Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, March 03, 1882, Page 5, Image 5

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IrlbiiNr on Conkllim.
Nktt Yoiik, I'nh. '.". -Tho Tribune luii tlm
(olid wing roiitiirltulilo oditnrinl i (lintcnii Ima
uailn a iiu t-uiti iult in will ni it I'lusiiloiii.
'llirro is nut a Imiiiiiii lituii; in Ilia umiiilty mi
Ignorant m tu beliovo Hint Itnacno OmUlmu
woulil liavn lioi.n awarrtul tlia hiliot jmllcl 1
oflko In ths iift of tin) I'milduiit if tlio colli
bloodntl assassin hat nut flrat inilrilcruil tliu
L'rcsiileut wli iin Ilia pcoplu olcutcil, For tli.it
horrlblo tnurilur no mini living In thought by
tlm i(iiiptu of tlm Uiiit.nl St ito4 mioiu roapwi
llile tlmii ConldniK liluisiilf. Tint I'ruiiiiluiit
Kve him live-sixth of tint important ii!itiiin
B of 111 Utw, imil iia iluiimniluil it nil, On
tii nomination of n niinrlu man whom lm lu.
ikcl, lio ilfclmtil wur mum tin- Kiliiiiiiintiu-
tion. I In fniiulit it in tho irunt till hu foiiiiil
tlio KtnijjKlii lio)olniH, .mil then lio hctinycil
hli put nml throw tin Henilu into tliohanils
or tlio ominiition liy raaiuninir, nml tliun Ijo
MOiiulit tlm SiHtu of Now Yoik to I Kuril li in
with lotto! of maiijiiu ii n a liuriiai'd priratuur
to wayo wnr iipm nm own icopla. luiiklin
was lieAton in his own Htitto. In tlia uontoit
ho invited lm wax ovurwliulmin:ly, hnpjiussly
and ilisgrawfully huntuii. A loihilntiim of
hn own ctoattirrs ilnrcil not to lu-cli-ct him
The people of tho HUte wnro n hundred to
ona against him, Whim ho roturncil iloftatuil
from Albany ha could not have brun alueti-d
road mperviaor or Juitico of tho poauo in tlm
nitroiiuoit U'l'itililiciu enmity in thr State.
ITIion lltlltu.ail stohi tii behind (i.irfiulil anil
llrrd hli nli,it,niul now tlm in in wnoin Uiiilu.ui
matin t'lualilmit nuikes Konooo Ooiikiini; ju Ige
of tlio kiiprunii' court of tlm United Hutus.
Thvto sr niniliti', lnnliiii''li fm'ta, liiuiuu
to nvoryhody nml iliinu toil liy noli nly Wo
rv reunll th"in now uu-ruly to set this apii'iint
.-ft inenl in urn Iij-hl of attilnllu laclit, II Urn
liniiilimlion worv ollicrniao .. lit oiii, miiiiu
tiling would liu piirdoimd to tho piirnoiiul
friumlaliip mid pcnonnl jjmtitiuli' of tho hit
leu I'reaiilnnt, hut thu iioiiimutioii in on other
(rounds ii itnrioiialy unlit. Coiikliin.' lias no
Ktandln At Ilia llir to rutitlv him to ho rven
thouulit or in coiiiii'ution Willi tho Siipri'iim
Ilrncll. He luui huil no ccusiiiui.ililu inau'.luu
liuco Ilia youth, nml ho has licitu rijUiiiud in
uo oasra savo thoic which o.tlnu in the way
for py for political inlluciico. Tlio nppn.tr
ticca tin lutt liudu in cmirt hiivo herii niiuh na
to nruroktf tlm contiwiiTit mid rrdiciiln of rc.il
Jlnwyrrit On thu point, in apito of thu lnyli
poaition itinl urcnt l.dluunno liu hml, thrrn lua
yv.trly h)'K,i admdml oiiiuion Ilium n no
doulit tint ho uiiht Imvu Im-i u n food Intvyer,
but he L'Iioau to ilototo hi .tutivo yoiim in
oiiji'tluii;; cl', mid hu la uo too old tolutiu.
Mr Coiiiilin m unlit fur tlm S ipioinu Hunch,
or for niiv He iieli, licoui'p lm ii not n 111.111 ot
jinlioul t'-mprr. Uvriy Ixnly, frifiu' mid (on
Il.l 1 .. .. 1 ..... ... 1... . ...i 1.
j.aaukr, hll"n 111111 iu i.u nil iiuuiinu, irii-uot. jiji
Vtiaan, nliu iikvi r '' or can ice iiioid th.tn
, onn aide ) a (in'ilion. 'IhiTn win ttluiolutu
li2ccuriny 111 f'litu' doncriptioii of him an it
iTJpi'ruon w h'i divided iii.tiildinl into ttt o olaiam
alarm mut Lifiuiui. hiioo it mini in ly ilo
vooil arrvi' e 111 aiuiii plncra, hut ho la no uioir
fit fur a jii 'K" tli.ni hu in lit for 11 litoh 11 .t-enraw-r
"r t mnlxv m IkhiI Mip-rinti'iidiiit.
