wnjuwn cc,T,rijriv1OT5CESfWl-'1 i illi. WILLAMETTE FARMER: PORTLAND, OREGON, DECEMBER 23, 1881. 'ft t i L? ' '", ' f : I 'I i; ' j .- r Qjttnuncrchl MARKET REPORT. home rnourcE market. The following represent wholesale rat, f mm producers or first hands : H"TX)UK. In jol bing lots standard brands, $1 l?(&r 00; best country l)ranils,$t.25S-.7fl. WHKAT Valley 81.0.ri 1.07J; WalU Walla, $l.G!i for now crop; 07 to CO cent net to farmer a bushel at Walla Walla and near point". OATS. White- COc firm for good feed H buxlie). NI0NS. llc. "OTATOKS. -45.r)0c per bushel. MIDDLINGS. Jobbing, for feed, $22.50 ,23.00 V ton. Shorts, I820. Chop, S20 Jii.OO tf ton. KRAN. Jobbing at SIC f ton. BACON. Sides 10 cents: Hams, country tuf. ir10c; City cured, 1018c; Shoul ders 10llc. LAUD. In kcgi, ICc; Oregon leaf, tins, ICo; do in pails, lOJfajlGJc. BUTTER. Wo quotes Extra fresh roll, 35 1; fairtogood, 25$(t).'0ci common, 1520c; olid in kegs, 27J(a30c; best pickled rolls in bbls or half bbls, 303.'Je. OHKESE. 14(5jl0c, DRIED FRUITS. Apples, sun dried quar tered, C7c; sliced, 78c; machine dried, 9 lOo; fears, machine dried, 8I0o. l'lums.sun dried, pitted, 10(g)ll; machine dried, ditto, -ZfmlSc. POULTRY. Chickens, small and medium. 2,00(1250 per doz.; Full grown, &'J.003.SO, EG08. Near bv fresh laid, 35c. HOOS. Dressed, 78e. BKKF. Live weight, 2Jc tor choice. SHEEP. Livo weght, 2c. WOOL. Eastern Oregon, 1825oi Wil U notto Valley, 2l28o. Umpnua, 2830c. IUDES. Butchers' hides, dry, 15!Gc; "'uutry cared, dry, 1510c; culls, 4 offjUreen 'hides, salted, 8(s8Jc; Country, ditto, 88Jc; Dnerekins, dry, 40c H It; Dry sheep pelts, eajh 25tl; Drv elk. 20o H It). TALLOW.- -Quotable at Gl6o. HAY. 1213.00 t ton, baled.and plenty of it. APPLES 606!ic per bushel. PEARS CO&OOc per bushel. CIENCRAL MIJU'IIANUIHE. RICE. China, No. 1. Ocj China No. 2, Sjoi Japan, 7c; Sandwich Islands, 8(g9c. rEAS.-Japan,4050fe05c; Mack, 4075o; On en, 0580o. COFFEE CostaRica 1620e; Java,2830. SUGARS. Crushed A 14c; Fine Crushod, 4o; Cube, 14c; Extra C, 12Jc; Goldeu C, 12o; Sandwich Islands, No. 1, lie. SVRUl'. Fivo gallons 75c. CANDLES 13lc. RAISINS. California, $X25$2. 78 25 ft SOAPS. Good, 75cJl.75. OILS. Ordinary brands of ccal, 25c; high grades, Downe & Co., 37Jc; Roiled Linseed, Raw "eJmou oil, 40c; Turpentine, 70e, Pure Lard, 1 10; Castor, $1.251.40. YKAST POWDERS Donnelly, 2 t doz; Proton ft Merrill, $2.25 doz.; SALT. Stock, bay, $12 ton; Carmel. Inland, $12; Coarse Liverpool, $20; Finn quan liy, $25; Ashton's dairy, ditto, $30. rived to-day; quote at 2930c. Butter Supplies smaller than demand; quote fresh roll 37J40c. KECHAKTERED. For wheat to Cork, U. K., for orders, Ur ship Padibah, 1,317 tons, 75s. CHICAGO MAKKKT. Ohicaoo, Dec. 21. Wheat $1 251 January. Pork -810 50 Lir.1 S10 80. Ribs S8 45 January. NEW VOIIK MAUKETS. New Yokk, Dec. 21. Wheat Market unsettled: SI 321 38. Flour Quiet and weak. bkkhboiim's f.noush RF.ronTs. Lonho.i, Dec. 21. floating cargoes Dull. Cargoes on passago Dull, Mark Lane Inactive, English an I French country markets Turn easier. Imports of wheat into U. K. during last week, 210,000 to 215,000 qrs. Imports of flour into U. K. last week, 70,000 75,000 bbls. Liverpool spot Very little enquiry, Arrlvl at Portland Et'El or Leading Ti Mo.vnr. FROM. Wheat centals. Kite" (""our barrels. ;S or PKODICE porlallon Lines for Ihe Fast II Moulin ISM. COMMERCIAL. Thursday, Deo. 22, 1881. Tlie wheat market is weaker than ever and nothing of importance doing. The nominal figures are $l.G.ril.71 per cental; the latter for choico shipping. Wo expect no improve inent until after the holidays. The San Francisco market has declined from $1,771 per cental to $1.57J, yet our prices are within 5 to "J per cental of