Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 17, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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    -m m urn i n f atirlUkryia sin lfc.
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4$jraitgi; ycuarfnmil.
Subjects for Discussion at Next Mooting of
Multnomah Pomona Orange
Stuhikii, Ci icivVMi Co., March 11, lsvJ.
IMitor Will inn tto Firmer :
At the list meeting of the l'omoni Grange,
hill in Iist l'arthiiil, Judge Boieo 1ml ably
before us the necessity of miintainuig our
org miration, ami m a ery concise iniiimr
slescnbtd some of its bcntficiil result".
We had a very interesting meeting. Bro.
Lent proposed for disi.usiou the sulijtet of
gum,' our count) othecis salaries, which
win elefcrrcd until our next meeting. As
Lecturer, I requested l!ro. A K Shipley to
kid in a discussion. Subject Taxes and
Assessment". .Also, Bro .) 11 Knapp Butter
making Sistet L. II C ark was solicited to
read in original esi- subject. Home; while
I shall speak a feu moments on mixed hits
bindr All fourth degue members are
coidially solicited to le pus. nt at our mxt
meeting aid participate in the 8etral dis-cus-ions.
If all finntis could be so awak
ened ti tht.it own mti rests as to attend the
meetings of the gnnge where -inous sub
jects of b ii c li C to them art agitated, maiix of
the causes f our pre sent compl nuts, which
are due miinly to our ow n lgnoriuce and ne
glect, might be averttd. I have been pleased
with the lite discusintis in the FueMrK of
difleiint subjects, which are of vast import
ance to agn ultinists.
The eorrcsp ndent from New Kra writes
upon "assessments ' Hope he will be pres
cut at our next meeting to tike part in tl e
dicuvion of that subject He sa)S "notes
and accounts are not property, and const
quentl) should not be tied." Hut the) re
present money and dnw from light to tin
per c nt 'interest semi annually , whk tlic
farm with its equipments of cittle, horses,
and ne-ceasary machinery, with good mamgc
ment on the part of its possesor, after pay
mg for the minual la or performed (the work
of the wife and daughters thrown in for
De icon's measurei, may yield an income of
from two to four per cent, a crops are mi
certin and stock is perishable, while the
notes are secured on real estUe, consequently
without risk. .Still he &duses us to watch
the inti-mouop ilits The man holding the
notes dres-es finely, occupies a spieious and
elegantly furnished residence, and styles him
se'f a in iu of influence, which I am frank to
cone de If he wishes anything in the shape
ef legisl ition, he know s how to make it, and
devotes his life to luxury and eie, while the
fa mer earns his bread by the sweat of his
Drow Fort le sake of argument we will all
nut, that the farmer has a house to cove'r his
family much passes for comfort, while the
dress of himself and family compares un
favor .bly with that of the money loat er.
Still he as. watch th- anti monopoly move
ment This suits the capitalists. 1'oor
ere itures ! They need 1 1 be protected by the
mass s of common laborers, for while the
farn tr represents a few hundred dollars, the
capitalist counu Iim wealth by hun ireds ff
thou mils.
D m't worry the pair fellows. Subsidize
them tatr and na ion' City, town ami vil
lage, pa tnbut- to chtir outstretched hand.
Patnp red sons of Amenta! They ciny our
xvh i to a foieigu market, and load their
shiiHwitiro ks in 1 sail 1, ami bring thim
heie ni fertilizer f r our virtnn soil, instead
of c ii ug Ulnn Aith such artic'es as are con
sum I hv the producer, thereby saving one
thi ill freight on our exports. But the poor
miii -turer at the Kist must bleed the
farm t the West, then those other ansto-cn-
,' i's can get SIOO a tir load, or 10
per t)i t r trvispirt ng freig'it over a road
giv , ' tie ii bv the people. Oh, yes, inv
ert 'on 1 1 irtrs of Amtn ;a ' Favortd people !
i t'i.) anti-.nonopol) movement. The
if ig 'vill almirii our judgment and
i t iv they tike all (sive a bare subsis-
i yur earnings C line to the Grange,
i-i one and all, and in fidelity to our
i s, let us weigh carefully each rjues
j t ute 1 for ojr tonsi-Wition.
r u Oraaji In Linn County
.jiondeiit of the JJi'tnninator, of
i i, i rites from "ami Itidge, under
' rimy ilth
nt pkaiuiu of attending one of the
i i I) st mseti gs at Sand Kidge
. i t in iith or this month. The third
I'd dugici-s. were conferred ou a class
'I'll h ill was so crowded with the
i' iinn rs an 1 their wives, daughters
i- .it tuny did not have room to con
ing, of, iu as i njiiessive a manner as
Im Orange nt their regular
etui P K stcr, Master, and as he
i he ih opposiil to acting. But I
' i iu pnsid d with dignit) and ability.
