Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 23, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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    i r
IV '
i ra
il- ;
jrauea every Week by the
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Less than six months will be, per month 25
Advertisements will be Inserted, providing tn are
respectable, at the follow ingr table of rates :
One Inch c-f space-per month $ 2.50
Three Inches of space per month 6 00
One-half column per month 16.00
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m.amnle couics sent free on application
Publication Office. No. 5 Washington Street.
talrs. rooms No. 6 and tk
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Tlie following are authorized to receipt for subscrip
tions to this a)er, jf3"Wcre we have no agents re
mittances MUST be made, (expenses ald, to us by
Registered Letter, or Moncj Orders, or Express.
It I, Hlimnon
Amity It I, .Slim
Aurora , .Oco Allllcr
Brownsville .W It Kirk
Bllttevllle .JolinlSatclicllcr
Hutte creek r. bkert n
Itrooki W II Harris
Bcllevcio Jeff Davis
Crawforusuile Ilc-lit lllasi
i Lebanon . .0 V Smith
r Lcv.isWIIr.llC'McTilnlnonu'
: Looking Glass.. M Cochran
- Lincoln L Abninis
i McMlnnvillc.J Mcl'bllllps
illrO'O . ...S Robbins
i Mt Pleasant K S Thacr
i Han.. ., ll nullierforil
! Mohawk ..J 8 Churchill
i Monmouth . W Waterhousc
NoVainlilll. OWSappington
nelMalley.TKtt lanui
' t'lioi iiock.. .k uuiiani
Pendleton,. Lot Llvcrmore
Pcrrdale ..IWMcGrcw
l'lcasalitllill OWIIandsakcr
: Riverside Cr'Knowlcs
i Itoscburir...S K Itavmond
Sweet Home, ...7, I) Moss
' Salcn S YV Church
..A D Gardner
Jno Down nv
Goshen J Handsakcr.Hcto ... . .J8 Morris
Cottwe Or. .J II Shortrldjrc
CorvaiHs Meyer Harris
unampoetf, . ..a Jctle
Damascus . E Port.
Ilaton , ECHadiuay
Drains ...Hon J C Drain
Dallas , .ID Smith
Ditfur .. .-A J Dufur, Jr
Kola , ..Thomas I'earcc
Elkton . . .A II Ilalncs
Eugene .Hon J II McClung
Kllenslmrir ..Hon Jl llllcv
Forest Grove. ,S tliuhcs Staiton
Fox Valley., .A D Gardner Sublimity
Gaston ,,,A C ILiyiuoud
nervals M Mitchell
Ooldendale.il F Sailor Co!
IIarrls)jtirir...IIon II hmltli
Halsey.. IJhck, Peirl ACoj
Iriing A C Jennings
independence w b llodirln
Jacksonville... Max Mullen
Junction .... WII Ilabcrl
J W Roland Zena
Shcild W M Powers
Tangent John Lupcr
inrncr r .viaucRon
Wilbur. .. . Hon Thos Smith
Willamette F....M Wilklns
Welles A A Williamson
Weston LSWood
Waltsburg . .W N SmIMi
Walla Walla J Jacobs
..8 BGlmblo
Wo havo agents In the field who are duly authorized
as follows: Mr. K. M. Graves, who resides at Sheri
dan, will canvass Yamhill and adjoining counties in
the Interest of the Farmrr He Is duly authorized to
receive and receipt for subscriptions. Mr J. W.
Range, of Chcency, W. T., Is also our agent. Mr.
Alfrod Slocmn. at present In Umatilla county, Is also
duly authorized as our agont.
The Ohelisk in Central Park, New York,
will have to bo protectee! in lomo way, as our
climate bids fair to ruin tho inscriptions,
hawing indications of crumbling away.
Moses Taylob, a man being identified with
leading efforts in New York City, died a few
days ago. A steamship on this coast being
named for him, makes the name a familiar
Tim 0, & C. Kailhoaii Company aro push
ing work towards Jackson and Josephine
counties as fast as possiblo and will this year
probably roach Upper Cow Creek, near tho
lino of thoso counties, but tho grading is very
heavy and expensive-and tho work must nocos
aarily proceed ulowlj. It will probably re
quire two more seasons to finish the road to
tho California line, aa it will lie heavy work
nearly all the way. When the road shall bo
completed it will mako a great change in
Southern Oregon.
The Monmouth, III,, tow, of May 20th,
has a notico of tho death of Major John C.
