Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 03, 1882, Page 6, Image 6

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stfttrrc.tf ifcrafttrt.
Just as God kails me, I would go;
I would not ask to cliooto mj w.iy;
Content with vvlat lie vvi'l lrteivt,
Assured Ho will not lit mo stray.
So iis lie U'itU, my pntli 1 m.iUo,
And step 1) Blep I gladly lake,
A child in Him coiiliiliui.
Just as'Ood lead", I am content;
I rest me calmly in His liands;
That which Ho lias droned and sent,
That which His will for me cmuinninN
I would that lie ihmilil all fulliil:
That I should do lin gr-icioii" will
In living or in elv ing.
Just as Ood lead', I will resign:
I trust mo to in) Father's will;
When reasons rays deeeptne shine,
His counul would I )et fulliil;
That which His loo ordained .is right,
Ucforc Ho broiuht me to the light.
My all to Him resigning.
Just as God leads me, I alude.
In faith, in hope, in sullenng true;
His strength is eve.r I13 my side
Can aught mv hold on Him undo?
I hold mc tirm in patten c, knowing
That God my life is still bestowing
The heat 111 kindness tndint.
Just as God leads, I onward go;
Oft amid thorns and hri irs seen,
God does not ct His gnidincc show
Bat in the end it shall ho seen
How, by a loving Father's will,
Faithful and true, Ho leads me still.
Lampertu, llii'i
She was a maiden 01 iiinuniful mien,
Clad in a garment ot s.iu, sige green,
With peacock s feather's ttrangeh Itdight;
Skimp was thoskirt, and the sleeves full Ught.
Jfo frivolous gems that manku wore,
But a fan in her taper hand she bore,
And on it was paiuttd so s.mple and neat
A sunflower, with all its petals complete,
Her face was w tary and w hite .iLtl w an,
Her bur was the hue ot the totting sun;
6he did not smile she did mt ta.k,
She drooped like a lily upon its stalk,
And what were her musings none might guess,
Hfr thoughts were too "uttir'for words to
express - Th. Arjwy.
Getting a Husband.
"Strange ! what can this mean ? Is this a
jtupendous Iraud, a trick, or what?" and Or.
Pomeroy stared most vacantl) at the closely
written sheet he held in his hand.
He read :
"IJr. Pomeroy I will not apologize for the
unparalleled service 1 am about to ask of you;
suffice it to say, I have heard of our history,
heard ot your strusgles, and realize how hard
tak it is for one o )ouug in the profession,
tnd without friends m the great w llderness of
bouses called a city. Also, permit me to add,
I have been informed of the cruel blow v ou
received from the hand of one ou loved w ho
wu unworthy of you; and )et I am not ac
quainted w ith ) ou nor ou w ith me. Indeed,
we have never looked upon one another a face.
Jfovertheless, I am I NUi jjjtaist you to do
jne a Rreat favor. Will yJ3 come to South
street church to-morrow at eight o'clock?
Come pnvatel), unattended, and never repeat
that w hich takes place there. Will j ou give
me, a stranger, a lawful claim to your name,
and yet not feeek to know w horn j ou marry ?
Ji you will do so, I will make over to )ou
foO.000, payable to your order at the cit)
bank, as soonas the ceremony is over. Trusting
that the money will be a temptation, I shall
nxiously await you at the appointed time. '
That was all. There was no signature
nothing to give any clew to the writer's ad
dress or abode. Indeed, it was so terse and so
gnfemimne in its details that lie v, as tempted
to belie .e tome of his male fi lends were play
jog a joke on him,
"I will not o I will not be fooled!' he
(aid to himself.
He flung the missive down, then he picked
it up, folded it carefully, and thrust it into l.is
He remembered that he had a patient to
Tisit and went out, but ever) where the con
tent of that btrange letter was ringing in his
ears. He then went to see his mother. She
was tutiiring even more than usual, and a
number 01 dunning bills had besn left to his
consideiation bills which he had not the
romotest idea how he was going to meet. He
threw them down and buried his face in his
"Poverty is a curse, mother," moaned he.
"I do not know which way to turn."
She tried to cheer him. but in vain, Kvcry
Where he turned, hopeless chaos seemed to
envelop linn.
"Ah, if that letter were only real," thought
he, "Fifty thousand dollars would make me
And ao he tretted and worried until the ap
pointed hour tame one moment vowing he
would not go near the place, and the next
tempted to bee tho "farce" out.
Eight o'cloek found him stealing 111. He saw
two ladits clesely veiled, and a gentleman
itandiug lu the upper part of the building,
while the minister sat 111 a chair. Thcro was
but one tras jet lighted, and he could not dis.
tinfeUish the tonus. As soon as he entered, the
geutlemau spoko to one of the ladies, atid she
then advanced to meet him,
"Are you Dr. Pomeroy !" atked she, in a
low toue.
"I am."
