Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 13, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Issued erery Week by the
lie rr, (I'Mtigo imld), luadiance J 2.W
Hi months, (IVwUife paid), In adrancv
ess than six montlm will bo, per month
Adrortlseminls will be Inserted, providing tn are
ewpectaule, at tho following tauie ai raws :
One Inch of pacu ier month ...
Three IikJios ot iqwu e per uonth
One lulf column p.r mouth
One ujlunui jtr month
rST Itmnta iVMili lu-nt frne OH aUDlloitlOlt.
Publication Office: No. 6 Waslrlrutori Street Up
tAlrs, room No unnd W
... COO
. .. 15.00
.... 30 00
ITI.iHS Y TKLKlilt.U'li.
Hudson liver frozen tolMly frotn Hudson
north to Albany.
It is ttill repotted that tx-Seiiator Suttjent,
of California, is to succeed Secretary kirk,
Pulsion! of the naturalization treaty with
Arjfthtarli lie finally been exUndcd all over
ArraiiRtmcnU are being made in Now York
for the on. anizatioti of a national association
for disabled veterans.
Tho King l")'s, who have long bean a tor-
retr in Mt.iitLftnfrv cnuntv. Mil. Ii.va liepn
tilt killed ly enrage I citnfeus in the past
Houthrr'i Democrats arc manifesting conaid
erablo alai m a( the course ot some ambitious
Dcim crat",wlio want to Mahonizo their States
and get to nliivo thereby.
Senator David Davis is ill, the result of
told contracted at the President's Now Year
reception. His physician advised him to ro
raftin indoors for several days.
An aiiti-pruliibitiou club viitli ft larrzo mom
VScrrliip has orginin-d at llurlinijtan, Vt. The
liquor question promises to bo a very im
portant factor, iu Stato politics during the
present ycr.
John Bright and Josoph Chamberlain spoke
at Birmingham on the 3d, ridiculing Kgan,
and said tlio govtrnincnt would suppress
ither open or covert rebellion.
AU PaciSo coast Henatora and Representa
tives woro in their seats at re-afcseiiiOiiug of
Congress and all appear to bn ready and
anxious to enter unou the eeriuui work tho
atssion already outlined.
A gentleman who has canvassed the situa
tion sat a Colloetor llobcrtson. of Now York.
Is not liki 1 y to stay m liii office, as his at-
pointing iwucr will bo pr.iulica ly removed
by the (VnMent.
Judge Hi own lias takou tliq Gibbons' mur
derers on the steamer to MaryaVlllo lor e.fe
keeping. A mob took a stunner ami went in
pursuit. It u thought tho prisoners may
reach Marysville.
The rumor curieut in New York City tint
Plercy, tliu actor, hnd diod in Huston of
smallpox, n not true. An Associateil Press
dispaleh from lloatoa says 1'ieroy, although
down with the diMusc, is improving.
The UeraUl'ii Washington special says: El
more, representative of Peru, has received a
dispatch nd vising him that the Chilian gov
ernment has ordered a full organization of the
province of Tartpauoas part of the republio
of Chili.
Grant's change of mind retrarding Fitr. John
Porter is said to have been brought about by
the Honatm a supporting Porter's claim going
to Grant nud promising to vote to put turn-on
tl e retired list for his inlliience iu boliull of
their mail.
A JacLmhi, .Miss special says: A Donio
tratb eiiueui mil bu bel to-night ivn the
senatorial t,u(-stiou. Col. Lamar is in tho
o ty and mil n main till after theaaueus.when
ho M ill return to Washington. Hu Mill have
nooppoM mil for te uluctinn.
A copy i'f tho Dublin corporation's resolu
tions tonl.iinng finoilom of tho city upon 1'nr
nell and Dillon, will he sent to thelord liutcn
ant of Irilai d, accompanied by a request that
Pnrnull a. hI Dillon be allowed to attend the
eity hull toleceivu tho certificates of freedom.
The I'ifM denies on authority of Williim
Kelly the uiiuouuoi ment rf the intention of
the chain lan of the committeo on ways and
inonns to forestall the tnriir commission
by introducing a completed taritl hill which
would, in hit judgment, bo a.'ceptable tu tin
The prohibition crusade, which resulted iu
losing an me uoteis nr. nt. aiiiaiis, vt,,
will nrobMily end in a few days. A petition
circuTatod, requesting tho proprietors to re
open hotels, was eoneially signed by htisinesa
men, who olnim that limine, has In en seri
ously injured by tho .etiou of tl.o ci'ho::s'
Three (Jtruiiiii, vabln pis, ngvrs on the
Wescr and thn Vateilnml who arrived at Now
'York on the 1 tit, weio arrested for stealing
24,000 in i rl j fion n wealthy gentleman iu
Geinnny lust December. About $7,000 was
found on tin in. '4 hey via piofessionals ami
wero annul
In nntuiptitioii of tliu lompletion nf the St.