i t bo n fi r the griini'e how could
k own an) thing about his ability
' tt its 1 We haio pleutv of young
lie iiiiutry th it are as well qualified
1 ne vaiious olhtes in those in town.
i- tlmmgh the grange wo san find them
.jr thu diiites wera conferred the
lei 1 ued ii cess. Tho good Sisters pre-
, ! of the liiicbt ill uciH you ever read
r imih nil did ample justhe. Orange
c i i ndiraiid the unwritten work was
0 -i ! lmd liy Bro. K A, Iivine, Stato Dep
u v ,i ted ii) II C. Powill, iu a very plain
mi , in. . un r Bro, V, P. Anderson was
c lied ' if in I his rf in ii ku wero well timed.
) y I'owull killed for mid his remarks
ucre i ly appi iiii lie and pointed, Bro. It,
A iMue called for and spoko on the moral
ii rim i i Hi gunge has on the young mem.
i i t the ider, nhowed with great feeling,
I . qi H ia to uud benefit of the influence
(,' tin i dei ' members of the grange, le
fr!."' I i r) clearly the co npany that young
ii i v p cats a r.rLat influence over them
i ii characters cither for good or bad,
1. d lo the financial part of the Oide
which was appreciated by all present. 1 must
confess that liio liwno setined to ficl as
much interest in the welfare of the oung
meinbus as in children of his own. The day
being veiy lauiy. Dr. Alexander, Piwson,
Pa) ur, and ntheis did not perform their part
of the programme."
Another correspondent sends the Dintmul
alor woul of nu enthusiastic meeting on Al
ban) Prairie. Appeaiances seem to justify a
belief that tho giange is nourishing iu Linn
"I attended ono of tho most interesting
grange meetings at lariiiony Grange Hall,
tho Ihth of this mouth that it has been in) lot
to attend. Tho 3d and 4th degrees were
conftrred on a class of seven. The othecrs of
that grange deserve great credit for tho ablo
mitiiur in which the) conducted tho cere
monies, especially tho oung Sisters w ho
performed their paits with great credit to
themselves and tho grange. After the ecro
monies wero over, Bro S. A. Dawson, W.M.,
declared a r cess in order to give the good
sisters time to picpare a lunch, which was
spiead iu the lust order, and every one
seemed to enjo) it. Bro. Dawson called the
grange to order and read the progtiiume. The
unwritten work was exemplified by Bros
Diwson and Mart Miller. Bro. It. A. .Irvine
was called for, and gave one of his warm and
feeling talks for about thirty inmates, then
Bro. H. Payne was called for and presented
the social features of the grange for twent)
minutes Several others followed with re"
marks that were listened to with attention.
I he meeting w as a gr mil success. And w hat
else could you expect w hen such men as Bros.
Dawson. C. M. IV well, J Povvill, Kamsa),
and Irvine take hold of an) thing.
America and Oermany.
To see ouisilves as others see us oftiu
leads to a self-examination that mi) prove
healthful ami stimulating. To compare the
condition of the American firmer with that
of his German brnthcr will suggest much food
for thought, as well as explain w hy American
agriculture has made such wonderful pro-gre-s
during thelastquartcrof a century. The
comparisons given below by a German au
thor, Herr Sender, who has mailed special
study of American agriculture may be
app'ied as well to the same classes m
The German, savs Herr Semler, is never
so practical as the American. The formei
works hard, Lut the latter accomplishes more,
because he is constantly considering how to
save time and strength. Ho is not attached
to the agricultural implements to which he
has been accustomed from his outh. but
constantly thiuks how they can be brought
to the highest state of perfection. Kv ery mi
provement is at once adopted, not onlv by the
intelligent and well to-do farmers, but by
everyone who has more or less to do with
agriculture. Theie are no such wide dis
tinctions in America as exist between the
educated German farmer and the German
peasant. The educated German farmer is
superior to his American colleague in scien
tific knowledge; he is his equal when the
conojKfU f machinery In trie region of agri
culture are in question; but he is his inferior
as a business man; as a saver of time; he is
not so practical in small things, and not so
fond of experimenting.
