1 i M v Etl , :a .,. X ,1 J 1 1 ir ir ' 1 !' i. K ! V ;, J i IN , l-l 8 I h. i i i' I I t l Hi 8 Ji. u ,. J IV : -Til E 1 E 11 Mi ! 1 . iuTTPlCSi mmimmmix rue t -" nvr issued every Week by the wiaamette faimif.r lanusnisc to TERMS OF SUBSCUItTIOh. One year, (Postago paid) In advance t 2.60 Six months, (Postage paid), In advance l. I.i than six months will bo. per month 25 ADVEU1ISINO HATES : A Ivcrttsemeiils w 111 lo uwrtod, providing tn are ...,,. ...eii,!., ttt 4hA fallowing- table of rates : One Inch of arme per month 2 W Xline Inches of space per month 6 00 Oinhalf iclumn ir month IB 00 On eo'umi. I er mo illi 30 00 !f$ Sliupls copies .cut free on application I u'jllcatlon Office- No. 6 Washl ijton btrict. Up talis, rooms o. 6 Mid fJ TELEGRAPHIC NEWS? Is n lii'iillilnlr. Pav Francisco. Mav 17. Georfjo Hearst publishes ft mnl in the JJntinintrthi morning tonnally aiiiiotineiiij, i.iuiseu is a cainn.m-.u fur pnvornor on tliu Deinociatic tick t. Ho lntunatm that the omaliaclowint; issue will bo the Chlm ai tiui-Nliou, on which Ins posi tion is pronounced lie promises, if nomi-nati-il. tn ni! ovcrv honorable effort to win the fight, onl if elected to ilischargo tho ilutlos ol tliU oinco in mo interest ui enu pcu plf. i uiptlnn viluiiiloii. Cairo, May 17. The Khcdivu ha1? been ail vised by the Hnplu-h and French consuls lo pinion tlm ministry, who Iiave thrown them selves at his feet. Tho 1'nglish consul has is sunl a proclamation declaim (bat tho pres ence of tbo Aiirrlo-IVf ncli fleet is puicly ami cable, and that no occupation will tiku place if ncgjditioiM with tl c Egyptian govt rumen t are succe'slul. Tln nttituilu of tlieaimy is still dcubtful. Cair, it is ilcchicd on high authority. i not a lit i laoo for women. '1 ho wholo coinitt , ixtei tiny tho army, is loyal to the Khedive, Proper Place for Thrill. Agent Lici.cllyn telegraphs the Commie fcioncr of Indian Allans : In view of tho fail lira of Congres to in iko appropriations for Kubitsting tho Mcscalero Apaches, and in view of tho fart that tho beef mid Hour on baud will only list until July 1st, and tint tlicso (minus luva no moans of subsisting them selves, it seems to mo it will bo ood policy to transfer them to tlu war deiiaitmeiit, who slioirld tftko charge ot them before staivalinn compels them to commit depredations, which naturally tends to great loss of lift) and dt. struction of property. As soon as supplies are cut off tho imhtaiy will bo compelled to act; thercfoio I deem it advisable for the troops totaki'charcoof tho Mcscalero Apnchcs at onoo. Nothing Bhort of forco will compel tliclh to n main on the reservation and starve. Tho action of Uonurcss on this matter simply means Miec.ilero's extermination, l-nrstc l.xp.Mltlnn. Nurkmiihhi, May 17. The Itavanan Agn c iltnral, lnilustnal and Art ixlnh tun is tliu largest oxlilbitinn that hiscvii heiulield in (icrminy. Them arc upward of .')C0 exhib itors, icprcsmtim.' trade and industry, with interesting cihihitsoPraw products, luiti rials partially m inufnctiircd, proecsses foiarttc storatioui, pun Is, and other decorations ol gieat beautj, ai ticks of tr.ido machinery and general woiks of art. 'lhu pr!.sin which the exposition is held are tho finest tint I haeocr known to bu sebctod for such a purposo, having un area uf 120,000 sijiiaic ineties. 'Ilu'roaio 1'iur buildings coitaiuing art, eommi'icial, inech.iiiie il ami agricultural exhibits. Tho luililniL' duotid to imluatrj has a spicuot ahmit II 1,000 tiinro meticH The catilnue, which cuiitaius a number of splendid wicntiliu ile-Ncnptious. is also an in dustnil cue) clop ilia of tho highest seiontilic x.iluc, llir lurr. IiUIhmiii, May 17. Weather is line, at tendance 1 iiv,o nml belting heay. First l ico -IioniHVillo ladies' slal.e, fir 2 year old lillus, J-milu. Cbpsuttiwonhy three bnigthii I'.llt 2d, Oiango Hlo3om ill, Vela t. Tune, 1 OS J. Hutting 10 to 1 iigtmst the winner. Second i ice Alexiiutii slakes foi 2f.ir old Colts, til o furlon.