what thuy wcro while California prices have dropped 15 to 20 cents. This shows, as wu have re peatodly suggested, that our buyers havo hail a good margin to go on. Halem Mills dropped last week bcl"w 80 cts to 58J, the first time since October 1st. They ay thuy couldn't save themselves on it at SO ota any longtr. All persons holding wheat seem to prefer to hold for the future to selling at below ?l.fiO, and the general impression is that there will bo a better market towards Spring. Very little wheat is moving tuuards the Atlantic aealward. During October and No vember shipments to Europe from Atlantic poita fill oil over half as compared with I8S0. That too when prices vteru actually high mid inducements to Hell and ship were good. This looks as if there would bo little more wheat to bo shipped abroad on that side. It is said that loceipts of wheat and flour at the clii-'f Western grain mm kets havo also decreased. Freights are so low fioni Chicago to Liverpool that wheat and Hour bcais a proportionately higher prico there than ever before. Wo publish statements from arious sources to show tho condition and amount of the world's bread supply, but that seems a dilli cnlt matter to deiido on. During tho week there have been four ar rival of the heat fleet. Owners are asking 80s fir wooden vessels to U. K., but they will have to ask a good while before thuy got it. Oats firm are 50 cts a bushel for best choice toed. Potatoes hold their own with prtnpovt of a heavy advance later; at least so interested dealers claim. stutter is firm at prices given and there is iliatiru for improvement in pi ice ln-foro long. Hay is worth more and probably will ad taiicu gradually in prico, as it did hut Winter. (liven apples rate 50t'kV, the latter for tho hujt. Dried fruit is dull, but will bo sum to become in good demand Liter in the season, OOLn AND STOCK COMPANY'S RETORTS. San Francisco Markets. IS. F. Commercial Herald Dec. 15. The courso of tho wheat market here and elsewhere for weeks past has been a great sur prise ami disappointment to all in the busi ness. English quotations for breadstuff seem to havo steadily declined for some weeks past. although statistics furnished by experts ever sinco harvest promised a result quite reverse of that now existing. Yet in the face of this decline in European markets exporters upon this coast have, as a rule, made money upon their ventures, and even now, with a big de cline staring them in the face, seem to be con fident of a future rise in values before the coming of another harvest. The old maxim "that figures will not lie" can be variously construed by experts. Recently high English authorities in breadstuff statistics seem inclin ed to reverse their tactics, as will bo seen by tables of supplies published herein. Our ex perience in tho flour and grain business for nearly half a century has led us to believe that English and other crop statistics are too often made to order to supply existing circum stances. There is no question but that the wheat and corn crops of the great west are now short and less than au average, and com paratively l.ttlc grain is now going forward to tide water. This deficiency the Pacific coast cannot supply but in part, yet with all this California grangers have long been under the impression that they could control the prices of wheat hero to oxportors, but in this repard they, too, havo been cgregiously disappointed and foiled, and instead of putting up pi ices of wheat to SI.7f("- t' 3tf they have steadily de clined to $1.G01.65. The llernld adds; Much is being said as to the possibilities sf the Southern Pacific Rail road to carry our wheat to England across the continent. The Now Orleans Times, counting