Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 17, 1882, Page 7, Image 7

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I lulillim 0rr Hip HmiII.
Time' WimliiiiKldii iwial i Dr. ltoynt n,
wlui unit in miiliwcii tiimi dm, l,irf,.,
dnrliiif In ltn lllli"", lis written i luttcr to
Dr. Hrtx'nr, nmdionl purveyor of tlm 1 H,
Army. lUyiitoii ay IUIs us never ilat.il
in cliinfe of tlio I'rii.iiti-iit'ii ivnti liy my uh-iii-lier
of tlm Ir"nltnt" family, ntnl was eon
tliiiicil without si.y autliiiritv from lliam
tliroiiKhout tlm I'lttirn umi). Upon tlm luck
if Dr Bowii'in' letter I an firlirciii-iit finrn
Mr, (lurll-lil of tlm Irulliof tlm tnti'mmit
tliorolii, Dr ll'kxlir Imtciruiilntml tliiilntt'tr
niiKHiit Senator hihI ini'inlier in omIi r to tin
frnt HHm' liill, iiiiilii'pl In tlm report of tlm
committee cluirKil w-lli nmlltni nitpeiiu- at.
tf'inUiit upon (litrflolil'silliiiti 'I'll rnUmich
n L-rnvn imnroprloty in nil till tint item
lint o lint litlln result Dr lllisi was mini
iiioimi) in tlm vtun liy S truUry Lincoln, ami
if tin- l'riii'l'it r any inoinW i-f In family
luil nt nny tiinn ilu'iri'il to inikii n uluiii0 ft
would Imvo Ih-oii very rny
I nlmi I'rtt-inr l.lrrlliiii.
At tlin Minimi ineiitniL of tlm Union I'au'fio
Hnilroitil tympany tlm follow ui Direct ir.
...r. ..I....1...1 , 4i.ii.ni, ii.ii... i i . 1 . A. 1.1...
,lil ..'.. . I, . t'M.'ll, l.ttnill, ,t.Kl,
Krr.lcriek I. Am.-.. V.trn II. liikr. H. II. II
Clark, K (lonlon Di. r, David Dow, (I. h.
Dollar. T. I. Kckwt, Jay flmiM Solon Minn
iilirny IttlMiill Hu, AilLJiutil HgliHI, Win.
II. Scott nml Julin Sharp At a nhi-iuout
limiting of tlm Dlrrotoi Sidney Dillon wax
rn elected I'risiilntit, ami a (itnrtcrtv ilivnti ml
of r cut. dcelaml 'I hi total cifiiiiii'n
this rr wti 8.M.'J.'S.SI7 : last yi iir-.r-.!,
i:.'),i:ii: nspeiiu tin jrar, s I 'J. i so. :t i :i s it
year, $10 flfi,lll; lift pa'ninm tlui yiar,
SII.7"K,17I, Klut $11,1110,01.1 litt year
MM... . I.., ,..,... ... ii, ...,i ......i..... :. .. i
I III' .l..'I ill .111. l.'fclWllllllUI'....lltll....
for liy tint 'net that tlio eonipaiiy laiil ?.1!)(),7III
worth ol rail" in mem, of t rar. Tho
dnlit of tlm company in 9 OVi.078, which is
more than covcied liy availahln Ipnm, aec un
ties anil sitppllrr on hand 'I he i oinpany
holila euriiii- of other rsilrmd. to tlm
amount of $.11,773,0011, of viliirli S.I'.iHXMXX)
are nl r ami pay illviilcti.la, ami over ?i!.V
(KX),CHI ii, I 'J per ecnt, m r aiiliuin to the
vjnilllr. llrruinlnx I nnii ,
D. liy in (' km moi-'thi' vi'i p lytiniy.
lull .mums jjram npprilini.ioii amum.' tho
i'iititni of Utah. Tlicy Ixilirvo that a lull in
tli" w nf iro i ncrainnil t,y tlm IiIhtaI ii of
Mormon uolil, plaerd where it would ,lo tlm
moat K'xxl. letter from VAhinst(iii on the
subject am all ni the most ili'cuursffiui; na
ture ami tato that men who wore outapokpn
in tiinn vliw agiinat ilyiainy a f-w wcka
ao am now rithcr ItikcHArni or oprnly nilo.
catniK tlm Hilii'y of m-atinu Cintion aii hit-
tun; iiyrainiiii aioiii' .o ix-niim in nan
ff a L u l.au ....... I. I....... f.l tl.M flll.lP.. fIPl....ll
IMnil II H, II I. Ill 11" 1"I "1 ...' I. .11. ......'...
iiiflui-oof aro Iimi atroiiK for any hill to pax
without liviiiif nttrrly iliim)Kwilcl, Tho
Morinon arn now tMiantiri of tin ir mice, in
ami rtfTcriuit ti l'l that Cannon will Iw aratnl
anil that Uiern will bo no anti-Mormon Iciis-
rrrptli adit llniiirt.
