umatilla. Sum, Or., Jan. tX ISM). Some limo ago 1 Kiunt a vtckagu of Ore. gou Knliuy Tia, and nfttr nsin it Iclt U'ttcr I huu 1 had for )'ars, mid houuht txo Ikuis more. King imwilliin; to Ui without to aha. hlu a iiKdieino. My wife pronouuitt it thu licit kidiuy prvparation in use. 8ai.m, Or., Jan. IS. S$0. I lioiight a can of tlio Oicgon Kidney 'IVa and luno ufd only a part of it, lint my lud actio is entirely cimol. It has a pludid if (ivt vih)ii thu urinary organs, J. R lloiisox. Good Newspap.r hiislueaa Iur Sals. Any pemon who mm to locate in thcUj (HrCountiy, in the ntuspaiKi ami h piut lii) hntiiitt, in limrof u ova II ut Ik turn vvlii'iii a liiuiniss tint Is um ll o.ta' 1 lud can 1h) Uillght on I i.imiiwIi o tilius, s.lho pio piiotor l (inagtd iu othtr nutttoi limt in gn his tune. Under thoo tir iw.ttat cos he will sell out. IiHiuiriraaddnsMd to tho ed itor ot lie I'aUmmi will iicovo attcntnu. A Marlon County Strawberry Farm. Turner, Or., June 23, 1882. Editor Willamette Fanner: Tho little article, "The Frst Berr'ea of the season," reminds me of a time when Mr. II, Prcttyman carried his berries across the river to Portland in his hands. The business of berry culture has grown some since then, but it is yet in its infancy here in Oregon. It is now beginning to assume business pro- I portions. I visited, yesterday, the berry farm of Mr. R. D. saudfori, of this place, and found that industrious gentleman in Ins glory. It being the flush of the strawberry season, business was rushing. Under the packing shed were crates upon crates of ber ries ready for shipment, while the long table was nearly covered with boxes of the luscious beauties ready to bo crated, and Mr. Harding, the presiding genius of that department, was imitating the much apostrophised bee. Oat side, in the "patch," the pickers were busy gathering the shining rubies, and coming or goiug with their filled or empty picking-stands to the shed. The crop on the vines is a sight to behold. The bright green leaves contrast- nit- finely with the blusning scarlet berriea which, iu the greatest profuo.nn, are swelter ing in their own fatness, would make the mouth of the best filled epicure of the laud water. Think of five hundred gallons of strawberries (requiring two bairels of Bugar aud the cream from two hundred cows to eat with them) being picked and shipped daily from a little place like Turner. The time is fast appioaclung when fruits and berries will be put ou the market in quantities and at prices corresponding with their actual food value, not only being a luxury for rich and poor alike, but as a part of the regular feod supply ef the family, n akiug not only heathier and happier families, but becoming an element in the refinement of the people which they could never attain on a "hog-and-homiuy" or "bran-brcad-aud-skim milk" diet. Mr. Sandfoid appears to understand the situation, aud will be around. His suc cess is due in a great measure to fortunate selection of soil aud locality, coupled witn industry and judgment in mauigemeut. licrry glowers, like poets or chemists, aie born, net made; expenence, study, etc., help niueh, but jour tiue tiuit eultui 1st must not lack certain essential elements of aelaptability, conceived iu his mother's wtnib, or he might justas well keep out of the business. Fiuit growing is ouo of the fine arta, uiid when "the master baud toutlietli it cunningly" is a success. No bunglers need attempt it. Mr. Sindford has a tntio over two acres in strawberries, and he has some raspberries and blackberries 10 tke out the season with. He has associated with liuu Mr. G. M. Nelson, and together they have put out five acres ot the famous Wilson s Albany straw.ieriy, on ch'jicu