WILLAMETTE FARMER:' PORTLAND, OREGON, JUNE 23, 1882 2 1 i vcrv Week liV the UL1JJF.TTF. KUtJIF.lt riKUSIIIMl to. TKIUIS OF feUBSCKHTIOI. Ono year, lv Ugt pal J) In advance 2-M Blx months, (IVwtSKOptld). In iednci. 'g Los. than six months will Iw, per month ADVEIISISINO IIATMJ : AlTertlsements will lio.ln.trtiKl, provillnitn arc respectable, at the follow luff tabic ol rates . One Inch of spico per mom Throe Inches of spate per n.oiitli " On. half column icr month J? J On column per month . " n Sample copies sent free on application PublicVitioii Olllce .No. 6 VV asU uton btrtot. Up tain, rooms No. 6 and fiA TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Ciniiiiiiiiii iii istypi Vikva, Juno Jfi.-Austrian Lloyds luvci sent two wejw'''ri' m'tritime nwl biviii lareo slciimTM to' Altxai iln.i, for tin purpo'o of runovm. IIiiioth nnsvvli'i ile-irci lo Icavu lie country. l. ls of 1000 icfugect expect to arrive ut ft ,"'PXSnnaay. . crioiFV -1'10 Ian,c ,'f"ntrea'c1 and OiiMrJTK Kurnpenns coiitiiiuia. Of fices -of th- TCufopcan control and several banks have- closed. 1 lie English and French comptrollers (jenoml liave gone to Alexin dna, and all tlio ollicials lioliiiigitiK to the control li tv u obtained leave of absence I rob ably a I lira- dies of Kuyptian administration, includiiiL' tlio cmVo of public debt, will bo transfeirul lo Ale ......Jria. It is reported Sen- kicnwii I lencli consul general, lus aked to be le'ealled. . Sietileicnwii culled a meeting of Irencli subjects to-niy, and said he declined to be ie BponsilnV for their security. I on hi I lies. ... ., Milwai M.K, Juno I.") -Special fiom tlio region ol the forcnt files in Wisconsin to the ltqmbliuat Sentinel stitc that at least 30,000, OOOfietof stunting pino lias been dektroyed in I'iko Kivcr county, mid tlio lire ii still rag ing in the legion of tlio noitliwiBtcrn portiuii ." 1 .1... ... ......in nt M ifiliiii'in ol tvi'-coii'-in nun mu iicninni.i. .' .-...-, Reports fr in th lino of tlio isconsm and Central loid stit) that the lain last night has checked th (iii) Miinuwliat, but doubtless not extinguished it Uttst reports from Mcls villu, ill tli" centrul poition of tlio Stato, and where thu most snrious (ins were, Htato hcivy rains h iv xtiniiui-liiil tho (lies and all din If er has in. d, :ia.ij mill.oa ice: u pinu . ' t .1 !.... ll... .nLHirl. ifivn hi I II I CSirOVCtl. Illlb uvi.il muwiiiiiwA.- initu loss cannot be detciniintd. Olilllm l 1 In- IIiiihI. lMilVAl-ulls, Juiiu lfi 1'ivo bodies have' been tcoi.miciI fioiu thu llool hero ymttiilav. 'I hey ate tliiise f Kate (lolderniiu, Ouirgo 1 . Scoville, O. K. baundcrH, nttoinu.at.,iw, IMwanl 'hlford, Mm of !S. K. 'iillonl, and Oeorgo V hinitli. of Cic irmoiit Other bodies lain been llo.Uiiig, but could not bu leachid. ! 18 fciipnoswl that at least ten pu sons mho diowiuil. It) 3 o'clock this afcci l oon tin water had about cli iiin.ircl, but that in the north' ant p-irt is still high. No Ihc for a Mini r miii. CllK mo .liinu 10. V'ihiih' Washington special I'.x Senator llitun, of Coimectii ut, Uvcij indignant mil the 1'ie suit ill's make 'put tin. t ii iir i niiiiiiivHiiiii. Kitmi lamoliiiu tnoeir tnim inmitln ngn with a Mew of inllu ilKllil? the I'riEiiknt tosehct men ol high chained r. llatouhnd In enidi n'lliccl forcome tituo Willi tin ill liltiu w Ii'" Suiitoi I In 1'iesiili ut liflienud v.i eirefully tomn thing I'.aton biw lit to iieiiiiiinnid, .ind told him if bo would Hiliel fioin Pi inoenitio iiiineiiliu would nom. nito tl i m I' ion mil hu would not p-isiiuio lo do mm that modi If tho 1'ioMiliiit wouid iioininato just i no iiiuiho bc'idb htm it w iild bo all he would ask To this tho I'm l lent galea tiuilv coiihi lit. lliton thin nii!j.isliil (iioisbiek ol Ohio, ono of tho ht Hi mi ii hi thit Stale and i pioininent loiiniiii it fin im r. I bo l'rimilt nt jiiouusiid toapioint (Irnultek, but .inpucntly fotgot it. ritt- I iiIhik lril.t. Coiioit, N. V .June 17. Out huudiiitiud and lift) w nun ii i puntivm, inuutrs of tlio llarmoii) nulls boaidlig house, hue been i o.ilmd to m tk othir iiuaitersnt thoixpim tion of tl f I niti m mni by unts in advance. Niitins will be snitd of ej ctmi nt on thiiso iiciui)iii).'ionipiny ttmint ut lion is