In drawing a parallel between the German
peasants anu the American farmers who are
their equals as to property, it will always re
sult unfavorably to the Germans. The
Americans are both more prudent and more
active. If the small farmer cannot afford to
have thrashing and mowing machiuce and
hay-rrcsses of his own he hires them. All
hii tools, even to the smallest, ure of the best
material and models of excellence. Iu a
small household detail, thit of cofTey-milU,
Herr Sender notices the fact that in Germany
the colfee-mill is still held between the knees,
while, in America it is scre-ved to the wall,
thus saving ha'f tho labor. In Germany it
generally takes three men to shoe a horse,
while in Amenci one is eufhcient The
apron used by German workmen impedes
them in climbing and even walking; tho
American apron is slit up the middle to the
height of the 1 gs, and the two halves are
buuud round the ankle, which is both
noie comfortable and better protects the
Iu some parts of Germany tho laborer eats
fivo times a day, during harvest-time takes
even six meals, and this habit alone will ena
ble the American who eats only three times
daily, but better, to compete successfully
with the German. The American drinks no
brainjy while at work; he is not lazy as soon
a his master's back is turned, and being
more respected, respects himself more than
dots the German workman. The best work
man in America has often formerly been a
very iudidereut one in Germany, which is
owing to the unproved social position in
which he Guds himself.
Co-operation In Texas
What splendid results have been attained
in Texas through co-operation. Think of it 1
Thu agency at Galveston transacted butiuets
to the amount of over a hundred and sixteen
thousand dollars during the month of Decem
ber, and the net monthly profits of the agency
average over twelve hundred dollars. And
this large sum which goes tuto the pockets of
farmers throughout the State is saved, while
at the same time the commissions charged on
cotton are less than half the usual rates. Well
may Worthy Master Rose be proud of his
great achievements in the cause of co-operation,
for he originated and worked up the
plan of the State Atsociatiou, though ho was
ably sustained by many true Patrons, And
this great and bent fi sent system, which is
already doing so much for the farmers of
Texas, is but in its infancy. When the
Grangis of every county in that great State
shall establish their co-operative storks, and
tfcey all transact their busiuess through the
agency at Galveston, the long-sufTenug and
oppressed farmers of Texas will save millions
of dollars annually that now go into the
po:kets of middlemen. Patron of Hut-landri'.
Written for ilio WiiLVMnnr Firmkr
Death h.i agiitu euteied thu portals of our
(? tango nnd taken fiom our midst, after in u)
weeks of sullirmg, Biother I'.dward Wood
bury, Worthy Gate Keeper of Multnomah
Giange. .His mission hero is finished, and he
has gone to receive tho row ml vvhihoui
hlisstd Savior so kind!) pi onuses for all who
die ui tho IauiI Brothri Woodhmv was .
warm and devoted nieiiilx rot ourGratig,and
was thoroughly imbuid with the pruuiplts of
our institution. His wife and daughter were
iu full svmpithy with husband and father in
the work of our UnUr. l'ho iicigliDnrliood
and society li 19 lost an honest and industrious
citizen. His bcreavid wife has her reduction
of hope and happiness of e irthly enjo) mi nt
cut short, after man) ) ears of happimss and
prospinty. Hisdiughter Kosa will no moie
receive his kind words if counsel or praise,
but wo trust she ma) follow his teachings and
noble example through life, and that she ma)
be prciuredat last when taking her filial do-
'parture to siy as he did "I am willing mil
prep vied to go." Brother Wood bur) had been
in Oregon but a few )cars, but, b) industrv,
he, with his wife, had become possessors if a
good and com ortallu home. Tho fuiui.il
servixs were performed by ltov. T. L. Klliott,
who alwa)s on theie occasious uses bc.iu'iful
words of s)mpath) that tend to lu.il tho
aching heart His remains wero thcu taken to
Lone Fir Cemetery by the members of his
Grange and laid aw.av aecordingtothubt.au
tiful and impitssive rites of the Order.
A friend. Mils. K.J. Pniu
Marlon County Pomona Cause.
SvttM, Or., March 1.1, lib.
Kditor Willaiuitte Parmer:
Marion Count) Pomona Grange will hold
its second quarterly meeting in the Grange
Hall in balem, at 11 o clock, a m , on tiielJOtli
day of the pieseut month. All fourth dewree
members .ire cordial!) invited.
I. Stkdmi, Sec
I!) ' Tojmile, iiilVallicus Monthlv
There is one course left open to those whose
purses do not enable them to own brood
mares of the right stamp to start with, and
that is "bre ding up " This term has long
lie-m used to siginfv breeding to a thorough
bred, that we should discard it were there a
familiar expression equally adapted to our
In this article the words tumpl) mean in
cruising su-, without impairing other desira
ble qualities All over our country wo find a
c'nss of mares rejected on account of mte alone,
and thus happily preserve 1 to us, small hut
wed built, up headed, high steppers, with
large full e)es, clean limbs and iron feet.
