J,1 WILLAMETTE FARMER: PORTLAND, UIvj3GON. FEBRUARY 24, 1882 a ,r tisssWs' assJEBaw-aW JWiB TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. i:,stT:kiv. Oyalrr I'lrnlrs fnpliirril. FliKHKiiicKHmnKi, Kiili. 18. Kor tlie first time in tho historv of Virginia, tho oyster pi rates, ivliu have for no many year been tr roriluK thu shores, of Urn Rappahannock, have been surrounded and captured, '1 ho (left ol twenty wull-nriiird vi-nsrls, which ho been defying the ((Hirers and citizens for a month, ha hern having everything prutty much It mvn way. The owners of ojstor hodi dnrrd not inoltst thutn, nor inakn any attempt to preserve thoir own rights, for a howcr of slut's frcin a swlvol gun wan the only answer tlmy received. A tug arrived her to'day, liringing intnllijeiicu of the suc cessful ndvaiico nf the, Stato fortes, under command of (iov, Cameron, upon tlio oystei pirate. Aliottt ll! o'clb'-k yuatenl ly morning tlio steamers Loiiisoitiiil Viotonu Herd, which carried thu Virginia troop-, wheeled nt full poed into the month of tlm Kappalmtlnock and surprised seven easels of tlio contraband fleet engaged in ntcilim; oysters. Tlm four howitxcri on tho I-oiiino wrru lironelit to bear on the lli'et, and (!uv, Cameron, iUmling on bow of tlm steamer, called upon tho pir-itus to urrcmlcr in tl u niiuinof thucotuiiionnoalth of Virnlnia. Six nf the privateers surrendered witlioi.t a struggle, hut thu seventh, a low, rakiah-lookiuu ciuft. known on tho co.i-t us the "Daring Devil," and manned by twelve of the moat desperate rneii in tlm business, Imvu up anchor and attempted to run tho blockade, Slio was iminidiatuly cut "oil, nud when the imuile of thu liuwit,cr, loaded with grape, ku brought to brar in on her, the captain signaled that he mitii inlw-il. Thno elu-ers went given by tlm St.'iUi lioop at till" lirot sicnal victory over thu hcrttoforu iuviticibjea. Tlio voniiiet waa itiiiiplutu Sown vtuli and sixty-one men wi ru captured, mid uiulei the law of Virginia the vc-asols ami their car goes are thu piopeityof lm uaploi. (iov. Cameron no baa seven m.ls, vulued at aiy $:I0,000, besub their cargnea, which art heavy. Thu tict'.rious troops have arrived at Norfolk with their booty, and nyatora ot every variety am plenty. It ia aitpp awl that thia will put an end to theovater privateering business, which has cimI many people no thu KaiipihaiinocU tluir lives. Tlm expedition under (iov. Catiifrnn oww ita riiccmm to the vary fact that It waa gotten up ipuctly, and waa actually on the way before ita mission waa known I'nrallrtl for Intprrrrrnre. Ha.nta Kk, IVb. IS.- Edward M. Kelly waa to have boen hanged here to-day, but two ap plicationa went undo to (iov, Sheldon for a commutation of luaaeiiteuee, but after i-xhuiia live exauiliialloua of tlm lawa and facta, the application were refuaed. Iaat night the attorney-general telegraphed to respite Kelly until March 17th. Ilia right to interfere in regard to territorial oIIViibc la driuid aa a matter ol law, but (iovcrtor .Sheldon cour teously ordered the rraoito. Tho muriUr wai committed in Hanta ru county, and wat ao outrageous th.t the respite baa cauaed imii'h ugly feeling, ainWl ia not imiirobablu that an eirort will be, made to hang Kelly by thu peo ple. (3ov. Shuldon haa onlcred thu aherilV to prevent it all hazard. Thai Han allan Treaty. Niw Voiik, Keb. IS.- The ('ri;nV haa the following from Washington on the Hawaiian sugar question: A determined onslaught is he log made agaiuat the Hawaiian treaty. 