H . I.,..1.,',: ', , :: t-r, i mnn ,?rg,rasgi in iw jii m I I ! I ' I 8 I Wmmm .r WILLAMETTE FARMER: PORTLAKD, OREGON, MAY 20, 1882. fit I J S ' i f ! Commercial, ' MARKET REPORT. Hone ricoiii't'i: makkkt. The following represent wholesale rate, -from producers or first hands t FLOUR. Id jolbing lots standard brands, 4.765.00s best country lrands,$4.2.r)S4.7o. WHEAT Valley Jl.03Jal.70; Walk Walla, f 1,(10 for new crop; 57 to CO cents net to farmer a bushel at Walla Walla and near nnfnta. OAT8. White.DSuGOc; weakerfor good feed If bushel. ONIONS. lljc. POTATOES. -GO75o per bushel. 4IDDLINGS. Jobbing, for feed, $23.00 (.00 V ton. Shorts, SlbW-iU. Uhop, a.W M0.00 ti ton. BRAN Jobbine at SlbViSW) per ton. JJACON Sides H15 cts; Hams, country eared, 14 lGcj city cured, 1018cj Shouldors, 10iic liAED In kegs, 10c; Oregon leaf, tins, I6o; do in pails, 15110c. BUTTER We quote, extra fresh roll, 27J; fair to pood, 22J cj common, IGlGc; la kegs, 20&22c. VHIUjU eliuixa, Apples, sun uncu quar tered. 67c; sliced, 7&8c; machine dried, PalOcj Pears, machine machine dried, 9al0c; Flams, nn dried, ditto, 12ilfc. POULTRY. Chickens, full grown, $3.00. EGGS. Near by frrsh laid, 18c. HOGS. Dressed, 77Jc. BEEP. Live weight, HJc for choice. BHEEP. Live weight, 3&4c. WOOL. Easte-n Oregon, 20i2jc; Wil lamette Valley, none; Uninqiia, none. HIDES. Butchers' hides, dry, 1510c; country cured, dry, 15c; culs A oil", grecu hides, salted,. 7ia8Jc; country ditto, 74a8lo; deerskins, dry, :40c V luj it i sheep pelts each lBal.OO; dry elk, 20e per lb. TALLOW- Quotable at GJ(Jc. per lb. HAY 812rtl.'l per ton and scarce. SEEDS I). J. Malarkcy & Co. give us tho following as their prices : Onion sets 2f30 ct per lb; Timothy Seed, 08 cts per lb; Al falfa Seed, 17(3)18 eti per lb; Orchard Grass, M30 cts per lb; Red Clover Seed, 1718 to per Ibj White Cloycr Sued, 40G0 eta per Jbj Alseke Clover Seed, 4045 cts. OENCKAL .IIKIM'II IMII8E. RICE. China, No. 1, 6c; China No. 2 Hot Japan, 7c; Sandwich Islands, 7"4o. TEAS. Japan,40fiO65c; Black, 4u75o; Oreen. 65fflS0o. " COFFEE CostaRiea 13lfic; Java,2830. dUGARS. Crushed A lie; Fine Crushed, 18e; Cube, 13c; Extra O, lljc; Golden C, lie) Sandwich Islands, No. 1, 10c. SYRUP. Five gallons 85c, CANDLES 13lfic RAISINS. California, $3.25$2.7S tf25 n 1)01. SOAPS. Good, 75c1.7G. OILS. Ordinary brands of ccal, 25c; high grades, Downe & Co., 37Jc; Roiled Linseed, '-j ditto Raw, 77cj ilmou oil, 40c; Turpen tine, 70o Pure Lard, i 10; Castor, $1.25 1.40. HALT. Stock, bay, 1U f ton; Uarmcl at 1825o for extra choice, although we doubt if 23c could be obtained now. Poultry, as will bo seen by our price? cur rent, are held in better favor and ore quotable at .?t 60S$3 per docn. The demand for chickens increases, and Mill continue to be a good saleable product. Wo might state lhat meats in general have advanced, and that n .ultrv is only kecoinc pace with them. Potatoes aru being shipped freely, atid are . l .1 1 - : ,;n?,.. ,. l....l.1 in tnm ueiimiiil ui jitun uuufvu jm:i .msut;.. The San Francisco market on May 23d was SI 85(oSl 00 for Garnet Chili and SI 50 for infer.or Utah potatoes. The new crop ranges irom $z otg,c- oj. unr mantel is supimeu by California. GOLD AND STOCK COMPANY'S REPORTS. Island, 812; Coarse Liverpool, ?15; Finn quan IT, 114; Aslitou a dairy, ilitto, JWO. YEAST POWDERS. Donnelly, S2 doz; Preston & Merrill, $2.25 Ifdoa!.; COMMERCIAL. TmmsiiAV, May 25, 18S2. The weather during the past week has boon very genial, and not too warm. In conver sation with parties from various sections of tho State wo find that crop prospects aro very favorable notwithstanding tho lato sowing and backward spring. Tho whole Pacific coast promises a lingo surplus. Seeding is still in jiwgrois in Eastern Oregon, Tho only poor o itlook wo hi iif of i'b on wet lauds, but