-s. I'uuster 1st, Aiccn dor 2.1, it n lhold. r il 1. Tune, I OilJ Thud rice l)iou stakes foi all ues, mile and u mxlteiith. l'ools- llindiio ?J.r)0, CliiokniitnSlitO, rdloplj SI20. l'leld 30, Won by Clncknute. Iliudoi2d lVllonplu ild. Ihho, 1 Till), liest on liuoid. Kouitli I ico Soiling purse-, uiilu heats. exn.t, fmfeiiuio should not Iw dechie-d, is peciully if tint loiil when eompU'U.l liu of lireat p'lbbo alueand utility. The sulicouiinutco elmgcd with exmnma tion of tlm I'aeillo railioul hud grants Ins been iKpiistxl by tliu full roiniiiitteo to liMleii piiipar.ition of their leport. Propixril Muirli Ucut J. . I'o'rill, who goo to tho rebel of tho signal senile at Tomt Haiiow, wi'l loa lioio about tliu '-.")th fin San rrainioi Ho bopts to n'ouro tliu ke'luwuci (.olden i'lceev, tlm simo bo it in which Ucut. 1U went out List ar, and eho is .ili.Ust at g -oil as a teaiuor. lie i he iixiiittoMi.! fiir tint lUy a i.t his pait) did not t.ik.i sulheie'iit food with them. llod.i'J not exptot to cet back before nU D.eeinl.ir, and m.i) iuu to mako part ol his trip lAcrlaud and ivnuiu tluio all Winter. Ho will bo aciomruiuul by a ir Koaut and four iiilieteil nun of tho siinl corps. Srrlnu lirxr New Youk, May IS. -I'l-caideiit Uiwumti ol (ho nloek lixoluugo will ollicially auiiiiuuu (Ico. 11. Kennedy aud Win. Hutcluusoi to appeir Ixfoi the government of thuvxchaiigo taauswn giavti charts whkh ho formally prcfenuil, atn apeci.il "muting of tho govern mi calttil for Mas ilut. henarranceuuiiU wero ina.lo for tho famous it, Jew comer Ut year, John It, Dull of lItou cavo his tuiai ueti t-i Kenuoly 1 llutchiiuou, and auppuaeil bo hvt liu lo a gruat deal of money, but a few weeks ago It wm lillblicly allowed hit brokers Inul not deilt fairly with him. ami Hutchinson auulxltll!tl ivluiidcl J750.1XX) to Ihill. O urgi u -w of a ur gravHi character and it la and the lludiuv of (lie 00 umittco are not fa. vorablo to Hutchinson. Tho complaints made relate wholly to transactions by (he firm prior to reorganization the first of the year. Double Murder. llKow.vswtLE, Tex , May 18. Particular of a double murder at San l'edro elu Los Pet oles, Mexi'-o, to-dny, havo just been received here. Two brothers named Komero left their h.,.ne in that nlaoe to attend a fair which was to have ocen opened this morning. Learning that the opening had been postponed they fnrtn.1 awav. makinc noisy demonstra- tinm of disannointmoiit. A few mome-.ts lnt... lb ov mil Ri.v. Father Lunar, a Catho.le priest, and Brother Pedro, who smiled at thfir cction. As they pa'scd the Romeros hecamo enraged, and stealthily approaching the priest and brother Irom oeninu, nu thorn rcpeatedlv in the back and left them dead on tho road. Tho inurdeicrs escaped. Trouble In iuni Or.v...ti,v Vk.. Mav 17. Independent Re publicans todav elected Charles 8. Wolfe Senatorial delegate to tho State convention. Wolfe, in an address, reterrol to the recent conference of independents and regulars, and fhtly denied any bargain with Cameron, xie concluded as follows: "1 deprecate the oc t.r... ubinl. wn will ho obliged to tako. I inn ...tin Tlnmnnintie ascendancy in this State ; but all hope of peace is at an end, aud ....il.inn io l.fl. Imt inr acainst the spoils sys im 1 Imuikiii. Let the future take caroof itself." rrrlahl Pro-pcrH. Saw TnAsfKra. Mav 18 The tone of tho iT.iin market is firm and tho tendency is toward hither prices, 'lhere is no clnnge to icport from the interior, and if thoprtsciit favorable weather keeps on tho damage re ported of lato will undoubtedly bo in a meas ure repaired. Hope of an excesivo crop, however, havo been abandoned. Two ships luvo been chartered, but latcs aro kept pn ate. The ficiglitni.il kut is not a stmngone, though a light amount "f tonnage on tho spot and tirdy arnval of ships fully due havo worked in its favor. The Heel on the way is increasing rapidly and tho outlook is for low rates compared with the past two jeais. Ill.iliie null llllelirll Ciiioaho, M iv IS. -Inlei-Oeciin Washing ton epical: The moit interesting political rumor in higher ciiclcs to night is that lllaine will tako tno stump in Pennsylvania next Fall for the independent icket. Some pco plo are canguino enough 1 1 believe this means tho election of tho independent ticket. This is of course improbable unless it bo endorsud by tho Demociatic convention. .Nole.l IlcnClisi ". 'w Viiiik. Mav 18. Helen M. Slocum, tho well known public speaker and woman's sulfrago loader, is dead. Ukimu UltovK, W. va., may io. .urs Rachel Tompkins, aunt of Gen. Grant, died to day. ralcmle-r or Crime. Mmu'iiii, May 18. Levi Pieston, a farm nr r almt .lead on the road homo last niuht. John Clark and James Cathran were arrested on Htiiii'.ion of being the perpctratois. Lkihnov, Ky., May 18 Rose Osborno, a coloinil woman, and her daughter, ten yeirs old, were mill dercd tij unknown pi rs ins last ninht. The former was kilKd with a billet of wood and tho lattei had her tin oat cut in bed Moii.nt Vkhnov, III , May 18. Chas. W. Vost was kilbd by W. A Smith, cily mar sh.il, to day. It was understood to ho on ac count of apolitical uuaml. 