u t WILLAMETTE FAKMER : ,Wn. OREGON, 3 , -- I OEKT8 OF WILLAMETTE FARMER WhWWM CO. 2.60 . .25 Issued every Week by th WiUAMEITE FARMER PI ULISHWO TERMS OF SUBSCIUPTIOM M year. (Postage paltl). In advance. . . , (U monthi, (Postage paid), In advancv . CMS than alx month will be, per month ADVERS181NO RATES : AiTrtleme nl will be Inserted, providing tn are fSSCMctable, at the follow In uble of rates : Om Inch of apace per month 2.S0 three Inches of space per month J.00 Oa-hali column per month W 0 colmnn per month 3000 jjjTBfunpie copies sent iree on .puuutuuu. Publication Office: No. 6 Wash Jalrs, rooms No. 6 and f ington Street Up ITCS1H BY TELEGRAPH, Hanlan has arrived at Liverpool. , Senator Blair's pension Mil (or Mrs. Gar jSeld It for 35,000 a year. Commissioner Dudley is strongly endorsed to the Senate for pension commissioner. The St Petersburg Ootot, temporarily sus pended by the government, has reappeared, A Turkish man-of-war at Alexandria, JCgyt, rereutly sought refuge in that harbor. Lord O'Harigan, late lord chancellor of Ireland, has been made a knight of St. Pat rick. Specie in the Imperial bank of Germany fcai increased 0,232,000 marks since the last (report. The London Time says the break up of ex cessive speculation throughout Europe is now taking place. Beanmicux, a cashier in the French treas ury, has committed suicide, owirg to specu- lation on bourse. Theatres in Boston have been required to apply themselves fully with appliances for extinguishing fires, Logan's proposition is to fine and imprison claim agents or pension attorneys receiving illegal fees. The House committee on elections have dia COited the pretended contest of McDowell against M. C. George. The President has appointed John A. Uige Ifir marshal of consular courts of the United States in Turkey. The khedive and other friends of America in Egypt have contributed $1,200 to the Gar jjeld Memorial Hospital, O'Connor and Healy, the Irish patriots, jrere received in San Francisco on the 17th with a rousing demonstration. Funds are ery heavy in Madrid in conse- Silence of tho financial crisis at Barcelona, at' rjbated to o or speculation. The municipality of Nice, Franco, have freed to loan 400,000 to rebuild tho opera JlOUse and make other improvements. Holders of torpedo patents have consoli dated their interests at Newport, H. I , and formed tho Lay Torpedo Company. Wisconsin Republicans say Horace Runle, of Milwaukee, will bo appointed minister to fOme important court in Europe. Kublo once represented the country of Switzerland. Sir Daniel McNce, president of the Royal Scottish Academy, and a well known portrait painter, died in London yesterday. During a saloon fight at Rayville, La., W. P. Little, white, blew iff the head ot Milus Matthews, colored, with a shot gun. Chat. Barry, of Bradford, Pa., was blown to pieces at ltichburir, New York, by the ex plosion of four pounds of nitro glycerine. It Is reported the Alliance of Israelite Uni rcrselle will send no more Jewish emigrants to America. The emigration scheme of the alliance is considered a failure. A new cannery and a new whaling station s to be starteil in Alaska. The name of the town of Uarrisburg is to bo changed to Juncan, (tor Joseph Junoan, its founder. In a trouble about business matters Wm. B. Simmons, agod 70. shot and killed his son-in- law, Albert Branson, aired 22, near Mariposa,; Cl,, on the 17th and then killed himself. ' Capt. MoAlep, of the steamer Empire, re ports at Port Townsend having seen a bark ashore at Shoalwater bay, when he passed by,. Wlvn ner saus spreau anu evidently recently Stranded. The British shin Hindostan. from Rombav. July 1 2th, for San Francisco via. Hong Kong.il tmm wllirnAfl in lfnna linnn ljlrln. I... ,mu.M on the voyage in her Jotky condition. A lemi-otlioial journal warns France that to allow nihilist to appeal through the Paris; Maintenance of good relations with tho powers? saw trn "im incir uuue aowarus one an rtt id that Iguatieff, who is uioro power fell than ever with the emperor, will be , turned vice chancellor. Prince Gortschakoff, VhO il retired from active duty, is still re .Ulnlng the nominal titlo ot chancellor. The Northern Pacifio Railroad has ap pointed Mr. A. Kodelhcimer, of