Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 19, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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' i
Less than six months will te, per month . . . , , 26
jmumi ererv Week by the
One W, (Postage mid), in adrance 9 2.60
Six 'louths. (PottUae paid). In advance l.
A ivertlwnipnUi will be Inserted, providing: tn are
respectable, at the following table of rates :
One inch of space per month . 9 2.M
Thra Inches of (space per month ......... COO
On tlmlf column per month 15.00
On tolumn per month. . 80.00
tSfciiipla copies sent free on application,
mbiiratlon Oiflce: No. 5 Washington Strtet tp
lalry, rooms No. 6 and ?h
Texas Cjrloue.
Dallas. Ma 11. News trom Hie McAllis
ter eyolonu a tys later iliatha milled to thoM;
killed outright increase the ftUlittcs to 21 up
to to night ; 42 tiioro wciu Hounded, hut not
thought fatally. Half thu Killed ami wound
ed are women and children. All possible aid
from physician, nurses, etc., is bting ren
dered the sufferers. Fifty-nine houses were
totally wrecked and twenty-seven partially.
Settlement Nos fl and 7 of the Osajjo Mining
Company were tho ones visited. They hail
contained about 400 people. No. b was en
tirely wiped out, hut No. 7 received ouly par
tial furvu of thu storm. Kelicf subscriptions
are being taken up at various points.
A Commendable I'olley.
New Yokk, May 11. Tho Mail and Ex
press has the following Washington para
f;raph: Tun President til's morning, in nl
udmg to recent Indian atrocities, recited tin
history of their regular yearly occurrence and
said tin- time had now arrived when some ef
teethe, means should be adopted for their pre
vention. Ho says therd is no doubt that lu
dian depredations are checking immigration,
ami settlement and development of Terr i to
riea Instructions have been given to use the
law mid military force to their extreme limit
This vigorous policy is universally commend
ed here.
Army or Tennessee.
St. Louis, May 11. The Society of the
Army of lennessoe met again this morning at
1'eoples' theater, (Jen. Sherman .in the chair
Qen. Reynolds, for the committee, reporttii
tho time and place of the next reunion as the
3d and 4th of October, 1883, the auni verbal j
of the l.attle of Corinth, at Cleveland, Old
Tho following officers weie dieted. 1'reei
dent, V. T. Sherman j Recording Secretary.
T. A. Dayton j Corresponding Secretary, A
Heckiuloopcr ; Treasurer, M, K. Force, witl
a laigo number of Vice 1'resideiits.
Ilresvers Convention,
New Yokk, .May 11. Tho brewers' con
vention adopted resolutions asking govern
incut to encourage tho production of lightii
drinks by removing illiberal restrictions u
manufacturers and imposing no more exciii
on tho product of raw material than thu wan c
of tho people demand.
Cameron Meets n Klckrr.
Ciiiuauo, May 11. Specials from Wash
iucton iudieittu that proceedings in the Penn
sylvania convention yesterday will have tin
elite t of still further widening tho breach ii
the Republican party, and tint thcio is littli
doubt another Republican ticket will bo pu
ill til" Held. Senator .Mitchell is said to ha i
stated that ho would not support tho ticket
but that the independents will, on the -Otb
inst., nominate u Slate tickot.
Trimble In lljyitt.
Cairo, May 11, -Kypt is in a stato of ruv
olutiou. The ministry, in violation of oigauir
law, havk sunnuoued thu chamber ol notnlilts
over the head of tho Khedive, mid tho l.ittci 'i
denofition mil' bo ii'iarilrd nil viitmiH.
aclnevul in favor of agoveruniLiituiider Al.iii
Uey. Thu Ilj-yptnn niiiiisteis have formally
assured foreign consuls that no danger threat
ens thu lives or property of KuiOie,iiis.
Luril t'.muillih's Funeral.
London, .May 11. A large crowd gathered
at St I'aiicn a railway station to-day, town
uess tho depaituio of thu train convoying tin
mourners to Clialsuorth to attend the funurnl
of Lord Kiederick CtvcndUh. Among them
were thu 1'iiuco of Wales and Duko of Kdiu
burg, lepuniutinc the Quum, (lladst me,
Lord (!rauille, Korsler, tho Attornoy (ion
eral, tho Postmaster (icuuial, and many other
distinguished persons.
Duo of the most cunipicunus feat m cs at the
fuueul of thu late Loid Cavendish was an
assoinbl.tgo of fi.000 tenants of tho Duke of
Duvoushito, father of Loid Cavendish.