Optri tneH up t tl ful aid, am' tontlliuu to Intet a (,111'ious u-pou'-i) Provisions niedistributid AIciiiUm niiil l'iidn)s, and inonei disbiiisid at nil turns wboie imidid 1,'ultt piciails. Illllt' I nlt I1-." llllif-i. tniKiiM", O, Juno 1(1 'I ho l.rtultr is htiongly onti-Citholii', slid lesttidii) con UliHil an iilitiinil to which llishop (lilnian li'plii'l i n litd'i which livkviit by 1'athir llouik, his prnati) sttiutirv, to thu l.tmlrr for publitutiou. As it did not nppiai in to ila)'lisu r.ithtr lloutk went tn tin) otlicti pitsuiuibH tin an t pl.uiattou and the imimi seript 'I iiu litter. It is s.iol, eont.uni'd mit t.r poisoiiidh ollensiie to Ml 1'.. Cow In, thu tilttot in ilni f, and whin l'allin HniicU c'lllid, witliout watting to hi ii the object of bis lsit, oi V.nl hint out, and aajij.U'l I uu kntuiTiictiiill) that 1'ntliir llouik .worn out awarriut fur lui aiitat for assault and bat tery. luliil I ilnliui. iiki .iiiitni-, l'i , Juno 1(1 A ttiulic ukilui"ii otiuiitd in Stanton air shift es teubiy in one of llu lifts, about thru) hundred ft t't from the top a d foui ftet fioiu tho hot loin. I'll i nit u who ilininditiL' in a luuki't Willi iiiikid lmnpj upon their ho'idi, which fiinuiii i"nitnrt with gisaiid oauaed tho v plosion. Jiiiii s Cany was hurled fioiu the litukvt, fell t thu bottom and was killed, and four others, John Welch, M I.) i th, lltury llughts mi I'lMuanl ritinfuan who badly burutd, l'ltuiaiis nie tlouhtfiil of tluirro col t r) , 1 1 uu p lur IliH'l. 1.0SHOS, Juuo III -Ihetiiop ship Tniuni hn isilttl for Xlalti, t iking n tlrt.icliniiit of inaiiiits tmemfoiio the .Met itvirnuiau siitad ion. It i Itlii'iid the will iviiM) tioop from Malta to Aleiatulria if mctiisir. I'aius Juno Ul -liixipiat Maisullos and Toulon aro oi dui til to make rtady fur imtne ditto ouksiknlion. Viii rriuii In) pi Caii.u, Juno 111 The piuio t teomiiig worse hourl). hniis atoall tloetl. Suiim Vrt nebiiii u unable to leao am tottifling tlieimtlus in their liout. (.minus ami AmtrU i pp o tlio iluiutili of Turkuh troops to l'gpt on the grtund that It would ciuio ,1 fiialioutbitak. 1.0MK1V, Juno l.t I'nvate adiieos from Cairo t.ilu thut ill Kuropeins liaxe left thcie, luiluilinj; the stall ol the lUstuu Cable Com- CiiniiiiTiK, Juno 111 lte-tr Admiral Nich olson, with tie U. S. stianitni Iniiaater ami (JuiunrlHg, lmo atintdhuo ami will proe-tHil to Alexandria, l.oMH's, Juno 1(1 It is undii stood that the thai nil itUadrou will tmlurk a Urge number of titnips nt Malta, ami proceed to ' Iii Coinuioui, Charln Dilke, umler fortlgu sfcretiry, said tho uowt fioiu Alexandria wu nassuiiug, ami no (ieh iliituibaucta wtii appriluiiiUHl, Admiral Seymour telegraphs tlun thi transports providtd furrefugtta are m tieieut. "lhe 7'iiirs' corre-spoudrut at AhnamUU telegraphs that 10,000 persons are supposed . ...! il.... s. a Thai mrr manv BAf to have leu mere mua iif """6 - vanU and workmen without emtlo nient. m. a. U...n lis l.rxm rlntfll ftlHl the ine cuaioiii hwuw j v.. --- postmaster doubts his ability to continue pos ! . !- t tUa i..ni4lJn friohfc nf til service, owiun w w ,,.,.....- ...,..- .t -ri. A..mnAoi. nf. Atlfli. lunction tmpioyes. aiiu vMft.... - l i i of the Mahmoneth canal with the Nile, has thrcatcnetl to quit worn, wnicu uuuuii ni'tj.". imperil tho water supply. Al.KXAMniA, Juno 10. Tho number of Kuropcans killed on Sunday is estimated at 200. Many were thrown into the eoa and aro being daily washed ashore. TweKo Indies yesterday and five to day were thus far ro coiered. Terrible Miirni. I.EAM'NWOUTil, Ks, Juno 17 A terrible wind storm prevailed between 12aml loelock this morning and Mount St. Mm v's academy, four miles si nth of the city, suflcicd terribly. 