. WILLAMETTE FA11MER: PORTLAND, OREGON, JUNE 9, 1882. usual every Week by the ULAJIETTK FAIMIDU 1'LIILUIII.M! CO. TE1UI3 OF SUBSCIUITIOM Ono year, (Postage paid), In advance $ 2.60 Six months, (Postaie paid). In adiancc 1-25 Less than six month will be, per month 25 ADVEItSISINO KATES : A4vertlBcnii'iiUwlll bo Inserted, providing tn are resectable, at the following tabic ol rates : One Inch of space per month ? ,2 Three inches of space per month 5 w) Om-half column per month 1&-0O ln column pir month ... . ,. .. ... 3000 TiJ Sample copies bent Tree on application Publication Offlee: .No. 0 Washington Street. Up tain, rooms ro. o anil (A TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. ;'licml hlrlki". WllKKLlfG, W. Va May III. Tlio iron and nail nulls of this city anil vicinity shut ilown this eidiing 'for nn iinletlnitu nuiioil, tlio propriutors having refused to siRii the now scale of prices for empires, whn.li would rake effect ttvinoirow. ihc Wliitaker sin ct iron mill signed the scale this evening and will be tho only mill iu operation to-inoirnw. Uy this stoppage 0,000 men will bo thrown out of employment. 1'iTTSiiuiMi, Juno 1. This morning tho war fare betwe. n labor and capital began in dead earnest. Fires iu every iron mill in this city, with one exception, have been taken out and mills shut dovin. Tho exception is the Union iron mills of Carwgie, 15ro. & Co., who tigneil last nifilit. They will continue to run, hav ing contracts on hand that must bo filled. This is fcenet.illy considertil a bid brink, and calculated to weaken the lines of tho manu facturers. It is one of the largest iron mills, anil has a opacity of M.OOO tuna a year '1'he atccl mills aie running as usual. Most of them liavo siftiiul thu scile, but as tliey do not em ploy 'many puddlera it is not thought that their signing u ill have liny ellect on the situa tion. It is cxptcti'd tint most of the sheet mills will sign within u few days. It is gen erally believed that the strike will not be of long duration, and nulls which have suspend ed operations will take advantage of the con dition of nllaiis to nuku nouleil repairs. 1'itiijiuiuj, li., May 31. I'lie dato set by tho Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers of the great stnku has arrived, and tlio advent of lo-nmirow will tee (ilea out in thirty-six nnlU m this vicinity, and eight een thousand live bundled men thrown out of employment. Kill is. 1'a., Maj 111. Two liundriil and fif ty puddleis nt the Mount Hickory rolling mills will stuke to-moirow for an advanco ol liftv cents. YollMisrows, Ohio, May 111. The scalo was presented to nil mills of the Mahoning ' alley to diy. All refused to sign, and no work will bo done at any of them tn-mnriuw LoUlsvtl i.K, June 1, Two hundred and lifty men in thu Central lulling mills liae struck. Ci.kauh 1.1.1', "a., June 1, Mimrs almost iiuauimoiisly ottil to go to work. Ci.i:H.am, O., Juuu 1. I ho tliicatened itriku will prubibly nut chingc all'airs in this city. Tho Clcu-l.inil lolling null company's works will bo shut hoiiiu time, and mo ex pected to tesuniu beioio long, as also the new Union works, Tho l'oiuht City lion Co., employing 100 men, and tho Union rol ling null company, having '.'(JO, have signed thu stalo and aie running us uu.il. Other iron and steel wuiks huu employ non-union men ami aio not ullei.tul. DK.rimn, Juiiu I Meinbeia of tho nninl palliated stil and it. u association employe. I it Hough's steam foign of this city, and thu Kureka iron woiks of Wyandotte, held a meeting and decided tn postpone tln.il' btul.u ten days. Ihcrunio 'JU0 men euiplotil at a burned liouglid loige, who belong to tuu union l!ou,(h (led. u oil if thu sti.ko takis place hu will continue Int-sllicas just thu name. It is probi-blo i hat if cmplnyus of Mureka ilecMo to strike, tho wot lis will bo shut d vn, There mi 00 men ampin) ed at this istablislunint. YtiUMislnw.s, (),, Juno 1. lheiu is no change iu thu si nation fioni what wad antici pated last night. Tlio nulls aru all t-hut down, tlioinjh the fuiuaeis have not km j or gone uutiit the blast. Kury thing is ijiin and oiderly. Thu npiuion seems ti lie that mo stnku may no mug, ns ueitncr sulu shows tny siuii of yielding. ClM'l.s.vvil, .liiuo I. -Ilxiept ono lolling mill, whiuli uorUa r.ip nun uxclunively, and two mills, which .no wuikiug up tlncu or four da) a' acciiiiiii!.it.on ol blooms, all mill m Cincinnati and wunilty havu btopped. It is thu belief of null owiurs tint nil will resume next Monday, and a oumplctu adjustment be made. .MiNM.mii.n, Minn , Juno 1 Totl.lv 10.1 men, employed by Youmen llioa.'niui llodg kins saw mills, stiuck for an incieiiso of wages. A geiiei.it strike among woiUiueii iu aw mills is expected to ilay foi an iidvanc" incut of 'i'l cents. HncM.ijers en (.'