Itaronrnu .iilrs.
Dubun, May ll.--ltis stated that while
Right Hon. M. Moiris, loid chief justice ol
thuuouitot couiiuun pleas, ami Right Hon
Chas. Robert Hairy, foreign justice of the
touit of Queun'd bench, were walking in I'lnu-
on par ouunuy, a lew minutes alter the
niunleiH weiu committed, and before they
know of tliniii, n rough-looking nun said to
the lord ohiuf justice! "l'liu uliiof unit under
secretaiy liavu been mmdeicd, and you aie
tho noU linn spotted."
Davitt says he will willingly go to Ireland
ami do what he can to fur her peaceful duo
triuos i but he asks how he can piotest with
effect against outrages when tho most brutal
ud irrilutiug outrages are committed in the
uainu of thu law,
Thu man Quail, or Quinn, arresting nt Pres
ton yesierday on suspicion of being concerned
in the Cavendish murder, was remanded until
Saturday. A detective stated he thought he
could cull eyideuco which would implicate
iiim in tho crime.
Trevolyan, the new chief secretary for Ire
land, left Loudon for Dublin on tho night of
tho Uth.
The opinion grows that indiscrimiiuto pro
ceeding of ikjIioo show they are in a statu of
The Insn women of Loudon have sent a
wreath of l!o eis to ba placed oil the coffin of
Lord Kiederiek Cstcndish.
Thu luuiii of the Irish American arrested ut
Castlu Itjllinijlum and brought to Dublin is
Col. Ilillyer, inspuotor gcueral of coiistabii
Ury, has resigned. A distinguished artillery
officer will be selected to succeed him.
Tin Lord Lieutenant of Ireland has signed
a minuU forbidding executive ullicials to go
(vypuii uiu iieciucia ui euu cuy wuuoui po
lice protection.
LoMioN, May 11, tltadatotio thinks he can
weather the storm. Many incuiliers of his
own pirty urged him yesterday and to-day to
adopt seveie methods, and several radicals
threaten to bolt if hu continues his pre.ent
policy. Xc.ii I y all the wings threaten the
uune action unlets lie adopts the same lino of
Latxmcher siys tvulilit the general feeling
tiiong litarals is one of fear,
Sluw says ho. has the greatest confidence m
II fact that the opposition has no leader
qual to the emergency. A strong orgauiicr
ould readily destroy the government tu this
I'arnell says he is no lunger afraid of a total
nuilulatioiiuf the Irish party, for as ho learns
the programme of the government, he is both
surprised and gratified nt the absence of the
mist, ken retaliation which he feared.
llailey thought dissolution of I'arliamat
txtieuuly likely,
Arnold Forster says dissolution is only pos
sible, but not by any means probable.
Davitt Writes I Hie "Standard."
London, May 11. Michael Davitt has
written a letter to the Standard ou the sub
ject of assassinations. After an expression of
admiration toward 'tho Standards language
since the terrible murder, he says: "I would
foci I was neglecting my duty if rpcrmitted
your remarks to pass unanswered. For the
opinion you express of the sincerity of my
condemnation of the murder, and for your be
lief that Mr. Parncll, Mr. Dillon and myself
are guiltless of an alliance with assa'sins, I
an thankful." In answer to the Standard's
request to come forward and make a clean
breast of information that would throw light
on the matter, Davitt recalls the tact that he
came out of Portland ulaco at 3 o'clock ou
Saturday afternoon, after having been con
fined in solitude for fifteen months without
seeinir a newspaper or letter that did not pass
through the hands of tho governor of the
prison. He rebuts the implication that he
and other. leaguers must possess information
that would enable the authorities to track the
assassins. He declares that Parncll and Dil
lon cannot lend auy more assistance in bring
ing the assassins to justice than that given in
their manifesto. He agieed that pilgrimag'8
ought to bo made tii rough Ireland now to de
nounce tho assassination until these hideous
crimes aro exorcised from the land.
Pacific i'easl's Proportion.
Washington. May 12. Tho river and har
bur appiopriation bill has been completed by
the House committee ou commerce and will
probably bo reported to the House to morrow.
Appropriations proposed for the Northwest
Coast region are as follows:
Improving entrance to Coos bay and
harbor, Ogn $ 30,000
Imroving Yaquiua bay, Ogn 00,000
Uiehalis nvtr, V. 1
Constructing canal around tho Cas
cades ef tho Columbia river, Ogn.