Bond, one of tho oldest residents of that coun
ty, and highly respectid. lie was aged 83
years, and playod au important part in tho
early history of that section, having filled im
portant offices and borne a very oxcellent
reputation. Major Bond was a near relative
of Mrs. Jesse Ixxnioy, wife of the oarly pio
neer who settled near Jeflorson, Marion coun
ty, and the Hands' of Linn and Lano county
aro also his relatives. It is evident, from this
sketch given of Major Bond, that tho family
ws as highly respected in Illinois as in Ore
gon. A M.W railroad project is now talked of,
with huso of operations at Spokm Falls, A
company luw incorporated to build a railroad
from Rathdiim, uliove Spokan Falls, on the
lino of the N. 1', K. H., to Cu-ur d'Alcno lake;
also to put steamboats on that lake autl tho
rivers running into it, Tho railroad is to bo
exteudod towards r'armini'ton, in tho I'alouso
country, and used to transport wheat from
thero and timber and lumber from tho Caur
d'Alcno Mountains, As tho mills at the falls
now use logs rafted ami run down Cjom Gvur
d Alone Lnko by water, it looks to us as il
there was uo chance to build a railroad to
bring iIiihii lumber as cheaply as tho rivor
brings tho logs.
Portland cannot lie strictlv called a rjlace
Rl of great enterprise, except in the narrow way
- I thai tf Lata nn hanrl at. full nrirota at-ywdra nf
goods to meet the demands of country cus
tomers. The railroad corporations whose
business centers here show a broad apprecia
tion of tho situation, and will undoubtedly
supply in that connection all the facilities the
commerce of the whole conntry may require,
but the town has no such appreciation of
needs, and confines itself to the wants of
trade. To be sure, they have lately bought a
tug to place on the bar, but that is expected
to earn its way, and may even pay a hand
some per cent, on its cost.
What I'oitland wants is commerce. The
town is located up two rivers, and one hun
dred and twenty miles from the ocean. The
natural seaport is one hundred miles lower
down, and yet the power and wealth of Port
land draws the commerce of the whole region
one hundred miles further up stream. We
havo no objection to make to all this, only we
do not wish to see tho production of tho coun
try pay unnecessary tribute t ) this city, and
wo do think that tho immense wealth accumu
latcd here should do something for its own
commerce. For instance : We all know that
the bar of the Columbia needs improving, and
that bars between Astoria and Portland inter
fere with commerce. This city is abundautly
able to havo this work done, and if it showed
appreciaaion government aid would bo more
readily obtained.
Conversing with a gentleman of considera
ble wealth, wo asked why the bars were not
scraped to improve navigation during the
present high water. He replied that it is too
much to expect Portland to do this work un
aided by tho rest of the country.
Let us seo how that is : Outside of Port
land there aro few rich men in tho State, not
a dozen who can bo considered magnates to
compare with hundreds in Portland who havo
grown rich easily. The gentleman we con
versed with had a little town property that
made him rich. A half dozen men in this
city represent ten millions of dollars. They
made their monoy in trade, with the country
for customers, and by the rise of town prop
erty, or in transportation schemes that were
great monopolies. Having so many millions
that they actually are put to their wit's end
to find safo investment for them, and hoping
to double their wealth by the future of Port
land as a seaport, thoy actually wait fur the
countiy to como to their aid and dig out tho
rivers and the bars.
The country is hard worked and never over
well p.id. The country earns all it gets by
tho sweat of tho brow, while tho wealth of
Portland is so great that single individuals
could apply ono yoar'a income for that pur
pose and keep tho rivers and bars all cleared,
so that vessels could reach their wharves at
all stages of water. When such is the case it
is plain to tho country that Portland enter
prise is not equal to tho situation.
We repeat what we have said often, that
the producers of tho whole regiou have no in
terest in clearing the bars above Astoria.
Portland alone is interested in having ships
come to her wharves, and her capitalists
country Eist of the Mountains, and may
make some difference with their harvest.