11,0 nam tower was blown oicr on tho dor mitory, crushing in tho roof, and Ida (iolden, Annio McDonald and Mabel McUehin, of this city, and Maiy Austin, of Carrollton, Mo , aged from 11 to 1C jears, were instantly killed, and three other children injured, lhe Kansas central elevator was blown down; loss SW.OOO. Loss in city and country abiut SJUO.000. Wheat was not seriously injured. Fruit was half stripped from the trees hut will still be a gooi crop. An unknown man was blown into tho river and drowned. Harns and huuses were blown down anil unroofed all oier the city and trees uprooted and gen eral devastation wrought, Vailkv Tails, Ks., Juno 17. A severe wind storm passed over this section about 12 o'clock last night. K. 1). HiUycr was struck by lightning and seriously injured. A largo part of the roof of a livery stablo was blown away, and another building moved from its loumlation. jn uio counuy i iiumii . houses and barns were blown down. .No ono was hurt Damago ilono orchards and other fruit crops is very great, and hundreds of tn os are broken down. Field crops aro not much hurt. lite .Nov luiiiiulrsloiii-rs. Tho President to day completed tho list nf members of tho tanll commission, nomin itcd tho Utah commission and appointed a board of government directors of the Union I'aeific railroad. Mr. llas, ol iscston, is maiio cnatr uiaii of tho tanll commission, and the two men chosen lo (ill the places of Meisis. lt'l.l ...! IlLnlnu D.n A 1. Vinilll R ltllttnl. ler, of West Virginia, and William II. Mo Mahon, of iNcw Jersey. inc lormer is a liriikiin down nolitician and the latter is a elcik in the hvvi York ettetoin house. Mr. Uottcllst wos lioin in Shtppenlslown, Jcller son cm.iity, Wist irgimii, May 10, 18111. lie graduated fioin Princeton colli go in 18:!j, nod Kinco tint timo his been a farmer and I oliticmi. llo was an old line whig, and in 18.V2 and 18."(i was on tho whig and American tltctoial ticket Ho strove assiduously fur many yeaiH to defeat Henry ltiddu (.ton and Chas. J Faulkner foi coi grtes, and m 1S.")!I ho was at last elcctid lepieeentativo fiom Viiginia to thoJKith congress, liotteller was . . ........ ...ln,l l.tr Vl.llltliru 1I.1V Id nml t .limit. II i.u'Miuut.u'.'. 'j .j.-.. fc.M .... .... . of West Virginia, and it is expected tluu votes will Do east lor couiiruiauou oi me cinu mission, thus assuring success of the iioinin i tions. Vny little is known here about Mc Mahou Hu his been a clerk in the Now '... 1. . ..! I.. ..l.. f..p iiiiiii, I im Alill Sili.ll. 1 ill ie euiki'iii in n-u .". ..in. .j j ...... , . ator Liilinni snys ho is in chaigo of thu ens- lOlllS UlVlSlOll llllll IS Ull UAieil. uu iiiniivia ui tuiir. Of tho members of thu Utih couiinrsion, tv.Seiitlius Haiusuy and I udducK had no prospect of le-eiiteiing public hfo in their ie speetivo htites, and tiny aro well piovidtd ful. Thesilaiy of thu coiumis loneu isJ0OO fieli, and the job will last until Utah u ad mitted as a htato. (ioodny, the thud Iio pulbean lnembii of tl o oinuussiou, is and to lo.i wtll-iufoimtd liwvei and tompctent man. Culton and 1'. ttmg-ew aio Pemociatie im nibi'is of the 011111111111)11. Thofuiuici is a 1'irro llaulu liwjtr who as foimeil) .1 irt ner of Piniel Vo lines, and tho latter is at prisent journil cleik of tho Senate, l'otliu gicw was backed for tho plain by Senators Walkti and (lailaml. Ho is by pioftssion .i lawjer, and has seived his tenn as a eeuli.tiv new'i-pipci editor. V. t-tnator Sjienier, rf Alabiinui, noiv of Dak 1 1, is rov idtd for as a pov eminent diitctor of tlio Union I'.icilio lailioad. 1. ltromlo), foriueil) of the Tribune, also has a place ill the director). Neithei Hnbxit II. lliktr, of isc iisin, (itoigo (i llavtn, of Now Voik, nor Watson 1'aush, ol Nebiisl. i, have tver luen in congicss. ll lliimi mi trllinr. 'Jait I.vkk, June 17. lhe Tribune, after spcnkiny favoiahly of the men appointed on thu Utah tommisiiin, sivs: "At the tamo tiiiiu the iioiuihation of this comuii'-siuii is a slight and upioicli to Utah. To ignore u 1IMIU lliriill'j VU itn- 'J '! ...w ....... in Utah, who in tho I'lesidtnt's estimation, w nolo l topic; to nui no aoie in nun ouu man is woithy to bo iiainid on flu tommission, is simply a pi oof that in the i atrow estimation of tho cist, the iv is hero both a low order ol intellect and of inttgiity. It is the same feel ing which in the tast caused men in fongrtss and those cnatuits vino aio given contiol of a ivnuirntii'ii prtss, to refer to tie sdtmt petition of 150,000 votna of Califitnia, as siinpl) a siud lot mimfisto. It is n little h'lil lo b ni this iissunml suptrionty of peo ple who, while stiiiug in tho acgregato null vidiiuly, nru so wtak tint it would take a th usand of thtm to supply manhood, enouL,h