Improving Upper Columbia river
Lower Willamette and Columbia
rivers, Ogn
Upper Willamette rivers, Ogn
Cowlitz river, W. T
Skagit, Sttllaouamish and other
rivers, W. T 20,000
Mouth of Coquille, Ogii 10,000
r or expenses of board of engineers
to cmamine mouth of Columbia
river, Ogn
SilREVEroKT, La., May 12. A disastrous
cyclone swept over this part of the country
tins morning. Houses, forests and planta
tions in its tiack were destroyed and every
thing on tho plantation owned by Mrs. M. C.
Leroy, was swept away. One old man and
two children were killed and many danger
ously wounded. Near Acadia many houses
were destroyed and a largo number of cattle
killed. A new building in course of construe
.ion was blown down and u number of woik
men wero buried in the ruins, but none Here
.New Juillelnl mil.
Tho bill creates nine intermediate courts,
or ono in each circuit, and 18 new circuit
judges, or tnu additional for each circuit, who
are ta ho appointed by tho President. Tiie
court of each circuit will then consist of the
associate justice of the supremo court allotted
to that circuit, three circuit judges and to
of the 'li.it let judges, the latter to bo desig
nated at each term for the succeeding term,
md if practicable in rotation, and four of the
judges to constitute a quorum. Appellate
jurisdiction is contend! upon the new court
over tliu decrees ut tho circuit or district
courts in causes involving more than $f)00, or
nhoro the cucuit or district judges shall cer
tify adjudication iuvolving a question of gcu
eral importance.
The bill prescribes a clerical force of the
now courts, and lixes Vto following as places
of uouit in tho re-
Iliston, New
Hon. A. A. Sargent, American Minister,
has arrived at Berlin.
The Illinois Republican Convention will be
nem at uincsgo, June :28th.
The treasury department purchased 200,000
ounces ot silver on lliursclay.
The New Orleans custom house was dam
aged by fire to the extent of $60,000.
Thirty-six houses were burned at the town
of Oramenbaum, Russia, on the 12th.
A milhonolollars in gold were exported from
New Yor an the 11th.
Patsey Dcvine was haneed Friday at Bloom
ington fur the murder of Aaron Qoodfellow.
John Bothwell, who recently disanDeared
myateiiously from Now York, is said to be a
newspaper bilk.
The residence of Senator Bayard was robbed
at Wilmington, Del., on the 12th. The rob
bers made a good haul.
Fountain W. George was sentenced to be
hanged at Dcs Moines ou Aug. 10th, 18S2, for
killing Dr. Kpys.
At Constantinople preparations are being
mado whereby thirty thousand men, chiefly
from Syria, could be speedily embarked for
Blaine is said to have made up his mind to
go to Europe for one or two years, and leaves
his political fortunes in the hands of Chandler
and Hale.
at which the hrst terms
spcctivu cil cults shall be held
York, Philadelphia, Richmond, New Orleans.
Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis and San Fran
cisco. Terms are tu begin thu first Tuesday
in May and November, beginning w i 1 1 1 No
vember 18S2-.
Assassination Noles.
Dublin, May 12. Policu huvutiacked the
car with the four usiassius to the center of
tho city, win ro they alighted. I is asccr-
tamed a cab accompanied tho car to the scene
of thu minder. It 13 believed llm cab con
tained four nun who went to point out the
victims by Bigual and see the murder carried
out, and that tlusu nieii subsiqiicutly re-en
tired tho cafand drove back to tha city.
Boston, May 12. Ailispatuh to the Jlcrald
ajsi Parncll will piobahly come to an open
iiiptiiru with Fein in members of tho land
league. Davitt, however, stas by I'arnell in
auy case, and is even more conciliatory in his
general attitude. It is uudtrstood Parnell
applied for protection owing to i uuiora current
and to threatening letters he has received tc
inu cnuct una no is a uiarKeii mail,
Arrests in connect on wlthe assaisi nation
continue The latist are one Rvan of Water
ford, mid Yeaiback from the Dinted Slates,
mid James McOrath of Shrewsbury, England.
A mail named Doherty was arrested at
Iklfast to-day. Hu recently returned from
America. Another arrest at Mill street,
county Cork, on a charge of treason and fulo
ny, iia mado.
A man about Belfast and believed to be an
American was arrested to day, on suspicion of
being connected with the murder. Blood
stains were on his clothes. Doherty was re
leased. Ptlmer, a volunteer detective iu several im
portant cases and who writes over the signa
ture of "War Hawk" in a communication to
the St. James Uaxtttt, says he has reason to
know thu sliest of asasius will be facilitated
if tho government will vivo a guarantee not
to sun coder thu informer in tho event of his
being claimed by Russian or Herman police.
