Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 23, 1882, Page 6, Image 6

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WVF r1Sw'1 VVrfyitv-
4iim..i Ijfifcnilun.
Amelia Fitzgerald 11 the danf-Mir of a north
country manufacturer, w ho li ft her many
thousands ot pound in hard cash, with part
of which Ahhotscraithio has lately been pur
chased. It is a handsome Btonc house, in the
Centre of a lair Low land estate, honnic with
moor and forest. Iliihes apart, she is a lovable
little woman enoughs jet Lttciin I'ltergald
docs not love her, and for no moio valid rea
son than that she is not somcl ody ilse. Then
why have married her ? 1 he question is only
too pregnant, tho answer too olmous. When
a mutual friend, a inatch-tnahing woman, had
first broached thosulij ct t ln.n, )o mrwered
at once:
"Can you ask mo? If the joung lady is
fool enough to marry me, hue 1 am, and let's
Waste no rr.oro words about it."
Amelia Huggins was not bug fiom the
school room, and fill of sweet schoolrooniish
view of love. Tho younger son of an t.ir!, fio
feet eleven, handsome, and apparently
charmed with her; what moie could she want?
Now, Lucius was no abandoned wretch; ho
was simply a young man wIimso six or eight
yean of life had dispossessed him of abcut
double tho number of tliousiiids, which hud
ever belonged to him Oh, a cry vulgar
miracle as times go and ho had ltter'y
that is, for tho past year or two saddled
himself with a despci.ita passion for lkrtha
Vcrulam, and which, alas, she full V returned.
As neither of these ill starred loveis had
any money, or even a reason l lo expectation
Of being left some, Limns felt no sort of
scruple in ollcring his heart to the willing
Ah, ami ho would do his duty Ilk" a man,
ho would. No moie (luting now. Of course,
If they met much, it would bo awkward
doiioed dangerous (with nnotlier "liy Jovol") i
"And sii wis. ritvgrrni'i insists on i.atiy
Verulam and her daughter Ii nig invited,
mused her husband. "'I he Verul.ims of all
Seoplo in tho world I For lVrcy tool As if
lirdio Verulam (as sho was culled, her real
name being Hertha,) would many I'uejl"
I'erey is Amelia's brother, older tlinii hIio is
by four or live ears. Itii.li, of course. Unj
oins senior left lu ttioutauds etjually divided.
But the son had not acrjuirod any ot that gen
tleness and good breidmg, which st emed to
have coiuu tn the sistei its if by inngic.
"Yet he is hisbrother-iii law, must be made
the best of, and is even now coming on the
10th to meet Ijidy Constiiiiti i tho fastidious
and her delightfully line daughter! If only
they would send an excuse: nut no. uncum
Stances would never go ami risk tin ir chcr
ished old reputation fur spitefuliiessj. flow
they must snulo now that is, il they cvtr do
All this time Amelia was perfectly happy
and screno; for when Lucius was with her lie
was moro than ecu mix prtlt mint, ninl thin
had she not gamed licrown way in tho nutter
of invitinir theso Y villains?
And they were coming, too. "Were going
to poy othtr msiU in the neighborhood, and
should he so delighted," Lady Cons'antu's
Doto had said.
Lady Coiist.mtia was Itiuliu's stepmother,
and the cirl was ill pendent on her for food,
shelter and clothing utterly dtpendiut; ami
her father's chattering, good-natured, shallow -patetl
widow was calculating, though Kindly,
and had, tin reover, but a limited income.
To marry Lucius, llirdia knew, wns utteily
impossih'e- knew it fiom thu inument the
first lovodlutter acttattd her heart; so site re
signed him gave him with her own fno will
to Amelia, Sho had a mot bid longing to wit
pees the tueeiss of hit' work and had accom
panied her mother to Abbotscraithm, delud
ing herself into thu ldta that she would liuicc
forth cudme tho void in hei life with less bit
ter pangs if she wile but allotted to see Lin ins
rich, happy and contented.
So, w hiii 1-nly Coustuutia told htr Unit she
))d received an mutation fiom Mis. l'itgti
kid, and ill her blindness and her lino of living
at othtr people's expense snpgrstiil that they
should accept it, Hit die had otlerid no opposi
tion. When a woman allows herself to line a
married man, she may tell her conscience that
every taint itont mo witu panitatus Iter guilt;
but sho must be morally blind, indeed, if she
imagines that all the ijiislititsof all tho angels
centered in tho wrong ono would ever ho
weighed with her in the uidiilc.eiico of her urn
lawful passion.