Tina noun 11' lio ia CHM.It unlit, l otuiiu It la
lUKr''t uae id tlm nppoiiitlllg potior to
On) 'I'C M ipri-um llntich to pullljou ,1 Inok II
down iiolitunu who h.ta nmdi! Iniuaidf to thu
lat li'h'in odi mm to tlu pcoph. If hu mint
bo protnlnl lor lit thu public expense, It
iliouU lie lifter thu iiinuuer tint he himr!f
recouiuiriid-'d I hia la nh.it i.o enid nliout
iCollei-Uir It'ib'Ttioti t ( l.ti Hi Id : " i ml
liiu abroad to miiiiii arcoud c'.ia conaiiUhip,
lid I mil i.;i into the lohliy mid hold my hum;
Uiu he la coullriilvd.
hlrmt II. mil r.ix'a.
WahiiimiTiin, !" Ii 'J. -I. tat uviuiiii the
riind jurv h 111 led ttm Omtr.vt Alturuuy
weuty prmru meuti in poaiolh.'o ftr.tw lioinl
ica, na ioMo I wo lnr iwriury. n.unai
onn N. Miniilt nml Chan II D.uknon ; llvu
ir i liny, uumiiht Jai. V. Douoiiuu unit W
V .lit,kou; tttofor ierjnry, nK-'iinat . S.
UmiiKur; one for perjury annual h. .1.
Hwcot; one for conapirncy, jlmi iat kntu .M.
ArmatroiiL', .laa. . Honolulu and 111. .
Jackioil ; (our fir umapira y, .tLMiiiKt Stuiuul
0 C.iliull, .la W. Douriluie, Cliaa. Ihcknou
mid J N Mininxj four for roiipiincy, .-iwiuat
, . .. . .. li II ,1 I....I... l'... u
(Alliell. 1. IIOOIIU, itivill w. iiiiiho, 11 in. .
ItarriiiL'i-'r, K J. .Swuut ami h. ti. lallii, ami
Olio lor couapiinuy K'lut Jainea (j. lleiidei-
Oil anil othira.
Ilurtlrr UIU Onl.
CAitKtsn.ir., Ky , IVIi. '.'.'i A liorrihlu
nine eoinmiitud .inn .oiu, ioii, ihi juns.
ecu iliicnrlliU'l. Jaa. iiritiiiion 011 iimuciiii
d couleatKl that he.ttith dolui ami W in.
'Intmiuill taunt tli.it niglil to the hoimo of
iley Kiniirv, elil'irolorintii tlio iiiinni-
lilieil thu hollar, ot tiro to it mid ran nway.
r, l''uiliry .mil tttn childinn ihciiiuiI, hut
r. Kinliry noil aix children burned to death.
Mint It 'oiirl.
Sas I'iumimo, rub. -" lli DoIIivar
e, in-iii n einirgu ti iiiiiutih ujinnii', mi
11 011 truil for mitornl iliiyn in pnln'i-tourt
, '.', -tml Ima been clinrnctened thioutjhoiit
111110I1 iicniuofTy on thu part of counsel nml
tnet. l-tt .MoiuLiy ox-wiatiiei .tnor-
). .1 M 11 r ii liy in Ida opening for ilrleuao
I to polieo ollliser 'dm M.iroimy, proio-
(,'Mitneait 111 too cite, in 1111 aumr.iiiau
ut 11 id ttimf Mnr oiey t-vi lenlly briiod-
r tliiH atuiuk. About II :-0 thla morn-
a Muiphy wna atandlliK ""' tlio dock 111
court loom, .Miiioimy uiilen.il, mm puan-
aaiilu nil ollieer HiminiiiK urar .uiirinij, nn
" . . , ,., & " 1 ii.. .1 -i'i...
n lilkUH HUH ttlllioill 11 1111111 nun. 1 nn
atruck Murphy in tliu HKlit aiilu of thu
ii.iHainu coinplntely tlirnii(;li II ! II to
I'lloor, blood Miimitwy 111 jita over tlm liy.
dera, crying, ".Munlereii lor uoini; my
llio ijroaUwt oxoileiiicui prevail' 11
.. ..f ..1 1. 1. :...)'
mora man one cry 01 --i.ynuii nun i
uey was niHt.iutly ui.'il liy fture mt
riind tikcii buhiw to the city pnoii.
tlm wny liu iitteiijpteil to alioot liiinaell.
but Tp.'in' prcventeil him nml the ball paaaed
ThroyKli tho lalter'a veat. Miirouuy win thon
liaaWiiwI anil locked up. Murphy wna tiikun
to tlif priaou lioaiiitnl itud 111 'ilie.tl itttuiiditiico
lunifioned, but Ilia wound la beliuved to bo
fuK At thu tnuo of shootiuK Murphy ttus
addrp aaint' the jury uiul rofernnj; to Aliirouey
in moat oll'nnan 11 iiinnner.