Kansas, as aneral European agent for that road. Mr. Jtodtlheitiier left last evening for St. Paul, Where his headquarters are to be located. Jacob Meyer Bros., ot Chicago, white oods and notions, have failed; liabilities, 1160,000 to (17.1,000; assets about 40 per cent. H. It. Lockwood, teas and tobaccos, alio failed for (00 000; liabilities not known. Fire bnko out in tho Rotterdam Theatre iter the fourth act of The Hugucuota ou tho 11th. In the panto several jumped from the balconies. Tho tiro was soon extinguished and but few persons wcro injured, none aarionsly. , Laib, second brother of the bey of Tunis, was arrested in his own palace on tho 10th, y ana iimusicis oi war ana marine ami con vsyeu to iuinio paiace, wnrre he is kept a CIO prisoner. lie is suspected of conspiracy , against mo nvy, i no arrest nas caused a groat sensation. Western members of Congress have iufor Motion which loads them to believe that the President ill bo ready to consider appoint MenU to federal otlicee iu different ternlories in about lOdajs. Bissell, who nude the original charges gainst Secretary Sherman, on which were tiled the contingent fuud committee, was Mora the committee but failed to substanti al bit charges and was shown up as a dis creditable character. fl. J. Millington, teacher ot dancing, com MiMod suicide in his room at tho Palace Hotel at Visalia, Cal.. on the 18th, bv blow. lax bis bralus out. The act is attribute! to despondency arising from long coutiuurd 111 BOO, which had incapacitated him for exer tioa and exhausted his moans. ITEMS BV TELEGRAPH. The land league fund of New York amounts to $209,620. Daring the year 1881, 710,'868 emigrants ar : ived in America. Pould is said to be bailing Northern Pacific stock. Eighty-six4asea of smallpox were reported in Richmond on the 19th. The Senate has patted the bill for the re tirement of Jrdge Hunt. Ingalls will soon answer Beck'a speech against the arrears of pension act. In a iew days Gould will come into posses sion of the Union depot at St. Louis. Mrs. Lincoln is now in New York taking medical treatment for a complaint of the spine and eyes. Scoville finished his address to the jury on the "0th, and Uuitcau will probably bo al lowed to close. The New Orleans, Cairo and St. Louis rail road is submerged between Grenada and Can ton, Miss. By a recount tho Republicans were given control of the Boston city legislature in place of the Democrats. Tho fourteenth annual convention of the Woman Suffrage Association at Washington began on the 19th. Two cases of smallpox are reported at Exe ter, on the B. & M. Railroad. Only one case in Omaha as yet. Sanketskv, who attempted to kill General Tcheravine at the interior department, has been sentenced to be hanged. The Hague DauUad contradicts the report that the relations between Germany and the .Netherlands has become less cordial. The militia company of Shakespeare, N. M. has gone in pursuit of the thieves who stole 30 horses and 7U oxen in tnat region. The stallion Harold, brother of the famous Iroquois, is dead. The Baltimore owner re fused $16,000 for him last Summer. The bank examiner has turned the Pacific bank of Boston over to the directors, they furnish inir bonds. The bank will open in ten days. Vienna dispatches report the insurrection gradually spreading in Southern Herzegovina. The movement is attributed to ioreign agita tors. A St. Petersburg dispatch says the heaviest Suuishment yet inflicted upon the Warsaw cw baiters has been a fortnight's imprison ment. The Treasury Department purchased 250,- 000 ounces of fine silver for distribution at Philadelphia, San Francisco and New Orleans ininti yesterday. John H. Hickox. assistant in the library of Congress, has been arrested on a charge of purloining money from letters addressed to partios in tne capital. A private dispatch says that Wagoner, the murderer ni ur, Jiiggs, paymaster at tne fur nace at Ironton, O., was taken from jail by a mob on tho 10th and lynched. A Berlin correspondent says anti-German disorders have broken ont at Riga and Rust sian authorities are apparently unwilling to suppress the riots. A prominent foreign house says the situa tion in Paris is exaggerated and the flurry has boon mainly in wildcat