largely on California wheat, says: The delivery by rail in this city in the course of a Binglo year and by a singlo lino of road of 25,000,000 bushels of California wheat will be a great allair. At tho rate of 250 bush els to the carload, 100,000 cars will bo requir ed to move the crop. Supposing tho business to be done in ten months of tho year, and al lowing twentj -five working days to tho month, 400 cars carrying 100,000 bushels of wheat would havo to he delivered each day in the elevators of the city for transfer to the ship ping. There will be grain coming in also from Indian Territory, South Kausai and Texas, which will enable this city to become a giaiu market as well as a great grain port. Tho California merchants are heavy importers of foreinn merchandise,, and they will doubtless use this port largely for tho entry of European imports, but thuy oropose to rely mainly on Emopean imiuiL'rants to load their 400 cars a day on tho westward trip. Tho following item is clipped from tho New York I'rodua Eichanyt Jltjmrter: Wo havo alluded from time to time since tho 1st of October to the largo supplies of wheat coming from British India, and on one occasion to those from the Persiau Gulf, but it now seems certain that the supplies from the latter source will prove much larger than we had expected, and its importance, wo do not think, is appreciated in this country, the fact of these wheats selling considerably lower than California!! and Chilian wheats, should not bu lost sight of by millers, as a most ex cellent sack Hour H made fiom them at Liver pool, and henco tho demand for American ted is diminished. Tho exports hao been 030,0t)l January... Februaij.. March.. .. April May........ Juno July August September. October.... November. Valley Kastern Valley Kastern Valley Kaatern Valley Eastern Valley Eastern Valley Eastern Valley Eastern Valley Kastern Valley Eastern Valley Eastern Valley Eastern Totals.. P7.701 80,857 105,025 110,00.1 6,700 131,214 G,0C1 C0.612 10,409 44,988 79,090 08,202 ZU3,34: 237,659 304,721 314,694 218,329 3S 1,921 175,810 2,085,224 23,3.14 380 2?,944 59.1 .43,020 I 3.011 30,572 18,859 32,595 17.776 22,078 17,500 12,329 (0,908 10,202 9,220 2S,3(W 12.594 41,359 10,291 47,012 10,080 tW.347 2,251 9,232 0.6C9 17,413 15,159 16,743, 11,467 10,501 20,232 27.87J 23,193 K.3.I1S3 Polat'M sacks. Wool sacks. Barley sacks. 711 3,142 0,900 11,070 1,407 302 328 409 072 8,403 lr),000 49,100! 14 1 1 103 0 517 107 4,13' 1.S40 11,030 2,245 3,144 1,335 410 49 01 62tl 3'0 449 237 3?4 540 1,001 2,408 1,79s 1,193 2,820 27,OiO- 11.9401 Fix Seed sacks. 4.C22 0 8,843 1 15,733 6,355 1,200 Apples boxes. 3,802 3,9)0 4,877 2,435 331 72 3,907 0,778 MU.NTIILV Mlir.MIi.MEI. Comparison of Monthly Shipment r Wheat nml Flour lo European I'orls for the inree learn l'uM. 1879. January,. February March May June Aujrust September October November December Totals 1830. January February March April May Juie July August September October November December , Totals Wtfcit, centals. 180,908,. 104,8.17 75,397. 00.2S8., 7 520 1.U800 4'2S,880 355.2 480,027. 1,839,971... Wheat, centals 1,313,684.... 1881. January... February,. March April May Juno July An trust Septeirber, October , November... Totals. 141,013.... 181.S29 '233,018 .... 110,001....; 7,178 10,002 29,323 2,435 10,551 107,289.. . 192,427 278,950. Value. 317,020 273,214 124,889 79,700 7,200 K.9,630 800,408 727,134 900,021 !W,400.07000 19' Flour, barrels. 20,401. 38,097., 39,190.. 0,535.. 17,180. 4,244.. 15,895. 38,771., 4,054., Valus. 