land us thu v illau.ette Valley alloreU, aud v bt-thtr these giutleineu make, any money or not, they will be heard ot in Ihe next ee-asou's iieny- market, and some body will bo Ueiitliteel by their labors. Tho way to setilo tho meat question is to supple ment beet aud poik Willi milk, egs, and above all, fiuit B. O. HtMiAN. Fuutiik rcjii'osh of informing our leaders what tanners iu other sections think of Spring i'ooih Hariows wu publish a letter to iMessu. Uatchelor and Wjlie, written ty Hr. H. J. Glenn, "tho largest taruitr in the woilel," ho having 60ii about till -three thousand aciea of wheat tho past season: Jacinto, Colusa Co , Cal , Oct i!0 '81, JlifKin. llatclitiur, I n (ifuieril Cu isacra meiilo, Cul. : titsTLtMhN I am convinced that your spilug loolli llariowsauetUultivutois aiu thu most pi at Ileal, ihu moot ellleielit auel thu litsr implement 1 uae t-vei triuii, used utlier ua a Cuuivatoi or Hauow, iur volunteering, loi working suniiuei tallow, or lni.u that lias be come compact by suu or lulu, or tor coveting seed. 1 have tested tlit.ni earciully under ull iirtumttaucts, anil now havu lb ot thu largest sue at wcrk ou my ran 'Ii, anil X tluuk tneui indispensable. Veiy rtsptcttutly jouis, tl. J. Glln.n. Ir von want the cheapest photographs iu Oregon, go to '111 wanes, on Yamhill street, between f'ouith and Fit in (sign ot tiie Little Gabery Kouud the Cornel), w lie-re jou can tret eabiutts tor $4 mil catds tor ('J per dozen. Holton House Restaurant. C. C. RIDER, 1'rvprlttor nj Manager. Alder Street, bet. Front and Firt, Portland Or. FIRST CLASS. Meala a la Carte. A. ROBERTS, . bfCCtiiiOU Tl) FISHEL & ROBERTS, Cor. Hrst and AUir Sts, rortbml, Ore. THE LEADING Clothier, Merchant Tailor, And Hatter. OF OREGON, 4aiiuriiiitH's to sell tlio very ltt VfAtTJlZXG Tor les. .Honey than any other house in thu state. juiicltf 'JOHX W. GILBERT, lliheat Cash Trice fur Salem, Oregon. Wool Sacks ami Elccvo Twlnv for Sale. uiiwinrn ien.tHi.ii Tli IT !.) ltl t v tl -vc i ih taMe, shorn .U Uviwt , turu In thr I i.d a U UU. muI luru lu th tlutkaiHl ro I UviY.ivmmNuiiai vt utl rihl. tvuif t Hi tu'itusi to Vm) lhroil in ai suj iiii til ona stltiv s ri. th vhU, t Is U .uttlvUiil A ' thus Uu l lltht, aiht co'y lunJI m Ul, JunI6-ltti P fYALfswaji IS AKlHC POWDER Abso.utely Pure. Made from Crape Cream Tartar No other prepare, tlon makes tuch light, flaky hot breads, or luxurious pastry. Can be eaten by V tr ptlcs without fear of the evils resulting from heavy indigestible food, bold only In cans by all Grocers. ItOYAL BAKING TOWDER CO., New Yoik. FARMERS' ..AND... MECHANICS' STORE ONE PRICE TO ALL. ONE PRICE TO ALL. I HI rirnt Htrct'l, bet. Inuililll and Taylor. A Remarkable Business. T IS GENERALLY CO.NCEEDED THAT THE true foundation of a successful businces firm U the study of the Interests of their customers as well as their ou n. 1'or a proper appreciation of the customers interest insures nutcets iur tne producer, jne re markahle tmcctssof the Farmer' & Mechanics'Store In the past twoytars ijaialid and imlieputaLle illus tration uf what strict ail h trance to these principles u ill accomplish . We occupy the Three Story Brick Building Nt 184 First street, bttwetn Yanihlllnntl Taplor, m lit to people at all hours ot the dT are patina'' in and out, seeing- things common and uncommon, and lilting finally taking usu3, in bij and little panels, the koou4 gaterutl together litre undtr one root from cver point of tho old aud lieu world. Order and Quiet Prevail: And if ti ose who buy do nut come in hostR they arc sencdquiikl and without mistake, borne haetaid. It is ftuni tnat made our business grow but it it not rather bctauue the L,oods are a little betUr and prkts lowtr