N.r; cut Titeraluri. 1 A REKlNIS0r.SC2. JTlio follow! -n ,w(! i iltii I'.v T. Governor Uile, nvontly ileccuuil, Ami nrtpcuml in the l!,l Hork Democrat of .March 17, lb"." Jo'cpli Meet., my frietiil .loo, when wo first ltnow och uthur, Twas in tho Winto- of thirty-two, tun cold ami 'tonnv weather, rhi- snow x 11 f.illi cn'. ,0; i,ml tUogronnil m-.ih oivi'i iil o'er; This il i.v we nut I'll nu'r forgot, Now li.rty yearn ami nun-. Twas on tli.it stormy il.iy Jor, wl en wr were lii'jt .iiiiuaint Our looks wciu ilark and Honing uicn, Our ni.uilv ho.is wcro liont; Hut now they are all wnnkhil Joe, an.l our locks are frosted o'tr Uy toil Mul caio Ami u car and tear Of forty yeirs and mote. I often ait air! think Jo-, of our dangers ami our toils. Wlnlii lighting t oso wild lii'Mana .loo. oi thieaduig those il.uk ili'tile-. 0.- eroding thoso lofty mountains Joe1, or o'er the desert strayed, With lieu Is of glee Ami souls as true As the winds that around us playul. Now Joseph Meek, my ftieud Joe, we nie on top of the hill, Of lighting, trapping and hunting Joe, we both have tiad our fill, Ami now we'll hobble down Joe, come, hand in li.mil wo'll go, As best we may, Preparing tha way To meet the hnil blow. Vow to conclude our song Joe. we'll east bur eves tip there, Where you and I have hunted Joe, in those mountains wild ami drear. Mow pause the-i lift them tightly Joe, to yon calm and peaceful shore Where you aud I Sha.l meet in the sky. When our last hunt t-hall be o'er. How Baby Went Nutting. "Beats all," said good old Mr. Hurlbut to jood old Mrs. Hurlbut, as he laid down the paper from which ho had been reading "beats all what mizzable little fellers some o' Iheiii poor children in the city be. It se-ms a und many lolks on farms like us, Screny, Lave took 'em in 'n ko 'em a spell. Must 'a done the poor little things good. Law ! m ikeu ie feel bad." Good farmer Hurlbut to-xk off his spectacles nd wiped them with gre..t thorough ei-s. He was thinking not only of the litte newsboys, nd the other poor children of whom ho had keen reading, m the city, fifty miles away, but f a certain little boy of his own and "Sere ay's," who had gladdened their home for nine aort years and then hid died, leaving them desolate indeed, but with a warm place in heir hearts for all his kind. Presently Farmer Hdrllmt spoke again, at d. it seemed to Aunt Sereny, ntlier ir'eWantly: "Lots o' nuts this year up in the north pastur'. The clump o' che-tnut" is fuller 'n aver the biggest chestnuts I ever see; i' up higher there 'a nnre walnuts V butt rnuts than you ever see in your life. Gue-siwjTl have to go. over and get George's folks V Eliza Jane 'a' the gills, V have a picric mine warm day up there and gather 'e u. '' "Yes, we must," assented kind Aunt Sere ny. "It wo il 1 1)0 sorter nice for tln-m poor 1 ttle fel'ers in the city to take a day oft in the woods so," continued Fanner Hurlbut, jeik ing his thumb toward the pa.jcr from which he had been reading. "Ye, it would," concucred Aunt Sereny. "15ut,B, went on Farmer Hurlbut, with a puzzled expression, "how to get at 'em that's the question." "I should think so," taid Aunt Sirmy, Those sole mission in life was to agreo ami jmojthe over and to diap.-nse pea e p. n n.lly. 'suddenly Fanner Hurlbut seized his paptr Mid beg.vi to 1 ok over what he hid In en reading, pisjiiig his finder patiently along the lines. 