(lotlmid tail' ay, which will open by way of
Geneva c iiti.it Kur po umrketi .o Ameriean
bread lulu, tl o Austrian railways announce
that they intend making iiuiioitaut u illations
in tho rat a on foreign-bound ceuals.
l'otm.iM i General Howe on tho 5th en
tered npo.i I-is active duties, ami appointed
bis eon, 1'ini l, chief of I lie division of mtil
rlepredatMiis. and detailed him for duty as
chief cleik, which otlico is practically vacant.
Bravo Hear, a Yankton Siom, and a mem
ber nf Sitting Hull's band, was fouud guilty at
Yankton on the JSth for the murder of David
Johnson near Fort Sully several oara uco.
Tho penalty is death. Sentence will lo pro
Bounced next Monday,
The 110,0110,000 loan of Peunsjlvania waa
allawanlud on the 6th. Most of it runs 110
years at -i per cent., aud commanded a pre
mium of flOCtoSlU). About a million and
a half awarded at '-'J premium. This runs ,10
years at .'I) per cent
The agent of the IS'iia and Paptg Indians,
Aritoiu, fur tho last two da) s has been clear
ing squatters oil' the PapniM reservation, lie
has n large squad ot Indians, who aru demol
ishing and burning buildings and driving set
tlers olV.
Samuel llukley died at Hint, Mich , on
the Ath, aged I Oil jear. He was a in the of
liurot, MiJdlotcx county, KugUud;
prve-l Into tliu Itiitish iay when a boy mA
served seven years, participating in many his
torical eiiiMiit incuts. He ramo to this rutin-
try in 1830, and was a much respected cituun.
A Senator who saw Arthur on the 4th saa
he left with tuo belief that Sargent and lte.il!
aretobeSreretaiiesrixiHvtitelyof the Interior
nd Navy. Secretary I.lneilu s future is still
tproldein. Ho is in tho bauds of his friends,
ven to tho exteut of an expediency caudidato
Tho 'imrs-fVinoi-riii's Minden, La., special
ayi AUnibl traely oecurrvd Dic 30th
t a plantation near tlieie. Konert Iw is,
on of the lato I.aiu;don Lewis and brother of
Will S. Irfwi,. shot Mrs. Will S. l.eui. and
her siitr. Mis. Tlimiiiwoii, both serion ly and
IIimii LiIIh.1 I....... lr 'i'ii.. .. ..r .i... ........i..
Il unkuown.
Ad Afjglo-French occupation of Egypt is
being considered.
Tho Mcmerial Associstion of Boston, will
build a $10,000 Gar6tld monument.
Sexton and HchatfTer have been made to
play a game of billiards for S'2,(H)0 a side.
Tho lord miynr'a property dofonso fund
ynoimts to 12,000.
The Loudon Standard says disorganization
In Amiricrii npcuritiei on the 4tli amounted to
almost a panic. '
A correspondent says the Emperor of litis
sia has pardouod tho Polish bi-ttr.ps exiled in
The London Xort fays .the fall in American
securities may produce temporary troublc,but
can hardly cause as yet a crash.
Tho Duke of Hamilton lias derided to sell
his magnificent library, including tho cele
brated Ueckford collection.
Emperor 'William received more than n
thousand congratulatory telegrams on New
Year'i Day, tome from America.
Some policemen captured $37,000 worth of
opium being smuggled into San Frnncisco'half
of which goes to tho lucky officers.
"Among other PaciBo coast arrivals arc Th is.
1J. Shannon, r. M. rixley ana r. 11. Mo
Gown, of San Francisco.
Governor Critteudon, of Miseotiri, has re
fused to interfere in the casta of Jos. Michael
Katousky and Charles Ellis.
Tho officers of the stranded steamer Mora
vian at Halifax have no hopo of saving the
vessel, but aro rapidly getting out the cargo.
The Political Correnwndtnce professes to
have information that Hunt, secretary of the
navy, will Miccecd Phelps as minister at
The President on the 4th signed the com
missirns of T. O. Howe, Postmaster General,
and Judge Gray, justice of the U. S. supreme
The insane department of tho Macon county,
Ills., poor house burned on the 4th. Lon,
$14,000. AH the inmates but two escaped
and are at large.
The queatioo is mooted in government cir
cles at St. Petersburg of imposing an export
duty on grain, in order to increase the re
sources of tho commissary department.
Natives on the Kuldja frontier have retali
ated for Chinese cruelties. They massacred
the inhabitants of two small settlements and
defeated a detachment of 350 Chinese troops.
General S. J. Burbridco has cone to Wash
ington to prepare for the publication, of a
statement explaining the origin nl his lend
with Congressman Blackburn.
'Iho President asys he will probably send a
special message to Congress, calling attention
to the nlarniinj; prcvtlence of smallfox and
calling for immediate legislation looking to its
Tho United States ship Jamistown, now at
San Francisco, will ht ordered to Washirgtnn
as soon as the crew of the Wachusetts,nov on
hnr way from Sitka, Alaska, can bo trans
ferred, Danfnrd, prca.dont of tho defunct Caldwell
bank, brought mit for nno hundred thou
sand dollars against S, Michmond, lca'ler of
the mob which threatened his life.