She led him to where the gentleman stood,
nd be extended his hand,
"How do you do, Pomeroy J" said he; and
Pomeroy recognized in him the president of
the city bank. "I am here by the request of
this young lady, "pointing to the one who had
not moved or spoken, "to Inform you that if
you agree to her proposition, I am authorized
to pay to yourorder the sum of fifty thousand
Pomeroy tried to speak, but his voice was
choked. It was no iraud; it was a reality, He
atood motionless for a moment; then advanced
and offered his arm to tho silent lady, She
look it without a quiver, and went with him
ceremony was quickly performed.
Dr. I'onicioy regitered his iimih1, and then
looked with considei.ildo curiosity at the hold
plain ij.inturc, "HUcn I.itmn," whuh his
hrido wn to down. I'lio minister liiutilv filled
out tho ceititicito, which ho hal brought with
him by ropiest, and which the nnid and tho
hanker uned a w itncsses. I ho bndo took
It, kissed it, and thrust it in her bosom. One
moment more, mil the two glldul swiftly
from sieht.
Dr. I'crntroy vviivf.il tho perspiration from
his brow, and then nl;ed:
"Who wa she?"
"I do not know," said tho minister. "1
was miutMtil by .letter, at it paid to perform
the ceiommiy and keep it .1 secret. It is per
fectly lawful."
"And I," slid tho hankir, "did not seo U
lvly's face. She deposited tho money with mo
and requistid my attendance, heretoassute
you that hei promise should be faithfully ful
The three men sepaiattd; the gas turned
out; the curtain fell on the first act.
The next day Pomeroy tiied to rc.itirc what
he hid done. Ho had sold his name to the
unknown woman, out he thought that could
not injure him.
She mut lnvo been in deadly peril to pa)
such an exorbitant price for a iinplo name.
He took .111 office up town, and moved his
mother to a nicer home. I'atienta came pour
ing in, a ditlerent class cmpIoed the rich Dr.
Pomeroy than those who had cinplovnl the
poor one.
Five years had passed away, and he had
gained a reputation and added coii'idenblv to
his bank account. He had Ken an mdifatiga
ble worker, and now ho felt that be w anted
rest for awhile.
"We will take a tiip to Ktirope, mother,"
said he. "It will do vou more good than von
can imagine. '
A great many gen'le hearts felt a pang to
see the "good doctor" leave-, although their
endeavors to catch him hael been in vain. He
felt no preference for the opposite ex. He
had recovered from his eliappointment, and
he ceased to remember tl at he was a mimed
f man, or to think kindly e;f the won an who
had so radically changcel his life.
Thev traveled leisurely through the tour
they had marked out lcfore thev startcel, and
one right found them in a French village.
About the middle of the night the doctor wa.'
awakened by some one tapping at his door,
anil calling for him to come out.
He did so. He found the landlord who told
him in broken Knglish that one of his coun
trymen had just fallen down stairs in a tit,
and seeing his name registertel M. D., the)
calleel him up.
He went into an elegantly furnished room,
a man, some rift) )ears of age, was l)ing in a
dying condition. A young lady sat by tho bed
fanning him. The doctor hastily examined
the patient and found him uncon"iou3. It
was impossible for him to iive, the eioctor
said; but the day passed, and still another, be
fore he drew his last breath. He never re
covered his consciousness.
The lady told Dr. Pomeroy that he was her
father. His name was Kugone yndeham, a
native of England, and she would like to have
him buried where he died. They were travel
ing for the benefit of her health, she went on
to explain, and he was a widower. Her onl)
remaining relative was a oung sister, who
was being educated in the convent of the Sa
cred Heart of Pans.
After Mr. Symkham a buned, Miss -?)n-deham
w cnt, undei the care of the doctor and
his mother, to Pans. She imi-ted on their
taking up their abode where she had apart
ments, and do not a day passed, but she was
with Mrs. Pomeroy. The old lady got warm
ly attached to her, and talked dolefully to her
son about thc time when tl ey should have to
be separated.
She told them confidentially not to wonder
that she did not mourn tor her father, for he
had endeavored to wrong hcrsc deeply that it
was not love that held her to his side; and in
all her life sho hael never been so happy as
now that she was free.
Dr. Pomeroy watched her. At tirst ho was
very gallant, but at last he began to be re
served and cold. A feeling he dartd not cher
ish was growing in his heart, anil it alarmed
him great y. .
"I dare not love her," he muttered to him
self, "I am bound."
Then, for the first time, he felt how heavy
wero the fetters ho hael forged for himself.
She noticed the change. She tried to beguile
him to forget the griet that was evidently
wearing on him; and at last, in a tit of des
peration, he told her all.
"1 am a married man!" said he, impetuous
ly. "I love )ou; and yet I am not free to
She recoiled, but bade him tell her all.