'I thought so!" he exclaimed at las', pin ning a particular place with his big thumb. "I thought I see t'lenarae of thefciiperiiitoriil ant of the s ciety 'n' I did. He'd ki ow, I i'poo." "Kti w what?" asked the wife, mildly. "Why, how to get at 'em." "On!" Aunt Sirwiy brightened up wondir f'lily "How il'je s'pose 'twould do to ask a whole raft on 'em to come!" aked Farmer Hurlbut, reflectively. "I'd be hinder atraid on 'cm, so miny, .ecim to ine" with a little deprecatory Lrngh. "That's so," Mid her considerate husband. "They be wild little critters, so I've heeul. Mebby five or M: would bo enough. My! how their eye3 would shine to a-n them nuts!" Aunt Sereny laughel a wholesome, sun ihmy laugh as ever w.i heard. "'X' I know," continued Farmer Hurlbut, iftectionately, "that you'J fccil 'ein up, 'n pet 'em, 'n' do Vm more good'n all the mission ;.:hools in creation." Aunt Sereny protested modestly, .hut was an ie the would be willing to try and tee what she could do. There was a little time of tilence cluiino. which tho clock struck nine. "Wa'al, what say, Sereny;'' said the old farmer at last. Tho old lady understood him perfectly. "I say, Josiah," replied she, with consider ble emphasis "I say, do just as you've a aiiud to." Tha consequence of this conversation wa a tfcttor from Farmer Hurlbut to tho superin tsndcnt, and liter, the appearance of six rag ged boys equipped with bags, on a pleasant Wednesday morning early in Xovunber, nt the railroad station in tho city, ready to take the train which would reach Farmer Hurl hut's at nine o'clock in the forenoon. That is, six bos were expected. Hut when tho geutUimm who was waiting at tho station to put tho lit tle party on tho cais cams to count thoni, to holdl there was a seventh figure, very much smaller than any of tho lost, holding on tight tx n bigeer boy's hand. It-was ft shrunken, litllo mit, with a big coat? on it that came to the lloor, ami a hat that must have belonged to somebody's grand-pa-a comical, pitiful, heart breaking little figure as ever was fccn. "Who's that, Tim?" askod tho gcntlcmau of the iMiy to whoso hand tho little creature was desperately clinging. Ho didn't know Tim very will, and had never encountered this tiny object before. "I don't know as you'll uko it," gasped Tim, apparently in gicat terror, lest ho w as going to Iks circumvented, "but it's lUliy, V lin'a fivo vears. onV he' little, 'cause he hasn't growed, V he's been sick, V mother said as how a whiff o' country 'd do him good, n' mebby he could go stead o' mo. l'hilly hero'll seo to him.", "Yes, sir," said Phil Barstow, whoso outfit was only less imposing than tho Baby's own. "I know tho Baby, V the Bihy knows me, V if you think it's too many for Tim to go, too, w e kinder decided Tim's mother V Tim V me that mebby tho Baby'd better go "st-ad o' Tim, or," added I'hil, with un expected heroism, and swallowing haul, "or 'stead o' me." "It's all right," said tho gentleman, who was sure, from the tone of Farmer Hurlbut's letter, that ho wouldn't mind having seven any moro than six. "It's all right, Tim. Xow take good care of him and sit still, all of you." So the Baby was put on board, and the cars moved slowly off. At the end of their journey, there was Farmer Hurlbut, with his big lumber wagon, which had three boards laid across it for seats. The boys, with their bags and their dreadful costumes, filed out as oon as the train Btupped, their glowing faces revealing unmistakably their identity. They were immediately pounced upon and conveyed to their seat in the wagon, where Aunt Sereny was waiting for them. Farmer Hurlbut was overflowing with jo vialityand good humor. Two great suggestive baskets and a mighty jug were packed into the front of the wagon, and behind w ere vari ous b xes and barrels to hold the surplus nut. "And who is thijf" asked Auut Sereny, beaming delightfully from the front seat of tho wagon, and fixing her gaze particularly upon the forlorn little straggler clinging tight to Tim's hand. "Please, mum," said Tim, eagerly, "it's the Baby, 'u' he's sick, V mother was havin' him come 'stead o' ire, but they said mebby you'd take us bjth." "Take you both'." exclaimed the dear o'd lady, wipiug her eyes vigorously and kissing the BabyV w eazened little face, "I guess we will ! It'll do hiin good, likely 's not, bless his heart ! Josiah. mebby" as the hones started off briskly "mebby," significantly, "the bojg are hungry after thtir journey Jest got out the little tin cups, 'n' I'll give them a drink o'milk apiece, V mebby a sandwich, V a turn-over oh we'ie riding along. It's a ood ways up to the north pastur'," continued the old lady, as she deals out the things lit erally, and watches them grasped eagerly by the lialf-stirved little creatures. "There's plenty, boys; eat all you want. Gooduesa me! Josiah Hurlbut," she whis pered to her husband, "they haven't had nothing t" eat for a week -I know they haven't !" But the chief ecstaey was on the back seat, where the Baby was ensconced botwern Tim and l'hilly, and eigerly swallowing a cup of Aunt Sereny 's lich yellow milk. "Massy, I'hil," cried Tim, admiringly, "see the Baby adiinkm'! How do-.s it taste, Baby?- g oil?" ' The Baby nodded, a grave smile settling upon his poor little visage under the big hat. "More," said he, weakly. "More! My gracious!" aid Tim, in the wilJtst spirits "more! He wants more, l'hilly. Hain't et or driuked so much as this for a month, I sh'd think. Can he have some more, mum i" reaching out a claw-like hand with the tin cup, which went back brimming mil. I'retly Hoon the boys began to talk. "See theie! quick! That's a i-quirrel, boys a rcg'lar squirrel. Kver see one before ?" "Trout in that brook, bet you a cent, IjojhI Won't the rest o' fellers stare when wo tell 'em what we've seen?" "Art theie more nuts 'n that" pointing to a h. avily ladeu tree which they were passing 'in.the place we're going to?" "Humph!" returned Farmer Hurlbut, the sight of wliie ponderous list had impressed his wild little crew as much ptihaps as hif kindness and generosity; "theie' more nuts up in the north pastur' where we'te agoin', than you'll ste all the -ray put togcthpr." In alout an half hour the north pa6tur' was reached, and the boys tumbled out of the wagon amid a jumble of swoet fern and pen ny loyal, and other sweet woodsy-smelling thing''. Aunt Sereny found a comfortable eeat near by, and fell to knitting as usual, and Farmer Huilhut, going to a thicket close at hand, pulled out two long stout poles, which ho had irepaied for this very occasion and laid away a week before. Then Jim Bowker and .Sammy Jones, two of the biggest boyB, were cent up two ot the best trees, and onco well up they lay flat ilong the great branches, and plied the poles vigorously. The glossy brown nuts and prickly burrs came flying "fast and furious," The Baby crept timidly out ot the wild bombardment and sat down beside the ample figure ot Aunt Sereny, His tiny hand the fac-similo of Tim's, only skinny grasped her dress firmly. Auut Sereny put her hand into her pocket and drew forth unheard-of treas ures of peppermints, sweet flag root and car away seeds. These the Baby gravely took ami devoured. Xoou coming ever so much too soon. Aunt WILLAMETTE PARMER: PORTLAND, OREGON, FEBRUARY 3, 1882, Sereny, nmid great applause, suggested some thing more, In tho lino of refreshments. Sho accordingly spread n whito cloth over a great llat rock, and set forth a feast calculated to drive a hungry boy cray with delight. Kvcn tho JJaby fairly laughed aloud. "I tell yon, boys," said Tim, springing to his feet as ho heard it, and eveu dropping a precious tart in his enthusiasm -"I tell you the Baby hasn't laughed like that since I can remember. Hi I aiu't it jolly?" Tho meal fairly over, they lay a little while on tho warm dry grass enjoying tho mild sunshine, Auut Sereny knitting peacefully on. Two or thrco boys dozed a little, and tho Ba by ciept up to his old place besido Aunt Sre ny, and gathering up his tiny figure upon nep dress, went fast asleep. She spread a light shawl over him ami drow him closer, amid af fectionate