WILLAMETTE FARMER: PORTLAND. OREGON. JUNE 9, 1882, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Town Burned by ftrgror. Tuscaloosa. Ala., June 5.-Tho town of Kni in Sumter county, was almost to ally destroyed by fire last night Particulars as follows: In the afternoon a crowd of drunken negroes bocame very boisterous in the streets, insulting citizens and threatening violence. Some white men banded together and drove the turbulent crowd out of town After nightfall the negroes returnel and set fire to the place, and seven stores were uurneci. Pour of the nceoes boarded the train on the Alabajna Gn'at Southern railroad and were arrested wnen ineirainamvgu nere u.isaucr- nonn. Tbey are now in jail ana win be taken to Epis to-morrow. ul to lie ninlurbral. New Yobk. June 5. Timet' Richmond : The proposition to remove the body of Thos. Jelteraon irom me oiu grave yaru ax, .iiuiui mIIo. iu this Stite. and place it in a cemetery lit Washington, meets with wide-.pread indig nation in Virginia. It is safe to assume, from ill that can be learned, tnat tne remains win not be disturbed. Ilnnr' Friend. New York, June 5. I'imes' editorial : At the eltction in Oreeon to-day, the first mem ber of the next Congress will be chosen. The feature of the contest, however, is the prom inence given to tne Unirjese question. It is lairrwd by the Democrats that " this is the first opportunity that Pacific Coast States fliave had of marking its sense of the gross tergiversation of the Republican partv in be traying pledges of the Chicago platform in re gard to the Chinese question." Exactly how the marking is to be, except by increased Democratic majorities, does not appear. Lat terly Oregon has been conceded to be a Dem Dcratic State, and the only logical result of the so-called Republican betrayal in the mat ter of the Chinese question, must be to give Democrats a largely increased majority. Our LemCCiauc ineuutl win, ui uuuiac, ill i;je their majority is diminished, concede that treatment of the Chinese immigration bill by Congitss and the Piesident has met with pop ular .xpprovai World's editorial on the O.cgon o'ection : The Republicans claim to have made cousid erablu tains or late years tnrougn immigra tion lnit on the other hand, thev have suf fcred serious los cs through the President's . t! ru.i i.TH .!.... .u ... vnift 01 tne anu-uiliocsv Ulll, uu nmv hid ic- sult of to day's voting may be set down as in doubt, with ciiances slightly iavuuug nepuu- licans. Churtli War. Cleveland, June 5. The breach between llishop Gilmour and flock is wider than ever, llis letter threatening to excommunicate lady members of the land league was read in Cath olic churches to-day, and commented on by Inrinsts w ho favored the bishop's position. A larue meeting ot the land leigne was held to night, and the general sentiment favored the ladies, who have the support of all laud leaguers in tlio city, 'lbo ladies are deter mined not to disband. Miss Mary Rowland, president of tho ladies' branch laud league, Ins written a liittir letter to Bishop Gilmour, m which she sajs women of the Parnell branch ot the land league will continue in tho work they have undei taken, ilne setstho bishop's threat of excommunication at defiance. Indian Depreciations. Chicago, June 4. Special from Apache, Arizona: A courier irom (Japt. Kramers camp at Foro3t Dale brings intelligence oi Indian uepreuauuna. una onm .. ruku and somo stock driven off. Captain Kramer and citizens are in pursuit towaid tne ivioicu country. Ptdroandpartof hisbandof White mountain Indians were having a war dance when tho courier lett. it is thought tney uiu not intend going on the war path, however. Depredations