"It was cruel, unkind to bind )ou so," said
"No, no!" ejaculated he. "She saved mu
she blessed me and I shall alwa)s respect
her, but never did my bonds hurt me till I
met )ou. Now I shall be miserable forever,"
"You may meet her."
"But postible," said she, with a sorrowful
look. "I kiif wyour Kllen Latour. She lives,
and I must give ynu up."
"You know her"
"Yes; to-morrow I will introduce you to
her. She is anxious to see you; sho knows you
are hero, and she believed you loved me and
wondered if you were as upright as she al
ways thought you to be."
He bowed his face in his liands, and Miss
Syndeham left him. Tho hour hael come
which ho had hoped for in bygone days he
was to learn whom he hael wedded; bn't it
gave him no pleasure now.
At an early hour the, servant told him that
Miss Latour awaited him in the private par
lor, and he was ushered into a strange room,
He scarcely lifted his eyes as ho entered, but
when lie did, they fell upon Miss Syndeham,
to whcio tho minister awaited them
"I am Kllen Latum." said she. calmh
"Tint is my rral name, though I never antic
nnted revea'ing the tmtli to you. Listen
my stor) bcfoio you blame me," said she.
"Tito man wl out you sawdio was my step
fathtr. lie manicd my mother when I was
but .r years old, and sister Ada a baby. My
mother was weakly, and sho died a few years
l.itei, leaving all our father's property in that
linn s hands. 110 was our sole guamtan, to
hold our pioperty under his control until wo
wcic iiianicd or booinie of ago. Ho phecd me
in the S tercel Heart, and kept mo there until
I was It! y .us old, and then be took 1110 nut
and propoml to marry me to a friend of his.
I rchollril. One night I heard a conersation
between them, and found that ho was selling
me for $-0,000, that was to bo piid down to
him out of my propoity tho moment Turner
became my husband. I i shocked, Iliad
no friends to go to, and was totally at a loss
what to do. He did not allow me to go into
socict) ; I nwlc no acquaintances, and instead
of allowing 1110 to staj in inv mother's house,
he kipt me traveling about the country.
At last I propostd to compromise. I told
my stepfatlur to take mo to America, and
when I returned I would many his friend.
He cumplud, aid I got my maul to goip
with one of the servants of the hotel, and by
clnnco sho told her our history, as her sister
worked for your mother. Just lieforo I started
fivm KnL'land mi undo of my mother left 1110
$.-.0,000 m my own right, whuh my stepfather
could not touch. I lud it transferred to New
York, and deteriniiiri! to save myself with it.
Hearing of you, I adop'ed tho plan of getting
vou l marry me. When wo returned toj
Kin-land mv stunfather enmmamlnl inn to
fulfill my pro.i lc. I show eel him my marriage T1, d"'ructiou of largo trees by the recent
ctrtitieat. He swo e, but he saw his caJure 't"rms '" l:"1""1 "" wu,t'1 "'l'""'--
wa.s lost; I had outwitted him. 1 did not "0B t0 8(t rm u l" "'"" ro" ,,,TOM" mu
leave him, but remained to protect my sister of the Sroul,a- I'''K th wedges was
Ada from a simihr Me. 1 never expected to to11""1 "low aml labor,l,,,',. nlul ' ''- "
meet )OU. 1 intended to have )ou sue for a ""l"'"" -0-'M" "''" " ""-' ntt de
elivotLC as soon as ho should .lie, and it would ! scrlil!' thc mutl b ,lllh '"' '"
not endanger my safety." ' et' "' ta i' to fragment b) the uso ol
"Hut this intention will never bo carried ! djnamito. Ho remarked that he had em
into edict, Dr. Pomeroy exclaimeel. "You lIowl lulf a 'Io"-" Uvnv '"1 "' " ,n' ",cn
will be mine for ever, Klleu :" ' tuWJ'" al"' ,tr: llt uiiyirlding mass
"Yours forever," sho answcreel.
And when the) went to see his mother,
there were lo three happier people to be
found in the w hole world.
Tee Oregon Pacific.
troin thc Albauv IlcvUtrr.
The Oreguii Pacific Railroad Company has
contracted bra larce number of bauds, and.
as soon as thc weather will permit, the work ne:lrlv U,ruu8h " Uie fuse w l,ut ,,lto caP.
of grading to be followed by track-layng. J and U'0 whole "",crU',i- The dynamite cart
wili be eommence.l all along the line from n,,Kc " l,cut four ,l,lhll, ,ol,S an'1 ""'b'
Vanntna Itav tn ('..rralh. It w mnt,.l.nK. ' men 111 diainet. r. The fuse will burn alnjllt
expecte-el that the road will te finished and '
trains running between the bay and Corvalli, ,
in four months after the work has let-n re
sumetl. 'Ihcre will te no halt made at Cor-
vallis, but work will be energetically posh!
towards this cit) and on into the Cascade
The directors in New York are now consid
ering the point at which a bridge shall be
thrown ac-ross the vVilUmette river. There
are three points between tins city and Cor
vailis where a bridge can be erected, all of
them satisfactory. If onr citizens desire a
double bridge across the illamette above
the mouth of the Calipooia, the company
stands read) to receive propositions to that
end. If our citizens, aided by the two coun-
ties, will agree to ray tow arils the erection of
such a bridge a :ura of money lutbciect to
make the O. P. H. It. Co. w hole in tr.e un
dertaking, we are inclined to think that the
mat er can bu ea ily at ranged. A railroad and
wag n bridge at this point would be of incal
culable value to the cn now, and its value
would lucrease as the ears advauce.
