Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 21, 1882, Page 6, Image 6

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4$ttrrttf if crafting
Xon may envy the joys o' the farmer,
An' fancv hit free, easy life;
TCovl may alt at his bountiful table,
An' praise bis industrious wife.
Xf yoa worked in the woods in the winter,
Or followed the farrer all day.
With a team of nnruly young oxen,
An' feet heavy loaded with clay;
JRfyou held the old plow I'm a thinkin'
You'd ting in a different way.
Yon may talk o' the golden-eyed daisies,
And lilies that wear such a charm,
Sat it gives me a heap o' hard labor
To keep 'em from spilin my farm:
3fou may pictur' the beautiful sunsets,
An' landscapes so full o' repose,
..But I never get time to look at 'em,
rtm.Exoept when it rains or it snows;
You may sing o' the song birds of summer
111 attend to the hawks and the crows.
Yon may long for the lot of the farmer,
An' dwell on the pleasures o' toil;
JBot the good things we have on our table
AH have to bo dug from the soil;
An' our beautiful, bright yallcr butter,
Perhaps you may nover hcv learned,
Makes heap o' hard work for the wiminin
It hez to be carefully churned;
,An' the cheese so plump in our pantry,
All hev to be lifted an' turne-l.
When homo from the hay-field in summer,
With stars gleamin' over rny head,
When I nr'k by the liijht o' my lantern,
And wcaiily crawl into bed;
When I think o' the work of the morrow,
And woriy, fur fear it might rain;
When I hear the loud peal o the thunder.
An wife, she begins to complain
Jhen I feel ez if life was a burden,
Within leetle to hope for or gain.
Sot the corn must be planted m spring-time,
The weeds must be kep' from the ground,
The bay must be cut in the summer,
The wheat must be cradled and bound,
Par we never are out of employment,
Except when we lie in our bed;
Tat the wood must Lo hauled in tho winter
An' patiently piled in the shel,
While the grain must be took to the market,
The stock must bo watered and fed.
You may envy the joys o' tho farmer,
Who wmks like a slave for his bread,
Vt, meDoy, v pay on a mortgage
That banes like s shade o'er his heid.
Yon may sit in the shade o' the orchard,
Nor think o' his wants or his needs;
Yon may gaze at his meadows an' corn-fields,
An' long fur tho life that he leads;
fiat there lectin o' comfort an' pleasur'
In fighting the hugs an' the weeds.
, Sot the farmer depends upon only
The things that lie earns bj his toil,
,An' the leetle he trains is got honest,
By tnrnin' and tillin' the soil.
When his last crop is toted to market,
With a conscience all spotless and clear,
ff may leave the old farm-houBc forever,
To dwell in a holier sphere;
An' the crown that he wears may bo brighter
Because of his simple life here.
Cash No. 27.
"Great Boston Emporium, Jeflcrs At Co." is
aald in large red and gold letters outside.
High, up against the wiudowa and half way
cross the wide pavement were piled all kinds
Of cheap and showy goods. Ribbons and ar
' tifloial Sowers hung over woolen clothos, laces
festooned a pile of printed cottons, feather
dusters, tin pans, and crockery woro packed
among trumpery, tables aud baby wagons.
Everything was coarse and soiled, and boro
tag! marked in staring black letters "Only"
that most scductivo of adverbs to a scanty
purse. All day a shabby ami anxious crowd
queered in and out of the narrow doors.
Sometimes a well clad woman, intent on so
curing bargaius, appeared; but the majority of
h" (hoppers wore the mark of the poverty
thai eats into the soul. "The great trick in
this world ia to get something for nothing.
We run cheap and so can sell cheap, and that
takes in tho public," said ono of the Uoor
Walkers, a pompom fellow, who was a bach
lor and a misanthrope. "Tho world is a mis
erable, mean place, and it grows worse o very
day. To work for Jell'crs it Co. a year would
poovlnoe anybody."