securities, and a heavy liquidation has taken place. George Fox, one of Zorvelle Bros.' trapeze performers, fell from a trapeze while practic ing at Woodward's Gardens, San Francisco, on the 10th, receiving injuries from which he died this morning. Discrepancies have been discovered in the accounts of the financial secretary of the Union Republican Club, Thos. A. Cook, of Philadelphia, and he has resigned. The amount of the default is ngt known. A Valparaiso dispatch announces the con clusion of a treaty of peace between Bolivia and Chili. The conditions are reported to be that Bolivia shall surrender her territory along the coast and break off relations with Pern. Tl)e Senate has directed the secretary of tho navy to transmit the report of L. A. Beardslee relative to affairs in Alaska and operations of the U. S ship Jamestown under his command in the waters of that territory. Coitmrrcta'f Washington: Ohio Republi can congressmen say they have direct aud positive information that ex-Attorney General Taft, is to be appointed to the Britain mission and that his namo will be sent to the Senate in a few days. The board of health of New York has or dered closed within 24 hours the Catholic Asylum for infants, because of 399 children received since its establishment, 179 have died; 156 have been discharged, and 64 re mained. It will be reconstructed and made fit to live in. Secretary Hunt has a cable disnatch from the charge de affairs of St. Petersburg, stat ing that Tie forwarded to Irkutsk the secre tary's dispatch to Lieut: Deoenhaner, telling him to remain at that place and render all as sistance in his power iu the search fur the re' mainder of the crew of the Jeannette. The proposed pilgrimage to Rome has as Mined a Carlist character. Marquis Vega de Arnljo, minister of foreign attain, has in. atructtd the Spanish ambassador to tho Vatt CM to urge upon the pope the expediency of preventing the pilgrimage from becoming a political manifestation, It is belietol the jilgrimi will number 10,000. Tho postmaster general in reply to the House resolution asking information' about mail routes, says the force is insufficient to procure the required data, and he will await the imperative order of the House before crippling the regular sen ice in order to com ply with the resolution. He suggests the post oftico department be allowed a larger force. The House committee on coinage, weights and measures have held a meeting to contlder the advisability of the adoption of the metrio system of weights aud measures. The com mittee appointed Stephens to make a report to the. House on the subject and ask for its printing aud recommittal to the committee. It is said Folger will succeed Hunt on the Supreme Bench, and Couklingwill go into the Cabinet as 3ecretary of the Treasury. Davis action in tho Hunt matter is thus ex plained by many, Folger 'a experience in the Treasury Department is unpleasant and hii work hanl. The bridge in process ef construction over Rolling Fork, ou the Lebanon and Bradfords- ville turnpike, eight miles from Lebanon.Kv.. suddeuly Tell on the 17th, by reason of the unucrmimng oi laise worn oy nign water, six men were on the bridge at the time. Mr. A. Ha) den was instantly killed and five men se riously injured. . There seems to be a growing impression at Washington that the jury in Guiteau'a case will disagree. Several persons state that they heard one member oi the iurv sav nrior to his being chosen as a juryman that he be. lieved fluiteau was crazy, and among the de feus and a few relations and friends of the aasassin the opiuion that one or more members of the Jury have at least a reasonable doubt of the prisoner' sanity appears to hare grown stronger of late. Governor Ordway, of Dakota Territory, is in hearty accordance with the movement to divide the Territory and create a new State out of the southern portion, but he in sist that there shall be legislation to pre serve public school lands for school imrnosea only. ITEMS IIY TELEGRAPH. Smallpox is very bad in Chicago. Three Chicago butterine dealers have been fined. Soap works, near Glasgow, have burned; damage, 925,000. Robbers have murdered the Frenoh consul at Manfalcot, upper Egypt. ' The Guiteau case