'Iho murdcru mounted a horse ami rode away. A posse aro in search of him. DhNMMis, O., May 18 Stovo Ryan.whilo mil xicatcil, killed Mrs. John Robinson by pushing a counter over bci becauso she wouldn't s 11 him lupinr. He first drnw a re volver and thieatoueil to shoot, but Bhe dis armed him, Hun-Sniull-pov, San I'liAxcise'ii, May IS Two moio cases of small nix developed to da nuiong Chinese lvisH. noirs on board the AltonuvuT. the bond of heeltli held iv nieetiiiL' this afternoon ami postively foi bid any more Chinese pi tients bi'ing taken to the pest house oi to bo tiniiafi.rri.il to .inv iiui'autinu launch TIll'V deci led all patients must lonuin on boird tho inficte.l vestol, and where tlioy couni di P'Opeily piovidcd for and gmrded. Mili'lile. P.iiisMx. Mm IS Hcnrv Kaiiip. a promi iieut. well to ilti-furuur of Kaat Foi k, near (lenoii, committed suuido yesterday by hang lug himself m his bain. The f.aveiiiiiirnt Pels. The war department has tho following: I'm.T LrvM'WvollTll. May 18. I'liofollow m,. ti'lpirrani lust received shows tho situation it All scaleiMs Auctuiy to bo inuch tho same m.lv worse than it was with Chcyeuiios. The -'iescaliios must bu fe 1 or they willst.uvo. io Indian bureiu, it appears, cannot iceu Icili! A heavy military foicninu-.t bo plased ..H. nml til urniv niusi. iueiuiuir, iiv.. hiero is time jet to provide for them, but It .Muni t. in 111 to maKO iiiem siurvu ihuco.uuv. V......I unfelv lie n stnoneil it suiiiiiu im (tended to at once. Josmi I'oi'K, liciieial uoiuiig. tlitliirllnn (ae Sr. Loins, May III Zoo and Lilly Wat .ins weio en route from Denver to New Oi Hans to visit a friuid, aud on the trip staid 'vcr to visit tho Martin family hero. Mr. laitiu is a city weight i. Thev wero to hive i sullied their voyage to-moirovt on a steamer, riio vouug hdies of the Mai tin family organ ml a social party last evening in Inner of heir guests. Aliout I o'clock Zoe atkins .vent out to mail a letter and make a call. At s o'clock, as she had not returned, a uiesseii iit was scut fer her, when it was ascertained din had not mado tho tall she intended. S'oilung siiico has bien heard ot her. Police live, instituted inquiries without avail, and iiclum to boliovo it is a cis.. of aMiiction. lits Zoo's father, who is a leitlivr merchiiit in Denver, has bocu (eleiriaphed (o, and is uxpeoUul hero. The Corrrlon Irt. Losi'tiv, May lit. 1'rev avail's speech is oilcuhted lo wuleu (he breach bo(wetu (ho g.iviiuiiKiit and tho Painellito ineinbeis, and nnv lead to a prolonged struggle. During tho pisago of the new coercion bill through tliu common it was received with unrktd f nor b) the Lnglish pardes. It is consnltrcd st tide and t tlrotivo and us pledging the new Ir.al. iMveriiment to a vie rous use of coer uonaiialiut lrsons siispectod of separative tendencies, or of agrarian outrages. I'roval vi' iiniiiouiieeiiieiit produced the createst J . . '.. - . . -n.A 1 Tl... .1..K.I.. sutUlaellOU Oil 1110 iiiry ueiie-nvi. iiiu.i."... was somewhat languid until Dillon arose, at midnight, and strongly ilciiuupcul tlm bill s a uieuure for the protection of crime in Ireland, STATU NEWS. Tlm aalo of tho GrUwold propertj haai;ain bci u postponed. "Oh! l-ordj how long!' The inn of )Oiing salmon has uot yet begun y the t.'nltririst, but will in a few week Mr. Chenowetli hai reauned a editor of (ho tilU Ciiy. PilUbury was (ho jhii" that did it. . . Tho editor of Tho lUllei J tmet lis ueeu pnscuted with a ouug cayote by admiring frttMlllal Mm Caldwell, SO car old, Ml dow u Uiri at her home in MoMinuvillo, and broke her riuht arm in two places. Several case of the incasle are re psrteil at The Utile. WILLAMETTE FAKMER: PORTLAND. OREGON, MAY ailCIDE OF T. MOIMiES, Theodore Hodges, who committo 1 suicide at Dilley, Washington comity, was on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Hewey, of that place. His parents live near Albany. He had been suf fering for two J ears from epilepsy, was des pondent ai.tl complained of being ill. On MoniHy ho wrote some letters and about il o'clock