There were very fow men omployrd in tho
atabliilimont. All the clerks were women,
nd, instead of cash boys, there were cash
girls, who wore coarse whito muslin caps aud
aprons as a badge of their otlico. There were
,no rosy faces among them. The air was too
titling. Anil many of tho little girls had
knowing eyes, that told of hearts grown wise
Jn the woild lieforo their time To thi ik of
the ooutrast between their lives and those of
happy children, skipping in tho sun, or bond
ing over books, or sitting boiide their mothers
In the safe, sweet poaoo of homo, Mould make
one's heart acho unless ono had a leaden heart.
The ltoston Kmporium Mas very full. It '
wys wss on opening day. The clerks ere
hot and tired, and spoke sharply aud shrilly,
ud the cash girls fairly ran their legs oir be
tween tho counters, the cashier und tho parcel
desk, So, when Matilda Jencks, of tho llowcr
department, screamed at Polly Graves:
'Cash I Cash I Hero Cash 27 I Twenty-four
from fifty I" aud put tlueo big red roses and a
liver half dollar into the child's hand, nobody
noticed. The red roses wero very red, indeed
oo red that It made one's tlugers pink to
(ouch them; but to Polly they wero beautiful.
and all tho way to tho cashier's desk sho kept
wishing, half aloud, that she might hate had
three such roses to put on her hat. I'd bo
happier than cer 1 was yet, she thoutiht.
Cashier Voght was very busy, the dust in
the air made his spectacles gummy, his head
ached from the noise, and so ho gae the
wrong change to No. 21, "Tw cuty-live cents
too much," she said to herself, as she wriggled
through the crowd. "1'wcuty-four would buy
throe roues, aud my old strow is such an old
hat, even foratash, Nobody would kuow.
Mr. Voglit can never tell who ho gae the
money to," Her browu ojes turned, black aud
her browu curls danced w itli excitement, as
be slipped the extra iiuarter i'lto her pocket.
somehow things wero wrong after that.
Ever' one who came in looked straight at her,
J'olly thought. Pickpockets often took ad-
vantage of such a crowd. She had seen them
put into a Black Maria just in front of the
doors many times. Hacked by these fears of
discovery and loss, Cash No. 'SI made so many
blunders she brought down upon herself sev
eral reproofs before the day closed, and when
six o'clock came she dared not approach the
flower department "Wait till to-morrew"
whispered a warning voice in her ears.
Polly's home was in a dark and dirty street.
The tall wooden houses stood very close to
gether. There was not a f pear of gross to bo
seen. Deep puddles of fil'hy water lay in the
unpaved road and in the. areas. Flocks of
geeso waddled about, gossiping over the garb
age heaps or disputing the narrow pavement
with tho swarms of ragged children. All the
houses seemed full of people. One could not
help wondering how the houses could contain
them all.
Polly and her aunt Susan had one room in
one of the larger houses. It was considered
excellent for tho place a'nd 'commanded a high
rent, for there were three good sized windows
in it. A pot of geranium, tiiat grow very thick
and green and was a wonderful bloomer,
stoo I on the sill of one, and all Were shaded
by curtains of coarse white cotton, Trie car.
pet was much worn out and patched, the
stove set on bricks, tho bedstead was so
rickety it made one seasick to look at it; but
Aunt Susan, New Hampshire born and bred,
had in her so much of the New England
housewife, that the cataiucts which made both
her eyes nearly sightless did not prevent her
from keeping her ono room so bright and clean
it was home-like, in spite of its poverty.
"I'm so glad you'vo cornel" cried sho, as
Polly came in that night. "Dear auz I the
Browns are full of trouble I Tommy's down
with tho dipthery (the wust kind, the doctor
sez) an' Brown hain't had no work this win
tor. What they'll do I don't see."
"Seems to me trouble's always coming to us
or tho tolks we know I" said Polly, peevishly,
dropping into a chair.
"Yes," sighed Aunt Susan, "I guess we
were born to a hard lortin , and so wuz the
Brown's." Then, brightening up a littlo, she
continued: "Goin' 'round from piller to post
(as I hev when I nusscd) hez made me more
resigned. Everybody hez frets, an' folks as
heznt real ones git up Bomeout of their minds,
"There's a difference," grumbled Polly. I
often wonder what it would be like to havo all
you want and not have to work."