. M. ,v Al. rum ear shopj, tiU m uiimbir, stiuck foi in inlwinconicut of ."it) centa, lii)MiM.F, .Snuni (.iiuv.iio, June 1 The men at lioiul.ilu nillU ,uu all out on a JtilKe. A dispatch has just been iieuveil from Mr. Jnnett, piesiik'nt of tho Amalga mated Adsiiuiati not Iron Woikeis, stating hu will bu hero to day. It is thought the ipies turn wliether tin J will miitlmio ur not, will bo settled upon his aiuvnl. Theie u no ills tuiluiice, though about I'.'OO men Iuuiijuii work. KepusentitlMs ot inanufactuiers ate heie, and huveu men niu iu eunstiltatiuii Willi tlmih Thu impassion is that they will be unified In gj to wo k on Jauutt's aiiivnl, Nhv VuliK. June 1 Although thuio is sumo talk to diy of a moiu faunulilo turn tu the labor tioublis, many of the foieinojt I u. mess men i f tins irj legaul the situati n as uy significant. It is suit by western mi u who havu lnun in town tins weik that tl.ide unions and otliei labor organiz.it ions thmngli out tlio tiiuutiy linn a tamed a nnuu wid.ly tuteiulcil system of o. opeiatiou iu stukes una year man iht tuloiu. So completu i mu uiKou auiiii, iiu-j cay, mm nut liuiulj iiM'uu, inn luM.uuu men in m.iiiv dilleiei t trades can ln muveil to ono strike siiiiult.iii eously.'or by plat ions, as eireiiiii.tiinivc, in thu ojniiioiis nf their loaders, may make .id visible. It is .ml that Juuu 1st liasbteu liioil on as tho dn mi which a gieat nuuiber of iron tind awl uiKua uio to stuke. It is at tho sauio tune thu Indief of twine will in foimtd men that ou pivductioii and t'loouii tinned dcpilMltiou ol foieigu markets wilt befoio ne.t IKeiiuber cause stoppage pi many udustiial works ami toivo otheis to work on lUiort time, ami that thu sutloriug and dis. Miitent nsultini, fruui such stomugis will tetul kriiously to incieoio tho ducunUnt ot tho opeiativu popuhitloii. 1'ho.f who hold this ivproaeli lfeimblieaus, that they have so eiiiiiely iieUvtrd during this long iiou of Congriss to icdu.ee taxes and roforni the tax jyiteni. Kbuuiiuji .trrrii). HtLLKMLlK, New, June I, This morning 4 shooting alliay oec lined htru between K, Johl and J. C. Mi'Dmuld, rttulting in tho death of McDonald, The pui tie were part ners iu Uarllcld, about whli.li they hae had trouble. McDonald came hero but night to 400 Johl, called at h:s liousa am1 asktd to nu liim, urine lie wanted to kill hiru. This morning ho again called, and ho w at leav ing Johl fired from a window with a shotgun, stiiking McDonald in tho head, killing him instantly, Johl is under arrest. Killed by Indians. Tombtonk, May 31. The bodies of two wood choppers, Seymour Dey aud Henry Curry, were brought here to-day Iroir. Dra goon Mountain, where they were killed yes terday by Indians. An eye w ituess states the men were on a load of hay, andwere un armed. The Indians rode up behind, shot them dead, unharnessed the horses and, drove them ofT. There were cigh Indians in the thu part. They were heading for Sonora, and were doubtless from Sau Carlos. Strikes Continue. Cincinnati, June 2. All mills but three have etopptd work. Still mill owners do not legard strikers as formidable. The number of m n out by strikes is about IC00. Charles Avcrv. vice president of the amalgamated as sociation fortius distiict, has telegraphed to President Janett, asking him to come to help settle the matter at a meeting call fur Friday night. Wellsviu.k, Ohio, June 2. Puddlcrs in Woods' rolling mill struck to-day, because proprietors refused to sign the scale. A num ber of them afterward relented and wished to return to work, but were not allowed. Wiithl.i.Mj, W. V., June ?. All the nail mills of this city shut down yesterday, ami expect to rem tin closed for an indefinite pe riod. Tluro appears to bo no disposition whatever on the pait of manufacturers to start them until tho situation has radically changid. PirrsuuiKi, Juno 2. The labor sitintion as regards tho iron strike has developed nothing new. It is stated that whilo the iron lock out continues, no inoro colored miners will be im ported to tako the place of stiikers, as there will be little need of them, the iron mills hav ingstojpjd consuming coal, Ci.kvelani), Ohio, Juno 2. Cleveland Roll ing Mill Company expect to start up four of its mills next Monday, working half time and giving employment to 1500 men, nou-union men and seccders. Ciiicaijo, June 2, In ail attack by stiikers on non-union employes at the Joliet Iron and Steel Mill at tho suburbs of Brighton, this evening, several men weio badly bruised, and Judge