127,000 183,025 188,880 43,147 80,980 17,609 95,375 219 348 23,300 953,670 00 No. ot Ves'ls. 7 7 3 4 8 1 4 16 14 16 The Northwestern Marriage Insurance Company, OF PORTLAND, OREGON. INOORPOIIATKD UNDBR THE LAWS OF OltEOON. CHARTER PERPETVAIi-CAPITAL $100,000.00. CHARLES HEOELK, President. JAJlUS blliLLk, Treasurer. OFFICERS: HENKY ACKERMAN, Vlco PreaidonU A. S. GROSS, Secretary. DIRECTORS: J. TV. Wll LLE V, of the law Arm of Whalley, Fcchhelmer & Ach, HENRY ACKERMAN, ot II. Ackcrman 4. Co., Wlioles.ile Crockery, etc.. JAMES STKEt,, Cashier First National Rank, S. JULtUS MATER, of Heckcnsteln & Maer, Wholesalo Liquors, CHARLES IIKOELE, of Allsky A. Ilegelo, Wholes-do Confectioners. This Company issues policici of from 81,000 to 310,000 to unmarried persons of pood moral character nava. after inarriilre of the assured, and conditioned on the lmincnt bv thun of certain annual and mrtnuolTlr mtums, which are so low that any industrious and frugal person can easily alTord to curry an Insurance which at nnrrmnn utll annl.ln liltn r,r l,Ar In i,alri a i,nul ctl rf. til llfn Over 500 per cent, prolit is returned to policy holders becoming beneficial. A neat and coroprchenalra pamphlet, containing full explanations as to the plan and cost of such Insurance, will be mailed free to anv ad dress on application to ' A. S. GROSS, Secretary. decO-lui Room 63 Union Block, (cntranceon Stark street), Portland, Oregon. bio Wheat, centals. 91,708 ... 71,315.... 123,208... 70,921 253,142.... 135,305.... 67,800.... 211,541. ,, 257,472.... 350,810.... 020,800... 2 2S3.'0 Value. 297,259 357,602 450.695 191,208 10,707 15,003 40,000 3,123 21,014 149,792 300,078 451,550 82,238,077 00 Value. j 136,937 97,600 100,970 97,310 329,079 190,050 80,745 332,302 403,900 677,ll0 1,024,513 3,442.95S00l Flour, barrels. 21,741. 33 323., 17.4S9., 17,301., 4,000.. 9,681 20,344 20,898 24,727 181,411., 007,109 00 riour, barrels. 27,499.. 42,070. . 8,090.. 34,424 . 64,810.. J0.6M.. 23,731.. 6,760.. 42,443.. 11,250.. 45,802.. !3,88 . Value. 8 122,078 183,113 04,859 93,723 22,000 6?,070 112,945 112,139 113,642 No, of Ves'lB. 7 0 The J.I. Case Steel Beam Center Draft Plow. T NEVER CLOUS under beam; It runs lighter and steadier. It is the only t we navo mis plow wun woou Dcams caneu ineaic.f.1. Alll.ll. noes not for two or three horses. Wo also moke the common side draft steel beam or Case chilled plow, pronounced very much superior td all others by those who ouy one anu j ou win oe nappy. .Send for circulars and nrice lists. ' Office and warehouse toot of Morrison st. Case nlA w- HT.iVEU A M'ALKEK. ' General agents for Oregon and W. 1 Also agents for J. I. Case thresher: Dingco Woodburry power; J. I. Case portable saw mill; Studebaker wagont Fit) lit EXrOKTM tOK 1881. Shipment of Flour for Ibe First Eleven Month or 1881, Ilnvennreu ns Follous European I'orls. 10 - B WEmmSSSmE&MKKKBmSB SAILED San Francisco Marietta. San 1'kamuscv, Deo. 21. Wheat The market cannot be taiil to show tho least itigu of imirow'meut; ;ilo of 100 tons 'No. U, alloat, at $1.30; ijuote eluueo ami extra tiioit'o shipping, SI..V(.Cl.ri71; extra choice iniililijf, Jl.tKHjil.tlU a.ke.1. lUrley The market u litm at full jirU-es; the ilciiiaiul is gix; aalea of ioor hrunim;, $i,MK3I.M; trK coait lv $'--71l old musty, IMS, OaIh Tho market is trouu ami ten.liin; higher sale of 3000 acL fair OreKOti, 1.70; feo.1 nuotablo at $I.701.7.V rutatoeji aiaraei i. iuivt snii ncc uint ai-lleM; vre ijuoto at before; irct oM to..!.v,tl.75&2.M. . II Jo i Dry, usual aclrction, market iiuiet at l$c . Wool Market U ateailyi no change to note in quotation!) the tlemaml i both local ami filter!, but liKbt. . Jtaji Market linn at ;t710o for chmeo -Mtali UUi ICaattru in Itmc, cue car load ! bushels, against (i.'ti.SSl bushels last year. Wo clip the following statistics from tho lUltimore Journal of Comment reauectitii; the v, or M's vtheat supply : Front tho llultethi tie llallt, the New Yotk Commercial Iliilletm ami linuhtrttt' wo havo compileil the follow ing v'tiinatea of the worhl'a wheat supiilv, usiui; our own estimate of the surplus in the United States: NKKliS Olf IMI'OUTIMI I'OU.NTltlKS. ltushels. (lrc.it Hritam 120,000,000 Kraiieo 70,000,000 llelKitiin 12,000,000 Netherlands fi.flOO.OOO (ierinany 8,2.