Theie was something artless an evident
dcairo to like and to bu liked about the wo
man in posses' ion, which went sti night to
Dirdie's heart and disarmed her of au ill
feeling against Lucius' wife that is to Bay
no more.
'Tins is the first time 1 luvo eer met any
really great friends of my husband," said
Amelia, pouting out thn tea, "and Jim don't
know 1 lime been looking forwaul to your
I jtil V Ooiistauti.i lUclaitd herself dihghtcd
to be there.
She was something of n rattle, was her la
dyship, and not over-particular about being
listened to. This llirdiu had Ioiil' since ascer
tained. At that moment she was dreamily
contemplating Amelia.
"How a man might love that sweet little
woman if she had only got the first chance of
Jilinl" was the mental ejaculation,
A week passed, and llinlie suggested to La
dy Coustsutia that it wai time they took their
leave and went to the house of some other
friends; but Lady Gmttantia was comfortable
and contented lit luxurious AbboUcraitlue,
ud sho would not bo hustled, lliidie must
endure her tuituio a little lunger.
Blie liait tone out mono one lovely Septem
"Impos ible!" repeated he; "impossible that
you can ever care for tin !"
And 1'eicy, whoo be tef in himself was im
mense, looked at her in absolute astonish
Untie r happier auspice liirdie would have
'an.JiMi: as it was, sho turned from liitnwith
a sort A di'gttst, merely raj iup very quietly:
"I'lenso leave mo; 1 would rather be alono "
A hot flush roso into I'erey's faco as she
spoke. Tins son of the ptople imogined that
Ihrdic, being tho dan h'er of a great house,
was lloiitmg hfin, and lie ris Iveel to be re-
v engeu.
1'oor Ihrdic 1 Of tl t fecial chasm that lay
bctwctti them she n vcr thought; only of how
ulttrly incapable a man like I'erey was to
supplant Lucius in her axlii'iitr heart
JJittirly angry with liiiiitelf for evoking it,
and with lludio for (liering what he wan
pleased to call an insult, he left tho erbor
without another word, walking rapidly along
the path toward the house. Vhea he i
uhott' naif w.y boiiio sound attracted his at
tention, and he looked mound. Lucius, stroll
ing bark, gun in hand and alone, had reached
the arbi r ami stopped: niiothci tccond and ho
passed inside and out oi view.
"So so, my lady I '1'leaso leae me; I
would rather be alone.' Of curc, ou would.
Hut jou will not carry on jour little games at
Ahbotscraitnio if I can prevent it."
In less than five minutes Amelia, forewarn-
d by I'erey, was creeping along through
the brushwood to tho back of tho arbor, to
learn, if possible, herself unheal d. something.
of whit was going on between her husband
and Ihrdic Vcrulam.
"I would never have come if I bad known;
but, h, Lucius, I thought I could havo beino
it U by did you let li r invite us ?"
"My darling, 1 did my utmost to prevent it;
but she was very positive, nnd I web you
bade mo marrv her. and I well. ou see. I
did not think you would care so very much."
"Oh, Lucius, I should have made no eneri
fico for you if I had not really eated, but I
thought I was braver. Il only Lady 0 mtau
t a would ho persuaded to take mo home "
"My poor, poor, sweet love. llirdicl" was
all the m n could murniiir.
Jliero was no consolation to oiler now.
You must not kiss mo. Lucius well, onlv
this once, my love Now go. I cannot heir
it it you stay longer I cannot, indeed. lie
sides, it is not right tc jouistlf or her."
Hi- took Iter in Ins arms for a momen', left
on her lips ono moro forbidden, burning kiss,
nnd wtsgono not toward the boucebut tlown
the hill on to tho inoore. wheie. with nature
reigning in wild beauty all around him, he
could fight unchidden with his raging love.
In tho arbor, for a long space, the soft,
buzWiig, lay stiminersountla w.re disturbed
by Hit die's sobs; while outside, with nothing
uciwccn iiiciu out I lie tiiiu, wooden partitions
sat Amelia, on the ground among the under
wood, her lit ad on l.er knees, which were sttr
roun led by hi r clasped bands. She had
heard it all, and was thinking it over Lit by
Whnt should she do? 'I he future, which
but an hum ago had fecund so bright to her
as slio Oeliuvcd in I.ueitis I it 'crams love,
hnd suddeii'y b. como dimmed by a mist
which looked eternal. Sho could not see
thn ugh it, it wns thick as that which gather
ed abutit the summit of hi i ow it nortli-couiitry
hills. Still she must tiynnd find htr way
through it; and its she s.t theij motionless.
listening to the sobs within, and thinking
uiiiiu earnestly man sin nan ever tnotiglit in
berhfu before, it depth oi fei ling was awak
ened in Amelia's heart I'm w.uch no ono who
knew her only in the light comedy ot life
noiitu navo Ktven ner cieini. ne was tlio
lust to movo veiy taicfully list Ihrdic
should hear and to go' slowly to tho house,
tehe met Pcrccy atthudooi.
