WILLAMETTE FARMER: PORTLAND. OREGON, JUNE 30, 1882, i TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Wholesale Murder. Denver, June 26. Tribune't Leadville: Thomas O'Connor, a vt ell known veterinary surgeon, was ehot and killed this afternoon by Officer Townsend. O'Connor resisted ar rest and fired once at the officer. Tubune's Katon, N. M. : This afternoon Deputy Sheriff Dolman attempted to arrest a gambler named Gus Wenzel. Wenztl fired two shots nt Dolman, slightly wounding him and also Charles Fox anil Jacob Harris, who were standing near them. Shortly afterward uuiraau maue a eecnmi aiiempb uj urrcai Wenzel at his gambling house. Wenzel again ODcned fire on the denutv. which resulted the death of Harry Moulton, justice of the peace, ami Hugh K. UeUtan, one 01 mo pro nrietors of the Moulton hotel and D. H. Jackson, a saloon keeper. All three were instantly killed. He also sert'iusly wounded H. Lattimer and Deputy Sheriff Beugcn. Im mediately after the killing Wenzel was seized by the enraged citizens and hanged to a sign of the Raton bank. Later Deputy Sheriff Beugen is dying and citizens aie wild with excitement. It is thought that a rani will be made upon gam blers to-night. Fearful Rallrsatl Accident. St. Paul, June 25. An accident is re ported on the Manitoba line near Atwater, Minn., of a most serious character. A work train consisting of an engine, caboose and 22 ordinary flat cars, such as are used for haul ing gravel, running 18 miles an hour, more than is allowed working trains, as backing to a gravel pit at Atwater for a new loud. Withuut anv wsiblc cause the engine and tender, caboose and live flat cars jumped the track and turning on an embankment twcivi feet high, tumbled into a ten-foot pool of water, when an mdiscribable scene ot con fusion ensued. The following are the casual ties so far s is known, although great dilfi cutty is experienced in securing the names uf the workmen, being Swedes and Norwegians : Killei Geo. Flood, engineer; J. 0. Dall, W. J. Johnson, S. Thompson, Torseu Berkland, Christianson Stiale and John Holland. In jured James Wilson, C. h Stautberg, right side bruised; H. Stonson, badly bruised in back; Peter Ritetnueon, right arm broken and internal injuries; fireman, name un : known, both arms broken and amputate.!. The company is sending out a relief train and taking the wounded to Wilmarr and giving them every attention. It is believed there are others under the cars in the pool. Work men are at the wreck searching fur bodies. Appearances indicate that the euuine was ditched by reason of a broken tender axle, though a high rate of speed was maintained. All the tram men except the engineer I escaped. R Tue Escambia Case. if can Francisco, J une --;o tonsillar inquiry into the loss of the steamer Escambia is com pleted. The findings are that the disaster was owing to slowing down of the engine, without the captain's orders while uossing the bar, causing the ship to fall into the trough of the sea and allowing seas to board her. The court does not think the vessel lacked stability, though evidence on that bpoint is somewhat conflicting. Evidence shows the ship was properly loaded. The captain is exculpated aud the loss of the ship ittriouted to tue peril ot tne sea. Revenue BUI. Washington, June 27. Following ia the ext of the internal revenue bill, as amended d likely to pass : Be it enacted, etc., that on and after the isssage of this act, except as hereafter pro ided, the taxes herein specified imposed by iternai