Pilbury, of the appelate court, shot in thu groin. St. Louis, Juno 2. Kveiything has been (uiut to-day among the striking iron workeis, and thero are no signs of a demonstrition of any kind, The Ilairison Iron Works did not shut down as reported last night. Cj.evh.anu, Jnuo I. Two hundred men aio out of tho Hntton iron and sttel works, in addition to those out before. liniliil Mimler. Litti.k liooK, June 2. A traeedy is n poited Irom Yell county. Laiazus Brooks and James K. McGhee, farmers, im-ii-relcd ovir a laud suit, aud MctJhce learning thai Hrooks would win it became furious with passion, and finding liimin Uiu woods hunting eatt.o iu company with a 15 year old boy, after a .'ew wo-da shot him dead with a shot gun, ami as thu boy stinted to run sent a shot aitei mm, Dicakiug Ins arm, but not checking his flight. Mtlihuo then icloaded his gun and placing it against tho foieluad of his piostr to Victim, sent the charge, into his Head. He then walked oil' and is still at large. ('iillfmuiu deli's. San Kka.nci-cd, June I. This evening John I). Connelly, and old usident of this city fill from tho window ot his ollico to tho sidewalk, a distance of about twenty feet, and icconed injuiies fioni which he soon after died. Deceased was aged 55 years, native of Ireland, and inariiid. At the tune of his death Cnnnully us. Justico of tho l'caco and rnsiccntot lAin cr.itic Cfub No. 2. S.N I'u.inl'Imo. Juno 2. -Information has been r. ccivcd at tho ineichaiits'txch.iiiu'o that essil, supposed to bo the llritish ably be a split among iron workers over the question as to whetherto work till Monday, June 15th, pending arbitration, or whether to stick out until Pittsburg signs the scale. To day is the semi-annual pay day at the mills, and the men aio all quiet and orderly. Be tween 520,000 and 30,000 is being disbursed to the mm. New York, Juno 3. Ilepresentatives of the Troy iron works Bay orders are so large they cannot fill them. Local manufacturer of nails report immense orders from Pittsbuig, and from speculators, in consequence of strikes iu the iron regions. The Miners llocnrd. Vikot.nia City, June 3. To-night six men penetrated Alta drift with refreshments for tho imprisoned niicera. All wore ico helmets to enable them to pass the belt of three hun dred feet of foul air between the entrance and end of tho drift. The prisoners wcro found in comparatively gocd condition. They had turned the water fiom the drift into their ice water keg and emptied the twistend end of the compressed air pipe into tho barrel, and, standing around, breathed the air thus eool.iil as it roso tlirouiii the water. About midnight all were removed from the drift. The bodies of Bennett and Callahan, who perished in at tempting a rescue by boat, have been recov ered. Accidental Dentil. San' Fbancisco. Juno 2. Miss Clara, daugh ter of ex-Supreme Judge Crockett, was found Head in an attic room ot her mothers with a handkerchief saturated with chloroform over her face. Her death is supposed accidental, as she has been iu the habit of using the drug to deaden the pain of a disease with whicli she was alllictcd. .1 t'nlul t'onibnt Lambektmov, S. C, Juno 4. St. Paul's township was yesterday evening tho scene ef a deadly hand to hand conflict between two young women, Jaue McKeller and Frances McNaii. Tho victorious one sent a dirk into her rival's heart. For a long time there had been Lad feeling between the two young wo men, although they had lately, as much as possible, aoided each other. There was a young gallant in the cae, and it is said Fran ces McNair had won his affection, although ship ilu-mes, from (ilasgow to Sau Fiaucisco, was passuii at &o in latitude. 00 south, longi tude 1)3 wist, on Maich 5th. No particulars aie yet known. The cargo of the; Heimes consisted of pig ii on, coke, 2S0 tons of coal, lire brick, Kuglisli aio and porter, liro clay ai.d lenient, and was consigned to llich.uds & llnriisou, of this city. '1 ho value of tlio ship was $105 (iOO, and her caigo was valued at SIO.0O0, all of which is covcied by insuianco Folly nine Democratic iluhs of tho city hold meutii'gs last night and ilected delegates to the Democratic Statu Convention. A niaior- it of the dtlegites ilecttd mu in faioruf (loo Hearst for (Juvirnor, with James A. Johnson as second choice. Illlllllll UlllniKi's. I'okt ISul.uiK, Juuu 1. Indians lcturning to Aiiou.i aru supposed to bu trying to get back to Sau Carlos iisui.ition again. Mex- iciuti oops are making it very warm for thu iiiMiuvs, aim iney nave reimueil to Auona. A i epoi t of day 1 eforo j csti rduy sUtes that a bjnd of thirty Indians is in White' Stouo mountains, in tho vuinily of Nelson station, on tho Noi thorn Pacilio railroad. A courier who am veil this morning from Camp Kucker Mt that two brothels by tho name of Hunt, who weic ciuouto to Mexico, weie in mned by hostiles numbering about liftecn, and one ot tho In others weiu killed, ten nulla south of Camp liucker, in Chiricahua mountains. Ili'iitli ol n I'nii'liii. Uomk, Juuu 3. 