"Will, what was up in thoarboi?-'
"Nothing. I believe jou purponsly sent
mo on a wutl goose chafe. Lucius has gone
down towurtl ltaeburu farm.
What an ntvaluablo ar lelo is stupidity in
the ptoper place.
Two houis latci tho husband and wife met
at dinner, lliidie bad one of her usual head-
aches. Iu one could have uncased that
Amelia had learned the truth; only, perhaps
Lucius noticed that die w.ts even mute teiulit
and womanly in her manner than sho had
ever been hi tore.
1 or liianv tlavs liirdie lav ill up stairs in a
d.tikeuetl loom. Amelia imvu uitiudeii hei
self unluddtu into the sick girls presence; but
.ill that love could think of ami iittiiition
cany out tho gave to liirdie, ai il w th no
demonstrative outbursts. Nurdul she ever
tell I.ticiiisthut she km w aught ot thoust, but
hilptd In in quietly, with tenderniss to betr
the anxiety and irritability produced by
limbo's dines-, Amelia had scon her way
thiough the mists, and thu load along which
she had elected to travel was that of patient
As mouths passed on, and tune cn-atucd
the wound in Lueius's In art that distill) had
made, was not much of its healing due to
tho woman who loved him well enough to
bear silently and uiiuiurmingly her share of
mo tiuruen witu wincii no was so hcun v
weighted ?
liirdie Verulam his never married. Sho
went abroad with Lo.il Constoutu for a
while; on her return si u studiously avoided
all meetings with Ltitius, and pointedly re
fused to pay another utit to Abbotaemthic;
but she isalwavsou frnndly, almost loving
teiuis with Amelia, whit scared) ever tut
del takts any scheme ot importaneo without
tirst eoiisiiltiiig liirdie. 1'im.ley" MtujtKiite,
t i
days in midsummer, while the life of the per
fect fly lasts about three weeks at tho same
season. As cold weather approaches propa
gation c ases and the older flies perish. A
few cf the more vigorousemales, howev cr,
retreat to some noolt or cranny where, in a
state of torpor, they survive until the ensuing
season links 'twixt the summer gone by and
to come.
History of the Tomato.
A good many years ago a scamp who had
recently arrived from tho Bermuda Islands,
was sent to York county Pa., jail for some
offense committed against tho aws of the com
mon wealth. He had with him. a few seeds
which ho planted in the r'ch soil of the jail
yard. Before the plants which sprang irom
seed readied maturity he was discharged, and
no one knew the name or nature of them
They grew luxuriantly, bearing fruit of a large
size and unusual appearance. As this strange
fruit ripened, its color changed from green to
a brilliant red, and became an object of won
der and admiration to all the inmates of the
jail. Mrs. Klinefelter, tho lady keeper, cau
tioned all tho prisoners against eating any
of the fruit, as sho was sure it was poisonous,
and l esides that, sho had promised tho man
w ho had planted the seed that sho would en
dotvor to preserve specimens of it for him
should ho return in time.
Just when the fruit vvos fully matured the
Bermuda pri oner revisited the jail and asked
to see tho plant. This request granted, he
next caucu i"r pepper, salt una vinegar, anil
to tl o horror of tho good lady, commenced to
cat of tho supposed poisonous fruit with a rel
ish that astonished the beholders. Afler en
jojingthe strange repast, he informed Mrs.
K. that tho fruit or vegetable was tho tomato
or love apple, and it would be found whole
some and nutritious.
Thu seed of the remaining tomatoes were
carefully preserved and distributed among the
friends nnd neighbors oi the lady, and thus
this now popular esculent wasintrotlucfd into
tho ancient itnd goodly borough of York. For
many jears thereafter it was cultivated as an
ornament rather than for table ue, but by
decrees its merits becan to be moro fullv un
derstood and appreciated, and there, as else
where it gicw into general public favor.