'?! l.yiirltera In limiiri
r "OlVNKsVll.l.t:, Texna, I'ub. I'll. A few daya
' 1. ... 1... ....- it, if flti. f.illllttV
,gO a Uion 111 tliu Milium, i,i v vi ....... -j
ook young 111.111 named Deering, under nr-
leatoii hiiapieion of liorao stuiling, noin nn
Bcor uuil lynohcil him. I n.tluy 0110 iiuiiuivu
meil mini from tlm neigliboilmod of the viu-
Bi' I101110 eniuo to town nuil ileiii'tiiduil tliu
t ot thu aiisiciouH pirtioi, or inoy wouiu
, tlio law llll'i ineir own iiiunio. iiu
nrn-atfil Hob f.uvorett Mid hia two
.inmid hi wotv out nftor Hevernl moiu of tno
noliiiig orowd,' (lieut oxoituuiunt piuvnila.
.Nolea rruui llnwiill.
1foNiiLUi.il. Fob. 1(1. KlectmiiH 011 tho lat
in'iit of liinreHoiitntiveH tW tliu llnwiiimu in-
hmWyrtitiiriiiid tweuty-buveii nieiubetM, Hired
fwiioui nro tvliltea nun me oimiia urn 1 via
L.. Vlt,,r M. (lilmiii. tho oueo btliluua
atili indemnity uiitiiiiitiit before Couicm,
Lulrutuniod by a voto of over tbreu-fourtln
tfco votes polled, to roproaolll tliu ouy 01
inululu. Ilu ia exceedingly popular iiinoni?
llvo lluwiillmia, The louillt of tho cluti-
ua ia thu uompleto ilnwuinil 01 uiu oiu una-
nry illllileueu III tlio iKimiiM uuu uun-
nation 111 ineir cuiui iiaiuiuiiv, nun, j,
, Carter, who recently .vont on mi iiiiiiii
iini inlaainn to rorttiual. Nearly all their
didatea were defeated, aud Miulitcr Cartel
iniial iiouoimrily reaign Ida poiltlon a Minia
te r.
Tho Htitfnr crop of ISS1! ia eatimntcd nt
(M.OOO iiliort lona Tliu ciop for 1881 wna
'KI.'-'OO tniia. A Inrgo nrcn ol new land ha
boon put nuiliir cultivation without n aulll
eirney ol laborers to meet tho rMjuiretnctita of
thu plautntiona.
A uoliilmiiv hni boon orL"tulr.L'il to uatnliliah
iiiter-ialand cable criiuuiuiiicatloiia, and C. 0,
Herder protendu to Now York to-day U) licgo
tfnta for cable atouk,
Kolpa From I'lnli.
Halt I.akk, Keb. '.!, -Tho bodies of tliu
Tagnort family, buried in the lligCottonwoml
jilide, wore ricovud yieicrduy under tlia auow.
Tlirro woro aoveii in all.
To-day a biahon, liruachlng tho funeral acr
mini over it girl who committed auicido re
emi'ly, called upon tho young men of the
church to abed thu luit iliop of their blood
for polygamy.
Hank Mlnlriiienl,
Nkw Yoiik, 1'VIi. l.ri. ll.uik atntomont
loana dcureaai-, SU,.'IO 1,100 ; api-oiu decieaao,
93,T2.'JX)0i legd tend.T ilecrenau. SS0I,.'(00 i
dupoalta decreaae, S8,0!)ll,800; circulntion in
crease, $!ll",080; roervo ib-crenao, S'.'.'i.'i, 300,
Htulta now bold $1, l.'KI,07ri leva than legal to
iilireuieiita, Our lrlur fur Itliilnr.
The Nun aiiya Janu-a (I. Illnino will to-dny
d' liver in the cnpilol at Witiihiiigtoii mi oi.t
tion upon tlm Into I'reaidelit Onifleld. He
will have n diiitiiigiiiahi'il iiudiciico nml wo
hopo will givu them it good upccch, hut wu
fear Hlitiiio ia not tlm iiitui to do lull juatiuo to
the nubjeut Of late wo hnvu had to aiy 80 mu
hind thinga nliout Illume, but to day wi will
nut dttcll upon tbene thiuga llhiinu will not
ttiah to dwell upon thum, mid to to let all
ntln'1'1 give their mind luatead to thoiighta
mid couaidnintioiia which tire moro girinniie
to thu aubject.
it ia uotr tttn yrara aiuco tlm moat potent
eleinenta in thu l(i-iublicmi jmrty' were ar
r.tvnd III aliiiniirt ol it contiiiracv to make
(ilant I'j'eaiilelit of the United Mat oh for n
third term, n purpoau winch involved thu
making i.f him t rmiiiieut ruler of tho conn
try. Many of the iiiixt ciniiieiitcliiela of that
girut and pottLiiul uity ttciu duvotcd to Una
conapirncy; many hoiieat, upright and pttn
otio luui' ,utd bei-n led to give it their counte
nance ami Htippo.-t.but in thia gic.it aud criti
cal emergency J, (I. llhiinu nto d like a rock
againat audi a achcinc. Tlm n fact that,
aliould ever be recorded 1 1 hia hniior, mid we
ircall it with gratltuduniid .tdiuir.ttion to-day,
'lrlifi'th ('oiillitlllloii.