Senator Coke indignantly denies the al
leged interview in which ho is mado to say
that Toias was breaking af ay and getting
liitu wit? iiiiieueiiuviit inuvuiiioiii, Run nu ue-
lieves that moement will be defeated.
The body of the Seattle printf r, S. L. Max
well, has bn found Uniting in tho bay
Maxwell started the Inttlligtnctr, but of lato
has h-on in hard luck. Ho was 50 years of
A dolegition headed by Representative
Miller, ot Pennsylvania, waited upon tho
PresMent on the 5th, and urged the appoint
im nt of E. W. Oystor as public printer in
place of J. 1). Deficcs.
Tlin PirBideut has nominitcd Samuel C.
Parks, of New York, associate justice of the
supreme court of Wyoming, and Jos. Hell, of
New York, associate justice of the Bupreme
court of Now Mixico.
I'arncllitas bavo decided tn call a general
muting of tho Irish party in London, tho
week preceding tliu opening of pailiainent,
Feb. 7th. They aro still considering tho ad
visability of holding a mcetina of homo rulers
in Dublin.
At B..w street police court Dr. Geo. If.
Law-eon, accused of iioiaoniuu bis brother in
law, Percy Malcolm St. John, a young stu
dent at Blenheim houso school, Wimbledon,
was remanded until Uhursdav next, when he
will bo committed for trial.
A member of the Senate committee investi
gating tho treasury contingent fund, a)s
ovt'ial irreuuluritics in reckbss payment of
money nave neen lounn anil the committee is
ilitermiucil tu place the rceponsiMlity where
it belongs.
The l'ot says tho only foundation for ru
inorH of a settlement of tho railroad war is
tli it 60U1O piouiiiioiit gentleman, not officials
of thu trunk lines, ale endeavoring formally to
ein'ci a scuicineni, nut tney nave not suc
ceeded yet.
Disi.kiches from Texas say it is believed
thu Chinamen reported massacred a few days
ago on the Southern Pacific railrotd were not
killed by Apaches or any other Indians. In
dications urn that tho deed was committed
by disguised white mon recently employed on
the railway
At a meeting of the property defenso com
mittee, held at tho Mansion Home, Samuel
Morley, M. P., mood a res.dution.which was
adopted, in favor of the appointment ot Ar
thur Kavaiuuglij commissioner in Ireland, to
arrange co-op. ration with the Irish property
defense association.
Governor Cameron's mrssatro recommends
thu immediate adoption of the Itiddiobergcr
bill. He justitita the Headjiiatcra' plans as
mo most iioiicm ami tquiiaiiie )ft proposed,
and he regard .'I per cent, the highest late of
The Marqnis of Lome sail for Canada
The influential press condemn Emperor
William's decree.
Dr. Adams, stabbed by an insane patient
at Kalamazoo asylum, died on the 8th.
Davidue opeucd for the prosecution in the
Guit'-au tnai on tho 7th with a strong argument.
Holland's ram at New York, supposed to bo
Congressional Proceedings.
Washinotox, Jan. 5.
Orth rose to a question of privilege and said
le intended early to introduce a bill for a
hang in the method of selecting committees.
This was his seventh Urm. He was the old
est member except two, and he had served
during that time on the cinnmitteo on private
land claims, on the committee on ways and
nieant.and for ten vearson foremn afiairs.nart
built for Fenians, has been euuk by a canal of the timo as chairman. He was the only
boat. j Republican member, who.picvious to this scs-
A special from Louisville says tho Jamesision, had served as chairman of any commit.
brothers are in Kentucky, and have been secnt toe of this House. He therefore submittol
1 l.t... il.ni lit Uni Tr sitn0 tviAnnt HnllArt 1 A 1 1 lli-ril lllm
Bevtnue receipts from direct and indirect
taxes in Franco in 1881 exceeds the estimate
by 217,000,000 francs.
It is said that among the letters rocaived by
Guiten to-day were two containing drafts foi
1,000 and 500, and postmarked Brooklyn,
At Elmonte, Cal., Wednesday, Nichnlai
Couch shot and killed Smith Crabtree. Ai
pld grudge was the cause. N.
The United Irishman denounces a publica
tio l purporting to c.nne from Atncnot, recom
mending anamination and use of dynamite.
Tho sculling match between Godwin ami
riynn for 50, over the Thames championship
cotitse, rias won by Godwin by six lengths.
A rumor is current in Cracow that Warsav
was in flames. Travelers from the Russian
frontier have brought the same news to Vi
enna. Five Chinamen attempted to burglarize
Siebes' store, at Cordelia, Cal., on the 5th.
A clerk fired, killing one. The othors escaped.
The intention of tho French to permanently
occupy uez becomes morn and more appar
ent. They have already expended 5,000 in
restoring the citadel.
A man named Potter, arrested for incest
with his ten-year-old daughter at Wilcox, A.
T., his been sent to Tounibstono to aoid
lyno ling.