Several hrst-claascvachcs.iu'l and baggage
cars, built to order 111 the Hast, are now ou
their wa) to Yaquina Bay. should the pres
ent weather continue t. r two or three weeks,
ra.inad building will be commenced in earn
est; and when once fairly commenced there
will be no let up. At soon as the grade sticks
are set along the division bctwecu Porter's
place . nd tho divide, the engineers will re
turn to Linn count), and tho une of the roael
will be duly survu)ed and grade s'akes driven
through her Ixjrders.
During the coming bummer stirring times
will bj witnessed in Linn county. A largo
number of men tnd teams will be engaged in
work along the line of tbu railroad, all of
whom will luvo to bo led, thus furnishing a
heavy demand for brcadstulls, meat, butter,
efcgs, potatoes, etc., as well as oats aud other
fodder lor too hundreds ot teams employed,
lu this wiy many a twenty dollar piece will
bad its way into the pockets of our mechan
ics, fannero, gioceis, etc, large amounts of
ties, lumijer, tools uud bardwaie, etc., will he
needed, and o on through the whole cata
logue of railroad wants.
Good News lor Farmers.
From the otlice 01 .Mr. Villard in New York
city comes tho following telegram; "Presi
dent Villard, of the N. p. it. H., is of tho
opinion that the (aimers of tbu far Northwest
are at the meicy of tho merchants who buy
their wheat at prices which the merchants
rthemselvcs aro able to dictate, Ho is disirom
of aiding the development of the wheat grow
ing regions of Ojegon, Washington Territory,
aud iu fact the whole of the entire country
through which the Northern Pacific passes.
To this end he has engaged tho services of
George B. Mallory, who has left for San
FiauciHCO, Mr. Malloiy is a capable engineer
and builder, aud has erected some of the
'largest grain elevators in tlie country. ' Ho
will go over the entire route of tho railroad,
with the view particularly of deciding what is
best to be done to create facilities for the
handling and transportation of the wheat
crop. Jfc has taken with him two surveyor!
to assist in his work Tho result of Mr, Mal
lory 'a trip will probably bo the establishment
at every ctatiou along the route of the road of
a small elevator, into which farmers of iur-
rounding districts can dump their wheat, and
. from which cai a cm bo easily loaded. This is
- a jom tint pievails throughout Iowa.
to ' Nebraslm . nd other Western .-vmus
Slowly, but Surely.
Tho change from stm growing to an agn
cultuiat legion bus not jet.bynuv noiti",
boon oousuniliiakd in Southiatirn Oregon,
but that it is being limdo wo have abuud-viit
eviduicc. Owing to manifold disadvantage',
however, the work of tiansforui.ition is iuo-
snnly slow. When incieased facllituis foi
tho agiioulturvl ilenunt aro enjoved morn
gennlly throughout this section, the pin-vs
wi'l liceivea ditnlcd impetus. Our fanneia
hive tectivid a very sevoio iluck dining the
j evr just closed, b ri bsoii of their failure to
di'poMj of their p-oduco at a cash maikrt.
Aii'l as long as wo have no tiaiupoi latum
Utilities wilt this dispai.iging condition ol
things coutit no. '1 ho stock dealers weio, at
a pcnod not vuj teiuotefiom the present, the
hfr and thuf support of this frontier; hut, as
tunc sped on, in w ludiistnes and othir de
limits pressed fiiither and fifrther out, and
have wiought and aio jet wringing woudious
change, which intiiifist themsflves litmus
takably on ever) hand. Our stock tut 11, than
whom nemo aru inure gencious and opiu
hainltd, )ct discover further out upon the
tinttod wilds new pattms and vast rai t,e,
uhilo our faruar do not lose hopo and cmr
g), but wear away at their Udious toil, lul
j 011 ami out iy various iiieiuceiiiiiu, encron-n
1 111 . mayhap upon fields seuir.d and occupied
undst perilous hardships b) their adventitious
preeliicvors. '' "" UtraUl
Splitting KootTwltti Dynamlto
of njots a larj,e pari of a d.i), when a few
shillings' worth of d)namitv, 11 eluding cap
and fuse would have blown the not to frag
ments 111 a short time. There is some eln! -culty
111 procuring dvuamitv in small quaut!
tic, but where it eau be had ho asserts that
while it is more oowerful than gunpowder, it
11 miu.li easier aud safer to work with. A
hole is bored into the mild part of the root
onc fwt '" "'"ut aIU' thcop-ratr can get
t0 a Mfe J""'- J'" fuur or live feet 111
d'""--1' r " ton' w fragment, tointtiinra
,ceral cartn,1K" l"'S re1Uired to complete
the work. Country titiitlrmun.