tliosu own to oats will do well. Wo aro at present diifting between two jejeons, or r.ither riding lazily at nnchor wilting the lirecro that will bo created by tho coming harvest and tho nrrital of tho fleet. The vessels now in port aio like tho email boy waiting to sco tho tent pulled down after tho ciicus is over. Tho sport has lied and dullness takes its place. Tho James Duncan, liritish ship of 000 tons, arrived in during tho w ewk from Santos, S. A., and is Awaiting orders at Astoiia. Several Missels re ready for sea, and are awaiting sailors and A fair wind, Our own port wears a mora do sorted appcaranco than it has dono for many months, tlitro being scarcely half a dozen veiiols at our docks. Tho outlook for tho coming season is cood, both for abundant onnage and abundant Inn cats. The C til forma aspect indicates a surplut of tonuago flllcli cap easily bo availed. Charteis are """ dull, with two, and possibly three vessels seeking. No tmnsactions have taken plaeo lince taking tho Adolph Obrig by Sibsou, Church & Co , terms private. A number of vessels will bo required to carry aw ay tho ealmon prodtiut, and it is likely those at hand tvill bo taken to carry mixed cargoes of wheat, flour and salmon, the sama as tho jLaagrlgg Hall and Wauloek now loading at .Astoria, Thn tounage on the way to this port is 38,711 tons. The wool iisaikct is at a stand. Tho latest dispatches fiom San Francisco say that seller re obliged to make largo concessions in favor pi buyers. Our latest advices say that couces (Ions of 2c per pound are demanded by buyers nd sellers refuse to accede. The fact that ur San Francisco market is at loggerheads )M had a slight tendency to dull our mar ket, but auch conoessious aa of 2o per pound re not demanded here. This attempt to bear the market will probably not last long and WO hope to next week record a happy issue out of this t ite of affairs. We hear of some few sales, but they weio mostly of medium nd low grade. The prices ranged from atout 01) to 25o per pound. Extra cboico rlean wool tell at 2Ut and the San Francisco mar kit will bear this out. Our wool grower are to be congratulattd on tho good price ruling. Were it not fur the slight indisposition in S.m franciico wo would have an active market jiere. Receipt aro on the incu-ase, and will continue to arrivo freer for tome time yet. The lucal inirket are nominal. Early gar den truck goes olT will. There arc but slight arrival, flutter is absolutely a drug, and tale dull San Francisco Markets. ' San Fkakcisco, May 21. Wheat No. 1 white wheat, SI 70 asked spot and July, SI 03 bid July, SI 70 October. Salo on call were 75 tona No. 1 white, SI 70, Stockton deliver ; 100 tons do.,$l 70, August. liarley No. 1 feed, $1 70Bpot, SI 73 j asked, Sales mode at $1 31 November; No. 2 feed sold at $1 20 September and October; No. 2 chtvalicr SI 05 spot. Oats Tho market is quiet but firm; quota tions unchanged. Flour Market is ciuict: California country grades extras S 60(2,1 76 wholesale. Ryo-No. 1, S2 374 ""keel May; No. 2 sold SI 7 IJ September. Gram Jiigs Calcutta1;, tfa DO a'iked June 1st. Mirkct is dull with next to nothing do-i. 1'otatoe liarnct Unlia 51 70(jl UU. Stocks aro small in lirnt hands; K.uly Rose, ncv in boxes, sold to-day at S- 23S.S2 S7J; poor Utah ollering at SI 60. Salmon Columbia river, SI 45 asked spot; Sacramento river brai.dsSI 35. The run on the Sacramento is light. Eggi Market is not materially changed, yet u nliLtnt tendency in teller's favor is noted. Eastel ii choico by express 22 Jc. CHAKTKHEll. Re-chartered, to Cork for ordeis U. K Br. ship Thomas Stephens, 1,550 tons, 55s. CHICAGO MARKET. Chicago, May 24. Wheat SI 2fiJ, June. Pork S10 571, June. L,anl Stl 40, June. NEW YORK MAKKFTS. Nkw York, May 24. Wheat and flour steady, prices nuchanged. BEEROOHM'm