On the 8th a iworption nil hannuet w
tendercil to Hon. T. V. O'Connor, M. I'.. at
Mt. Mary' CoIIck". 8" Francinco, hy the
laaiilty of that iiiatitiltlon. A laru miniln r
of prominent citiwn wro miU',, ami mv.
cral Catholic clornymoii were pnauiit. Quito
a nuinlxrof thu aIuiiiiii of tlir (.ollru'e wpro
aUo prrrout to ilo honor In tlm occaaion. An
aililrmn of weloomo U Mr. O'Connor w lie
livenil hy Jaiiip K. McOanney Appnpiii'
remark wore nmlo hy Mr llittolln in Mnlf
of tlm ctilloite faculty, to which Mr O'Connor
rraponilnl in littitu; term At tho elme of
the aililrric tho gurt illnuniwl to the
larj;o hall, whera a aplrnilitl banUt waa
Irzlnla Mallrr
KlIUKA, March 7 -Three rxii, lieaileil hy
Ham Hrynohl, repnaiintniK tliuinselve a
ooi tt from miner, waiUil upon Manager
rroUrt, nf tho Hiuhmoml mine, ami inliiiiiel
liim that uiile Im accrileil to thoir iIuiiiaihU
ami retlirmil ti lllo ohl trihllti pric he
wouhl he iiMiKeil to liavo camp to-morrow.
I'rolxrt refucl to inako any toiiciioii,
when tho mini M il-eil alntlve lanuuiue, nml
it i all unl Ili-vnohU drew a pmtol to hoot
tho manager, hut a comiauion ratetl it from
hi hau.l, 1 ho eommitteo llnally witlulrew.
Aatxeial tnrctiiiif of tho Miner' Union will
ho hcthl on Huhy hill to iukIU In cuimiUr the
iiieion. All miner nru talleil uou to at
UnJ. It ha leikuil out within a few ilay that
O.'Ht aack of ore have I won atolrn frmn the
Alhiou mine, taken throiifli tho lltcliinoiiil
mine, ami iluinpml into tho Kurok t'onoli
ilateil. romo of the tnhuUir Ato cliar;eil
with the theft.
Now ha reacheil 1'ioclie that a lAiiuionmy
.li i.i ...:.. i..u liM.i in,, L ten inilrA be
nun kiihi iiiiiiu ..v.. ...... ,: .,
low IChlorailo canyon, ten milti north ol I'.aH-
I ru Aiiwina,
I'hc tod-t of Johnny l.ehane wai loumi on
i - H..I.U4.IM tin tiniMitH'll llllsa
u mi i iii I i i iio...m , ; : i
rmil for .omo day. Coyotta IimI feaatod on
the hiidy.
Blmrlalllr ometll-
Iimmin. March 8. At tho himotal ho meet
mi! at tho Maiuion llou.o to day a 1- ttcr o
approval from tlm Mnii-ter of Ira.i.o nil.
ler.nany nero read. Minuter Lowell and
tho Mmiitor. from (Jrceco, Hol''. Hounia
,, a and Chili w ere pre.ent. The pernor oi
th llAiik .f Knland a.i.1 Arlhur J. IWfour.
Williaiimoii and Cnllon and fjirt.eorgo Can p
hell, Memheraof I'arhameut, Pko on .wjolii
tion in favor of free coinaipof i.lvcr and the
oblecUof thol'an conference, which wcrr
carried. AIkiuI ISOO p..raon. were pro.ent,
includiiiR many prominent hu.ini. men. I lit
Tlm deprecate, tho meatiiiR acalc ila od to
foater a delu.ion abroad reK.rd.nK fcaKUml
tamper reKardinK !"' iubject.
Tlie 'rrlo Art !