,laiua (iaiiilile, of the Milt ml Union Tele
giaph Coinp.iuy. who la iioh in .Sail r'riinciaco
on buaiiieaa coiineutt-d tilth hia cinip.iiiy, auya
that by the beginning of IhS.'l thu company
will b. it u thliu wirea in oiii-Mtlnn ncniaa thu
country. I he nyr
wrat aa Kaoaita (.'
stum now tixtfliil as far 1
t. mid it i expected, that,
.. ....I ,1...
ttiiik ttill hu heguii on a traiia-coutilientnl
line about tlm lal of May. Tliu route bavu
imt titb-i-n iletriioineif but will probably'
'nllow the biiu of the )nuver mid Klo (Iranilu I
and tor Central I'acihc. It la a to tint iiiU.ii
ti,,ii i,f tliu comti.tny to cirry a line along uitli
the Northern I'aiitic imlro.id na f aat na that
lotd ia conatructi-d.
krairli fur llir Ji-niiiirllti Ci'i-n,
Lieutenant Harbor mid Maater Schutz
were to-day riceitnl by the rirnch coiiktil at
Mi-iioH, tiliu iiitiodiicid them to (ioveruor
I'riucu Oo'goioul.i.atid aftLrwnrda entertitiiird
thriii nt dinner, uecompiiiied thuiu to thu ata
tion mid fw them atirt for Novogorod from
Nill. 'lhey will tratel by sledge to Perm
aii-l tbclico to Klt.tterillgbiirg by lull. At
I.atiruiti liny will liuil a conveyunco, one
lutviul' bei'ii tele jr.ililu-d to be in readincaa.
Tiny ttill travel with mi excllriit guide and
intetpr.'ter, who haa beun engagnl by them
at cuiruipoiiduiit of thu New York llrrald.
I)linlrlir fur llnnrnlii.Hrr.
SdcreUry Hunt it-ccived the follottiug from
Hoirui.tn, at St. IVtoraburg :
Jaekaon telugr.iplia that the occnliit aaya
llaiienhiiwtr ahoihil not atut until ttarmur
ttetllier. U la loo ilaugtroiiH now. nnaii 1110
men tart without luui ?
Hunt tel-L'tuphcil Hotluian in reply to no
tify D.iiienhowir to ic main tilt fully able to
travil, niid fur tliu 1 eat of thu patty to delay
departuru till that time.
fllaiNloiir Mill llrnliiii.
I.0.M1ON, I'eb. J7 --Thu Ttlryrnph publiahca
tliu (olloiviug prominently s ' I'liu belief
inuv.iiled III loliticil iircfua yeaterdiiy that.
ottiui' to the n'tion of thu houao of lords con-
cciiiiug mvcatlgatioii o' thu laud net opera
tioua, and the eoiiioueiit dillieulty of contin
uing .1 goveriimciit III Ireland, (iln latouu ia
determined to ittMgu. It la at.ttod, lo, that
rilailatoiiu has invited his aupportira to meet
at his r'-Hiileuco to-day to ubt.iin an opinion '11
thu eoiiinu to bo piiraued in regard to thu
houao ot lords couiiuittcu of imjuiry. 1-onl
Cairua bis bieu appointed chairman of thu
impi, iy into the ttoiking of the l.iiid act, in
placu of the Duko of Soiuersut."
hI.iiIm Inir, llir Jin ne) areUrr.
Ni:tv Yiihk, h'eb. '.'7.- I'ho HtraUV St.
I'etcisbutg xpeeinl a.tya : "Thutnlucof tlio
toulilo having fallen coiisiilernbly tt itbiu thu
last few days, it la now s.ild in tiuaiicial cir
clea Hint hkohilnil w.ih 111 bn'iie ttitb thu
hanker vheu hu undo his l.t-t Kpcicli and de-
lilierately got up the ncnro to ilepleciato tho
I urke) riupo.o. .llolilllutllun.
CoNHTA.NTisori.K, Kelt. t!7. A coricspond
unt auys nlobili.ttiou of IfiO.OOO troops is pui
jcoted, in viw probable iomplicatiiua in Kill
gaiia, which may mitku ntcessary tho occupa
tion of thu Balkans,
hiinirrit l' Nurrraa.
LiiNims, Feb. '2H Thu Duku of Somerset
wai chosen chairman to-day of tliu liouso laud
coiuniittuu on tlm land net.
Kepu oilcans Trliiliipliaiil.
Pakh, I'VIi. 157. Thu Kupuhlicnns wcro
succrsliil in the election yostorday except 111
ouu mat nice, that of a Hounp.utist elected
M collar of Deputies,
'llir Our' roialble Inleiilluu.