for ouu gray-shirtid miner of tho wist; but it will all c me tight after a while. W o do m t doubt but 'resident Arthur has done what ho thought was best, with one Jttk Mormon ad visei in his cabinet in d ouu min who knows nutliiiii! but the tucky sulo ut polities, and who in every appointment seeks to pliu.ua suppott while It will bo convenient to lest upon when thu libor of patting up conven tions two e.ua home will have to bo done. Wu undirataiil all this; but when a petition signid by the fuiemost men of tho ttrntory and lucked by senators and judgts of the Siiprt'ino ceiiiit of the United htitts, asking f r an npi omtmci.1 en the tvoro of eminent woitli, stainless nitisiitv and a full Kuuwl tdgo both of tho law ami of tho facts, la eon. tiiuptiouslv Ignoietl, It would bo ceiwardlv, not to say that the people hero who luvo tho giuate.t .Intet inttie.t in this Imaiinsi, nud those w hose v outs ought to have the moat weight, ful that the) have been personill) and unjustly slighted, and that thu 1'rtsidciit of the Ouittil Stitos his served n notice upon the couutr) , that in Ills estimation thtio is . ...... 1...I.. .lilLnilii. I., lui.h III.. 1,1.11 ll.TH Itll II. IIU llllUIVIiw 'v,.. ...v .... ..v.. who nie trying to uphold this Ktjiibli. nd .i.... . ...i.. .. .. i... ... ... .... ... ..t. ,. .ii...,i " most) unlets ttllUCIIV .1)11., tt. ivi IV .w..... Ks.M" Se'liu imi. Wu hopo the scraping now- in prpgit'sson the bu, a) the .Isforum, will bo continued until theie la pltuty of water to llo.it any ship that lloats, aud not be stopped when It is half done. Wlieiuver a few feet more water u obtaintsl the fact should be telecrapheil to the ilimltme llejU ler aud other shipping newspapers, o Mitt ship owners may Ih) apprised of the faet, and allow their vessels to Isj sent hero for this season's crop, Wo notiee a CalUo freight cir cular sas that the largo ships from that )Krt will go seekiug to Sau Francisco ami the small. r to the Columbia river, and so it will bo until deeper water is obtaii.ed ami the news sent abiviad. The ltrooktieltl leauk robbeis were lotlgul in Lluueas jail. 1 lie graml jury returned an in. tliituimt aainst all of them. Kach eutucel a plea ot not guilty. STATE NEWS. rrm'hton has seven billiard tables. Hon. Jas. Virtue, of Baker county, is erect ing a fine house in Hiker City. A "new process" flouring mill is being erected at Summcrville, Union county. Sage hens aro now as large as quails and are very plentiful, sas tho Baker City Iteveille, Some Fall sown grain in Umatilla county was killed i y tho severe Winter and had to be sown over again last March. The Thomas & Ruckle load across the Blue mountains has changed hands, and will be re paired and put in good condition again. Ited Boy has at last made a race for ?JCO0 a side with a Colorado horse named Wildiuoor. The distance is one mile and a half, to be inn at Silt Liko City. Says the Fort Orford Pod: Quite a num ber of sea lion pups came ashore here durirg tho past week, some of the little fellows clam bering as far up as tho street. Salsl ury, Hailey & Co., says tho Sentinel, the old and popular company, will continue to carry the mails on the Kelton and Umatilla routei," having purchased tho contract from Kastham & Boomer. Thcciti7ens of Molalla praiiiewill give a grand barbecue on tho Fourth of July. Tho proccet'ings will bo enlivened by game", etc , and wo know thero will be a good old fash ioned time there. Let's all go Amity Lodge, No. 20, A. F. & A. M., will give a picnic and basket dinner, at Amity, June 24, I8S2. Orat on by Hon W. G. 1'iper and other distinguished speakers, music and miny amusements to interest all vho attend. On Monday, Juno 12th, says the Baker City Jleieille, Sheriff! ravijjion arrived in the city with two horso thieves, the Brake Bros to Port McDcrmitt, by Nick Darnell and W.iof 'ion ii orn pantnrm m nr u linn river. ciuu Moulder, ai el turned over to the sheriff of ItiUei nnuntv. Mai. Worth, commandei of the fin t, furnished a feuircl ami hackles for tlio prisoners, bes'des aiding the sheriff in mmiY other wavs. The thieves Btole lour horses which belong to parties in Baker county. Ashland will celebrate tho Fourth of July in becoming style, Kugene City is going to celebrate, and half faro rates aro in piospect. Prof. T. F. Campbell, president of Mon. mouth college, has resigned. Wool continues to arrive, aud is sold at t.Gud figuics at JacktUIlVIIlo. The commencement cxeieises at. tho Stato University last week vvcie enjoyable. Youiil' Kincud, of Applegite, shot himself in the hand a few nays ao while handling a pistol. Kueciio is destined soon to have a hand liie engine, with which to protect tho town fiom tho iav .goi of tiro. A sou of II. C. 