ENGLISH REPORTS. London, May 24. Floating cargoes Dull. Cargoes on passage Rather easier. Mark Lane market quite of a holiday char acter. Arrivals off Coast Wheat moderate. Number of cargoes on sale oil coast Be tween '0 and 25. English country markets Steady. French country markets Firm. Imports of wheat into tho U. K. past week, 125,000 quarters. Imports of flour into the U. K. past week 50,000 barrels. Weather Showery. Liverpool spot markot Quiet but steady. Railroad Accidents. Six flat cars of the west bound train on tho N. P. R. R., loaded with lumber, were piled up on the track two miles eat r.f Spokan Falls on Monday lat. W. E Yancey, a brakeman, was probably fatally injured. On Siturday, John Ridge- wood, foreman of an iron irani; at Sand Point, was run over by an engine and a car an-l so badly injure that bo died six honrs after. Marrifd. Yesterday, on the 18th inst., at the residence of the hrnles parents, three miles west of Amora, Mr. William Kraus and Miss Clara Ehlen, both of Aurora. In tho evening the young fi Iks enjoyed themselves splendidly in their usual dance, common hero on such occasions, and, in the morning, wended their way homeward joy fully. The fnends'of the bride and groom and they are numerous wish that William and his wife may be abundantly blessed in the martial relation, prospered in worldly mat ters, and after a long and well spent life may they be so happy as to pass through the pear ly gates into the Celestial City. M. AunoiiA, May 19, 1882. The Common Sense fruit drier, which is advertised in this issue, is one of real merit, and wo have watched its workiug during the past year. It would be to the interest of all fruit men to call on or address tho agent. See the notice in our advertising columns. Wk have a number of new ads. this week which would pay for perusal. Pldmmer'm. Ague Remedy is a pleisant cure, and dots its work cllectually. Why try nostrums whose only qualifications sLem to be the horrid taste there is in them. NEW COMMISSION IIOUsE. S-GOLDKAWaOC, Commission Merchants. DEALERS in Efouv, Feed, Provisions, Green and Dried Fruits. rlOXSIONMENTS SOLICITED AND CASH PAID I for Butter, Erss, and Checae. Alliances maalo on firaln. Moot, Flour anil llop. 123 Trent SI., One door Mouth Washington. nnjltttf. GEORGE IIEKREN. WILLARD IIERREN. HERREN BROS., Commission Merchants, CONSIGNMENTS OF Wool, Grain, Flour, and all kinds of Oregon & California Produce Solicited. Importers and Jobbers in f"1 IIAI.N', WOOL, mid FLO! II IIAlig, fleece J , mill hcMlliK 'Inlne. Co 1 1 on ItcllliiK, Ilumiuock, oil ctulhliiK, tenia, l.lr. "Particular attention paid to buin? Farmers' supplies on order. Consignments and correspondence solicited. Liberal cash adi anccs made on consignments. . Ii. Corner North Front unit II. Mtrecl, ap!4 PORTLAND, OREGON, NEW THIS WEEK. i. mm & go. Elsewhere wo advertise Air. Jackson's notice of his work on dyeing. We have ex amined some samples of Mswcrk and are favorably impressed with them. See advertisement. Household Machines. Boston Wool Market Tlieso machines for the household may bo found cheap for cash ut Garrison's, on Third street. He has twelve diflerent kinds of sew ing machines, and it would be a difficult per son who could not be suited at his emporium. NEW EVERY WEEK. FRAZER, SPERRY & CO., 107 .Vii'th Front Ml., l'orlland, Oregon. Wool Commission Merchants, Hales niado in'Portland or San Francisco. LII1EUAL CASH ADVANCES MADE ON CON sliilnents. Ten iter cmt, interest charged on all advances. Italu of commission ij per cent. IIalnhad long experience In wool throwing, and our Interests being identical nlth the intcrc&t ot wool grow crs at lare w e leel justified lit guaranteeing satis faction to those who fatorusuith their consignments, JACOll FRAZER, J. L. 8PE11RV, K. G. THOMl'aON, JERRY