Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 24, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Ho rose and gazed upon the day
And said: "The wind is cait again."
And cro ho went his wageful wny
In somber tone?: "I fear 'twill rain."
Sho watched him far adown tho road,
With listless hand to listless head;
Iter breast heaved with n weary load,
And bitterly sho said:
"I caro not if tho wind be east,
I know not if tho wind be west,
I care not if I starve or feast,
Only I wish my lifo had rest.
lie caino with tho returning night,
She smiled with fond, receptive air;
Ilia greeting was a formal slight,
In tones that never warmth could bear.
So wearily tho moments sped;
From hopeful dawns to dreary dusks
Her craving, hungry soul asked bread
He gave her naught but husks.
Sho sobbed: "Oh, depth of misery,
That cannot know communion's rest,
What is tho hour of day to.mc?
I only with my life had zest."
The seasons sped liko bitter tears,
All spent in drudgery tho while;
Her face, so fair in former ycais,
Had long forgotten how to smile.
At last she laid her burden by;
At lntt ho wept, so cold before;
Tho old light glistened in her eye
To light, ala-", no more.
He sn.oothed tho faded hair nbovo
The brow that perfect pcacocxpressed;
He gave her tokens of his lovo
That could no more for her havo zest.
Wo chill with droary commonplace
Fond hearts that yearn for sympathy.
Tho hard lines form upon the face
Tho soul forever leaves tho cyo.
Ah, man, enwrapt with golden lures !
No thousands from your selfish pilo
Can change that cruol work of yours,
Her wistful, frozen smile
Who cares not if her lot be hard,
Who minds not if sho work or rust,
If sho but meet with kind regard,
If but her life hnvo hcartful zest.
' Sjirini)tleUl (Mam.) ltrjiublicim.
Cattle for tho General Farmer.
Cor. Ilrcedcrs' Gazette.
Wo often hear it said tho goucral farmer
cannot allurd to keep cattlo of a hiuh grado,
If he cannot all'ord to raise good cattle, ho cer
tainly cannot afford to raiso poor ones. The
greatest profit comes from tho animal that
will mature quickest, and take on tho greatest
amount of best Uesh for tho food consumed,
This being to, no farmer can afford to keep
a btg-horuod, narrow chested, Hat-ribbed,
hollow.backed, narrow-hipped, droopod-tailed
animal. Such an animal it only good for soup
and dried beef, and poor soup at that.
It costs a gicater proportionate expendi
ture of food to pioduco bono and horn than it
does flesh and milk. Animals having an un
due uluro of bono wo call coarse, and all
coarKonctii is bad. Such animals arc gross feed
era in pioportion to their weight.
As it costs no more to feed n high grade
than it does n scrub, and since wo get greater
returns for tho food consumed, uud this
sooner, it is far more profitable to keep well
bred cattle.
Neither can thu general farmer afford to
keep thu tiuest puru-blood animals for beef
pioductiou. Ho wants a good high grado, say
of about thieo.fourths puro plood, of.somo
good, hcof.prodticiug stock, as the Short
horns, Hereford, or Dovons. These animals
should havo small heads, lino muzles, ligl t
bones, deep, wide chests, straight backs,
broad hips, deep bodies, thu skin and flesh
elastic to tho touch, with good thick hair; no
particular matter about tho color, only that it
bo true to tho breed.
lty uiocdiug to n good full-blooded bull,
and keeping good common cows, in u few
years hu will havo his animals up to a quality
ciiial in value, for all practical purposes, to
thu pure blood, lly this manner of breeding,
and good fetding, hu will bo ablu to send ani
mals into the market that v ill sell readily,
and biiug very nearly double the prico of
It is not well to use a grado bull for breed
ing when we can gut a puro-bred oue, for the
grade may throw his boil blood into the pro
geny, and thus stop the improvement.
Farmers can usually buy a good, young
Short-horu hull, use him, ami thcu sell him
for about cost, lu this way farmers can get
their bullocks to weigh from 1,050 to 1,100
pounds at twenty-four mouths, whereas scrubs
would need to be kept year or two longer to
rvach the same weight.