1m iaiana augar planters have intereatrd thu rep resentative to a man, Democrat and Itepuhli can, in behalf of tho movement to terminate the treaty, Democratic mciubera are found anttiing wfth the foreign alntira loiiimitt-c against free augar, ami aa urg-jnt for a tariff aa ever .luilgu Kelly waa Known lo no in lie height nf the campaign. It ia alleged that llavcuivyrra are opposed to tho treaty bo cause they naturally desire tlm removal of a competitor in the huaintaa of mgar rcfluiiu'. It ia aaul imbed they are at the hot torn of thu agitation in tlm Kast. Parties who are op posed to a continuance of thu treaty are hav ing a series of hearings buloru tho committee on foreign allaira, ami tlm consul of tho Haw aiian government ia making a vaat array of atatiatics to lie presented, that tho govern ment ia losing a largo amount of money in customs uvcry yearj that inoro augar ia being imported from Havtaiia under tho treaty than the island could possibly produce, and that substantial benefit is being douu to American industries. It ia alleged that full three fourths of tho sugar impoited fruo from Haw aii comes from China, and its importation is fraud. It ia charged that tho monopolists of tho Sandwich islands plantations have made a combination with the Pacific railroads to put up fruighta, and tlm people have no benefita of cheap sugar, but arc usually obliged to nay two more cents than Now Yorkers. It is claimed that tho treaty has encouraged slavery of a moat degraded type, anil that tho islands do not trade, with this country except to sell sugar and rice. Ulalue on I lie ijmilrrauClalia. Tho lltrahl has a letter from Itlaiuo to Hurlburt, dated August -I, 1881, from which the, following is extracted; While this gov ernment will not uudertaku to decide upon tho compensation duo Iiudrcau, you aro in structed to inform thu Peruvian government that this government will expect sonio ade quate and proper means to bu provided by which Landreau can obtain a judicial decision on his right. In regard to thu interpretation necessary to adjust tho relations of Chili and Peru, the latter may possibly bu compelled to submit to loss of territory. It tho territory to be surrendered should include the guano deposit discovered by Landreau, anil for the discovery of which Peru contracted to pay him a royalty, then thu Peruvian government should in tho treaty Uipulnto with Chili for preservation of payment to Laudreau of the mount due on hia contract. You will make such effort as you judiciously can to secure for Uknuroau a lair bcuiciiiciii, ui ma ciaini, llralmrlUfl Fire. ilosTON, Feb, IH. HeporU from Haverhill lUto that a firu started in thu business por tion of town Inat night slid spread with great rapidity, buildings being mostly of wood and Igniting very quickly. Thu small liro depart ment waa unable to copo with thu llnmes, which got ho j ond their control, and assistance was immediately telegraphed for to lawrenco, Newbury pott, Lowull and other towns. Tho town at 1:110 this A. m, was all abl7e, and tho business portion will undoubtedly bu des troyed. Tho liro covoru thu entire tract fioui tho rail toad Btiition to l.ittlo Kivur and be tween KbiflJt and Wingtitu streets, lined with merchandise and furniture stoics, and thuro U no doubt a number of puoplu aro rendered homeless. Tho main telegraph ollico burned out, and connection between thu city and depot telegraph ollico is thus auvcrod, The Journal ostinntea tho loss at Huvur hill, MnssaclnuotU, at Jj'.'.fiOO.OOO, and nays tho most dreadful failiuu of the ojlainity is tho loss of lifo and awful uncertainty caused to ninny anxious hearts, It is feared thu bodies of n score or niomiiicnt husiuciix limn wuru buried in tho ruins, Tho city maulm! stales three men missing, and tho spread of the Haines so rapid thoy wero tumble tociicape, Inrjiiiwtislv I'nlae, I'll-rrililfiui, Kcb. VO, Ihuapecial toleynnii milt out I nun this city, and widely copied by newspapers throughout tlm country, alleging undue intimacy lintweun tlio wifu of lion. A. W, Campbell and Oco. K. Wheat, a promi nent merchant nf Winding, Va,, is charac terized by tho gcnt1uii.cn, us false. Wmkki.imi, Fob. 20. Thu monstrous calumny, involving (luorge K. Wheat and thu wifo of A. W. Camiibcll, of tlm InttUlgrnerr, is an outrageous falsehood. Mr, Campbell and Mr. Whoat deny it totally over tin ir sig natures, and Sunday papers hero explode tho story by showing that Mrs, Campbell was out of town at thu time. Fire nt tavrrenrc. I.awkknck, Maas,, Feb, 120. A liro in thu Albion print works, on Water street, de stroyed tho entire stock, worth $.r0,000, and stocks of snvcral other linns in thu same build ing. Total loss 8 1 W), 000. Tho charred body ol an unknown man was found on thu second floor when tho lira was subduid, A number of persons are missing. Ilealh of an Old Congressman. Nkw Yoiik, Feb. 1!