aud admiring glances from Tim. Tim adopted anybody who was good to tho Baby. Pretty soon Farmer Hurlbut roused them up to go to tho walnut trees, and two other boys were detailed for duty in the branches, which they beat and boat again with their poles. "Shucks' wo-o new things to them all. "Shiiro enough." said Larry O'Brien, with a fine brogue, "and now I'll know what they inano whin tl.ey say 1 don't know shucks but I do, though." This caused an uproarious, laugh, and l.rry kept on saying witty things, to tho great amusement of all. Not Sydney Smith himself was ever the sour e of jnorc delight. The train was to start at fivo, and it was neatly that time when the tired, sunburned, hippy little crowd dtew up at the railroad stition. Aunt Sereny had been having a whispered consultation with Fanner Hurlbut on the way home, and when they stopped she took Tim ami the Baby aside. "Tim," said she, "can't you leave the Baby with us a little while to stay a week or two, you know? You tell me whcio to write, and I'll let your mother know how ho gets along. Tim gazed at her with open mouth and shill ing eyes. "The Baby ?" gasped he. "Why mother and -me" (slowly) "can't get along 'thout tho Baby. Ho sleeps with me" his life trembling "every n ght. Seems 's if 1 couldn't sleep nohow 'thout his little hand hold o' mine." "But he says he'd like toatay," answered Aunt Soicny, coatingly. "I asked him" -for the mite had ridden home in Aunt SerenyV Up. "Does he!" said Tun, brightening. "If he mint to mebby well D'ye s'pose mother'ri like it?" But Aunt Sereny settled Tim's doubts, and the train rolltd away without the Baby. There he stayed at the farm house, and grew so strong and w:ell that he was allowed to remain for many a long year. Tim and his tired overworked widowed moth-r became frequent iii; rs to the same hospitable spot, as well as the n.st of the boj s w ho had formcJ th' memorable nutting party. In fait, a nut ting party in the north pastur became an an nual institution, which continued to the pres ent time. Iftrr' Yomi'j I'eojilr. She Took No Bisks. "Have ye any gud piaiinits?" she asked, as she stepped into a piano warenoui on Fast Fourteenth street the other day, displacing a prosperous looking pocketbook. "I want wan fur me datter, who is enmiu' home from the eemetary w id a finished edication, "What stylo of instrument do you prefer?" said the clerk, di-playitig an upright. "This piano is tho doublc-patent-quadruplc-stnng-ing-board-never-stay in-tunc and celluloid ke." "0?h ! Xecra hoppoth do I care about tlii- sthoile so long as its a strong case. Have ye any wid iron case ?" "No, ma'am; but all our cases arc made extra strong." "How much'll you take for that piaunio?" "Four hundred dollar, ma'am " "Do you sell on the flow -pay plan?" "Yes, occasionally we tell to reliable pur chasers on the installment plan. The install ment on this piano would be fifUtn dollars a month." "U ill ye tluow in a cover and shttilc ?" "Hardly fair to ask it, ma'am; but we'll thr.'W in those articles this time." "An' a buk o' music?" "Yen; we won't bo mean about it.' "Xow, if ye'll insure tlm piannie, I'll take it." "Well, really, ma'am the purchaser usually insures the instrument, but to ilso the bar gain we'll insure this piano ai.d take all rNks." "Ye so, lctwane mo an' you," said she, after she had made her mark on tho ucecssary papers and deposited the first installment re ceipt in her bosom, "I'm glad to feel aisy about the iniuraiico, as I want to get the bet ter of me old man, who tuk an oath that if I brought a pianuiu into the houso he'd smash it up wid an ax. An' faith he's tho hi to do it the next toime he gets dhrunk !?' Diphtheria Preventative. Mr. M. D, Harpolc, writing to tho I'alouse Oauttt. from Steptoe under a late date, sends the following preventative, which he has tested : One ounce of sweet spirits of nitre, one ounce assafietida, onu ami a half ounces camphor gum; put all in one quart of the .best in and shake well until dissolved. Dose: Child six years old, one-half teaspoouful, morning and evening. Increase or decrease according to ago of child. This preventative I tried four years ago, while on a visit to Salem, Oregon, with m family. My childron lived in the house with ciii'ireii winy wore in wic wujbv niajju in uipii' theria, and not ono took tho disease, as 1 gave tho above regularly, A '.tltl, To all who aro suffering from tho triors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I will send a receipt tlutt will cure.you, kiikk ok (,'iiahok. This great remedy was discovered by a mis ionary in South America. Send self-addressed cnvelonu to the Kkv. Joskmi T. In man, Station D, New York City, dcc300m RAILROAJ) LANDS. Liberal Tonus, Low Prioos, Loii Time, Low I n I crest. OUF.nOtf ANI CAt.H'OllNIA ItAII.IIOAI) COMPANY OKKIIH Tlllatt LANDS KOIt HAM". UPON Till following Hr-criil ti-nini One-fourth ul the )rU' In cash; InU ronton tliu ImUiiru t Oiemtool mhuii i cent one )er alter lo, ami well following jeur oui tenth nt tho irlii:IKi1 nmt Interest on the IuImhm t tin rate ol fe en ht ei-nl ler annum, llolh rlmrpul Intercut Mttlle In U. S. Unrnncy. A discount ol ton pur rent will ho allowed lor rn. Utters tliould b iWreed to PAUL dCllUUK, Uml Ajrent, IcSii O. 4. O. H. K.i Portland, Oreiron' TANGENT NURSERY. (Started 1S.S7 Sj )n a Nurrriun.) II. W. .sKTTLKniltK. 111. HIII.TM OK - Fruit, Ornamontrtl ami Shade) Trees AND 'I XES 0 Sll It ( 'JiB lUi Y. Send In iHiineiit, Oreuciii. fiir irlre 1M ami Mtl Gin ilrirrllitMe riilaliiRiir. 110TKL FOIt SALK. V hotel with Kioirri iioojis. pnunihiild iiiinulcte; In the ivnter ot the Cll) nl Pnrtlmul, undtrAlnwu (or lle )eari, and doing an iniurii'C ummint ol liuMncM wond tii none on the 'oilh Const. ... . INill particular will lie shell to )artli deliou M entriginr In the IumIiicm hy addrtiiif lock bi J10' 3U, 1'ortUnd Oregon Tliu irnirietor would exchange It tor a pul Im procd farm in the dhuiette or 1iiihiis alien . H. P. GREGORY & CO., 43 Front St., Portland, Or., IVrVRTKKI AD liKAlritn IN WOOD AM) IKON WORKING Engines and Boilers, Mill Sup plies, Etc., Etc. nuvMI WOODBURN NURSERY Kecju a lull tick cl FRUIT TEERS, Shade, -Ornamental- and NUT TREES, Vines and Shrubbery, At the Very Lowest Rates. o triii-. :toiui:i: i-kth nt :;-, i .Ml Mlhi:KI, For pi ice Hit and deMriptm caUVur'ie muI to J. H. SETTLEMYER, oet7-0m Woodburn, Ore on. :ili m:iiL .iw.iunr.i tlie Author. A m.u and gru-it Med Hal Work, &rnuitcd the belt ami dirjct, indNpcnubl. to evtry iran, cntitlwl"Ttie SkImico ol Life, or Sell-Prcrferxation T bound In fluent Krench inu-din, cinbowd, lilllinlt, TOO 'i. contain! beautiful .teel enzraiiii.fi, 125 prctcrip. t!on, price onl 91 25 nent bv mail; illustrated unniie. II eenu trxinTfTrnmrnnrr .nd now. Addre-w V abody Medl MtUI 1111 OUlt lcal lntltutc, or Dr. W If PAISKEII, Na llulnnrt treel, Ito-ton. JuljLVl) USE HOSE PILLS. In the County Court, wltliln and for IhillriMjuh Coun ty, buto ol Oregon. In the matter of the ctLiU and Riiardiin.hli of Mr tfirtt Ann Tomlltitoii, MlnideOllic romllmwn, and ."ul lie (lilllo 1omliuon, mluorii, Onler to aliou cuuie on application for llcin-o to .ill real estate. o N IIHADINO AND KII.INO Till: l'KTIHOS OK T. K Willamj, the KUanlliiiof tho icrvm in. I the rjttatoa of Manraret Ann Tundlniii. Sliiniie iMiil Tomllnniii and N j!ic (illlleTnmllmioii, inlnorn. pra)in. for aliccnie to .cll the rc-il ciUU Ixlonlu to liu ald ardi, for the utti and purKc therein net foi th. It herein nlcnil, Hut the next of kin cf mi Id wardi, and all inrsoun inUri-Ntcd In Kit 1 oxtat, appear before thUCouit on the 'iith Jai of I'ebniirv, a.n, IS, tt 10 o'clock A. M , at the court room of thi, lourt, at ahc lourt'boute, in Oil ei' of Portland, and comity of Multnomah, then and there to hou cuuc u hv a llceute .l.ould not be eranlril for tl.o do of uc h otatu And It i further ordi-rtil, tbut tl h order lio publiditit at leatt four uc.ci.ii c Mitk. In the u.UKMmr. t'.iviu, a neunpajMir publi.htfd in Multnomah county, Oregon Dxtod 12 January ai. H. W. ltl'K, Count Jud.'