UARNHART. rprlCin Huston, Hay 23. The market for wool remains quiet and steady. Tho high prices asked lor the new wool make holders Uhh anxious to dispose of their i'ld stock nud all desirablo XXX fleeces aro now firm. California wool is quiet, but w en tho new begining to arrive moro freely n moro active movement is looked tor. Pulled wools nro in fair de mand, choice Eastern and Maine supers sell-i- g at -1548c, common and good ,'IO('4()Ju. In foreign no. cliango has been made further. Sales ot Australia and Montevideo aro at steady prices. IN MEMOBIAM. In memory of Sister Florence Phillips Hays, wife of brother J. It. Hays, ,howas born in W.iukcgiu, III., July 25, 18."4, and died nt tho family residence near Oswego, Clackamas county, Ortgon, Aptii M, 188''. Shu w.is a beloved member of Oswego liiaimo Xo. 17f at tho time of her death. K.uly in lifo she, with her parents, moved to Tecum Hah, Nebraska, where tho was mairied to her now bci caved husband. The. tenth aiinhcisary nf tlu ir marriage was oclebrated inn very plo.it.ant mid interesting manlier last Novem ber. When 10 years ot ngo she muted with too niritiii!iu iviiurcu, wun wiiku sue re' inaincd in full fellowship until coming to OriL'on. six veam since, but hud no oiijov t unity of iigiiu uniting with tho church ol her clioieu. Miu sultereit witli lieait uiscabe, nt intervals, for two years, and made prepara tion for the great expected change with dim ness and resignation. She was n devoted wife and mother, thoughtful of her obligatious mid anxious to fulfil them, and Whkhkas, We, her brothers anil sisters, deeply feeling the loss u havo sustained, wish to oiler a tribute of respect to our worthy sister, therefore bu it Hetotml, That, although our hearts aro tilltd with sorrow, we aro consoled with tho thought that when she laid asido her regalia hero, she was prepared to put on the shining robes and receive the passwoul of the Gieat Grange above, where, with tho Heavenly Master, she awaits our coming, and IttKotivit, That we should emulate her vir tues and, like lit r, prep ur to meet tho Palo Messenger, with faith that all will be well, A'fwivii, That wo deeply sympathize with ltrother Hays and his children, who have lost their dearest, earthly friend, ami others made sad by this Miction, and hope they will look to Hun who is ready to comfort those who mourn. Jittolrdl, That our charter bo draped in mourning for thirty days. Jittolvtit, That a copy of there resolutions be presented to the family of the deceased, and they be spread upon our minutes, ami that copies be sent to the Willamlttk Farm kk, Full CVyand AWrrjirfor, with re quest to publish. Mrs. S. I,. Hays, Mrs. C. K Shivlkv, Miss L. U. Hk.nrv, Committee. Oregon Kidney Tea. From tho multitude of certificates received from well known citizens who have been ben efitted by tlie ute ot this remedy, tho proprie tors, Messrs. Hodge, Davis & Co., have con tracted to publisn two new ones each week for the year ending April 1, 1883, that all our readers may see toe great benefits it has con feired ou tlie utllicteu. Harrimicru, Or., Dec. 31, 1879. Somo three months ago I was attacktd with a'i severe pain in my baeis. X bouutit a pack age ot the Oregon Kidney Tea, and by the tune 1 had used one-halt ot it was entirely re lieved and luvti not been troubled since. I cheerfully lecomniend it to all who mav be sutleriuu from n lame or weak back, as a pleas ant, sate and good remedy. JJ. J, Guiosbv. Portland, Or.. Jan. 12. 188J. Having a scvue Ciaukache last summer, 1 tried the Ontiios Km.s'EV Tea 1 used one can, which ellecleit a radical cure. I wouU iLComiucud it to uil who ale alllicted as an uiitailiug umedy. Junes Acii. 1'ORTHM), Or., Feb. 3. 