'Iiirpin, of Butto cieek, was Boicici) hurt this week by being struck III the abdomen by a baso ball. Frank Crdnell infirms us that crops in Sam's v alley iro looking well and and a fair )ield at least is ex" etui. Our natal da) will bo ttlcluattil in Mist cli"sst)le at Jacksonville, i:g'o liut and other points of South rn O.igou. Iheio is still considerable snow on the I'.cac tltwr icuto to L-!.a ccunt), and .hat thoioughfaro is tiotsopen to travel as )ct. A llugcno paper denies that Prof. Thomas Condon his nc epted tho prisidcncv of the S ate Uuiversit) of Washington Territory. Die assessment of l'ugcua City has been completed, shotting property to tho la'in of fc(i77,f)'-0. Last year the assessment was about 340,000. At a meeting of the tiustees of Ashland college, held last wok. Piof. I.nlru Ho) jl was elected prisulent of the faculty, with Miss Alma Weber as picetptnss of the music depirtuicnt. Tho school will re-open ill Septembei. fti.cno City is tohavo a woobn mill, as tho Una id s.i)s : Woiktnen aro eiigigvtl ie p.illiuganl inclosing the building founeil) usid as a saw null. When finished it will bo occupied by machinery toi tho in uiufactureol ).aui and socks. Tl.u machi.ui) 13 on tho way, anil is expected within tlio next month. Mr. Win. hkelton, ail old and c crieucel in nlen spinner, will have charge of the cntci- Itallrnatl Cots That the lailrond bus pa-sed us is no longer looked upon as probable, but has become a reality. Tho iron horso now- moves by us w ith as httlo concern as though wo did not exist, aud this Satuiday nmlit ho is oxpocttd to unload h's burdtnat or near thu Mouutain House, seven miles south of Itoseburg '1 ho work of hying tinck goes stealily on, at the late of netrly or Utte a mile a day 'll.ere aro low eniplo)ed on tho lino frcn heio south, stitiunul whero they will do the most L'ood, about 2.100 Chinamen and tho number is continual!) btiug augmented with new re eiiiiUof the moon eved teltstuils from the llowtrv kingdom. Tho nninbtr of white men at wiuk on the lino aside from thoso clearing tho light of way, at work on scrapers and diiving cut horns, is ittcousidriable, as t'l inamen can I o bid at much smaller wages, llieio is a largo number of teams, two horse and four horse, at work on wagons and scrapeis, and a gnat many dump cuts I hat belong to tho company. 1 litre is hardly .a pi no between hero and Cow Creek can) on of an) eousiiUrablo ilistauce.jthat is not lined with giadeis, and from Mr. Hams, superiu tendeiit of construction, wo learn that ho in tends to have the road completed by October a far south as Willis & Abraham's saw null on Cow Creek, bi rail abojt ,')5 miles from Itoscbur.- A'owoNrj Phumhultr, Minmi. Miktiu MiLLcr. Loot r).vi. Tho Walla Walla Union of the lUth sa)s: "News reichcd tho city list evening of the death at F.lmira, New York, of Minnie Mr) tie I ogau. Mrs, Loan vv as formerly the vv ife of Joauuin Miller, the poet of the hurras. She was on a lecturing tour in tho Eastern States at tlm tiiuuiif her demise. Her detth was c umd bv a severe cold, wliich settltd on htr lungs. Mr. Logan is at prvseut a resilient in Walla Walla " In speikiog of her a ftvv days tiiieo, a New York correspondent said: "She wrote poetry after ho left her (Miller), thi-u lectiireel, then married Mr. Logan, but lite hat been too severe for her and she lias sue-cumt-d. Miller still lives with his new wife, (net belaud) but ho nevtr steaks of her to ids friends, never acknowledges that ho is married, alwa)s goes iutosocmy without her, and has never beeu seeu with her evtn on the ticet." Siiowkk or Siirrr. Last Sabbath meruing 21,000 head of sheep passed through Baker City ou the Burut river road, en routo for Chi') rime, ss)t the