Coloiimj, Full. 27. A uiport is current to
thu ellect that unless thu condition of Kutaia
iiiiirives thu Ctr will abdicate after bis cor
onation. Nllilllils e!llrllerl.
tSr. Pm-Hiupuu, Fib. 28. -Tho Nihilist
priso'nrri1, includiug 0110 wouinn, liavo been
seiiteiiccil to ile.ilh. The luiiiaiudur tteru sen
leucuil tu vul 101IH tonus of penal servitude.
Xkolieluirs Heciill.
Vik.nna. Fib. LU. -It ia stated in diplo-
nntiu cnclcs that .kobcloira lucall was iluu
tn thu representation of Itusaimi mnbassadora
ut I'aris, 011 tliu peranu.tl iutureuursu which
Skobelullli.nl with French politicians of thu
Kuwiuclm ini'ty itud of thu impiussiuu SUobu
lull's iccub hat' ouuted in Paris.
The I'reneli l.etl.lnliire.
Pauih, Fob. 28. Thu .Seimtu hns adopted
Tkui'iI'h bill lehtlivo to iuipoited Kugiish
goods, Tlm Kep11blic.1i) Left ugical to a res
olution approving n libeinl rcviaion of the con
stitutiun, it resting upon thu government to
o.loct a litting time.
riii'llniiirnliti) I'rurt'rilluua,
London, Feb, 28, In tlm Housu of Com
mom to-day, Gladstone moving postponement
of oidera ot tho day in favor or his iiauhuion
dculnung imiuiry into f.hu working of the
Land Act iuurioua to tho interest of good
government in lielaml, said if judging, tho
administration of tho Laud Act were to bo
excluded from the scope of tho llouae of
Lords inquiry, bo would bo prepared to ab
stain from moving bis resolution, but be
S'tiv no prospect nf such limitation it wm his
duty .to persevere
Nortbcoto anld bo thought this announce
ment was additional reason for giving tho
Iirds time to consider a motion to postpone.
Adopted .100 atrainat 107.
With reference to this vote It I stated that
Gladstone, at a Liberal meetincr at hi house
to-day, raid that he would treit this point ai
one of confidence. Oladatone hoped that dur
ing the main discussion its supporters would
confine theinselvei to objection to any attack
upon tho judicial operation of the Land Act.
The Government, he said, bad no objection to
Inquiry Into tho Government working of tho
Act or (mentions nf immigration aud reclama
tion ot land.
Korstcr declared the Government needed
.tbewhnlo support of Parliament to uphold
law in Ireland.
Mitchell Henry confirmed tho statement
that tho coi.ditiou ot Ireland waa sirious, and
said that in tho event of a general election
seventy I'arncllists would bo retiinud.
sjliantrr of Arrldenls.
Omaha, Feb. 28.
left Grand Iiltuid on
Mra, Fitzgerald, who
n U. P. freight' train for
her homo near Chasinau's station, was found
dead on tho track this morning four miles last
..1 r ....... .11 n.. .;.... I,... ., K....M I
m IIIUIIIIIUII n, ail I.UI. iw jni;v-t, un-iug i.;..
run over by some train whllo she was walking
along thu track to her home. She was a
widow and leaves six children.
Near iJenton, Neb., yesterday, ClifTord Elli
wai accidentally shot mid killed by his brother
Charles while out bunting.
Charles Hchuller, of Carroll, Iowa, was ac
cidentally shot at that placo this morning by
his room mate, Herman Uurhnm, whilo care
lessly handling a revolver. The ball entered
the right eye and penetrated the brain. Tho
injury is fatal.
Ilntl Mini In Tronltle,
I'i'kiilo, Col., Feb.27. This mnrniiiL' Y.
N. Wiuscott, a notorious swindler and alleged
murderer, was arrcstod here. He has numer
ous aliases, and has been concerned in oper
ations in Missouri, Kalians and Nebraska of a
very cxtuiisive nature. Ho victimized Omaha
men to the extent of over $20,000.
linpurlaiif llrrlalon.
CllK'Aiio, Feb. 'J8. A decision of impor
tanco to board of tradu brokers and their cus
tomer waa made yesterday by Judge Morau,
who held that n proiuisaory note given in ftt
tleinuut of h diHerence on option trade could
not be collected, inasmuch as thu dual waa
illegal and neither more nor lass than gam
bling. Mill imixn.
CuifMfio, I'eb 'JS Tho Inlcr-Ocmn an
nounces that Mr. Hugh Kiddle, who foi to
Ioiil' it time baa bum fundc-nt of the Chicago,
Ito k Island mid Pacific road, has decided to
. ..,i,.r i.j. r,..,tf,tioii 111 June
Mr. HiddloV
.c... ..
onv u-ason is that he is in ill health and
only u-aso
needs rest
Colllaluii nriirrriiriiir.
SviialthK, Feb. '.'8. The wcatcrn bound
freight dashed through a freight train on the
Koine, Wntertown nud Ogdcnsburg road as a
i-ioasing north of hero this morning. No per
son wna injured, but thu C ontral's locomotive
is lying 111 Onoiid.itM lake. The wreck took
fire and was generally destroyed.
Knlal II re.