Rev. Jamoi Cameron, of the Second Pres
byterian church at Oakland, was accidentally
poisoned by bis wife on the fit li aud died with
in 15 minutes.
Chevo Ann Violet died at Washington or
the 5th after a fast of 43 days. Her delusioi
was that God commanded her to commit sui
cide by faiting.
The post office department issued $040,90)
in stamps on the 7th; the larg-.st ever known
being 20,000,000 stamps aud 6,000,000 .postd
Mississippi mem'iers will flpet soon te cot
tidcr improvement of the Mississippi and say
they are determined to tnrte an appropriation
this session and are in accord.
Tho Commercial Advertitrr's Washingtcn
correspondent says there is a report privatey
circulated that )'. M. Butler is to be made
sis'ant secretary of the treasury.
The Port will publish a denial by Joe Join
son that ho recently accused Jeff Davis if
stealing Confederate funds. He admits hat
ing said Davis should have accountod for tie
Michael H. Sharkey, arrested for com
plicity in tho murder of Raymond S. Davi-,
died in Tauton jad, ot erysipelas. It was ex.
pecto i that Sharkey would turn State's evi
There has been an encounter between a
body of Austrian tioow aud 50 Herzogovim-'
an, at riutorinc, in which tho latter killed a
number of Austrian, but suflVred no lns
themselves. .
Two lieutenants of the 5th Mexican in
fantry, Manuel Valosco and Vieento C.mo,
f.-uglit a duel with pistols at Chilpanago
Valasco shot Cauo through the lung, killing
him ins'antly.
A crank has been arrested w In says he
knows all about the Pollock murdel and will
sell for $500. As tho reward offered amounts
tn $1,500 this is considered cheat by tho
Nevada authorities.
Intelligence from Accra confirms tie report
from Capo Coast Castle of Novembtr last of
the massacre of 200 young girls by order of
the king ot Ashantee. The girls w;re pur
pisely captured for tho massacre in raids upon
neighboring tribes.
Since the parliamentary conflict. 2) years
ago, a deep and universal a seiisaton has
never been created as by the rescript ad
druskol tn the Prussian miuUtry. The gravity
of tho situation is patent to everybody.
According to rcmiiremcnts of law tho State
board of equilization will meet at Sacran.uito
. .1 -r .i.... i: r L I
interest that should be paid oil thu debt.
A horrible discovery has Itch made at the
poor house larm at Decatur, Ills. When the
search was instituted among the ruins of that
building, deatroyul by tiro, It was found that
inree oi me inmates, uaao r rauMin, Martin.
Casov and Franklin Fletcher, had penshed iu
the flames,
Passencers on tho through traiu from Sail
Francisco report that last Saturday near
KaeIo springs, rast of HI Paio. 11 'lunsmen.
engaged iu surfacing up tho track of South
ern IVifm railroad. ere matsacred U Auntie
Indites. The deed was not ducovired until
Monday moinini:. after the thromih trains had
itirted nut.
The Democratic caucus at Allianv nominat.
ed officers of the legislature. After adiourn.
inrut Tammany expressed a doUrmiuati.M tn
oppose their election. No orgai iiation is ex-
Jn c ted for a wtek. The candidacy of Senator
acoU for pnaideut of ,the senate must lie
withdrawn before Tammany will enter the
On Now Year's Pay, in the vicinity of
Lruiiiana Mo., John Morgan Shaw, one f
Hill Anderson's guerillas, was shot and killed
by his brother. Nl organ Shaw, The murder
aro.e from a family feud about the dm'sion of
their father's property. In May, 1S80, John
Mnnran Shaw snot and kill t hia limlh.r
lliocau.o of tho tiagedy I I'iriin Shaw, and th s tecoud tragedy is the
l rvsuu oi ins ursi.
lor the liurnoso of adopting a form of assess.
ment roll to bo used throughout the State.
The board will toon begin tstimatiug the
aIuo of railroad property.
A Mail and Kxjnrns Washington special
says: dipt. Kails armed this morning, die
ii liuie to uigo his proposed nuriue railtay
act oss the isthmus of Panama. The corr nut
ten ou thu isthmus canal is not appointed, but
will be announced Monday, with KaRson, as
cli iirman. Tho committee is already selected
Edward A. Stoughton, ex U. S. minister to
Russia, diod at New York on tho 8th. His
physician, Dr. Metcalfe, said that no disuse
in particular caused his death, but that it yas
duo to tho general breaking down of his os
tein and that there was not an organ in his
body iu a normal condition,
Orders wero received at New Orleans, on
the 8th from Sail Francisco to provide freight
room in March and April for 180,000 buatels
of wheat for Great Britain. This wheat to
bu shipped ttom California to New Orleamby
the Southern Pacitio Railroad, thence by
steamer to its destination.
An accouut ia receive! at Shroveport of
several skirmishes at Westport between J.
W. Moore and a party who occupied hia store
and a beaieging party. Outside the house
waa riddled with bullets during the siege,
winiuws being shot out. Robert Perkim, J.
Dykes and Simon Merulo wero killed, and
several othors wounded.