H takes a certain amount of food to keep
an animal alive, so if thu high grade weighs as
much at two years old as tho scrub at three,
wo will save the food that It takes to keep the
animal alive for one year; save tlie work of
feeding them for one year; will not have to
run the risk of losing them from disease or
other causes this third year; aud we will get
to turn our money over ofteuer by keeping
cattle that will mature soou. So if the gen
eral farmer cai att'ord to keep cattle at all, he
certainly van afford to keep those of a good
grade, and only those".
desciiption of the disease and notes on remc
dies and methods of treitmtnt, but wo find in
an article lately written to the New York
Tribune, by James Law, tho eminent veteri
narian of Cornell University, some further
notes concerning tho disease, the disposition
of animals dying by it etc., which may 'prove
of service to our cattle-growing readers on
their distant ranges. He states that the stock
which has been exposed to the infection of
blackleg, whether from sick animals or rom
infected pastures or places, may attain some
measure of protection from taking daily in the
food or water some disinfectant which will
check tho development of any germs that may
be present in tho mouth, throat, stomach or
bowels. For this purpose one drachm of car
bolic acid and three drachms of sulphate of
iron may bo dissolved daily in tho drinking
water of each adult animal, or sprinkled on its
food; or one drachm of iodide of potassium
and one half ounce chlorate-of potassa may be
used in tho same way. If thcro is any ten
dency to coativeness, it should be counter
acted by roots, apples, potatoes, soft mashes,
or by daily doses of two or three ounces of
Glauber salts. Constipation usually begets
fever, and fever strongly predisposes to the
reception of the anthrax germ. Young ani
mals aro always most liable to the disease,
partly because their tissues aro soft and im
pressible, but laigoly, no doubt, because they
havo not had an opportunity to become insus
ceptible, through an earlier mild attaik.
YouBg growing animal! should thercforo be
kept apart from pastures whero blackleg hab
itually occurs, and if they must be at any
time exposed to even the slightest extent, care
should bo taken to keep them in the most vig
orous health, and to prevent them from be
coming suddenly plethoric.
To prevent tho evil effects of a rapidly
increasing plethora, it is desirable to feed well
at all times, and never allow tho subject to
get into too low a condition. The use in this
connection of linseed cake has tho double ef
fect of keeping tho beast constantly thriving
and counterasting all coativeness and fevtr.
Somo sock tho samo result by giving yearling
cattle weekly or semi-weekly doses of half an
ounco of saltpetre, or of two ounces of Ulaubcr
salts; while still others insert tapes or strips
ol leathcror cord through the skin of the dew
lap, and smear them frequently with crude
turpentine (pino gum) or other irritant, so as
to keep up a running sore. Thrso are" kept in
for weeks, or oven months, and though notan
absolute protection against tho disease, yet
they sorvo to materially reduco the mortality.
Cattlo strange to tho pastures should be sub
jected to tho samo precaution as young grow
ing cattlu. Aftur it has once sot in, blackleg
runs such a rapid course that treatment is
rarely of any avail. In mild cases the use of
carbolic acid and stilphato of iron, alternately
with chloratu of potassa and iodide of potas
sium, as advised abave, for prevention, and to
the swelling oil of turpontine, or carbolic acid
in oil (1 in 10) may give good results.
Tho carcasses of tho dead and all tho pro
ducts of tho sick should bo burned; or, if
buried 'at all, it thould be in a dry, porous
soil, w ith a covering of quicklimo to favor
speedy decomposition, and security fenced in,
so that iio other cattlo can approach tho place
nor eat the gras grown upon it for several
years. If damp or impervious soil is only
attainable for burial, then burning tho car
casses is far to bo preferred. Whou a pasture
has once had an outbreak of blackleg, it can
not bo considcrad safe for several ytfars to
come. The purification of such pastures may
be expedited by placing them under a rotation
of crops and stirring tho soil at frequently as
possible, so as to cxpoto tho germs to tho air
and lesfcn anil reinoo their irultuuo by
changing the medium in which they grow.