will hardly get to the jury before next Wednesday, Senators Farley and Miller favor tho canal across the Isthmus of Panama. A fire at Hazlehurst, Louisiaa, on the 18th, burned five buildings) loss $21,000. Sixteen cane fields on the plantation Lama jura, near Sabanills, Cuba, have been burned. The body o'f an unknown man who had been murdered, has been discoveced in Fraser river. The thermometer reached 8 to 28 below zero in the province of New Bruswick, on the 18th." "r The Fmniston steamship works, at Glasgow, belonging to the Anchor line, have been dam aged by fire $100,000. Ayoob Khan, accompanied by 600 men, has been forced to leave Kheff for Meshed. Ayoob wishis to join the Russians at Askabad. Dispatches from Canrera state that General Garibaldi will proceed to Naples as soon as his health permits. Announcement creates great enthusiasm. The Ladies' Land League announces that at their last meeting, 90 was received for the general fund, and 1,635 fur prisoners main tenance fund. A sAnmitnarv nnlluinn recently occurred be " "O - - , .. - .. tween French and Italian workmen employed on the Drives and Montpuban railway, and twenty rioters were wounded. It is said a number of capitalists have pur chased tho steamship Vanderland with the idea of making an experiment in transporta tion of petroleum in bulk from Philadelphia. The police have arrested 69 persons of the worst character belonging to a society of des peradoes called Mamgos, after they had re turned from the burial ot one of their number at Havana, ou the 18th. The police court magistrate, of Dublin, de ciding he had no jurisdiction when the police were acting under orders of his superiors, has' dismissed the summons against the police who seized Irish-American papers. The emperor of Morocco, complying with representations of France, has decided to take energetic measures to prevent Bauamino and other chiefs from organizing on his territory to raid upon Algeria. The indictment of nihilists whose trials be gin the close of the present month covers thirty-one pages, and demands sentence of death on Moravieff and Ostroffski The pro curator general will condutt the prosecution. The Novo f'remva. commenting on the agi- tinn in Enoland in regard to maltreatment of rtussian jews, says tne jewisu question is absolutely an internal question, and no foreign interference will be permitted. News of a conspiracy in Nepaul against British residents has reached Khatinandan. The plot was discovered at the last moment and ou notames were arresteu anu -i military officers summarily executed. Seich, who attempted the life of the Rus sian minister at Vienna, has confessed that it was his intention to assassinate the ambassa dor. Seich was prevented from escaping by a footman, who leaped from the carriage and seizing him held him nntil the police arrived. Parnell and O'Kelly, members of parlia ment, and O'Brien, late editor of the Vnittd Ireland, received notice from the governor of Kilmainham jail that they had been remanded for a further period of three months. Sarah Gorham. who died on the 19th in the county asylum at Indianapolis, where she has resided for 35 years, has of late taken daily 90 grains of opium, more or less morphine and a pint oi wniasy. one ii uwu iwnu wj con sume 200 grains of opium in a day. There was a meeting of the citizen of Tuc son on the 18th, which resulted in the organ ization of a company to construct a railroad from Tucson to Point Lobos on the Gulf of California. The line will pass through sev eral important mining districts in Arizona and Ssnora. A Wilmot iarmer, living about two miles and a half from Lancaster, near the Danville pike, Ky., on the 18th, murdered his wife, mother and two daughters, and then cul minated his awful act by hanging himself. Ha was evidently insane. W. C. Fitzsimmon & Co., proprietors of the People' bank, of Tecumaeh, Mich., have J ! & t ts H H7 1 f n maae an aasigaurcu vu ?. jj rwu, ui c cumseh. The matter create gieat surprise. Fitzsimmon is now n Central America where he went last October in the interest of tho Grant and Vanderbilt railroad scheme. One of the largest coal breakers in Lucerne county, employing between 300 and 400 men and boys, owned and operated by J. C. Hay