The litgh Pine Lands of Florida
Many people coming to Florida never lee
an) thing but the eastern coast and St. Johns
country, and go back home a)inv that Flori
da is one vast flat, sickly sand bank. If they
would get away from the coast into the nit
nor they would find a high rollirg cotiutiy
healthy to tho laU degree, with a soil that
while still tandy, is capable of much fertility,
and with a population mostly from New Kng.
Ilnd an1 thc Korthiru States, delimited w ith
the country, healthy, ci.tcrpriaim.and lutclli
gent. '1 he country has not been settle dmoru
than hve )tars, but many are eating oranges
from their groves, anil have marketed guavas,
pineapple and banat as in considerable quan
tities, -('orr. Country (JtnlUmnn.
For a tune there was great fear that tho
continued warm weather would cause fruit
trees to bud and blossom very early, ami that
frosts would follow so as to destroy tho buds
anil blossoms. But the latu cluiigu in tern
pcraturu has, 111 a 11 casuru relieved fruit rais
ers of this apprehension.- ru;icoii-T
Ltickcy, Brcyman and bornmerville have
lately purchased about 1,000 head of cattle,
ni'stly steers, of the following patties : Peny
Reed, Al Lyle, and Wm. Oulliford, and are
in the market for more. They havo negotia
ted with California bikers for n salo of l,i00
to 1!,000 head of steers. J'nnn'tllr AVi-.
tap lul 11 tn'sty's nlulriiirnl.
Certain statements made in regtrd tc, the
loss of the ship Corsica aro claimed by Cap-
tain Vcsey to bo incorrect, aud we give room
to the following report, which ho assorts are
the truu facts III the casu ; "Tho Cornea was
not drawing 'JO feet, but 10 feet 0 inches. She
did not CO out 011 ebb tide, but started from
('Fort Stevens at 11 o'clock a. m,, high wnte r
being at aiout 1 :4U l". M , at winch timo the
vessel reached tho bar. As to there having
been initiraiiaemeiit, there was none; every
precaution was taken, and tho loss was
caused bythcre being a heavier swell than
tho ship had expected to encounter. This
could not bo foreecn, however, as the water
was smooth until tho ship had actually
reached the. bar, thero being no breakers, but
a lumpy sea. While on tho bar, however,
three seas broke. The Carnegie crossed out
about ten to fifteen minutes alter the Corsica,
and tho Sterlingshiru about twenty miuuti h
after that. Thin fact ulono proves that the
Corsica was on the bar at tho most opportune
moment, and had sho not encountered the
swell which humped her so harden tho sands,
she would in a few moments more have been
safe at sea." The crow of the Corsica arrived
hero ou the Fleetwood on Wednesday, Thoy
saved the greater part ot their ellects, and as
seamen are now 111 demand and they receive
t.icir wages up to the dav tho ship rank, they
are not much discommoded by the disaster.
WitMi Sold. Mr. W. D. Prettyman, of
Mount Tabor, has sold to J, B. Garrison, of
this city, the Halem Homestead Tract, con
taining 11 acres, for the snug sum of SI .'1,100,
This property is just adjoining Iono Fir
Cemetery on the west. Mr. Campbell is now
engaged in surveying tho same aud laying it
off into city lots. 1'hey will be pnt in the
market at once,
Just received ex steamer Oregon, a new
supply of Crown sewing machine of superb
ntyles at Garrison's Sewihg Machine Store,
107 Third street. tf
Urea (est VaHHy ol"
runt. ri:iii, I'M 'i. Mini 'iiiititn.
MtWi:, nml !!i:itltt "lit It II VI.
I.OV ll II I At Mil. ltlU.lt IMI-lll.ltltl
Hilt tVVIII II It I flu's, iml
I'MtlUltMt '' MM IM. IIMsK tt ll.M I
III lll.ltM I, lll.tll.lll A llll 11(1.1..
tO.vUI.li wIIIIhi..1.I low foM'vMII Hpwlsllli
iliuiimht lo iirili' wl" wish s Urmi iputilltt 01
We hivnaliw llioiinil C'lirrrv (Indls el Icadhu.
vstletle's ris.h (or plsutliif at rl"T tliimsiinl
UM111J Pr.'i tie lots, Mllonuklr On-grit
Ini'ftr.l from iistrsllt ml Ne- onUml
rpiiK t MinMiiNi.n 11 v.s JitvT tin lulu
I tlilniiiiiit 01 lvi vki.il vftt 1 1. 1I1.