are believed to be by Cibicns and a party of Pedro's young men, wh .m he tould not control. The courier was tired on and pursued for some distauce from camp. A troop of the Oth cavalry was dispatched to Kramer s assistance. nbolesxlr Tlileten. Chicago, June 5. Retarding the Doyle cise a Washington speeial says : Mysterious things are constantly happening. Only a little over a week ago the custodian of the bureau, Bell, was dismissed for carelessness iu leaiug two iinpoitant dies outs'de the safe when closing-up lime came. Now since Hell is out ho refuses to talk about his case, which adds to the mystery of his dismissal, apparently being very well satisfied with his ,ii0.n. iTnnn tlia heels of this comes the -JUysterio'ue poisouing of Brooks, thief of the secret .service, uoo " uu....B -- was violently in mi " : r his family, and examination snows arseino m beef tongue eaten by tho family. Why i,i,l llrnota lw noisoncd at a time when rmnorB are plenty at the treasury that coun ML -.. ui,i ..mi(,h single in reserve to liericiLcis liuiv Mwb- --- . j..i.i. n.oir nwn terms, wniie rumors oi liother counterfeit issues from government I '-transfer work are heard constantly in official a tircles. In all this medley of mystery and B ,..U ti, paso nf Dovle atClncaco is made I lo look very small. Whether he gets out or I 1, :. ..t nnw te.-Arded of much consequence i.i. ,.,( nn reallv cet at the hot- i lot l-uiuui, --- --,. . . . ,, . . . . , nirnir. line tiiinn is terwiu, mo ..,,,. . nmnlB will not bo able to go on 'much farther without attracting the attention of Congress. If it were pot so near me ciuac of the session, w hen so many lutercets aro pressing to tho front, a resolution ot inquiry r i : Tf w lielifierl. this week, ,jnnll .1 lilVII I Iff 1 1 IllUUUUIyV'l - ,.. .. - sflUUIiSllH' nwt " " . .. ' . 1 reasurv people will order isrocKaway uu Smith released. If this is done the interest VfSwill be concentrated upon tne treason ....v.- Bfticanonof alleged facts auunmieu i " If ... ..i n,.l Stnnea are afloat of twenty it bClia i'i fv. -- - . i. -.. Hhree million government oonns uaviuK uu issued by ineaus oi stolen uie. Tlic lal PIe' ieeu. .i... T.,.: porter mid JuJces James and Hacn r, constituting court in banc, to day londered a decision upon tne last motion oic hv l.ed in Guiteau's behalf and they de clined to reopen the case. Auolbcr Bond I'lnle Blral Beponeu. Ni.w York, Juno 3. Wo; Ill's Washington: There is a rumor out to-nigni, ; ustaineil, that tne piate "i"" " "-; "- , 1 C 111 - Old - t-in juiii ,.... o ' . ti b rianot eag atiugaud rt irt f A rVH nf on rintl. ....- nii tllit E;u.u."."v" u, ,,...-.- l)Onds have been issued therefrom. IIIIIk of llrrnn n .rnir, ' Washington-, June 5 -Delegate Brents, of Washington Territory, has introduced a bill appropriating 815.000 for th. tion , o fa lighthouse at the emrance v. ,..., - 'VV T- also a bill appropnatm 85,000 for the erection of a lighthouso and fog nqnal on Destruct on Island; also a bill to make a .hip S to unite Lakes Union and Wuh'nptoij with the waters of Puset Soond. The b troides an appropriation of 1 15,000 for car Iving out the work. AUo a b.l Fy Mrents in last Congress to gl e honicstea J ri"'ht to soldiers, sailoi. and marines oi xne lite war- also a bill for relief of Messr.. fcwvand Carter, appropriating $27,710 to ' bourse them for cattle, horse, muta. etc destroyed by the Indians at Fort ilnl eKe 0 ot Oregon iutro. 4Wl u bill Monday ,PproFmtia.:3lS0,000 toUiM a iweniwcMUr tocro-M iu Alaska ,er' An Arl r BtnSe Loi-i, Jane 4.