1880. Having sulleicd lor yeais with paius in my back, 1 tiled Ojttoo.v Kid.nlv iha, and toutid immediate reliet and a peimaueut cure. 1 heartily lecoiiiiuend it to all ultlicted iu liko inauuti. Mrs L. Corn. STURGES, LARSEN & CO., No. 34 Front Street, Portland, Oregon, Shipping & Commission Merchants. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CONSIGN mentH of WOOL, Hides, TnlloM, raiii,aml other Country Produce. Liberal advances made on cDnsIgnmtnts. Our weeKiy prices current mailed tree upon application. Harvesting Machinery. Nos. S04 and SOS Front Street, Portland, Oregon. Agents in all the Principal Towns of Oregon and Washington Territory and Western Idaho. FACTORY AT AUBURN, 3fBW YORK. WE OFFER EOR THE HARVEST OF lSS2TIln MOST COMPLETE AND LATEST IMPROVED MACIIIK cry ot any house on the Pacific Coast. Onr Combined Twine and Wire Self Binding Harvester, for 1882, la not only tho the most perfect machine offered to the Farmers of Oregon, but It Is tho cheapest, as It places the Farmer tn an Independent position enabling- him to use either TWINE OH WIKE, whichever mat be the cheapest. Tn o complete Binding attachments furnished Ith each machine. Our No. 6 Combined Reaper and Mower, lias no equal as a Combined Machine. Our No. 3 Independent Reaper, Cuts 5 Eeet, Is light, durable and easily operated, none equal It as an Independent IE caper. Our No. 8 Independent Reaper, In tho same on tho Xo. 3' except In vt tilth ot cut, which Is oiiljMJ fcct.lt U light, cheap and juatthe thing for small farmers. Our No. 1 Mower, Is Front Cut, 4 feet and 3 inches In width and U so well known that It needs no praise. Our No. 5 is Rear Cut. Cuts Four feet and three Inch swarth and tho faorito. Our No. 2 is Front Cut, Cuts Four feet and three Inch swath, and U our latest Improved machine. One hundred was sold n Oregon last year, all giving perfect satisfaction. No other mower In Oicgon has met v. Ith equal success. tSTYi'c hae a large stock of both Wire and Tlno which wltl be sold at market rates. Our stock of Extras Is complete and we are prepared to furniih duplicate parts to any OSRORNE machine sold in our Territory, and at our publlihed list price, which is 25 i.r cent. Ion tr than any othir house on the Pacific Coast. Thanking our friends for their generous patronage in tho past, no Imlto their future attention. D. M. OSBORNE & CO., 2rSend for Circulars and Price-List. GEO. COHN. GENERAL Commission. Merchant. WHOLESALE DEALEIt IN Flour, Feed, Provisions, and Staple Groceries. C CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED, PRODUCERS WILL t further their interests by corresponding ith me. Letters of Inquiry promptly answered. laXIIIKUAL ADVANCES MADE ON APPROVED SHIPMENTS OF GRAIN, WOOD, FLOUR. HOPS HIDES, ETC., ETC. pritf 130 Front Nf reel, bet Morrison and Yamhill. SUCCE88ORS TO HAWLEY, DODD & CO., Front, First and Vine Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON? lMl'OKTEllS OF 4 IHL&.i3iD-7-.i3E, Iiaonsr .isrr) S: AND FARiya MACHINERY. We aro Sno Agents for the following Celebrated Implements : BXJOKEYB MOWER JHTID E.B-A.FER-. p t- j - IT Arlsona Antiquities. Soventvfive miles truin Pirseott. in thn vi. cinity of McDowell, hat l.een iliscovcreil a I arte mound, two hundred hv two humlml ami fifty feet in aire, witli walls of stone, two feet thick surraumliin. Within, ami ilown tn a ileritli nf ten feet, has been found stue tin. plemt-nts of all descriptions; alto utensils of a peculiar material, (wuitei! on the inside with Kgyntinu characters, ornaments of shell, nee dles of bones, and, in fact, a p.i tfect museum of relics ot the stone aso and of a race now ex tinct. Ther were, al.o toiulw, throe tiers dieii, and underneath citterns of water. TUe walla are made nf rocks, found six miles fiom (lie mound N"' ar the ijuanv aro fi mid iv.iut hips of U'nsts of butden, including rrprrseiita uvea oi me raiuri, ami a very