I.UMMN, March .-Uw.ll, U. H. Mimator.
in renUuiK to an application made on behalf
" American ctin-n. arrc.td in KnBU"l,y
tho coercion act . cmtrary to I . .,n. it j
foundation of the principle, of botl hng hah
and Amrricau luri.priidenco, hut it i the law
"the land, ami control, all peron. domiciled
hpn'cla..ned di.trict. ot"!,"1
llritifli aubiect or not. It i. mamfe.tly fu-
eL iakthat naturalised cltifen. ol the
United SUt...hould bo exempted from the
operation, of tlm act.
Tbr Milk mer lill Trblea.
Hbum. March O.-The U. 8. Mar.hal
l,c e luui received a di.patoli dated March Jd.
from hi. deputy. John Hotly, that ho i. a
nXner an.onhalf-brecd. and I'"''""
heir camp ou Milk river. T hooountry ia full
of .imiKKler. and illicit tiader., and he had
rc.Ud.iof the leading men and captured
$3000 north of robe., when the Indian, cap
tured him and hi. outfit. He aked aid from
Tort AMlniboliiO, there are not troo
enouuh at TopUr river, and the Sau.ao Indi
ana are reaily for war. Mawlial Hotkin ha.
dheoU.1 .1 1 to be .ent. Uter Worn.al.on,.
that Den. Jlueker, oommandtt.it at rort as
.iulboine, ha. . ent .even compau ie. of lu a ..
trv and two of cavalry, numuerimr. W "'".,
with in.truet on. to recu Hraly and drive
U . Crii. back into Iiriti.h t. irritory. whe,,ce
they came. Hi. feared He.ly and hi. oom
'anion, niay be butchered' before the troop.
Oregea'. t'eclLm.
CucvauwD, Feb. 28,-Tho flr.t Uipor.r
tlio oaatcrn ilivl.ton of t'io Now Voik, Clu
cago Ht. Ioiii Jtailroa I han hcon m ido and
nil limpcction imt'lo hya ainnll party of Kcntlo
nioii tnteroHed in tho road. Tlio aymllcato
or whiuli tin roid . a part now ontitrnN a
lotnl of I.2.V) mile of railroad ami own i!00,.
0(H) aero of tho riohont land in tho country.
At Chicago, connection will hd inado Hith tho
Milwaukee & Ht. I'aul for tho northweat. A
r loiti nllfnncn hai aluo been mndo with tlm
Northern I'nc.fia. At lluiralo connection will
Im made with tho Delaware. I.aokawana X
stern uxtontioii now nearly completed, an
with tho Kr.o ami tlio New York, Vet Slior
Mt HmIIhI.. 'I'l ii it . .i.
.v ..,..... j ncno inn o jonimi will torn, a
coiititiuoiH lluo aero, tlm cotitlinnt comiict
itiKNew York with I'ortlund, Orcon. y
order of tho yndicat. thu 1'iilliuaii company
i now liilitdmj; at Ch.cnKO a apecial outfit
of imIicn, hotel and lu-piii( car, which nio
to lie run over thi train continental lino from
Now York to l'nrtlnid. They are to li of
,cil tylo aini iti.tiiiguiaheil from other
car now in me.
MJiii .lriitiiiur' Cnnrral.
San PitAnriACU, March n Tlm funtrnl of
thn lull, Mnl.r T 11 It UI....I. ....... ,...,..
..,.. p.Hjv, a. ., ... ..LVIIIIUUDU. bUIIG
"poiulc.it of tho Now York Herald, took pi ico
to.nay trout tlio lied Miii'h Mull under the
iiiuplcc of that order. 'I ho pull-hearer
Weru roatui.kter Coey, .1. CI 1'atnck, repre
auittniK tho Merchant' KicIu.ip; J. S 'IV
lx-r, pri.ideiit of tho ItoAtil of Trade; I'rof.
Cham', on hohiill of tho mining iiiterent; A.
D Ihill, of tho ban Krauclaco inerchaiiUj it
I. CrriKhtou, of the 'utt; A. It. Ilendoraoii,
Mornin'i Vail, And .1. I H. Wentworth,
I'fiiurrci of Valilornlii, Mcuihir of tho I,
0. O. I', attended and tho funeral wii largo
nml included inotiy citien and niwapaper
II nil Klale of Affair at Omaha,
Oiuiu, Neh., March 10 Ijilxjr iiiiionintM
and moli held a lane and cuthumaiitio meet-
nil tci'iiilit and ih tormincil to enforce, if
pOMihlc, their eatahlikhed price of $1 7.1 per
iluy for comiuiiii labor Mine aerioua troulilo
laexjKcttil. Nine cnmpanie of militia will
arrive in Omaha early to-morrow inorninij.