Mai) of them standing up for )i.i s under
the W.-V crest kind of work and outlasting
larger horses at all sort of labor. "-sVhife we
would recommcud the man who owns a fine
st) led. sound, 10 hand ir.nre, to sell part of
his farm rather that, let her go, we do not
think a man who does not own such a one
need give up the idea of raising colts t.t a
profit With some care in selection, he tan
find among animals of the class above de
scribed, one which although only 11 hands
and turning the scale nt 900, may be as good
a mother and breed larger than herself. With
such a start if he is able in a few years to in
crease the sie by legitimate methods so as to
produce If) hanl, l.HOO lb. horses, his profits
may exceed those of the in in who started in
Can this be do le ' We think it has and
can. B-tween TiO and 40 )cars ago, a man
who found life an up hill j mr.'icy camn West
and cast in his lot with the first settlers of a
then new co nmunity. He first nnt'd from
others bul at length purchased a tract of laud,
which by industry and the subsequent good
management of his sons, his i nice become one
of the fintst estates in the count).
The sod was turned up with a pair of small
mares, "one good, and the other good for
nothing," and although horse raising has never
been a specialty on the place, all but two of
the twenty or more now on the farm are de
scennants of thoio marcs, and taken together
are the best lot of farm horses with which the
writer is familiar.
A good many have been sold for one to two
hundred dollars each and as high as 9700 re
fused for a team. Horses from this place have
taken many premiums both in light nud heavy
harness, and representatives of thu stock have
brought g od prices both in eastern and west
ern cities. Those now on the place weigh
from 1, ISO to 1,550 pounds, averaging about
There are other farmers in tho neighbor
hood who have had a somewhat similar suc
cess, but we shall only try to explain the
methods of the place under consideration.
The proprietors as has been shown had to
rely largely upon themselves and being gifted
with a certain constructive genius, they be
camo successful farmers and noted breeders.
The sum and substance of their breeding is to
avoid extreme outcrosses, to select with great
care the mro calculate 1 to produce the results
desired and then increase the sie by liberal
feeding and judicious care. At weaning time
the colts are broken to lead nicely. The first
winter they are stabled and fed liberally and
hao a daily run in fine weather. The second
winter also they are fed and sheltered, the
third they run out, but with plenty to eat.
In the spring of their third year they are put
to light work enough to make them bidable In
harness, with some training in the hay field
uud on the road iu the fall, T he fourth sum
mer they run at perfect liberty in tho pas
tures, this allowing them to get their new
teeth and grow bono and muscle. Tho fifth
teuton they begin the serious business of life
and are expected to do full work from tl t
time forward. And tbey have gradually ful-'
lillul this expectation. There nio miioi.i1 an
minis SO ti)il.')iani old still in nctivii suvuo
on the place nud nu one occasion the veti run
ofthofaim in his thirty-seioinl winlii lau
away with a full load of corn, dragging the
other bourn with hun We have tend with
great interest thu account of "Palo Altn"'imd
the mithods tin ro euiplii)ed, nud while we
rejouo iu tho btilliaut siien'ss illicitly at
taincd in producing plienonunal tr tteis, we
do not beliuvu tho nvuiiigu fanner inn find
gnat pioht in following such a plan. Nntuio
seems to require about live )enrs to prodiuoa
well matured horse fit fm heavy si i vice, and
since emergencies of thu farm require ut tliuis
an extra number of horses, a little miilinge
meiit will seen I o a eoiisideinbloHiiioiiiit of si r
vice in payment for keeping by the limit thu
colt is at the lnt market ngu six )ealH.
Bofuru our w imlow s as w e w rite, thorn is nu
old maro v igomusly munching the blue grass
and still ablo to lift all her fiet clear from the
ground in a swinging wall, although it is mote
than twiuty yuirs hiiicu wo parted with the
fust horse wo evei owned. A little wn) oil
four of hot cults lorm a picturesque group, all
sive thu weanling taller, heaviirnudeuiiieliir
than her dam. One span was sold foi $.100,
and several others sold singly brought over
$100. Iu all I should think she has prodtlicd
at hast $1,:I00 worth of colts bemilis doing a
good deal of word. Her value liuvir has been
as much ns $100. The owner is no hniiil foi
'forcing," and at tl nes his) oung things have
licked the euro a ti ue economy would ilictite
His success is nuinl) duo on iicount of the
use of gtod sires tht btst he toilld hud iveii
if ho bad to go ttvent) miles mid pay $'-'."
service fee.
