Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 02, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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..uea every Week by the
0 war, (Portage paid). In advance t 2.60
11 -nonth., (Postage paid), III advance . l-
If(! than fi month" will be, pir month
Aiivr.itsisixo hates :
4Ivertlmrntlill bo Inwrlcd, providing tn re
txvctaljle, at tho follow Insr tabio ol rates :
'Vre inch of cpaco per month
drie Inchon of space per month .
trrt -half column per month . .
'Ht ealilmn D,'r month .
t 2. SO
so oo
rLSarnpla ionic sent free on application
nilillcatlnri OftVc Vo. f WsshLigton Street, Lp
Salra. room No. 6 and M
ITrpnrrd li Hiir-finlrr.
iVr.w Vm.lt, May 23, It lias licn asccr
tainoii from a meinlier of Governor ( ritten
lion' party in this city tliat on lin return to
aiKOOiiri I'O will ccnclmlo ncgotia ions for the
srrcwler of Prank James, anil nroliiMy other
xjtrnlicrn of the James gang. I rank Jamrs is
una in Jackson county, and inst".ul of meili
tJing more mischief, is represented as being
inxions to make the best terms pos-iMo for
Jiimsclf. ! pernor Cnttimloii is fully in
foruieii as to Ins wherinlioiits, and means to
have him in custody iinlilis of ten days. It
ji ascertained that the wholo Jmes gang
will bo broken up. The plans are all laid,
and only -ivvuit the r ovcrnor's return for exe-
tiller mil.
In the ."-enatP yestddiv, SI iter reported
finvm thn eoininitteu on Imlinn ulla'is, tho
original bill appropriating 1 100 for tlm relief
! Mrs. . ISmlily, ol I. mo county, uregon,
inlaw of the victim of the Modoi Indian
r.nsaarc. I'lio committee, in thiir report,
wricur in repatdinn thii mi excrn'ion ti the
rrnal olas nf el.iims lor Indian ilepmi.itinn?,
JK'canse the iiiitbreuk was the rcsu't of an mi
tnccessfiil oil n'sivo inoviinent by U, 8. troops
for the jiurp .so of conlining Moil no to their
reservation and was without notion by the
United States aii'horities. The bill went to
the calendar.
.Wleinpleit .ttmiksliintlnii
Tirtsov, May 'J.'i. A recent number of the
Daily C'itizni pubsheil certain letters of O. I).
Paste n and ci to's'd ' m shatple. Tlii
morning I'luton met A .1. Wliittinoie, editor
rf thu Citivii, and without saving a word
drew n lev Iver unci filed at Whittinore, iii"h
rtiK him. I'rtilnu has been .u reded. 'I'be
f!il!zrii to-diy will di'iionneo him as a covvanl
fy assassin ami bully.
Wink o Hie Orrunti llranrli.
Sav Kimm'Ioco, .May 'J.'i I'repir.itijns for
OTmmenccuient ot wmk in Californii on the
70-inilo gap of tho California and Oreiron rail
road nie, lining compleleil, aim worK will no
Se-prin iinnndiately. A contract for iinson
orl on budges and culverts has been let.
The w rk to li ncvnuiplixhcd wi I talin about
two yens and a half tiiim to finish, Thn road
s one of thn b-nuches of the Central I'aeilie
Oregon HIhkc Itiililiril
KEblilMi, Cab, May 2." TI o overland
jtage fioin Oiegon whs robbed yesterday oji
Rvss Hill, ubmit fourteen miles from heie, b'y
one man, lie took the express box and mail
Loss not Known, but lint thought to bo very
largo. The pitumger on boai.l weio not mo
Srstrtl. Tlm I'eiinsjliniiln liiilriiiMiilrnl.
rillt.wil l.l'lliv, May L',"). The Indepondiint
Ei'piiMictu Cnuvi ntion last night noiuiuited
Senator Stewart for governor. Aipiow'u nainu
was withdiawu Wayne MacYeagli'i mine
as pionnsoil, but hesaidlm would not ncci pt.
In ciuliiiL' the convention to order. Dr.
Orcinc, chairman of tho committee, said :
"(Srntleimn, let us hero lesolvi! that wo will
rutniirgiand old pirty wheio thu immoital
iiieoln louiiil it, and the iniinoi al Gailield
frft it."
Chas. Wolfe w is e'loscu pernnnent chair
man of the oigam'.ition, and i-Viiator Stewart
olmirinili of the icxoliitiou cniiimittei'. II
C. Pouter was made perniuneiit eh linn in with
i vice piesident frun cae'i Senjtonil ilUtuut.
During the. coiirso of I'oslir's lemnrks, ho as
ierteil that the di.ithof I'lcfldtnt (lailiild
was ehsrgi able directly to tho spoils system,
jint sp ik of the polit eal po'nr of the Malu
ts ioiiietliiin." which Ind been to lung re
rcgaided as a ut ol p.itlimonj to be hainfeil
Ihmii fiom f.itln r to i)n.