'Ihediath of Garibaldi has pioduood an iinmeiuu impression, Tho sea sioii of tho municipal council adjourned on arrival of tho news and pel foi mances in the atres stopped. Gnat popular demonstrations of aoriow will be airaugid. Tho chamber of deputies will ..tljoiirn. King Humbert sent a dispatch to Menotti Gaiibahli on tlio loss his lainiiy ami thu country has eust lined. M.iiMr M.Juno I. Gen. Garibaldi's will oidcis hu body cicm.iled aud ashes preset veil iu n poiphjry mil near tho tomb of his dead child at Oapiera. Tho will is ditod Septum ber 17, 1SSI, and eutiusts c cution of his wishis to Ins wife. ltoMK, Juno I. Tho municipal council has alioiiiuid until thu 12th lust., and will send a imputation tu Cupicra tu attend Garibaldi's funei.il. Tho boutses of Koine, Genoa and Naplts havu closed, ami a subscuplion has btin opened bv puliilcal ami workmen's ocio ties to uisu a fund for erection of a monument to Gaiibaldi. 1'he clumber of deputies was crowded to excess to-day. President Farina delivered a iuiitji)rio on thu deceased General during w hicli thu w hole houso ivmaiucd stand ing .signer Do Proytn, picsident of tlu council, prii'iitcd two bills, ono poatiouing thu national fete tilt the ISth iust., and de ciding funeral honois, and tho other provid ing for erection of a monument to Gauiialdi.it cost of thu state and payment of a pension of 10,000 liro to his w ulow and each of his live children. 1'iesulent Furiua moved the reso lutions and the chum1 er adjourned until thu I'Jth mat., Out members nay attend in a body th? popular demonstration in honor of Gari baldi, and that deputations go to Caprcra to attend thu funeral. Both hill and resolu tions wero aiopted. Senate couinu Migrated Garibaldi in a similar manner, lltr MrlUrs. Sorxit CiiK'.uu), Juiiu 3. Soino iron wort,, iiigmeu favor iroiou to work until Juno 15th. Stinuof thimaiu loud in tin ir denunciation of rro.nlont Jarivtt, claiming that ho should not have consented that men should do any thing dillVreiit from Pittsburg. Leading u.eu amoiig the iron workers exnriM crest eonli. deuce iu Jam tt, however, There will prob- at first he seemed to have preferred the other. During the last three days hostile messages had passed between the two women, the ex act tenor of whicli hai not leaked out, although important sensational developments are looked for beforo oilicersgtt through with the atiair. At any rate, whethir by appointment or not, the two women met last evening in a quilt dell not far fioni the main road and 1 o- gau to settle the diliiculty between themseli es. Jaue McKeller was lari'er and more muscular. thounh her antajronist while spire, was lithe and quick of motion. Ihey fought each other like tigers, and finally Jane McKeller suc ceeded in throwing hersnuil but plucky op ponent, aud with her knee pressed on tho stomach of the pioetratc woman, grasping her by the throat with the fury of a demon, well nigh choked the life from her, when finally, by a great ellorf, Frances AIcNair gae a sud den twist of her bjily, forcing her antagonist to loe her hold and fail sideways to the ground, mid with a cry of hate and revenge, drew a bowiu knife and pluntrcd it in the heart of Jaue Mclvt Her, who died with one gasp. Then, at tho sight of tlio gaping wound, tho victor in tho light fcli in a swoon across the dcid body, win ro she was found. a party nan louoweil tl.cni. hut aruveil too late to pi event the tiageuy. Another l'liielinsc. Min.nevpolis, June 3. President Villaid, of the Northern Pacific Haihoad, has an nounced that his company has closed th pur chase, with the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba Kailroad Company, of the latter's lino along the cast bank of the Mississiipi mcr between Watab and Auuka. He also states that the Noithirn Pacific eompany will now piocccd to bridge tlio Mississippi at Anoka, and from that point extend their pur chased lines into Minneapolis. These changes assure to the Noithern Pacific a continuous line owned by itself from Minneapolis to lirainerd, on its trunk line, and from Minne apolis trains will reach St. Paul over the Chi cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul. The Mani toba company, having disp isnd of its Hue on tho east bank of the Mississippi, w ill now com plete