-0,000 Switcrlaud 12,:i7.',000 Italy 13,7flO.O0O Other countries 17,870,000 January.. January.. Februsry. Fobruarv. February reDruary. February.. March April April May May May May June June June June Juqq , July July Jul) July August August- September. ... Seiteiibr.... September.... October November.. November,,.. November..., VESSEL. Star of tho North.., Earl Derby Durham Asrlkla.- Otter Dovenby Archer Kyevale Scottish Fairy Thurlnd Castle Kiier:nk .ttthelstane Selkirkshire Victoria Cross Clan Grant Mule Dell Merom Martha Fisher Bellaport. , Ethel.. .. SrottishDard Cllyof Quebec Sidlaw Columbia Olanperis Cumbrian fnvercargiH Zamora Derbyshire Charles Worsfey i.iieiioi Astraean : Tons. 008.. 001.. 998.. 821.. 409.. 871.. 789,. 810., 796. , 1241.. 1144.. 771.. 1192.. 669.. 908.. 1030.. 1204.. 811.. 1630.. 495., 810,. 703.. 499.. 135.!.. 1094.. 1027.. 1246.. 1180 1103. 1309 1111, 975. Flag. Brbk.. Ur sh... Br sh Brbk.. Hrblt. Brbk,. Urbk,. Brbk.. Brbk.. Dr sh,. Br sh.. Br sh.. Brsh.. Brbk.. Brbk, Brbk.. Arash.. Brbk.. Brbk.. Urbk.. llrUc.. Br sh., Urbk.. Amsh. Br sh.. Urbk.. Br sh... Br sh.. Ur sh.. Ur sh.. Br sh.. Ur sh., Dispatched by Saltm Flour. Mills Co. Balfour, Guthrie Jt Co. Balfour. Guthrie A Co. G Marshall A Co Rodirers. Mever A Co... Sibsun, Church .t Co.. Salem Flour. Mills Co. do Sibson, Church & Co.. uaiiuur, Guthrio A Co. uo do Salem FUur. Mills Co. S tson, Church & Co., Rogers, Meters Co,, DW Hurusde Rodgcrs,Meer A Co., Balfour. Guthrie A Co. uornutd"JIcleay,.., Sibs m. Church .. Co Salem Fb.ur. Mills Co. sioson, Church A CO., uatiour, uutluieA Co. uo do Salem Flour. Mills Co. Ualtour, Guthrie & Co. Stlem Flour. Mills Co, Sibson, Church A Co. . Salem Flour. Mills Co. Balfour, Guthrie A Co , Destination, liverpool... ao do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do London Liverpool... uo do do do .1. do Totals. . Barrels. 11,688. 15,911. 8,927. 13,531. 6,010, 7,180. 7,410. 8,090 12,235. 22,189. 10,317. 13,589. 19,443. 11,402. 0,748, 18,270. 862. 6,692. 6,915. 4,995. 500, 10,038. 7,698. 6,250. 500. 8,174. 19,539. 14,730, 11,260. 21,2uO. 11,754. 12,903, 33fl,S28 Valuo. 5S.704 08,350 30,450 60,357 2S800 30,200 33,347 35,070 50,135 88,000 39,000 62,tO0 82,654 45,856 47,782 73,104 1,460 23,630 22,100 17,483 2,200 45,000 33,076 19,300 2,000 32,500 85,200 69.1(A) 50,000 95,800 65,000 60,000 1,434,438 WHKAT KIPOKTS FOU 18817 Hhlpmrnls or Wheat for Ihe First Elrvrnn Knroprn Months r 1881 HorlM. Hate Been as Follows lo SAILED. January Janu try January January .... February February... February.... February.... February.... .i.rin March March March Marth April . April April May May May May Miy May .., May May May May May., 1,000 Total 2t Sl'UTUM OK KM'OKTIMI COUNTHIKK, United States 151,000,000 ltuasia 7S.000,0oO Au-tiu-llunu.iry 8,000,000 Chili and Australia 111,000,000 Uritish India !,000,000 Other cotuitiies 27.1XK1.1XI0 Total...; Appal cut nut plus in supply the 2S.000.000 v, orld'a 22,2.10,000 O. & C. U. It, Kxtkssion, Kxtensiin prc.irations are being made for tho active prosecution of work oil the extension of the O. & O It. K. L-irfic. (i aautities of tmils are beiiiK sent to the front. A number of tax, tshicli have been stored at the car shotu. weio forw aided jeiteiduy, The wwder houkuat lliucburu is ripidly ncariu); eoinple tion. The work of blasting will bo com ineneed at ouco on the