Aunt Susan laid her worn, rough hand on
the child's bright hair,
"I hope some timo you'll find out. I hain't
never. But artcr all, child, wo ain't so bad
off. We never've had any troubles we couldn't
shot the door on."
"How's that, Aunt Susan?" said Polly,
putting her hand on her pocket, and thinking
all of a sudden of her stolen twenty-five cents.
"Why, we've done tho best wo know how,
so wo never had something a-doggin' us up
an' down, a-saying: 'If you only hadn't done
this or that 1"'
Polly's dreams were troubled that night,
and blind Aunt Susan heard her mutter, in
her sleep: "Cash 27 I Oh I Cash, if you only
liadn t. ou can t shut it out." And when,
next morning, Polly hurried off an hour beforo
her usual timo, tho poor old woman was cer
tain something dreadful was about to happen.
It was a dark, rainy morning, tho small fig
ure in tho faded water proof made good timo,
and there wero only a few of tho clerks in
Jcffcrs it Co. 's great shop when sho entered.
Tho cashier was doubled up in a quoer heap
on Ins stool, quite nlouo behind his desk, and
Polly walked straight up to him, her faco palo
and hor oyes very bright.
"Mr. Voghtl" called sho, huskily; "Mr.
Voght 1"
"Hey I What? Oh I you 27 ? What do you
want now?" cried he, brusquely, scarcely
looking at her.
"I want to speak to you !" faltered Poll y
with trembling lips.
Mr. Voght peered over his spectacles, and
was so surprised he left his mouth wide open.
"Well," said he, after a tew moments, "I
"Hero is is the twenty-livo cents too
much." And Polly, with a great effort, hold
out tho coin.
Tho old cashier slipped off his stool and
came close up to her. "I don't understand,"
said ho.
"You gave it to mo yesterday. I fetched
fifty, twenty-four to bo taken out. You gavo
no two quarters and a cent. This is tho oie
too much," and Polly laid tho money in his
"And you fetched it back?" said tho old
man, turning the coin over in his palm.
Polly nodded.
"Why?" continued he, looking her sharply
ill tho eyes,
"Cause," said she, veiy low, indeed.
"Um," grunted Mr Voylit, rubbing his
nose with his stumpy foutinger. "What was
you going to get?
"Throe o' them Jao-mot roses for my hat."
"And you are how old?"
The old cashier was silent some minutes.
Teinblc minutes they were to Polly. Ho was
going to punish her, she thou ht, drive her
away, pel haps, or call a Black Maria. At
least he would scold her, aud, shaking with
excitement, alio rubbed her feet up aud down
a crack in the lloor to keep from falling; but
his thoughts were far bojond the sea with a
little flaxeu-haired daughter, who loug years
before he had laid within a grave, when she
was just thirteen. Suddenly ho spoke up, so
grullly, Polly jumped.
"Can you daru stockings, 27 ?"
Polly stared and was sileut.
"I say, cati you dam stockings ?" repeated
"Splendid I" said Polly, brightening.
"Aunt fuMii snowed me, afoio she was bliud
and when 1 waa small."
"When you was small!" echoed Mr. Yoght,
measuring her small figure with his keen gray
eyea. "Well, I've nobody to meud mine. I
have to myself, or wear holes, and that I hate
and I hate to mend. "I'll pay you twenty
five cents if you'll do it for me."
"Oh!" said Polly.
"Will you?" cried he, crossly.
"Ohl yes sir; and and "
"Run along, 27," cried he, turning away
and climbing on his Btool. "I can't be both
ered another minute."
As the week slipped by, the troubles of the
Browns, who lived in some rooms above the
one occupied by Aunt Susan and Folly, in
creased. "Tommy's aful bad" was all the
poor old mother said; but one of the six little
Browns, who tip-toed up and down the long
stairs, or Bat in a silent, woe-begono group on
the steps, told Polly that the doctor had or
dered wine, beef tea and oranges for Tommy,
and his papa had only enough to buy bread.