Tho gr-iud principle is uovcr to bo lost siijht
of that it is thu habit they acquiru of using
up little oxygen in their growth w hich (its
theso germs for growing iu the blood, and it
is the habit of using up much air that unfits
them for survival iu tho auiuul fluids where
orf mil Jural.
Established Grades of Wheat.
At a meeting of tho farmers' board of trade
held a short time since, the secretary was in
structed to havo tho grades of wheat, as esta
blished by said board, published officially.
Following is a correct copy of same:
No. 1 Extra To weigh not less than sixty
pounds to the measured bushel; to be bright,
souud and clean, of tho variety, known as
Scotch Fife, or any other equally hard n heat.
No. 1 Hard To weigh not less than fifty
eight .pounds to the measured bushel; to be
bright, sound and clean, Scotch Fife or other
equally hard variety.
No. 1 Same as No. 1 hard, except to in
clude soft varieties of wheat.
No. 2 Hard To bo sound, reasonably
clean, composed mostly of hard varieties of
spring wheats; to weigh not less than fifty
six pounds to the measured bushel.
No. 2 To weigh not kss than fifty-six
pounds to the measured bushel, sound and
reasonably clean.
No. 3 To weigh not less than fifty-four
pounds to tho measuied bushel, reasonably
cleau anu suitable tor warehousing.
No. 4 To weigh not less than fifty-one
pounds to the measured bushel, suitable for
Itojecteit Weighing not less than forty
eight pounds to the measured bushel, suitable
for warehousing. No musty or badly grown
wheat or rico wheat shall be graded higher
than rejected.
George Giles, Sec'y.
St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 21, 1882.
little air could bu found.
UUckioc In Cattl.
There lut beeu considerable anxiety ami
some actual lost from blackleg auioug the
herd of the l'acilia Coast duriug the last tew
mouth'. We have already given a full I and full particulars
Keep the Best Sheep.
The Sock owner who would constantly ad
vance thu standard of his flock must adhere
to tho selfish i ulo of looking out for himself.
He must weed out tho least deiirablo ani
mals, for tho shambles or for sale or to those
who choose to buy, and keep the best results
of his breeding and purchases. Whero his
surroundings are such as to limit the number
of animals that can be profitably handled, nut
a few yeai suoed elapse beforu a comparatively
high standard cau bu attained, and this still
further advanced by a rigid wooding out of
less desirable members of tho flock, aud hold
ing on to tho best, iu spite of tho temptations
ot long prices for parting with them. Many
of tho most successful breeders maktfit a rule
to cull out and sell a certain number of sheep
each year, supplying their places from a
choice of laml. This not ouly adds to the
flock the latest results of breeding, but also
orves to keep its Dumber good from young
animals, competent to withstand such acci
dental hardships as may overtake them, aud
from which may reasonably be expected the
best response to liberal feeding and intelligent
The mau who permits his flock to be
"picked," be the prion received ever so tempt
ing, but lends swiftness to his competitor,
which will be turned against himself iu subse
quent races for supremacy as a breeder. The
man who thus iuvitr himself to a secondary
place ou the list of breeders, need not affect
surprise when the better foresight and
stronger uerte of hi neighbors place him
still lower in the category of those who secure
success by deserving it. Xationul Lin-Stock
Dexter Field In The Polaris.