dills and rock poiuta lietwctli that place ami M)rtlo crtH'k. Takks UNiian Aiivikmknt. A motion for a new trial in tho case of Itobert I.ainH'rt, com iettd of niansUuitliter, was argued liefore Judge Stott yesterday by Me&srs. 1'age and tlintuin, counsel lor me tieieuse, ami iy Messrs. Caplea ami Mulkey for the State. At the conclusion ot the aruumeut JuksoSttt anuouncvd that he would tike the matter uu. drr aditsement and auuouuce his decisiou ou next Friday iimriiiuj;. Ixiw Katon's huuse, nccupieil by Tom lvtton and family at I'mnii, was iMtrovrtl by ron tho lOih) loss 4-iM. ' June Jure June , June.,.. Juno June July July .. July August ...... August , August August August August AU,Ut August August Svp'tfiubtr.,, bep'tiuWr Sep'tlnWr,, .Sp'tuttwr StpVuiber,., bt.VmlH.'r, Soi.'tmbir.. bepVmUr teu inWr rp'enitH;r.., l lotier ..... (K tuber ..... O toUr ..... IKtobvr , IK-toWr ...... iVtubtr IVtotxr ..... IVtotwr... 0Ubcr ..., Ottobtr...., (Ktober OttoWr... IVtolwr ... iKtober..... KtoUr ... .Souuilnrw .NatemlKr, Notembr Aotrmtxrw Noteiui.tr., Noteiutr,. NotcmtKrn. NOtVIUlM'M. Noteiubvr.Hl aoieiuncr., Notembtr Notttulr. Noteiuber,, November., Not ruber. Not ember. November.. N.itwuber,. Noteuib rH Notviubvr.. Ngteinbr VESSELS. Indy tllncks , Camp&na iiomesay nay Prudent , Durham . Otter Cerastes Aberletuno Archer Rjretale Iladura Glenearu honea Viola Emily Chau'in Clan McIimI Lizzie Ircdale Ellcrbank County of Ayr Mgnrt IWulil rasithca , (lorg Rowley Explorer Oakwnrth , Mary Blnndell , isie ot r.rin Herbert Black sgnos Oswald Mcroin llel'aimrt M utha Fisher Clan Ferguson Argo Ethel Scottish Admiral ....... Taunton Columbia Empire N lloynton Zoe Anuleshlre , Crwalicld t ouuUss Derby ti.ixutirgsniro Came W inslow ......... limbrln.....H Klter Avon . 11 S Siiidtor.l J4tie Porter lAtwcswattr .. IVronilU Nalrnshlro , ...... Palm) ra........ Vnct.uttr Countess Hollies, lAKkctl LiH'll IKHtu Burets Atrts lit) ot York . ... iiarv?lllome, GUratnars Temi.lo tur...- Lanarkshire .... Argo...... . T.ltslng . llrsvmertf ,.....M..... ...... Nsp tr ... m .w aury txw.....m ISrbi shirs. ...... Obrrou tt'liu Nelson ..,,.. Wuoiiia m...(m. Sciittish Kulgbt .... . tuiiksneia Rrntrewshlra..... H. ddh lrf ......,.. lngsione . Harry Morse,.... littrrrsk ........ Trongate......... ..M. J OUuiito.....-.- .. Itjtttllon .... . kllengat rr..MM....M.. ilerwtikshlis - Crumutotk WjUr ...... Mranaj lOracls . lUkot. Tons. KstrvUadtCalte ..... 043 772,. 752 606.. t03.. 08,. iDO 761.. 789.. 810.. WW)., 024.. 918,. 683,, 777.. 040. 693.. U44.. 490 574., 430.. 6s7 '040.. 750.. 1202.. 82S 89.. 57 l.tkl 1204 1030 811, 800...: ... 495 . 939,. tun.. 353. . t'32,, loos.. 742.. 703,, 774., 750 . 9S,. mi . 1027 4'KI... Um. 13 621. !Xk5. i;si) 1153. 733 I 655 i 7(0 019 1195. 600 1 073 M3 tw2 774 1512 813 079.. S55. UtU llv) M3 5J. 873 835 tuts 80J 746 IStV) SOU, 819 013.. till MS,. 904.. ION),, Mi.. 1081,, 1550,, 10tU., UO.. Hag. Brbk.. Brbk Brbk Frbk.. Br sh., Brbk,. tlrlia Brbk Brbk.. Brbk.. Brbk.. Brbk,. Brbk,", Brbk.. Brbk.. Brbk., Urbk.. Br sh.. Brbk., Urbk.. Spbk., Br bk... Br sh.. Brbk., Br sh.. Brbk.. Br sh.. Ambk. Br sh Amsh,. Brbk. Br bk.. llr.bk.. Or sh.. Brbk,. Br sh.. Brbk. Amsh.. Amsh.. Am bk. Br pk.. Br sh.. Ilr sh.. Brbk.. Ilr ah. Am bk. Urbk.. Brbk.. Amsh, Br sit,. Urbk.. Brbk. Ilr sh. Amah,. Br h 'Urbk... lit bk.. Urbk,. rr bk.. Ur sh,. Ur bk.. Br bk... Ur bk... Ilr bk.. Ur sh... Urbk.. Brbk.. Ur bk.. Ur sli.. Ilr bk. Br th. Ur s- Brbk. Ur bk. Br bk., Ur sli., Br h Ur sh., Urbk. Auuh.. Urbk. Ilr sh., Brbk Ur sh. Urbk. Ursh. Br sh. Ur bk. Atubk Aw sh ru skJ k Dispatched by O Caesar .t Co.., Balfour, Guthrie A Co uo Geo Marshall , Co lialtour, Guthrie a Co Queonstown do Falmouth ... (jueenstown i.itcrpooi.. do Quesnstown uo Liverpool.., do Qucenstow ao do LIterpool... .