Khikl'k, Fib. U.S. AtXauvoo, III., today
the houae of John Wiliiicrdiug caught fire and
his two children, who bad been loft-Wone in
the building, wure burned to (Until.
Cattle are sullering some now in Lake
A iiew bridge is being built across the Uma
tilla above Pendleton.
Tho murderer of II. C. Ltw, in Lake county,
has not yet been captured.
Thu snow has been about 15 inches deep at
Linkville for some time.
llrnvter Leonard, tt ho shot himself near Sil
vurtou, is fast recovering.
Cattle on the C(unto aro being sold for an
averagu price of 10 n head.
John O'Hrien baa been locked up at l'eudle
ton fur Belling whisky to Indians.
Sam Sturgis, of Ycstoll, ia to preside over
thu National Hank to bo opened at Pendleton.
Kistein commercial travelers nro getting
numerous 111 Eastern Oregon tnd Washington
Tlio first buckttlic.it Hour ever made in
Koguo river alley waa ground this Winter at
the Ashland mills.
There ia moro sickness at Ashland this
Winter than haa ever been known before. It
is usually a very healthy plaie.
Thu dlllc-rcnt canneries are making active
preparations for the commencement of tho
fishing season.
The contract for the now building for tho
Sisters' school nt Jacksonville hai been
an aiileil to David Linn, of that place.
The streams in Coos county luivo been so
Nttollcii by rains within tho past two weeks
t,int many bridgea have been carried away.
Tho lV-udlctnu Xtw says fuw cattlo have
died on the range yet, but many nro ruported
111 fair way to succumb to the cold weather
A caso of seduction is reported from Alt
house, Josephine county, tlio girl being only
about IS years of ngu mid tho other party a
niitu of family.
Dr. -Dean was badly injured by Matt John
aou at Wallowa valley, who struck him over
the head with n patent nail drawer. At last
accounts bo was in a critical condition.
Thu Jacksonville Sentinel says that tho Jas,
lull reported as dying suddenly in Alaska,
must bo Win. IC. tali. William Ish is wull
knov.11 bore as well as in Southern Oregon.
Ninety-six mortgages, representing SCO,
ISII, were recorded in Jackson county during
thr vear 1881. There wero also 204Tlecd8t
consideration $177,157, recorded during thu
same period.
Mrs. David Kelly, of Forest Grovo, wlnlu
coming across tho llluo Mountains, accom
panied by her brother, got lost in a snow
storm and hud to camp out all night. Jnp
got tluough all right next day.
The Kiitt OrryonUtn snya that Pendleton is
ns lively as a city of 5,000 iiihivbiUtiits; plenty
ot work for thu willing; good wages; tuauu
wanted; uvcry one at work that has 11 desire
to work; no idleness only among the lazy.
x l.r.n kw.
Having been a groat aullbrer from rheuma
tism several years, and tiicd numerous reme
dies of uvcry imaginable description, nud a
great number of physicians, all to 110 purpose,
last Spring I had n very suvero attack of in
llaiiiumtory rheumatism so as to eontino mo to
inv bed. I wua advised to try Dr. Honly's
Itlieunlatid Ncutruliror, mid to my groat sur
prise I commenced gaining nud in a short tima
was nblo to got about. I tlu freely recommend
thu Neutralizer to ull ntllictod as I have been,
ami 1 firmly bcliuvu it is, without exception,
tlu best modicino for eradicating rheumatism
from tho system in tho world
S. F, Matiikwh,
(Formerly of tho ChonickeU hotel, Salem,
and now of tho Ksmoiid).
Dr. Honly's ollico ii 203, Third street, near
Potatoes oh tho Sound are wholesaling at
0095 cent per bushel.
Lost week Hwinomlsh lodge, A. O. U. W.,
wa organizod at La Center.
John Smith ha been committed at Weiser
for tho murder of Jamc Johnnon.
Mr. llrooxs, formerly of tho A'rz Perce
Newi, I making an effort to start a paper ut
Tho Idaho. Umatilla. Mirrissinp! and Walla
Walla aro all loading at present on the Sound
for San Francisco,
A young printer from the East named
liowen, is about starting a newspaper at
Sohomc, W. T.
. Wm. Harrington was married to Miss Anna
11. Krighlon, at Seattle, last Sunday. Miss
K. is well known In Washington Territory
and is a most beautiful and accomplished young
Tho first "run" has been scored off Capo
riatiery in tno sealing busmen lor tno Pres
ent season. Tho schooner Seventy-Six brought
to Port Townscnd 15 seals, and tho Annie F.
Uigg five.
Mis Ada. dauiihter of Hon. If C. Kizzs.
and a young lady of raro pcr-onal and mental
charms, represented tho Idaho Democrat at
tho firemen's masquerade latt week. Her
costume was clctrant and attractive and she
did her part moot admirably. Many of our
readers in Corvalli will remembrr Miss Ada.