Tho Hop Mamet
There is little to report of tho hop market
in Ivew lork since our last. 'J ho demands
and sales have been light, The country mar
kets are very firm at 'Jo cents per pound for
the best, farmers expect a rise, and ure not
willing to sell even at !." cents. Thu weather
is not favorable to tho hop ards, but we can
not seo any senous injury as jet. E ports
aic very light, the Knglifh market be ug very
Our resurrected friend, L'nimct Wells, in a
circular, purple and blooming with rejuven
ated life, lepnrts as follows :
The New York market continues to rule
very firm, and one cent higher has been real
ized on all descriptions of hops except year
lings, i'iteifio Ciast and foreign. The im
provement may be directly attributed to an
advance in prices in the interior, nearly every
holder there of choice hops now demanding
'25 cents, and which, in a tew instances, has
been icaliml. Tho advauco tlieio no doubt
is tho result of the bail outlook for thu com
ing crop, though it would seem lather early
in tho season to speculate on such reports,
and quotes : New YorK crop, 1881, choice,
24fe20c; medium. 2123e; low to fair,
lofeiiU; Lastein, 17(9'J3; Wisconsin, 17-i
Yeirlings, ciop 18bU, 12(3,20; Olds, all
giovvths, li(gll; I'acitiJ Coaat, now, 2J(ij2o;
iUvanaus, ,io(n,,i,; iSohcuuans, .tafe-tn,
Jiieuert' Uaiette.
, Progs as Food.
It way bo new to many of our readers that
in Eastern cities frogs are considered excellent
eating, and that the markets are kept sup
plied for tho demands of hotels and eating
houses. In the city of Boston alone, .hun
dreds of dozens are sold daily. The catching
of those animals give employment to many.
Every well kept hotel is as well supplied with
frogs as with chops and steaks. As a general
thing only the legs are used, and they are said
to ho delicate in flavor. They are caught alive
if possible, and are kept in hogsheads of
water, into w hicli bits of meat and vegetables
aro thrown in order to fatten them. At inter.
.vols they are taken out and allowed to exer
cise within a given tpace, and again put in
clean water till sufficiently fattened for mar
ket. One dealer in Boston keeps a dozen men
employed about the various ponds, shipping
the animals in moss in boxes to the city. The
French have always been called a frog-eating
people; the Germans and Americans have
gradually adopted the taste as well. At first
thought it seems revolting, yet turtles and
eels arc equally as disagreeable to look at,
and are eaten by most people with a relish.
There are but few tiogs in Oregon, so there is
little chance that epicures will call for them
Pout Intelligencer: Delegate Brents has re
cently introduced in Congress a number of
bills of much interest. Oue is to appropiiatc
$15,000 for the erection of a lighthouse at the
entrance of Gray's Harbor; a second is to ap
propritto S,"i,000 for a lighthouse and fog sig
nal on Destruction Island; and a third is to
appropriate $15,000 to make a ship canal con
necting the wate-ts of Lakes Union and Wash
ington with those of Puget Sound. Now if
he w ill only (.et these meas ires thiough, and
secure our admission to Statehood, a seat in
the U. S. Senate shall be the reward of Mr.
jjoss of appetlte,NauBea,bowels costive.
the back part. Fain under tho shoulder
blade, fullness after eating, with a dlsin
clinatjqp to exertion of body or mind,
trri lability oftemper. Low spirits. Loss
of memory, with a feeling of having neg;
lected some duty, weariness, Dizziness,
Fluttering of the HeartTDotsbefore thei
eyes. Yellow Skin, Headache, llestless
ness at night, highly colored Urine.
TU'ITS FILLS nre especially adapted to
such cases, one itose effects suchnrhange
of feeling as to astonish tho sulTerer.
TherlnereitkelliAppel lie, snd cause the
hotly to Tnke on Flenli. thus the system Is
nourished, and by llielrToiilc Action on the
Digest I e Orirnns, Itefruliu' fctooU are pro
tiuced. l'flce S cent3. 33 Jlnrroy ft,t.. N.Y
Gray Kair or WiriSKFRs changed tonGtxmar
Hlac-K by a alnelo application of this Dye. It
I m parti n, natural color, acts Instantaneously.
told by Druggist, or sent by exj reuon receipt of 1,
OfflcQ. 3& Murray fir.. Nnuu YnrU.