-At LocUord at I f . m day a man rushed out of a saloon kept by Prank Starkin, made threats that he would get even, and went into Stacy's livery barn, setting it on fire, burning the saloon, paint shop and two blacksmith shops, and also sev eral new carriages and wagon, the property of Stacy; los 310,000 to Sli.OOOs insurance SioOO. The man was arrested after much re fistance by Cnas. Woods and is injil. The balance of towu was saved .from fire alter L'reat exertion of citizens. San FRAn-.co, June n. To-day two more cases of smallpox are reported ou the steamer Altonower, and both were removed promptly to the hosmal. Discovery of these cases re quires the steamer to be kept 30 days longer in quarantine. V)n.lilnglfn ViIca. Senator Grover favorably presented a bill from the committee on military affairs to turn over the interior department certiin parts of Cimp Douglas military reservation iu Utah; placed on calendar. Slater introduced a bill prohibiting and making it a misdemeanor, the solicitation of any executive officer, e'erk or emplojo of the Unitod States, not the head of a department, of money, property or other thine of value. and giving or receiving tne same lor political purposes or party interests. The report of the judiciary committee of the Uouso upon the Northern Pacific railroad grants, takes the ground that under the limi tations granting the act, tho sole right which remains in the United States at the present time, is the rieht by its Congress to do auw and all acts which may be needful and neces-1 sary to insure sp'edy completion qi tne roau. After a careful review of tne condition of the road and w hat it has accomplished, the com mittee reached a conclusion that it would not bo advisable to give its land grant to another company, or to sell them and apply the pro ceeds to the completion of the road, and that the early completion of the road will be more readily accomplished by a policy of non-interference ou the part of the government, and they therefore recommend that no further leg islation is necessary or advisable. The Piesident sent the following nomina tions to the Senate Tuesday : Gen. Pomeroy, to be agent and consul general of U. S. at Cairo; E. T. Brulater, of Louisiana, secretary of lesation of the U. S. at Paris; Eccles G. Van Riper, consul of the U, Sj at Moscow; Willard S. Hickox, receiver or public money at Durango, Colorado; Danial L. Sheeb-, reg ister ot land ottice at uuranpo, Colorado. Curtin's bill, relative to civil seivice, pro vides appointments to seveial departments shall be appointed among congressional dis tricts, rcpteseutativesto make selection iu the manner now follow ed in appointments to mili tary and naval academies. IZxiieiislie GiieslN. The deficiency bill brought up in the House to-day re' ived some scandal in regaid to the Vorktown centennial. I ho bill showed a de ficiency fund for the express euter:aiumont of French and German guests while here of 50,- 000, or nearly doublo what was authonzsd. It leaked, a little at a time, in installments from Holmai and Spirks ami admissions fioin Hiscock, that the money was largely expend ed for wines and in a high old time generally. S18.000 of it was for hotel bills in New York and Washington, aud several thousand for the use of a steamboat, on which the commit' t.