tlenillt. At a small stream ii lasing th ollice of that papr they haltttl, but were tlually compellcU to jump iiy tlio herders, and the air lor some time was full of sheep w hich taincel tlow u on the other side of the erevk-a "flying raiubow" cf live mutton. TERRITORIAL. The Puget Sound Arqui ha come to us in a daily edition. The Frazer river at Yale is CO feet above low water mirk. That's a flood worth boast ing of. An order has been just issued by Prcsi lent Villard thai hereafter there shall bo sold to one person not moie than 100 acres of North ern Pacific land. Last week, by burglars, says the Vaneouvtr Independent, Gridley & Whitney's furniiuro store was entered. About 30 worth of pitt ed wares and two watches w ere taken. Tho old bark Garibaldi, formerly ow ned in Portland. Oretron. but now under the German llaa and known as the Black Diamond, is . .. . , . ... ., . - . i . iiini.i.. loading Dig limners auu spars at xui. jiafviji f ir China Tim GnMentlala Oaiette recently refused to print 2000 checks for a saloon on account of . .i'.;.: T-l. .. .. VVooVi if-mperancu proclivities, xiuii. nwu . . Neither will it piy. The Grand Lodge of United Workmen for Oregon. Washington ana jintisn ciuumuia will meet in Ulympia on the second Wednes day in July. Mr. Charlee Kraft, of Washington Engine Co., informs the Daily EieiU) of Walla W alia that he has received information from the Silsby Manufacturing Co. that the new steam er was snipped for that city on the 3d of the month. Boise City intends having a Tourth of July celebration. There are now CO mtn at work getting out bridge material at Granite Point. The Northern I'ac.Sc company mil build a lart-e hotel at Westwood, Idaho Territory, this Summer. Tim authorities of Walla Walla have closed the public schools.on account of the prevalence diphth'-na. P.is,nnners for Lewiston connect with the boats at Texas Ferry on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satuulays. Tho boats inako the round trip cich day. Horso thieves abound in Cistern Oregon and Washington, and several arrests have been made A little wholesale hanging will lo a "power of good. lryit. Freddie Colt, son of Mark Colt, of Walla Walla, in removing a cartridge, discharged a pistol, the ball entering the bot'y. No evil results aro anticipated. Reports from Cabinet Landing, savs the Walla Walla Duil'l Eitntt, show a deploiablo statu of society. I'heie aie in tho ueiehbjr- hood of 1500 men in the town and no olhceis of the law. liver) bo ly carries a revolver anil knife and shooting scrap s are very numerous. Savs the Walla Walla Union: Bishop Paddock will visit tho Last this Summer, where lie has (romiseof large contributions for tho Kpiscop il clinrches and schouls of this Teintory. It is understood that $0000 have already been enbsciibcd tow ird the lion build ing for bt. Paul's tehool. A match h rse race was made in Sttlle, siystho ' .on Satusdiy beiween Honest John, backed bv J. H. Mdishall, and Bay Kit. baked bv G. 0. Phmney. Tie race is to take nlaco on the Uuwiiuisli race course on Jum- 2S h Tho distance to bo run is COO )auls and stake is 000 a-side. Tho Seattle, W alia Walla and Baker City Bailroad Compni)'s engineer has received instruction-!, eiys t'io Po ' I"i l jc.ia; to at nnira til v nv f I Hill till! VI est Crel of tllPDrO UIH.K H... ' f J ...... ... ------ . jiosul tunutl acit'ss tho mud Hats to deep ttater, and also lo survuv a line fiom Kenton up t) tho level plateau between Green and Ueelarnveis. Tho gr.ivo of Howlish Wampo, sa)s the Eif-l Oieijon'iau, the great Umatil a chief, was found to hive been robbida few da) s ao. The hoi utile news was first reported by a souaw who had tisited it. fho evidence points to white men as po petiating tho deed. It was supio3od that his Wo llth was bulled with bun, but such was not the case. Waitsburg wants .a street sprinkler. Walla Walla county, W. T., has expended .10,000 for bridges in'thrto years. Alphabetical Dunbar. lat G. W. C. T., I. O. G. i, will deliver the oration ut G ildcn dale on July -Jth, Lugo binds of sheep ate passing through from the lower country. It is siid that 40, 000 crossed the bridge at Boiso City recently. A foot race at Waitsburg between K. H, Ornish) and