Ill the selection of sires, we find the great
cit obstacle to breeding up In this vicinity
we can 1 1 net a hundred good loo my, sound,
large breeding but iimlrrsiicd times which
tan be obtained at fur rato, but we do not
know ot tunc horsts really fit to cross with
them. Creiturcs there are with size enough
and to span-. There aru plenty of well bred
and speed) trotters, but tUuJttim hone is verv
In our estimation, next to the rnlorceii.t ut
of iiieh quarantine regulations as shall m.iin
tuii our present coiupirr.tivu comparative nu
miliiit) from cotitai'ious diseases of livestock,
gov eriumut can secure no greater advantage
to our fnimrrs than would accrue from the
establishment of breeding studs which would
produce- such he lots If wo could havo the
sirci good iqicciuiemt of our best farm stock
we believe bneding up could bo sncecssfull)
earned on liy attention to the following de
tails First Tho lelectmn of roomy mans calcu
lated to make good mothers
Second I.ibi ral feeding during the first
ami second wiu'e-rs The grim iimd should
be mostl) oats In order to secure hardness
T bird Allowing tho colts to grow to a mi
tural maturity without injur) from overwork
or sen ro ellort.
A few ears ago we should havo protest! d
against Mr. Wallace's "pay no attention to
the blood '" but in tho proii-nt emerci-ncy we
wish to heartily endorse the sentiment. Wc
must take the tvp-i wherever touiid, and brn d
to perpetuate- it, rejecting all inferior and de
fective annuals at any sa nficc, returning the
liest at all huzards.
Til r. English fiockmaster has settled two
points in British experience, first that mutton
is more profitable than wool, and second that
among Knglish mutton ctmsumi-rs there is a
decided preference for Down or blu-k fucid
mutton. Tender, juicy lleih, with n fine griun
ii-iil rich Ihivor, ripe uud yet currying plenty
of Unit meat, is that whiuh suits the English
market. A combination of these qiiulitii s is
found to most crfectlon in home of the black
or gniy-fiiced breeds or their crosses. This
preference on the part of buyers is co marked
that the butcher is emiblid to give nt least
two cents per -pound more for ilnrk-fiiced
mutton thnu for any of the white faced in d
long-woolcd sheep,
Lkctctkfiw on science or writers conutetrd
with agriculture should avo d scientific terms
as much as pnssible or othrrwise explain!
them. A good story used to bn told of P. I'.
Barnum, who; having attended an agricul
tural lecture, where thespeikcr was lavish in
his praises of muriate of soda as a fertilizer,
went iu the morning and ordered several tons
to be sent to his farm, which in duo time was
delivered. His farmer opened one of the
casks with the intention of applying it, ami
was not a little surprised with Us familiar ap
pearance, and, on tasting it, was satisfied that
its appearance did not belie it, for it was com
mon rait. He started for Mr. Barnum and
accosted him in the following manner ; "Mr.
Barnum, what did you say that stufT was that
camo yeitcr lay ?" "Muriate of soda." "Mu-
riiito of soda I" said the farmer "It's noth
ing but salt." "Nonsense," said Mr. Barnum.
"It is muriate of soda." "Mr, Barnum, come
and see for yourself." He went, he saw and
tasted it, and declared it the greatest fraud
ever perpetrated, Ho started for the city,
and went directly to the dealer from whom it
was bought, and asked what tho stiifl was
they had sent him. Their reply was, "Muri
ate of soda, as ordered " "It is a mistake, it
is nothing but common salt." Then for the
first time, he learned that salt and muriate of
soda are one and the same thing.
K. M. Wahiijiukw, of Lennox Furnace,
Mass., who has two siIqs of a total capacity of
H7S tons, which cost him $4(10, has filled thei i
with millet and corn stalks, at a cost of 91,Ci
per ton. He feeds forty head of cattle daily,
with seventy pounds of ensilfge, and add to
this fur each animal, five pounds of hay and
three quarts of grain. Tho cost of keeping
each animal is twelve ccuti a day. His cows
hare gained in flesh sinoe ensilage feeding lie-
(an, and the growth of the young stock is sat
sfactory. The milk it 10 degrees better by
the lactometer test than when made from
grass feed, while the quantity is a good and
the flavor a nice as when the animals were
feeding on June grass.
LumuortiiK on 1'imot Sound.
.Sutttlo t'nut IlltilllKiilllir
'I lie tn is i oust uit and npentod inquiry for
liifoi illation concerning the Iiiiiib.nliug Indus
tiy of Wnshiiigt iu Tiruloiy, thu witisfncitlon
of which iloiolvts largely upon thu Tuiftori I
pit ss.