-e took oarties to Yorktown. Hiscock tiied to keep the matter as quiet as possible, say ing it would be an insult to our guests to quibble over bills tor their entertaiument, but he didn't succeed. A I'ollllcul Humor. New York, June 6. Herald's Washington: Among the political rumors tiiculated here this evening is one that Foleerwill soon te sign, and that he is to be succeeded by Don Cameron, who in his turn is to have for his successor in the Senate, his father, e-Seuator Cameron. Indian Trouble. Washingtos, June 0. Gen. McDow ell tel egraphs under date ot San Francisco, Juuo 5th, as follows: Wilcox telegraphs on the 2d inst. that reports hae reached the command ing officer at Apache of ono citizen killed June 1st by Indians at Red Head, and another fired at. Citizens from Snow Flake are in pursuit and report the trail leads towards Cairiso. A Forestdale couiier Irom Apicho reports he was pursued and fired upon by Indians. Wil cox telegraph! again yesterday : Second Lieutenant John M. Glas, Ct-i Cavalry, over took the Indiaus on the 2d inst, about five o'clock, at Cloverdale, and killed one Indian and captured 40 horses and mules. Five or six Indians were iu tho party, win scatteied over lough trails In i!irluuldl'it Meniorj. Rome, Juue 0. DeputUions from the sen ate and chamber of deputies, and municipal officers Of Rome, aud representatives of the King and ministry, will proceed to Caprerp Tueslayfor Garibaldi's funeral. The acting syndic of Rome has made application for Gar ibaldi's sword, proposing to preserve it for ever in the capital. 'Irieste, June 6. The Italian organ haw ing appeared with a black border because of the death of Garibaldi, has been confiscated by iho authorities, and all performances at theatres stopped. No reason is assigned for the action, aud all shops are closed. Some disturbances occuncd Saturdsy. Several ar rest were made. Lo.ndov, Juue 0. A correspondent at Rome telegraphs the remains of Garibaldi will be cremated Wednesday. Services attending crematien will be of a uon-reluious character. King Humbert has deputized Prince Thomas of Savoy to represent him at the ceremony. Deputations representing the army will also attend. .... , ,-. It is proposed to erect a ngntnouse at i,a prera as a memorial to the iKccased general. NEW EVERY WEKK. Oregon Kidney Tea From the multitude of certificates received from well known citizens who have leeu ben efitted by the use of this remedy, th prpne tors, Messrs. Hodge, Dais 4 Co., hae con tracted to publish two new ones each week for the year ending April 1, 1SS3, that all our rf ader "nay ?e the great benefits it has con feired oi tr.f o!' u t 1. T'i : tt jn Or., Jan 12, IsSO Hin ng u-ie.1 th Oiegon K dney Te. for out ot by SJii, v se urinary organs weie tuiured by taking turpen'ine, I .heerfully certify to its beneficial effects, and recommend the same to the public. Lot LivtRUORE, Ageut for Wells, Fargo k Co., Fortlanu, Or., Jan. 22, 1SS0. I hereby certify that I have used the Ore con KHceyTta aud been greatly b.-ntfited by it 1 heirtily recommend it to the public. ' CrumkSihrh, Jr., Traveling agent for Wheeler k WiUon Mfg. Co., 20 Geary St., S F PeM)Leto, Or., Jan. 12, 1SS0. Having suffered with my Urine) s, I was in .1.....1 tn trv the Oklgox Kidvkv Te. which relieved me in a short time. 1 take pleasure in recommending it to the public Georre V. IUilei, Couuty Judge of UrcatilU. ratcut liu 1-ec.i grantel to W. R. M Corri. of Kist Portland on a lull wheel Probably this is the .sine kind oi an engine of detraction tbt is in use at the Cascades. Uncle Tom's Cabin. The Jay Rials Uncle Tom's Cabin Com pany have been performing in Portland all the week, and have drawn crowded houes. The show is an exceedincly good one They will make a tour of the valley, and will appear at Independence Monday, June 12th; at Salem, Tuesday nd Wednesday. June 13th nd 14th. This is the most ideal Uncle Tom's Cabin Company that we have ever seen. Grange Meeting. Notice is hereby given that Multnomah District Pomona Grange No. G will convene at East P. rtland in the hall of Mufoomah Grange No 71, Siturday, June 17. 