Comptunx C aiid IC of tho United State cav
alry and Company F of the Ninth Infantry
left Fort I.incolu thi evening hy rpecul
train for Omaha ami will nrnvo at I o clock
to mono morning One hundred and tifty
uiviilry, under command of Ktml, ami two
coiupaniiaof infantry from Kurt Omaha will
arrivu alo in tho morning, with yattling jjumi,
houitaia, etc. Tho I!, and M. lailway corn
Ii ni) ut ouco put thtir men to work under
thi military protection, and iu this way a
crisis may ) pr-cipiUUil, particularly if tho
mob pa.'ade or vttcmpW deiuouatiatioii of
violence. The ringlradura aro to ho arre.ted,
probably ou a charge of conspiracy. Jlot
tune aro anticipated to-morrow, as tho au
thorities aro detrmincd to put down mob lule
and settle tlm i) Mention forever, and hy blood,
if nece.sary.
Vrrk'a ('allures.
Nkw Yoiik, March 10. -It. 0. Dun A. Co
report failures of the last seven days a-i 1 CI,
against V2S laat week, Kaatern State had 'JO,
Western 4'J, Middle ii, Southern 41, l'acilic
10 and New Yotk City 7. Tho most signifi
cant in Nuw York City is William Itutter .t
Oi.. au old and respcctaole house in the
leather trade. The stoppage of V. J. Magsn,
(iuedin ii Co., importers ot watches, hai long
been expected. They carried a heavy and
cxiiiive stuck of Swiss watchei which can
not compute Kith Annricaii goods, and the
businos ha becu catim itself up for years.
Terrible aMirTerlBK.
lUl.KXA, March 10. Among thoso brought
to Tinutoii Tuesday, fl eiug from the ovtrllow
were two women who had been confined, one
upon a raft and tho other in a gin home, aftor
lH..ng driven from tl - ' omos by tho floo.1
and without tho lightest comforts known to
the civilized world, tho wind cuttii'L' mcrci-
lesslv around them. Tho mother were half
clod and had r.o garment at all for the little
ones, nor lire or IchwI, Tho swift current of
tlm oterllo rushed around them ami anxious
,tti looked for rr3ue. the water in the mean
time rising r.pully ami adding to the ilo-pair
which had alrtady well tuxh culminated.
These people hao generally lost all their
per iiial property, even to clothiuv, tho water
coming o rapidly that they were aide to save
out) themselves. Supplies w ro issued to
day for live day to 11,101 ooplu hy sub
commissioners of thu city
The Russian-Austrian Question.
London', March 10. A "dispatch frmn New
Yoik to tho .S7iiniri i) reports Of an im
pending Kuroposii ar telegraphed heuco aro
atrectiug American markets. There is noth
ing known heio to justify itch rojorU. (ien.
hkolieliill' s.H-ech causoil uiieaiuos, by ill
rectin attention to point of ditfi'ieucu bo
twetii Austrian and Kussiin politics, ami tin
ha given ooiosiou for various, somewhat sen
s4tioii.il telegrams from contim ntal capitals,
aud from tlm Kant, such as fur example as
roportul in tho VVnir yi.tcrday, concerning
apprehensions of war felt hy tho palaco party
at, (,'unstaiitinnplo. Hut thero uro no now
facts dev doped such as tho speccu of (ien.
Skobckt! pointed t, aud there is no tiki li
hood ot a disturbance. On the contrary there
are sign of a subsidence of tho tension to
which the speech gave rise. One of these i
tho imioiiding appointment nf an Austrian
amhataa.lor lo place uf Count Kalnoky at St
IW rlntig, and another announcing that tho
Human Oram! Duke Vladimir will shortly
pas. through Vienna, coupled with a semi
i.lficul diiiiul by Austria, that ho is intrusted
with any mission, In cause consideiing tho un
clouded relations between Austria and llusia
nemo .iich is reiuird. Tho prompt and cor
dial recognition of the Servian kingdom liy
Austi.a . uousiderel to .how that tho Aus
tiiiiushavo satisfactory assurance that K'ug
Milan i. not inclined to favor Kin-Slavish
intrigue. Tho principal dangrr of complica
tion between Kussiaaud Austria a. explained
hy "O K."in a recent communication from
Moscow, would ariio from Austria becoming
embroiled v. itl. Montom-gro aud Servia. The
iKMsihility of such embroilment i. becoming
leas, , notw.tlntandiiig conflicting ropoits.