than othei people's? Perhaps tho growth is a erdict. Another Fact. Wewcleonio strangers, and are always glad tosLow what we l)de 10 tliuso who come to bte us, as well att thoee who Lome to purthase. We employ a staff uf salesmen who cater uiliigcntl and attenthtly to the rtqulrementa of our customers tbtrtfore inurin a luinilujent of the cardinal principles which govern our firm. omUriprtsenUiiouof goods, bmall profits! One Price To All. And courteous treatment of our patrons, tht principle which has cuirltd with a mutt one bound, tho l-nr mcrfc' aim .)f4jiaiilo' More lo the highe&t pin nicU of bunion. We therefore, with the unattst tt.t.1- ingof ton tide nte, tallj our attention to our ttenivu and l.iUbt Summer Line of Dress Goods. Of tho er latt.it bhudts and fabric. Wo earn a full line ot Duinebiks, Canton, b.a Side bujtiius in gruit v arittj , bilks, batlus, and a (ull hue of '1 rimnuugs Our Clothing Department. In the above lino we tarrj the l-rtst stock in tht tilj, comprising everything lor .Men's, Youth's, Uos und aud L'ink.rti.,s v currj full lints of furnishing good, lioots and bhoes, for Men and liuy Al-o, aii exttnaivt stuck of Iditt Mihaen'and Children's bhuts liats and Cap, aud a lull line ot MHliuuy Uoous. Our Grocery Department On tho second itoor comprises ull tho btuplo Lines aud ut ban rrantiitto pritts. ONE PRICE TO ALL. FARMERS .AM) MEC ANICS' STORE. 181 First St , bet. Yamhill an J Tnjlor. Portland, - - Oregon. Jullm THE OKEC.OX CITY. PUMP WORKS HAVE REMOVED TOJ East I'ortluntl, Oregon, AM. A iii Ull th AHENOWUEADYTO SUPPLY TIIE PUB- clr famous OOI) PUMPS S. O. WOOD, Proprietor. JUD80U Golden Rule Hotel. Koot of U Strett, East Portland, - - Oregon. Boa nil M IV r Wrrk, Willi Lodjtlnc, W. llulldlnff entirely ne; tvtnty Ane sleeptnff rooms, aLd &U uictUrn ronvei.leni'cs. Tablo suppluxl wtlh all delicacies of the season. A. P. & C. E. BEEBE, JunSOt! Proprietors. The Bishop Scott GRAMMAR SCHOOL. A lkwrJlnt'ind 1j bclvoolfor Ik) Akd oua men, will blin its nrxu jearunUcrlu prA.iit niaii&fftuicnt, bfpUuiUr .i, li. rrrpartfi bo) (or Cul e or bulne. Tlie teaching it jTjctKal ami Uorcub, ami ailv1" tn.( vi4 for twelfth uutual catalogue, rt.ltt count. tU) Ut ol (vriutr pui'il. AtiJrMi: i. t. itii.1., n. 11 iteaa Matter. Jun.titf PortUnJ, drtvon. Stock Breeders' Directory. tsTVh&tr tliU hraJwc Ul)ml.Uh ciiull adr r tUeutiiiU, Jtttf the follow In,;, for 10rcr. Laryxr aJurtiw-iuetiU vUl t thrrritt In prcvrtion. JOHN IINTO, B RLunEi; ok ii:i(I.no sheei-. s.m, ilailouCtou. t, Oreipn. JAMES WITUYCOIBE 1 HtUcUH UK AMCIUCAN MKH1NO AND t)lV 9 a ti si o m DAVID GUTHRIE, Butxuru ok LO.SG-WOOL and SPAN'MI ME. Dallas, folk Couuty, Onfoa. KNAPP, BURRELL & CO., OFFKR FOK THE HARVEST OF 1S82, THE FOLLOWING I fARMlMPLEMENTSand JjACHINES. THE BAIN WAGON, WITH The Buffalo Pitts Challenge Thresher. Tlie only perfect Thresher In the market Kxccli nil others Hodge's Oregon Header, With our on imprcn ement. Tho llirhtest running and most complete Header ever manufactured. McCormick's Harvester and Twine Binder. Greatly Improved for 1S82, and the most successful TWINE BINDER In the market AleCorinick's Improved Combined Reaper and Slower. i11eoruiick's New Iron Mower Front Cut. Champion Coinbinct Slower und Reaper. Champion Single Reaper Five and six toot cut. Champion New Slower Front cut. Champion Light Mower Bear cut. Spring Wagons and Buggics--All styles and sizes. liger, Thomas and llollingswortli Snlkey Rakes. Straw, Wood and Coal Burning Threshing Engines Portable and Stationary Steam Engines. Portable Saw Mills. Saw and Grist Mill Machinery, Rubber, Leather and Cotton Belting. Barb fence Wire Black and Galvanized. MacNealc & Urban Safes Buffalo Scales. The Whipple