() Kit-Congressman William 11. Mcfny died yesttuday at hia resi dence, 08 Second Avenue. Hu hod been suf fering for a considerable tune from an oh attuctiou of tho bowels wliiali terminated h's lifo. McLay waa born in this city, May I, 1815. Illnlnr'a Mlalraninrialilti, Wamiimiton, Fb. Ill, Tlm corroapond encu relative to Chili and Peru clearly shows thnt if our government bad insisted on the negotiation and maintenance of thu Caldcron government it rtotild Imvo beuu necessary to Imvo resorted to anna. Minister Christiancy ao reported in March last. Calderon made sonm rather humiliating appeals to tho con quering Chilians for thu head of a govern ment who could claim thu support of the Uidtul States. Mr. Christiancy on Maroh llth s.iid CaUerou found great dilliculty in getting proper ministers t'j hold ollicca under him, hut win n he dually thought ho had got tb'i airaigimd hn for the lirat time a it would seem, began to inqitiru how fur his Chilian friends meant to allow hia government to gov trn. Hu requisted th.it tlm Chilian army should he withdrawn Irom thu territory of I.ium; tint he ahould bu ullowcd to occupy thu government pal.icu and raise over It thu Peruvian flap, and that hu should be allowed to con rid the ctiitoin houau and thu collection of iiutiea, eta, ull of which ws refused; wlmieupoii, aa I uudcirtaud, his proposed minnt'Ti refuvd to act and lie himself was dn-poied to decline the tii.il; of funning a gov ernment. Huprrnir Court. Aiill-wniN, Feb. t!0. - Ilepresentative Manning states that the committee of the American liar Association appointed to con aider methods for relieving thu United States supiemu court of over pru.-sure of bitsineaa upon it will report soon, lie says ex-Secretary Kvarta, chairman of thu committee, ami Mi-trick, of Washington, Phelps, of Vermont, and Parker, of New .leraey, wid report in favor of thu adoption of his (Manning's) plan Hitchcock, of St. I,ouia, is oioed U hia plan, and King, of Ohio, Stephens, of (iior gin, aud liradley, of Khodo Island, are in clined to the other plan. lar Route KoIiIm-i-s. A reiortcr of the associated press inter viewed Col. llliss, chief counsel of the star route prosecution to-night. Col. lilts con tinued thu report of the indictments and gavu tho following list : Assistant Postmaster (Jcneral Thomas J. Brady, "x-Senatar Ste phen A. Doraey, John W. Doraey, brother of the ex-Senator, W. II. Turner, formerly of the post ollico department, John it. Miner, It. M, sue a. Co., J. 1 Anderson and J. M. Peck, of Doraey 'a firm. The last named ia aaid to havo died recently. It ia understood that thu indictment does not incltidu French, F. Ililey and S. P. Brown, who were included in the original information. Blias stated that the gram! jury waa unanimous in finding on the merits of the case. Oregon Mnllers. Tho secretary of war to-day sent to Con grosa the report of Capt. Powell, of the iorp of engineers, upon examination and surveys of oung'a l.owii, Clarke's and Skipauou rivets in Oregon, aud (Sray'a IIailor and Che halia river in Washington Territory, and the survey for a proposed canal from Sltoalwatcr lUy to Baker's Bay, W. T. Thu report re commends an appropriation of about $13,000 for a snag boat be uaed in patrolling thu lower Willamette ami Columbia, and above named Oregon rivers; ?.ri,000 for a cut-ofT canal at the bend in the Skip panon river, and $1,000 lor dredging tho mouth of thu Skippanon. Capt. Powell also adviaes an appropriation of $.',000 for removal of obstructions this year from Chahalis river. Tho project for 'tho above named canal is reported practicable, and ita first cost is estimated at $.125,000. Representative George, of Oregon, to-day introduce d a bill allowing persona who are re quired under any law to make affidavits be fore local laud officers to make them before any