If the present indications continue we place
the exportable surplus of the Columbia river
for the next harvest year at 260,000 tons,
same aa for the year just passed. As this in
cluded last year 40,000 tons held over from
18SC, even that will show 40,000 tons in
crease in actual production, which will be
60,000 tons increase in the yield East of the
The Oreqonian alio predicts that freights
will bo lower, and that wheat will sell at
$1 55 to 51 CO per cental here. In its calcu
lations about freights, that paper counts on a
much larger quantity of wheat to ship than
we shall probably have. California may also
have a light yield, probably much less than
they claim in their prints, nipping will be
here in excess ot our needs, dr ut least a very
full supply. Tho exporters are reticent about
freight", but say charters can now bo made
for next fall for 55s. Our view of it is that
tonnage will be abundant, and that freights
will be as low as 60s The world's crops pro
mise large yields, and we cannot expect great
prices if all nations have large crops, but it
may be that crops will not mature as well as
they now expect. At all events wo are cer
tain of abundant tonnage and cheap freights,
aud if English prices are held up fairly w e
may get 1 75 per cental for 'wheat, and can
hardly fail of getting $1 60
Another fact about Western Oregon is that
tho area of land in wheat is not increased.
Thero may be increase in some localities, "and
cx'ra good crops in some localities, but that is
not generally the case. Many prudent farm
ers are putting down their old wheat helds
into permanent pastures a erv sensible
thing to do and will benefit by so doing.
Grass is more profitable than poor wheat, and
many fields need rest and recuperation. At
timet this past season grass seed could hardly
be supplied to satisfy the demand. It is a
pity that hundreds of thousands of acres that
have been long and steadily run to wheat can
not be put into grass.
decline in importance or be put on a different
basis. Farming here has passed the era of
virgin fertility, when the eager soil gave crops
without more than half cultivation. We have
riached "hard pan." and will bo apt to
"bump bed-rock," to use familiar mining
phrases, if we do not take a proper view of
tho situation. We have repeatedly alluded to
the fact of decreased production here, but the
country is not by any means less valuable, it
has merely changed its conditions, as all land
does after a generation of occupancy. All we
havo to do is to adapt our system to these enn
ditions to secure success. The fertility of the
soil is unquestioned. Clover grows now where
it could not bo induced to half-wny thrive a
few years ao. That is a tremendous gain.
Other advantages present themselves here
that are worth improving; grasses that would
not thrive here years ago now do well, aud
use forgraoes is greater than ever before.
This subject may well engage the attention
of experienced farmers, and we hope some
such will take it up and show in full what we
have only crudely handled. .
Wo are coming upon a new era in Oregon
production, based on a change of commercial
conditions. It was only lately that we confi
dently said that the Wiliametto Valley was
Oregon. It was the general belief that the
country East of the Mountains would remain
a pastoral region, and was only fitted for that
use. A great deal depended, of course, on
the want of transportation in that region.
The most sanguine mind had no conception,
-..w ,,.. w, V1 nuat ww iu me near , . , - ...
future, or dreamed it possiblo that a railroad I h,ai1 10 atupe!? t''cmselves w"h l'q"' before
Kuvy uuuiu uuug eueiiiaeives iu cne ioui wortc.
With advance in the world's progress come
also the attendant vices that curse the civili
zation they spring from and distort. Of late
this region has known its full share of crimes
and murders. The haunting demons of vice
are with us constantly, while only a few years
since we wcie measurably freofrom such evils.
Portland is infested with as vile crea'urcs as
any city can furnish, and now that the Brad
ley case has come to an end, as conservators
of the public good we unwillingly refer to it,
not to recite the vile facts that polluted tho
cars of the listeuing crowd an I w hen trans
ferred to the columns of the daily press did all
that was possible to debauch the minds of all
who read, but to draw the lesson of the crime
and show the duty of the citizen.