I am writing moro particularly of cabbage,
tomato, pepper, strawberry, and sjch plants
as every one w ho has a garden has occasion to
re-set. Whenever plants aro taken from tho
place where they have been growing, many of
tho small fibrous roots through which they
have received nourishment are broken; and
tho trouble in re-setting is to keep tho plant
alive until new roots Btart. When a plant is
taken up and re-set, the roots that furnished
food for it before being transplanted, do not
act in tho same way when it is re-set; hut
new roots aro thrown out along tho old ones,
also from tho stem of tho plant, aud they
push their way out into tho soil, sucking up
food as they go. If tho plant has the right
conditions surrounding it, these roots will
start within twenty-four hours, and they will
bo sufficiently grown in two or three days so
the plant will not wilt in the middle of a hot
When transplanting any of the nbovo
plants, cut oil" all the leaves, preserving only
tho crown or center; these old leaves aro of
no benefit, for they call for a good deal of
moisturo, while the plant is in no condition to
give it. In taking up the plant, the root is
either heavily pruned or placod in a condition
where it cannot supply the requiredamount
of food. So prune the top of the plant as
much as the root. Do not set plants of any
kind iu very dry soil. Let the soil be moist
when the plants aro set. If it is late in tho
npiiug, or in early summer, (and the soil is
generally pretty dry at that time of the year)
it may be kept moist by cultivation. Through
all the dry season the ground can be keut
moist if it is stirred enough. When thu time
comes to re-set, stir or cultivate the ground
afresh, working tho surface till it is fine, then
mark off the rows. New, all is ready for
tr nsplantintr. Seloct cloudy weather for
this work, if possible. If the weather is fair,
wait until evening. Take up the plants, cut
ting off all outer leaves. If the weather is
very hot and dry, throw tho plants into water,
leaving them thcio until ro-set. Now, mix
soil and water iu a dish till it is about as thiek
ns common mortar. Take one plant at a tune,
put the roots and stem, all but the crown, in
this mortar. Open a brie in the moist ground
by thrusting down any thin, flat tool (a ma
son's trowel is good for this work) aud press
ing it over to one side. Put tho plant in tho
liulo thus opened and down until only thu
crow n will bu abovu the ground. Draw out
the tool, press the soil firmly arouud the plant,
and it is almost suro to live. After the plants
arc takcu up, expose them to tho air as little
as possible. The objuct of puddling the
plants that is, putting them in mortar is to'
cover them with a coating of soil to prevent
the air coming into direct contact with them;
also for food for tho small roots as soon as
they start. When plants aro set in this way
there is little need of watering afterward.
If water is put around them, cover the wet
soil with dry loose earth, so it will not dry at
once, or bake in the sun.
ing was w here I hail selected small potatoes
erown from a plantine of larco ones. Hut the
next year, if small potatoes had been culled
out from that crop, I would have had small
potatoes raised from small ones, and the
faults, such as might exist, would be more
likely to show. A safe rule is, probably, to
plant small potatoes when, all things consid
ered, they are as good as can bo procured
without unreasonable cost. I intend to plant
this j car potatoes too small for table use, but
they will bo put in whole. When they are
cut, substance is lacking, the pieces wither
quickly, and the sprouts lack support.
XV. A.Armstrong. I remember a year when
I had not cnouzh potatoes of full size for
planting, and I used, to finish the field, very
small -potatoes; I daresay tho average was
scarcely larger than a hickory nut. Fancy
varieties were planted in a portion of tho field
tho seed cut to about three eyes; common
market varieties in a largo portion, the pota
toes cut in halves or quarters; and in the re
mainder the very small potatoes. The crop
was good, and thero was no perceptible differ
ence in quality or yield in that part w here
small potatoes had been planted. I should not
hesitate to employ tho same expedient again
in case of necessity; but, as a rule, it is better
to plant potatoes of a larger size, simply be
cause there is less risk of getting imperfect
seed. The main requirement is a strong, vig
orous shoot. Get that, and if there is no po
tato at the end of it, there may be a good
crop from the planting.
Curing Hams, shoulders and Sides of Fork.
From tho Prairie Farmer.
The wiiter has been so very successful in
curing pig meats the past few years that he
would like to exchange experience wiii some
of your many housekeeping coriespcndents,
if any of them will be kind enough to make
public what they know on this subject, which
is of considerable importance to a good many
farm households.
We have always used the best dairy salt
that could be procured, dried it well on a hot
stove, if at all damp, and mixing it with all
tho sorghum s,yrup that could be stirred into
it, w ithout making it too fluid to remain on
the meat. Into 100 pounds of salt and a gal
lon of syrup is stirred and well mixed one
ounce of powdered saltpetre and one quarter
of spices cloves, alspico, pepper and bay
leaves thoroughly ground up. This is rubbed
on the meat iu a cool place where it will not
freeze, and it is then piled up three or four
tiers high, but not more. Twice n week for a
month the meat should be gone over, rubbing
the mixture iu whero tho meat is bare, and
changing position, putting the bottom pieces
on top, letting all blood, etc., drain off fiom
it as completely us possible.