its west sidu or St. Cloud and Minneap olis branch, w Inch thus becomes their mam line. rulllli-nl ri'uphec). Cluc.M.o, June 3. Washington speciali A pmalu letter from New York was received hero to-day from a gentleman in political lite who has been with the Picsident most of tho time tho past week, and says tho administra t'on has a surprise iu stoi'o for tho public which will be disclosed upon his return. Tho plan accordiug to this geutleman is this; Low ell is to return from tho London mission ami hia lesiguation is already ou the way. Fio linghuysen will then -adopt a foiciyn policy which siuiii no as iiuvauiaceous to tho ailniiu nitration as that of Blaino was to himself. Secretary Folger is to become thu Republican nominee for governor ot New York, and Don Cameron, as ono of tho means of healing thu breach iu Pennsylvania politics, is tn succeed Folger as secictary of the trea-auy. This is the story, somo p irts of which may be ori lied by eeuts. 'I rj Ins to Mulionrltr Texas. St. Loris, Juno 3 lleimhlicaii's Dallas special: Cuculars hao been icceived from ad ministration ciicles iu Washington looking to a Mahono movement iu Texas. Circulars are sent to Keiuhlioins, Greenlucketa and Inde pendents, and favor Wash Jones for eovernor. A uiiuest is made to bo forwarded to Wash ington a list of couuties that can bo carried agaiust tho Demociats, a list of those that are doubtful, ami the amount of money needed iu a i igoriiua, red hot campaign. Nearly all op ponents to the Democracy are outspoken against tho candidacy of General Robertson. Thuy say ho has little strength, is self-nominated, ami promulgated his own platform. It is evident things are being fixed to support Jones, Thefirrnl Mrll.e. Ntw Yokk, Juno 3. Tho progress of tho great strike iu the west is eager!) watched by mu iianci u. nuns nun woiKiuu neoniu nere. aud thu question of rendernm pecunurv as sistance to the men that are out, should such ht) needed, is already under discussion There aio intimations from some murters that rail way employes aru iu sympathy with the inoie incut, and may participate iu it. but at the companies' othecs here thoiewero discredited In regard to tho strike hero it may ba stated that a number of iron shops have acceded to their demands, ami to-day about S00 of the striking boiler.makers icturii to work at the iucreased pay. STATE AEWS The Democrat, of Albany, came out last week on a half sheet. Strawberries have come, says The Dalles Mountaineer. The Universalis State convention will meet at Dallas on the 22d of June. Public oral examinations will commence oil Juno flth at the Albany college. Commencement exercises at Pacific Univer sity next week. Thomas K. Shelton, an old settler in Linn county, died iu Kugeneon May 28th. The cantata ol Queen Esther was rendered at Forest Grove, on Friday and Saturday last. The Lafayette I'ryisltr has enlarged to an eight column sheet, which betokens prosperity. A little ico in mine, please. Astorian. Just so. ilere iu Portland its altogether too "little." Several cases of Buddeu sickness occurred in Hillsboro last week from a disease that re sembles somewhat the cholera. Thero will, says tho Herald, bo the largest crowd of the season in attendance at tho printer's picnic at Salcro. All Albany is poing. The following are the graduates at the State Agricultural College : W. Y. Masters, Alice Horning, Abbie Right, Eda Jacobs, Nettie Spencer, Bertha Ne'igass. An old man named Jackson Henkle, resid ing neat Corvallis, had a tumor weighing two and a half pounds removed from one of his legs a day or two since. Tangent Grance. No. 7. P. of II., will hold an open grango meetii g on Saturday, June lOtn. lion, i; v. none, v. s. ai will ait' dress the grange. Speaking will commence at l o ciock p. M. A petition is circulating in Hillsboro, says the Jwtepemltit, asking for arms and uniform from flio State to arm a company of militia proposed to orgauizo in Hillsboro. Already about 50 names are on the petition. Miss Eaton, one of the teachers in tho Pa cific Uuiverait, or Academy, at Foiest Giove, died very suddenly on Tuesday last. She ran up stairs quickly, aud it is supposed ruptured a blood vessel, as she fell down aud died with in a short time. There will be a ball game at tho Dallas band contest, June 28-30. A prize of S100 will be paid to the winner in case thice clubs enter the contest. If four or moiu clubs enter, then there will be two prizes awarded the first S100 and the second 50. Kntranco fee, 20. The grain iu Y'amhill county, says the lieij inter, is growing at an astonishing rate. If we could only have a light rain, together with this warm