Austrian, appiar to bo getting tho better of
thi. insurrection by a system of oomhihod
movements. Tho takins of Ubli is one of
thoso, hy moan, of which troop, starting
respectively from Cs.tnluuovo and Catharoaie
hemming in the Krivosiiaus, cutting them nil
ou ono .ido from the Montenegrin frontier and
ou the other from Herzegovina.
Cameron regard the anti-polygamy bill as
v..ry unjust. No doubt he dooa.
The supplementary report of tho Union
Pacific is to be issued in a few days. It will
state that the substitution uf steel for iron
tail, for 1880 and 1881 cost $2,810,000. The
company ha completed the laying of steel
rail, on thu Uuiou division with the exception
of 40 mile.
At tho approaohing consistory the pope will
create auvrn new cardiual. including the
moat Hnv, Dr. McCatw, archbishop of Dublin,
It i. understood thi. exprexo. the poiie' ap
proval of the efforts of Archbishop MuCabe
made in behalf of the cau.e of law and order
in Ireland,
A San Franciiao dispatch .ay. i The Driti.h
bark Chaa, Cot.worth, which ha. arrived
here from Liverpool, ha. performed the re
markable feat of aailing all the way up from
Cape Horn with only a jury or makeshift
rudder. When oil" the Cape .he encountered
heavy ea which carried away her rudder
post. The tliiaater rendered the voyage very
long but the vouel ar.ivid aafsly with all her
cargo lutaot,
Tho condition of Congressman Alhni re
ported a critical.
Kalloch has been admitted to tho Supremo
Court of Cahfornia,
There were 1.1.1 death, in San Francisco
during the pat week.
Tho Supcrviior. of San Francisco propoae
to license opium den.
Senator Hill is said to bo in no immluont
danger by hi. physician..
MacLcan, tho Queen' assailant, ha been
committed for high treason. ,
The heaviest .now atorm of tho season in
Northern Kansas occurred on the 10th.
Union block, at Canton, was nearly da
atroyed by firo ou the 10th. Loss, 8.10,000.
Tho Chinoae'bill stand No. 31 in tho House.
It will bo soVcraldaya before it can be reached.
Shepherd ha been notified to-appear before
tho Houae eommitteo with hi book and pa
pers. J t is denied raniell was rocentl placed in
anlitiry confinement for trying to bribe the
There will bo an international convention
of telegrapher held at Cincinnati on the loth
instant. ,
The House eommitteo on coinmerco expect
to report tho river and harbor bill by tho mid
dle of this month.
Nino business houses on tho cast side of tho
p hlic square, Decatur, Texas, were burn.d
on tho IOih.
U. S. Commissioner Shields, of Now York,
refused naturalization papers to Hop Sing.
Oood for Shields.
The Austrian, have captured Ublei, which
was undefended. The insurgents were driven
hack to Matjagrida.
Tho 1'roducu Kxchanco of San Francisco
ha voted to purchase tho Merchant's Ex
change building fur S'J.IO.OOO.
Kepnrt from tho southern counties of Cali
fornia show that the recent rainfall extended
over all that portion of the State
A. N. Towue was taken serioimly ill while
going from Indianapolis to Columbus. Hi.
condition wa critical at last account'.
Tho would be assassin, MacLean, ha. been
identified a a man who last Summer fre
(piented the vicinity of Windsor castle and
acted in a auspicious manner.
A report was made on the 10th from tho
Committee on Indian Affairs aud placed on
tho calendar for tho allotmcn. of land in sev
eralty to Indians ou Umatilla reservation, in
A hotil at Trvnton, Mo., on tho Chicago,
Hock Inland & Pacific Railroad, burned this
morning. 1 ho building wo a five-story brick,
and many guests were compelled to jump
from upper window..
Cfen. Skohulon has delivered an address to
auumlxrof Russian officers stating that tho
best Kussian is tho Czar. I'urope knows, he
said, what hu thinks ou tne Slav question.
His recall was only anew humiliation pro
ceeding from a man who with blood and iron
boil founded an empire which must be de
stroyed by Russian blood and iron.