18S2, at 10 o'clock A. M. Busines of special import ance is to be transacted, and a large attend ance is desired. Jasper J. Joiixsom, Secretary, Kights or Neighbors. There are numbers of statutes in the records of different countries protecting neighbors from injury by esch other's carelessness or misdeeds. In some of the English colonies, for instance, if you were to turn a pair of rabbits down in some parts you would be liable to six month's imprisonment with hard labor. If your neighbor did not cut down hii thistles or other seed-spreading weeds, he could be summoned before the magistrate, who would order him to cut them down within a reasonable time, and if he did not do it, it would be done for him at a much greater cost No man had a right to do anything at all calculated to injure his neighbor. This principle is embodied in the new insect laws of this State, anJ promises to bo of great benefit. It would seem that the same princi ple would prevail in the debris destruction which is now threatening so many of our fanners. NEW THIS WEEK. REUSED AD KEPI BUSHED, JILV, 1881, The MAP of OREGON AND WASHINGTON Just published, w ith e ery possible improt ement, b J. K. GILL & CO. It contiliii all ltnllrnads built and In construction; allttieuctt Itmn; all floicriiiiienl hurt eys. and lias also curtfulh depleted Itmiili to nil points In Oregon and Washington Territory. PRICES FOR I'OCKET FORM : Oreaon . 75 els VtasliliiKloii . .. . ... 7.1clt OrrKiiuiuid Mnnulniitoii... . it 7.1 Mailed on receipt of pi ice to an adJrcns. junt-9 lm .1. K. IIX A CO. D. H. HENDEE'S East Portland Gallery, ASSISTED UY A FIUST CLASS AllTIfT, IS DO inj; betUr work at lower prices than any gallery in the tit. e,atles taken In cloud. weather as w ell is clear. All mj oM (.uatomera are requested to call aid se 3 me before go n e'swliere, I street, between Fifth and Sixth Junta DRUGS. DRUGS. IOlt CHEAP AND PURE DRUGS, PATHNf MFD " Icines, Toilet Article", etc , go the Central Drug More i.i os .v in, in. DRUGGISTS, Fourlli, uenr L, ICiisI I'orlliuiil. Jl9 THE ..'. ltlCKEV F.iKJI AMI M A1IKII0I JSK FANNING MILLS. THE ItKST IV THE MOULD. C t Ineil Centennial Aanl ami Grind Medal, also bett award at l'aris Ej""lon in 18T8. They ilean ptrfecth, Oats, Cness CockIc, mid foul matter tram Wheat and Uarhn . Thci gradd and separate tor seed inu and market, clean all kinds of small seals, and are perfect chaffers. Thc ulll save an one their cost an nualli , Lou tt friUhts procured lor purchasers. Ad.ress, l)llki;i A I'K til:, .lluiiurrx, lliieliii'. Wis. V l.NTKK. iART HORSES AND 1)111 VEItS WANTED TO 1 i u.trk nn the O. U .1 X. Co's" Railroad irrade be tween Sandy rher and Ctscade. Two dollars ir da Will DO paw to urn era anu wi teni ;r nay ccn lur horses. One dmer to occmpuiy three horses. Horse feed and MacLrnd tliiiqr furnished bj the com panj and hoard for ilrners furnished at 81 50 r' neck. Horses to h, newl shod when eomlnir ujion the prk. Appl at roouio. 1, thirl floor, o. RAN Co'. bulldli g, corner rroitanJD streets, l'ortland; Incorpoi'utetl I8(4. Home Mutual Insurance Co OF CALIFORNIA. FIltllOXLY, LossesPaidor!SLUBSl,334,C33.44 LosbesPaid Ogn ? $ 1 G2,3G3.2S Oregon l.raiicli OUice, GEO. L. STORY, Manager Southeast corner ol tirst and Stark Streets, Opp LaJd 4 Tllton's Bank, .n'.TLAXD, OIIEOON .pi S250 WILL Bi;Y el Tlio toast Pony SAW MILL Yet Offered for tne Moarjr. ?tud for Circular. IHCHH0HD MACHINE WORKS. KIC'IIMOD, I.M tTrelU4 ta tfc i r-r""f fc. lz ivrtvt tl Ikriw a i. t . i .LtlUiurtr Utr. autl Mlil tjLir:Ilj-C UIW ji-e en 1 ir '..': C1UV lrri i ttHv The Oregon & Washington Farmer. 