Tho objection to sweet pickle is that tho
blood and wat ry parts of the meat ooze and
drain into it,detiliugaudinjuring it all. Some
packers think that dry curing and piling
squeezes all tho juice out of the meat, but our
experience is that nono is forced out but what
ought to be expelled anyhow, and that the
process h tar superior to wet curing.
When in salt about two weeks the meat
ought to be smoked. This will require about
a month or longer, accorbmg to the material
used. Uusually'tho looks of tho product must
determine the length of the smoking.
Hams cured in this way havo been kept
perfectly good for two jears by wiappinir
in newspapers and tying up in a paper flour
bag. Canvassing would perhaps be as good,
but certainly no better, and tho majority of
pork house hams are unfit for eatinj late in
tho summer, though somo persons will persist
iii doing so.
As a rule, the,curing of meat successfully
consists in close attention to a number of mi
nute details, all of which are necessary. It
seems to be out of the question to command
the nccc.-sary cleanliness and care from ordi
nary pork house employe, and after trying
for tho last twentj -five years to avoid tl e
necessity of curing small quantities of meats,
the writer is resolved, in future, to have
nothing at all to do with any put up in large
Two Men shot lmi Mlille Lngugeil In
felling a Tree.
Mr. K. C. Hackett, of Prinevillc, Wasco
county, furnishes the following under date of
March 15th: Two men were murdered to-day
over on what is known as Big Willow, about
15 miles north of this place, in cold blood ; in
fact, it is about the greatest crime ever com
mitted iu these parts. Their names are Aaron
Crooks and 3. J. Jorry. The particulars of
the sad affair, from the best we can learn, are
about as follows: Some time since suit was
brought by a Mr. Brown and Crooks against a
man by the name of Langdon, the man Jorry
beinga witness for plaintiffs, and in which
trial a-vcrdict was found for plaintiffs against
the mau Langdon. It is supposed that this
so enraged Langdon that it led him to waylay
them both (Crooks and Jorrj ) and shoot them
down iu cold blood while they were felling a
tree. Parties are in pursuit of Langdon, but
as he is armed with a Winchester rifle, trouble
is undoubtedly brewing, as a man with tho
nerve to do a deed of this kind will undoubt
edly hold out to the bitter end. Our Justice,
A. W. Powers, goes out tins evening to noiu
the inquest, after which I may furnish you
with further particulars.
The Nnglisli Coach nnil mf,
Stallion. Weight 1550 lbs
Effect of Stable Air on Millc.
For catalogues of Turkish rugs and designs
send to John 11. Garrison's, 107 Third strset,
Portland, Oregon. tf
91500 per year cau be easily nude at Lome
working for K. (1, Hideout & Co., 10 Barclay
street. New York. Send for their catalogue
Small Potatoes for Seed.