revenue laws now in be and the same re hereby repealed. ine stamp tax upon Dank cnecka, drafts, rders and vouchers, 'tax on capital and de lta of banks and bankers, under section '8 of the revised statutes of the United tates as amended ; tax on capital and depos- ot national banks under section 5214 of id revised statutes, not including taxes on pital aud deposits of said banks and bank s and national banks for the six months pe- iod ending in case of national banks the 13th y ot J une, lsS-', and in esse ot otner banks d bankers on the 31st day of May, 18S2. 'ax on matches, perfumery, medicinal prepar- iions and other articles mentioned by tne hedule following section 3437 of said revised atutes. Section 2. That from and after the 1st day May, loss, dealers in teat tobacco shall pay dealers in manufactured tobacco shall pay ,and all m inufacturers of tobacco shall pay Manufacturers of tobacco shall pay icial taxes, as follows : Peddlers, first as now defined by law, shall pay $30 ; dlers of second class shall pay S15; ped-' rs of third class shall pay $7 20 ; and ped rs of fourth class shall pay $3 CO. Retail lers in leaf tobacco shall pay $350, and 30 ta for each dollar on the amount of their nthly sales in excess of $500. ection 3. That on cigars wnicn shall be lulacturetl and sold, or removed lor con ption or life, there shall be assessed and ected the following taxes, to be paid by ufacturers thereof : un cigars ot all de- ntiona made of tobacco or any substitute refor, 4 per thousand ; on cigarettes not ghing more than a pounds per thousand, ;ents per thousand ; on cigarettes weigh more than 3 pounds per thousand, $5 per usaud ; provided, that upon all unbroken 'ekages of checks, matches, cigars, cheroots .Mti cigarettes held by manufaturersor dealers tactile passiug of this act on w hich the tax ueejl paiu wieru eiiau uc uuuwcu rtruaic ur back to the full amount of the reduction. iall.be the duty of the commissioner of in- al revenue, with the approval of the Sec- y ot the licasury, to adopt such rules rcgulatious and prescribe and tprmsli blanks and forms as will be necessary to this act into etlect. Jtatnges of the Slorni. lNtKAl'OUS, June 2b Tribune advices that the Btorm of rriday night extended Minnesota, Northern Iowa and Western nsm. At all points tain came down in into. At Ellenton, Dakota, several small were demolished and passenger an I ;ht cars at tho depot were overturned. ughout Southern Minnesota streams rose enly aud overran their banks, swept considerable stock and aid oilier nam Crowing grain in somo places was lev- to the gruuud,but not terioualy damaged. e are reports of loss of life in the mte- Southeastern Dakota and Southwestern lesota, but nothing authentic. TEKKIISU: DEATH. telegraphed reports of the death of DeLong, as furnished from the note lound bv Engineer Melville, are of the E heart-rending character. This book l from Mondav. Oct. 3d. to Sunday, the jgm., alter naving exnauateu ail their sup jlim and worn out the note book, furnishes ItM following sad story : gSaaday, Utb. All hands at 4:30 took half IB ounce of alcohol; read divine service and MBt Kiudermau ad Noros ahead for relief, JV& they started at 7; cheered them nnder ray At 8 crossed a creek and broke through b Ue; all weut up to their knees; dried . ,. ..At " . . .. :. g and again under way at W.JO. At 1 the river bank; salt for dinner and allflk ounce of alcohol; Alexy shot three ;us; made soap; we are following Ninderman's track; fotud a canoe; lay our heads