-. Attct A. K HouTliuiih, Clerk. Uy W II. Woo.!, Uciul Jxn'jO'lt Our Price-List for the n.-1 .r.11 I rAnf ifrf Mill W 111 Ul HlllL 11V VflAfll Aj Cf'X t tJ J I.Al:il ' ! is 1,1" " H mM El El 'oat Pi'.er.ls. I'ren i,.n XI JBL O vjl Ej Ili.ri.ll. aj(KJ(JX. , ..i AMA vW B C LabU V ali, IW I f. th tcJ MKi B HI .TAeaaar on T.i lUki t t-iKorraa,ir5 T. M. AN7ISELL K CO., ack'.s UaUt Cor. Market and I'pwcil. i. r 0 il RSfilllfill! KmvS-' SiSv' iVx.'8ri5a IHkN a'lA-f rlP' 1!x carry w sell all kinds of goods, m any quantity, X ' kiitiiofoi- v at wnoicsaic prices, oenu lor- ortiiefunn liming line v Pr;re.T ist and SCC llOW S nd ,,el1 many other. 1 Dry well WC Good, 1'ancy Ooixt., IXonlery, Glove, No- llnm. fTlfilltliifr. 11ml.. tii.,..,. iint. ,.. I'mler. all your xvtar, Clock, M'tchoK, CflD Villi WubaaU Avenue, four U .Taxvelrr. Kllvcrxvui .Son- rUll lUU rlcn uml lmaeninit, flllud 1., urnrliltii... (.'rorVcrv. mm Muilcal In.triuncnlii, TTr Hardware, Tlnwure, VV U iiru UIU Ul lU'- X w '"'""" die. Kevolvcri, S atOrS Ol UlC byblUJl tho itilvitnluge. of Trunk., cro-y0f. dealing- direct with thcN.t'7.H cerlea, and S a i i i . .. l . . 1,1 fact ev.a consumer at wholesale pnces.Xcarofuiu thit,',VnExperience enables us to avoid crrora.v Biv- iinwTr.fiifRnvwinnrn muni v,'m wannsn Ave..i;nicai!0.iiL 1. VniUVUUHl lllUlUVVir-l SIBSON, CHURCH & CO., Shipping and Commission MERCHANTS, .V.rllmfl 'nnrr of .'li imil I'rmil Hln-cla, POKTLANO. OKKGON. niiul If FARMER'S EXCHANGE I All Sort, of Mcnliaiidlra Kxihani;ed for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Hr (looiN, tlroTrU, ll.rdnaiu, frmUry, llauUand 8hoi!, Data ami Cip Ki.rjtlilnifa Karnur ant f or mKi KxiMllilint Par nur ralivMiiauted, S. HERMAN, Corner Mnilluin nnil I lil "Inilx. IVirllnnil, 0iwlte Sii'iniin, Sahln f.)' .il" ulturid are hull v "itS '1 fHJS.Ti. S. A X. it. KH'IIOLS, VniOSK OHKAT NUCri.SH IN TIlHATINO 4'lii'iiiilrnml ninrl liiriii nlilr IH. caxe. I 11 knoan, can Im found at thilr room., .Nil ftDI'blnu Itloi'l., I'orllllllil. Ite.'.d.uce on Stark .triet bileen 1'lml and .Setxind, No liofori-on.ulaltlon. I tier flo W V. Tl)ei (lllbert llrua., Itaukcra of Salem, ami lion. II. A. Joliii on, Salom. Jaiil-ll Cobett's Fire Proof Stable. SIVKUV, PKKD AND HACKS, COKNK.l! KKCO.M J and Taj Inr treet, Porll mil, Oregon. llcaaoriaW Imr.-ei. Particular att iiiion mM lo l-irdlii Iiotmi ll.uk, In atleiidxme at all train, and bou, dar an nUlit Connected b all Tvlepliune Couijoiile.. Whei jou come In Pottlaud tmmro 'or '( .ulutt'. II aek.M ,lu WOIU'MHIA SIAOOO.S,Prop, $777 VKAK end exiHi fiH ne tl. amilt. Outfit Ine AddluM f Ad. lrUri), .tiiuit.ln, Mr. New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. The eliiuljtlou ! til. popular n,mwHr i con Unllv Imri.n.ln,' ItiouUiu. all the Ioj.IIii; im k. o the Dall) Herald and 1 airan.-iil In handy ihpirtnici.lv Tim 1'urt'lun r embrace. ih.uI divitclie fiom all ipurtir. ol tho jlobe, L'lidir the head of tiurrlrnn rii xro i;Ueii the Tili-rjphn DUiwUb,. rf the wiek from all urU of the lliluii 'Ibl. foature alone inakca Thr Mrekl) lli-nilil tho nio.1 YiiluaMe il.ronlile In the world, a. It I. the chuipii't Kverj ,euk I. jflvcn a fallhfu re).rl of I'lillllial rxia i mbr ichu I'omph te and oniii cbeii.li e til. pan be from Ma'bl'Ulou. tucludiiitr 1 .11 r, 11 it. of th iKnhe. of eminent jtll ld.iu.oli tti. iiue.tlon. of the hour. llir I'n nil lt,-inrlnii Ml "f the Nrrair llmtiiiirive. tie lat.