State or Territorial officer authorized to administer oaths, (icorgo also presented sun day Oregon petitions for legislation for inter state railroad commerce, aud for tso erection of a lighthouse at thu mouth of tho Siualaw river. ConOnuallona U. S. marshals Thomas Boles, for West ern district of Arkansas, and Honry P. Denny for Minnesota; register of the land of fice, D. P. Hall, at Benson, Minn.; post master, James Cogswell at Iberville, La. Lively Nhoollni Affray. Loui.svil.i.K, Fob. '20, A very exciting and probably fatal aflair took placu this evening on jetierson street, between Mxth ami Sev enth, in which Joe Wyatt, ex-U. S. marshal, who haa bagged inoro moonshiners than any man in thu country, was no doubt fattlly wounded by Joe Cuuuingham and Thos. Con nelly, two doputics of court. Wyatt is a man of celebrated nerve, and is ono who has never known fear. He has had many exciting incidents in hit life, and has allot several men, but generally was acting in selt-dofenee, or iu discharge of his duty as a government officer. Tho dilliculty commenced m the Astor House, a little hotel directly opposite the fire eugiuo iiouao, ami enuou in too street, where wyaTt was shot. The origin of tho dilliculty was witnessed by none but tho participants, con scquently it is somowhat difficult to givo the exact particulars. It seems that warrants were out for thu arrest of Wyatt, charging him with soiling liquors to minors, llmring of this, ho awore hu would pay no attention ty tho warrants. Ho would bo il d if ho'd ray tho linos, and no officer could arrest him. Ic i'h raid to have threatened to shoot any man who laid hands on him. Tho officers at tempted to arrest him, when hu pulled a, re volver, Tlio ollicem did thu same, and the battle ragged from the hotel to thu street. Tlio matshaUirud 10 out of thu II shots. Wyatt II red -I tiling with his famous pistol, which ho culls "Trusty." Neither of thu iiiurshals wuru hurt, except that Connelly's forehead was gran-d by u bullet jiistovur thu right our. Doctors (Iniviu, Itodgerti mid others tvum called into tho jail to attend Wyatt, who was found to bo very sciiously injured. Thu probabilities nru that ho will die. Io has tlneo wounds so far aa thu dootoisoaii deter mine. Ono is in thu right Hhouldcr, mill not suiious. Tho other two, or ono, nru in' thu abdomen. There is one hole on tlio right sido and another on tho left, and the doctors arc unable to say whether tlio holes aro thu en tiHiicu ntid exit of thu same ball, If but one wound, liu Iihm a chain-.t for rtcovciy; but if luti bullets ate in tho nody, thu iloctotn say death is almost certain. The shooting created iuteiisu excitement in thu vicinity, aud a largu crowd gathered. Peruvian Question. Nkw Vokk, F.b. 20. Tho I'oH'n Washing ton special says : Homo mem hers of foreign legations (xpicss tho belief that Shepherd' Peruvian sehuino was a nioio serious alfair than it is generally considered to bu by tho American public, "Jt is mote than tho joko or day dream of a visionary speculator," said one of t'legentlemi n ycslciday. "The scheme was audacious and ust, but not crazy by any means, and wo do not know yt how mar ft came to success. Had Caldcron been ttik tained oven for a short time longer, I have reason to believe hu would have been willing to give a lif.il on any property Peru might havo owned, aud thereby enriched lu'rnM.-lf and his fellow couspiratois. If Calderon could have lesued currency to thu extent of several millions, it might have secured his friends for tho future thu whole plunder they desired. MkmiHiik Afrnir. Caniiixakia, Feb. 20. About 10:30 this morning a shooting allray occurred at this pi. ico between T. F, Shepherd, watchman at tho Mount Potosi Mine, and Joseph Mcl-aine, both well known citizens of Cinilelaria. Twclvi or fifteen shots wero fired, and both men dangerously wounded. "Shepherd was shot about tho right Imrut, and McLaiue wounded in the right side. Tho dilliculty grew out of a quarrel over a panic of cards. Both wuru under thu influence of liquor. Ho ii ml 0er. Lot