81.00 PER YEAR. A Sixteen Page monthly. Deiotcd to the Interest. nd developments of the Pacific North wet will bo Issued June lit. TERMS AS FOLLOWS: One copy one year, ln.dta.ncc, per year $ 1 00 Tlireo copies one year. In advance, per car.. 2 00 Ten copies one year, in advance, per year. . 6 00 fSTPapers can bo sent to one or more addresses. It 111 contain compilations from all tho Journalj published In Oregon and Wahintton, shooing the del elopment of each section, and also manj orijrinil articles prepared exprcs.lv for fbl Issue. It will also contain compilations from tho AWihamktts Farmm. The fact that a great intcrct Is felt abrovl and through the United Ktlte.enncernlnr the Columbia Ither reglan, oml tho neets-siM of fnrnl-hinsr reliable information conccrnirir this retrlnn. has induced us to commence such a publicstion We are .ware that many people in Orcsron arc desirous of sending new. back to friends In the East, and th'a monthly publica tion ill contain Just tho ort of Information they will wish to send. To se-ure the success of this enterprise Mr. Clarke will tr.H el a frcat part of tho time, lie, willtlslt in person ecr important portion of this wide region, and write up, on the spot, all f lets of in terest. In this war wo intend to make the Journal interesting: and reliable. SEND IN YOUR SITSCRIPTIONS AT ONCE, AS ONLY A FEW DAYS REMAIN DEFOUE DATE OF ISSUING. Remit by Money Order, or Registered Letter. Address all letters and communications to H. A. ri.tHKF, Editor. Drawer IS, Portland, Oregon. J.B.CONGLE&CO, 110 Front Street, East Side, Tortland, Oregon. Again in Business. MANUFACTUUr.RS AND IMPORTERS OF Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Whips, Saddlery Hardware, Etc., Etc. Repairing Neatlv and At ended to. Promptly Not so Strange as Might be Supposed. You will see by this Adver tisement that David Cole & Co., do not go into the Stove Business by crawling into the Stove himself but be does it by IMPORTING direct from the Factories and Selling at bottom prices. DAYII) COLE & CO., 192 First, cor. First anil Taj lor, Portland Ore. HENRICHSEN & GREENBERG, 140 First Street, Portland, Oregon. Diamonds, Silver Ware. Watches & Jewelry. CLOCKS, SPKCTACLKS, ETC. niitlcnllHlriiiilcnlniil SlilpChronoiiielera raleil liy irHiiilt olrrnloiininI rrpalreil. majlOtt RIVER SIIE RESTAURANT . . AND, . Ice Cream Saloon. EAST PORTLAND, OIlhOON. Uriil, al nil lioui'a. Slimli- Weill. 'iS ituti. ny llic WrckVLM Ice cream. Fountain Soda water, and fre-h French candles. Also headquarters for the supply of Ice. Fruits of all kind In season ami tho best bill of faro for the table Jnrcltf Celebrated Horse Shoeing SHOP. Hi Setond street, bet. Salmon and Main. 4011 llrlUlll.E. ..- NtOFHIETOK. All Horses Entrusted to my earn will bo kindly treated. INTKIlrEIIIr.fi AND OVER-RKACHINO STOrrED or none) refunded. Satlifaitlon (juaranteed. NEW YORKJEWELRY CO. DIAMONDS, Gold and Silver Watches, Silverware Spectacles, Etc. OLD COLD TAKEN IN TIUDE. Watches and Jewelry Repaired AM I HIM: IN THE JEWELMV llE Jlt.M fAtnlKED TO OllDKlt. IU.I first Hlreel, I'orllnuil, Oregon. Kactoiles: Proiidence, It. L, and Portland, Or. Jc2 A. ROBERTS, Sl'CCKSsOK TO FISHEL & ROBERTS, Oor. Hrst and AMer Sts, Portland, Ore THE LEADING Clothier, Merchant Tailor, And Hatter. OF OREGON, Utiiirantecs to sell the lirt VLOTJUNG for very lens lioiise Money than any other iu thestntf Juneltl A. G. MURDOCH, Electrotyper and Sterrotyper, 109 Hrst street, ne.r .sldnton. B (, CLAIIK. D II 8. O. It. TEMI'LKTOS, D.D S CLARK St TEMPLETOM DENTISTS Coratrririt nl AU.r Btri, orer r.sliel i IUrl rOIITLAND, OltECOS. KNAPP, BURRELL & CO., OFFhK l'OK THE HARVEST OF 1S8S, THE FOLLOWING 'armmflements andjycmNEsJ I t THE BAIN WAGON, WITH The BulTulo PitJs Clmllcngo Thrcslier. The oni) Hodge's Oregon