The four dollars a week she earned scarcely
provided the barest necessities for herself and
her aunt, and the sorrow of the Browns wrung
Polly's heart.
"Now you can have your roses, 27," said
Mr. Voght, as he laid a bright, silver quarter
in Polly's hand, after receiving his socks,
neatly mended; but she shook her head grave
ly, as sho hurried off without even glancing at
the flowers.
"I've got twenty-five cents," she said to tho
fat German, who kept a liquor storo not far
away from Je'ffers k Co.'s. "I want all the
wine you can sell for thirteen cents."
"Mein gut gracious!" cried Hermann Ros-
cnblumc, leaning his fat hands on the counter
and bending forward to look at her. "Vat is
it you would buy mit thirteen cent?"
"Wine !" said Polly, sharply. "Wine for
Tommy Brown, he's got the dipthther, and
he's got to have wine and beef tea awfcranges
to get him well, the doctor says, I've only got
a quarter, so I want to buy all tho wine I can
for thirteen cents."
"An' Tommy is your brudder?"
"Oh, no I" exclaimed Polly, "Aunt Susan
and me live in tho same house. The Browns
are awful poor; I work for Jeffers 4 Co. I'm
a cash."
"Just so. Do leetle ones mit caps, I know,"
said tho big man, kindly, as he moved slowly
along his shelves. "You haf numbers, haf
you not? and you are vat number? And he
took down a bottle, marked with quaint, for
eign names.
"Oh, yes ! I shall rememper, 27. I shall
know you always. Dis vill do de poy veil, an'
it vill bo ten cents."
Tho beef aud oranges proved to be relative
ly much more expensive, a pound of beef and
two oranges quite exhausting her money; and
Polly went home with vague notions of the
valuo of sherry.
A sharp pang shot throush her when she
passed the box of red roses Monday morning,
"I will surely have them this week," thought
she, as she bent over Mr. Voght's socks. But
a deadly weariness oppressed her. A strange,
heavy dullness was in her hands and feet, and
it seemed as if each day was a month long.
SUo got in people's way, and made so many
mistakes that the pompous floor walker actu
ally shook her declaring that, of all tho awful
girls with which the miserable world is filled,
number 27 was the awfullcst; and if she was
not careful and did not mind her 1's and Qs"
sho would be dismissed. Before Soturday had
como again Cash No. 27 was missing from
Jetrers & Co. 'a emporium. A few inquiries
were made, but all were so hurried only Mr.
oght found time to visit her; aud he went
very soon, carrying, awkward enough, a soft
littlo packago in his stiff old finger, while on
Ins arm swung a fat basket.
"She's sick ! She's bad sick !" said the lit
tlo Browns, sitting on the steps. "She's got
it just like Tommy. He's over it. She got
him over it with things she bought, a-mendin'
socks. She's all alone. Her aunt's gone to
buy victuals; but we take keerof her, you
It was curious how very gruff the o'd cash
ier's voice became by the time he sat down by
Polly's bed. If you did not know him, you
would think he was growling when he said:
"Now, what aro you up to, 27 ?" All the lit
tle Browns watched lnni through the crack in
tho door, determined that he should not hurt
their Polly. He set the fat basket on the
floor, and, tearing open the soft little package,
laid three Jacqueminot roses on tho pillow,
where Polly could both see and smell them.
"There, now," continued he, "I should say
you are better."
"Oh !" sighed Polly, rapturously, in a faint
voice. "Oh, they're true!" And her fingers,
that had wandered restlessly over the bed
clothes all day, stroked tho velvety petals.
"I never saw a true one near to afore."
"But don't you think you're better?" per
sisted Mr. Voght.
"Better," said Polly, wearily. "Yes, the
doctor says 1 bo; but 1 didn't feel better till
siuco you camo. You re my friend, you see."
"Hut )ou have a good many friends,"
growled Mr. Voght, so crossly, that all the
littlo Browns trembled; aud, putting the fat
basket on his knees, ho opened one of its big
lids, and began taking out packages and lay
ing them on the table.