CTr. HITS HAM il, of talmhU Inform iUo. .mrf fc
Uttul Rfrriiit. will bi mailed fUEK sa r,pll,U4V
Successors ot
ISatclielor, VnnGcIdcr Co.,
California Spring Tooth Har
row or Cultivator.
it wjy inrfiI':cc' 'itsTj.vxi h
In the TIIOHOUQII cultivation of Summer tln
these implement will save at least one dollar per acre
eaeh season and will cover gruin eqml to the best
drill. Every farmer is requested to take one and try
It lor himself.
3t:ievcn SIich Munuructurcil. Hcml Tor
UesrrliHltc tlrrulnrs lo
JSutvielor tO Wylie,
31 Market ftlrcel, - - - Ann FrancNco.
JOHN L.t.MlM l.lt, ,fc CO., 1115 Front St.,
I'ortltiml. majlDinJ
It is stul that papers are being circulated
asking for parJon for Jack Powers, who is
sentenced to be hanged v cry soon. His health
is very poor, and it is but a little time that
outraged nature will allow him to live, even if
he is not executed. The pipers ate getting
numerous signatures.
A GcfcitssKV couTy schoolboy wrote the
following "eomposition" on trees : "There
are a J,. cat many kinds of trees, the apple,
peach, plum, chtriry and a great many other
kinds. I like cheny pie the best."
The handsome drug store on the corner of
First anil Stark streets, under tho manage
ment of C. V. Cornelius, is now one of the
leading busmcts houses in the city. Special
attention is ei en to tho disRensuc denart-
ntent; both night and day the mest caref u
druggists are in attendance. m
Make Money Yourselves.
And benefit jotir neluhbori n3 well, by Usuinir
i'u-i.vi- p'-ili"k uiiu itiu j hit i is ur jour nno Mai
Theco w.ij Lo had by .cnJliirf to
M m Printer.
He does
5 Washington troet. Portland, Oregon.
All Sorts
of Printing. DookhlnJIns, etc., and should you need
'inytltlnRin hi-lino, from acardnith a single word
to a mnnnmitli poiter, sou ennnot do better than
to call ti on or send to Mr.
I,E(JAI,llI,AMv fm mIo.
Live Within Your Meats
Thcro is no happiness lit living be) ond one's
means. 'J hose w ho have no debts, who pay
as they (,o and make this their rule, aio more
careful and economical than those who buy on
credit whatever they n.ay desiro or think they
need. Uuyini; on eiedit is our uatioiutl bane,
an evil which saps thu totinilutioii ot our
siieiai eoniiou. it keeps a man in debt, in
ureases Ins expenses, makes his necessities
gieater, and tempts htm to nsk his propcity
lit vain elicits to extucate Inmselt tiom pecu
niary dithcultns. It is iiuitu ea-y to spend
uli.it hu havu not, but a man alvtajs thinks
twice bcfoiu ho bleaks upon a small aecuinu
latum which he already nas, ami will rather
add lo it than tieiich upon it. Xncretore, the
habit of saving ouee created is n sate-uard
against earcless spending, and should bu en
eutiraged in ever) legitimate ami proper way.
1 here is ait eemioiu) that is mean and stingy,
but it is very eas to avoid this fault without
tailing into the opposite vice of extravagance,
arm to hit the happy tneau ot a sensible and
w holesomu economy.
"Hie Northern Pacific office at Cheney is
said t) have sold over 530,000 worth of land
during the mouth of May last. Such items as
this indicate the rush of people to a single
section of our Territory, and further, they
show the value to a railroad of a laud graut
like that possessed by the Northern Pacific
Company. i.V.
btr afternoon, taking a volume if Shelley tu
dream over, not to rtad, lit llintiu's frame of
Uiiuil all the lines were Olio blunvil mass, all
tbe w ords w i ro indistinct She tat do it in a
little arbor Hut had been built at thu tdgo of
wosd, A quarter of an hour had scarerly
paueit away when she heard a man's footstep
pproai'iiiiig the arbot, and the almost sprang
up with a Ihtht, frightcue.l cry,
Not Lucius; no, nut l.ucim; there alone;
tbe could not hear it.
It w as Percy, uid sho sank back into her seat
M though relieved from great fear. Not that
ho wanted Percy's companionship far from
it j anil had he been a man of the world and a
gentleman her iiioiiimv liable replies would
speedily have induced him to puisuo Ins way
to the house, ami lie actually had thu audae-i.
ty, though he had uever received at auy time
the most remote encouragement, to nuke
UIm Vcrulam a loruial lender of his hitidaud
tiont. lookiuir uuito surmised, too. when
ahs got up and told him that the regretted be
bad made to creat a mistake, such an alliance
The Plague of House riles.