(juectistowi ao do Liverpool.,., Qucenstown uo do do do do do do do F&lmnnth (Ntuuur, uutune s: co tueenstown iwKi-n, Jteycr s. i.Q. Liverpool. Balfour, Guthrie A Co do uougrrs, iieterti uo. Jo tuiiour, wuinriesi: uo Rodgers, Meter A Co. Balfour. Guthrie . Co Mhson, Church A Co... 8alem Flour Mills Co. do Balfour. Guthrie X- Co Kodgers, M.ter. Co... lU'lour, Guthrie A Co uo Rodgcrs, Meyer, I Co... Balfour, Guthrie A Co Sibson, Churrh A Co... Balfour, Guthrie .t Co tto do do Rodirers, Meier at Co, do Sibson, Chnrch at Co, C Caesar at Co ... iiaiiour. Uulhrle at Co Sibsun, Church at Co. i uuegar as; uo. Destination. Sittson. CnunliA Co Corb'tt A Maclcav Balfour. Guthrie at Co C Caeser it: Co llaitour. Guthrie A Co u Hc.Near llaitour. Guthrie .t Co sibson, Chureh t Co.. do Rodfer. Meter ft Co.. Balfour. Guthr e & Co Miuson, Uliurch t Co. Ko-igers, Meter. Co, Balfour, Guthrie st Co it-Hiirers. Meter A Co Sibson. Church : Co Balfour, Gutbrie ! Co do C Caesar at Co .Mbfon. Churih .1 Co. IU four, Guthrie .t Co Mbson, Church a Co . C Caesar .t uo .. Mbson, Church A Co, C Caessr t Co lbon. Cliurth A Co. lUllour. Outline. I Co II. dgcrs. Me) er A Co. uo Mbson, Church t Co., Umlgers, Meter A lj Balfour, Guthrie A Co do lbson, Church d- Co. do Balfour, Guthrie A Co atitm Hour Mills Co.. Mbson. Cliurch A Ot. Balfour. Guthrio a Co C uaear !, OXh,. lUlfour, Uutlirle A Co (jueenstown ao LittiTool.., qieensto'u, r u.uuuin LIterpool ., 0,uecnsto'u . uo do do do do da Llter(ool K.vL-ers. M.ter A Co. G CUesar i COs..MH.H. ,Mbson, Cliurch at Cow do G W UcNrar llaitour, Guthrie A Co uo Sibsou. Church at Co. Salrta tlour XIUIsCo.. C Car A IU Jo Slbsoo, Church at Co. ao tUUour.Cuthriott Col sitvsuu t'nurch jt; ii. luiiour, uulhrle Ji w; . uo Queensto'n, liatre Oucvnsto'n, uo do do do do do do do Bordeaux,... ijueunton. uo do do do Liverpool ... tjuctn-ti'ti. do do do do Liverpool .. tjuertisto'n. uo do do do do do do do da do do Utcrpool M Juctuto'n. do do Utcrpool v4uutoa. uo Y Tcti! Centals. 22,810 2U.889 25,508 19,095 11,555 4,399 18,807 24,421 12,072 13,049 38,411 21,447 2U,bt) 20,403 24,10b 22,245 24,280 0,038 10.1HJ3 20,393 11,823 13,812 31,893 25,450 41,201 28,120 31,51X1 17.8M) 47,808 19,l70 2,504 5.091 27,445 32.527 0,720 28.700 22,S0 31,419 34,305 32,491 24,414 24,71 27,252 24,041 M,N5t 10,022 4,729 17,000 35,553 30,10s 19.U13 17,924 82.SSJ! 43,041 S3,20 21, till.) 17,720 20 432, 22.121 35,819 10.31U 21,870 31,400 23,335 2,550 22.302 25,125 25,112 32.211 28,465 20,000 35,074 17,910 18,098 SS,27S 29.707 30,780 2S.P07 S3.S75 42,020 28.115 W.liiO 19.542 I7,2s) ,MiO 32.819 37,010 33.004 Vt,M30 41.U52 44,5!: 19,(33 ;sss,sso Value, I 32,500 39,000 37,000 28,437 15,175 0,500 25,000 34,250 10,575 20,952 50,000 28.413 39,600 27,500 32.500 '29 000 35,210 8,100 18,500 27,100 15,000 24,455 40,234 34,510 54,900 35,309 40,890 24,100 04,700 17.500 3,000 0,300 38,150 50,400 9,415 40,000 31,330 35,000 47,251 44 000 30.020 30,150 35,5c0 30,1X0 47.7M 14,000 0,500 27.20U 65,227 40,000 Stijoa 29,010 52,140 bs.etid 62.MO 40,739 28,373 45,750 3,60il tio.oro 20,710 30,0-5 50.UO 37,330 4,06 37,750 42,000 40,173 61,538 48,000 34,01X1 61,175 SO.lXlO 30&53 40,250 48 410 60.M.U 44,000 0,5iT Tl,2ti 47,600 14.COJ S3.2U) 27,043 40,2X) 54,100 04.308 40,192 trl,OU 7I.OU bl,250 31,000 I. F. POWERS, MANUrjsCTt'RER. IMPORTER AhD JOBBER Olf FURNITURE, Bedding, Carpets, Paper Hang ing, Stoves, and Crockery and Glassware. Steam Factory Northwest Coiner Front and Jefferson Streets. Warehouse 188 and 185 First and 184 Second Streets, IOKTLAM, OBKGON. Bep9-tf OIIAS. HODGE, T. A. DAVIS, ESTABLISHED IN 1851. GEO W. SNELL, F. K. ARNOLD HODGE, DAVIS & CO., 