den A Co., waa burned on the 18th, together with 200 tons of coal in ahutcs. Loss, $200, 000i partly insured. Fire supposed to be incendiary. Alarmia caused by the warlike preparations going on. Kegiments marcning soutn pass through Vienna daily. Soldiers are paid the same as in time of war. The general impres sion in military circles is that the entire army wrll be mobilized in the Spring. The French cabinet is considering the com mercial treaty with England with the firm and unanimous intention of smoothing down difficulties. Oambetta has perceived the ne cessity of the treaty, and has exerted all his influence in impressing it on his colleagues, who are now equally convinced, A man named William Gore in the employ of Hall Bros., ship builders, at Port Blakely, on the 18th, while standing with one foot on the ground and tne other on a piece of timber accidentally fell, striking another timber in suoh a manner as'to break hi neck, killing him instantly.. He leave a wife and large family. The owner of the steamer Lena, which aided in the Nordenskjold expedition, and is now stationed nn the river Lena, places his vessel at the disposal of the searcher for Lieut. Del ong. The iteamer will be utilized by correspondents in the Spring if the diffi culties of journeying bepond Yakutsk by sleigh during the Winter prove insuperable. A bill has been introduced in the legislature of Mississippi to make prize lighting a peni tentiary offense. .Sullivan, who had been in training in Bayou St. Louis, at once fled to New Orleans, lie will continue at Carrolton his preparations for the contest with Ryan. The latter will select quarters in the aarae vi cinity. The grand jury at Columbus on the 19th computed it investigation of forgerie of as sistant Secretary of the State board of public STATE NEWS There is talk of a vTgilancJ eomm.tte at PSVoodcock is - joleowner of our COLbinonville,inGrantcounty i..eh re'sW. StVtthe world. A monument ilb,nT JEHannon Anmj ... n,.H ., Aurora C-n ki.Ii s'""ijohniPucan K i .. ..Wit Harris DdtevueV. JeftPals Buenalsto..DMaibrcaU, CrafordsvlIle..Iicbt ls CotUiReOr..JHShortrl,lKe Conallls Mow Harris works, F. W. Newberg, amounting to $20,000. i ne jury returned o- maiciments, ana n con victed oa Ach, a is probable, ho will by the lowest aggregate penalty got 52 year in the penitentiary, or at the greatest 570 year. George Hart, indicted for the murder of Michael Cress, at Grand Island, broke jail at Omaha on the 10th, together with a pnsener named Darcey, iudicUd for grand larceny, by burning through the ceiling into the county treasurer's office, and then putting the fire out with pilof water. Gov. Vance offers a re ward for Hart. , to bo erected to the mem- a. ,...r. - ,,,, The Ureeon oryot theiaie uisuoi- "- - for Methodist conference has issued an appeal tor 2,600 for that purpose. Preston Nunley, of Hubbard s went to A bany, got drunk aud bst SU0. He n" ' running mate," Hogan, arrested for the theft, but failed to make out a case. On Tuesday night, $500 worth o damage was done John Briggs' house at Albany by fir". The ladies' coHee brigade failed to put in an appearance after the "take up. Six hundred dollars has been raised at Coos Bay tor the purpose of ground sluicing the JurLe from alarge bul of rock near the gov ernment improvement at nocxy i "- On account of bad roads no provisions could be sent to the Chinese railroad hands at xa quina Bay. When "Chinese Charley,' then contractor appeared among them recently astride a cayuee sans rice or flour, they imme diately lasooed him and strung him up to a tree where he would have "gone the way of all flesh" but for the timely interference of some white men. , , . Of late there has been considerable puthr g and'bloHing by reveral papers, says the Mc Minnville Reporter concerning large swine killed in their counties, naming one in Yam hill, we suppose, merely to lay that county in the shade. But now BUnd back, gentlemen; giving us a hearing. The larpest hog named in the various reports was killed by Mr. Kan Strickland, of Clackamas county weighug Kfi n,n,l. t. while Hon. W. T. Newby WJ pWM....- ..-., ..-.