Some paper iu Oregon notices the fact that
so far this year there havo been no house Hies
to liothcr, and that it is a premonition of siik
ness or epidemics. These tormettts are scav
engers and no doubt that without them in
theecouomy of itatura wo would sutler. We
havo soim times heard tbe ipiestion askrd as
to wheie the lly comes from, and how props-
gated, tor ourowu tattsfuctiou we have in
vestigated and give it to our rvadentt
The ei;g are about ftiur-huiidredths of an
null long, one-fourth ss wide, dull in white
color, aim puteil with, elongate, hexagonal
depressions mere w hitish apockt to the un
aided ok. laid in little agglutinated piles iu
w Mitt manure or in decomposing vigeUtfon,
especially tthat about our stables ami bain
) arils, from M) to 100 are 1 vid at a time, and
probably at three to four ditltrelit intervals
by the tame Uy, though tut this point wo luvo
no exact data. Within '.'I houis, m stiimntr,
they hatch Into footless maggots, vvhiih, aftvr
noting iu the tilth tilt their tunltr skins seem
ready to burst from repletion become full-fed
lit less than a week, and detceudiiig into the
larth or sheltering under some old bewd,
eeuttract to browu, thiuiuc ohjteti, rounded
at both ends, and technically known as pupa.
no, Within the darkness of this IiiMimi..1
skiu profound I'ungcs rapidly take place, nud
the liiuvt pisses through the pujv to the per
ttet state, and finally, in about luo davs. thu
""'' im u, tiiu ujAtiuiit is nttsneii oil,
and the lly CjincMv crawls out. At tirst its
parts are pale and soft, and its wings arw
crumpled ami useless, but these soon expand,
uti iiuiictiiy, nuitout prttciice or teaching
the new-Moduli tly wiugs its way to your ta
b'e to mock your displeasure to share your
repitt. The Isugth of time required from
hatchiug to maturity varies with tbe season
and temperature, but ill not exceed ten
Remedy for Lice.
I.ico on cattlo may bo easily anil thoroughly
destroyed by a tar ointment. Melt together
ait ounce ot tar auil a pound ot lard, and stir
while cooling. Apply a little on tho parts
most atlected. It may even bu applied lightlv
ov er tho vv hole skin without Uanger to t o am-
nui. ino same gootl results uuy be obtained
trout boiling an ouueo of tobacco in a quart ot
nuivr, uuu siHJitgiiig tne pills Willi thu solu
tiou, AV.
The timber les. in ces ot the Puget Sound
country, mid indeed throughout thu whole of
Western Washington, is immense. Timber
ami lumber suitable for ship buililiug is very
abundaut. Ship span, aro sent from Puget
Sound to all parts ot the world. An cxoliauge.
speaking of thu back timber in the Siinisli
country, n.)s : Much good timber is passed
through iu reaching the south branch, but
nothing like tlut throwing on the benches of
the mouutaius bordering both sides of the
valley. 1 thought 1 had seen good timber be
fore", but bad never imagined anything equal
ling thi., CVlara 100 feet or more without a
knot or limb; lira from loO to '-0 feet as clear
as a quill, ami standing no thickly that Uie
light of the stiu seldom naclus the ground in
places, covering all the bniches, bench alter
butch, mile after mile, cveu to the very sum
mit of the nuiuutaiu, and continuing ou
around the head of the valley. That this
timWr can be brought dowu safely and
cheaply to the alley there is no doubt, and
that a way will be provided to bring it down
to tide water is equally certain.
hAsTthN tAfiiAMiim tell of thousands of
(Kople who are starving in a mountainous re
gion of the State of Virgiua, being remote
from railroad transportation or water naviga
tion, provision) have to be taken iu wagous
over almost impassable mouutaius. It seenu
marvelous that matter should com to this
strvatiou point without becoming known, that
too in tbe eldest settled State in the Union.
Home Questions.