92 and 04 Front Street, (cor. Stark) Portland' Oregon. Offer to the Drug and General Merchandise Trade a Complete Assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Chemicals, Glassware Shop Furniture, and Druggists' Sundries. ALSO WINDOW GLASS OF ALL SIZES AND QUALITY Of all the leading brands, In ksgs and tins. COLORS IN CANS AND DRY. Putty, Lampblack, Red Lead, Glue, and Varnishes, Including the finest brands for Coach painters' use. Paint, Whitewash and Varnisli Brushes, Linseed Oil, in Barrels and cases, Turpentine, Coal Oil, Castor Oil, Lard Oil, Neats Foot Oi Fish Oil, Alcohol, in Barrels and Casses; Blue Vitriol. Sulphur, Castile Soap, Concentrated Lye, Potash. Bitters, all kinds. Quicksilver, Strychnine, and Tar, in Pints, Quarts, and Half Gallon, Five Gallon, Etc. We are Agostta for Oregon and Washington Territory for THE HEST MIXED PAINT IN USE. Milliuckrodt's Carbolic Sheep Dip, Wnkelcc's Sheep Bath and Squirrel Poison, and -Aycr'saiid Dr. Jayne's Proprie tary medicines. We buy our goods from first hands, thus enabling us to compete with any market on the Coast as comparison of our prices will prove. SAX rRANCl.M ,-! IS FKSJNT fsTKtXr. ft ErlTYWK,-53 CBDAK STREET. AGAIN IN BUSINESS, Manufacturers and Importers of WHIPS, SADDLERY, HARDWARE, ETC. 110 Front Street, East Side, - - Portland, Oregon iV. li. Repairing Promptly Attended to. 1 3,ui,oa 3,000 Allotment Xss rsMt t sxessrsi thm ksmciM MM sMsTHflit nofmrw ! ssssslia sssssssHsi swsWlmstism. Th Orest WxaTxaK PuBuaBUto Cohpamt, of Cincinnati, Ohio, bats been commissioned to ccurv at itas oi jwaaai suoscnoers, hi wouo wui u sua, j f sns wj Basargg, ror one year. THE AMERICAN ARTISTS' JOURNAL. a publication to be Issued In the Interest of American artists. Each number will contain a variety of tine Encrsvlnss of tho works of American artists, and the original paintings from which the Oral number of the Journal will be Issued aa soon as the number or subscribers Is received to war. r&nt the DubllRtlon on the strenrth of Its advertising revenues. IVinfrai. h... lu.. ... ...u prominent advertisers, on tbe basis or 100,000 circulation, and the revenues from this source will be art fSJI Alan! S A . .ma. jwa aT tivtilfssaflntl wm wwv ee S44t BSTSB Tbe rmnt tbe publication on tbe strength of Its advertising revenues. Contracts bare been made with u.fllfMtnt to mvtr wi of publication. Tti allotment of circulaUon to this SUte la 1,000, &nd until that number U reached mhsrfh' BftK jittr-5 a'&l.miVt.:f - T-HJE XRXWITjr OF LOVELY GRACES. SDDl Tbe ITemlutn will be securely ciwiv ui is mrnae to cover either In silver or stamps. ?nSkedWMdSnbSSJ2D out "? rdln tbe followtnTtorm. .JR.VS; "a W arses ssresMsM to any point. Tbe nominal tuts expense, whlcn amounrmtLii be remitted wttb the appucauon. SIIBfirBlBTinU sDDIIP.TinilTekar.to.t.j r.a ...a. n . o. ww-rww"" . mi bivaiiun SH.kll.kt.. n... ?-VZ-jZm L7r, 1? lkWuijLlKiV.i.7iC..!. stsalMsflssMkeuses U stmtut .1 lu klinUtta. noilpta. thm MsuisctouMmeMlafHaiafaaarRrvlasansacrrlaf caarses u Us VrSamlTSi, IM"" THE TRINITV OF LOTELV GRACES. " Fr1. I. aau tKtel AT OKC. s.hUwUllmhaiks.Luk.. Jul kTrirti UU " u sasitlMsJ. U ncclnl k-Vr Uu ink, ii a.i.us. tk. OarsM rvaaissa INstTIUCTtllMS To stcure the benefit of the above Oder, Immediate application should rh JX?..W..,i 1! JV "t' i md- 0nlT " obscTtbers wiu be 'accepted rromtbUState: No Sh2Tt& niSf.1 "SJ? Lh Art Journal. It will depend entirely ouer5ricl3i blni tKSSSS2Sri-ID. Rm,um ?Il "" sElpped at once, reirdlesVo? the TaAteor l&bMfu&SSafZ&JSZiZ'tS-. l""czitiT''imf.lt recelVedsiUribeallounTot to wrft'AllniSn'd'tirZSrnTSr U KtmuX " ,u" n1 '" " ddre-- TUB tmr lUTMII sTBUaanxa Ot, 18 IUee sit, i ti-stt. Mle.w I S ii SSOffiSSl X