"Now I happened to be in to my friend
Kosoiiblume's place this morning, aud what
iloea he ask me first ? Why i 'Is your Cash
No. 27 tick ? aud w hen I said yes, he would
send ou this wiuc, which, he says, is won
derful stiill", that will cure everything but a
bald head. Then there's Joucs, the pompous
floor walker he must buy you some chickei
himself, as if I didu't kuow a hen from a
goose; and here's some jelly from Madam Jef
fers herself. I can't begin to tell all the things
there is iu this basket, all from friends, and "
"Krieuda," said Polly, sitting up in the bed
and looking at the old mau with lumiuous
eyes. "All ou em, my fnenda? "
"Kvsry one."
"It's like Heaven," sighed Polly.ind some
thing in her toue made his glasses so dim he
liad to look straight out of the window, where
tho geranium was for a moment. "All
friends!" her otco grew full of wondering
joy. "Dear Lord, coming, coming, directly.
Cash 27." And suddenly, though the room
was very duky and his eyes were so full of
tears he could not see at all, the old cashier
knew he was quite alone, and that Polly was
in that lovely country where there is neither
pain nor poverty, but joy forevermore.
The young minister, who conducted the
simple funeral, the next day, found the room
sweet with bunches of roses, though they
were just then very scarce and dear; and
when he asked Aunt Susan what she was go
ing to do, now that her support was gone, she
handed him a note, which said simply: "Su
san Graves, aged sixty-nine, is admitted to
the Old Ladies Home. There was no signa
ture but this: "In memory of Cash No. 27
The Republican convention of Linn county
nominated the following at Albany, on the
12th inst.
State Senators S A T.awson, T J Wilson.
Representatives W A Anderson, W Paul,
J M Waters, B Glass, W H Wilds, P H
Cferk-G W Davis.
Sheriff J Charlton.
Treasurer T W M Bruce.
Assessor A B Morris.
Commissioners A C Crisman, J Yates.
Surveyor K T T Fisher.
Coroner Fred Dunning.
Delegates to tno state convention a A
Dawson, O T Porter, L Flynn, J Pearl. J
Donica, R A Rampey, W R Temple, J B
Waters, u v waters, u w Smith. V W
Parish, R F Ashby, F Muller.
The Benton county Republican convention
nominated the following ticket on the 8th
Senator E Woodward.
Representatives -R J Nichols, W P Keady,
Tolbert Carter.
Clerk B W Wilson.
Sherilf Sol. King.
Judge F M John: on.
Treasurer T J Buford.
Commissioners James Edwards, Andrew
School Superintendent James Chambers,
surveyor Ueorge Mercer.
Assessor Perry Eddy.
Delegates to the State Convention J A
Henkle, W P Keady, M J Conner, S D Cline,
F A Vincent, C E Moore.
Following is the Wasco county Republican
Representatives B F Nichols, Newton
Sheriff J T Storrs.
(Berk A A Bonney.
Treasurer E Nickels on.
School Superintendent O D Doane.
Surveyor W B Campbell.
Delegates to the State Convention E L
Smith, John Darragh, Wm Floyd, D J
Cooper, J A Richardson, R Whitten, N B
Sinnot, Cfias Cartright, Robt Mays, H Dufur,
Theo Cartright.
The following are the Lake county Repub
lican nominations:
Representative J H Clayton.
onerm n a cuiniut.
Clerk L G Ross.
Commissioners V S Moore, B G Chris
man. School Superintendent Geo Hayes.
Assessor J U Clark.
Treasurer J H Hoffman.
Surveyor C H Dyer.
Delegates to the State Convention S G
Moore, J H Evans.
The following are the nominations of the
Republican Convention of Multnomah county :
State Senator Sol. Hirsch.
Representatives J 0 Carson, P A Mar
quam, W H Harris, D M C Gault, A H Tan
ner, OPS Plummer, Penumbra Kelly.
Judge L B Stearns.
Commissioners C P Bacon, Earnest Giese.
Sheriff Goo C Sears.
Clerk Win R Sewell.
Treasurer Win. Showers.
Assessor I N Saunders.