All the ficts show that the murdered man
Brown was deliberately enticed into this
den of prostitution, and because he dared to
accuse its inmates of a crime of a light order,
licfore a grand jury, he was drugged and mur
dered. The particulars of the case are horri
ble to believe, especially when its chief actors
were women, but a fallen woman is often a
fiend. The evidence all shows that the vic
tim and his murderers were drunk when the
deed oos done. The man Brown had been
drinking and the woman Bradley and all
her accessories had become beastly with liquor
before they could bring themselves to perpe
trate such a hellish deed. The miserable men
who pandered to these wretched creatures, and
at their bidding aided in concealing the deed,
This is the name of the new steamer, just
launched by Messrs. Crarr.ps & Sons, of Phila
delphia, for the Oregon Railway and Naviga
tion Company, to be put on the ocean route to
San Francisco. Some idea of the way in
which this company provides accommodations
and safe conveyance for its passengers may be
gathered from the following paragraph, taken
from the Nautical Gazette
This new vessel is by far the finest specimen
of naval architecture ever turned out from the
establishment of the Cramps, notwithstanding
men iiauuiwum is marKea lnaenuiy ULOn
some of the leading steamers in the Atlantic
and Pacific coast trade. Tho external appear
ance of the Queen of the Pacific is very pleas
ing to?the eye of the competcnfcritic aa well
as to those who can only judge of a vessel by
her proportions and beautv of outline She is
pronounced by all tu be a I cautiful ship in
model. BVmmetricil nr nor ion, in iipfttnp..a
of design and finish, and in all tho points that
go to make up a superior vessel, while inter
nally art has Produced some marvplnna rpsiiHa
in her adornment, so that to day she stands
without a peer in tho richness and elaborate
liess of her exterior decorations
Her cost will not be far from half a million
dollars when ready for sea. The Queen of the
Pacific has been built to obtain the highest
class in bureau Veritas for transatlantic ser
vice, aud holds a ceitificate U V at effect. She
is 330 feet long, 38.7 feet beam, 22.6 feet hold
and 30 feet to awning deck. Slie is 2,727.80
tons, custom house measurement. Sim Lao
1,200 tons, dead weicht eiarcn fimiv Ann
tons bunker capacity on 16 feet draft. She is
nan urig nggea with iron masts in one piece,
and is well canvassed.
She has an inverted direct-acting compound
engine, with 45 and 90 inch c linders and 48
inch stroke of piston.
Sho has valve pistons, the first ever applied
in this country, similar to those on the Alaska,
aud is expected to develop 3,000 horse power,
and a maximum speed of engine of 80 turns
pui nmiuiu, which, wun iuu pounds ot steaTi,
will give her a speed of sixteen knots an hour.
Sho has eight b ilers, 11 feet in diameter
and 12 feet long, with shells 1 inch thick and
370 square feet of grate surface, and will bum
about 60 tons of coal per day, working up to
full speed. The propeller wheel is IB feet in
diameter and 23 feet pitch, the blades and a
spare set on board, having been made in Eng
land of manganese bronze, costing (with duty
added, 40 per cent.) about $15,000. It is ex
pected that the Queen of the Pacific will be a
very fast ship.
Working on about half power on her trip,
she has made 60 turns, easily develnping a
speed of over 13 knots; which exceeded the
expectations of her builders and special super
intendent, J. C. Henderson, to whose good
taste ana liberal views much of the credit is
due for such a perfect ship. Martin Bulger,
who has been the superintending engineer
from the time her keel was laid, will go out in
charge of the . machinery, assisted by Chief
Eugineer Paterson, from the Cramps' shops.
She will be under the command of Capt. I. E.
Alexander, with C. Erickson as chief officer,
and Ueo. W. Edwards as chief steward.
should rocognizo that faot and act upon it,
Even in respect to improving the bar at the
ocean, this city has the most at stake and
should see it done at its own cost rather than
havo tho work lag. Pugot Sound has all pos
sible advantages for commerce, and our pro
ducers can trado there if they can offer tho
heat inducements. Portland has its very lifo
at stake and cannot invest a hundred thousand
dollars a year to any hotter uso than to aid its
own commerce. It can sparo that much an
nually bottor than tho country can spend one
tenth that sum. It has so much to gain and
can so well allord to spend money iu insuring
its own future, that it would seem as if one
hundred thousand dollars ought to bo sub
scribed at tho mere suggestion of its Board of
Trade, by tho wealthy individuals who can be
found on Front and First streets.
Now Til t horso-raisiug becouus an imort
ant btiiueh of business in Eastern Oregon,
horse thieoa are cry numerous and inflict
great loss upon itockinen. It is commnu to
road how horse thieves are caught and strung
ap by sultcring fanners of the Western coun
try, and there is great pru ocatiou w hen such
scoundrels nib working farmers and honest
stockmen of aluablo animals, There seems
to bo an organization that carries on horso
and cattle stealing systematically, running
alock to Nevada, or Salt Lake, or off North.
Cot tain it is that if thieves carry on their in
famous liusiiivici thuy may expect to moot sum
mary justice some day without the help of
court or jury.