(5ov Lear, who pnsiilel at the irgulnr lie-piiblic-in
(JoiiM-iitiuii, occupied a si.it en thu
-platform. When the convention was called
hi nrdir, piajer was ollend by liev. I). C.
BulirniU, tlm noted pioh.bitionist, and s.cie
turj of thu lVrui Iv.irn i State TeniperancJ
lMiciiti'n, U S, Suiator Mitchull wis
otiosen teniporiiy chaiinan by acclimation
tmidst t'htils and npl Ulse. Mitilull lu
tnrned thanks for the lion u confened, and
is id the woikot tho ennventi n was not to
iinmmato a ticket that would help the Demo-
oratic puty or defuat the Hepiiblican puty,
but to mimmitit ono that would receive the
respect ami suppoit of iliu Hepiiblican puty.
(Appliuse) 'I In country li id been founded
apoii piineiplis which seemed equal lights ti
ll innii nnii on the spot wlioie. these nruici-
ui uiro, siiii on tne spot whom tlH'so irinc.
pies wire declared, thu Itepulilicin p.uty was
founded, and h (undid that noitininplieie of
Mils Mate Would he touiid too fron to I m
ttrr-ithud by an) liepubli -an willing ti bo the
Invu, pntitionllv, or otherwise, of any man
lApplause, )l hem must in the older of tiling
bo leaders, bit' not bo?ses It would bo well
for the oonv ntinii to deihro agiin.t this sjs
temand airuiiist bos ism and nuvhanniii, and
notoulv to decline against them, but provide
remedy tint would tear them up r. ot and
Vraneh. (Applause ) Thoonly i llectue loin
J will lit f iitnl in iliv civil eirviiin kysteni.
(ilpplaune.) 'Mm speaker would bo glad
tu le nblu to stand before. the
invention and ilis.-hio jus desire
X siippoit thu administration. Tho
Fn-aldent i wilt bo ilirtnu to enfoico
thu tnie vkteiii, but do was orrv to s.u there
wasvelim iiidiuitiou ol such ilotorinuuunei
oil the I'lvmdont's put. With thu power to
jppoint to plactaof iiimor imvnrtancu tsken
tint of the Innds of ilitician and m.idu on
the tmt of lltuesa alone, theio would bu fewer
Ieden riady to t ike. btead fiiun tho childicu
ot ome pour but cspiblum.iii togivo hip'aco
tn omu nieiu pulitu-i.ui. Seiutor .NIlU'lii-ll
laid ho aiMikti w till mrrow w hen hoas-citid
slat w h it lnid been acbieved at CluiMo had
act b f n Utrnti out by thu present admiiiistrit
"on. In nil that thu movement meant that
V-cd (IsiiMil in tho Presidential chair, the
itwler li ti vuiut'icd. He trusted tho
.ffteseiitativ.. pie.-cnt were aisemblivl to
eniw whai Ihuv iniuhl do to servo thu Rrriib
lean party and to protest airainst themeiliiMU
by which it had leen managed, and to .iy to
Itw jwiipluof this country b) thu voice of
tni-ly, Kctut-il by a dmiru for the cix. of tho
rvpublio, tint thu couutrv shall rid ltilf of
ban ailon, and all tlm hum ky, corrupt atiuo
pline by whii'lishu had been turroiindiHl ;
(apiJunr) loh04 tlm 1U publican party was
a progit)ivu pitty o'iiivif.l ,,( froo thinking
nun, unit onu lit it vtiiuot be run ai a iailnad
train, and by conductor, to tho political
ttrxiluiueiit of any man,
Tho lollou ing iioiuinatinni were made; Ku
iiiituiuut ((iivi'riiur, I.uvi llanl DiilV, ot Alio-
gliany; secretary of internal affairs. Major
Merrick, tf Tioga; congressman at large, dd.
Win.McShaalsj iudi,e of tupremo court, Oeo,
The New York Timtn editorially indorses
the Hepiiblican bolt in Pennsylvania, saying
The Independents have their usion fixed on
the beyond, but for the Cotneronians there is
no hereafter. Let Don Cameron's cohorts bo
routed next November, and they can never
be rallied agun ; but the Republican pirty
will survive, and the Independent li-adcrs lo ik
forwaid to control, which fhall reunite it for
new conquests. Senator Mitchell and iiisasso
ciatcs apparently look for a regeneration
through the defeat of tho Republican party ol
I'ennsylvnnia. This contest has a significance
broader than a Camoron and anti Cameron
fiiht wider even than the liel.l of I'cmisil-
vania p ilitic3. It is a fresh embodiment of
the tendency which 6hows itself in an us
parts of the union, and displays increased
vigor at every exhibition of its character and
force. It is a protest agani't a system of
politics which derives its life blood from the
"snods svstein" of disivisiiit; of public offices,
and it must perforce tike in the civil scrv.ee
reform movement. It is prepanng lor that
movement which shall givo it power to defeat
parties until it can control them. Another
significant thing is tint tho current of this
movement which is breaking into channels, is
destined to liim the present national adminis
tration in itH way wherever it apprar".