AsiiKt.M, Feb, 21. The examination of Dr. A. S. Shorb, charged with causing the death of (uad,ilupe Oarcia, by abortion, which has been in propria? Iieforu City Judge Adams since tho lltb itist., waa concluded at noon to-day, and tho accused committed for trial on charge of murder. Thu comi will probably Imj brought before the superior court to-moirow, in action for wiit ot liabtus corpus. In Ite IntrslliEatril. Loniiok, Feb. 18. The House of Lords notwithstanding the earnest opposition of the goveruui'iit, adopted by OS to A3 the- motion to select n committee to inquire into tho working of recent legislation iu rcferenco to land iu Ireland. Railroads are not Bad to Have. IMIMoro Independent. I sec that Mr. Holcomb, of Wuat Union, has written a communication to the Wii.i.amkttk Fakmick, iu which he complains very bitterly of the grinding monopolies of this Statu. I will agrto with Mr. Holcomb that there is something wrong somewhere. That taxes arc on tho increase cannot bu denied ; but don't let us bo drawn away from the real cause by these anti-monopoly papers that arc crying out against tho railroads that are being built on this coast. The inoro railroads the better for the farmers. IXin't let us cry out against thu railroads too soon. As long as they build with their own money and take none of our old roads away, wc have no right to complain. Wu can patronize- them, or go the old road to market. They take none of our rights away that wo had before. Now don't let us be fooled by this railroad monopoly cry from the real catieo that oppresses us tho causa of high taxes in this State. How can it be othcr w isu when land ia only assessed at half price, an indebtedness deducted, dollar for dollar? This law of indebtedness ia the cause that honest men havo to contend with. It is in the interest of tho land speculators and is grind ing thu honest land holder down with the burden of taxation. It is not an uncommon thing to siu men holding largo quantities of land in this Stato upon which the-y pay no taxes. Thu indebtedness takes it all away, and when an immigrant goes to them to buy, the pricu is so high bo turns aud seeks him a homo in somu other part of tho world. This land monopoly is tho curso of the Stato. It turns thu immigrant away, and tho lands uru not half cultivated and tho grubs aro closing in on thu fanners on every side and will even tually cloao him out if he don't sell his land and divide it up into smaller lots. This law of indebtedness is a very wrong" one and should bu repealed. It shields all kindlj of speculation and places tho burden of taxes on thu honest, hard-working, poor clasj of the community. I can't see why there shouid bo any exemptions where taxes have to be paid to support a government like ours. The $300 exemption law lota out the poor class from paying taxes and the law of indebtedness lets out tho rich man, leaving the poor, honest, hard-working man to pay tho taxes and work tlio roads. Wo aro talking, np hero in Wapato, of try ing to correct this evil. We belieNo whon we have a law for assessing property that tho as scsior should lo directed by it if it hurst every laud speculator in tho State. The sooner they aro broken up tho better for the people. And tho sooner the law is repealed the soouer wo will have a better one. We would liko to hear from our Representatives, who are coming out for office on thia question. Something must bo done. S, K, Wilcox. Death of A. B. Meachun. Tho telegraph brought nows the other day that Hon. A. B. Mcacham, well known iu Oregon, died suddenly in Washington of apoplexy. Hu lived for many years in the Blue Mountains, was oftorwartU Presidential Klector, was for somo years Superintendent of Indian affairs, then was Peace Commissioner to tho Modoo Indians, since which bo has been in Washington part of tho timo publish ing i newspaper that advocated tho causa of tho Indian. Hu was lately Peace Commis sioner to tho Utes. His family now reside in this city. Death of John M. Thompson. We regret n learn of tlio death of Hon. John M, Thompson, of Kugone, who