Tilts Nkw Yoitk Jltmht shows up the tricks
of the demagogues in tho last legislature of
that Htate, and the management of Could and
Ysuderliilt to prevent any legislation concern
ing ti asportation. The lrtrisWturva of that
State Imu been bought and sold fur eara by
these railroad managers, oun legislatures
especially elected on a pledge to carry out the
popular u ill. 1'iually a bill has pawed pro-
viding for a railroad commission, which shall
bo appointed by the Governor to be elected
next fall, with the consent of the Senate, but
the tlrrtilit osaerta that it w ill either be etoeel
jt will be pionouiictHl unconstitutional by the
ourU, and that the demagogues who let it
pass knew, it hail mu-omtitutional features
that would annul it. That is what ailed nur
bill to rrgulite fee of clerks and shcriUi.
Our crop prospects iu this valley are not as
good .u wo thought they wore a mouth since.
Winter wheat suffered from freeziug, and re
ports from the hills, in some sections,
aro to the effect that tho crop is seriously in
jured by the winter. Then, our late spring
prevented putting grain in early on low land,
and the continued dry weather has prevented
its making good growth sinoe. Some wheat
on French Prairie is only just up, Thero is no
chance for such late grain to make a crop,
with such a season as we are likely to have. A
month ago, with seasonable rains, there was
reason to expect a good yield of spring wheat.
That mouth has given us such dry weather
that the opportunity is passed for expecting a
fair average crop. A contemporaty the
Orryon'mi this week prodicitcs expectations
of low prices for grain on certainty of an im
mense crop, which is no certainty. A month
ago that paper predicted that Western Oro.
gon would havo 230,000 tons surplus for ox
port of wheat. That wa oue hundred thous
and tons too high, uuder auy circumstances.
and wo now put tho probable export surplus
of Western Oregon at a hundred thousand
tons, or not to exceed 3,500,000 bushels.
Last year's surplus was 120,000 tons, and a
few oars ago we had a surplus of 160,000
tons, Wo, of con ie, would like to givo hopes
of a greater yield, but we are hero tj tell the
truth, aud not to mislead by making extrava
gaut predictions. It is also true that the hay
crop w ill bo light, and, of eoure, other crops
win sillier if tho rains hold off.
East of the Mountains they have a soil that
retains moisture and can support a growing
crop mi less raiu thau'is needed iu this valley.
Dr. lllaK-k, from Walla Walla, was here last
week, aud says his 2,300 acre of grain loAs
well. It was put iu iu the fall, and will make
a good j ieM beyond all doubt. Spring graiu
promise well there, even though rain is
system was about to develop the whole Uppei
Country; that instead of that wide region
being only fit for stjck raising, it was about
to become the favorite home of agriculture,
and would be, as it now is, looked to as the
most desirable region, for settlement in all the
Tar West. To-day the question is not: Where
can tho country be farmed East of tho Moun.
tains ! but : What part of it is there that
does not invite agriculture? Development
show that everywhere in that Eastern coun
try farmers can locate to advantage', and
stock men may expect to see their ranges con
verted into farms aud homes as rapidly as
immigration can find its way there. Eastern
Oregon and Washington can furnish farms to
hundreds of thousands of people, and the set
tlement ot the country will proceed as fast as
railroads can be pushed into these available
regions. Enough land is already supplied
with transportation, or has tho immeJiate
promiso of facilities, to accommodate all who
can como hero in tho near present. The
steady stream of travel from tho States, arriv
ing by every steamer, pushes up the Columbia
and locates in some portion of the inviting
inland f.mpire.
The Willamette Valley is no longer the
granary of tho North Pacific. The develop
ment of tho Upper Country has brought about
wonderful changes. One sure result is to bo
the building up of a great city hero at Port
land, and with the influx of population will
como a demand that will cause manufacturing
to grow up here in Portland and in the valley
tuwns. vt e near tnat a great woolen factory
is to bo built at Salem. Flouring mills ore
increasing to grind our wheat for foreign mar
kets. Airricultunrl machinery should be made
here, and we shall soon hear that it is to be
manufactured here to supply this great and
grow ing trade. All the conditions are chang
ing. Instead of being the productive region
i'f tho North Pacific tho Wiliametto Valley is
to be dwarfed by the growth of the interior,
and it destiny must be to manufacture and
produce for the supply of Portland markets
and for tho necils of its own towns, that mav
grow with a manufacturing population, and to
supply the needs of the Upper Country by
breeding good stock.
Whoat growing will continue to a great ex
tout, but the men of judgment will appreciate
the situation aud prepare to reap the rewards
that await enterprise. Like G. V. Hunt, of
Sublimity, they will import sheep for mutton
as well as wool, for this market will everv
year demand better meats and pay better
prices for thorn, lite unproved Meriuo is well
enough fr the Up Country ranges, and
auwersfor wool, but down here our profit
will lie in catering to Portland appetites. Tho
growth of a metropolis is our opportunity.