Pacific Coast postal changes : Eatabtiilied
Larcne, Spokan county, W, T., Jamei.D.
Grizzle potmater. Postmasters appointed
Daniel M. Colbreth, Buena Vista, Polk Co.,
Or.; Albert K McFarland. Cannon, Lake Co.,
Or.; Geo. Wittley. Fort Klamath, Lake (jo.,
it.: .lira, aiarv i. L,eeK, rvianmn agency,
Lako Co., Or.j B. F. Brooks, Brush Prairie,
Clark Co.. V. T.i II. M. Marshall. Mojte
sauo, Chehalis Co., W, T. t
Advices to-day stato that ore of the firm of
Sicord tiros., who started leeemhr 7th with
a train of eooda worth several thousand dol
lars for Turtle mountain, Minn., has bteu
Kiiiui uy simians, won pmmiereti ma trim.
United States authorities aro after the 'of
Walter II. llrown.Iately of Kutmott county,
Iowa, and in 1878 IVmocratio candidate .for
Coiigivu from this distritt, was the man who
organized Douglas county, Dakota, when the
recent bogus warrants and bonds were issued.
Ilo was the county government and his name
appears rn tho all the worthless paper so far
Pacific Coast Congressmen speak with tn
tiie confidence of the early appointment of
Sargent as Secretary of the Iuurior, Sena
tor J lues, of Nevada, who ia supposed to
kuow-MUueh about the Prvaideul'aactisna
aud plans as any ruui, except the lreidrnt
himself, believes Sargent will certatuly be
uouiinated. '
that the Speaker's recent action had done him
Springer said he would in the future
offer a suggestion as to the method of appoint
ment. Tho Chair refuted to vindicate himself, but
did not acquiesce in Orth's statement.
Orth was excused from the committee on
Call of committees was dispensed w Ith.
By Hawk, of Illinois, to reorganize the mil.
itiai aUo, to requite a label on oleomarganna.
By Hewitt, thanking the Khedive ol Eypt
for Cleopatra's needle as a gift from tho oldest
to the youngest nati'.n.
Hewitt's request to be excused from the
committee on public buildings for the reason
that his business might make it improper for
him to serve, was granted.
Adjourned till Monday.
The Chair submitted petitions from the bar
of Rockford, Illinois, for the organization of a
court of appeals.
Many petitions were presented, of which a
largo number prayed lor exercises oi gov
ernment control of railroad transportation
Garland introduced a joint resolution to re
appiopnato the amount of 375,000, appro
priated by the act of March, 1877, to pay iu
full certain Southern mail contracts for the
amount due under their contracts for the year
1859, lSu'O and 1861.
Farley also presented nnincroun California
petitions urging repeal of federal taxes on
banks aud abolition of eli-ck stamps
Senators Miller and Slater ptesen ted a num
ber of petitions from citizens of California and
Oiegon, praying for legislation to regulate
railroad transportation charges, and Miller
presented memorials and resolutions recontly
adopted by the San Francisco board of trade,
merchants' exchange and produce exchange,
arging the establishment of additional signal
stations on the Pacific coast, and a central
light service office at San Francisco.
Bills were introdu led as follows :
By Anthony, to promote tho efficiency of
Hie nsvv.
By Maxey, increasing the efficiency of the
signal service. Adjourned.
Wasuingtox, Jan. 6.
Maxey offered a resolution instructing the
Secretary of tho Interior to furnish a report
on the boundary surrey of the United States
and Texas boundary commission, made under
act of Juno 5, 1859, and if no final report has
been made by the commission to report the
fart with the result of the work so far as prcs
touted. The object of the surrey was to fi
the boundary between the United States aud
Mexico under treaty of lb-8.
Sherman mot od to take up It's bill for issuo
nf throe per cent. bond.
Bc-k antagonized it with a tariff commission
bill to t reporte I Monday.
Mcpherson gave notice of an amendment,
maLinv linnd reileHmahln affcpr .T.inimrv I.
1S91, instead of payable after January 1, 1SS1,
and extends the tunc of pigment to thirty
Plumb gave notice ot an amendment, di
recting redemption of United States notes in
excess of gl, 000,000, fox tho redemption of 3i
per cents.
By Beck, requesting tho Secrctaty of tho
Treasury to inform the Senate at onco what
reason, if any, he has for fading to comply
with Senate resolution of December 21, 1881,
relating to tat fT dues imposed na English and
American goods by Franco, Gormany and
Hoar risked that the resolution bo laid over
one day under rule; so ordered.
By l,ogan, amendatory of pension laws.
Hale's leanluti n for a special committee on
the mode of electing President and Vice Pres
ident and of counting and certifying to the
vote was disposed of by reference to commit
tee on elections.