was Speaker of tho House iu 1878. Mr. Thomp son died of consumption. Hu was in tlie priuiu of life, posc88ed a vigorous mind, and was something inoro than a politician. Ho mined to bu n good citicn and an honest man. It docs not follow that ho was pel feet, but ho possessed many good aud grout traits, and was in,n way to bo useful and influential to the Stato if his lifo could Imvo bcon spaced. THE AMERICAN BARB FENCE. Tto Handaomeat, Stlffeat, and Most Durable. No Ruat. No Decay. Secure against Fire, Flood and Wind. the barbs are,OTncecJt",otherr,''d "" ""' "'" prcTent ml" anlml ,ucl1 " bWt. hr. P'S". dK. cats, etc, from pasting throueh, under or over It, tht ii u, uT,,",,?rb? 'tln,f trlanpiUr-ahaped, like the teeth of a saw, and close together, there la no cruelty to animals, as they cannot pierce the hide- thev onls prkk, whleh Is all that Is cir necessary, aa no animal will pj neir a Barb Fence t lee. V ' "' 0I"' ,ts Hie tllre ll Ual Iwnl np lwltfrf. Ill lmlM lrnvtl. I. m,iM. ,, th.n lk ! U all Alk r..l.1 u-l.. c . .i .. or bent wire. llrst or rsld rinnal sSVrl Ih. 1bipIfim RbpI. !' .. tt mn ld .tlnanl in .. i,.n caU,citI.ro,,U..u.bb.,1dca,inor.l Tho JSarl cannot be displaced or rubbed off, and are nut pounded on and indented Into the wire to crcasln the strength of tho wire. The Itarba are short and broad at tho lose, where strength la renuired. The I'nlntrd nclgfia o pvnnd to tbe Tin' FarmoiV Favorite HARROW ! (Kiuntcd Juiit-il, JfcSO) HAS AliAM'AGI'S OVnt ANV IIAItnoW r rj.t I-i li, .1. It l soi-lisliucUd that it r inuriu. I i.iiemi uiti es, and is tlie JIo.l IjkIIj Mauaetl Implement f the kind lit I Ky miins of the lev, r ctlhcr hrctton ran be readily lifu-d, to us to aoid any uLsliumon, or to clian iu A Small Boy van Operate it. rVH h.i UX.cn the I ll'-ST premium t all the Fairs where un-i. Ken olub ltd. A rehautn aent wanted in ev. 1,4 CVinit) en tue- I'jiiic Ccxut bUUs. County rilit. for sate. Addrro : J. J. SITTON, Roebur0', Oregon. (Jcneral A-,'cnt for Pacific Coatt. ftblOlf USE ROSE PILLS. THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOS MAN AND 3EAST. For more than a third of a century tlie Mexican Mustang Llnlmont has ueen IrrifiWri fr vnllllntia all sfa a-nelil na Ihn STltllv ajllfa mltnnlln trm (Ii oaIIaS . t ntuiuvuii mm uatii. it xm n raeuicino uuuvo pneu wiu jiruwo mi om. ow us kind. For every form of external pain " MEXICAN Mustang Ltntment is wit lion t an equal. It penetrates flesh and muaele to the. verjr bone liiaklnK tho contluu niico of pain and lnflumuUon lmpoaalblo. Its effects upon Human FloaU and the llnito Creation aro euually wonderful. The Mexican MUSTANG JJntment la needed by somebody In urury nouse. every nay Drinsai news or ins mgomj- am aua tiui acaua or Dssrn subilued. of rheaanatlo naartrra re stored, or a rluble horse or os aarea Dy the heaunf power of IDU LINIMENT which speedily cures such allmonta of the HUMAN KLKH as Itheatntattam, Hwelllsifn, sUUT JoluU, Contrmeteal Muscles, Dawns uuu ncaias, vuts, Uralses and Nprnltis, Poisonous BItea and Ntlusxs, tlsBaess, Lameness, Old Noras, Clears, Frostbites, ChtlblaOns, Nora Nipples, Caked llrcast, and Indeed ercry form of external dis ease. It heals without sears. For tho DttUTK CllEATlOM It cures Npralns, Stvlnn)-, Stlfl Joints, Founder, ITarncss Mores, Hoof Dis eases, Foot Hot, Ncrevr Worm, Scab, Hollow Horn, Scratches, Wlnd- 8 alls. Spavin, Thruah, HIngbone, Id Mores, Poll Evil, Film itpon the Blsrht and every other ailment to wnlcb the occupants of the Viable and Stock Yard are llableat Tho Mexican Mustang I4ulmeU nlwuys cures untl never disappoints; and it Is, positively, THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB HAN OB BEAST. -Tj j j JJ.T I 1 Galvanized, Painted or Japanned, . -. B.. .