went into an adjoining bedroom and shot himself, the bullet entering tho left side, passing through tho heart and lodging in the back. Ho left the following letter, addrcsred to his parents : May 15, 18S2. I)FAr. Fatiiep. and Mother: You have been good to me and I lov e you for it. You havo done all yo,u could forme, and I have been more trouble to yi u than all the rest ol tho family put together, jjear mother, weep not for me, it will do no g.od. Dear father, tako what is coning to me and pay my debt'. IhaveS122 with me. Take my pistol that will kill mo and keep it as long as you live, and whtu you are done vith it, give it to Marcus. Tell him to keep it. Life is a misery to mo. I would like to throw some lead in some of them Soap Creek boys barn them to keep their tongues before I leave. Dear brother Tom, remember me, that I havo had more trouble than jou. Tom, be good to father and mother. They have been good to us. fetind by them. I don't want to cause any more trouble in tho fimily. Somo of them talk too much. Tell every body they see what ail- me. I havo had it thruwed up to me on Soap Creek. I blame no one for this. I havo fetched it all on my-s-lf. Rob and Km has been good to mo as am one could he. I thank them for it. Dcir friends, weep not for mo liury me whoio vou wish. I would rather be bun.d on Soap Creek. Good byo to all. JHFOllOKE r.. MODCIKS. V Cousin or the Siile-lilo HimIkch Kills sell' lit Mills M.illoii. Slin ' It has often been said that suicide was a contigious crime, and tho assertion teems to be substantiated by the f )lloing : Yesterday we publnhed the particulars of the suicide of TlicouVic Hodges, who shot himself through tho heart, at Dilley, list Mnndnv. Last evenintr wo learned that a couin of Hodges G. John'on by name 10 years of age, committed suicide at Wells Sta- LIUI. WIIC113 lllA.ca IIUIJIU ..Mi V... i..J last by shootinu himself in the brca-t, killiu,' hi n instantly. Ho left a note stating that he wished to be buried alongside of his "lamented cousin, w ho died in a similar manner a few dav.8 since." Ile-alli of M. s t'uldvirll The public will i egret to learn of tho deith of XV. S. Caldwell, which occurred last ev en in.; t 8 30. The history of Portland is a pirt of the history of this io'peete.1 and mot highly esteemed pionier. He was born ot Nowport, R. I., in 1S2I, being 58 jcaisof age. Ho camo to Oiigon in 1S50, and fiist took up lus resilience in vv ailiinc'toii cutintv. in which was at that time cmhr .ted what is A' Multnomah. On tho formation of this county, ho located m this city, and was eh ctcd one of tho first members of tho cor poration, and held tho position of auditor mil clerk lor upwards ot eiahteen jc-us. Ho was coiiEci. ntious in the di'diargo of his duty, and ho knew tho business lelations of tho city ft om its earliest settlement. making him a most valuabb ollieer in the poution which ho lion ued for to long a time. His ad vice and suggestions wero always hooded b) the city ollicers, and it became almost a com inon remark that Kill Cal Ivv ell was the citj authority. Slictly Inmost, possessing a good education and a man of genial dispos.t.on, ho mado lricnds of thoso with whom ho came in contact, and tho city, notwitjistindingseveral yeuis before ho leaigued he had been partially disabled which intcrfeitd with the discharge ot his duties, legretted to lose linn from its counsels. Tho recoi Is of Portland aie part and parcel of the records of Mr. Caldwell, and one of its mam links has been broken. Mr. Caldwell was attacked with paralysis several jeais ag and two or tin eo ) ears ago he ticcived another stiokr, fio n tho effects of which ho died. Ho has lived a useful lifo and leaves a vacant placo which will not be sup plied for ) e irs to come. nit: KKiioutnit' imvn (ovuvnov. Pursuant to call the Piinocra'ic County Com entiiii of Multnomah county met in tho Court Houso Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, and was called to order by II m, Al. Zicber, Chaiinianof the County Central Committee, and on motion Dr. G. H. Chance was elected Chairman, J. 11. Fithiaii, Secretary, and P. Wagner, As-istant Secrotary. After tho onianUa'ion was completed, the following nominations wero made : lor School ouperin cniuni ino names oi 0. It. Lnitand J. It. Jv. aellwooil were pre sented, and a ballot was taken with the lol low inv result i Lent, 17i Sellwood, i!9, Mr. Sellwood was theioupou declartd unani mously tho nominee. For Surveyor Johu McQueen aud J, V. Weld er weie placed in nomination. AliQueen received 47 votes and Webber Si total, 05. MiQuicn was made tho choice. For two County Commissioners 0. P. Risely, 11. F. Hemics, N. Vcrsteeg, Win. Sherlock. 