Wo must grow beef and mutton, pork, chick
ens, butter, eggs aud fruits for the waut of
the city; and as the city has alwas made us
pay her heavy tribute, let the farmer now try
to get eeu by furuishiug what the citvwill
consume, in tho moat acceptable inauuer,
Tho cattle busiueas of Eastern Orem has
dwindleil greatly. In many districts, where
the grass w as eaten dow n by great numbers of
animals, it waves now luxuriantly, without
any to crop it. The herds are goue, never to
return. The meat supply for Portland and
the valley tow us must be furnished at home.
and graia will hereafter be a profitable and
The lesson seems to be that we should in
dict and put on trial, and banish from the land,
the chief agent that caused the crime, tnat
leads to almost all crime and breeds crime as
naturally as like produces like throughout all
the world. If there had been no liquor to
stupefy and inebriate there would have been
no murder. Only that this demon, drink,
exists to prevent and paralize moral sense,
crime would not could not walk our, streets
at midday and at midnight.
Sum up all the evils that the of use of alco
holic d'luks causes and let us strike the bal
ance. There would be crime and selfishness.
to be sure, for human nature is erring enough
without tkis incentive, but without prisons
and poor-houses would be few and far be
tween; murder and robbery would bo less a
matter of course; gambling houses would close
their doors, and such dens of infamy as this
woman Bradley kept, would lose tho active
principle for e il that gives them such dread
ful power. There would be a decrease in
criminal expenses and consequent taxation
that would leave the world s easy iu pocket
as free of soul.
But in this city where such horrors exist,
liquor sellers, the very men who feed such
vice over their counters, aro potent in politics.
They grace the council board of the city rul
ers. When election day comes they earn po
litical promotion by patriotic deeds for party
success. Victories are won and planned here
in whisky saloons, and the same is true of all
the cities in the land.
The lesson wo draw is that the corrupt in
fluence of cities and towns must bo held in
check by the less corrupt citizens of tho coun
try, who ore not so overawed by vice and have
the power to control legislation and institute
reforms. In time if we are ever to approach
the millemal era it must be by banishing evil
wherever possible, and this must lie the work
of the people. Rum and politics go hand
in hand, but tho reform element of tho world,
in town and country, is certainly superior in
numbers and strength, if it can be organized
to demand its rights, and that includes pro.
tection from the multiplied vices that strong
arms: encourages.
Those who are coming to Oregon can feel all
confidence that the ocean voyage will be made
with all possible comfort and safety, as tho
ships already on the line the Columbia, Ore
s;uu aim iainornia, and new, iron screw
steamers, perhaps not equal in size and mag
nificence to the Queen of the Pacific, but they
are models of marine architecture, and every
skip of the line was made as strong and safe
as human skill could perfect.
A reporter of the Oreyon Tribune says that
the horses already on the grounds are the
Ever congregated on tho Pacific coast. About
fifty of the most noted horses from all parts of
the country are already on the grounds, and
twenty more are expected the coming week.
Piobably, by the time the fair opens one hun
dred horses will be in the stables.
To the liberality and forethought of tho di
rectors of the association, must be attributed
the extraordinary and unprecedented gather
ing of horseflesh. The purses offered by them
aro large enoutrh ti be au inducement to own
ers of the very best animals, many of them be
ing a small fortune in themselves.
The course, fiom an early hour in the morn
ing, until 9 o'clock, presents-an animated and
attractivo appearance. Our reporter arrived
uton the ground a little late, most of the
horses having been led back to the stables.
As he walked up to the course, through the
crowd of jnckej a and horsemen, Jerome Por
ter's running horse Trade Dollar was Hying in
on the home stretch in fine shape, sending a
thrill of admiration through every lover of
horses on the grounds.
Later on Tempest, a 2:38 entry was put
around tho course in very good shape.
Is the best in the Northwest, and will be in
excellent condition when the fair opens. It is
a mile course, as level and smooth as a table,
and from tho grand stand the horses can be
seen at any time.
The following trotting entries have already
been made. Our readers will detect among
this list the names of many noted trotters:
2:30 class.
Dexter, entered by James Meisner, of Port
land. '
Sweet Home, entered by Hoggoboom, of
Walla Walla.