The I'uurrnl,
LonIhin, May 11,-The funeral procession
started at 2 o'clock. The chief mourners
ero the duke ol Doumsliiie, marquis of
Haitiugtou, Lord Edward Cavendish, Colonel
Cavendish, brother of tlieduleof Devonshire!
Admiral Kdgeiton, son-in-law of the duke of
Devonshire; M ijor Littleton, Gladstone and
Lord (lranille. The order of procession
was as follows: Hearse, duke of Devonshire
walking alone, marquis of Hartingtou, Lord
Edward Cavendish, Gladstone1, Karl (Iran
Mile, speaker of tho House of Commons,
members of cabinet and 300 muiuliers of par
liainciit, walking four abreast. An immense
crowd was present, the number beitig esti
mated as high as 30 000. Many persons
w ere visibly affected. The colliu was carried
by a number of tenants of the duke of Devon
shire. After the eollui had been lowered into
the gravu msiiy (low era were thrown upon it.
Lord Spencer at the last moment decideel to
remain in Ireland instead of attending the
i i
A t'AKU,
Tu all who aro suffering from the error and
indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness,
earlya decay, loss of mauhood, etc., 1 will semi
a reciepe that will cure you, hikk or ciiakiik.
This great remedy was discovered by a mis.
sionary iu South America. Scud self-ad-dressed
euvelone to the Rkv. JosKrll T. In
man, Station 1), New York City, dec30-6m
Tli Gcrvaia Ttlltr sas Mr. Brown has
lliltlst.Vil All., Iilm.lf fill tliA AniruHt .a .a!
............. w-.v -.vv .v. VMIWU .VtllVI
1 buildiug, aud the railroad one.
It is decided that the Secretary of the In
terior has decided to disarm all Indians iu the
Western States and Territories and keep them
uncier e. ecuvo control.
The President has appointed Major Garrett
o. jyueuteer, at preHeut vu ciuey in Cvmcago,
as engineer commissioner of the District of
Columbia, in place of the late Major Twining
The condition of Congressman Black, of
Georgia, continues serious. His illness teems
to havo taken the form of paralysis, lie is
unable to move in bed or feed himself. His
mind continues bright.
A London dispatch of the 11th says: In
formation is just received of a terrible explo
sion of fire-damp in the Pluto mine, town of
Bochum, Westphalia ; City-six dead bodies
are recovered already.
There have been further arrests in Drog
heda, Longford, and County Meath, in con
nection with the assaesination. The men ar
rested in County Meath have what is supposed
to be blood stains on their clothes.
The bill creating a department of agricul
ture will have a hard time in the Senate. Few
Representatives felt willing to vote against it,
as they ere too near the farmers, but Senators
will not be afraid to criticise the bill, which
many claim 13 purely in the interest of Lorincr.
It is believed the bill will finally pass, but
probably much amended.
A Lordsburg dispatch savs : Colonel For
syth stated in an interview on the 11th that
he had a conversation with a daughter of
Chief Loco, who informed him 13 Indians had
been killed in the fight at Stein's peak with
Forsyth. The latter had only claimed two
killed. Forsyth states that but 30 or 40 bucks
aro believed to have escaped with Loco from
the encounter with Garcia.
Business failures reported in New York
from various part" ot the country during tiie
week were distributed as'follows : Esstern
States, 17; Western, 40; Southern, 36; Mid
dle, 10; Pacific States aud Territories, 0; New
York City nnd Brooklyn, 5.
Bothwell, who disappeared from New York,
is at Salt Lake, anil s ems surprised that his
leavinc lias caused so much excitement. He
says he made his intentions known before go
ing cusb un ousiues.
Wm. Brockway and Charles Smith have
been indicted for stealing from the treasury
department tho plates, dies, etc., from which
wero printed spurious bonds nnd thrown by
inein upon me marKct.
Among the latest bits of Washington gossip
is a, story that Secretary Frelinghuysen will
succeed Minister LoAeflat the com t of St.
James, and he be himself succeeded as Secre
taiy of State by ex-Senator Conkling.
At Maurpeas island, England Griffin and
his wife tied the feet of their son, aged 12,
and beat him to death. They then buried the
body and tho futher fled. The mother was
arrested and is now iu jail.