Tho 'tribune says on tho same subject
Looking at tho work of the convention from
this distance, wo are not prepared to say that
thn course followed is tho easiest which could
have bern adopted in tho present party emir
gency, but wo must say that the Independents
havo not acted without just provocation, and
that they have kept their protest within Re
publican methods and within the Republican
part, and what cH" ct that will havo upon
vo crs the State cannot yet bo estimated.
Their ticket is in every way equal to that of
tho Cameron convention, and in ono way
much superior. It w as nominated by tho peo
ple and not by a "boss." If it were not for
tho question ol its regularity, there can be
little doubt that in tho present state of ex
aspcration against family rule among the
votirsot Pennsylvania, it would receive two
Republican votes for eveiy ono cast for tho
Cameron ticket.
Ilenvj Snll.
Sax Fiuncisco, May 2,). KlIenM. Coltnn,
vvifo of 1). I). Cotton, nis brought suit in the
superior couit against Leland Stanford, C. P.
Huntington, Charles Crocker and Wells,
Kargo k Co. The suit is instituted to set
asiilo a certain agn enicnt made on tlm 27th ol
August, 1S7D, whereby Mrs. Coltnn agreed to
assign to defendants as executrix of tho de
ceased, certain stocks and bonds of several
railroad and ttcaniship corporations of the
aggrcga'o estimated valuo of SI, 722 713 7.r
It is alleged plaintiff made t'ic assignment
through mistake of the actual value of bonds
and stocks ; that tho consideration for such
assignment was that defendants would cancel
a promissory note tor Sl.OOO.OIKJ made by lie
ceased, anil that they would pay certain othei
iiciits. riaintili asks tor the accounting he
twi-cti t)ic value of stocks and bonds and
judgment against defendants for dividends
and iutcicst on tho samo now duo the estate.
Irlrn file Fire.
I.i.viiMi.if, Col., May 25. Ktily this
morning tho (Iraut company smelting work
wcro completely destroy td by liro. The ori
gin of the liic is supposed to havo been caused
by an explosion in the furnace. Loss esti
mated between $.'100,000 and S 100,000; insm
ance, J(i."i,000, These wcrks vvero the lirgest
of the kind in the world. Over 300 men arc
tin own out of employment here, and quite a
number at Omaha, whero the refining w oiks
ol this company are located. Tho works will
bo rebuilt.
I uruvoralile 1'rnspri-la.
1'lTTsliOlwi, Mav S!i"i. Piospects of an ami
cable settlement between iron woikers and
manufacturers aro trowing smaller as thedate
appro iches for the strike The amilgsni.itcd
association assert a determination to stand run
for a ear unless an advance is conceded, and
am making systematic arrangements for a lone
s'rike. in ease tho groceis decline to tell on
tuna lo members of the a sociation duiinv t v
lockout, they will start thiee largo stoics m
this city and Alleghany, from which grocer
ies, dry goods, etc., will bo dealt out to
s'ukers. On tho otlur hand manufacturers
arc iiiully firm m tlm stand they hvvu taktn.
This afternoon thu latter In Id a meeting to
tonsider tho Ffthoi question, Kvcry manufac
tuitriii tho city was present, and every sec
tion of thu wet, except St, Louis, was repre
sented. It was uiminiiioiisly icsolvcd to re
sist any advance
itkiis iev ti:m:.k.iiIi.
I'inilu Christian fluscr, r-'sident consul for
llelgiiim, died on thu 2lth.
Princess Lotiiso sailed forCmada from Lon
don on tho -dtli.
Thu Cherokeo county, Teiin., court house
was tiunieil with all its contents Thursday.
.lames Kitgerald was found guilty of bun
koing Charles Francis Adams at iloston.
Kugenu V, Clad was found utility of couu-
tcrFuitiug and uiutilatiiig coin at Philadelphia.
Tho I'overninent of Kynt has been given
21 hours to coma to a decision on the ulti
It is nli.ibly ntittil tint tho missing Zou
Watkins has been found at St. Louis. ,Nu
The collegiato Dutch cliurch at New Yotk
City cilubi.ited its 210th animcrsary Tliurs
day night.
Tlm liabilities of It Porter Lee, of tho First
National Hank of lliilialo, are SGOO.OOOj assets
i'lio Kepublic-in convention of the Third
Co.iurt'tsioiiil District of Kansas nominated
riiomas Ryan, of Tnj ek i.
(ieorgin fiuit growers are devising ways to
get peuu. e to Weatein and Northern mix
kcts quickly ai.il chuaply.
Coal opmators in tho Clearfield district of
Peuusylvanii, are orgiuimng a polioo forco in
autici.itioii of a strike.
Tho governor of Tennesseu has signed a bill
to fund tho htato debt at 00 cjnts w itli interest
at 8, , R and (1 per cent.