Gold Foil, entered by L. B. Lindsley, of
Rcedville. Gold Foil was formerly a Walla
Walla horse.
Milton Medium, entered by H. Smiley, Jr "
owned bj Dr. Clowe, of Walla Walla.
2:38 class.
Tempest, entered by diaries Russell, of
Walla Valla.
Stranger, entered by James Meisner. of
Portland. '
Pedro, entered by L. B. Lindsley, of Reed
ville. Gen. Crook, entered by P. G. Martin, of
2:50 class.
Nellie Russell, entered by Charles Russell,
Multnomah '.ounty Pomona Orange.
Editor Willamette Farmer:
greatly ueeded, but the dry weather is some-1 even more profitable than wheat. Tim alley
what of a hludrauco to the crop of the w holer1 needs au infusion of new life, and mutt either
July Meeting and Baker City Races.
The following is the programme of the July
meeting at the Baker City race course :
July 4th Saddle race; purso $100; 70 to
urse norse, j.u to second, IU to third.
Same day Dish fifth of a mile for two-year-olds;
purso $180; first horse $120, second
$50, third $20. Dash of one mile, free for all;
nurse $200; first horse $130, second $50, third
July 5th Dash of one mile for Policy, Sky
Lark, Tim Brainard. Buckskin. Iln Tv,..,
filly, Sunbeam, Annie Brainard, Fanny Holt,
Daisy A., Rosa Whipple. Rialtn n,l .M n,.,.
year-old raised in Oregon, Idaho and Wash,
ington Territories. Puree $150: first horse
100. second $35. third 115.
Same day Trotting for three-year-olds and
uuuerj nueo-year-oius io carry ISO pound '
and two-j ear-olds 140 pounds. Puree $200
first horse $130, second $50, third $20. '
July 6th Dash of ono mile for three-year-olds.
Purse $150: first horse Sinn ..nn.i
$35, third $15. Dash of half a mile, free for
all. Purse $200; first hone $130, second $30:
third $20. '
All entries for above races close July 1
1SS2. Three or more horse of a class to cu
ter aud start in each race. Entrance ten nr
Rmuuso' Russia Salve has proel its etli
J Try it
Multnomah District Pomona Grance No. 6
held a very enthusiastic meeting at East Port-
land, Saturday, June 17, 1882. Grange met
at 11:30 A. M, and was well attended by
members from Washington, Clackamas and
Multnomah counties. Under the head of un
finished business the following resolution was
taken up, briefly discussed and adopted by a
unanimous vote :
Jtesouva, mat indebtedness within the
oeatesnoma oe allowed on State taxes, in
debtedness within thecountvonennntv t
and indebtedness within the district on dis-1
trict taxes.
According to previous understanding It ......
ar.anged to have a strawberry festial at their
June mecttng, and hence the Worthy Master
declared a recess at 12:30 p. u. for .,i .,,,
pose, and after all had toyed with the berries
and enjoyed themselves in social converse for
a. uuii-ieui rengm oi time tbey repaired to
the organ and made the hall echo and re-echo
the beautiful hymns of the Grange for a short
uuie, wuen me Master resumed the cl air and
proceeded with tho regular order of business.
Under the head of suggestions tor the good of
the Order, the grange was favored with an
excellent selection of music, entitled 'Mur
muring Shell," by Miss Ida L. Olarko; also,
addresses by Brother J. B. Knapp, O. E
Hajes, A. R. Shiply, O. P. Lent auJl others,
all of which made the meeting very interest
ing and instructive. The next mMtma of l-.
grange will be hold at East Portland; Satur-
uay, rtugusi iu, iosv, at 10 o'clock A. m. In
compliance with the Worthv rf,,r. ..
quest, the grange will be favored with the
following programme at said meeting, viz. :
. lecture on "fruit," by Brother GBuck.
man; a lecture on "Stock," by Brother C. N
Bryant; an essay on "House and Surround
ings," by Sister C. E. Shiply; a lecture on tho
"'""S". oypuiers. 1 Hayes; silect pi.ee.
reading by Jliss 1. L. Clarke,- a selection of
music, by Miss U Shiply. and a lecture on
"Education," by brother T. H. Prince. Such
a programme cannot fail to make said meeting
very interesting and instructive, and it is
hoped that all fourth degree members who can
conveniently, willfavor us with their presence.
'", juii.nsos, secretary.