A resolution of December 13. 1881. offered
by Davis, ol West Virginia, relating to pen
sion frauds, calling for statements of their na
ture and character, and what amount of ar
reats had been paid, number of cases addtd
to the pension roll under thq "arrears act, "
number of applications thereunder, estimated
annual expeuditure required, estimated total
cost of arrearage paid aud to bn paid, aud the
total rebate of pension roll after arrearage
had been determined, came up. Some dis
cussion ensued upon the tho amendment by
Edmunds, striking out the direction to tho
Secretary of the Interior to report his opin
ion upon such legislation as he thouu'ht ad
visable. Edmunds areucd that the President alone
was empowered to recommend legislation.
inn contended wnuo it was tie duty ot me
President to do this, there was no limitation
ou the power of Congress to get opinion from
Davis of West Virginia, in course of debate,
said the secretary had estimated that J10O,
000,000 would be required for this year to
pay the pension roll, aud this estimate he
learned had been increased by the commis
sioner to $120,000,000. Nobody knew where
the increase would stop, aud next year, for
aught we know, it would reach $150,000,000.
Hu (Davis) had stated last year the arrears of
the Pension bill would cost the government a
sum greater than the national debt, and the
statement was laughed at. Pnseot indica
tions seemed to fully justify the statement lie
then made.
Logan said that the statements were based
on accurate information and should not be
allowed to go to the country uncontradicted.
Tho assertion that pension arrearages would
eost more than the national debt was cer.
taudy not based on any rebate. The infer
ence from what had been stated would bo
that our pension roll would continue to cost
$100,000,000 per year right aleng, with a
probable increase. The report of the commis
sioner showed that with the certain force at
his command the arrears of pensions coula be
paid in two years, and after these were paid
the roll would be reduced to $40,000,000 or
not over $50,000,000. The Senator from
M est irginia could not help knowing this,
for the report waa before him. There was,
therefore, no reason, to alarm the country by
a statement such a the Senator had just
The resolution as modified by Edmunds'
amendment was adopted.
After executive aeasion. tha Kn ..1.
journed to Monday.
Inviso, Or., Dec. 20, J881.
Editor Willamette Farmer :
The following aro the names of tho officers
of Grand Prairio Grange, No. 20, elected for
the ensuing year : A. J. Zumwalt, Master;
L. D Gibson, Overseer; Allen Bond, Lecturer.
D. M. Purkerson, Stewart; R. M. Moore, As
sistant StewasW; J. W. Bond, Chaplain; J. C.
Jennings, Treasurer; A. C. Jennings, Secre
tary; V. S. Bond, Gate Keeper; Rachel Bond,
Ceres; Hetty Bond, Pomona; S. S, Gibson,
Irtvisn, Or., Dec. 26. 1881.
Kdilur Willamette Farmer :
The following are the officers elect for tho
enstungyear for Lano County Pomona Grange:
.Master, Roscoo Knox; Ovcrscir, Allen Bond;
Lccurer, A. K. Patterson; Steward, John
Simpson; Assistint Steward, George Lan
dreth; Chaplain, A. J. Zumwalt; Treasurer,
J. C. Jennings; Secretary, A. C. Jennings;
Gate Keeper, L. D Gibson; Ceres, Iffio Pat
ter, on; Pomona, Rachel Bond; Flora, Jane
Simpson; Stewardess, M. L. Zumwalt.
Pomona Grange -will meet on Sa'urday,
Jan. 7, 18S2, for installation of officers, wit'i
Grand Prairio Grange, No. 26, cxtrcisea to be
public; basket dinner, to which all arc in
vited. Respectfully,
A. C. Jennings, Sec.
Albanj J E llannon'MrCoy
Amur Hb&inipson
Aurora Geo Miller
Brownsville W R Kirk
liiltto Creek . . E Bker In
Brooks . . .W 11 Harris
Bellovue JeffDafi
Bnena UU..D M Calbreath
CraHfordsTille. Ittr-t Ohw
Cottage Gr..J II Shortrldge
ConallU ....Meyer Harris
Damascus . . ri K r'orbes
IMvton.. nRH-idawa
Drains . . .lion J C Drain
Dallas J I) Smith
Dufur .. -A J Dufar, Jr
Eola . ...Thomas Pearce
Elkton A B Haines
Eazle Creek.... M R Brown
Ktitrcncllon J 11 McClun?
llenlurg-...Hon M Bile
Forest Grore 8 Hughes
Kox Valley... A D f.ardner
Greentille J C Moore
Goahen J llandsaker
Gaiton . ...AC Raymond
Gervala . ..M Mitchell
Htrrnbiinr .Hon II Smith
IUItey.. .Black, Tearl A Co
Hillaboro. ...WD 1'ettinger
Irring A C Jennings
Independence. W L Hodgln
Indian Val!c)..MB Morrl
Jacksonville... Max Muller
Junction W 11 Babcr
Jordan.. ,,..T P Goodman
Jefferson . ,,.JW Ro'and
Lebanon Oil Smith
Looking Glass. .M Cochran
Lincoln .. .L Abrams
McHlrinullc.J Mcphllhps
S Rohblni
Mt Pleaaant KB Tiiaver
siarion .... it ii Kutneriora
Mohawk. . J S Churchill
Monraouth. .Vt Waterhou-e
Molalla OP Miller
Mehama K A Pratt
Norway. ...J II Schroedtr
North Yamhill. II FBcdn ell
'laklaud I) W Ntearns
Oregon City... J M Bacon
I'owell Valley.T K Williams
I'ilotr.ock E Gllham
Pendleton,. Lot Livi-rniore
Irineville....A II Brcjman
Perrjdale J W McUrew
HuuantMU GWIIandsiker
RUerside C F Knowlcs
Roscbunr.,.b K Katmond
Sweet Home . ...Z B Mois
Salem . ...Sw Church
Sllverton. ...TR Hibbard
.A 1 Gardnf r
.Jno Downing
.,J S Morro
, J C Simpson
.W M Powers
R J Morrifon
. J W Stewart
..John Luj.r
.r s smteson
.Isaac Ball
Sheridan .