In a late copy of the Husbandman we find
a discussion in the Klmira Fanners' Club,
about what potatoes will do for seed, and ex
tract as follows :
J. Bridgman. For a single jear I should
not hesitate to plant potatoes as Urge as wal
nuts shucked, but I should not be willing to
continue the practice year after year, and I
would stipulate that small potatoes must be
planted whole. Some years ago I had a field
of five acre to plaut, and my potatoes of
full size ran out before the work was done. I
had a lot of small potatoes quite small many
of them and concluded to use them rather
than waste time hunting others and pay a
round price betide, so I plantod half an acre
or more with those small potatoes, uncut, and
marked the ground carefully in order to deter
mine relative yield. During the growing
season all the field was treated alike, with no
reference to difference in plautiug. When the
crop was dug I took sp.cial paint to note re
sults, aud found it impossible to decide by the
product where small potatoes bad been plant
ed. The crop was quite as good and as large
from that plautiug as from other portions
where large potatoes had been used. I do not
say that a single success like this establishes
a rule, but it shows that a good crop of large
potatoes may be raised from small one
plauted. Now I have said I should not tike
to follow year after year planting small, pota
toes, aud I have a nascu. It must be under
stood that my successful crop from such plant-
Tho effect of stable air on milk is no excep
tional case. It is in perfect accordance with
the general effect of thu inhalation of every
other odor, and is an effect which may be
avoided. There is no necessity for it. There
is more difficulty, it is true, in cariug for the
stables of cows than of horses, owing to the
peculiar nature of their offal and the greater
quantity of their urine, it being estimated
thirteen times that of horses. But it can le
got out of the way. There is no good excuse
for leaving it under them or behind them, or
anywhere Within the stable, so that its fumes
or the malarious exhalations from its fermen
tation cau reach the cows. By having the
manure frequently removed, and keeping the
scent down with absorbents and disenfect
anta, some means being used for keeping w hat
little scent there may be away from the cow a'
heads, as sweet an I pure milk can be made in
winter as tan be got at any time iu the year
troiu the same material. Lire Stack Journal.
Woman in the Orange.
Gov. Porter, at the late meeting of the In
diana U range, among many other seusible
things, said : Women are admitted as mem
bers of your Order, and I am glad to see so
many ladies here to-day. Those who are con
sulted so much at home in regard to the con
duct of the farm aud household are counted
worthy to be consulted with and to take part
iu discussions in your counsels in regard to
the most important questions that concern
you, 1 be tune has gone by when it is con
sidered uufemiuine for women to understand
business, and the far mi r, who must place re
liance, in case of death, upon his wife, if upon
anybody, to preserve his estate until his chil
dren shall have attained an age aud capacity
to manage it, likes now to make sure that she
is instructed iu business, and will not have to
lean upon some uukaown aud incompetent or
fraudulent person for advice and assistance.
Prairie turner.
LawiieSCK Heard From. J. A. Lawrence,
who some time since deserted his wife and
lett here in company with Miss Nellie Sloan,
has a second time telegraphed to Mrs. Law
rence from Berne, Switzerland. A cablegram
was reciived by her on Fiiday as follows:
".Nellie sails tor JNew York on tnei'otn. nave
written three times. Reconsider your ueter
mination." Mrs. Lawrence some days since
instituted suit in the Ciicuit Court for a di
vorce, and will pay no attention to the mes
sage. Captain Sloan has not heard a word
from his dauhtr sii ee tho letter she wrote
him fn m San I'ramisco. Ho is taking cveiy
mode, l.o can devise Jo find his (laugh ti r. He
docs iiol believe she is iu Switzerland, or that
the eer followed Lawrence out of this coun
try, lie thinks he got her money and then
gave her the Blip, not caring what became of
hir. ,
Humajj Remains Found. A. A. Owsley,
of this place, returned from his ranch at the
mouth of Grand Ronde river, Sunday last,
says the Pomeroy Republican, aud reports"
findinc the remains of a human being about
one mile below where that river empties into
ine snake. lie arms were gone as was all
the flesh except a little on one foot. He
could not tell whether it was a white man or
a Chinaman. The skeleton was about five
feet five inches high and had evidently been
in the water several weeks. Was this some
poor prospector or stock man who had met
his death alone while attempting to cross the
treacherous Grand Ronde, or was it one of
the numerous Chinamen who inhabit the bars
cm the upper Snake river and engaged in
rocker mining? It will probably remain a
mystery for all time to cune.
A SlNOULAlt Rfquevt. The Indian Ka-ta-tah,
who was sentenced to bo hung on the
31st inst., has requested that his time might
be shortened iu order that the interpreter,
Mr. George Kostrometinoff, and the Indians
here as witnesses might bj present at the
execution. As they will sail on the 29th cr
30th, Judge Deady yesterday ordered that
the execution take place ou Tuesday, the
2Sth. It is not often that a condemned man
makes such a request, but it is hardly to be
wondeicd nt in this cae, as should the inter
preter nd witnesses be gone the poor wretch
would havo to meet his death surrounded en
tirely by strangers, not one of whom could
understand a word he iniuht say. and with
not one friendly or familiar face present.