The mcreUry of the Immigration Associa
tion of California has received a letter from
the New Orleans agent of the Companini Com
mercmln steamship line informing the associa
tion that tho rate of passagu for emigrant.
Irom Havre to New Orleans ha been fixed at
?i'l, and from New Orleans to Havre the rate
for steerage passenger, w ill be $44, with re
turn ticket! for $74.
Specials say that nothing is heard from dep
uty marshal llcaly, prisoner among tho half
breeds at Milk river, since February 10th, and
friends are anxious for his safety. Ho got
word of his condition by smuggling a dispatch
through tlio half-breeds with the aid of in old
friend who was iu company with them. He
is a man not likely to call for help if ho ha 1 a
chance to help himself.
E. T. Kennedy, who has been employed as
leading writer on the Sail Francisco Alia,
committed suicide on the Oth int. He laft a
letter to a fellow journalist which rhow. the
act to have been the result of despondence
ami disgust with life. Deceased was a man
of much ability, but ol delicate organization
and xciiMtive disposition, and at times ad
dicted to tho use of stimulants.
News fioiu South Africa states that Boers
and tia'ivcs, with three guns. Attacked Chief
Muntizivja on thn 'Jlst nit. Tho latter rallied
and completely repulsed the attacking party.
The latter, whoso losses are believed to have
beou heavy, aiiiin advanced on the 25th ult.,
when they fell into into an ambuscade and re
tired, losing .'IS. including tho commander.
Chief Moiituiviu'. loss is trifling.
Secretary Hunt has received tho following
from J. (j. llennctt, at Paris: "My oorres-
IMiident intends to lcavo Irkutsk at once for
rt-na'ii mouth, and telegraph it will be of the
greatest advantage in following up the rearch
of tin missing crow of Moron. Ono of Lieut.
Daueiibowfr'd crow could bo ordered to ac
company him. Hu says llorbou will get there
tiio soon to reach tho Lena delta ou sled.
Will ynu kindly .end necessary permission."
Graphic' Loudon special say. : There has
been tn-day a .udden and what appear, as
promising to lie an alarming fall iu pricei of
nearly all European securities dealt in at the
Loudon stock exchange The admitted cause
of tho decline is the prevalence of a belief
ba od ou apparently 'authetio report, that
Russia has plainly refused to render to Ger
many a satisfactory answer in rtlatiou to Gen.
Skobeletr's recent warlike speech.
Republican' Albuquerque, N. M,, Kpecial :
At Los Lt enaa yesterday Clias. Sheltou, John
Redmond and Harry Lynch were taken from
jail and hinged to the nearest tree, by
masked men. Shelton murdered foreman
Woodruff last Fall; Redmond killed Jos. Mc
Dermott last January at Gallup, on the At
lantic A: Pacific Railroad; French, who killed
Deputy Sheriff Jono. at Crane'. The mob
also took two iiegrot . from jail, beat them
unmeicifully and turned them loose.
Yeiitcrday mcr dug the Journal published
a letter written by Garfield in 1803, which
rotlected somewhat on Itosecran.. The letter
was I'ceu yesterday by tho latter who .aid:
"I had no idea at tun time that I wa. harbor
ing a person capable of such falseness and
double dealing, or thero would have been a
court martial at ouco. I did not look for
such an exhibition of Garfield', character a.
thi, and am sorry that the letter ever .aw
the light. It should never have been written,
for it is a compound of untruth, and exagger
ation." The devastation by the flood become,
greater every day. A Littlo Rook, Texas,
correspondent of the 9th aay.t A.hley couuty
report, ten thousand people on the verge of
starvation, and Chicot aud De.ha have each
a. many, if not more. Cross, Critteuduu,
Miui.aippi, Leo, St. Francis, Monroo aud
Phillips counties have thousands of .uflerer.
iu destitute circumstances. I should judge
thero are nearly if not altogether tifteeu thou,
sand persons needing aid in the State to-day.
There aro teuauU and farmer, of .mall mean,
who have lost their all hy the overflow;
house., farming implement., .took; every
thing ha. been .wallowed up in the flood. To
them tho outlook i. gloomy, (or no matter
how industriou. they may be they cannot im
mediately get employment, aud must there
fore be kept at public exponas for a time at
aliAaMaWaaiM VtafSajfeatH
I M ' ' J " ufff'r ti ".. r.. i '" " M?ly WBamaV I dia. P I
lThe Handaomeet, Stiffeet, and Moat Durabla. No Rust No Decay. Secure against Fire, Flood and Wiac.