weather, Yamhill county will have one of the mo-t bountiful yields ever liar vested. As it is, if the ground does net dry too hard, there will be over.au average crop. And judging from tho picseut outlook, based upon the foreign and home market reports, prices will bo higher tlun for several years, which iHU enable the farmers to pull up about even again. BATCHELOR & WYLIE. Successors of Barchclor, VaiiGcltlcr & o., B MANUEACTUHEr-S OP THE California Spring Tooth Har row or Cultivator. - "" t-mtv. m.oai'T'"' In the THOltOtrriir eulthatlon of Suiiinicr-fallott these Implements will talc at least one dollar per acre each season and Mill cover grain rqiul to the best drill. Every farmer Is requested to take one and tr) It for himself. fa-Klctcll SUes Maiiiiflii'liircil. Semi lor Descrlinite Circulars lo Batchclov & Wylie, 31 Market Slreel, !un Francisco. FOlt SALE BV JOH.V LAX;STLK, .t CO., 10.1 Iron! St , I'orllnml. majWin.! i i:itui ryiM.VL. JOHN HOWES, General Commission Merchant in receipt of drain, 1'otntors Fruit, lliiltcr, Eggs, l'oul tvy, iinil Cauiic FURS, HIDES, Choice Trunea, and Driul Fruits. Established In 1357 and member of l'roducu Exchange, 504 and WC Han ome street, San Francisco. nn.hUm3 Salem Flouring Mills Co., Manufacturers and Exporters of FLOUR AND WHEAT. Illirhcst market price paid at all times for STOCK MEN ATTENTION I Make Money Yourselves. And bonofit your neighbors ns ions. TUcao may bo had by sondlmr to I ntrhbom nt wnlt i... t. . motors ppttiiitf forth tfio .merits of your fin! ,Sffl Ik: The Printer. 5 Washington Stroot, Portland, Oregon. H0 joc, All Sorts of I'rlnting, bookbinding, etc., and should you need nnythiiigin his lino, from a card with a sinulo JJSm to a inaininvth puller, you cannot do better th. to call upon or sond to him. u LEGAL BLANKS for snlo. WIDE AWAKE, Tho well known Full Blood ' I'crclicroii Norman Stallion, M 111 .llnkc I lie Sratuii of 188?, Commencing 'March 27th and endinir July 1st. Mondays, Tuesdais. and ncunesuajs ot each week at mv rfrfffv farm 10 miles east of Sa"cm, In tha Waldo Hills. Tliunulat.. K?.i...' W "- and Saturdays at Oafncs Fisher's SUUc, Salem, Oregon. W1DU-AWAKE is without a uouut mo most unuorm nrecuer in tlio state, having ncer sired a colt only of a gray or roan color. TeniiM Season, S25; Insurance, $35: saason due tt the end of the season; Insurance due nhen tho niareti Know n lo be w itli foal. Good nasturo for marcs from distance a 51.60 per month. Will not bo responsible for accidents. Ilcscrliillum Wide-Awake is a light graj ; 17 hands high J w cighs 1,S00 pounds; is 0-j car old this Spring. Was imported by James A. Perry, of Wilmington, III., and Is an extra traveler. T. J. EDMONSON, Address orders and communications to the offices of the Company at Salem or 1'ortUnd. Portland OlHce N. E. Corner Front and Ash sts. am.'1-tf It .11. S. blltMIX, Agent GKOROE HEltltEX. WlLLAItD HEltREN. FANCY GOODS. MRS. L. ARNOLD. HAS JUST OPENED A LOT 01' FANC'V UOODs of all kinds at .11 'llilul Street, between Wash ington and Alder, Portland. She makes tl t-pciialt of Ladles and Chlldrens tlndcmcar which the will make to order on hhort notice. A113 one from tho eountiv sendinir may bu sure of fnir treatment. Infants ward lobes made, prices atiouling to iniality and quantity. At theie times It is uiueh cheaper to luv cotton wear than to hate it made nt home, unless there i-i pkuty of help. aurJStf yester- Couit convened at Collax, W. T Jay. '1 here his been (juito a rush of tettlera to the Snoqualmio country. Tlio coal evports of Seattle lor April were !,7S0 tuns, and for .May, 15,44'J tons. The Walla Walla police are fighting the opium fiends, nnil aro doing their utmost to stop it. The prospects of the hop crop in the 1'uy allup valley wero never better than at pres ent. There are numerous cases of intermittent fever, w hooping cough anil measles aniom; the cliililieu in Sow Tacoma. Tho Nellio IJovd Dramatic Co. are stonninc at Scattlo waiting for tho sick members of their company to get well. Tl.ey are sick with smallpox, Pat O'Rourk was airested last Sunday iu Weston, charged with sisllinca bottle of beer to an Indian. Ho was taken to Pendleton Monday, wheio he is awaiting trial. Siys the Goldeiulale Gazette: Lost Sunday week the Indians had a grand salmon feast on the river near Yakima City. Some two hun ilred of them n.aemblcil ami s.it down to fish messed up in every style. DR. PLUM ITER'S PLEASANTand HARMLESS AGUE REMEDY M a medicine that lias bet n jircpircJ y the Doctor at Albany, On yon, for the last Ihuwuxs. ItsintihuU. nuritsoa a Sl'JI.DVanJ SURE CUIiU. Us jilca-taiir taste ami tho lwrm j naturo of Ms Ingredients