Sublimity .
Cerner First and Aider Sirs.. o cr Flel i Roberts
rCHOlUllO widows, rathen, mothtn or
children. Thftmandsi yet ertttt td. rcniioni cltea
fur Ion of flnxrr. tot y or rnptun UTrieoi
veins or or unj U (? lliotisanda of nsniioo
rn nr sotdirri ititkd to lt'KEAHE must
BOUNTY. 1'ATK.VJS procured for lnu
on. sSoldiflri find warrtntf procared, buoithi
ad4 told. NIJieri find heirs ftriplr for onr
richti fit fine. SmA It tamn fnr lntH .j
Mount? Iftwi, btftnki ttid Instruction! Feci fljod
by It. Wo can refer to ttiousatiilsof Pomlonen
niiu salient. Jtuurcis c rl.
Tl 8TT5
gain jyiheTllrifofflTr" Jl"60.11?? in
HeTTacK parf , Fain under tha shouldar
hiarirnjiillneas'attor cntlnc. with a dlsln
cIljiatlonTo esorflon of body or mlna.
IrritaBllifv of t-inper, liow spirits, Ia
ofmemtiryj sjTtEfrellng of having nsg
IeoierTsomoranty, weariness, BlrslneiS,
Flutterinsf bt thoHeajtsfbeforethe)
eyesrV eUowT5klnrirTpwrlache7TtCBtle"BS
ness at nlitliiTfilcliTy colored Utlne.
TTJTTS prXtSarepspeolallyistlnptoiIto
or feellnp; ns to astonish Iho sufferer.
They Inereiuie lliv Appet lie, and cans, the
body to Take on Flrh. thus Hi" svstcra I.
notsriaiiefl. a na nv m -i r avuivvfcinnvii mi
nice.tli'e Otmn. Keimlnr Stfiolv arepro-
rtuced. rrlcs Z5 cenu. S3 m
1 narrr t te-t If .1
L'mmiuaF.G II bhambrook
tTllbur. . ..Hon Thos Smith
VhitcaUr ...,G Wllunt
Willamette F....M Wilkins
Welles ....AAWilliatrson
Weston LSBeatli
WChehalrm.TH Wilkerson
iWlllsontllle. .Chas Wilson
Zena S BGunblr
Colfax .
Goldendale. ,B F Tsylr Co
La center A liuenanan and
J H Tiper
Walla Walla.
Waitsbvirg .
.8 W llro-n
,w"n Sad'h
RS. A. S. A Z. B. NlCnom.
Clir.nlet and snnuosrrl nrnrabli- Tt!a
enars Is a 4l! known, ein be found at their roon-tf,
X. S In Ion r.loek, rmllnml.
Re4(!fene on Stark street between First and f scnaC
No fee for eonsulattlon. Kelsr Got. t. W. Tl eTer
Gilbert Bros., Bankers of Salem, and lion. II. A. J?tm
son, raWu. Janl-tf
U'e continue to act as Sulkitors for FatcnU, CiYeats,
Trado Marks, Copj rights, etc., for the United States,
Canada. Cuba, hnhnd, France, Germany, etc. Wc
hao lndThlrtjl-ie Veais Cxperlnifc,
Intents otitAined throuwi tis aro noticed tn the
Scientific American. This large and splendid ilhi&trat
ee weekly paper, $3.20 per jear, show si the progress of
Science, Is very it teres tins &ri'l haa an enonnoua circu
lation. Addrew MUN.V A. CO., ratcnt Solititoro, and
Publishers of the Scientific American, 37 Park liow
Nw York. Hand book abont patents sent free.
Obt ITam nrM'niSKURs ehangefl to Olchmv
IIIjick by a single anpltrallon of this rvr. t
Imparts a natnral color, Kta Instan,iiieoiitjf.
bold byPrnggieU.orss nt lT .iprtas as lr-'jlof 31.
Office, 35 Murray St., Now York.
4 Dr. TrTPS SiKI SL .f TalaliU Imfunn a4 PI
(ouAl loipt. wiu k. saibs rsn in aaiimtr
Ague Mixture
sasecsa or
I growers of Oretron and adjoining' Territotit-a .!
chance to purchase TlioroughbredMermos, and awurluf
p vrtica interested that they can, and will endeavor u
aeli bheep of the same qUtUiiy and ralue at much cheapo
rates than such can possibly be Imported. Exomlriauci
and comparison with other sheep in the market aro cor
diatly invited. Address,
JOHN MINTO, Salem, Ore-nr..