At Milwaukee, 011 the 12th, John Bowman,
Arthur Young and Alex, Thomson wero ar
retted for complicity in robbing a delivery
boy of theJMcrchants' National Bank of S47,
972 in paper on thu 12th instant.
At tho Baptist convention at Grangeville,
S. C, it was recommended that an increased
appropriation be made for misionary work in
California in behalf of the Chinese. Califor
nia ought to send back missionaries to edu
cate that body.
Tho bill passed by the Houso for distribu
tion of the Geneva award is a triumph for in
dividual claimants, very many of whom are
oiti.ena of California, as against the iusuianco
enmpauies, who endeavored to get possession
of it, but who have thus far been decisively
defeated. The bill received the votes of all
the California representatives. The court of
Corrallis is going to have a 4th of July.
Chinese labor on the Baker City extension
of the U. K. IN, Uo. 930 per montn.
The E. O. savs that it is rumored a new
brick hotel will soon be built at Pendleton.
The EnterprUe wants the streets and alleys
of Oregon City improved.
A rod and gun club has been organized at
Canyon City.
Scio is going to bave a Fourth of July.
The printers of Albany want to have a
Gcrvais, Marion county, wants to find
some one with capital to build a flouring mill.
Silverton has a churcn building and the
corner stone was laid last we:k.
Coal has been discovered at Midletnn, Yam
hill county. Tho bed is ten feet in width.
Buildings to the value of over $50,000 will
be erected in Astoria this season.
The salmon, says the Astorian, are running
light and only eight to a boat is. the avi rage.
Several new brick buildings are contem
plated and in course of construction at Cor
vallis. Our up'country papers teem with base ball
news and it seems the national game has
been revived.
Salmon trout, says the Enterprise, are run
ning in Clackamas and aro of excellent
Gangs of Chinamen aro arriving and are
being put to work on the tunnels of the Ore
gon Pacific R. R.
The Astorian has an exhaustive article in
which it says there is gold in the sands of
Gray's harbor and that a company has been
formed to work it.
Says the Benton Leaden Wo undci stand
that Mr. Crow, the present mail contractor
uetwecn here amt yaquiua JJay, will put his
mail hack on tho route next week.
A correspondent of the Yamhill Reporter.
from Lafayette, says crop prospects are good.
lie late frosts made quite a scire among trait
raiseis, but 110 harm has been done so far.
The Grant county Kewa says : We have it
upon good authority that th Monumental
mine has been sold to a New York company,
who propose to begin work soon. Let us
hope that the new company will operate the
miue and not upon tho share-holders.
Oregon Railway and INavIga
Men Company.
Between Ban Francisco and Portlsmd.
Leave San Francisco
at 10 A. u.
Men.. 31
May.. 0
May.. IS
May.. 30
Ap'l... 4
Ap'l... 23
May... 10
May... 22
May.. 28
Leave Portland
at 126 A.M.
Ap'l.. .25
May... 7
May... 10
Itch. .24
Ap'l.. 17
Ap'l.. 20
May.. 11
May.. 23
Men, .28
Ap'l.. 0
Ap'l.. 21
Maj .. 3
May. .IK
Kliht Is reserved to change steamers or sailing il.js
Through Tickets sold to all principal cities In tin
Uuitcd States spd Canada. .
Fara-Cabln. 420: S tee rare. tlO. Children, 12 years,
full (are; from 12 to 5, halt taie; under 5, free.
East Side Division.
O. & O. It. It. to Woodburn.
Portland 7:30 A.M Brownsville 8:17 P,M
Brownsville 8:30 A.M Portland 4:25 P.M
West Side Division.
via O. & C. It. 11. to Whites.
Portland.: 8:15 AM
Sheridan 9.55 A. M
Alrlee 7.-00 A.M
Alrlee 4:25 P.M
Sheridan 1:20 P.M
Portland S:20 P.M
Columbia, Willamette and Yamhill Rivers,
NOVEMBER 20, 1881.
Lcate Portland
A Farmer Xnmeil Hill Shoots nnd Instantly
Kills Ills Son-ln-Lmv.
A teamster named Young was shot and in
stantly killed in front of tho post office at
Myrtle creek, Douglas county, on Fridiy last
by a farmer named J. Hill. It appcars'that
Young was the husband of a step daughter of
IT. 11 nn.l .Knl 1... I.... ..1. .......) I I'l .. - .1
,.., nuu buui, uu iiuu iiuuacu net uiui ireaieci
her so cruelly that she left him. There was
bad blood betw ecn the two men on this ac
count, and happening to meet at the post
uinc-e on rriuay, a quurrei cook place. Alter
considerable hard talking had been done,
l oung advanced toward mil with his whip
in his baud, as if to attack him. Hill
warned him not to come any nearer, and on
his offering to do to, dre-v a pistol and fired,
the bullet striking Young in the left cheek,
and passing through his neck piercing the
eninal marrow and killing him instantly.