Death of a Pioneer. General Stephen
Coffin, a pioneer of 1S47 and at one time
owner of one-third of the townsito of Port
land, died nt his home iu Yamhill county on
Thursday uiirht. Ho was well known
.throughout the Northwest and filled many
positions of trust faithfully and honorably.
His memory will live long in the htarts of
many to wnom no rendered timely assist
ance in the early history of the State. He
had arrived at tho ripe old age of 73 years,
and calmly breathed his last surrounded by
his family and many f.-iends.
To he PnuTKorKD. Mr. John Denny, who
resides near tho foot of Washington Butte,
Linn county, has received tho 2y Mongolian
pheasauts tent to him by his brother 0. N.
Denny, consul at Shanghai. He proposes
turning them loose on the butte, ana the Al
bany Jleijiater warns all hunters, should they
be iu the vicinity of Washington Butte, or
anywhere else iu tho county, not to ha.-m a
feather of them, under the penalty of. being
Contract Lit. The contract has been let
for tho construction of a college at McMinn
ville, Yamhill county. The liepoiter says:
The masonry portion was awarded to Canuto
& Co., and the woodwork to Jones, Hill &
Co., the contract price beinir 317.000. 'Iliia
is exclusive of material, which is furnished by
the building committee, at an expense of
84,000, nuking the total cost of the buildine-
about $21,000. Work is to be commenced at
once aud the building is to be completed by
the 1st of October. I- will be a fine buildii g
aud an oruamerit and credit to the town.
Narrow Escape. Tho house of Mr. Ar
thur Warren, two miles from Oregon City,
had a narrow escapi from being burned on
Wednesday. It happened that one of his
children climbed a ladder to the roof for the
purpose of placing a box for pigeons there,
and fortunately discovered flames just burst
ing through the roof alongside the chimney.
The alarm was given and several men at work
in the fields near by arriving succeeded in ex
tinguishing the fire before any very serious
damage was done.
East Portland Pbosferinci. Great ac
tivity exists in building lu East Portland. A
lartre number of cottages and several fine resi
dences are in course of construction or about
to be contracted for. The bum extends as
far as Mt. Tabor, where some half a dozen
houses will shortly be comnleteii. Th n.,n
and sash and blind factory u unable to keep
Stone Qoabt. The quarry recently
opened near the old Paquet residence, just
above Canemab, says the Enterprise, is now
rather a lively place. Larizo auantitieai of
atone are being taken out there that will be
used in the construction of the First National
Bank, Portland.
ey, w III make the soason.of 1S82 dlvljin,.
lrT ,lme between the farm ol the unUenKS
rtMVljotolii( Siller's Station, Con aiMs1
f.,ir mi. Albany, as follows: Sunday v'ii'
sutmr farm: Wednesdays, and Tl.i,..i:!
Frldaj s and Saturdaj s at Albany. C"
.tin initvri int. u.nn lueHiiam anil ,uin of n... z. . ..--
lieUcenlhe farm and Corvallls. Will lcate Alt"'
returning home Sunday morning". "'"an;,
I'eillRrrrl naner. uruce was sirea by Imp, gi, ,-,
Ham Wallace; Dam, a noted and beautiful Clev.i. .
Bay,, bred by Mr rncip, ot Kentucky, and sold MiT
to Abo Fry, o! Illinois. Mr William Wallace hulir
In the stud for nine ears In McLean conntv. m Dee
Trilil Season, sal; insurance, S30. Good tub,.
aire furnished mare from a distance at my farm in
attention gh en. No accounlahllltr for accidents
Thou ell known Full Iilood '
Pcrclicron- Norman Stallion
1) HI llnhe the Season of 1882, '
uotnmcnclnir March 57th and endln.
July 1st. Mondays, Tuesdaj,. 3
IVrqlnniilari nf nanh .... i. '. "
,t e-uue-wiays 01 cacn Week at n.
farm 10 miles east of Sa"eni In Si
Waldo Hills. Thursday,, r,ii!
and Saturdaj s at Oafnes F1...5
Stable, Silcm, Oreiron. WIDE-AWAKE Is without i
doubt tho most uniform breeder In tho State, hayul
never sired a colt only of a gray or roan color.