Thu gieil limber regnm of the Tinitoiy
lies west of tho Cnsc.adi innniltnln", nnd takis
in substantially all the coimtrv to the IVillu
mean, from the Columbia river on the south
to Biitish Ameiua on the north from 1 10 to
'.".'0 miles lung and fiom 110 to l.'O mil
wide. There euii he found II r, pine, spruce,
himlock, oak, ash, aldu, maple, ceiliu, cut
touwood and iinuihirlrm iillur varn tils; thesn
named, though, being more than lime ti uths
the whole. Tin) covtr peihnps two thirds
the whole countiy, about 1,1,000 sqtiaiu milts
or 10,000,000 ncics. Thu ) it Id per aire Minis
imimiisil), innging liom fl.000 to 10,000 frl
pu'acro to 00,000 to SO.OOO. While thu lir
timlier is pirtieidail) heat) nnd hue, tho
qiinutit) per nuo occasional!) runs to 1 00.0(H)
to l.'O.OOOaud even to '-'00,000 hole qiur
tir sections em easil) lie obtained that will
avenge fiO.OOO feet pi i ncie, or S,000,000 feet
to the 100 acres. Wc think it safe iioiu-h to
iveragti tho tiinbir product of thu 10,000,000
ncits at 30,000 feet cr acre, nnd aggregate it
.".00,000,000 (MX) feet. Adding the two parts,
wo ma) safe!) assume thu standing timber of
tho T'cintor) to he tqinil in quantit) to 100,
000,000,000 ft 1 1. T he aiinu il cut does not At
pieseut xceed '.'.'O.OOO.OOO ftet, at which rate
wo have a supply good for 1 000 )eais. The
tut, howcvci. will from this on increase I ip
id ), until iu 18S7 probably .'.00,000,000 fit t
will be tut, and in IS'IJ perhaps 1,000,000,000
In Wtnionsin nud Michigan thu atinur.l cut is
now 1,000 000 000 feet, at wh.ch rate i ur tun
lur supply would list mil) 100 )uars. Tim
standing tiinbir in thu T'iriitiir) of Wah ug
ton, as abovu co! ulited, ts fully tquat to the
toiiMimptloii of the wh Iu Cmtid Matt ilur
lug the post liiuidriil )eam, and its value at
$10 per thousand fiet is tl.OOO.OOO.IHX), or
mote th ui the value of .all the taxable, prop
i rty in the c mibmcd Slatis of New otk and
Pciimlvama in lb-SJ
Along tho Columbia rivir aie a iiuiubir of
saw muls, as lUo in the 7owlit nud hehalis
country, lut won the .Sound nud the river.
With a single exieptlou tliene am small sf
fairs. At Gra) 's llnrlior, uu the ocean coast,
n lirge null m iu coiiisi of construction, nud
that others will uptodil) follow there and
elst where in thuwoo-litl itgious is itiUlli.
The cliitf and lieav) lumbuiiiig on the Pa
cific slope is done right hen-, within a radius
of mxt) mill of Seattle, and thu principal
part within Unit), The leading mills of the
touiid, when ,i worktd, havn n ciittu g
cipaeit) e.ail) i no igh of I 000,000 fret per
iliem, or r00,009 000 per annum Three of
them cut inch over 100,000 fiet per day, slid
fourth is being put lu condition to cut over
'.'00,000, w lull) the three lirt n fi rrd to w hen
works now under wn) are complctid, will tut
loO.OOO fett a tin) betwetn them .St viral of
thtse mills aru trul) niiniron) istablishmriits,
working over a humlrid men, having logging
camps working a hundred more, nud having
from one to four s'tnmhoats, nud from six to
twenty sail ships in their service It longing to
the same owners They nre iirroiuiiliil l)
whole towns, in which are hotels nnit stores,
churchts, schools ami secret societies, and n
populitiou of men, women and childieu from
two hundred and lift) to five hundred m
lagging has licictofore bun conducted on a
small but ever extcuilliiL' scale. In its earlier
stages, twenty juin and more ago, it sun
small and cheap humuuss compared with what
it is to day. Two or three men landed to
gether and cut tn i s along the shoies. I he
logs or piles they lolled into thu bi, fornn d
them into little rafts and sold them to thu
nulls. For a good many )i-ais there was n i
iich thing as buying timbi r laud. No one
was here to watch the government's interests,
and cveryliody thought it was all right to get
lid of timli. r iu the quickest ki.si!i1ii way.