Hill was arrested by Sheriff F. M. Hogan and
placed in jiil at Uoseburg.
Crusheu to Death. On Saturday the
body of Thomas O'Brion was brought down
from the front, says the Walla Walla Union,
und interred at this placo. The particulars of
his death, as near as we can learn, were as
follows: O'Brien was a laborer on the rail.
road, working at Ellisport. On Friday night
he rolled himself up iu his blankets and had
pone to sleep, when a blast that had been
prepared the previous day was accidentally
discharged. One of tho heavy rocks thrown
into the air by the discharge penetrated the
tent in which O'Brien was sleeping, and strik
ing him on the head crushed his skull and
caused instant death. We can learn nothing
of O'Brien's family or relatives.
Dallies, Walla)
waua. Uma
tilla and up
rher points.
Astoria, Kala
ma, Taccnia,
Victoria, New t
Westminster j
uatil amt, nay
Westport. Clif
ton. Knappa, 1
Corvallls audi
points ;
Mon. Tues.Wcd. ThurFrl.
7 AM
0 AM
8 AM
6 AM
7 AM
0 AM
0 AM
6 AM
7 AM
6 AM
6 AM
6 AM
7 AM
XMoanuttle toThreadi
Makes the Look Stitchf
Embroiders, Darns,
Mends, Letters,
makes Insertion.
Sews on Buttons with,
out any attachment.
Lightest running and most durable Machin
in the World.
One of these will Outwear any two Shuttle
Machines, and a child can manage it
Husbanls who wish to save doctor's bills ami
their wives' health, buy it
The best or nil kind or Needles and Oils
Alvtnvs on hand "
Wheeler & Wilson ManufgCo.,
88 Morrison St., Portland.'
Orders for the country filled promptly
nov4-lr '
All Sorts ot Merchandise Exchanged for
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boti sad
Shoes, Hats and Caps.
Et erythlnq; a Farmer w ants for sale. Ererythlnr a Far
mer raises wanted.
Corner Madison and First Streets, Portland
Opposite Segman, Sabln & Co's Ajrrlcultural Wars
6 AM
For all points on Narrow Gauge Division will he re
ceived and forwarded by the O. &. C. It. R., East ar.d
West Side Divisions, respectively.
liencral efflces Cor. Front and D Streets
Agts Stato of California-
Ticktt agent O. R. & N. Co.
Superintendent of Traffic.
Make Money Yourselves.
And benefit vour neis-iirmra at w11
posters netting furth tlio merits of your
"". uvev uiaj uu uuu uy BUUUing iu
Himes The Printer,
ThurFrl. Sat
7 AM 7 AM 7 A M
6 AM 6 AM 6 A 11
0 AM house
AM lrYtiMsrXw-i'vAV.Lv:.VJ
by Issuing
nno ntai
$'" 3Mni.
appeals bill was not acceptable to Senators
Farley, (Srover and slater, and thev united
with most of their party friends in the Senate
in voting usaiust it. The measure was se
verely criticised for various reasons relative
to its provisions in detail, but there seems to
be no doubt that one powerful animus of the
opposition to its passage was indisposition on
the part of Democrats to give a Republican
I'nsident the power to amxrint the ir.
cuit judges.
The Spokan Chronicle has changed hands.
An ice foundry is soon to be erected at
The prospects are cood for a woolen mill
neing establislieit at Walla Walla, aud the
Statesman is correspondingly happy.
There will be a grand Fourth of July cele
bratiou on the Puyallup reservation. Indian
sports and base ball games mil be in order,
A man at Eagle Cliff, T., recently
caught two bears in a trap, weighing oyer 000
A young lad ai-ed about 10 vr.-vr w
dragged to death by a horse he was staking
out on Sunday last, at l'rcscott. By some
means the rope became entangled around his
body and the animal becoming frightened
started off at full speed, dragging the poor
bo; after him. When found h as terribly
mangled aud quite dead.