--- ,J killed one last wecK tnat neneu uui w" as "sleek as a mice," leaving Clackamas 11 pounds behind. Now trot out your large cattle. TERRITORIAL. Boise is afflicted with opium fiends. B. Bmnard's house at Colfax was destroyed on the 12th. Loss, 2,000; insurance, S1.000. Mr. Zahner is surveying for Villard a route fnr a milmul from Yakima to the Columbia. This is another deadly blow at the Cascade rnnR. A correspondent writing from the Camas Prairie THahn. savs the rjeonlo there are anx ious to be annexed to the great Territory of Washington. Hereafter, the civilians employed at Cceur d'Alene, will be paid $80 instead of S100 per month. The Lakeside Leader calls this Uncle Sam's New Years gift. The Wood River Timet publishes over five columns of improvements in Belle ue daring the past year. Everything, from $50 cabins to $10,000 stocks of goods is included. The dwelline house of F. M. Thompson, four miles north of Colton, was burned on the afternoon of the 12th. It was a new home just built last Summer at a cost of five or six hundred dollars. There is said to be a band of wild cattle ranging over the Chelatchie country, which is yearly augmented by accessions from the settlers' stock. But a few years since there was a band on the East Fork. Cowlitz county. but 'owing to the assiduous efforts of certain rjubl'ic spirited citizens it was slowly but surely exterminated, although to some minds there was something suggestive in the fact that for every wild bovme reported shot, a settler missed one of his most sedate steers or mild-mannered old cows, without leaving a foot-print on the sands ot time. What Coed Wool Is. It is highly desirable that the wool grower should know the important points about a profitable fibre, so as to breed towards uniformity, and gradually im prove the character of his nock, live consider the needed qualities in a good merino combing wool, we Bball find them nearly the same the world over. These essentials to a profitoble and high-priced article are about as follows: Fineness of fibre; length of fibre; softness of fibre; elasticity of hbre; color and lustre of fi bre. The best fibre as regards the first requirement named, measures under the microscope but 1-1 227th of an inch in diameter, when unwashed, and l-1405th of an inch when washed. The fibre should be from 2i to 3i in ches in length. The elasticity and soft ness should be great. Ulotbes made of poor, non-elastio wcol soon get out of shape. Combing wools should separate like a skein of silk, so that there is less waste in manufacture. The color should bo bright, clear and lustrous, but light, so as to receive tho most delicate dyes The very best wools will take dyes as well as silK does. If a wool-grower proposes to produce these best grades of wool, he must keep his flock in a region free from burrs and thorns and clinging seeds. Annoying insects such as ticks, if numerous, irri tate the animals, and destroy the silki nebs of tho wool. The use of a good sheep dip prevents this trouble. Keep ing slieep in too dry a -region, injures tne volt ot tne wool, the yolk is a soap like material which is produced by glands to nourish the wool It is com posed of animal oils and potash. The finest wools contain the greatest percent age of this substance. It is the best known substance for washing or scour ing wools. Wool of Southdown and Leicestershire sheep contains twenty per cent yolk; the best merino fleeces con tain from forty to seventy five per cent in weight of this substance. Damascus , E Forbes McCoy ;?onl',,ln Mtricosant....FB Thayer Msrlon....lUtI)ithcrtord Mohk JSChurehlll Moninoutn..w nawrnouso Molalla -J??1?,111" Mehama ...B A Pratt NCTMSV JHBchroeder North Yamhill . II F Bedwell Oakland DW .Stearns OreironClty....J M Bacon Powell Valley.TK Williams rilotBock EOllllam Pendleton.. ixi uiyeriiioro rrlnevlll A II Ilreyman Perrjdale... .J W McOrcw Pleasantlllll.GWIIandsaker Itlverslde CKKnolcs Uosebure...a ri navniona Sweet Home z Moss Salem S WChurch SlUcrton TBHIbbard Sheridan TBBewIcy Stajton ADGardncr Sublimity.. ..Jno Powntng S.io J 8 Morris K::.". V. n H.idj Dr atas "..Hon JOPrata n,iHs J D Smith nT; .-AJDufur.Jr Eota Thomas Pcarcc natal. All Haines Eojle Creek.... M" H" Kuene..HonJHMcClung Ellensburg.. Hon M Itllej Forest Croc S llurhcs FoxVsllej...A U """ner in- .T f! Moore urey... ..........