Priueville JVVim: Reports are mlv
from the surrounding country to the effect
mat the crop of wheat, rye and oats will be
very light unless a thorough wetting rain soon
visits this section. It is also reported and
confirmed that grasshoppers are fast destroj .
ing much grain. Owing to the dry nature of
the soil, tome of the spring sown grain ha
scarcely sprouted. Up to theprcrent time the
rainfall has been barely sufficient to keen the
irrass iu a flourishing condition; and yet those
..iic. pretend to know say that a cood cron f
cereals may bo expected even if it rains within
the next two weeks. The harvest is very late,
aud it may seem very strange to Western Oro-
gon farmers to bear of oats that "ore sow n in
June, producing an abundant crop of well
tilled grain. Yet such is the case, as has been
proven by several of our OeSnen I,,m tl.
coming harvest cannot be estimated, a.',..
ture u necessary to the mat,,,-;.. ; t
Oleander, enteied by L B. Lindsley, of
Gen. Crook, entered by P. G. Martin, of
Stranger, entered by James Meisner, of
Bartell, entered bv Jerome Portar. of V.
est Grove.
Maeeie Arnold, entered hv -T. Ten.nL ni
LinkviTle, Lake county. '
Jane L., entered by L. B. Lindsley, of
May Wintler, entered by John Pender, of
EIna J., entered by E. . Jeffries, of Port
land. Kisber, Jr., entered by Joseph Buchtel, of
Zillaphone, entered bv J. Beach, of T.lr
There are twenty entries.
Among the runners now on the grounds ore
the following:
Trade Dollar. Caddie Tt ! f ...-.
old named NeveHa, owned by R. E. Bybec. of
Fred. Collyer. Jim Rennick and T,nn Sin.
cer a two-j ear-old by Norfolk.
Jim Merritt, Rosa May and R. S. Perkins'
Foster's stables.
Conner, a very noted horse from California,
Pomeroy, Lulu Rinra. anil thm fl. ,.
molkey's stables.
Just arrived from Ralrar p;t. Ta. tt...h
Premium, Jessie B., and Hillie C.
Mr. Tomkins, of Forest Grove, has a bay
nlley named Mollie Denver on the groundi.
Oood Work.
Wednesday afternoon Mr. F. F. Hanna,
traveling agent for D. M. Osborne & Co., gave
a trial of the new 1882 Osborne (twine) self
binding harvester in the rye field of William
Kirkman, Esq., about two miles north of
town. Tho rye was green and heavy, yet
witn one span of horse the binder worked
like a thing of life, binding the sheaves tight
ly and neatly. The prominent feature of the
1882 Osborne solf-biuder is tho perfect con
trolability of the binding apparatus. Left to
itself it will perform tho work with automatic
precision, binding all the grain that is de
livered to the binding table, and depositing
the sheave at regular interval. This is all
that is required in an average and even growth
of grain, but there are thin places which
Would Yield but half 44,. i..l;..., .;...! l,n.
die. and spot where short groin is met with,
and these inequalities are provided for. The
f vtr J7 U8'"g the foot "P controls the siz
of the bundle, so that he can average it in
iieavy or light grain; in short straw he can ad
lust the band to the proper distance from tho
buts y turning a wheel at hut elbow. This
can all be accomplished without stopping the
team or the progress of the machine. Walla
If alia Union.
While the present outlook i not the brightest
there is no cause for desi,V f, . "i .ff
?J! W0 ?uy bri."S t grain out in wod
ciency ty a test of 75 jears' constant use. iTrYE: i 'S' "P1 '" tor
The Pcoet Houmd Mail say that the most
disatrou flood ever known since the settle
ment of the Skagit, took place recently, and a
hundred thousand dollars will scarcely cover
the loss to crops, dykes, improvements, etc.
Some 2,500 acre of wheat baa been ub-
mergea ana wm prove a loss; the logging
camps havo also suffered, ThU paper nrgea
all to unite in a system of dyke for protec
tion in future, working in harmony under the
dyking law.
their labor in ,:' .; L """ "wl
.icabditv of7ilK; .!iu,"'fw,"l Pe-
" -a w 6o urusn sou.
Ashland Tidingt; The Indians in Modoc
county, Cal., eat large black cricket, which
appear in great number in that section every
summer. Tho Adin Atyut. of last week, aarit
The festive cricket appear in our volley now
in sufficient numbers to appease the appetite
of 6ur Indiana: consequently, they stand 0a
J their dignity when aiked to work.