Purple Slra, ami Mil He lit'
(riillan IVIiatl,
I'rniii ViltUlilp, Vu-lra'U, iiit tm lily k ut
Slioil ('iiiuiilit Oals.
Tlir hrat Is w II mlititt tut lids iiiiinlrv . 'run an
nllheml bull It hiuhceii liii.wn l.i ilrM :n ImslirU
prr litre '" ll ' h et'ifisl lo a nrltef illnuln
rlirOiN at.i 's.li I'NlJll and liisttt. ami ar lnl
1 Halitnl (or lllilllll
llil. a 1I1 tin hl.h tcMoin oiir for drums '.
tfH a t,Ml 1 hftiu In cni Lot futthit uitiitilar a-
to I'fKT. id , a..h t.i Mm III Ml lit
Janflt H,- ami v.i l'ronl .ten t. 1'. ilUml
ll. J. M.lL.lltllKY 4V CO.,
Commission Merchants
Flour, Fcnl, lrolslons and
Staple Urorrrlcs.
, lurtlirr their Inl'rnU li rurrii.lln; r ttt tl
lettetl ( lluilllt) iruillilr atixettesl VVrrklj 'H'
ceirrciit inallrd (ten on aiillrtloii
MIII'MKNTN or (1IIAI.V, VVOiil IMIt'lt, 1101
iiiuls, CTf, trtt-
M, 10 anil IS I rnnl s.. I'urllniiil, Orb.
1 111 tun: ui.Miuti 1: 1 ou iii-
Anioiiii O10 mt y rtotint whtrh titrlUitl V III he
MiaJ. kklUf lr Ur Uiff Ifk Aiu ileUIIUtnl
!i nr rfciiUi htat'lur tth(i
A t-nniprrhchvlvo rcnirtijr tut Uttt ('mnt'llrit I tvIt
, VnntUUou, LliUU ami frtrr, IfM.U? Nrrtou
nrM, hkk I Inv), rnl otlirf illntciit KKrlMlUMe U
liU'tuiuncM AriMtif t lni;TrIiriit4 afo Matplmlr
Ifitlt11un, l!utt rnut, ItUck tttxit, lkUnr. JlllUr
tr-)t, ('ahu)B. Nwtsrt H,,', IiutUn lltmp, Vlno,
4 oMui hral. rti , rtc
Hid ttto Uriulot ro(rrtlr t(f ttico ti;rttIr rrm
rtlr contituto an Altrr4U nful ifrurl cttrttihi ot
tliu hUlmtcUM, M I rmtoH It with a 1'rrtriitltr rlur
i)UtllitLr It to Ute Hrt mitk 111 iiirtiirlfiftl Mfryiunl
for foftlt)litif the )lm jrlnt tiuUtUl tnl nthr
mLavUrs which cauto M-riou llilurt'ni ( tho I Ivrr
It rrUxr i)w towrU lthtit uTlplif ififl lit MhmI,
rifrt lulu, huuu hi tho ildo ur fouMr hl-ItT, ur
fli wl hlMoui trAtli im ininpUt'l rvllc'tt- tho titAii)
Wiilcw.rO'-iMo fnptoint nhtih tortncht ultrrcft from
ihjmiu, titer ronipuiiii kini hiiintv uouiiiv itaiMt
tflcctually rintottm Ih'wxr ncrwMn )iuiU)ti.t Mt hwi
dlln U iiiiiK-rfcitlt wrctnl, ot inlMllrr tol
UhlI.MnN k Ot .Hri I ramtanj. Miolr Atfri.u
for tho 1'uitlc C'-wt.
r.For Salo Evcrywhtiro
JOHN A. Jl 14 10N.IM,
Salem Marble and Granite
Commsrcial St., South of Post Office.
(Tost Oltln Iloi 39, Halem, OrrKon.)
t A N I IMI' I I U Kit III
Scotch ami California rirnilU
ami ilarl.lo inonumeiiU, llmul Stono
LiicIcmciI wltli California (iraiilln anO
Htniio Wall, liullt of :i try ilcsnrlitlon
I'rlrea Itiilunil Our llnll.
III.AU I IKLI. i:VI ll.fll.oovil.Ml
l"ii only raUljiUhmciit mnklnK a SPECIAL.
for ROOFh alone. An drlltrr htr.uih lt,t I lants.
buitablazir lnun ellito om, 1 liy mall io.liUL
S splciitlldvar ctu o r t c U lJfil, f or S 1 1
.12 tr Ci: luiurJi Styfti t4, ASIorlSl 70 for
:.. : 100 tor SI3. Wo OIVE AWAY, In Pfo
ulumo unil Extras. ninru ROSES tliau ino-t.
litillabiwnU Krow. Our NEW CUIDE. u r.m.;,M
' Trtiim rm (a JUMCjKWjtUuwUly UluMtrall fit lo nil
'Rom Onvtxi, won Orar. Clieiter Co.tfPa.
hAI.LVI, oiti:ii.