--- , . . "m"m :V,,...n,ilRi,i1aw J C Simpson llaston . .-."""'"',, ZiTZi a W SI Powers sLinannn....B J Morrison Sprlnirfleld....J n Diewarv Tsngent John Luper Turner. r d owikwh Tualatin Isaac Ball UmpquaF.U usnamorooK Wilbur. .. . Hon Thos smltn WhiteaVer O W Hunt Willamette F....M Wllkins Welles A A Williamson Weston LSlieacn wnhehalem.TII likcrsoii WIIUkmhHIo. ..Clias Wilson Zcna S SOImblo Oenals MMitiliel Harribure...IlonHMiiin IIley...BIck,l'earl&Co Hlll8boro....WDrcttinger Inln? AC Jennlnss Independence' L Hodirln Indian Valley.. MB Morel" Jcksonille...Max Muller Junction WHBabcr Jordan T P Goodman Jefferson J W Roland T.Mnnn G W Smith Lewlsiille HCMcTimmonJs Looking Glass.. ii uuenran Lincoln L Abrams McMlnnullc.J McPhiillps WASHINGTON TEBRITOltt. Vancouver 8 W Brow n Walla Walla... Colfax ' nnton CBDorr Ooldcndale. ,B F Tajlri Co. La Center. A Buchanan anu J II I'ipcr Waitsburg WN Smith. Henry Stafford Northcote. member of par liament, who recently returned from America, addressing his constituency at Exeter said he did not believe in a decrease of American com petition in the food market It was, he siid, idle to to talk of the exhaustion of American land. The supply of land for many years to come in the great Korthwe.t will be bound less. The three men hanged by the vigilantes of Seattle were James Sullivan, a one-armed man, m. noovara and Kenj. Fayne. The tirn fnrtnftp wr -l,vA.t !.u !.:! . ! .-...,.. " iiu uiguway roo bery and killing Geo. B. Reynold, the latter with killing Officer Sire last October. Judge Green attempted to stop the mob, and at tempted to cut the hangman's rope. The offi cer in charge .of Payne also snowed "good grit" and refused to surrender him, where upon the mob broke down the doors and took him. I. J. MALARKEY CO., GENERAL Commission Merchants WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Flour, Feed, Provisions ami Staple Groceries. y-nvsinvuEVTSRnl.ICITF.D. PRODUCERS WIL I i "further their Interests by corresponding with u Letters ef inquiry promptly answered. current mailed free on applic Weekly prlo cation. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON APPROVK SHIPMENTS OF GRAIN, WOOL, FLOOR, HOPt HIDES, ETC., ETC. 8, 10 and U Front St., Portland, Ogn. JOHN A. 9IACDOXALD, Salem Marble and Granite Works. Commercial St., South of Post Office. (Post-Offlce Box 39, Salem, Oregon.)' ItTANUFACTURER OI Scotch and California Granite and Marble monuments, Head Stone. CEMETERY LOTS Enclosed with California Granite and Stone Walls built of every description I'rlces Reduced One Hall. COUNTRY ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Jgn E. 0. CLARK, D.D.B. CLARK ft ' Corner First DENTIST and IAId.,8tni '"'"MB, 01 DRS. A. S. & Z. It. NICHOLS, WHOSE GREAT SUCCESS IN TREATING Chrenle and supposed Incurable Ills, eases is u ell known, can be found at their rooms, No. 59 Union Block, Portland. Residence on Stark street between First and Second, No fee for consulsttlon. I.efer Got. W. W, Thayer Gilbert Bros., Bankers ot Salem, and Hon, II. A. John son, Salem. janl-tf PATENTS: We continue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks, Copj rights, etc., for the United States, Canada, Cuba, Ensland, France, Germany, etc We have had Thirty-Fit Years Experience, Patents obtained thrown us are noticed In the Scientific American. This large and splendid illustrat ee weekly paper, 3.20 per ear, shows the progress of Science, is very lrteresUng and has an enormous circu li'tev AddreM MUNN 4 CO., Patent Solicitors, and Publishers of the Scientific American, 37 .Park Row. New York. Hand book abont patents sent free. JOHN MINTO, saiEDia or MERINO SHEEP, mAKES PLEASURE IN OFFERING TOTIIE WOOL I growers of Oregon and adjoining Territories (hi chance to purchase Thoroughbred Merinos, and assurlni parties interested that they can and will endeavort, sell Sheep ol the same qnality and value at much cheat, rates than such can possibly be Imported. Eiamlnatloi dftysssr Addiss:" ,hMp ln m"ket .nt t, .,., JOHN MINTO, Salem, Oregon. ,Jh,',T"ai K?. Lamb 0 th nk n be sees oa the Island Farm, adjoining Salem. The Ewes at thT SU,IoMh'.StV.th,ilUmrm ,0U' "d ''& 1. B. KNAPP. j, w. .cHApMANi J. B. KNAPP & CO., Commission