Tt'l'niHl Season, $23; Insurance, $35; saason dus it
tho end of tho season! Insurance clue when the Dunk
known lobclth foal. Good pasture tor mares from ,
distance at Sl.W per month. Will not be rcspomlbli
for accidents. Itracrlnllont Wide-Awake Is a llrfil
cray; 17 hands high; wcliriu 1,800 pounds; is 9-year old
thli Spring. Was Imported by James A. Perry ol
w ilmiugton, IU., and is an extra traveler. "
jiir rirnrnira (Iran
will make the season of lgH
commencing Mareh 27th and
ending Jul) 1st athis stabl. ...
mile north of hubllmily onMondajs and Tucsdni
at STANTON on Wednesday and Thursd s; and it
SCIOon Fridajsand Saturdaj s of each week.
Ti-rml Lcau. duo at serlce. $10: feeason. Hu.
end of season, &15; Insurance, duo when mare Is known
to be with io.il. din Louis nas proteu nimseil one ot
the best slre'9 In Oregon as well as California,
llrnrrliilioii! Louis Nanoienn was sired bv (IU
Louis S'aHleon the first Fercheron Gorman Imported
toliilnois'.hlsdam was bv Old Sampson. Iranorted h.
Colonel Oakley, of Taswell county, Illinois; his urud
dam whs a Canadian mar.-; he weighs 1,500 poundi.
height, 16 hands; color, white.
(Started 1857 SO jcars a Nurscrj man.)
Fruit, Ornamental and Shade Treei
Mend lo lungent, Oregon, for price list asd
octl-Gui descriptive catalogue.
Garrison is a public benefaator, because he
sells better sewing machines for loss money
than has ever been done in Oregon before, tf
Greatest Variety of
I'EAK, PVAt'll, PL! .11, ami CIIKRKY,
lliniClt.MT, FILI1ERT A II 11 THEK.
t3, Which will he sold low for CASH. Special In
ducements to parties who wish a largo quantity of
We havo a few thousand Chen) Grafts of leading
varieties ready for planting at $-J0pcr thousand
foblni2 Proprietors, Mllwaukle, Oregon.
Keeps a full stock of
Shade, Ornamental and
Vines and Shrubbery,
At the Very Lowest Rates.
For price list and descriptive catalogue send to
oct7-9m Woodburn.-Ore on.
Prettyman & Potter,
General Nursery Stock.
Everything propagated and grown with caro and at
tenticn paid to proper taVlnr up,' packing and ship-
Give us
call or address at Salem for dsscrlptlre
'UV1UV1, r.VIUC-lllAMMIIriSl
Baker City Reveille: Banch crass h not like
jny other gnus in the States. It is ui generit.
It grows in bunches, five or six inches apart,
and is exceedingly nutritious. It becomes
cured in July, and is as nourishing when dry
as when green. It possesses the nutritive and
fattening qualities of rye, barley corn 'and
oats; hence, cattle, sheep and horses, pas
tured upon it, become very fat. The fattest
venison we ever saw anywhere was made so
by bunch grass. The best beef ami nmii :
the world is produced by the bunch grass of
tastern Oregon and Washington. 1
"" ijit wii;mmnfms making a SPEt-1
suitable lor&tm disss acuta. lAv bv troll, portp
. u betftJ.ior
f asra na4l vicMrtniiiil.
B Pleadlal TT-atk- (. A fl hMU.VfArlll
ZfiHf Ktraujjmow ROSlF tnsn most e
I will null the plan, and right t make one, to the
Brat la any place who sends me II.
Harrows aa4 parts f Harrows Far 8ale.
I have Used tbia harrow hr. imn mnA aa harSkSSV
era! ol mr neighbors, and we know it is superior Wanf
other harrow ol similar cost. '
For further particular address me at ButtniU. Ore
gon. JOHN W. 1UTC1IELOR. Agent.