The Hants tnd Kam Lambs of the flock can be seen od
the Inland 1'onn, adjoining Salem. The Ewes at tht
same place, or at the IIill Farm four and a halt milei
south of the citv.
J. B. KNAPP & CO.,
Commission Merchama
167 First SI reel, Portland, Orrgou.
Receive anil nell the product of the farm on mm.
minion, purchase and forward poods and farm imnlc-
lUL'.lKI VI. ,110 lllira. IIMUI1M1I. KIU!.
We have made special and cxtenshe preparations for
iianuiuitf in. prouucis oi ine nairy lo wiucn Vtelnrlte
the attention and Inspection ot all dairj men In Oregon
and Washington. eill recelreand pack jour aur
plus butter In the most superior manner for leaa than
It will coat jou at home; and store It (or six inonthi or
longer without extra charge for storage. Send us jour
butter sweet and sound, fresh from the churn and we
will guarantee to paek it tn s'sch a manner as to deliver
monius nence in equally as good condition as we
receive it.
Recognising the principle that Fidelity to trust Is th
tnie measure and merit of success, 1 respectfully se
nd t your patronage.
All orders accompanied with the cash will be pnxnit
ly filled and forwarded at loaest market rates.
(live us a call when ou come to town.
Send us your orders and save your time and traiellm.
xpensct, for w. can buy cheaper than you cu
In making orders specify particularly the kind am
quality dcJred, and keep a duplicate, that ou may In
able to determine whether jour directions Cere stnctlj
followed In caae you ar. disappointed In quality ot
o'r1"- ,, J. B. UXAVV CO.,
P. O. box 454. Portland
Chills and Fever are permanenr
cured by Dr. Jayne'a Ague Hia
(are. With a little care on the port
of the patient to avoid exposure, od
the occasional use of Jatnb's SaiiA
tiye Piix8,tbis remedy will be found
to be certain in Its operation, and rad
ical In its effects. In many section
' of 'the country subleot U Agus one
other malarial dlseasea it has an es
tablished oharacter as a popular spe
clflo for these harrasslng complaints,
and the number of testimonials re
ceived show that its reputation Is
constantly increasing.
Intermittent and Remittent Fevers
are effectually cured by Dr. Jayse'ss'
Ague 9f ixtnre. In these oom
, plaints care should be taken to follow
the directions closely, and especial
attention given to the liver, which
should be assisted in performing its
functions by Dn. Jatne's Sakatxv
lln 1 t -Vl.' ro Whi.,ii- Dealers Portlan
Th. only establishment maklm
deUTer Binm? Hit Flanta.
s Jksota. zXJj bj mall, postpaid.
TOUT "ShTTcrv rll 1 iieled, tor 1 1
I MfosJ4j SB for BS 1 75tar
Salem Flouring Mills Co.,
Manufacturers and Exporters of
Highest market price paid at all times for
l2fo?Mi IUKOTL
0IO 100 for BI3. W. Of
nrwtnss a Biunvj wun HVOKS
ktAltisrinntsi sjnas sTfn sUVIAl snilltwasw
MVwMm m tXBomJ0m.1tym Ovguttt frm S
roj-Comrajitc,n. AsSIimn, nrenchltta,
ItT, A(-arnrKi.'ltirun:nHa, skBd sUl
Ihroulcniirt.'Vn-vuii. DUorUesv. Psusk
may bn noiitc-nn-ritly mrmt by ss
PrcWfnilj tar itniai illiito use at linssss
-Seuil for frco tveailm oi tlte Uxyaress
Ircalror-nf. :tit rein she nroprletars?
SSi'a.5 "ATUEW fc, PacinaSy,
60 3l9sifiromcrvM.Sit YsgeEei.)
A schooner sank off the car at Gloucester,
Visas., on Momlar. Tan if ih w v..
died from txposure sail fire others sre badly
Itoth aides claim the victory at the elections
to Ur.'.
Address orders and communications to the offices o
the Company at Salem or Portland.
Portland Office K. & Corner Front and Ash sts.
"' WM. . MB80V Acrat
I win mall the plan, and right to make on., to tfcs
first la any place ho sends m. SI.
damns sad part sf Harrows r.rsaU.
I hat. used this harrow two years, and so hat. set.
erai ol my neighbors, and ae know il Is superior toajr
other harrow ctsunuV cost. ?" mismsj
For further parUcular address me at Buttntlle. Ors
Cures Lyspepjia, Hervovu Affeo
tions, General Debility, Fever and
Ague, Paralyeia, Chronio Diarrhoea,
Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Fernalo Com
plaints, liver Complaint, Bemittent
rever, nntl r.!l diseases originating
in a bod Stato of tho Blood, or
accompanied by Docility or a low
State of tho System.