It Is Ibe only Barbed Wire tint will prevent small animals, such as rabbits, hares, plgn, dogs, cats, etc., from passing through, under or over It, SB
the.barbi are no near each other.
- 'c-T. The Barhs being trlanu'ar-shtpcd, like the teeth of a , and close together, there Is no cruelty to animal, as the) cannot pierce the hide; thty oei?
prlck,w)itch ii all that l ever necessary, as no animal will go iioir a LW fence twice.
A tlie nitc la not benl or twisted. Its temlble strength uiuuch greater than thewlroln all other Barbed Vt'lr Fences, as they are all made of twlsisd
or bent wire.
Ilrnl or roll! raiinnl Affect Hie Amrrlrjtn llurlt t'nirr, at It can be allosed to sag when put up, enough to cover contraction and sxpanslooke
cauic It la a conthiun Iljrli and cannot nllp through the staple one In'b K ic'i panel of fence tal.es care of itself.
'Die Ilarbi can net be displaced or rubbed II, and are nut pounded on and Indented Into the wire to hold them In place, as In other Barb Wire, thertby aV
creasing the utrength of the wire. The lUrbs arc short and broad at the bare, (there strength is required.
Tbe Pulnlrtl weighs a pound tu Ibe rod, so thtt the purchwor knows exsctlv how much fencing he Is getting. Galvanized weighs slightly mors.
The Farmer' Faivorite
(.ratcntcd June 29, 1&S0 )
ever let Invented. It is so constructed that it
conforms to uneven surUcci, and i) the
Ho,l Eatlly Manazeil Implement of the
kind In Isr.
11) uicani of the lever either section can be readily
lifted, so as to at old any obstruction, or to clean it.
A Small Boy can Operate It.
if It hu taken the Kllt-ST premium at all the Fair
where It has been exhibited. A reliable agent wanted
in even Count on tho Pacific Coast States. County
righti lorsale. Addrctt :
J. J
Itoseburg, Oregon:
Qcneral AgentJ for
Pacific Coast
No Shuttle to Thread!
Make, the Lock Stitch?
Embroiders, Darns,
Memla, Letters,
makes Insertion.
Sew . on Button, with
out any attachmsnt.
Lightest runniiiL' and most durable Machine.
in the World.
Ono of these will Outwear any two Shuttle
Machines, ana a chthl cau manage it.
Husbanls who wish to save doctor', bill, and
their wives' health, buy it
Tbe best ! all kln4a of Xeedles and 011s
Alnar si hand
Wheeler & Wilson Munuf 'g Co.,
88 Morrison St., Portland.
CRAICE SHARP, Jr., Manager
Orders for the country rilled promptly,
A Sure Cure Guaranteed.
JL w
sions, J
ineut, a apoclne for Hysteria, Dlazlnesi, Convul.
Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, Loss of
Memorr. Spermatorrhea. lraioton.:v. Involuntary Emis
I Vi
sions, Premature Old Age, canned by ot er-exertlon,
Self-Abuse or Over-Indulgence, which lead to misery,
decay and death Ono bos will cure recent cases.
tacn dox contains one monin s treatment; i uci a ooi,
or six boxes for S 00; sent by mail, prepared on receipt
of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any eaa.
With each order received by us for six boxes, accompa
nied with S 00, will und the purchaser our guar
antee to return the money if the treatment does not
effect a cure. Guannteeslsaued onl by
Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Portland, Or.
Orders by mall at regular prices Jan3T-ly
Wool Commission Merchants,
9 lauetU Valley that thsy will b la th market
Is year lor buying and selling wool. Thsy havs ua
aualed facilities lar transacting and negotiating wool
t'ash AdvaacM made an Annroved Casutsnm
Their present address Is Pendletaa, Vnsalllsa
reaalr, errgoa. Office will be at 107 North Frant
street, Portland, Orego. jaa9-t(
17, 1882
Galvanized, Painted or Japanned.
110, 112, 114, 116 and 118 Battery Street, San Francisco,
Liberal Terms,
Low Prices,
Long Time,
Low Interest.
following liberal terms: Oue-fourtn ot tne pries
in cash; Interest on the balance at the rate of seven pel
cent one year after sale, and each following year one
tenth of the principal and interest on the balance at the
rate of seven per cnt per annum. Both principal
interest payable in (J. S. Currency.