-.l a. well a the o.o.t practical .Direction, and dl.cmtrlu. relathiif tu i le ilullc. of the farmer, hint, for raUln.- Cattle, I'olil :t, Drain. , Tree., Vci-claMi , ele., ,1c, with .u.-t. i on. forkeapln bulldlii. and faniilm; iiteii.ll. lure ,uir Tlili I. iiippl. mcntid b a Mil edited dqiurt tuiit, nldely cipitil, uiuhr the It, ad of . Hie lloliir, ilii rccl-t fur pr e'JuA illilir., hint, for making Iithhu' and for kc liu up uith the bte,t faihlon at t-. tow eat price, lliryiiem of calkin,; or ccuuoiu) U.-Jotcd hi till. durtmelit I. practically te-.ted bt CI i 1 1 hiforr publleatluii. Itta r. f rum furl, aud lin- b.ri errren)Miiditit on the rcrY taU-.t fa.bioo4. Tlie I ne 1' pirtmcut ol the IVmu Hratui ill u the ..u.eulfe more that, one hundr d time, the prko of 'n piper. 11ie Inleriat.of nhlllcil ljil.ur r Iout,ida!t r, and , iir.tbln r.txtln to lueibaulc. . 1 Ulir axiihif U i irefulli re,-, r leil thin l.aiMi;e dtioUd to all the late.t phiM.--, of the Imslnr. uurkrt., Cn.pl, Merehaudl.e, eh , it. A latuablu fiature If found III (hg pc lall rejiorU-,1 prb e. and coihIHIou. of Ihc I'rodilii' 'Inrl.rl. hpirtliiK Ne, at kvim aud abnuil, tov-etbtr ith a stnrji t..xii H,ek,a hirmou hj ome euiiueul dlilne, I Iterary, llu-lial, Dmnath . Pi rmnal ml Sra Note. IhTu it no uicr III the wurld Hhlelliimtalu. it lullih n a. milter kler went. a. the WrBKO IIkuaLu, whlib I. ent, p '.Ixc lie. , for Oik I ollar Vou can .ubu-rtbi ut an time, inii;vt iiiiti; in. it. tin. In a M. e.ls form, om: imii.i. nt .t i:iii. AJdrt. HEW YOIIK HERALD. ! in lirntulwiiy m il Ami St , Now Voik King of the Blood' lHnotu"-iiiiif,-" It la u blood purifier nml toiile. Impurity of blooil iioimhu tin, .latent, iirriuiKe. tbiiilrcuhitlou, Mid-lhualmlucramHiir illaoriltra, known by illrrercnt iiamea t ilLlli.k'uf.li I In m no rorilliiK I" elTi-ola, but bi lni n-nlly brnucbea or libaaeaol tliat Krriit ydierlu iIImiiiIi r, litiimrliy ol lllood. Huehuri IiyjvjiMtu, lUtluuinrn,l.Urr C'iiiiijilulnt, CntiiHttrnt X, n nut DltmtU r, Head ticKf, llftrkiutiftUi nrrnl MVillotf., Itrurt iJlirttMC. Dropsy, ICIdnr lllmmtr, , Itheumtttltm, Cii. '.ilrri, Scrofula, bUn IHvirden, IHmjiIti, Ulcrr; Hirrlllngi,Jtc,itc. Kliiu ol'lhu lllood jirmimu iin.lc'uiea thcM, by ailncklnic the eiiuae, Impurity of tho IJJood, ChemUla inni pbyBleluni HKreo In calllriK It " the iniMl Kenulno uml t-tlleleiit J'ril.a. rntloiiforthopurrKian." HolilhylirUKKlal.. HI ler botllu. H.-1. teatlinonluU, illreetlon., &e., In pain phlet, "Tmatlui on Dlx'itaia ut thu lllood," wrapped nround i-nehlxittle. J). llt.lSOM, SUM A CO., ITopi.. IlufJald, S. I. I1 J '..tVIIi" Ij'xi'J Jifi"fl iBAlSMSHJaL'&HBil traveltnir In tin. rountry, tl) that inoetof the IIoimi aud (Jilt n Povrder. rold hcio am wortldcM tianli. He f iy.tli.il Hliertdan'. Oinhlloii I'owilen are .Imolutelr puroimd Iniiuiiiin'iy valuable. Kolhtu on earlli win wake lieu, lay lllu hlKTl.Un'i Con llllou Powilen. loan. onelea.pHiiiful Ujoucj'lntrood, KiMeverywbein,or.rit I'Xinuili'i ' 'l li-'iTFiamin. I, , H. J0I1.N30.N I. CO , Fall of 1881 is now ready, fr nnxr nrlrlrncc Wi i. T VVXtfa w . can SUDD1V S cheBP' n you can Iniy ut liouiu. It wants. coat. nolhliiK to try im. Wg occupy tho uutlre ItullillnirH. 3i7 and "SO ultli tho i-lioloe.t urllclc.. . . .C DuulliiBXvltliUK.youcaii orSJs An tiii.kiii Vcuiuuiy uiri:eoii ui.l 1J iriuint. how rxjr nn iir:iuiiii m ijuv. - -- . , u-,- On'mKnihvuy nml Nnvlga (ion Conipiuiy. OCEAN DIVISION. Ilrlttri'ii ."nil rnilirlxro nml Tin Hand. I, mte Hau hraucltcu at Id A, M. 1 1 n n Fin"llanil lltlZITiA. M. i a el & o 8 Jan 4 Jin III w II T. Jan,,. U Jan ..II Man. IllJau Id -ill Jan W 4 Keb , II II) Mi. .24 11 llib 11 Jan. .11 Jan ..80 Keb.. II Jan . .Inn , V.I K1I1 III Jim Keb I 'eh. Pi h Keb Feb. I Hell. .1 IVb Krli.,11 Mil. It. Meh,. 