1 he firt ballot resulted aro as fol lows: Risely, 17; Ileum, 54; Vereteeg. 20; Sherlock, 20. Cipt. Hennoss was declared nominated as one. A second ballot vt as as follows i Risely, 13; Vcrsteeg, 30; Sherlock, 13. Vcrsteeg w as chosen as tho other. Tor County Judge A. F. Sears, 50; C. flauliier, 0. For Assessor C. J. Christie, 30; J. M. McCoy, 15; Charles Schram, 5. For Clerk P. Wagner, by acclimation. For Treasurer A. Roberts, by acclams. tion. For Sheriff-John Wolf. 31; K CorbotW 22; T. M Richardson's name w as mentioned, l.nt hn declined to be a candidate. For Seven Representatives rirst billot I J W llr-iiee, 51; A T Smith, oil; T J Robett- son, 40; Jacob Johnson. 40; K U Doul, ..; R 1) Pitt, 23; l nomas Turnbtill, ill; A 6uu derlaiid, 27; H D McGuirc, 15; XV L Curry, 27; F Op'tr, 25; John K Walsh, 9 The tint live were detlareil nominated. Second ballot I W L Curry, 2.1; A Sunderland, 21; R D Pitt, 2.1. Curry was selected. Third ballot; UpiU, 30; Pitt, IS; Suuderland. 4; OpiU was selected. IOK JTSTIOM. Morruou Piecmct U KlliUa; Coustable Dan Sprajue. Couch A Bushwilcr; Constable, J Hau.en. South Portland J F Coyne. Madison W A Daly ; Coustable, C Auder- OP. Wotern C C Redman. North Porllaiul Charlei A Pelriin. VUit Portlau.l Mcuuue. Grant J L Schute. nil.r nreciuct will (elect their caudidate for Justice ami Coustable on the day of election. This ooncluileit tho work oi me. cocv euuou and it adjourned tint Jit, V.U IM tOIM.E, I. o. o. r. tlosc or Session-Orphan's Home lniMcnls. Tho Grand Lodge I. O. U. P. of Oregon closed its twenty-seventh annual session at Salem on Wednesday evening, tho 17th inst. Its deliberations throughout were character ized by fratimal good feeling, and its busi ness dispatched c.i cisely and expeditiously. The members preseut were fiom all parts of Oreeon, and some from Idaho Territory, rep resentative men who would compare favorably with those eninp.sini; tho usual civil delibera tive bodies of the land. During the 1 ist day's spssion the trustees of the Odd Fellows' Orphan's Horns made their annual report.sctthug lorth the fact that good progrtss had been in id.- during the past year in furthering the objects for which it bus been founded, which is to caro for and educate or phans, aud also to assist aged and indigent members of tho older. A farm coinpusing one hundred aciej f land, a linirabh located, has been purchased for the Home. The farm purchaecd lies near the mouth cf the bandy, in tho eastern portion ( f Multnomah countv. on the lino of the O. R & N. Co 's lailroad, and abi ut twelve milc3 from the city of 1 ort land. After making the purchase the trustees r port a considerable mil uut ol cun still on hand, which would indicato that the fouuding and maintaining of the Homo I a popular s-cheme with the order to whi.h it belongs. It is a AOithy object, and one which should meet with every encouragement, not only fiom membeis, but from tho public as well. A plcaing incident occurred near the close of tho session in tho reception and sending of tho following dispatches, which explain tliem- "' : St. Louis, Mo.. Miv 10, 1832. To Phil. Mersci an, Giand Mastei I O O.F. of Oiogon: Tho Grand Lodge of Missouri, convened in anuiul session, tiansinit their warm and f latern il feelings to tbo order in Wo i. XV. H. WoonvvAKO, Grand Master. Sai mi, Or , May 17, 1SS2. ToW. If. Woodward, Grind Master I. O O. F. of Missomi: l'hc Giand Lidge of Ore gon, now in sejsion, fully reciprocate frater nal greetings of their brethicn in Missouri, engaged in the same glorious work. One in name and one in heart. Phil. Mktschav, Grand Master. l$i fore closing somo of tho membu a took up a collection which netted 75 to tin Orphans Heme. MoltTAMTl AMOVa ClIINESfc Of late tho Cnincso of this city havo been furnishing about one funeral a day on an average. The cause of death seems to bo directly or indi rectly tho result of opium, and croivded quar tets in a majority of cases, though leprosy and scrofula take off many. One who was buried this morning was so emaciated that I is bones were quite bare. Tho