School Superintendent 0 Frank Paxton.
Coroner II Cooke.
Surveyor R H Austin.
Lane county Republican ticket:
State Senator Allen Bond.
Representatives J H Stewart, A D Hy
land, S B Eakin Jr, A J Johnson.
Clerk-Joel Ware.
Sheriff J M Shelley.
Treasurer J G Gray.
Assessor J C Brattan,
School Superintendent T J Gill.
Surveyor H C Perkins.
Coroner Dr. John Nicklin.
County Commissioners W I Coleman. O R
The Republicans of Umatilla county have
nominated the following ticket:
State Senator Wm Steen.
Representatives J S Vinson, B Stanton.
She.it Wm Martin.
Clerk J B Bushec.
Treasurer N Heudrix.
Assessor M H Thompson.
Commissioners R Eastland, TR Howard.
School Superintendent S 0 Richards.
Surveyor Geo Redding.
Coi-ouer- -W C McKay.
The Republican Convention met at Tilla
mook on the Stli. Jasper Smith was elected
Chairman and A. D. Hester Secretary. The
following ticket was put in nomination :
Representative Jasper Smith.
County Judge M. K. Perrin.
Shenll A. L. Alderman.
Clerk 11. F. C Godspeed. .
Treasurer-C. H. Miller.
County Commissioners Z. Z. Dawson and
E. K. Seoville.
Assessor P. M. Lamb.
Following is the list of persons nominated
by the Democrats Convention, which met at
St. Helens ou the 13th:
Representative Dau Rice.
County Judge C. S. Euimeraou.
Clerk Kugeue Se m pie.
omnu .. u. urav.
Treasurer II. P. Watkins.
Assessor A. C. Boyn.
School Superintendent L. F. Lovebtce.
The delegates to the State Convention from
amhill couuty are Chris Taylor. J C Cooper
W II Harrison, W A Graves, Wm Cooper!
Lee McLaughlin, Dr. Jessup, K P Reid. J M
hillen. The convention for county officers
was called to meet May Oth; primaries May
Lands In Eastern Klickitat.
The Walla Walla Sfateeman has the follow.
ing interesting correspondence concerning that
region that has been but little known and
that is close to navigation on the Upper Co
lumbia :
Ascending the hills west of the Columbia
tho new farming region is reached at a dis
tance ef about three miles from Wallula. The
ground is covered with a magnificent growth
of bunch grass, while the sun flowers that
cover tho hills for miles would no doubt cause
the ttsthetic Oscar to weep for joy; the pres
ence of sun flowers is generally accepted as
an indication of rich soil. There are no rocks,
and two horses draw a twelve-inch plow with
apparent ease. The land is rolling, there be
ing few deep canyons; nine-tenths of the
ground cam be farmed.
The question now most naturally arises,
why has this vast tract of land, situated so
near the great river of the West, been per
mitted to remain undisturbed these many
years ? There is but one answer: the entire
absence of water and sandy appearance of tho
surrounding country have naturally caused
the impression that the soil was too dry and
contained too much sand to produce grain.
Judging from the appearance of the country
as viewed from the river, one would as soon
think of planting grain on the desert of Sa
hara. Water has been found in one locality
at a distance of four feet from the surface.
Pev. II. W. Eagan and son,- Dr. Eagan, are
sinking a well, which at last accounts was
nearly forty feet in depth, with no very en
couraging indications of water.
I went west from Wallula about eight
miles, the land becoming more even and fer
tile as I proceeded. Whatever this land may
prove to bo in point of value, there is plenty
of it; it is all very nearly alike; if any part of
it is good it is all good. No very great amount
of plowing will be done until the productive
ness of the soil is tested; if found to be as fer
tile as many persons are now inclined to be
lieve, it will bo rapidly settled up, and one of
the most magnificent grain regions of the West
will spring into life, the outlet to which will
be the railroad from the Columbia river to
the Sound, which it is to be hoped will be
built in the near future.