-..... . rod. so that the purchaser knows exactly how much fencing he la getting. Galraflzcd wclgha slightly more. 110, 112, 114, 116 and 118 Battery Street, San Francisco, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. OR.SCOIT seed depot. ESTABLISHED IN 1872. HAGH EEY & BENO, Wholesale Northwest corner First and Taylor, BtreeU, ..... Portland, Ooregon. SPECIAL , INDUCEMENTS TO CASH PURCHASERS IN THE INTERIOR. FARMERS AND GARDES ers Hill do well to be cautious In liujlrijf Seeds from irresponsible dealera ho carry their seeds Irons jear to jear ;on commls,on and hrve no knowledge of the seed business; buv your seeds from a responsible House who import an ENTIKK JEW TOlk 1UCII SEASOX. and your crops will not fall ao often, w e hae now opened a tomplete stock of leld, Onuu and Carden and Flower Seeds, at reasonable rates. ro.On hand a limited supply of Purple slraw and While Australian and Short Canada Oat See. , irsend for our jirice cauloeue for ll2 mailed free on application. Address. HACHENEY & BENO, P. O. Box GOT, - - - - . . Portland, Oregon. PACIFIC AGRICULTURAL SALEM, OREGON, W. T. GRAY & CO., PROPRIETORS. Manufacturers of Plows, Cultivators, Road-Serapers, Etc COOK, PARLOR, AXD II EAT I XU STOVES, Hollow Wave and all kind of Iron, and Brass Casting, FARM MACHINERY Repaired ami Luilt to order, at reasonable rates. Also, all kinds of Machine work, Steam Engines, Mill work and general repairing done promptly to order. JaniO J. M, rATTEESOX, Sfanacer. Save $20 n a Singer I DOWN WITH MONOPOLY! PRICES OF ALL MACHINES GRE ATLY REDUCED. Although the Patents Expired years ago, the old Monopoly Companies hold to their high price system," and defraud the pee pie of their just share in the benefits of the patents. They can not afford to reduce prkss now, Tor they still continue their ex pensive plans of selling, making it cost the purchaser five or six times the original cost, forcing them on lite people whether they want them or not. This entire arrangement is changed at Forstner's anti-Monopoly Sewing Machine Depot. He sella the Genuine Ckicavo Singer, Wheeler & Wilson No. 8, the Desaasc tic, Eldridge, the Celebrated Davis, the Crows and NewHoate. Be Sure and See Us Before Purchasing Elsewhere. FORSTNER'S GUN SHOP, Commercial Street, ISLF. 8. DrsrrlptlTe t'atalofrae and TO EASTERN READERS I SEND THE "FARMER" TO FRIENDS IN THE EASTERN STATES. OFFER EXTRAORDINARY. We will send the Willamette Farmer to any address in the Kastera States or to Cauads, postpaid, upon receipt of $2.00 for one year or $1.00 for six months. Wo make this oiler, to the readers of tho Fakmek, in the interest of immigration. We will further allow the sender (if already a subscriber), a credit of THREE MONTHS oa their own subscription for each yearly subscriber sent. This splendid oiler will remain in force until April 1st. Remit to us, free of expense to ourselves, by Mouey Order, or Registered Letter. Address : WILLAMETTE FARMER I UB. CO,, S. A. CLARKE, Manager, Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE. SIM. -Uicstiiut Stal- lion Four vat oM past; I'' autocrat, sou ol I. co. M. rutilicn; lUin by I!ro.nloft ; '.M dam the Cooley mart-. bIM U a rtuurWatlo lundouio liorso ami lias liccnauanlcil first premium in his doss literal ttmt-s iryO. b, A. S., and indeed, each tlim) he j euterwl for a premium, Weighs l'AJ pounds. Is a liorso of lino trotting action. Has neter keen trulueil. IH1.I desire to sell because I urn i;i ttliiif moru stock on liaml than 1 am prepared to keip, and Mill irivea irood lurk-alii, J, r. .tri'l'.UhU.N, fiblOm Ure.-on City. j f sa - W ...,.. ., .,Cic, nun; are an nuaeoi twutod , ,n AnM.u . . .... . "''' s " anu expanaicn, e hold them In place, aa In other Barb Wire therch Jc. ' l""ln "" and Retail o x& Salem, Oregon. Price U seat by naall wlirn rcqaealett T. A. WOOD & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS, I. O. O. F. Tt-uiple, 1'ortluud, Or. "VTK AUG 1'UEl'AUKII TO OIVK YOU A HAW. J T fain cither In Vann Landa or City I'roirty. U o luto somu splendid S, 111, and VO acre Iota near th city, huproud and unimprovd. AlaV, UO, bO and VO0 aero farms within 1 miles of Portland. A larva list of Wheat I'snns and Dairy ranches, scattmd up and do n tho Valley. OUd to receive a comiolsslon from ) mi either to buy or sell Und. Olvo 4 call or w rite for circular and 11U ol farmi. fel7uil -.'J