Is it worth while to endure penal torture
every night from wakefulness, inability to
sleep, ltetvous prostration, etc., when you can
bo immediately relieved and permanently
cured by so agreeable a remedy as
Does it pay to bo compelled, bv debi'.itv anrl
laugnur, to abandon active business when
urant, ucive aim museiu call Lie Dracetl up
and tbe whole system can be restored to a
healthy condition by a course of
You nervous dyspeptic, w hy approach the
dinner table daily with a positive disgust for
all that is savoiy and delicious, when a vigor
ous appetite for even the plainest tood is cre
ated by the use of
Is it wise to live in this bright w orld as
though it were a dungeon, constantly misera
ble aud discontented, wheu the worst case of
epilepsy, nervousness or hypochondria i
cured in ninety da) s by such a pleasant and
wholesome an exluleraut as
Can it be possible that any person of a
nei volts temperament will riiu the risk of ap
oplexy or paralvsis when he can tono and
regttlato the nervous centres with
Is it not a species oi moral insanity for any
merchant, mechanic, tanner or traveler to be
wttnout the best known antidote against
Considering the harrassiug aud depressing
natutoot the liinetioualileraugomeutstovvhich
wouiauis subject, is it not astonishing that
any invalid ot thu feebler sex should besitato
to seek the certain reli f atlorded in such cases
by the general operation of
These are questions of deeper interest than
any of the political dogmas of the day, and
those whom they concern are invited to give
them something more than a passing thought.
Is for sale by all druggists. 6
S SaMoncyfV
' .Buy at dealers' prices.
IftiuifisclljyouANy ar
ticle for famUyantlper
soiat vse.iivajvy qoajiUty
at WJiolcsakPrices . Sh
matter uhatyou ui&nt ,
send for our S&t&loguo.
IVccMTyinstocklkc lar
gest variety of Joods in
OojftooaU'itoi, A,
V Qbicigof
IMS. WIlllYCOfflBU, V. S.
Portland, Orcyon.
Writes Prescriptions 'or Diseases of all classes ol stock
rice, $1 tor each prescription written. State sjmp
tontsand Kge of animals as near as possible.
Office O. r.
Bacon's Dlaekhank Stables. 03 So., I
St, bet. bUrk and Oak.
lteslitcnec Cor QOilrteciith and Ta lor Sts.
gue Mixture
Ka Tu Ueadquarlrrs.
We often hear the remark and justly, too
that the MeCammou Piauos and Whitney
i liolmes Orgjns are the best, but are high
in puce. ISeing the best, they are the cheap,
est. A poor musical instrument is dettr at
au price. McCaininou nukes every part of
his pianos iu his ow u factory and under Ins
own supervision. There is only ono other fac
tory iu the United btates that does this. A
full line of these celebrated pianos and or
trans can be seen at the larjo music store nf
J, 11. liobbiu & bon, togetherwith the largest
sun oeti stock, oi small musical instruments in
the city. Also, a larco itexkof nicturva. Inmn
aud mouldings of cv ery description. We buy
all guoels from the tsctory. Hive us your
oruers. it w in pay ou to go to heaelquarters.
J. II, Koum.vs Jt so.v,
No. !), First ttrcet, Portland, Or. lm .
Chills and Fever aro permanently
cured by Dr. Jaync'a Ague Mix
ture. With a little care on the part
of the patient to avoid exposure, and
tho occasional uso of Jayne's Sana
tive Piixs.this remedy will be found
to be certain In its operation, and rad
leal in Its offocts. In many sectioni
of tho country subject to Ague anc
other malarial diseases, It has an os
tablished character as a popular spe
cific for those harrassing complaints,
and the number of testimonials re
ceived show that its reputation is
constantly increasing.
Intermittent and Remittent Fevers
are effectually cured byDr. Jayne's
Ague Mixture. In these com
plaints care should bo taken to follow
tho directions closely, and especial
attention given to the liver, which
should be assisted in performing Its
functions by Dr. Jayne's Sanative
Corbett's Fire Proof Stable
A (MKIi,
To all vv ho are luilering from the errors and
indiscretions of vouth, nervous weakness,
vrly decay, loss cf n-aLbood, etc., I will send
a reciepe that will cure you, -ree or riUKQK.
Thit great rtmedy w at discovered by a mis
sionary in SorJa America. Send self-addressed
enfelope to the Rxv. Jossth T. Ik.
max, Station D, New York City. dec-m
??,si5crSt7" '-'fc'fej?:
XJ nd Tulor itru, l'ortlind, Oreiron. Kessonstle
ejisjws. Psrelcuhr sttentlon paid to botrdine- horse
iv.' '2 "Jnee t sll trains and boau, dsv tits'
nltht. Connected by 11 Telephone ConiraulM. Whet
jou rotas to TortUnd Inquire for "Corbeif. II scVs."
Pl OOPAUl) i MAGOOX. Prop'i
ri .itni"in thu v.7 rrn .:" "V"i uo
--tlsr. Ai kieiir-i" taSrihSJ otS
lc UhPitn'y knmra sPclfic Iiemcdy for Epl-
Cures Epileptic Tits, Bpams, Convtillons, St.