Jacob Wril, alias Poole, was arrested Fii.
day at Queemtown, on his arrival from New
ork, for extensive forgeiios.
Win. II. llrow-n was confirmed ai surveyor
general of California, and Louis Diipout as U,
S. consul at Kuuchal.
Philip Calhiu, liberal mciubor of pailixuieut
from Louth county, Ireland, was oxoelled
from tho London reform club.
At Woo.ll.Mid, Cat., James Smith was con
victed of murder in the sivoiul degree for kill
ing M, K, Patterson,
Tho lualth of Senator Hill, ot Georgia, it
much improved ami his phjiicmii say there
i strong hope that his life will bo greatly
The sinking operatives at the Reading,
l'a cotton mill returned to work at 10 pir
cunt, reduction of wages after a ttrugglo of
live weeks.
The New Voik, Senate, by a vote of 15 to
14, accepted au anirlidmeut proposed by IK'iu
ocrat,tliat the next governor appoint rsilioad
i-oiumiaainners, ami the railroad commission
bill pasted,
Dorscy has given 810,000 bail.
A heavy snow storm occurred in portions of
iMoi til Carolina on the '-'.itli.
Brigadier Oeneral Oeo. D. Ramsay, U.S. A.
retired list, is dead.
Pay Inspector J. A Smith will be appoint
ed chief ol the bureau of provisions and cloth
ing, with rank and pay of paymaster general
of the navy.
Vice Adinir.il S. C. Rowan will be appoint
ed superintendent ''f the naval observatorj .
vice Rear Admiral Rodgers, deceased.
The trial of the bunko sharps who victim
ized Charles Francis Adams a rhort time s nee
in Roston, commenced on tho 25th.
At Columbia, Alabama, on tho 25th, Pctir
T. Thomas and Jaon O. Jones, prominent
planters ot this place, fought with knives,
riionns was killed.
T. A. Watkins, of Denver, is at St Louis,
searching for bis misinri daughter. I!oniTi-rs
500 for her, dead or alive, and no questions
An explo'ion in the Kohinoor cal mine
killed Martin and James Mulhall, father and
son, Uwcn dallacher, James McLhmald. John
P. Stratt, a Polish laborer, Samuel Hiil",
driver, and fatally injured James Lee, fire
boss, and a Polandcr named Matty LatUotyn
owiez. At Columbus, Tennessee, on th'i 25th, Dan
Cannon, a colored prcichcr, returning aficr
four years' abseece and finding his wife with
a young baby, investigated the facts and sp'it
her head open with an ax. He then laid tl c
child on ttio floor and chopped its head oil.
Thcro are threats of lynching. Cannon is in
Tho supreme court of Texas has decided the
suit of the Origsby b'irs against about 300
citizens of Dallas, to recover s une 3000acies
of land in the city and county, which be
longed to what is known as thu Origsby sur
vcy. TI13 decision is in favor of the heirs and
gives them tho property with improvements,
valued at nearly two millions.
A mi'jtin of iron mmuf icturers will be
held at Pittsburg, to take united action -el i
tivo to labor troubles. Representatives will
bo present from nil western mills.
Win. Riockway and Chas. H. Smith have
been indicted for having abstracted bond
plates from the vaults of the bureau of en
graving and printing.
Itisrepoitcd in railroad circles that the
Oulf, Colorado and Santa He Railroad Co. has
purchased tho Chicago, Texas and Mexican
road for 810,000 per mile.
Three steamships landid 2500 immigrants
at New York. Seveial California ladies went
among them to secure hoti'o servants to sup
plant tho Chinese.
Father Cuddahy, of Milford, Mass., his
iniiounced that hu will not permit the
Oiaud Army of the Republic to enter the
Catholic cemetery at that place on Decora
tion IJjy.
fhe sale of a herd of 04 head of Durham
cattle rt I) ill is, Texas, belonging to the es
tate of Diyid So'for, attracted a ver large
number of buyers, Tho cattle a' cragen 500
i head.
A verdict of guilty was returned in the
case of Oeneral Curtis, on trial at New Yoil.
for violation of civil service rules in collecting
political assessments. A motion in arrest of
judgment was made and the trial was set for
Juno 1st.
Tlcrton, Texas, srcci il : Sunday morning
e-arly a hundreil masked men took from jail
Sam Hilton, white, ami James Keves, col
ored, and hanged them. Roth were'eharced
with a murderous assault on a deputy sheiitr.
Senator Miller's joint resolution authorizing
tho President to declare martidlaw in Alaska
has been considered by the jjdiciary commit
tee and w ill be reported adversely. Tho com
mittee was of tho opinion that the evidence
presented ot distill binces in and mound Ifar
lisburg was insufficient to warrant dcclara
ti n of martial law.
A Tllll'.l' (Ml MIT.
MierllT II oxii ii, ii r Ilniiglns I'nunty, Has
. ' Itonjili anil Tiimlile" Willi a
llursc Thief.