John Wlntly re-ulted in Onnsby winning He now oilers to run any one in Walla Walla county. Wheat Sills hi Cheney at 75 cents per bushel, oats 37i cents, and barley 1 50 per hundred. Hen fuut 25 cents per dozen, and cone ntrated txtract of cow 20 cents per pound. Tho Goldeni'ale Sentinel says: There are a number of lino horses iu training for the -1th of Jul) races, slid it the present time there is every indication that tlio trials of spied will bo hit') cunttstcd. Tho Klickitat county fair will tke place on October 3d, 4th, 5th and 0th. Water is to bo furnished by mollis of hvdrauho power. Pre miums to tho extent of 11,000 are otle'ioil, of w Inch f50 are speed premiums. A coriespondeut of the Waitsburg t'une writing from Wallowa says: Wo aro not vet dona seeding, and the first sown is just com ing up. Tho grtss, however, is as fine as can li, although wo havo had snow almost ever) week, Presco'.t will soon have a new hotel. The hotel will be "0v00 feet, two stories high, tro lowc-r 13 feet and tho upper 11 feet. The building is so constructed that needed addi tions can be mule. Tho rooms aro large and sightly, and the whole house arranged aftei the most modern st) le. Ou Monday of last week, one Joseph Mc Donald a.i old man, was arrested at Spiaguo, charged with the crime of an infamous assiult on Annio Wooelu e k. a httlo child four years old, daughter of . !". W ootlcock, ol mat ukiee. Ho was hoot lo .unit el iu bonds tu thu amount of 51,500, not providing which ho was lodged in jail at Cheney, At Fresno, Cab, on the 15th, John C. Sul livan was sentenced to imprisonment in the States pnsou ful 50 )ears, for the murder of William hhiclds. At Virginia, ou tho I4!h, John Bearys, who was so badly hurt by the explosion at Uuion mine, died. John Black, killed by the ex plosion, was buried on the 15th, several hun dred miners attending the funeral. A land of counterfeiters has been arresteel iu Caterville, Mo. The names of tho men ar rested aro Win, Dev all, Jim Mann, Win, K. Davidson and Dan Kearney. Coining wa earned on under ground in the drift of an o.d shaft m Caterville ii.uies. The steamship Pera, from Montreal for Groat Britain, has foundered off Cape llaee. Tho steamer Lake Manitoba, which passed Father Poiut inward, bad on board the cap tain, ollicer, tngiueers and part of the crew of the Pera, who were pit keel up in little boats. The other boats of the Pera are yet uuheanl from. She had the following cargo: S30 tons phosphates, S4.4W deals, tXH horned cattle aud feed, aud 10,000 feet of lumber. The shin and cargo w ere iusured. She had a crew of Si, and S cattle men. Ten persons are yet misstuj. SUCCESSORS TO SHINDLER & CHADBOURNE, MANUFACTURERS OF FURNITURE, Wholesale nnil Befall Dealers In Furniture, oarpets. Wall Paper, Bedding, Etc. LARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST PRICES! SCHOr" DESKS A SPECIALTY. Warerooms Extend Through 200 feet, from 166 First to 167 Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. SKM 1 OK C ITAIOUIE AW PltllE UST. THE COLUMBIA IS BOOMING,. AND SO IS BUSINESS AT THE OPPOSITION BOOT & SHOE STORE. MAJOR E. CAHALIN, Prop , 89 First Street. fr5i-aroa. RorliiM-.irm in PriftfiR ntl RCfiOlint of Hieh "Water for this Week only, in order to CARDWELL, BENNETT & CO.. PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, 10!) First Street, Are in receipt of tl.eu nd tax, MEN'S, WOMEN'S, MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S And hive, as heietofore, all tho leading Boots ami Shod of all makes. Men's SlioC3-Iill,I)rackitti Co; J S. Turner, IHttrii i-IJlIss ,..,. Ladles' bhoes-l.i ril, behobcr i Mltel-ell West Iirotlicrs, IltnilHon, l'ratt .- Co J II J. Holbrook A, Co iLfints' Shoos Dunbtr.bmlth Co ; I'. Cot. IN ALL SIES, . 