Vims Dance, ertlL'o, Hysterics, Infanily Apo
pleTi, Paralysis, Itlieunistlsin, enralgfa 'und
all Nervous Dlseaei This lnfallllilo r.edy
will positively eradlcite every spetles of Ner
vous Derangement, and drive them ovvny from
whence they came, never to return nsain. It
utterlj destrov s the gerni or disenso liy netitral
izing the hi redltary taint or poison In tbe sv stem,
and thoroughly etadicates tho disease, and ut
terly destroys the cause.
Cures Female Weakness, General Debllty, Leu
corrhcea or Whiles, Painful Jlcnstruatlon,
Ulceratlou of tlio Uterus. Internal lleat, Oraiel,
Inflammation of the Illsdder, Irritability of the
Bladder. For Wakefulness at night, there is
no better remedy. During tbe change of life no
iemale should bo without it. Il quiets the Ner
v otis System, and glv es rest, comfort, and nature's
Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of
yiuuut ciuing. -inese uegradlug habits me by
fur tbe worn evils that have ever befallm suffer
ing htimanit. ThonoaDds die annually from
these noxious drug. The drttukard drinks
liquor not became ho likes It, hut for.lhe pleas
tire of drinking and treating his fi lends, little
thinking that he is ou his road to rnlu. Liko
tho Opium Eater, ho llrst uses the drug In small
quoulitits us a ha-mltte antidote. Thceoothlne
iuilne-uce of the drug takes strong hold upon its
victim, leading hint on to his own de-tructiou.
Thu habits ol Opium Kotlng ond liquor Drink
in ' aic pri clsi-fy what eating is to alltnentlve
uu8,s'. "" over-eating first innamis tho stomach,
which rtdoiblcs Its cravings until It pnrolyzes
bolh tin stomach and nppctfie. Soevcry drink of
liquor or rto-B of opium, instead of satlcfvine,
only rd Is tu its flerco lire", until It consumes
the v Hal force nud then Itself. Like tbe glutton
ous lapo-worm, it cries "(live, eive, give!" but
never enough until its own topnetty devours
llsilf fctniailtan Nervlue glvc instant rellel
In sll such casie It produces sleep, quiets tho
ntntK btilMs up the nervous sjstcmTand re
store! bod and mind to a healthy coudillou.
Cures NertoiH DvrpiprK, Palpitation of the
Heart. Asth'ni. Ilroucliltis, fccrofula. Syphilis,
illw.rei of Itio Kidueys and all diseases of the
Urinary Onsins. Nervous Debility, csused by
the- iniMrCretlous or youth, permanently cured
by tliu ue of this Invaluable remedy, To you.
voung, middle aged, and old men, w ho are cover
lucjrinir sufferings as with a mantle hy silence,
look tip, jou can bo ssved by timely efforts,
aud mako ornaments to society, and Jewels in
jhe crmm of your Maker, If you will. Do not
kiep tbi a se-cret longer, null! it rsps jour
vitals ami destroys built body and soul If j oil
aro thus artllcted, take Dn. Ricumond's Sisisn
itvn Nei.vine. It will restore our shsttered
nerves, arrest preuisture decsy, and Impart tone
and sucrgy to tbe whole System.
Isfor ralo by druggists everywhere, or may be
bs direct from us. Thoso who wish to obtain
further evidence of the curative properties of
bamirttsn Nervine will nlease cncloje a 3n.it
po-tsge stamp for a copr of our Illustrated
Jo'irnal of Health, giving hundreds of testimo
nials of cure from persons who have usel the
medicine, and also ibelr pictures photographed
after their restoration to perfect health.
World's Epileptic Institute,
For sale by HODGE, DAVIS CO.. Port
Oregon, land,
Liberal Terms,
Low Trices,
Long Time,
Low Interest.
following liberal terms: One-fourth of tho pries
In cash; interest on the balance at the rato of seven pel
cent one J car after sale, and cacli following J ear one
tenth of tlio principal and interest on the balance at the
rate of Bevcn per cent ptr annum. Roth prineipal
interest pavablo in U. S. Currtncy.
A discount of ten per cent will be allowed for cash
Letters should be addressed to
PAUL bCHULZE, Land Agent,
eS5 o. & C. It. It.. Portland. Oretron
. ',
-frsjf .- ri C', Mi mag?
t 7 A WEBrV, I
few NEVER FABLS. 3j i