large animal ro. seuming i ne uiasiotion; alio 1 NEW THIS WEEK. DR. PLUsVUVsER'S PLEASANT and HARMLESS AGUE11EMEDY hu tncUitiuo th,ii has been piejutuu b the iKH'tor ut A 1 ban, uuifoii, lor tho It tivo jurs, iwuitrmsiu inertiu ua u bt'i:t!.t una bUltti CljUK lu plc.is.int UisLu til ul tho iiauuiaiiiuiuio of ii iu 'iLtlk'nUiriiitixl a Uiku Utnuiip wlicrotvr Kiiuwu. biiKO Uiu rcuioul ot the tit at to t'urtUnd they liaxj btcn urt'ttl to Uce t.iu rutied) ujmjii naly tliroutfbout the-bUku ttud lmu cumimkU to Uu io. ll tats bo obtuuwd twin our lotul ileal trii hi Urus unil Mcuiciucti, mid it nut will bu Hulltfd uircct. Price : 75 Cents per Bottle. C'.A.ruJUiiu a co., sie .iiuuumnurrn.. oiyotf l'ortland, Ortou, COMMON SENSE FRUIT DRIER, J. B. KNAPP & CO., Commission Merchants AND PUCHASING AGENTS, Jtit First Hlieel, I'orlluiKl, Oregon. Reccli e and sell the product of tlie farm on com mission, purchase and forward goods and farm imple mints on tlie moot rea&onable terms. We liae made special and extensh e preparations for handling the products of the dairy to which Me Invite the attention and inspection of all dairymen in Oregon and Washington. u III receive and pack your sur plus butter in the mont superior manner for less than it will cost jou at homo; and store it for Blx months or longer without extra charge for storage, bend us your butter sweet and sound, flush from the churn and we w ill guarantee to pack it ill such a manner as to deliver it mouths hmco in equally as good condition as we reah e it. Recognizing the principle that Fidelity to trust is the true measure and merit of success, I respectfully so licit our patronage. All orders accompanied with the cash will be prompt ly tilled and forwarded at lowest market rates. Give us a call when you come to tow n. end us your orders and sat o your tluio and traveling expenses, for wo can buy cheaper than oucau. In nuking orders specify particularly the kind and quality desired, and keep a duplicate, that you may be able to determine whether jour directions were strictly followed In taso jou are disappointed in quality or otherwise. J. , KNAI'l- .V CO., i . i. uua t.oi, Portland, "m BUCKEYK OX THE ROAD. BUCKEYE KEAPEIt. These machines aie too well known to need comment. Thousands of farmers hero have used them, and all speak of them witli praise. They are In every way the ne plus ultra of Harvesting Machines. We are also Solo A;eiits of the (I'stented by V, U. Krauts.) Is the onl) one that will pay farmers and fruit growers to uu) us it dries MORE t-llUl! tn LKsa 'UMK and Willi l.hst KL'EL AMU OME-HALf' Tltb ORK, than any other one lu the market. iirll Uriol 13,610 I'ouuds of I'rune. null lluiu In iu.LiLUal, nllu ill nurlh ur uul mill One .Hull's Labor. for terms address ; U. Wm. DILG., Agent, ui)tl hi Kruut street, rear ltauoa's iud atore. F. H. PAGE, Commission Merchant AND UKALKK IN Flour, 4.raiii, Hay, Mill Feed, and trulls. STAPLE GROCERIES, A.NU Farm; Dairy ami Orchard . Produce. 131 1'ruul HI., Meur AlUrr, fsrllaBd, or. w)i0U seerjl unknown tifinvj. Tlie Iwiira in tin toiutu were ivsrtial- lv ilesttvjed ly fin', aud the walls slioned dislurbaiiio 1- uihraal. Important Notice to Farmers, Sheep & Goat Raisers. I WILL BUND "PKOKESSOll lTOSES' I'HINTED psmphlet guliur full luttiucUoiis how ewry farm er can uiaVe fruui 1 to slU ou each skiu, cither sheep or (oat, If lollow in- this pmess. ou can tan and dye any tolor or hd snu tli. cost is sir) trifling. Any t.),uian or giil u do this butintss. tIicm) gueds are retailing i Irviu ! to f 10 lu ban ancisca and Portia udslort. Otrw0 books sold lu ban ran cluv. Kury tarnur should Ue cue furhlsvwnurt. PltlfE, s- AdJrtM: J. Ii. JACKBOX, 1'a.lllc House, ecr.Sd & A U., tVrtlaud, Or. E. O. SMITH, I. J. M ALAUKEY A CO., GENERAL Commission Merchants WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Provisions und Stuple Groceries. COKSIONMENTS SOLICITED. PllODUCEUS WIL turthir their interests by corresponding with u Letters st Inquiry promptly answered. Weekly prie current mailed free on application, 43TL1BE11AL ADVANCES MADE ON APPROVE! SHIPMENTS OF GRAIN, WOOL, FLOUR, HOPS, HIDES, ETC., ETC. 8, 10 anil 13 Front St., I'orllanil, Osn. CHRISTY & WISE, Agents for Wool Growers. Commission Merchants for the Sale of Wool WOOL Bsura, Twlnr, Dips, and all stanrb gap. piles t'Hrnlshrtl t'uslamrrs at Law rsl Hales. Liberal Advances Made on Consignments s AN FRANCISCO OFFICE; 607 Front Street Ut isvvuu Mm iTtciuc. loruana; st front btreet, nirchl2u.3 HERREN & FARRAR. WOOL BUYERS AND Commission Merchants. . W ill buy Valley Wools as heretofore at Salem, and bar sn offlc at No. It), North Front btreet, Portland, where they will attend to consignments of Eastern ooL Ccjulgnmeuts and correspondence solicited. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES MADE ON CON. SIUNUENTS. yilaing full too!eJj of the business, based on many yiars csiHrience, are prepared to hanjle aool to best sdantago. sprllmS OFFICE: No. l7 rl Street, U'ic.a J!o Jrlwn sad Yamhill, Portland, Orrgoj ids DR8. A. a s Z. B. NICHOLS, Homeopathic Physicians and Surgeons. Room tt co, and Cnloa Blotk, Portland, Or. SPECIALTIES ; Dr. Z. It N, DUeaies of Wouien. Dr, A. 8, N. Diseases of E), Ear, and Throat. 1VL ..'.'''TMANsco lfsil,m"-"mh (' ir)S4". B1 TiS-.eijIi2Jii fi &&?w-.-e- :2iS:- rsS2&&???& V A LW -S3-39EaS3Ps THE BXJCEEElfE TIITIEJE SELF-BINDER. The Buckeye Binder m.j.e Its llist appe.iranee in 1S81. It Is a combination ot the Buckeye Harvester and the Appleby Twine Binder and comulnei all that Is excellent and worthy In the many Hinders tint seek a sliari' of the public patronage. It lias been thoroughly tested in our own harvest flelils. und many Improvements have been mlrtpd for 18S2, and an now offered, It Is beyond question the Ikji. Sclf-llliullw llarvcutcr fni the world. We are also Sole Agents for the CANTON PITT THRESHER. MONITOR UPRIOHT FARM JENQINE, Haines Genuine Headers, iehuttter Farm Wagons, John Deere Moline Plows. t&" Send for Special Circulars and 1'rtce Zist. a. a. a Co., Sttrto, SEYMOUR, SABIN & CO., Manufacturers of and Dealers In the Latest Improved Farm Machinery. MADISON STREET, (from Frost to First), POKTLAND, OREGON. be found on We have the Best Selected Stock that can the Coast, among which are tlie MINNESOTA CHIEF THRESHER Which has NO EQUAL for the quantity and quality of its work. TUE ELWAItD EQUALIZING HORSE POWER. U is simply Light and Strong-, and eomhlnes all of the good points found In other poaers to s greater decree than In any other made. The Stillwater and Minnesota Ciaut Engines. Unsurpassed In Simplicity, Strength and Economy.. The Randolph Header, The Simplest, Lightest draft and most perfect work ing Header made. The StandardSeir-RakeReaper, Stands without a rival for simplicity, and durability. The Standard Light Mower, ay it Its a perfect beauty both tn looks and the uuv ii. ura The Iron King Six Foot ri Mower, It Is rUhtl-namJ,Ifs the Monarch of the Hay Held. TheVictorSeirDuinpSulkyRake Most perfect self discharging sulky rake made. TheStar naudDumpSulkyRake It's the King of hand dump rakes. The Xew Buckeye Grain Drill aud Broadcast Seeder, These are the most completo and best made machines in the market. Tlie Celebrated Morrison Plow, pioas ever They sre without question the finest siuia into sou. The Whitewater and Ketchuni Wagons, . Are unequalled In tills or any other market. KfflSil . lnd M U5 nd i( yu come, send for one of E. W. AI.LEN, all wanting our price Kasager. Ax. j -M- ,UaJ -lifc-.L- , ,i.'Vja,aJ;'jisif.aw.-.sH. .fSi ,a.;m ,'.'i. vi tAMgg-Jlg. '-tfefHaiiLfaAs. .dsrj! t 4