Thiough our regular eoriespondent at
Kugcno City, we learn that F. 1'. Hogan,
sheriff of Douglass county, had a serious re
contro with a horso th'ef on Fridiylast. It
appears that a Mexican stole a horso from
somo party in Douglas county and escaped
into Lane. Shell IV Hogan followed him into
the latter county, and while passing alon tho
road near Springfield, threo miles abixo
F.ugcnc, met tho thief and ord -red him to su
louder. This dennnd tho Mexican was not
inclined to acceed to, and being heavily
armed, showed light. Mr. Hogan and a com
panion named Mathews tackled him, when a
" rouuli and tumble " fight ensued. Beforo
the thief could draw his weapons, the assail
ants got hold of him, and for awhile it seemod
doubtful which party would provo victorious.
Finally the sherill, determining to "get
away with Ins man, shot him through the
arm, an I men succ-eoeleil in securim: luut, and
lodged linn in tho i ill at Kugeno Citv. The
stolen boi8o was alo secured. During tho
allray, Shcrilt Hogan s hand was badly lacer
ated by the fellow's teeth, w hile Mr. Mathew'a
arm and I and was badly bruised and "chaweel
up." Mescrs. Hocau and M ithews deserve
great praise for the "pluck" displayed in
seeming so despi r.ito and dangerous a char
acter. itTti. .iriui:r.
Viriii-iu J. MlUon Dross nril lit lliet )?!
tins r lloal In front or Hie !.
A most distressing accident occurred on the
river about ."i o'clock last cvenine, resulting
111 the death of Norman J. Wilson, 11 civil
eiiL'inecr in the employ of the O. K. & N. Co.
Ho hail gone out sailing with J. Fleetwood
Bniwn; a book agtnt, and they had taken in a
couple of bays who asked for a ride. VI10n
opposite where tho wreck of the Yaepiina lies,
ami about a hundred yards from the thoro. by
(onio mismanagement of the sail, the boat
was upset. Brown and the bays clung to the
boat, whi'e Wilson started to swim to tho
shore, but after going some distance he turned
luck, ami when within a short distance of the
boat. sank. W. W. Taylor put off in a skiff
from ono of tho barges moored by the Ya
(puns, and was within a boat'' length of the
unfortunate man when he went dow n. Mr.
Wilson hail formerly been in the employ of
the Southern l'acirlo Railroad Co.. and leaves
a mother, w ho depended on him for support,
at San Francisco, Cal, Drown and the boys
were rescued bv Mr. Tavlor. who afterwanl
engaged in urapphng for the bo.lv of Wilson,
out up hi a law) nnur wiinoui sucv-ess.
Later The body of Wilon was recovered
at 15 minutos to 12 lait night by W. W.
Taylor, and taken charge of by Coroner (iar
nnttl. Deceases! was in hit 3th year, and
has a mother, brother and sitter residing m
San Francisco.
Tiik wont eUy of eUrkncJu through vvliih
I have ever ivaaxsl have len creatlv allev i-
atesl by throwing myaelf with all my energy I
into soma woik relatinj; to other.
Mrolar rlanlnc .11111, Alnolle's nll rat
Lin. Hie Minnesota House. I'jlile
Hotel nml Several oilier niillil
lni!s llrnlriijeil,
LOSS, m.ooo INHI IIA.X i:, $.-3,OtiO.
At 8:30o'c!ock Frielay evening an alarm waa
turned from box IC, at the Clarendon hotel,
caused by a firo in the sash and blind factoiy
of Geo Ainslio and C. C. Phillips on North
Second street, near tho corner of K. The
firo was discovered by Officer Matliieu, who
immediately ran to box 10 and endeavored to
turn in an alarm, but his key would not un
lock the box for some rca-on and considerable
precious time was lost before tho box could be
broken open and the alarm sounded. During
this time Mr. Michael McCarthy had run into
the mill and found the fire burning in a i ilo of
shav incs in front of the furnace. A hydiant
with hose attached was close, by and he at
tempted to put out the file with it, but tl ero
could be no water got. . Mr. V.. J. Smith then
arrived with a bucket of water, which nearlv
extinguished the incipient fire, but before an
other could be oblained the flames bad
mounted to the 'second floor and the building
was doomed. Messrs. McCarthy, Smith and
others saved the books and rolled the safe out
into tho street. By the time the alarm was
turned in the fUtms had spread to the plan
ing mill of Nicolai & Kwry and were s'ioii
communicated to the Minnesotta house and
the brick buildings on either side of it. and in
a short time every building on the lib cle
Dountletl by North Seconel anel North Thiiel
and K anil F streets were in flames
ill ot which vvero 'totally eletroyed.