Chinese have a honor foe their Bick and dead and always store them away in the dead house back of Joss Uousc, fiom which they emerge feet foie most. The dead wagon going out every day is the only indication of the ravages ot dis ease .Huong them, as tney keep very close nieuthed about their sick. Well Puithj. The Grand Lodge I.O.O.F. has re-elected Mr. T. 0. Rarker, of Salem, Grand Repicsentativo to tho Sovereign G-and Lodjjo. Mr. 11. is said to bo moie thoroughly posted in all mat ers peitainmg tj tho Order than any other member in tho State, and his exemplification of tho unwritten work before the Urauel JjOitgo in recent session was me mot correct ever given before that body. It wasTiwiiig to this that he received the honor of a io election for two years. Tukvsuhe SEtKKKS, The schooner Kster CoLos, says the Poit Orford Post, is going into the wrecking business. She will receive by tho next tup of the Hume a complcto out fit and her woik will be devoted to tho long lost steamer, llrother Jo mtlian The Cobos deserves credit for flying to obtain tho rich pruj that lsys 20 fathoms down in the briny deep. Tho Jonathan was wrecked 17 yeais ago and is known to have had much treasure on boaie1. KrifCorAL iomocmiov. the Twenty Ninth Aunual Couvocation of the Missionary Jurisdiction of Oregon will convene iti Trinity Church. Po-tHnr. on Thursday evening. June ' 1st, anci contiuuo in session nutil tho Suudiy following. The ltishop hopes to consecrate the uew St. Stephen's Chap. 1 during convo cition. Early in tho week following tho closing exercises ef tt. Helen's Hall and It shop Scott Grammar School will take place. The delegates aie invited to viit these insti tutions and to be present at tho closing services, Cooi. and Stbauv, Tho temperature of the w ater in the Willamette is taken every day by Mr. Hearno of the Signal Service He states tint during the month of March it ranged fiom 48 to 03 decrees, Fahrenheit. On May 1-t it was 53 degices, after which it fell, and from May 7th to date it has only ranged from 50 to 5J. A few days fine, warm weather will increase the temperaturo some four or five degrees. A bright, sunny day will sometimes send it up 2 degrees lu 24 hours. It is probable the salmon have ther mometers and are waiting for the light tem perature before they start on their mission up stream. Died Robert Trcnchard, brother to C. J. Treuchard of Astorii, died near Salem jester- iliy. He went up there some mqnths ago, and with a young man named heeler en gaged in the ilairy business, a snor5 lime mice ho took the measles, which finally settled in Ins head causing his death. His remains w ere broueht don on the train last evening in charge ot Hon. Rocky Karhart, and weie met bore by his sorrowing mother who will proceed with him to Astoria, where the fuueral will take place. Hkavv Uomh. Captain Thompson of tho steamer Bothwel Castle, has been arrested for violation of the law regulating the number of Lpvssengers allowed to bo cirned by ships oomliiK to American pons. ah. cmhucu i.. In. brnucht here IHO more hau the tonnsce of his ship justified. He has baen p'aced under f 0,000 bonds. TEKUITUK1AL. A brass band has been organized at Seattle. Tho total rainfall for tho past 10 days of May at Walla Walla was V.53 iuches. Wheat is 70 cents at Walla Walla and G5 ceutt at Lewistou, I.T. A $10,000 hotel will be built at Spokan Pnll. this Summer. A mill on Fuget Sound lately cut 104,000 feet of merchantable lumber in oue day. Goldendala is to have a series of revival mectitiKs by Messrs. Shaw and Smith. Tho total valuation of property in Snoho mish county, XV. T.. is $3u,l2u Seattle is discussing the feasibility o! buy iug another new steam fire engine. On Monday last there was a heavy ram at Ooldendale, V. T. ArriiiKcinrata have been made for a grand celebration of our national holiday at Seattle 26, 1882, Oregon Kitilvrny and Nnvlga . tion Company. OCEAN DIVISION, nelncen Snn Frnnclsen nml Portland. Leave Sin Francisco Leave Portland at 10 A H. at 12 05 A. M. 1 S S a I i a 3 ds Mch .11)1 VI ch.. Apl Apl Ap'l.. May.. May Vlch. Mch.,,21) Au'l... 1 Vlch. .24 Ap'l.. 6 Jlch.,28 Mch..11 Apl.. 8 Afl 20 Via 2 May .11 Ap'l. 9 Apl. 21 Vtay. 3 Vfay 15 Via) . 27 Apl .12 Ap'l .21 May . C Mav. IS VIai..C0 Apl.. 11 A1.1..1 Ap'l. 9) Vlav... Vlay 11 Jlav . 