1 Urh. U Mill. 10 Mih Mill M Mih, Va Vih M Mih. 21 I Meh M lch,.3l III. ,1,1 1. r, ,.,. .1 lii ..Iiaiilm .tin..r. or Halllna davl Tlirimuli Tlrlirlaaold to all prlmlpal rltle. InUt CiiIIihI Hlaln. ami Canada, I'are Cibln, .'H, Mi.'l.ce, n. Children, II yiuwt, full fate, from Vi tu fi, hall bile; uiulvr I, frr. RIVER AND RAIL DIVISIONS. t'oluiiililn, MlllniMrlle nuil 1'niiiUIII Ulrtrt nokmiii:ii:u, iH.ii. 1 ,.L.. Piil-Malnl for Mnn, 'rue., tt'exl. Ttiur Frl. Rat Dallle., Walla ll'alla ITmu. tllla and up. ( 7 AM 7 AM.7 AM.7 AM 7 AM 0 AM OAM 7 A M OAM rlur point.. A.lnrU. Kla. ma. 'IWina. 0 AM 0 AM 0 AM 0 AM SAM OAM 0 AM OAM .Seattle ... Victoria, New We.tudn.ter Cath'am't, Hay llrookfl'ld We.lKrt, Clif ton, KtiaiM, Hal lull 0 AM 0 AM ( AM a am ..... 7 AM tl AM SAM 7 AM 7 AM l!iiriultii ami X I luteimeillato ' 1 AM ailllta ) n am x.utuow 4;aij;i: iivisio!V. East SIcto Dlvlalon. IIKTWKK.N PORTLAND AND IIUOWNKVII.I.E, VIA O. A U. II. IL to Wiaalbuni. Ullli i A.MAK. Portland .7 IDA M ltronllle. ..S.17 P.M Uruwiuilll. . . .o.30A MlPoril.n.l 4 1JP.M Woit Side Division. lliriWKKN POItTI.AND,l7KIHDAN AND AIIIUOI U O A C. It. It. tu While. ItAtK. Portland B IS A M Sheridan 'J tA A M Alike 7 on A il AHirr. Alrle . .44 P.M Kherldau . . ..I:tlt M Portland .3:V0 P.M ruuiaiT. Kor alt (Kilnta on Natrow (lalifo lUil.loti will b r rrltid ami forwarded by the O AC It II , Part u4 Mot Mdo Dlil.loui, rc.itbrly. Ururrnl onirraor. Irani and II Mrttt J McCllAKKN A CO . Aic'l. btateot California, A I. MA.XWKI.U Tlekit atfrnlO It AN. Co. JOHN Ml' I It, Central Kreljht A Pa.a'r axent. 0 II. Pllr-SCUTT. Uanacet, PORTLAND USINESS pOLLEGE, USINESS UOLLEGE, B (Old "NATIONAI.," K.Ubll.he.1 1MH) 1SS Front Street, hot. Washington and Alder, I'OKTLt.Mt, 4lltliiO,. A. P. AltMhTUONO J. A. KM.1), l'rlnclal. Penman and SocreUry. DcalKnod for tho jBualnuaa Educa.tie of both aoxca. Stuilunts Admitted on any week tlay of '.lio year. NO EXAMINATION ON ENTERING. itir:a oc imiio.Vi hCH01.Alt.SIUP, lltuliieM, (awrar, 6 TKI.I'iiltAPHY, UimpleUi Courae, . t Will UNO, .r month, .... I PEN WORK or nil klml. dour In llir aaa.l AMTIHTI 11 i Milt nl ltl'.lMOAUI.I'. It A TIM. hrud fur ralliualr. The College Journal, 4'uiiliiliilui: Itiforiuiiilon of Courar, an4 ui.or oitM.m;.M il i'jia.3Iii im. AiIiIi.-mh, A. P ARMSTRONG, hock lloa I Ul, Portland, Or. til ebieitulll rinotuuiclid the ploKlit llialia,'eliea f thu Portland Ibulnc. Colhi;.. air AiimUr'ng bom I bun known for many )ii, I. an nxperitne Teacher and a Pruel.i.il lliuliicaa Man II M DilllASCK, 'Ul I III President old "Nallolial" Collcy., E. O. SMITH, " 32S3T,s3rS,a7'- .rCl OKKICK No. 107 Ilr.t 8lnt, Ix -..& M -inSMrlvill anil Vullililll, Portlal.il, Oreiil . Salem Flouring Mills Co., Manufacturer, and exporter, of FLOUR AND WHEAT. Hlirhe-it market prlie uld nt all time, fur Addreuo onlcm and cotumuiiliallou. b, U,P nllheao the Company at hah.ni or Poitland, Portland Ollloa N. r. Corner Trout and Ash SU. "ul if .. H. MIKH, ,iB,nl E. A. BREYM AIM, riM'cr iiimI CtMiiinissiou .tier cliiin., All! lifALUl IX Onifou and Cullfornk Prialuin, I'rult, UulUr, IWi Oheete, htu l'ortluiul, Ore'Kim, Cou.U-ninenl.olli-lto.1. P. (. Iliu f,,'HH, u , j Iiicui'iioruled 18(-l. Home Mutual Insurance Co OK C'ALlfOHNlA. VIUEO.MY. LoHseHPttidor;l.f,atil,3.')4JG33.44 LoBHesPuid OgnJlSi? 1 02,363.29 Oregon Itrnneli Oflico, GEO. L. STORY, Manager Southtaat corner of Kir.t and HUrk Street, 0piH5.lt Udd & Tllton'. Hank, POItTAND, OIIKOON apt I?iJCiniJC1!',m('"r'''1 fhrnlUnl. tNdlONSi'-'ii'W'it'1!; auyciiuaotbHjrorKfranefrauMiftoVu'trr. 1'ho illghUti UltaWlli viilllli-a to prn.lon EN8ION8 INCREASED! 0ouniaii(inmiiIfAarcrr'itrmrril, 'JIiomi In doubt lit to whether I'lillllcil tu iiiivlhln H.lionhl ni'iiil two flc. Klninpi fur our ''Cir cular ot lnfurmatluii." Aihlrum. with MiiinT, HTODDAUT A CO.. Pollrllnrs of cjnltr.. tud 1'utcuW, 413 U til, N, V., Wulilncton, V, (X 1i