I have given your readers a description of
this region as I viewed it from an unpreju
diced standpoint. It will probably be a di:
appointmet to parties who have seen the
country in a more favorable light, that my
description consists of plain facts instead of a
glowing account of the wonderful richness of
a country of which so little is yet positively
known. It is my opinion that it will produce
a good quality of grain, and a large amount to
the acre; if it will produce at all the yield will
be large. To parties desiriig to learn more
of this region, my advice is to give it a per
sonal investigation; one may tell you it is a
land of blooming fertile soil, while from an
other you will learn that it is an arid waste
of sand. It is not far distant and is easv of
acces.. If it is worth having it is worth vis
iting. You can best go and see for yourself.
Frank Boyd.
Notice to Creditors.
! William
pj Aotico is hererjy triicn by the undent!
executor or ins last win and testament of WluuM
CoIe, deceased, to the creditors of, and all persons
them with tht neecosary vouchers, within six month,
from the date hereof, to T. K. Williams at his residence
in I'cmcIIj Valley, Multnomah count, Oreiron, or at
the ofilce of 8. H. Harrington, A ttaiiicj -:u-law, Ea,,
Portland, Oregon. Dated at East Portland, Mar h 31
A. 1). 1S82. E. L. qUiNHV,
martin 4 Executors.
DK. Willi KO.MIaH, V. 8.
Portland, Oregon.
Writes Prescriptions 'or Ulscasesof all classes of stock
rice, 1 for each prescription written. State irrmD
tomsand age of animals as near as possible.
Offlce C.
P. Bacon's Blackliawk Stables, 9S Second
St., bet. Stark ami Oak.
Resilience Cor Thirteenth and Taylor St.
;oli MF. ial awakiu:i
tho Author. A new and great Med
teal Work, warranted tho test and
cheapest. Indispensable to every
man, entitled "The Science of Life,
or Self-Preservation ;" hound in
finest French muslin, embossed,
lull Kilt, 300 pp. contain beautiful
steel enirravins, 12j prescrip
tions, price only 1.25 sent by
man; niustraieu sample, u eenw , riTnTir rmTTTMm..
fiend now. Address P.abody Medi-KHOW THlSELE
steal Institute, or Dr. W. H. l'AKKEtt, No. 4 iiulijnc
strcet, Boston. julylfiiy
H, , 1
Ague mixture
Ninkty-o.nl: (91) cases of the Hous qold
Sewing Machine have just been received
direct from the factory ex steamer "State"
at Garrison's Sewing Machine Store, 167
Third street, making the fourth heavy ship
ment of these superior sewing machines re
ceived during the last five months. The
Household has become the leadinc scwinc
machine. tf
$1000 per year can be easilv made at home
working for E. G. Rideout & Co., 10 Barclay
street, New York. Send for their catalogue
and full particulars. d9-ly
Chills and FflVer are permanently
cured by Dr. Jayne'a Ague Mix
ture. With a little care on the part
of the patient to avoid exposure, and
the occasional use of Jayne's Sana
ttvb Pixfcs.thls remedy will be found
to be certain in Its operation, and rad
leal in its effects. In many sectioni
of the country subject to Ague anc
other malarial diseases. It has an es
tablished character as a popular spe
cifics for these harrassing complaints,
and the number of testimonials re
ceived show that its reputation la
constantly increasing.
totermlttent and Remittent Fevers
are effectually cured by Dr. Jayne's
Ague Mixture. In these com
plaints care should be taken to follow
the directions closely, and especial
attention given to tho liver, which
should be assisted in performing lta
functions by Db. Jayhk'b Saw ativb
Oregon Railway and Navlga
tien Company.
Between Ban Francisco and Portland.
Leave San Francisco
at 10 a. u.
May.. 6
May,, IS
May,, SO
Men... 23
Ap'l... 4
May... JO
May.,, 22
Ap'l,. 8
Ap'l.. 20
May.. 2
May., 14
May.. 26
Leate Portland
at 12.06 a.m.
Ap'l... 25
May... 7
May... 19
Ap'l.. 6
Ap'l, ,17
May,. 11
May.. 23
Mch. .28
Ap'l,. 9
Ap'l.. 21
SIM. .13
May., 15
May,. 27
Wholesale Dealers Fortlan
Hight t reserved to change steamers or sailing days
ThroUffh Tlrklaaold ta all nrinMnnl Htl. Intt,.