After stripping the idges of thu Sound iu this
milliner, loggers were compelled to go further
back, ami more intensive unifies won re
quisite. Tiny havo kept on going back, until
hauls over skidded roads of a mile, a mile and
a half nud two miles he-came common. Time
lo.ig hauls suggested railroads, and a number
have been called into reiiuuition, in some
cases auimnls furnishing the power and in
otlurs steam. That railroads nnd steam will
havo to ho the main n liante from this on is
rccoviun nud known.
It must not be inferred from what wu havo
said that the tuiilior has been all taken from
thu lands bordering the Sound. Not thu
quaiter of it, nor thu tenth, has been taken.
Thu pafcser-by would hardly know his hasty
glance that thu woodman's axe had ever been
lined in the vicinity. From one end of Pugut
Hniiud to thu other is a forest prnc-ticiilly un
broken. Thu timber o far has only been
culled. Mill men havu rejected logs of less
than sixteen inches in diameter and sixteeu
feet in length, Tho contents of logs n aching
their saws average each over 000 foot from one
year's end to thu other, and whole rafts have
often been Iwiight in which the average con
tents exceeded 1000 feet to the long. The de
maud for big sticks has causul thu nulling re
ferred to, snd thu consequent leaving by the
logger of tho smaller timber, Logs containing
.1000 and 4000 feet aro more common hero
tl an logs of 1000 feet aru iu any part of tho
country tast of thu Mississippi river, where
the average, as in the great timber State of
Michigan, is less than 200 fiet per log, Gnu
of these days, when the choicer grades aro less
easily obtained; and when tho demand presses
moro heavily upon the supply, these old
workt-d-over lands will be returned to, and
msde to yield timber a second time in no lis
quantity than at first,
California has hitheito been our principal
market, It has taken in tho past year about
160,000,-000 feet from the Puget Hound saw
mills. Tho llawuiian Islands furnish our next
best market, and after them Peru and Chili, b. , , 0K(,),W:Hani,vMI)'
Mexico, Australia and Chin. OuSASXSS
tlHil illy of spins, haru btuu scut to South
Afrioi, to I'ugln.id, Franco, nud even to thu
timber producing shipbuilding .Statu o!
Maine, Forty or llf'y million feet per annum
will about lovir our uxpoits to tlusn foieigu
nnd distant Ini ds. 1'hn houiii consumption (
mm of tho oil U f Inctors iu the trade, snd,
tl'ough despised by thu lending mills a few
) ears ngu, is now uu Item of com cm second
only to Culiloriiin. Thu building up of largo
tow us, and the oxttiisinus nf,uur railroad )
tern, nee mint lor this uhaiign.
But our timber is not nlonu adapted to the
building of ships and houses, the laying of
sidewalks, ute. Our cotton wood makes ilio
best of ban els, nud wu havu two facilities
tin mug out i half million per minimi Our
oak, ash, elder Mid maple mo mpnhlu of being
woikid into thu flmst of furniture, and we
Im'o two factoius taxed to their utmost mak
ing good of this dusciiptioii. Our eedsr
makes ebgnnt finishing lumber, nnd eon also
bo worked up into pills and tubs With the
siuelu exception of fir thorn woods have hard
I) been touched lu thu past. Including Alas
ka, Washington Punitory contains thu last
grint bul) of Umber practically uutmiehml in
thu United States. It Is probably thu graiielitt
body cm r loulaitiul in any put of thu eoun-t'-
(. Ilelllt
Court coiivoiiii at Albany
.1, S Nanny luiccte-il It. It. Itolgers as ilg
i I serinut nt Itosuburg
Teachers' Iimtituto will bu held nt Mon
mouth, Polk county, on thu k'.'d lust
'Flier" is to lie an academy budding tree ted
b) the) riiterpilaiug eltiruus of Dram s station.
The ItoKcdmrg I'lnin Inilrr comes out ia
fnvor of the nomination of Hon. M. C. George.
Mis. Ill lie ,-speiic'rr ami John Baxter have
been i leutcd directors of the Caiieinah school
Wm Smgcr has nt list got his lloiiiiug mill
it got h
at Ong
on thu side of thu cllll
gon City in opo-
llumocratio primtilt'S iu Vamhlll are to bo
held uu Muiuh 18, and county convention on
the -Mlh
Id ii Agcu has thu beef contract for thu men
working on the 0 , C Hiilro.ul south of
Hon It It C-ichinu has hern elected ell.
rti tor e.( Kiig- nu City school district audit.
G. IjIIuuii clirk.
A .1. Nelson and J. A. I.onghi ry wire
elected last Monday directors of McMiuuville
school dlstlict.