The heat was intense, anel soon tho block on
the southeast corner of K anil Third, owned
by Capt. J. U. Ainsworth, and occupied by
.lames Thomas, as the Eagle Hotel, was bla.
ing along its entire front and all elforts to
save it were in vain. 'I he Burton Hous", on
the northeast corner of F and Third, had a
very narrow ebcipc, but was saved by No
5V, who got a striam on it in time
Tho firo department responded with the
usual piomptitude, No. 2's being fiist on the
giound, but owing to them not having steam
up, lirst water was got ny JVi. I s Louel;
No. 0 g it second water. Fours were stationed
at the railroad ferry, but from tho prent
di.taice, wero u able to do any ifle:tive
service for a long time. Fivi 8 were stationed
at the same place, and rendered eflettiv
seivice. Two's also rendered good service,
but tho palm must bo rendered to One's, who
under direction of Chfef Hart, saved the sash
and door factory ot Nic ilai Biothers, 011
the southeast corner of Second anil E streets.
The buildings on the block destioyed were as
follows: Fronting on North Thud, Nicolai
k Kivry's planing mill, loss 10,000, insured
for 2009; tho sash and door f ictory of Atns
lie & Phillips, loss ?20,000, insured for $4000.
t routing on K street, a uncle nuiiiim, ouxou
owned by A Nicolai, the lower story occu
pied by W.Druck as a nvebano shoi,anel used
to store doors and sash above. Adj .ining this
was a brick building forming a part of tin
Minnesota House. This with the wooden
building, forming tho Minne-ota House proper
on the corner of K anil North Third belongs
to Messrs. W. K. Smith anil George Wood
arel. Loss, S12.000 ; insured for S000
Considerable of tho furni uro of these build
ings was saved. A brick building adjoining
the Minnesota house, en Third street, be
longed to Messrs. Ainslie & Phillips, used as
storehouse for sash, doors, etc. Loss, 50OOO ;
insured for ?o000. Fronting on F street were
a shop belonging to J. Robertson, contractor,
and a Chincso wash bouse. Tho Eagle hotel
was insured for 10,000 ; loss, 13,000 Louis
Permin, a saloon keeper in this building, hail
S400 insured on his stock.
It was leportid that a short, stout man,
with black beaid, rushed into Ainsliti's mill,
in order save his c'lest, and was burned to
Tho blaze was seen for imles and attracted
an immense crowd, many pople coming in
from the country around.
This same bl ck was entirely cleared off by
a fire on thu 22d of September, 1870, Nicolai
i Davidson's and Ainslie & Co.'s planing
mills, 7,-xn Bro3. '3 cooper shops and the Min
nesota house being burned at that time. The
loss at that time was estimated at 70,000,
and on this occasion it will amount to 75,000,
with an insurance of ov er 30,000.
SiIck to Your Bush.
A rich man, in answer to tho question liow
lie became so successful, reciteil the following
fctory :
I w ill tell yon how it was. One ilav when
I was a lael, a iiaityof boys anil gi Is were
going to pick blackberries. 1 wanti-il to go
v itli thein, but was afraiil father woulel not
let 1110. Vhcu 1 tolel him what wasg lingon,
lio at o&e gavo mo permission to go with
them, anil I could haretly contain myse'f, 1
lushed into the kitchen, crot a big basket, ami
asked mother fm a luncheon. I had the bas
ket on my arm ami was just so'ug out at the
gate, when my father c.illeel me bick. Ho
took my hand, and said in a very gentlo voice:
"Joseph, what nro you going to elo !"
10 picK Hemes, 1 replied.
"Tht 11, Joseph, I want to tell you one
thing. It is tins: when you find a pretty
gooil bush, do not leavo it to seek a better
on. The other boys and girls w ill run about
picking a little here and a httlo there, wasting
a gooii deal of time and getting but few
I went, and had a cipital time. Hut it was
just as ray father had said. No sooner h ul
one founil a good bunch than ho called all ths
rest, and they left their several phces, and all
ran eagerly oil" to their newly-found treasure.
Xot content more thin a minute or tw 0 in one
place, they rambled over the whole pasture,
got very tiieil, and at night had very few ber
ries. Mv father's words kept running in inv
ears, and I "stuck to my bush." when I
had done w ith one, I found another, and fin
ished that; then I took another. Whennicht
camo I had a btskct full of berries, more than
all the others put togethers, and was not half
so tired as they were. I went homo luppy.
Hut when I entered, I found nry father had
been taken ill. Ho looked at my basket full
of lino blackberries and said:
"Well done, Joseph. Was I not right when
I told you to always stick to your bush J"
He died a few days after, and I had to make
my way in tho vvo-ld as best I could. But mv
father's words smk deep into my mind, and I
never forgot tho experience of tho blackberry
party. "I stuck to mv hush "
When I had a fait Dlace and was doinir to'.
crably well, I did uot leave it and spend weeks
anil months, seeking one I thought might lw
a little better. When other 1 ounc men said:
"Como with us. and we will make a fortuno
in a few weeks," I shexik my head, and "stack
10 my uusn.