Prettyman & Potter,
General Nursery Stock.
Ai'1'i.r.M, ri:tiiK, iii:iiuii:h,
I'Ll mh, iiiiii:h, i'kk iii:h,
Kverj llilnif iropai(atcl ami irrown with csru ami ut
teintlon puM to irM.r taking iiji, jiuchlnif ami alilti
I'li'K. (lira ii a tail or aJilion at Baltin lor iltaerlptlvo
Catuloiruo. Jan.1) g
IHt. Wl'lllVslJOMItl, V. S.
I'urllaiKl, Orrgoii,
WrlUs Prescriptions 'or I)licol all cIssms of stock
rice, II lor each prescription written. HUto mp
tomssnel aye ol animals as near as peailble,
OAce 0. I', Ilacoti'a Illackliawk BUbloa, 03 Second
Ht., Int. HUrk ami Oak.
KealelCMrc Oof TliltUemtli and Taylor BU.
Jl $$
1 .-n.i. mtn m
1: 0 ci.AiiK. i k.h, 0. 11 Ti:ii'i,no,N, nn.t,
Curlier I Irst and AMr Nil',, nvir I Islirl A Itol rrt
ror'oiiaiinillnM, Amltiiin, llronrtiltle,
C'nlnrrht Iv M-palit, llcniliiclie, ll(.,i'
Ily, M)'iiriilicli Itlii'iiiiinllHiii, mi,) nii
Iminloiiiiit Ncrvou llUnrilrrsu 1'iiru"
njft-M limy Ins roiitrnli'iitly nrut lit- (.t.
iire'ax, rt-nily for liiimt illulei hup n t lum,,.
iriiil for fro trililliti till llm (Ixvuru
Irnillili'iil. Aitilre'Mi lln iHMirli't(ii-T
lion, lllliiirnrtiniiiTt, riilln., ift..
iti-ll. i:.. VIA llll. M, fin Htet lleiMwIlnrv,
IIOII .sieillluoilllU'VNdNilll I'rniitlarn.Ciit,
.'.f r.-.r l'".-r-. .?. d '.V ,
land m ..!.. -
,'Wti :."".?"-
nil. I A I. iWtJ"V
V..- I""" "f lNt.
gue mixture
Chills and Fever ri permnciiiiy
etirml liy lr. Jaiyiir'M Akiic Mtx
turt. With 11 llulo i-nrn 011 tlin part
nftlio pittlalit to avoid iixmiiri, nud
tho iHvruilotinl tlivejof Jav.nk'h .Sana
tivi: l'i i.i-M.tliln rotnexly vv ill Imi found
IoImi Kirtuln In itnopnrntloii, nml rad
leal In I tie ullivtx. In many mi'tloni
of the fountry miljloe'l ! Affile ant
otlii'r iimliirlal ilinntHCH It )nu nil rn
tulilWlitxl cliuriu'titr ivm 11 txiptilur x
clllo fur theso linrritAKliirniiipliilntM,
and tho nilinlior of tentliiioiihtls rt
cclvitl mIiovv that 1U roputntloii In
ceiiialniitly liicre'UJiliiK.
Intermittent and Remlttont Fevers
nnioHVe'ttnillyciinnl liy Ir.Jj-i''i
.Ktio Mixture. In thnio com
plaint euro nlioultl Iki taki'ii to follow
tho illrtH'tions t'losnly, and i'iipH-lttl
iittoiitlnn glvi'ii to tlio llvur, which
mIkiiiIiI hei axnlstcd In performing Its
fiiiiiUlonithy Dit. Javmi'hSamativk
IIOIKIK, DAVIS A CO, U'holnul llnalcra I'ciUai.--
I'lKHMfs i:ti.u vviiiui: mini 11 i
nitMiH i:i itiiu:iti: t niiii; it.
I villi mail ll.c pUn, ami tllit In msao our, lo the
first In an) plaio hi .unl. mc $1
llnrruita nml purls nf Unmix I'or Otilr.
1 have hotI thti liatrni two )r.ira, arut w hatv cv
rrsl i.f mv lul.'lilrfit. ami aiioa It Ii aiiprrlor loany
ulUtr hatriiM til .uniltr e.Mt
Kor lurtlirr pitlirular aihltr.s me at lliltlrtllln, Ore.
Wo nuitliiiin lo 01 1 as Sulleltots fi r I'slciiU, Cavrats,
Ttailo Jlatk., Ci.ih tlidits, rlc for Ihr I mini KUlm,
Caiuih, 1'iilu, LuKlnml. Ktan.c, (tetmaii), etc Wo
Ikvu hi.) llilrli-l lr lima llxprrli nrr.