Patent Spring-Tooth Cultivator. Together with a Full Line of Harvesting Tools and Farm Implement of Every Description. WE AHE TIIE PIONEER HOUSE IN THE BUSINESS. OUR PRICES ARE TIIE LOWEST FOR the SAME QUALITY. We havo tlie BEST LINE of goods In the market. Please call on us or our agents and examine gsods and prices before buj ing elsewhere. OTWrHe) for BfannlnflnrerH Kiictlal DcAcripllve circular Dmrrlbliig any Machine Lnumcrnted nbovc. Catalogues and prn.e lists mailed on application. Correspondence solicited. KNAPP, BURRELL & CO., apr21m 1 ortland, Oregon. CBJ&8. H SUCOE880R8 TO Front, First and Vine Sts., PORTLAND, OBEGON, IMPORTERS OF ZE3lL.isr)-,i7jrjL.isE, IroisT -s-nsno Steel, FARlft MACHINERY. We aro Soio Agents for the following Celebr.ited Implements : BTJOICE"Y'E MOWER LlsTID REAPEB. BUCKEYK ON THE ROAD. These machines are too vell known to need them, and all speak of them lth praise. They Machines. we are also noie Agents ol tne TT?SiimSciif&-. k7 A h$ -iisaissaisrjstit!" THE BUCKEYE TWINE SELF-BINDER The Buckeye Binder mule Iu 11 st npiie.ir.uice In 1881. It U ,v combination ui the BiicKeye Hanejtet nnil tho Appleby Tlno Hinder, and coniblnes all that Is excellent and worthy In tho rnany lll-iden thnt eek a sh.no ol the nubile p ition ise. It I1.13 been thoroughly tested In our own harvest llelds. and many improyemniiN h ivo iien adiled tor 182, and as now offered, It is beyond question the bett Self-mraltno Haruttcr In ll.c mild. We r.re aUo Sole Agenti fQr the 0 CANTON PITT THRESHER. MONITOR UPRIGHT FARM ENGINE, Haines' Genuine Headers, ichuttler Farm Wagons, John Deere Moline Plows. W3 Send for Special Circulars ami Trice List. A.A.ACo.,SUrte. ESTABLISHED IN CIIAS. HODGE, T. A. DAVIS, HODGE, DAVIS & CO., 92 and 94 Front Street, (cor. Stark) . . Portland' Oregon. Offer to the Drug and General Merchindise Trade a nnmnfefe A..rtmnf nt Drugs, Patent Medicines. Fine isliop Furniture, and ALSO WINDOW GLASS OF Of .11 the leading brands, In legs and tins. COLORS IN CANS AND DRY. Putty, Lampblack, Red Lead, Glue, and Varnishes1 Including the finest brands for Coach painters' use. Paint, Whitewash and Varnish Brushes, Linseed Oil, in Barrele and cases, Turpentine, Coal Oil, Castor Oil, Lard Oil, Neats Foot Oi Fish Oil, Alcohol, in Barrels and Casses. Blue Vitriol. Sulphur, Castile Soap, Concentrated Lye, Potash. Bitters, all kinds. Quicksilver, Strychnine, and Tar, in Pints, Quarts, and Half Gallon, Five Gallon, Etc. We are Agenta for Oregon and C7SBEZL THE BEST MIXED PAINT IN USE. Milliuckrodt's Carbolic Sheep IMp, Wukelec's Sheep Bath nnd Squirrel Poison, nnd Aycr'snnd Ir. Juyne's Proprie tary Medicines. We buy our goals from firtt hands, thus enabling us to compete w ith any market on tlw Coast as eomparison of our prices will prove. titiMito.-iis ritovr tkeet. kw iokk.-ss cedar kth.pt. F. H. PAGE, Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IS Flour, (.rsiin, liny, .Hill Feed, aud fruits. STAPLE GROCERIES. AND .. Farm, Dairy and Orchard 1 rod ace. 1OT ITom St., scar AWrr, rrtUi, Or. majtotf IRON OR STEEL SKEINS. P & GO HAWLEV, DODD & CO., - AND - ,"51y BUCKEYE BEAPEIt. comment. Thousands of farmers here have used are In eery way the ne jIu ulfra of Harvesting "9 tziS&tS5$3 1851. GEO W. SNELL, F. K. ARNOLD Chemicals. fi.Hsswn ant) Druggists' Sundries. ALL SIZES AND QUALITY! Washington Territory for FAXW A. G. MURDOCH, Electrotyper and Sterrotyper, ICO Hit street, near Wsshlnjton. a O. CLARK, P.D.S. C. It. TESirLETOX, D.D.I CLARK & TEMPLETON DENTISTS Corner First and Alder fetrs.. orer rishel A Totert roRTWXD. OltEfiON. kDCDl dlr'"'-'-.?'1 TltjMt JUirom'rt, TXtrmnm dirt, and OipmoiW It, A: J. Hl.( K MnnafMCnrtn OrlciuA PhiUJrlphlm Vm mmm