Tresently my employers oflVreil to take me
into busineas with them. I staved n ith th
old houso until the principals ditd, and then
1 nan every tiling 1 wantesl. The habit of
sticking to my business led people ta trust me,
anngaveme a character. I owo all I havw
and am to this motto; "Stick to your bush."
A pig to b suitable for roasting should be
from a month to six weeks old. After this
period the delicacy of its flavor is to a certain
extent lost.
Oregon Railway and IV.oIga
tion Company.
Between San rranrlaco nml Portland.
Leave San Francisco leave Portland
at 10 A. M. at 12 05 a. M.
op 3 J op
g ji I a a S so
if jss s S 52
o "u I 3 5 c "'&
llll..l Mch...23 Mch.,27 Mch...20 Mch..24 lch..'J3
Men. 31 Ali'l... 4 Ap'l.. 8 Ap'l... 1 Ap'l.. 6 Ap'I. I)
Ap'l 12 Ap'l.. .1(1 Ap'l .20 Ap'l.. .13 Apt.. IT Ap'l. .21
Apl .21 Ap'1...2S .May . 2 Ap'l ..2.1 Ap'l 20 MlJ . 3
Miy 15 May.. ,10 Mav 14 Ma. T May 11 Maj IS
Mav IS May.. 22 .May. 20 Ma)u.19 Ma) 2.1 Ma 27
Jlav.,30 May... .11
Khrht Is reserved to change steamers or silling ill) a
Tlirnncli TlrketseoM to all principal cities In Ho
United states anil Canada.
Faro Cahln, ?20; Sticr ige, S10 Children, 12 ) ears,
full fare; from 12 to 5, halt faic; under 1, free.
East Side Division.
O. A. C. K. Ti to Woodburn.
Portland 7.S0A.M Brownsville 3.17 T,M
Brownsville 8:30 A.M Portland 4:25 1MI
West Side Division.
via O. A. C. K. R. to Whites.
Portland 8.16AMAIrlce 4.25 P. M
Sheridan 9 55AM Sheridan 1:20 PM
Alrlee 7 00 A.M Portland 3:20 P. JI
Columbia, vVlllaincllc nml Yniulilll ltlver.
NOVEMBER 20, 1881.
Leave Portland
Wed. Tliur
Dillles, Walla
Walla, Uma
tilH and up
rlver points.
Astoria, Kala
ma, Taccma,
7 AM
7 AM
7 AM
7 AM
7 a r
6 AM
Victoria, New i
Cath'am't, Bay j
ay, BrooktVldJ
Westport, 3111-)
ton,Knappa. f
Corvnllis and1!
intermediate V
points )
0 AM
6 AM
0 AM
0 AM
6 AM
7 AM
7 AM
(1 AS!
fl A.M
For all points, on Narrow Gaue Division will be re
lelved and forwarded by the O. & C. 11, It., East ai d
West Side Divisions, respectively. t
2ciieriil Ofllccs for. Front anil I Street
Ag'ts State ol California-
Ticket agent O. It. & N. Co.
Snperintendent of Truffle.
Make Money Yourselves.
And benefit our ndebbors jh wpIK In lsn!nf?
ituiltp muiiiig itiriu 1110 ineriis 01 jour nno Dial
lions Theso may be bad by sending to
a 1.1. .: ..il acr ... .. i. v ,; .,."."
Himes The Printer
5 W'afhlngton Street, Portland, Oregon. I
lie eloflrt
All Sorts
of Printing, Bookbinding, etc., and should j-on ncod
nnytlilng in his line, from a caret with a single word
to a mammoth poster, you cannot do better than
to call upon or send to him.
LEGAL BLANKS for snlo.
Incorporated 1804.
LossesPaid Ogn nearj 1 (52,303.25
Oregon Bronch Oilice,
GEO. L. STOKY, Manager
Southeast corner of First and Stark Streets,
Opp Lruld & Tilton's Bank,
.rurtTLAND, OREGON apl
Salem Marble and Granite
Commsrcial St., South of Post Offlcu.
(Post Offleo Box 33, Salem, Oregon )
Ttr.l.N KF.tr IT It Kit
Scotch and California Oran.lt-
and Marble monument!, Head Stonti
Unclosed with California Oraultoai.il
Stone Walls built of ev cry deacrlptioi
Tires Helium! One Hall.
Corben's Fire Proof Stable
LJ and Tajlor ttrecU, Portuvnd, Oregon. Reasonable
i-haives. TartlcuUr attention paid to boanluw bone
Hacks In attendance at all trains and boats, day 11..
nUht. Connected bv all Telenhona r.omnni... U-v,.
youvome to Portland Inquire for "Corbetfs Hacks.''
-v" nuvvanu a MaiKaia.rropi
aa'J"lv,r!," wi. " worialMj tiash. lli
says tnai SurMn- tXoau m ym Jera are iiWntrlr
raireaullmratDae.. varul.le. kwlui,; en "arti y-L
mate brM lay hit Sheridan-, lion lltvw powd"i. iV
oiwteanK'urultoniwp.MIu.t. &oijtvcrw!i-e orara
Commission Merchant,
Flour, Grain, H.iy, JHH e(M
nml Fruits. '
. . AND ... . ""wl
Farm, Dairy and Orchard
J rodarc.