Header, The llirhteet Wiin our own impro tuiwio- Mccormick's Harvester mm J j. lnthemuklt( Mccormick's Improved Combined Reaper and Mower. McCormlck's New Iron Mower-Front Out Champion Combine Mower and Reaper. Champion Sincle Reaper Five and six foot cut. Clinmpion Now Mower Front rut. Champion I.Iclit Mower Jlear cut. Rnrlng Wagons and Ruceies-All Rtvlo and Tiger. Thomas and Holllusrswortb Sulkov Straw. Wood and Coal Burning Threshing Engines. Port!'lo niul Sjionnvv Steam f!narln,,. .... Por'nble s"w Mills. Svw mid rst Mill Machinery. Rubber, Leather and Cotton BeltinK. Barb Fence Wire-Black and Galvanized. MaeNealc Urban Safes -Buffalo Stales. The Whipple Patent, Spring-Tooth Cnltiyntor. .,,. Toirether Wth a Full Line of Harvesting Tool and Farm ImplBMBnl of Every Description. lire ARK TIIF. PIONFKIl IIOUSF. IN Tim RUSINE1S. OUR TRICKS ARE TUB 1WMT FOR malle.1 on application. Corre-ponuenc. ll pp BURRELL & CO., apr21m3 ! Portland. Oregon. CARD WELL, BENNETT & CO.. PACIFIC BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE, 100 Flrnt Street, Portland, Oregon, Aro in receipt of tl oir Spring and Summer Stock ... OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S, MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S And linvo, as herctoforo, all the lending Boots and Shoes of all makes. Men's Shoot Lilly, llrackm Co : J. S. Turner Ladles' Shoes Lalnl, Schohcr A. I'iuhell: West nrothm; Hamilton, 1 Tnr..l.ta, Rlmn. llnnliar. Smith ,V Co.: I. Cox. IN ALL SIZES, WIDTHS ANI) STYLES, Wo Invite tho puhllo In general to Inspect our stock. ESTABLISHED IN OIIAS. IIODQE, T. A. DAVIS, HODGE, DAVIS & GO., 92 ami 91 Front Street, (cor. Stark) . - Portlantl Oregon. Offer to the Drug and General Merchandise Trade a Comploto Assortment of Drum Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware and Shop Furniture, and Druggists' Sundries. also Window glass of all sizes and quality WHITE X.X1.X Of all thelcadlni; brands, In Wtrsand tint. COLORS IN CANS AND DRY. Putty, Lampblack, Red Lead, Glue, and Varnished IncluJInjr the (lncst brands for Coach jointers' use. Paint, Whitewash and Varnish Brushes, Linseed Oil, in Barrell and cases, Turpentine, Coal Oil, Castor Oil, Lard Oil, Neata "tfrrf. Hi Fish Oil. Alnohol. in Barrels and Caases. Bluo Vitriol. Sulphur, Castilo Soap, Concentrated Lye, Potash, Bitters, all kinds. Quicksilver, Strychnine, and Tar, in Pints, Quarts, aud Half Gallon, Five Gallon, Etc. We are ARents for Oregon and Washington Territory ft" TIIK HKST MIXKI) Millinckrodt's Carbolic Sliccp IM, Makelee's Sheep at Sou Irrcl Poison, and Ayer'sand Dr. Jayne's Proprie 1 lin-v Mi'ilii'liies. .... ,, Wo buy our gootU from first liand., tl.u ' b Coait aa compariaon H t! rBAl'HM-0.-llt FKONT HTBKKT. SUCCESSORS TO SHINDLER & CHADBOURNE, MANUFACTURERS OF FURNITURE. Wliol.ie iiiiU Ketnll leler In -Furniture, uarpels, Wall Paper, Bedding, Etc. SS IS LARGEST Warerooms Extend Through 200 feet, from 166 Rrst to 16T Front Street, PORTLA D, 0EEGO. HUM. to CATtMMJI K AU fKHBIIHT. GARRISON'S SEWING MACHINE STORE, 107 Third Street. JOIIX . IJAKKIO X, Proprietor. AI1KNT FOIl TIIK ntiTilKTyginiiRtfii. I i'ifinfii7 A.d U.ueril Ait.nl lor the HOUSEHOLD & WHITE MACHINES. IRON OR STEEL SKEINS. peneel rnresner in uie iummv .wn u running and most eoinpleto IloaJer ever manufactured. IlUtrn & lllLi l'ratt h Co ; II. J. Holhroolc 4 Co. WHICH F.NAIILI'.S US TO FIT ANY FOOT. Jun.l 1851. CJEO W, SNELI , F. K. AHN0LD PAINT IN UHK, M'akelee's Sliccp Bath ana ... cnal.linK u. to compete with any market on tbs of our pnccB will prove. MiW VtKK.-63 IEDAB I.TBECT. STOCK AND LOWEST PRICES I ornnriT nMKS A HPECIAIsTY. in PitOVKIr SIMJKK, nnrf.lL sr. joiin.