20 Maj...ll May..2J Mav.. 11 Illitht Is reserved to change steamers or sailing .lays ihroncli Tlrhtlssoldtoall prlnelpil cities mini United States and Canaila Pare-Cabln, 820; SU erajre, S10 Children, 12 y cars, full faro; from 12 to 6, hill faic; undir 5, free NARROW CAIJE DIVISION. East Sitlo Division. DETWECM POKTLAND AND UROVVNSVILLE, VIA O. i. 0. H. It. to W. oodhurn. LEAVS I ARR1AK. Portland. . ..7 30 A M l!ronsviUo 3 u ' 'J Urounsiille .S30A.M PorllandfT 4 25 l'.M West Side Division. BETWEEN' rOKTLAND, SHERIDAN AND AIItLEE vlaO i.C. II K. to Whites LEAVK ABR1VB. Portland . Sheridan Airlce. . B 1S A M Alrlrn t 25 P. VI .9 55 A M Micrldatl 120PM 7-00 A M Portland.. ....8 20P.M RIVER AND RAIL DIVISIONS. Columbia, Willamette nml JnnililU ltlvers. NOV E11BEU 20, 1SS1. Leave Portland ... , ... t. . lor Mon. Tuct. Wed. Tliur Frl. Sat iTiiTfes, WalHV VV alia, Ulna. ( .. ... ,,, . ., t.lla and up- f 7 AM 7 AM 7 AM 7 AM 7 AM 7 A M river jKilnts J Ani0ir,'Tac"ma; 8 Ail 0 AM 6 AM 8 AS1 6 AM 6 A Si Scittle ) victoria, Nc) 8AM 6 AM ... n AM VV cstmintcr Cath'am't, Bay ) ... Mew.Skom'ck- . 8 AM 8 AM ( AM way , Brookfl'ld ) WeVtport,Clif.) 8 AM 8 AM 8 Ail ton hiupp.1. i Dayton 7 Ail 7 AM 7 AM Conalhs audi Intermediate V 6 AM 8 AM points ) Miiii.nr. For all points on Narrow Gauge Division will bo re ceived and forviarded by the O. . C. It. K , East ai d West S.do DivMons, respcetlvcly. t.eueral OlUces Cor. rront and I Streets J. M.CCB.AKEN&CO , Ac-'ts State of Callfornh. . A L MAXWELL, Ticket agent O. R. & N. Co. JOHN MUIR, Superintendent of Trifllc. C. H. PRESCOTT, Manacr STOCK MEN, ATTENTlOiN I Make Money Yourselves. And bonefit jour neighbors as well, by issuing toters sotting forth Iho merits of jour lino htal lions, ineso may no uau uy Ecnaing iu 3 Washington Ftreet, Portland, Oregon. Ho does All Sorts of Printing, Bookbinding, etc , and should you need anything in his lino, fiom a card with a single word to a mammoth poster, you cannot do better than to call ui on or send to him. 1,1 OAL BLANKS for salo. Incorporated 1804. Home Mutual insurance Co OF CALIFORNIA. FIRE ONLY. LossesPaiclor:4;nc,8zaUn$l,334,G33.44 LossesPaid Ogn $1 62.3G3.2i- Oregon Branch Ollice, GEO. L. STORY, Managoi Southeast corner of First and Starlc Streets, Opp Ladd i. Tilton's Bank, rvitTLAND, OUEQON " apl JOIIX A. 3IACDOXALD, Salem Marble and Granite Works.- Commsrcial St., South of Post Office. (Post-OtHce Bo S9, Salem, Oregon )" -irAMFACIlltKB OF Scotch and California Or ant U and Marble monuments, Head Stones CEMETERY LOTS Enclosed with California Granite and Stone Walls built of ev cry description Prices It educed One Mail. COUNTRY ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Corbelt's Fire Proof Stable T IVF.nV.KEED AND HACKS, CORNER SECOND Ij and Taylor streets, Portland. Oregon. Reasonable charpu. Partliular atUnUon paid to boardlnj horse Hacks In attendance at all trains and boata. d aij nlrht. Connected by all Telephone Companies. Whet vou come to Portland Inquire for "Corhetfs II acVs." ' ,pl0 W 0OD AKD 4 U tGOON, Prop's AD Ul UU V (U nU. J Uri,tVU au 1 1UriULM, . travelms to th's counur, a)s thai mnsterf the Honje aaiCille PowJera kM4 heie - -onoless tiash. lie sars lhav PherWan't tX.ndUJ.si JVraers are aloulr nraanl tnmrtoe jr va'uatil hochhis in earth vru, maieheua lav tue Sheri Jan's Ceo lujjulHrt.le-t. ix. braVaUfxrtshtleltrrstamk I.S. JOliSSO-N A 00., JJoaWQ. Ilx., foriubf ly Uau,-ur Jte. b lie hw, M W saza THE NEW SILENT. NO. 8. .. j No Shuttlo toThreadl Makes theLock Stitch! Kmbroiders, Darns, Mends, Letters, and makes Insertion. Sew s on Buttons with, out any attachment. t& slSC-S !-- Lightest running and most durablo Machines in the World. One of theso w ill Outw eir any two Shuttle Jlachiues, and a child can managa it. KVERY ONE WHO TIIII.S IT IS DELIMITED. Uusbanls'who wish to save doctor's bills and their wives' health, buy it The best r nil binds or Ni.illn nnil oil, Alviins OH llllllll MACHINES KEPAIULD AND NOliK WAItllANTED Wlicclcr & Wilson filuiuii'g Co., S8 Morrison St., Portland. CRilGE SHARP, Jr., Munager Orders for tho couutry idled promptly. nov4.lv FARMER'S EXCHANGE f All Sorts of Merchandise Fjahancd for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Dry Ooo Is, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Baoti and Shoes, Hats and Oips Ev ery tliliif a Farmer w ants for s do Kv cr) tl.ln? a Far mer raises wanted. S. HERMAN, Corner Mnillson inul llrt Slrcoli, Tcrtlaad Oppojito Se,nnan, SaW'i A Co's Agricultural Ware house. octSS tj The only known Specific r.cmcdy for Epi leptic flu. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Epileptic lite. Spasms, Convulsions, St. Vitus Dauce. Aertliro, Hysterics, Insanity Apo nlesv. Paralysis, liheuuiiitlem, Keiirslgla ana Ml Rervoiis DUeafes This Inralllblo rJ.edy will positively eradleate every epcclcs of Ner vous Derangement, and drive them ovvsy from whence they came, never to return again It utteily destnivx thofc'ermsor tHeaso liy neutral IzIiil' Iho heredltaiy taint or poison In thesy stem, nml thoioiiKhlv eiadicates the disease, and ut terly destroys the caute. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female Weakness, General Dcbllty, Lett corrheea nr Whiles, Painful Jlenttruatlon, Ulceration of tho Uterus. Internal Heat, Gravel, Inllamiuatlon or Hielilixldcr, lirltublllty or tha llludder. For Wal cf illness at night, there Is no bitter rcmuly. During the chanpool life no temnlo hhoulil bo without it It quiets tho her v oii by Ptpm, and gives rest, comfort, and nature swoetsleep. SAMARITAN NERVINE Curi Alcoholism, Drunkenness anil the habit of Uniiiin Jilting Tlico etertdiug habits are by for the wot ev lis that I ave ever befall, u Buffer ing biiinauitv. Thousands die annually from theso noIou drug". Tho drunkard drinu liquor not beeaiihc ho likes II, but for Ihc pleas mo nf ilrlnkliu ml treatln,' his mends, little ihlnViuK Ibm he i on bis road lo ruiu. Lino Iho li'.lnm Killer, he llitluses Ihechiigin small uuriiililis as a Imnnlcts antidote Thoeoothlug iullu ueeof tho ilriy takes strong hold upon Its vlclim, Icidlug him on ti his own destruction, iholinb'ts ol Oniuin J'stln ,r and liquor DrinS in' uru pnclsay what eating is to allmentlve u. ss as over eating first Inflames tho stomach, which udoiblcs its cravings until It pnralyres both iho s'oinichuntl appetite. Soevory drink or boi-or or ilo-c of opium, inslead of eaiiefylnc, only d 's to its fierce fires, until it consumes thovlulloree and then lUclf. Like tho glutton oui. nine worm, It cries "Clvo, give, give I but never euoujli until Its ovra tapnciir devours lltelf Mnmrltan Neivlno gives Instant relief in al! s'ich caes It produces sleep, quiets the mrves builds up Ibe uerious i-yetem, and re .tore body and mind io a healthy coudiuoa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures 'irvous Dvtp'P'ls, Palpitation of the Heart. Anions, Ilronchllls, fccrofnla. Syphilis, linages or tho Kidneys and all diseases of the Urluary Organs. Nervous Dibillty, caused or the Inill-croiiinis of youth permonenllv cured by the nu of this Invaluable remedy. To yoi't v oiny, middle ag.sl, and old men, w ho are cov er lug your sufferings as with a mantle bytilencf, look ui, you cau bo saved by timely efforts, and make ornaments to society, aud jewels lu the crmvu of your Maker, lr you will. Do not ktep this a sscret lunger, until It saps your vitals, and dibtroysboih body and soul. If you aro thus atlllcted, take Un. Kicumoid's SiMan irAN Nciviie. It will restore your shattered mrves, arrest premature decay, and impart tone and energy to the wholo System, SAMARITAN NERVINE la for sale by drugjrlu everywhere, or maybe bail direct "from us Those who wlb to obtain fu her evidence of the curative properties of Samaritan Nervine will please enclose a S-cent Sostige sump for a copv of our Illustrated Journal of Health, giving hundreds of testimo nials of cure from persons who have used in medicine, and also their pictures photographed alter their restoration to perfect health. Address DR. S. A. RICHMOND & CO.. World'i Epileptic Institute, ST. JOSEPH, MO.. Kor sale by HOD OK, li i.- HO,, Port land, Oregon. I luni'iivJ . i juuatn u 'i J.rw.e.41 jl.ujlrca ' fi if t t. i t. r tai rur .v.netit i rprifi J.-..-C i . ..r "w . . r-l . . .J .. l.NC-..:. VC M.4 111 , k.I., ira.ti I r Iut.mI 4 i a.r.. j ivcrpA d.wjiu. bsjjsjfI FAftAJJkCC Jftsraseepee,. Oftrm Gta axari BmHfmfrr wuln. and tVf lcMjsC Calais s Lfe. 1 ITJS. -J . Arf-i CUKES F8TS. 1 w NEVER FAILG.I I r . 1 r , .i . a i. u r a-i r. vi7 it f . IfA r rtUbteart. i aj.iJU.il I- lw r xoi Vvt. f ItuttrUv. Uaa1i,aadl2ii-u3iwe. l.taca irJ brl". W.con(nU'ta...r.if r..litri Jll .ndflll.j. AajrtttF. H.C(ij3ton& C?,, QCtt.ClluAltr,l.b.aSil..Wu(.ukaaiC aif?&.JLAa-.A. -tUtoagijj -4V .i;(w'ic.'lflr-jtt".ajji;Vi,u;i.si'ii.foi54 . iJi'i.