111'.' Front St.,
no -r. tltirr,
maj 2Ctf
I'ortlanil, Or.
Tbo Best Pony
Yet Oirorcil for the Money.
nrB?nd for Circular.
" . niciinoM), ixn.
No Shuttle to Thread!
irri... -4 -.'A x
T Xr&JJX.'.l?.
Makes tho Look Stitch!
Embroiders, Darns,
Mends, Letters,
makes Insertion.
Sews on Buttons with
out any attachment.
Xairfil,J. V Xi
Lightest running and most eluiable Machines
in the World.
Ono e.f these will Outwear any two Shuttle
Machines, and a child can manage it.
HuOjauJs who wish to save doctor's bills and
their wives' health, buy it
The lirst or nil klniN or r-illcs mill Oils
A I liny on lininl
Wliceler Wilsou Maniil'g Co.,
88 Morrison St., Portland.
CR ilGB SlIAItP, Jr., Manager
Onlers for the country tilled promptly,
AH Sorts of Merihandiso Exchanged for
Dry Ooods, Oroccrlci, Haidware, Crocker)-, Boots and
Shoes, Hats and dps.
Ev erj thin ? a Fanner w ants for sale Ev erythlnir a Far
mer r. 'sos wanted.
Corner Mnill-on mul i rM htrrrli, 1'orllnnd
Opiiosito Segman, Sablii A. Co's Airrlcultural Ware
home. oct2S-tg
For mora than n third nfnpmitnrvlltn I
I Mexican Mustang I.lulmont hnsliccn I
I KIlOWll tomtlllrmaiilt ever tha iililn.B
Blhe oulv snlo lnllniio.n rm-llin rfllnrofl
surciiiciiis nnii pain, it Is n inollcinoS
y nbovn in Ico and prulie (lis lirt of Its I
iiiiiu, r or overy ioim or external pain I
Mustantr Liniment Is without, on rmui.
It iicuetrntca Jlekli mid luuicle to
iuo levy DoiieniukliiK tlio cnnllnu-
IlllCOOf llllln mill Inll.itufillnn imndllil..
llS I'lTeClS linilll Illini'ill Vlnnh n,wl flw.
lliuto Cre-atlon uro equally wondcrrul.
T in IfiVTlAnii
Mulinent Is ncoiloil Iiv snmr.linilv In I
every house. Kvcry 'Inv btlncs news of I
me Kiu in au iiivim cn;aor lmrii
siiliilueel, of rheiiiiintlo lunrtyra ro-l
sloieil, or a valuable liorse or oil
mvcu uy iuo licullniriiowerorihU
vv hlch speedily rmes such ailments of
tin. llllll I V I'l l-li ..
Illieiimall Knelling., SUIT
uu...., , uuii-HGicii iiiusciea, Asurn.
una Sealdi, Cuts, Uruiae. and
Sprains, 1'oliououa llltea and
MIliK. btimiess, Lnmeucaa, Old
rjifrr., DlCtr., 1' rOllUIICI, t IllllllUlllI.
Sore IWpiiles, Caked llrca.t, and
ludeed ever,- form at cxteruul dls-
' nean vvllliout icon,
lor the BiiUTi; Ciiuatiom it cures
Npialm, Kvrliiiiy, Sllft Joints,
rounder, Ilnrut.i Notes, Hoof BK
iiin.Footllol, SneivWoiiu, Scab,
Hollow Horn, Srratclir., Wind
galls, Spin In, Tbruab. ltlngbone,
Old Sorrs, Poll KvU, Tllin upon
tile ftlsllt and anrr ullici- ailment
lo which tne oceupaiifs of tho
M.ible and btoek Vard are liable.
The Mexican Slustanir liniment
nlnays cures and novcr disappoints;
uuii ii ia, pobiiivoiy,
I the best
DEUCf JUIO For soldiers.
rCnOlUnO vUoti, UUt, vuhmt or
ctuldrcat. Thauttndj jit entitlvi. rsiii4 (irtm
frloMr tacer, t, ty or ruptort.TuicM
, i-inl or or aa !Mc. Thoniud ofpniioB
rn nd irlilfri tMitl4 U INCltKAhE mA
11UIJMTV. i'ATt-NTS j.rocurl for jnTnt
cra. 8aUitrt land wrrnij proenroi. tubi
aud 6(4. otditrf tnd hlr irr'f " 7v
rl.htsalnaaa Kanrl t Stimni fur PcBIIH aVBB
liouBirUvi, UtLkitod iaitnetlofts. Feci 4it4
lyUw, WocreftMtfaoujiBdiof Paintr
aadCli.aU, ASirtu E. H.CelSton & COn
J 1
i i ft