Uulted States and Canada.
Fare-Cabin, 120; Steerage, 110. Children, 12 j ears,
(nil fad frm tO n K L.-1 -... 1 w ' "
East Side Division.
O. A C. It. R. to Woodburn.
Tortland 7:30A.M Bronsiille 3.17 P,M
Bronsville 8.30 A.MPortUnd 425P.M
West Side Division.
taO. SC. It. R. to Whites.
Airlee .
-8:15 AM
.9.55 A M
Airlee . ...
Sheridan .
4:25 P.M
.1:20 P.M
.3:40 P.M
DbroNUKNcr i sometimes called the
"blues," becruse the latter tenn describes at
once the color aud elicits el imtmn. l,i.i
Chango it to "rose colored health" by using
King of the Wood. See advertisement.
Palouse Gaitttei Mr. banner, engineer in
chaiye of the party of 0. K. Jk N. Co. sur
veyors who have bevn engaged in locating a
route into UiU section for the feeder of the
Columbia, Willamette and Yamhill Ulrrra.
Leae Portland
Dallies, Walla
Walla, Uma-1
tilla and up-1
river points.
Aitona, iau
ma, Taccma,
Victoria. New
Westminster j
Catli'am't, Bay
View.Skora'ck. I
Westport, Clif.
lon.nnappa. J
Iij ton
CorvalUs and)
IntermediaU V
points J
Mon. I
7 AM
4 AM
6 AM
7 AM
6 AM
6 AM
7 AM
7 AM
7 All
a All
7 AM
o All
For all points on Narrom naup ni.iBinn ni
"fi,""1 ',",MdcJ J ",. C. It. R., East and
West bids Divisions, respectiiely.
General emrra Car. Trout mud B Streets
Atfu SUt of California.
MUX MI-IK. . 0.B.4S.C.
snpeitnteudent of Trsire.
Iioss of appetite.Naugea,bowela costive.
Pain In tnelfeitd.wltha dull sensation in
the back part. Fain under the shoulder
blade, fullness after eating, with a disin
clination to exertion of body or mind.
Irritability of temper. Low spirits, Uosst
of memory, with a feeling of paying neg
lected some duty, weariness, lliaainesa.
Fluttering oTtfieHeart, Dotabefore the
eyes. Yellow "kin, Headache, fiestleaa
ness at night, highly colored Urine.
'PUTT'S FELLS are especially adopted to
sneh cases.one dose effects suehachango
of feeling as to astonish the sufferer.
TbeylnrrnseUi Appetite, and cause the
body to Take on Flrali. tbns the system Is
DtBMtlTeOrsrana. IleytilnrSloola arepro
duced. Price S cents. 33 Murray HU, n.Y
Orav ItainorWmsKFns changed to a Otossr
Kuck by a ainele application of IhU Dye- It
imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously.
Sold b7fruggtu,orB?t!lly express on receipt of II.
Office, 30 Murray St., Now York.
(Dr. Trrrs iitrn ri.bi. i.toiio. k
VM Itoolsts l lit aiaUra mill aspUesUss-Sr
S Save Mbngyf
.Buy it (levins' prices ,
Vfcuiitl sclljrou ANYar
tide for family arul per
sonal use.iivany quantify
at Wtolcs&ltiYiccs . J&
matter uhotjrou uiant ,
send for our Gal&loguo.
Wecjotyinstockllic lar
gest variety of doods in
i should
iProcnied for an sol.
dien disabled mine
fT R KrrlcA from
The ttijkuM ditaiuuy entitles to Deaaian
vnvamlneudisrAaroejDroeurnl. Those In
doubt u to whether entitled to anything
shouM sum,! Irn ?t- itflmM fnr- nnp .'Clr
nslar of lufbrmatlosa." Address, with
f tamps, 6TODDART A CO . Solicitors of Claims
sd Patents, 113 O t- N. V Washln-ton, V.C