I'alenU ohulnul Ihtmipli tl arc notlieil Ifi the
Metallic American tlilx la tire ami .IcmIIiI llluetrat-
111 nH niir f.i 'Ut Iwr Jrar, shiiaa the pmKrra nl
Kiknifi, 1. eiry I Urewlinii anil his on eMiurmmia ilrctl.
Utluii V.l.ln.. ill NN A CO, patent hulli Itora, uhJ
I'ltlillihrrsol tlm Hrii nilDc AiiivDubii. 37 lurk How,
.Sew llrk llaml Look alxillt Iwli ul 11 lit flee
.llla .lll.TO(
nnrcuitK or
merino si n;i:p.
rnAid-s ii.i:asi hi: in oi n:iti.V(iTOTiiKvooL-
I Kronen of Oriifon ami mljuliilnir Turltorlia ih
tlianeu Ui piirihiinu'fhoroiulil.fril Mirlno., nml itantirlnf
lrtliliiUrisliil that Un mu. uo.l will etnliavor U)
aell hhrep ol lliu aunm ipialltt aiul taliii-at murli (ItMiiel
ruUs than siieh can IWy lm lmK,rtil lUaniliiatloN
ami cuiiimrlaoii hIIIi olher ahe.p In thu market lire to',
illally Imltnl Aililros,
. , ."MI.VMI.VTO.Halem, Orrnon
The lUiiiaaml Ham Uiuha of Dm ll,H k earn Iniaien oa
tho JaUnil Unn, uillolulnir Kali in Thu Km a at the
aniith ol thu city,
.n"i 1'iin', i r m uiu mil rami four ninl
hull miles
J. W ni.vl'JIA.V,
Commission Mercfiams
!T llmtMlrrrl, 1'nrlliiinl, Orrumi.
Ilceilvosnil till tho pn..hi t of llm farm on eon.,
mlaaloii, ptirihaan sinllnrvtanlKiaala ami (arm Implo
liicnta on thu iuot Irusonal le ternia.
Uolisvoiniulvapeilal nml ektiiulvv Pr mirations for
iuiiii iiiKiiioiiriHiiieUhl the lUlrv to ul.l I, wu Invito ,
till! all ntiriii ninl Imb... . ll,.,. ,.i ..ir.ii .. .. . s
LiilJlaiai la. I
)lMairUi,UMi,aaJ la.l, .,t. K,.,,,J1
1. J I'lliaii. a Ui... r. II. Oelatnn ro
U li Claim AH'i.lU'ktusVil.TOKSSa
Viii. ii . ..',.. "ii uairjiiiin in tirc;oii sw.
uMHtwilMBlui.. Wowlll rieelvosml uk your vKm
pliuhiitterlii Ihomont aupalor iiiinm r for Iiim Uu 9 I
I will tout jmiat homo, nml toru It for U month or
-n"'inieri.eiiarKeliirloniui', Helul lu your
l.iitttrswietii.laoiiii.,ir.ali from tl.oihum ami wo
will ifiiaraiit.ulopuklt In aiiihamamier at to ileillver
riMliul't" "l ' "'l'"i,y "" K""'1 o"'Hllii " ,
UceotfiiUlNK Uii; principle that Plilnllty to lrllt la tin .
true iiieaauru ami merit ol miutaa, I rispeetfully tc
1 t It vour iiutronaiii. ' ' """ sj
w'nl,Tr?'X""1!'"',l,".l .'"' "' "1' ' ' prompt-!'
lyllllttl ami forwanlwl at low rat market rates.
iiivuua h uu i wiien you tome In lon, ,
Huml us your onler. ami aatu your tints ami travellnf
oranate, for wo mi htiv e hcapcr than you oiii.
... ii.'i' t '." "IHicUy iwrtleulavrly tlm klml and
quality ilealrri, ami keep eltipllcaU. that you may he
tthlo te ileUirmviio whether vour ellre-ttlona were atrfctly
followul lu taso you are 'ellaappolntext in quality or
otherwise. !. H. UNAl'l t CO.,
I'. 0, 1x1x481, I'erllanil.
;oi.i ni:iti. ahakim'.
the Author, A neiw uml urcut Mm.
leal Work, warrautcil thu bust anil
thoupost, imllspeuauhlit to every
man, eulltloil "Tho Hi leni'o ol l.lfu,
or Hull-rrewrvatlon ," hnuml In
llnuat I- reiuli iniulln, eiulioiaiHl,
lillltfllt.'UOO pp. tontulm he-atltlful
ten iiiiirruviUKa, izn prcmrip
tloua, prico only fl,2fi aent hy
mall; llltutratoil aample, 11 ceiiU,tr.Inrri ipmrorrD
uml now. Aelure l'eutoely Mwll-lMUlV llUDUii'
alcal luitltuto, or Dr. W, I'. rAIlKKII, Ko. 4 JiullKif.
tretl, lloatou. July! My
rx-vwiirrrwift rruenwc
t-ymmBW-,,, ytf"