Tho Spokan Chronicle, devotes considerable
paeo to tho disappearance of C. W. Wil
liamson, and incline to tho belief that foul
play ha been the cauae of hi silence. It is
now over six months since the miming man
left .Spokan Tails, where he then resided, and
a growing crop. Tho waeon and articles left
nt the ranch of Mr. Rob-rt Pelkey, wn tho
Touchct, correpind with the effects of Wil
liamson, and the parties leaving spokan falls
with him answer to the description of the
men who left the wagon, etc., with Mr.
Port Orfnrd Hot: The ranchers of Curry
county hnvo giadually reduced their herds,
and correspondingly augmented their flock
(luritn: a lew year pa't in this eounty; tho
which resulting in a comparative scarcity of
animal lit for the butcher, huch a practice
continuing would reduce the consumers of
bed in oti4 ot the Icrcmost cattle counties in
Oregon to the necessity of importing to com
plete supplies. It is probable that moro atten
tion will be given to cattle raising during tho
coming years than has been for several years
past; snch n courae, it seems to us, would be
tho part of wisdom.
A Lowisvill correspondent of tho Itemizrr
write: Yesterday evening Mr. Wm. Ash-
ford, while making rails on his place, waa at
tracted liy a dog "haying at something a
short distance from whero he was at work.
Xot having a gun, ho took his axe, and went
to reo and nsaiat the dog. On arriving at the
spot, behold there stood at bay a fine speci
men ot the noiile deer, ilia Jimtnougnt was
to slip up behind tho deer aud catch him by
tho hind legs, but when almost in the act of
taking his deerhip by the lega, the deer made
a (Jive at tho uoi.', Knocked mm over, ana
jumped 011 him with his feet, and then taking
advantage of his prostrate foe, ho made a dash
for liberty, out the dog, which by tho way is
a very last one, soon Drought mm to bay
neain. Uv this time another dog came up and
proceeded to take the deer by tho throat,
when Mr. Ashford ran up and with a well di
rected blow of the axe laid tho deer prostrate.
Tho dogs liclong to Mr. G. V. Gardner, and
have lieon known to eaten a great many ueer.
Under Ibis caption the Reno Gazette says
that during the last four years Oregon has ex
ported to tho Eastern States not les than
lOO.OOO- head of beef cattle. Most of these
cattle wcro produced in the counties east of
the Cascadea. Tho largest purchasers witnin
tho Stato were the firm of Lnag k Ryan, of
Leavenworth. Kansas, who boucht 20.000 in
Grant county alone in tho Spring of 1SS0. In
the southern part of lirant county are several
"cattle kings who aro furnishing beef to San
Francisco, their shipping point being Winne
miicca. Tho two largest are Todhunter, of
Gamp Harney, and French, of Stein Moun
tain, neither of whom ships less than twenty
rivo carloads (three hundred head) at a drive.
Hugh J. Glenn, the great wheat man of Col
usa county, California, has over 8,000 head of
cattle in Grant county.
Corvallis Gaeette: Capt. J. M. Ayles was
lately ia town from YaquinaBay; ho exhibited
to us a quantity of specimens of coal which he
bad recently discovered near the Imy. It boro
the .lmiearanco of a cond duality of coal.
When placed in tho firo it burned well. Tho
vein is large and quite extensive, and will
likely prove to be it valuable discovery.
Jacksonville 7Viiif : Alex. Martin has re
ceived advi-'c from Lake county to tho effect
that the snowfall has been very heavy
thr iighout that section. At Tula Lake,
where it was tho lightest, there is thirteen
inches of snow. Tho weather has since been
clear and cold, cattlo being able to cross Lost
river on the ice. Stock aro not suffering as
yet, though a great many are being fed.
Walla Walla Seatenmam Pomeroy, Garfield
county, over which the contest for county seat
was hoird lieforo Judge S. C. Wiugard, ia
pleasantly situated on tho Pataha, surrounded
by a rich and extensive scope of agricultural
lad, now rapidly developing. Tho town is
composed of citizens of untiring industry and
enterprise, as is evident by tho improvement,
growth and development of the place. The
business nnd growth of the town has far ex
ceeded tho hopes of the most sanguine. At
prcsont there is a population of about 300,
and onistantly increasing, which, with the
permanent county soat of Garfield county,
will make it 0110 of tho best points east of
Walla Walla. x
Imithk Blood Cuma. Poor circulation,
then disorders, such as Liver and Kidney
Complaints, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Piles,
Skin Disorders, etc, which are curable by
King of tho lllood. See advertisement.
Eastern Cranberry Vines
A. J. BURR'S BOG, Olympla, W. T.
I, Will I Ilea $10.
A.UOO " 40.
IU.000 " .... 40.
Seiul money by rcsUtereil letter, money order, or by
Well, Kartfi) .V Co., 11I1I1 directions for torn anllei,-,
In 1S77, 1 planted tluee Mloot bed of the New Jer
sey crantirrri vines 1 planted them eighteen Incliea
aiurt, c.uh ay; s-iiuleil one bed tlx inches Jeep, one
three Inches, and tho other I planted on the natural
The aauJeil boda ) Itld but tow berries, and are ilj tuir
out In 'hMJ lunerea iroiu me natural neu two
hrco iik'ur narreia mil ui nerric, ami ouir oneuarrtt
(rum both the 8-uuhxl u ua. (1 sold the three barrels
In oltuinU for50, They ware equal to about tlteor-
ilinary iMiiberry barrels.)