Insank. Julius Goldberg, aged about 27,
was brought down from Jacksonville yester
day by Djputy Sheriff Charles Prim and com
mitted to the insane asvlum. He had but re
cently arrived in Jacksonville from Sacra
mento, aud behavinp in a strangd manner was
taken charge of by the authorities, lie has
no special mania, but talks iu a wild and eon.
tiuuous strain, lie is a widower and has no
children. Some years ago hk throat was rup
tured by disease or other asuse. and h
obliged to wear a silver tube in the aperture.
When ha talks he has to place his finger over
the tube to cut off the air. lie gives evi-
uence ot intelligence, is of a strong, robust
On Swarming, and Why Bees Swarm.
It is an admitted fact that bees hive been
kept by many in ages past, and yet we are of
ten asked why it is that bees swarm, or why
did my bees swarm. We shill, therefore, try
in this connection to bIiow why stocks throw
off swarms, nnd speak of the several charac
teristics of swarming:
1st. When a hive becomes lull of comb, bee
bread aud brood, the queen has no longer suf
ticieut room to deposit hor egijs, and the
workers require more room to store their
honey; preparation is, therefore, made for
swarming. This is doue by the workers, who
instinctively commence the rearing of young
queens, ror here let us say if young queens
uro not reared, no swarming need be looked
for, neither will it take place, though they
may bo ever so much crowded for room.
Ileuce, it is not altogether true that bees
swarm for want of room. No stock will ever
cast a swarm unless the quesn will loive, ard
she will not leave unless rival queens are be
ing reared. It is also equally true that the old
queen is the one that leads the swarm. She,
finding cells all filled an! occupied, and the
rearing of young quoens commenced, becomes
very much agitated and each day more rest
less, and not being permitted by the guards
and sentinels arouud tho queen cells, to de
stroy them, runs rapidly over the combs.
sometimes by stonninc upon the sides of the
comus anu uropping uer eggs among the
workers, who greedily dovour them. The
workers also partake of the excitement a few
at first, tho number gradually increasing, run
ning rapidly over the combs, striking their
atteinu at each other, and as soon as oue or
more of the nneen cells are ciDDed over the
excitement still increases among the bees, and
as if by pro-concert they rush to the honey
cells and fill themselves with their precious
stores. After each bee has partaken to his fill,
tha weather permitting, they rush from the
hive iu a perfect cloud as if the very halls of
pandemouium had been let loose among them,
swarming the old-fashioned way, which often
results in disaster, to the beekeeper. This
should be avoided if possible, md attended to
in proper time, as we have from time to time
indicated, by artificial swarming in the most
approved method. But if you are oh! fogy
enough to allow your bees to swarm, let us tell
you that it it is possible to give them a sheet
of brood from the old hive, please to do so, and
then you will proceed at once to hive the new
swarm in your new hive, with your brood
comb already in as indicated, and as soon as
you have tho bees in the hive, set the old hiv
they come out of in a new location and your
new swarm where the old hive was, and you
will see good results follow. This method is
5 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. He does
All Sorts
of Printing, Bookbinding, etc., and should you need
nnythingin his line, from a card with aelngloword
to a mammoth poster, you cannot do better than
to call upon or sond to him.
LEGAL BLANKS for sale.
Incorporated 18G4. '
Home Mutual Insurance Co
LossesPaid Ogn $162,363.2
Oregon Branch Office,
GEO. L. 'STOHY, Manager
Southeast corner of First and Stark Streets,
Off Ladd & Tilton's Bank,
Salem Marble and Granite
Commsrcial St., South of Post Office.
(Fost-Office Box 39, Salem, Orcgon.)"
jyrANiirACTGKEK or
Scotch and California Or an I U
and Marble monuments, Head Stone
Enclosed with California Granite and
Stone Walla built ot every description
Prices Beduced One
physique, aud thy caused hu insauity can excellent, and especially so when vou havo
not be determined. second or after swarma.
Corbett's Fire Proof Stable
1J and Tj lor streets, Portland. Oregoa. Reasonable
charge. Particular attention, paid to boarding bant
nuu in attendance at an train, ana poau, a mam
nhjht. Connected by all Telephone Companies.
you come to Portland Inquire for "Corbetf s II acka."
ssi earnnsrr sunjeun aus SrltrmM, tiiow
i this country, say. thai miwtoc u Den
Powders BiM hrj. aro srorthtes. tiaah. 11.
saystaasmienaan. iramtoQ wvders an atwulotelr
ponsanl tmmeniljr la'uahte. Kothteur do earth ru,
soaks hrus lay inb!xnln'st.Vxi'tltkaPovdenu lX.
ooclear.Kirul tocncptolfoo-l. Sold rTtrywbrr. own
brnUecclihtletteftaaips. 1. 8. JOIU.SXW CO,
tkatuo, ataai., formerly Umm ate.