in it and go to sleep. Monday, 10th. Last half ounce of alcohol at 5-30; at G:30 sent Alexy off to look for ptarmigans; ate deer skin scraps yesterday morning; eat my deer skin foot tips; under wav at 8: in crossing a creek three got wet; built a fire and dried out; ahead again till 11; used up; built a fire and made a drink out of tea leaves and from the alcohol bottle; on again at, noon; ery hard going; ptarmigan tracks plentiful: at 3 halted; used up; crawled into a. hole in the bank; sentAlex in quest of game; nothing for supper except a ipoonful of alcohol. Wednesday, 12th. Breakfasted on last spoonful of gKcerinc, and have hot water for dinner; put a couple of handfulls of Arctic willows in a pot of water and drink the" in fusion; every day gettiug weaker, and hardly able to get fire wood; gilo with snow. Thursday, 19th Willow tea; no news from Ninderman; we aro in the hands of God, ami unless Ho relents wo are lost; we cannot travel against Hie wind, and staying here means starvation; this afternoon went ahead for a mile; after crossing another river missed Lee; went down in hole in bank and camped; seut back for Lee; he had laid down aud was wailing to die; all united in saving the Lord's prayer and creed; after supper a strong gaie pi wind uega ; horrible nignt. Friday Breakfast of willow tea; dinner of halt a teaspoonful of sweet oil and willow t-a; Alexy shot one ptarmigan and had soup; w ind moderated. Saturday Breakfast of willow tea and two old boots; concluded to move at sunrise; lcy breaks down: also Lee; came to an empty grain raft and camped; signs of smoke at t ilight at the southward. a Sunday. Alexy broke down; divine ser vice. Mouday Alexy dying; doctor baptized him and read praver for tied; Mr. Collins' birthday; forty years old; about sunset Alexy died of exhaustion from starvation; covered him with ensign and laid him in the crib. Tuesday Cain and mild, and snow falling; buried Alexy in afternoon; laid him on ice and covered him with slabs of ice. Wednesday Cutting up tent to make foot gear; went ahead to find a new camp; shifted by dark. Thursday Bright and sunny, but very cold ; Lee and Knack done up. Friday Knack was found dead about mid night, between the doctor and myself; Lee died about noon; read prayers for the sic! wneu w e lound he was going. Saturday Too weak to carry bodies of Lee and Knack on ice; the doctor, Collins and myself carried them around the corner out of sight; then my eyes closed up. Sunday Everybody pretty weak, slept, or rested to-day and then managed to get enough wood in by dark to read part of divine ser vices; sutfeiing in our feet; no foot gear. Monday A hard night. Thursday, the 137th day Iverson broken down. Friday Iverson died during early morning. Saturday Drossier died during the night. Sunday, the 140th day Beard and Garth died during the night; Mr. Collins dying. Note This is the end of DeLong's diary; DeLong, surgeon, Ambler and Ah Sam, the cook, must have died soon after the last note was written. Remember the stock sale of Fendel Suth erlin, and will it not be worth your while, reader, to call upon him and get a look at those sheep. Remember thev are going to be sold to the highest bidder. GHA1TD FOURTH OF JULY XCURSION ....TO.... "3J fj.?