Merchants AND PU CHASING AGENTS 7 First Street, Portland, Oregon. ,i?h,,'u,i"11 "; Product of the farm on com miss on, purchase and forward goods and farm Imple menu on the most reasonable terms. i. ".ehaVe. mde special and extensive preparations lor Ssf SX&E?E5 .'h. ryi whSr."vtte and Washington. We will receive and nuk ..uu....BlneProaucMoi tne dairy to which we Invite the attention and inspection ot all dairymen In Orecon and Washington. WeVlU receive mA3i T.n R'Sii'f.. th? J?008' "Perier manner for less than WillCOtt YOU it hAm!nnft itam i. .. .1 .. longer without extra charge for storage Send S Tyeu, butter sweet and sound, fresh from toe chum ani will guarantee to pack tt in such a manner as to deliver receheu! "" " " " toi , ."S8"'11"8 thJ Pftodpl' that Fidelity to trust Is th. Olveus a call when you come to town. fcend us your orders and save your time and travelin. expenses for we can buy cheaper than youcan. f n. n.1, lnf ?""? spedljr particularly the kind aoc Kl.U,tLd,?lreandJ'"P1 duplicate, that you mayb, Mlo!?Jennl,, whethw y0" cUons were strict SEL1" "" 5r0U " d'-PP0'td in quail' . . suiai-s- t CO., Portland. otherwise. P. O. box 434, Salem Flouring Mills Co., Manufacturers and Exporters ot FLOUR AND WHEAT. invest market price paid at all time lor ri ku l AW rrCtorampi, Atkm. 1 iironlerMerf.A1'!K ssccra 'WSkV maybe conveniS L!?v"''.i'i.i?ffl f refitment. AdtrestheV 1100, 1111 niranujyr or II. K. MATIIKWan??J AAA Mu,A.a.n.. .. !' - -.u.jt ntasui Address orders and communications to th offices o the Company at Balem or Portland. Portland, Office H. B. Comer Front and Axb its. "'" yru. g. MWOSI, Aceat wQBK&$&s!cL?i5r 6ff WSStiSmm NIWAND.RMElSlcSiMlil " AuiuiiBta fMsisMMtsiua rt - MrW .. IOB M1M WMSfiiUCFor 5?''.i"J!!?-SnteS?!' svsiiibivi UDjror. Loa. .. IT-' TtiAi or or a DbeufVh. m. Soldiers Und wsififf PfW1 I MamaSSIIHItne0 t Tin, WD as! .tti. runts atom. ttiiiuSz!! Pr . MaSki! liltSgUt aw, WiisBnriN ciiMU. A4dr.ni.uTK" aadCllsaU, Addreiri'u iD.i.01almAttys,LMkTAi! li TUTT'S PIL INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLER.YNEIIJ THE AFFLICTED EVERTWB inc. untAitd, hub TRIUMPH OF THE Hj; SYMPTOMS OF WL TADDin 1 im'f-:i Ttu nf nr)etite.Nausa.boTrt.' - a , Pain in theHead.with a dullssii the back part, fain under tM blade, fullnes after eating, wittig clinatlon to exertion ot boifasl Irritability of temper. Low m of memory, wltti a feeling ol hi lected some duty, weariness,; OTuiiariner of trie HearCTJotsl nires. Yellow Bkin. tleadsclt.Bus.: pees at night, highly coloreiliiuf ,' TTTHKBE-WAHlflirOSAlilllin , SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SO0KMH i'L. TU1TB F1XL8 are espsclall;sintf , if uch cases,one dose effects tstsw t Thsy Inereiue tbe AiUialBiB(fiSS Donrislsed, and by thelrfesrtslSjissl S id I duced! Priceanla?Msiisj,ltiS TUTT'S HAIll Okay ItaiK orWuiSKias cBaasifsn Black bv a sinal ppllcatlose!l Imparts a natural color, acts uauji stnM hw nrit0ifiai.. ar sent bv esprMnnean OfTloe, 3S Murray St, Unm vr. tcttb Miinii ZrrESZZZ gue Mixtw Chills and Fever re cured by Dr. Jyne' AWfl tare. WlthaUttlecareontt of the patient to avoid eip the occasional use of Jatki'i tivk PiLUS.thla remody vrfilbi to bo certain ln its operation, leal ln its effects. In many 1 of the country subject Ui other malarial disease lito"? tablished character as a pop clflo for these harrassingcomji and the number of testl celved show that ito repuu constantly increasing. Intermittent and Remittentjj are effectually cured by Vri Ante Mixtwe. In tbeHC plaints caro should be taken the directions olosely, and attention given to the UtWiT should bo assisted in perform! functions by Db. Jatm' SA Viixb, MmI A.'tL 8ih rrlb tM.IMSSS vuVk.- .iCTM. I Mfia,uuot..mi IIODOE. PA VIS A CO Oregon IVholesale iwlfj mmMSSMFl ROSE rrxTsmrrsszTnoc, isslisiws. itirm.0k". Emvd SmLsmI am'mABF Caret Bytpeptia, Uerrous AffuC tioru, General Debility, Fever anla AgTie, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea Boila, Dropsy, Hnmors, Female Com ' plaints, liver Complaint, Itemittenl Fever, and all diseases originatuuis in a bad State of the Blood, 1 accompanied by Debility or a lo uue 01 we system. . .bsA...-..-.-, t&. , 'jaMHg''. '- .. v.H.t.. 4,1. d :vja, , , ..,.. , ,ti,