Cured my little slrl of fits. "Sho was nlso .deaf and
dtiinli hut liLiircd tier blmcm now lulk and hear as
well as iiiiyh idy. riircu Ross, Sprlnswater, Wis.
Hub been the means of curlnp. my wire of lheumnttsra.
J. 11 I'LErciiKiL. Fort Collin., Col.
Made a sure eureof n case of fits for my son.
E B. Hauls. IIHttsWUc, Kao.
Cured me of veitlgo irurUgla and sick hvadache.
Mas. YVm. IIunson. Aurora, III.
Was the means of cunns my w Ife of spasms.
Uk, J. A. Kins;, Ilcavcr, Pa.
Cured tnc of asthma afiiT s'leiidint; over t3 009 with
o'.her doctors. s. !. lloniiov, New Albany, lad,
nitectutlly cured in! of i.p isms.
Min Jbxsik Warrxx,
710 Wist Van Duron St. Chicago, III.
Cured our child of IPs aftir given up to die. by our
family physician It lm In ; ovi r Vfi lu 31 hours.
IIenbv Knee. VcrvllU, Warren Co., Tena.
Cured me of scrofula after sulTerlnR for eight years.
ALiiKiirSiuesoN, Peprfa, III.
Cured my sou of fits, arter spending S3. 400 with other
doctors. J. W. Tuoti.ii on. Claluom, Miss.
Cured me permanently of epileptic Ats of a stubbora
clmriiclar. Itav. Wx. MARriK,Mechaulcstown,Md.
Cured my son of flt. after-having had 2.500 In elgbteea
months. Mrs. E. Fodis. Wist Potsdam, N. V.
Cured ma of epilepsy of ulna years' standing.
MissOblkna Marshall,
Granny, Newton Co., Mo.
Has permanently cured ma of epilepsy of many year!
duration. Jacob Suns. St. Joseph, Mo.
Cured me of bronchitis, astluni nnd general debility.
Olivbr Mykks. Iroaton, Ohio.
Has cured mc of asthma: a'ao scrofula of many rears
siandlns. Isaac Jeivsxl. loriuzton, Ky.
cured me of nts. Have boon well for over four ysarf.
Uiablis E. Curtis. Osskls. Douglass Co.. Mum.
Cured a friend of mine who had dyspepsia very badly.
Michael O'Connor lildg-way, Pa.
as permanently cur.'J minf epllipileflts
DAViBTursinLr, Dis Moines, lows.
Cured my wife of epll psy of B years standing.
HtNsr Clare; Falrflcld, Mich.
Cured my wlfeof a nervous dleiai nf thu head.
E. Qsauasi, North Hodc Pa.
Cured my son of fits. He has not had a lit for about
four years. Johh Davis.
Woodburn Macoupin Co., Ill-
Ormsybe had direct from us. For further Inform.
tlonlucloso stamp for onr Illustrated Journal giving
evidences of cures. Address
World's Epileptic Institute,
ST. JOSBPrl, MO. '
For sale by HOCOB, DAVIS & CO , Port
land, Oregon.
A Sure Cure Guaranteed.
J ment, a spedBc for Hysteria, Duadneas, Consul.
slons, Jtervous Headache. Mental Depression. Loss ol
Memory, Spermatorrhea, Impotoncy, Involuntary "'
S.VV""""11 OM A". caused by over-eiertioa.
Self-Abuse or Over-indulgence, which leads to mlserr!
decay anil HMh nTL... in 7.Tlr7Jt
fcach box contains one month's treatment; 1 DO a box.
Si Jri-i. i ",b0r "". prepared on receipt
S.'P'"'. w eusrantee six boxes to cure any cms.
With each order received by us for six boxes, accompa
nied with 5 00, we will send the purchaser our guar,
ante to return ths money If the treatment does not
effect a cure. Guarantees issued onb by
wnnnmn rf sow a. nn
Wholesalaand Rtll rimMl... n.i.Kj 'A.
Orders by mall at regular prices JanMy
T2iJasX V.Lt,r""Sa 'karaM'fiM?w
.' ijitm)t.Yti -i Jt Utik
wi "- Vft Jt
,a-,.1A ,jU&i
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. t ,& .i 4 " '4 A.r-sht -t a aasS jSt. fT . a
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,.-.Vs-t1i'! 5 Z vu.-?v