-'H r VANCOUVER AND RETURN ....Under the Auspices of GEO. WKIGHT POST, G.A.R. . The Steancr...... LTJRLINE Will lea.e the foot of Alder Uret at 0 o'clock A. M. sharp, and arrive at Vancouver In time for the lltO'ttO iD SIMM KITTLE Good music and ample barge accommodations have been securtd and d tricing villi be a feature of the trip A social pleasant time U truaranteed by the committee in charge, free from all disreputable an- nojances. KotiiMl Trip 75c I C'liSMreii under 19 .SOr Children under 5.. .free Tickets for sale at principal Lusincu houses. H, K W. AYIIES, O. t-UMllKlld, It. C. WHITE N. S. PIFRCE, E. E. CAUKIN, Com. of Arrangements. PUBLIC SALE OF FINE SHEEP. At WILBUR, OREGON, Or UMPQUA STATION, on the line of, the O. 4 C. R. U Co., Dougla, Co , at 10 A. M., on Wednesday. July 18, 1882. Will be sold at Public Sa'e 100 French or American Meri no Slieeep. The largest, finest and heauest Shearers in the State. .ALSO . 100 Thoroughbred French nud Spanish Merino Sheep. Crossed. ALSO, SEVERAL GOOD MILCH COWS AND other eattle. One thorouhbrace carriage, etc Having rented most of my land for a number of jears, and being doirous of traveling and changing climate for health, I lh todltpowof the reminder of my effects; an J, although I eipect to sill them at a sacrifice, I mean to sell them. The Ertnca I erlno Sheep I bought at the Oregon Stale fair six years ago, pay tng as high uteo hundred dollars per bead,and, having been suooeW ul with them I now hare ci er 10O bead mostly ewes, as I sold the bocks j early. The Bhrrp will bo Hold 1st led I Ball Use Bayer.. VKWnr.l. BITTlTTTsjr.TBf lisst e ftpk W iClOYAL KSWt Jk B I (ft 1 POWDER Absolutely Pure. tlon makes such ilirht. f ilu hot breads, or luxurious D pastry. Can bo eaten by litsprutlcs without fear of the evils resultiiu; from heavy Indigestible food. Sold only In cans by all Grocers UOYAL IJAK1NG TOWDEU CO , New York. PALACE ORGANS $85 UPWARD VABBA-NTD First Class. -SJJZOJV HARRIS, SOLK AUENT, 49 First Htreel, Portland, Orenon. 4&Catalogrues mailed free. juul6m LILLIE'S Fitter. Pits from One to Tv o tons per da) of ten hours as attested bj S. Luilling, Mllnaukle; Y, C. Evarts, Portland i G. W Walling-, Oswego; II. W. Wllg-, Port laud, and others. a Address : B. A. LILLIE, No. 403 rourth Street, Shop 325 First Street. June22ui3 POUTLANI), OREGON. Oregon ftnilway and Nuvign tien Company. OCEAN DIVISION. Between tan Frmnclsea and Portland. Leave San Francisco at 10 a. u. Leave Portland at 12-00 a. M. i p 2 i o 2 8 June.27July July 10 July July., o June. 3-Jul).. 3IJuly 7 14 Jul).. 18 Jul).. 11 Jul).. 15 Jul). .19 July 22 Aug.. 3 Juh 21) July. .30 Jul) ..23 Julr.,27 JuV.Sl .Aug Aug., Ausr. 7 Aug. .11 Aug.. 4 Aug.. 8 Aug.. IS Aug. IS Auc. 87 .10 Aug. .Si Aug ..16 Aug. . 90 Aug. .24 31 Sfp... 4 Aug. ,28Scpt.. 4Sept..6 Sep.. 8 Sept.. ,ll Sep. ..18 Sept.. 0ISept..l3Sept.l7 Right is reserved to change steamers or sailing day , Through Tickets sold to all principal cities in the Uuited States and Canada. Fare Cabin, $20; Steerage, $10. Children, 1" years, full fare; from 12 to 6, half fare: under S, free. NARROW GAIJGE DIVISION. East Side Division, BETWEEN PORTLAND AND BROWNSVIt LE, VIA O. & C. R. R. to Wcodbura. uuk. I inaiAi. Portland T30A M Brownsville 3 17 P,M Brownsville 8.30 A.Mrortland 4-25 P. M West Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND, SHERIDAN AND AIRLEE Wa O. 4, C. It. R. to Whites. LEAVE.. ARRIVE. Alr'ee 4 25 P.M Portland. .8 15 A M Sheridan Airlee .. 