A discount of ten per cent will be allowed for cash.
Letters should be addressed to
leSS O. & C. R. R., Portland, Oracon'
(Late of Salem.)
W. Corner of 2d and Morrison St
Will practice in Portland and surrounding country,
Cbrenlcand apped Incurable Bis
ease Is will knoun, can be found at their rooma,
No 39 talon Block, Portland.
Residence on Stork Hreet between First and Second,
No fee for coniu.'attlon. Defer Gov. W. W. Thayer
Gilbert Bros., Bankers of Salem, and Hon. H. A. John
son, Salem. Janl-U
Shipping and Commission
Xorthrast Corner or Ask and Front Streets.
AU Sorts of Merchandise Bxshangedtor
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boot and
Shoes, Hats and Caps.
K er) thing a Fanner w ants for sale Every thing a Far
mer raises l Died.
Corner Madison and First Streets, rortland.
Opposite Segman, Sabln it Co's Agricultural Wan,
house. octatg
3 OFFICE: No. 167 First Street, beWssa Mo
Zaxn3rloa and Yaaihlll, Portland, Oregot !
Salem Flouring Mills Co.,
Manufacturers and Exporter! of
HUrheat market price paid at all thuai for
AddiSks orders and eommunicatlons to tlie oSoat o
th Company at Salsm or Portland.
Portland Ofioe N. S. Cornar rront aavl Aaa Ita.
augl-tt M, B. !, Aent
latcorporated 18C4.
Home Mutual Insurance Co
or cAuroaniA.
LossesPaid 01162,368.29
Oregoa Breach Ottce,
GEO. L, STOHY, Manager
Southeast corner ol First and Stark Strata,
OpposlU Ud4 THtoo's Bank,
A YKAR and .apsnatt U
agwits. OutStln. Addraasf
. vikwy, iium, K
Keeps a full stock of
Shade, Ornamental and
Vines and Shrubbery,
flt the Very Lowest Rates,
For price list and dearriptive catalogue send to
oct"-9m Woodbara. Oro oa
43 Front St., Portland, Or.,
mroiTEB axs sums ur
Engines and Boilers, Mill Sup'
plies, Etc., Etc.
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore
Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asth
ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, sad
every Affection of the Thrott,
Lungs and Chest, including Con
sumption. Sold by all Druggist.
King of tho Blood
I not a "oun-alt;- lt Is a blood portlier and tOnlaV
Impurlty of blood polaon. the system, iln.a.s.
the circulation, aud thus Induces many illsusdaK.
ocfut,JOaohaoKt, Ikiural Weak, Utari
fwvj.AtaneTf xuea, raws, jaruwMi
torr, Scrofula. Skin Ditordtn, Plmph
3tioT3o. KlaWfta.'Bl.od
andourea these br aetaakinai tas ninm.
orthalUood. CbsmiaU andT DBraletaaa
caiuna-lf'tnamost gwolao and afaeaeas
imUr "Z ,n? P"fP- . ooia oy inxiauu.
wr7M ? MuaKKuva OBvosaona, as,,
phlM. " Treat tso on DWiaiea ef tb
travellna la this suunanr. aava thai auaaof aba I
BUiilLA, I.Uaur Bff,jn Mnil ini.ni,au
andCatPe Powders auKl hei are wortules trash.
says wai luienoaa a iukuucsi smreiscs am i
pun ana nnmenaciy vaiuaoi. Aoinuur
mas aetai lay an nasrw isi wavuuoa rasruer. uosa.
on teasp moral to one pint food, tkildeverywbsrt.oratat
by mall for eight letter at amps. 1. 8, JOlLMaON 00.
Boston. U-ut., furwt rly II uuor J(.
Corbetf s Fire Proof Stable
charna. Particular atUntloa aM to .n.ratay aarat
lUaka la attondanca at all train, sad baata, dag aJt
araaaSxIr fiaaaaHawB aaWaa.
muwivu w yww,uiiHiiin m. uiinaman iaen as
cording to oSeou, but being really tmnoaaa a
phaafsor that great eeaerio disorder. IsaaarlsT
TBlMd. Such are ;WJi(a, BiUmmtiYffi
alffht Oanaaetad by all Talaanona Coasasalaf. Wknf
you oobm to rsjrtlaad laaatr far Warnaata asar
aplf WDAnJMAt0)aTlryVy'