Lreatid .l U tfoUenidiip whcfecr known, Since the icmoial of the (Inn to Portland they hme luen urged to phee the runtd,j upo-i sale throughout the btato and hao concluded to do so. It t.in be obtahiad from jour local dyakr In Dmgs and Medicine?, and If not will be supplied direct. Price : 76 Cents per Bottle. f. A. PH.iniUt A t(.,soIr Manufacturers. H02Utf I'ort'and, Oregon. USE ROSE PILLS. Kun Oytit .vsitKiLit.u.JIr. H, JIarmes, a tierman farmer, ageel .1.1 )e.ir, who lived near Sir, ., Tongue's place, northwest of Columbia Academy, ay the Hillsboro Jmlc ItmttHt, ih siuldenly 'killed near town joi tiriliy about uoon lie came to towu in the forenoon in a wagon with hit oldest daughter ..1.1 a 1I..1.. 1 I! J 1. uu a in no iuu, uu uui oine iraiiim; aud .Urted huiue. hen Of poaito Dr. llrown's brick yard hit dog ran alter a calf, which law led and eared the horses so that they ran away and threw Marine out, ami the wheel truvk hia bnait, breaking three ribs over hit In art, camiu hit death in a few minutes. The cirl ami Iwy ecactl w ith slight iiijurie. it. isrowu examined tho Ixnly aud rviwrted these facta. IIU.HS ItY TELEOIMl'Ik. Unit. Augustine Hewitt, of the 22il infan try, died at Sau Antonio, Tex., after a short illness. Baxter Springs, Kansas, has the coal oil lever. A flowing spring f petroleum has been found on the farm of J. H. Navlor. Commander Terry, of the navy, brother of .Major General Terry, died iu Colorado of consumption. Keports from Pennsylvania say the Inde pendent ticket is growing stronger than ever its friends anticipated. Philadelphia special: Geo. W. Merrick, in dependent Uepubbcan candidate for sccrotaiy of internal allairs, has resinned as postmastt r. Scveril thousand dollars woith of jewelry was stolen from the -store of G. H. Watson, at Burlington, Iowa, on Saturday. The inieves weie not uiseoveicit. Chief Justice Waite. Justice Grav. General Sherman aud one or two others, w'lll tako a trip to Yellowstone park, Vosemite vallev, and other placos of the Pacific Coast this Sum- mer. At Decatur, 111., on tho 3d, a kerosene oil can exploded at tho residence of Alev. Adain, setting fire to three children, burning them all to death. The accident was caused by at tempting to till a lamp while burning. A St. Louis dispatch sa s : From a source deemed entirely reluhle, it is learned here tn iiiRht the repoited sale of the Chieigo, Texas and Mexican ro.ul to the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe is confirmed. The .price paid is stated to bo 10,000 per mile instead of 1!),. ew, A storm on tho 4th extendincr from irali7.iv to t.arreUburg, Xorth Carolina, leveled houses, trees and fences in a common wruk. At oue house two children were killed. Hail stones a. large as a man's list fell, damaging crol14, 'ciiously, aud it is feared fallen trees will delay trains, ) Star spici.il from Fort Thomas aajs: .,.., na.c uevu insiiaicneu to all iletac h 25 bTKEI, PLATE i. I'EAP.L CflllOMO CARDS (lulleiih) name on, I0e. 14 packs 1. 3M lihcn to debt a-rent. l-'ull partleulars with nrt-t order. NATIONAL (JAM) WOIIKS. nii)lD4 New Haven, Conn. 'SSL LOUIS NAPOLEON, m iic rirurairii uran STALLION will make tho season ol 1882. coiiiliicliiinjr Mareh 27th and -inJiiilf July 1st. at his stable on. mile norm ol sublimity oiiMondais and Tuesdais; at bTAVTON on Wednesday' and Thursdns; and at ai,iu on i-nuas ana biliuruu. oi cicn weeK. lerniMt Leap, due at senlce, 10; Season, due at cud of Bcaioii,l5; Insurance, duo when mare Is know a to be with loal. Old Louis h.w nroicd lilmbcit one o( the best sires In Oregon ns w ell as California. Uesi-iilillom Louis Kapolcon was sired by Old Louis Napoleon the first 1'creheron Norman Imported Xo Illinois; his dam was by Old Sampson, imported by Colonel Oakley, ot Tnauill county, Illinois; his trand dam was a Canadian mare; ho weighs 1,500 pounds; height, 10 hands; color, white. PHIL. GLOVER. TANGENT NURSERY. (Skirted 1K7 30 j ears a Nurserj man.) ii. W. M;rixi:.Mii!i:, AU. 60UTS Ol Fruit, Ornamental and Shade Trees AND TIjStES d SUM UBBEIt Y. Sinil (o Tnngvut, Oregon, Tor pi lee Usl aurl oetl-ein Icserlle cntiiliigiic. WOODBURN NURSERY Kicps a full stock ol FRUIT TEERS, Shade, Ornamental and NUT TREES, Vines and Shrubbery, . At the Very Lowest Rates. Situation as Miller Wanted Or mlllwriKlit. Can put up any kind ot a mill, Burr or Holler, In runnlnir order. IIuvo hud 10 jeais experi ence. Temperate In all habits. Can como any time after July. THANK FO:TEH, ma 12m Stout9Ille Fairfield Co., Ohio. USE ROSE PILLS. meiits of tioopj m the tielil to concentrate at once at San Carlos, as troublo is anticipate.). It is stateil on goo.1 authority that orJers for disarming Iuiliaus hare beeu rectned at the p-"j. which causes anticipated trouble, torces on Ash creek luve liein increa.eil by lour comnauies. This is the m.u l,i:.. gcuerall go throuj-h ulieu Icarnic the rescr- Vat inn It is beliereil that the covernment is in ruw. session of much ralnable luformatiou concern mg the forcenes. but the utmost secrecy is nviintmnn,! iiau it T. . .. . .'