0 55AM .7-00 am! Sheridan 1.20 PM Portland 8-20 P. U RIVER AND RAIL DIVISIONS. Columbia, Willamette and lamhlll ltlvern. On and after June 10, 18S2. Leae Portland for Mon. iTues Wcd. Tliur Frl. Sat Dallies, Walla Walla, Uma- ( tills and up- ( river points. J Astoria, Kala ma, Taccma, Seattle I Victoria, New ) Westminster f Cath'am't, Bay ) View.Skom'ck. viay.Urookfi'ld) Westport, Clif. 1 ton.Knapna. I I) All 0 AM 0 AM 0 AM A II 6 AM 6 AM 6 AM 6AM 6 AM 6 AM 6 AM 6 AM ( AM 6 AM 8 AM 8 All Dillon 7 All 7 AM 7 AM Conallls and) I intermediate V 6 AM points .... ) 6 AM men: iit. For all points on Narrow Gauge Division will he re. ceived-and forwarded by the O. & C. It. It., East and West Side Divisions, respectively. General OHIeel'nr. Frtiutj and D streets J. MeCRAKEN.CO., A.-'U Stateof California. A. L. MAXWELL, TteWt sgent O, R, 4 N. Co. JOHN MUIR, Snperlntendent of Traffic. c. ii, rnEscoTT, aianajrr. DR. PLUMMER'S PLEASANT and HARMLESS AGUE REMEDY Is medirine that has teen prepare.) Iy the Doctor at Albany, Oret-.n, for the Iat five years, IUIntrinde merits as a Sl'KLIlY and feUHE CURE. 1U pleasant taste and the harmldsa nature o! It. InmLni, rM,A.l a U'Ke deinanpnhere.tr knottn. Since the removal of the firm to Portland they have been unred to place the remedy upon sale throughout theSute and bate concluded to do so. It can be obtalnad from tour local dealers In Dmgt and Medicines, and if not will be supplied direct. Price: 78 Cents per Bottle. Ca.PUMMeK to., Hole MamHarlsircn. mj26tf Portland, Oregon. Sheep and Cattle Wanted. FOR tMH cEVERL IIUMJKEilOOOD health! head of each. Addreas: OHtviMfAM 1 JunlSti Eagle Creek, Clackamas Co , Oregon. D. M. OSBORNE & CO., Harvesting Machinery, Nos. 204 and 200 Front Street, Per Hand, Oregon. Agents in all the Principal Towns of Oregon and Washington Territory anrf Western Idaho. VXTEOFl-hUEOIlTIIE HAM EST OF 1SS2 THE Is not only the the moat perfect machine offered to the Farmers of Oregon, but It Is tho cheapest, as It places tho Farmer In an Independent position, enabling1 hit t use either TMNK Oil AWKK, whichever nm be the chtiptst. Two complete Binding attichments furnlahod with each machine. Our No. 6 Combined Reaper and Mower, no lMU8j tt combined M.chi. Olir NO. 3 Independent Reaper, vlltS 5 Beet, i,nsht, durableandoiuillyopfratod, nonoeaualltaann Independent Reaps. Our No. 8 Independent Reaper, j,Hre&.tar ln"iau 0'alt hich u 0,,,J 41 ,Mt' " "flh,'ch-p " UUX Pl 0. 1 JY10 Wei, i3 Front Cut, 4 feet and 3 inehea In w tdth and in so w oil known that It neo J no pnlse. UUT JNO. O 13 itear CUt. cuts Four feet and thrco Inch swarth and the fa.orlte. Olll ISTn 0 1Q H'rAVli flTf Cuts Four feet and thrco inch nuath, and la our latest Improved machine. One hundred uaa sold n OregooUft'' will ilU, i lo IKJllv VUU, j car all jilintfHirfect satisfaction. No other mow er In Oregon haa nut with equal success. AdTWo hae a large stock of Ixjth Wire aud Twlno which will be bold at market rates Our stock of Kxtras U complete and wo uro prepared to furnish duplicate parts to any OSIIOKNK machine sold in our Ttrrltor), and at our publiahed list prlol which is 25 ptr cent lower than anj other liouso on tluPucillc Coast. manning our inenas lor ineir generous imironagoui itsrSend for Circulars and SEYMOUR, SABIfJ & CO., Manufacturers of and Dealers In the Latest Improved Farm Machinery. MADISON' STREET, (from Front to First), FOltTLAND, OREGON. We have the Best Selected Stock that can be found on the Coast, among which are the MINNESOTA CHIEF THRESHER Which has NO EQUAL for the quantity and quality of its work. THE EliWAKD EQUALIZING HOUSE POWER. It Is elmplj Light and Strong, and combines all of the good points found in other pow era to a greater degree than in any other mtdc. Tho Stillwater ami AlinucHota Ohxut