Muck, or pent land thutotertlons untH about tho tint
ot May la 1110 neat lur me iTMiiucrry, nv.'j inn miw
011 the t tuaa until the lata frost are over, and J ou will
hate a .rood crop every jcar. It not subject to late
Iroata, water tan be Uliiseil with.
Plant by dropping the tines eighteen inches apart,
eaih way, and forcluif Into the muck with a forked
stick or wtilse shaped dlbbla, lloe out the tt eed the
that t ear; pull them out by hand the second, and the
third J ear they will tako care ol themselves.
l'laut la May and October,
" ' A. J, nUBH.
mchWuil Olympla, Thurston Co., W, T,
3, 1882
Life Insurance Coxnp
State of Oregon and Idaho
102 Firat
OIIAIir.ra IIOtKlK, of llle, bavls&Co.
JAMKS 8TKKLK, Guilder FlratNatlonal Bank.
J. A. STItOWIlHIDOK, Wholesale Leather & Flndlnn.
0 A. IKM.PII, of Ilolph, Dronauich. Uoluh K Simon.
f. C. HKNK1C1IHE.V, Hcnrlcliacn fi Orecnbcnr,
Col J. MtOUAKK.V. of J. Mct'raken & Co.
O. K. NOTTAOK, Kiamlnarand Physician.
J. K. (HU., of J. K. Gill & Co., Stationers.
AI. S. nUFtllKM,. ol Xnapp, Ilurrcll & Co.
KIIANK ZANOVICII of Zan llrothen.
Importer, Wholesale and Retail Pealcr in
Fruit and Evergreen Trees, Plants, Etc.,
In Lrage Quantities and Offered in lots to suit Purchases. Hedge Shears, Pruning and Bail'
ding Knives, Green House Syringes, Etc.
Seed Warehouse H17 Washington St., San Francisco, GaTr
92 and 04 Frout Street, (cor. Stark) - - Portland Oregon. .
Offer to the Drug and General Merchandise Trade a Complete Assortment of
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware
Shop Furniture, and Druggists' Sundries.
Of all the leadin; brands, in ke and tins.
Putty, Lampblack, Red Lead, Glue, and Varnishev
Including the finest brands for Coach painters use.
Pamt, Whitewash and Varnish Brushes, Linseed Oil, in Barrel
and cases, Turpentine, Coal Oil, Castor Oil, Lard Oil, Neats
.Foot Oi Fish Oil, Alcohol, in Barrels and Casses.
Blue Vitriol. Sulphur, Castile Soap, Concentrated Lye, Potash
Bitters, all kinds. Quicksilver, Strychnine, and Tar, in
Pints, Quarts, ud Half Gallon, Five Gallon, Etc.
Wo are Agents for Oregon
Millinckrotlt's Carbolic Sheep Dip, Wukclcc's Sheep Bath
Squirrel Poison, and Ayer'sand Dr. Juyiic's Proprie
tary Medicines.
Wo buy our
;oods from tirtt hands, thus
Coast as comparison
HA. rll.lMIMO
1 10 I UO.NT STUI.in.
J. 23. C?OXaiT3
Manufacturers and Importers of
110 Front Street, East Side, - - Portland, OregoM
X. li. liepaiviny Promptly Attended to.
Wnolraale and
Furnituirj, oarpets, Wall Paper, Bedding. Etc.
Warerooms Extend Through -200 feet, from 166 First to 16?
V Our New Catalan)
etJr. Vans
UMl w uarmif n
ft bA
keAiilinil dMrtptlT
nkA nnaiaMiaW tuwl
ajwpssr. . riwav Kia - mmt aaw
IWtUiiLLrAUjCM i OO. tflMri
and Washington Territories,
Portland, Oregon,
VT. w. BPAULDINO, Packer and Cattle Dealer.
ANDREW ROBERTS, of Flshel k Robert,
JOHN CRAN, of Jonn Cran & Co.
C. M. WIREltO, Roots and Shoes.
JOSEPH RURKHARD, Burkhardt ASpauldlni.
Alt the above named buslnms men of Portutud
resent JIM, 000 Insurance In this above namad cem
OOB ItiEXXH WASTED, apply to
A. MeKIXlflE.
103 Firt Street, Fortlaflal
IScddiag, Carpets, Paper Haaf"
ing, Stoves, and
Crockery and Glassware.
.Steam Factory Northwest Corner Front and Utttncf
Streets. Warehouse 1S8 and 18S First and
181 Second Streets,
and Washington Territory for
enabling ua to compete with any market on Ui'-'
of our prices will prove.
M.W YOUK.-53 ElhtK STREET. ..
- X.XS
Kelull IK'ulrra lu
pb nr
BlKMtsB mt
iBWleatassto Is VrSstsiaX
t fi
I -