. lXH),tX)0 of forgeil bomls made frcm impres sions obtaiued from genuine plates are iu cir culation, but this statement is denied vith as iiiucn ositireiis aj it is nude, and from i'Urceiititled to much coufideuce. Seusa tional rep.irts arealsoatloatof the issue of sou. nous siUer wtiScatea n ado from the imprea ion of genuine. , TUTTgS PILLS INDQPSES BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Iioss of appetite. Nausea,bowel3 costive. Win in theHeiiH.wi tha dull sensation in the back part. Pain under the shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with o disfn clination to exertion ofbody or ruind. Irritability of temper. Low spirits, Loaa of memory, with a feeling of having neg lectin soniBduty, weariness, liizzineas, PlulterinBoftSelTeart, Dotsbeforetha eyea. Yellow BklnrHeadacheT"Iestlen3 nesa at night, highly colored'Urine. IT THESE WAHSING8 ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILLS00N BE DEVELOPED. TTJTT'SPII.lSnroeieclilly.-iUaptailto sue licH.es, one iloeetlectssiicli'icliauge of feeling as to astonish the sulTerer. They Inn ens tin. Aiicllte, and cause tha body to Tako on Flrti. thus tlie system Is iiourLueU.andbyilirirToiileAeflononibe tilKftlTeOnrntin, llesular M tools are pro-duct-d. l'rlre S cints. 05 Murray HU. N.Y TUTT'S HAIR OYE. Oitw ITaiii or.WuiSKk.H3 changeJ to a O lossy itiAt.tw vy a biuciu uppuruiiun o( iuis urn. i SO .inns oitwuiLU ri:sTS u. ikees MY .M'ltisKUY. IK For price list and UcscrlptUe catalogue send to J. H. SETTLEMYER, oct7-9m Woodburn, Ore on. PACIFIC NURSERY. SALOl, OUIICOV. Prettjanan & Potter, General Nursery Stock. APl'LES 1'K.UtS, CIIEliltlES, l'llJIS, llUI'XKS, l-E.lt'HM, I.NF.SAVI SJMIL Fitl'ITS, SHADE AND NUT TKEES. Ever thing propagated Olid gro n ith cans and at jaw to proper takluir up, (miking and ship- call or addiess at Salem tor desirlpthe Jan20. tenticn ping. Gllc us Catalogue. luinarts n natural rDior, acts Instantaneously, bold b7Pruggl,creiilby eij reu tin rvciptotfl. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. nr. Ttrrs aiMii. r wiai.i. !.iu.. ..d k rural KM.Ipl. lll b. BIU4 IKII pplloUM.f nt. spoc-5 jo iQauv sap ti3o)3 ono aoj puss ' itrerti nouCynv asxui intcetib AusMt'asi)WOS -4d puXturej aoj aja xAiW noJC3Sjimv PENSIONS. Seiurtd. Also bounty, lack-pa) , increase of pensions. Xc and honorable discharges, patents, etc. Thou bands entitled. New laws. Now Is the time. Do not del.!' Soldiers, Widows, Children, Parents, lirothirs and Sisters entitled. Haio jour claim iniestlgatcd. Appll at Otice. Send tuo stannu for M.-inku nnil In structions, complete to JKNKE:S. A. FITZQEItALD, i. a. caiuiuuu i-.neini Aiuirnej, r. u. no os4 nasn liigton, 1. C. inar31t3 PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. (Old "NATIONAL," Established 186.) 123 Front Street, bet. Washington and Alder, rOUTL.t.Ml, ...... OUECO.V. A. P. AltMSTnoXd Principal. J.A.WE&CO Ptunian and Seiretarj'. STUUEXTS OF EITHER SEX, Admitted on any u eek dayot tho ear. Pen work of all kinds at reasonable rates. The allege Journal, containing information of course and cuts of ornamen tal penmanship, free. Address: A. I. AiritfTimi:. inchliuS Loci: llox 104, Portland, "Orc-on. Willamette Valley Lands. ELKIXS & UeLASlMlUT. DALLAS, POLK CO., OREGON. "FT AVE IN TIIEIIt HANDS FOlt SALE, $500,000 Worth of Land Rest quality of Grain and Stock Farms, Dairy Farms. Mill and Mill Sites. Also, hare for sale Stock ot all kind. Sheep, Cattle and Horses. tST Our lands are located In Polk, Marlon, Linn, Lane, Uenton and Yamhill counties. The cream of tha i alley, and consist of rich Prairie soil, best of Hill land. Foot Hill region, and Mountain llinsre. Railroad land, and vacant Go?emment land uill be shown. We bare small farms, and large farms. We can suit jou In price. We can please jou on terms. We can satisfy j ou la quality. We hire Just the farm ou want. Dallas Is 55 miles from Portland by rail and those purchase of us will be taken free of cost from and and thou n the and.. mayltf DRS. A. S. & Z, B. NICHOLS, Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons. Room, ID, CO, 61 and Union Block, Portland, Or. SPECIALTIES : Dr. Z. B. K. Diseases of Women. Dr. A. 8. N.-DlM&sca of Eye, Ear, and Throat. A.r.