1DT113 AM) .Ti 1X3, V HICH I NAULLS US TO UT ANY TOOT. We lnt He fio public In gtncralto Intpeet our stoik June2 J. Bs KNikPP & CO.. Commission Merchams AWT) PUOHASINO AGKflS. '.'fi; llisi siutl, I'orlliinil, Oregon. Heceheanel sell tho produet of tho farm on ton. mUbion, irarchlso and for ird nooJs und f inn iniyle m. nt. nn thf. nnst ri1ni. ihli teDCS. M o hat o uvulo special ami extenslt o preparations for handling tho produtts of tlio dairy to nhleli wu Invite tho attention a.itl In-peeilou of all dairjmcu 111 Oregon and Wasiihijtoii. m 1!1 reteito and lutk voui our plus butter Tn tho most superior nnnner for less than it ttillcostjouat home; und store It for slMuontlis or lonjcr with )Jt extra clurto for storage bind usvour butter scet an 1 sound, fresh from tlioeliuru and t willjruaiantco to piekit in s leh a maiiutr ts to deliver it months henco in equall) as food condition as t rcccit e it llceojnlzing the principle thit Fidclitj to trust Is the tmo measure and merll oi siieeeds, i rcsteetiuiij so licit v our patronage. All orders accompanied vtlth the cash I11 Lo proatt I filled and forte arded at lowest market rates Oitous a call when jou tome to town. ScMd us j our orders and micjo ir tiuio and trat eliDfc expenses, for wo can buy cheaper than toucan In making orders specif particularly tho kind sue qu illtj desired, and keep a duplicate, that J ou tiu) bt ablj to deteinunc whether juui dlrettloiii. weie slriell followed In ease JOU are disappointed in quilit) or otliorwise. J. U. It U'J' A CO., P. O. box 154. 1'crtlaoil. I. J. 31AIi.iKKEY V CO., GENERA L Commission Merchants WHOLESALE DEALLU8 IN FlHtir, Feed, Provisions ami Staple Urocerie.i. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. PlIOUCCF.KS WII, fuither their Interr.ts bj corresponding with u Letters f iunuir) promptly answ ered. WeeUi) prh current mailed free on application. ta-LlUERAL ADVANCES MADE ON APrKOVK SHIl'MENTS OF OltAIN, WOOL, lLOt'It, HOP HIDKb, LTC, IHC. . 10 .im It lionl !., I'lirlluiitl, (lnu. HERKEN & FARRAR. WOOL BUYERS Commission Merchants. Will bin allej WooU as heretofore nt Siltm, and hoan otKco at No Irt, yorth Front Strtet, rortland, where the l attend to con 'ii merits of has tent hooL Coiuinuientd and torreiottJenco ttolUited MUFUVL CASH AU NCLs MADE OX COX SHJ.NMtXTS f Having full knowledge of tlio buslnes, tsetl on man) tars exirkitce, are prejured to handle wool to best aihantaire, nirHm HERREN BROS., Commission Merchants, CONSlUSMENTb OF Wool, Grain. Flour, and all kinds of Oregon & California Produce Solicited. Importer and Jobbers in C K.tl, MdllL, mid 1LOIU lltl.S. titter 1 ami M-wluii Tvilnes. (alluu Brllluc, lluuiiuurlts, Ull ( lolhluic, 1 nils. He. XiJTartlaiUr attention vtld to builn.- Farmers' supplies on ordrr. Con.lanmcnts and correspondence Mlieite'el LieH.raca.hadttncesmaJeon coiuijrnments. A. F. Corurr urlh trout anil It. MrwU, apll l"OnTLAND, OltEGQV, GEO. COHN. OENE1UL Commission Merchant. viHOLULE DE.LEU IN Flour, Feed, rroviions, and Maine roieries. CO.NSiaSMENTb SOLICITtD, IT.ODl CE11S WILL further their intm.tj bj rorrtioneUnir with me. Letters of inquiry prompt!) answtred. t.LIHERL ADVVNCES MM)E ON AI'PROVEn SHItMLNTS OF GRAIN, WOOD, FLOUK, HOI'S, HIDES, ETC., ETC, aprlU i;lriilSlrrl,Ut MorrUonanJ YamhilL save expense of moving goods. Portland, Oregon, Summer Stock .OF.... XEW 03131 ISSION IIOUfeE. S. GQLD2V2Ad & CO., ouiiiiiiiooiUii iticibiialHo. DE VI I.I1S IN Eloiir, Tcetl, Provisions, Green und Dried Fruits. ,OONiaNMl-NTS SOIIC1TLI) AM) CASH PAb 4. i for r.litter, Ivss, and Cbceso Advances mada on Crnhi, Wool, ! Iimr nnil llnpi. 11 1 I inn! SI.. Kin' eloo: ho till Mnslilnslop, ih.i; li'tf. STURGES, LARSEN & CO., No. 84 I null Ml eel, P01II.1111I, Orrin, Shipping & Commission Merchants. SPiCIU A17LXTI0N OUtN TO COXSIO.V inc tits of W O O L . Hides, '2'aHow, 4raiu,aiid other Country Troduee. Liberal adttnecs made rn tmislgnnu nts Our t cckly rices tul rent n alltil freo upon aj plication. SIBSON, CHURCH & CO., Shipping and Commission MERCHANTS, VirllM.il Innier or till nnil I'roiit Strrcts, PORTLAND, - . . OKEGON. aiiL'l II No 3EORE in SPEB'SIA. If sjiiii oiilral Bt nil I'liiklrlniiK. R ead certificates cn laik of tot'Ie Autre cure f0 . Inil(tktiin. I. et Amiolltn i A Hr'sT lAvtt UiL-ulator Lnattti. TfcdlI IlilMl IV :i.4ti4. T3 fill or lellanybut the ptmirne article out of curKttls la(elonrnd uheii dttetted J I Le prosecuted to th full extent ot th e taw . Trade tut plied I y .IUVMIIAlttZTin - f o., Iunl6m3 550 Wasl-ingtou St , ban Francvco S250 WILL BUY Tho lea I"oy SAW MILL Yet Offered for Utmry. mr m fr CireaUr. RiamOHO MACHM WORKS. BICHHB, IX . Lr aff ji-. , . J'', rj' jt ' it BE8TToS?TiirQ8E, fj