itiiigiiicH, Unsurp-isbcd in SimpliciU, Strength and Kconomy, The Randolph Header, The Simplest, LifJittM draft and mobt perfect work Ing 1 leader made. The StantiardSelt-Kalcelteaper, SUnds without a rhul for blinplklt), and diiru,hltit. The Standard 3jI"Iit JIoMer. Its a pauct hciutj both In looks and the v.ay it dots its work. The Iron Kitiff Six Foot ut Mower, It Is rli,'htlynarncd,it's the Monarch of tho Hay Field. anvtliiuc in our line to como and ice us, and if lists and catalngnes, J. I. CASE Made on entire new Principles, has loss parts, only three belts,runs lighter, threshes faster, does the work cleaner than any other. Wherever used farmers say it is the best Ma chine made. Send for Special Circular and Prices. STAVIUtA' WALKER, Portland. GARRISON'S SEWING MACHINE STORE, 167 Third Street. JOIIX It. UAItltlO X, Troiirletor. . AGENT FOR THE HOWE. WILSON. 4'ltOW. I I.MI'ItOVEl) KIX.EU. DAVIS, XEWIIO.HE, 'l'llWt;. I ICoV U, SI. .MMtN. And General Agent tor lh HOUSEHOLD & WHITE MACHINES. Dealer la all kinds of Ss.lnj machine attach meats, Meed'es, Oils, etc. Hsln wchln t, aired on short uotlc FACTORY AT AlTKUItlV, EW YOItK. MOSTCOMP - E E ANDLVTEST IMPROVED MACHINERY OF ANY HOUSE on tho Pacific Coast, Combined Twine and Wire Sell Binding Harvester, for 1882, me iusit we mute tneir luiureaitenuon. D. Price - List. ThcVictorSciriMiiiiiiStilkyltukc Most perfect self discharging sulk) rake made. TheSUirlfiaiidlMunpSulkyRake It's the King ot hand dump rakes. The Xcw IKnrkeye iraiii Ilrlll and Kroadcitst Seeder, These are tho most complete and best made mtchlnos in tno market. The Celehrnted .Morrison Plow, The) ore without qutstlon tho fin cut plows ever mucK into toil. Tiie Whitewater and Ketchnni Wagons, Are unepialltd In this or any other market. iy invito all wanting ou cannnt cnm', si lid If. or ona ot nur prico E W. ALLEN, MannRcr, T. M. CO.'S Out M. OSBORNE & CO., J.B.CONGLE&CO, UO Front Street, East Side, Fortland,Oregon, Again in Business. MAKUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS Of Saddles, Harness. Bridles, Whips, Saddlery Hardware, Etc., Etc. Repairing Neatly and Promptljf Attended to. Celebrated Horse Shoeing SHOP. U Socon.l street, bet. Salmon and Main. JOHN McABDLK, PBUPBlKTOBi All Horses Entrusted to mreare wilt be kindly treated. INTERFERING. AND OVER REACHING STOPPED or money rifundod. Satisfaction guaranteed. HENRICHSEN & GREENBERO, 149 First Street, I'ortland, Oregon, Diamonds, Silver -Ware, Watches & Jewelry. CLOCKS, SI'KCTACLKS, KTC. Nniitlinllrstruiurnt'tnnil Hliliilhronometers rated by Irmlslt obtervnllnna anil repaired. mavlBtf Not so Strange as Might be Supposed. You will see by this Adver tiHoiiiuiit tliut lvlil Cole & Co., do not go into flic Stove Kiisincss by crawling Into the Stove liimscir but lio docs It by IMI'OItTINti direct front' the Fuctorie.s and Selling at bottom orlceH. I IVin OLE & UK. . IK First, cor. First and Taylur, I'ortland Ore. NEW YORKJEWELRY CO. JJTAMOIWS, Gold and Silver Watches, Silver war Spectacles, Etc. QUI OOI.I) TAKEN IN TI1AKK, Watches and Jewelry Ttopaired .tlSYllllMilN TIIK JEivLlKI' USE HAXV t'AtTI Ul O TO OHIIKK. ' 10.1 Ural Hlreet, I'orllaud, Orrsoa. Factories; Trovidence, II. I., aid I'ortland, Or, i ICIVEIt Slli; KKSTAIIUNT AND Ice Cream Saloon. EAST rORTLAND, OREGON. Meal at all Ixiure. Hlttalr MeaU J CenU. V; Ike Wee H.M loe Cream. Fountain fioda water, and freh FmiuIb cwidles, K headquarters for the supply of lc. FrulU of all kind In Katon snj Ute beet till ol far fr the UUe. June lit