The people at I'rineville complain about
tliu null from I lie Dalles not arriving at tho
former pines on time (
W V. Pratt has been elsrtcil chief engin
er of thu Oregon City I'iru Di partmeut, ai.d
C ( Mritklrr, assistant.
Mr Madder, w hose property win damaged
by the water at Oregon City last week, has
insulted his hill to thu city council.
V. II Bennett, who has written some arti
cle rchVctiug nu W. S. Walker, at Philo
iinttli, lis concliiilcil that hu ha misstated
f cU iu the matter.
An linlividiul living at Ore-oil Citv has
been tun-1 for gutting dr ink ami abusing his
wifu ami children The Fittli City falls to
givu tin fellow's n.iuie,
Thi) I'lttt l iltj i) n coiiplti were in town
this week tliul aiissi r the duKcriptlon of thu
two connected w h tlui dlaqx aralica of Wit
llamsuli at U alia nlli
Mr. 11 lUilv, il tliu illamina lumbering
mill', wu am informed, lost about 000,000
feat of logs during thu high water Inst week,
by the breaking ot n Imkiiii. .
M M Fills hist week sold the bind near
Fugviin Clti , piirihiisid a nhoit tune liieu for
$.', 100. to .S . Paxt.ii, late from Ohm, for
jl,(v00 A goul spieiiUtlon,
I lure aru three ii.ixii u s now in thu Biker
count) Jill Dan I'-it'ir-oii for unbuilt with
intent to kill, and Paul iliuniwav ami Wil
son indicted for iiiiii. lur in tliu first degree-.
The amount ot Insight, mostl) wheat, re
ceived at Oregon City, says Ihv Kutrrjirif,
during thu mouth of February, by thn O. It.
AN Co , was :i, lli:i tuns. Tim amount for
warded, being mostly Hour, was'J.OSl tons,
Says the- Knl rfjtimnn Thurn will soon
he trec'uil lu Pi iidlntou a large brick buildilur
01) fiet square and two ste litis high. It will
be occupied by the most prominent liusintus
firms, and will ha au ornament to tho towu,
Mill wu climb.
Thu A'ii Ornjoman says An oirer has been
nude to .1 limine IVrkms thu U I A 0,
.Stage) Co 's blacksmith ami an old logger, to
run down eight miles on thu Umatilla river,
700.000 font of saw log-, at $'' WJ per M.
.Iimmiii went up to look st thu "uaturu of thu
briitu" Sunday, and if there) nro uny prospuots
will take the lustier in hand
An leu lattory is to be in operntiuu soon at
Mrs W. II Hmallwood, of Gohlc-udaln, is
reqxirtid as being very sick at her home iu
that town.
V.. G. Kugslls. a prominent citiun of the
Sound, elieel at Carbonado, Pitrcu county.
W. T., on the "th.
A Mr. Tyglm was badly iiijumd at Port
Susan, W. T , by a log rolling over him and
crushing ono of his legs.
A logier named Sharpapplu, working iu a
camp near Olyuipis, on Monday had his right
arm broken in two places.
W. N. Bell of Siatthi, has donutul a lot to
tho Odd Fellows of that pla u provided they
erect n templu oi. the same within fifteen
years to cost Slo.000.
What is known as tho Big Bend country,
sitiutsd west of this tity and north of
Spriigue, says the Spokau Ufoonlilt, coiiUins
about 80,000 scrus of rich wheat and giasi
hinds, with sufficient timber for farm pur
poses. A gentleman just from that district
informs us that at no tunu this Winter have
cattle been without out-door fuiel. Thu In
dians havo raised good com iu that locality,
ami many of thu whites intend to inako the
uutiw i niwi mn i J4
The National Surgical Institute) of Indian,
atiolis with branches at Philadelphia, Atlanta,
Ga., and Sail Francisco, which has a National
reputation, will permanently establish a
branch at Portland, Oregon.
Two of thu skilled Surgeons of this Insti
tute, piepared with every nccelcd apparatus
for this successful treatment of cripples will
meet this year at the following placusi
Portland, at St. Charles Hotel, April 8, 10.
anil llth Albany, April li and I'dtli; Thi
Dales, April I7tli; Walla 'Walla, April 10
and 20th; and Seattle, April iUand 20th, and
heieafter at Portland, Oregou, on the first two
weeks of May and November of each year
commencing November, 1B8'-'.
Ukwauk of all traveling doctors who may
claim to represent any other Institute, for
this is the i only surgical institute on this
coast with facilities and experiuueo for treat
mentof deformities. J.M.Hinki.k.M.D.