- -""jawW'WEr.":! WILLAMETTE FARMER: PORTLAND, OREGON, DECEMBER 23, 1861. VR9H A 2.60 Issued every Week by the llLAMKni: i'Ainn:u riiii.isinx; TEIIMS OP SUBSCIIIITIOA. n i O'otire r-11"1) In adrante ... . On UJUIIUI". V "i"" I"' " - ben thn lx month will lie, per month 25 AUVEKSISI.SO IIATfcS : Advertisements 111 bo Inserted, liroldlngtn re respectable, at the follow Injr taUo ol rates : Ono Inch of spare jit month .. . $ 2 uO Threw incbee uf ".c per month ",52! One half column per month Joo One column per month . 3W ff-&le copies pent frco on application. Publication O.llce- No Washi-iston htrcct. Lp tUirs. rooms 20. Band H tcction is assured. Many wiiito men cmploj crl on tho International and Mexican Railroad extension aro returning to Texas. It is also said the Mexican authoiities bavo ordered railroad companies not to pay more than 75 cents per day for hands. They have beeii paying one ilollsr, and hundreds have left haciendas to work on the railroad. Owners of haciendas took measures to stop this. The International has reached the Kio Oraude at Lsredo and the last tpiko was driven at 12 i.is o'clock to-day. House -sppo'inuicnu. Wasiiisotox, Dec. 15. Kvcrettll. Sanders of Wisconsin, has been appointed enrolling clerk of the House and Win. Leonard, of Ohio, reading clerk. ITK'iIH BY TELEttKAI'Il. The prohibition ticket was defeated TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. i:astjc:kk. tin: iHiTiixt m.xi t:Aii. Hcunl'ir Slnlir I'ri'M'iili n Kill ( Appordon II AtmiiiK llir IiMliitui In vttrrall) null lll'Pi.-c l Hie llaliince In hi lllcrn, Waihimitiiv, Dec. 1 1th. Senator Slater has introduced a bill con cerning the Umalill.i reservation, which is not only of local importance to Oregon, but of interest to all other Pacific toast states and territories, in which immense tiaets of valu able land are withheld fiom settlement ior tho occupancy of ndicuously disproportionate immbcisof peaceable Indians. '1 bis cnrcfully prepared measure dcah with a reservation of li0,000 acres of artblo land and timber hinlp now reserved for the benefit of less than "50 Indians, men, women and children. Sonatoi .Slater Ijiliuvcs that their welfare and tho in let ests of tho tato nlilco will bo 1 irgely pro moted by loducnijj Uns iinmcnso revrvatton and settling tho Indians on lands in severalty. Ho is eimli lent that a majority of Conjjirss will t.ku the Mtnu view, ami in the event of tho uastvgo if his bill ho will doubtless be followed by similar action in regard to many fcimilnr case", It provides, first, that a com mission ol tlneo disinterested prisons to be appointed by tho President shall visit ho icsuivntion mid asccitiiin how many Indians aio willing to lenmin on it aTid accept apri ciiltur.il hints in severalty n follows: To each head of a family, 100 acres; to each (.hi de poison over lSyeais old, and each oiphau child under that age, HO at res; to each child under 18 jears, not otherwise piovidcd for, 10 aeros. Tho eominissiouoifl aio theicup.iii to sot aptrt a Biiliicieiitiiicu for allotment and a icuitouiblo amount of pi-turo and timber lamls lot common uso, and .list 010 acres for an indiistii.il f.uiu sctiool. I ho totil aiot thus to lio ail apart is not to excocd 1-0,000 acies. Tlit allotments are then to lu made by tho government within tins ledueed icser vatioii mid patouts issued, ptoviding that tho Indians' lands shnll bo iiiabuuablo fur ten years and ho exempt fiom ull taxation, All tlio tiSiilim ot lamls uitlnn lliepiesmt liouiiil- anes nf tho Umatilla icnuvatiiiii, uiu tlicio upon to bo surveyed ami sold to actual set tlers at appraised values. Ouo-third of tho purchaso juice of agnciiltiiio lauds to be paid upon entry and tho tialauco in ono and two y. vim. 1 ho full appiaised value of timhei lands must bo paid at thu tiiuo of entry. Tlio aioa piiiclius.ilile by any one settlur is limited to 100 acies of iintmihu'nd I mil and an addi tional tiaet of 10 acies of timber laud. I'leli settler at tho tnno of cutty is icriiiircil to luako oath that hu is entemig the land for bis own uso and occupation mid not on account of anuthui. That ho has mado no contiact whoroby tho titlu shall directly or indirectly inuiu to tho lieiiclit of nnotbei and beforu a itieiit cm issue fin tiutunberul laud, tho pur ebasor is loipuiud to muUu pioof thut ho bus residol on tho land pmohasod at least one you and ledueed -i acits tlicugf to full cul tjvaton. No pitout can issue till all )iy n'leulHaio paid. After tint u v,ears fiiini ilate, win ii uuil lamls Klrill lie ilccUrml open to t-t t tlemoiit.mil subject to fe.il, idl iuids unsold may ho puielusud .it a'i appiaiid v.iluo vutli out limit as to ipmitity and without tettlo iiieiit. 1'eiMins ulio lino iRijuiiid, unJui liiniusti.nl and me emp ion Iimb, a title to lands ou thu borilei of tho us ivatiou, mado fractional by us nation huts, aio i served tho light to e onplctu tin n- limns to an ag giegitJ of 1(10 am s by tlio purch iso of alj i I'uut lauds of Ilia mstivation without lew deuce, hy pijing tlio appiaiscd value. I'ho hill pi.ivnlus that tlio fluids aiiaiug fioni tho Kilo of all thoso lauds i-li ill In pi vied in iliu United Htatea tie'-iiiiiy tu tho iredit nf tho Indians, to ill aw f p i cent, pur annum iiitu est, mid 'JO pi r cut. of said funds ma) be usud iiinlii- tlio ilnectioii of tlio l'lciili'iit, in assisting slid Indians in 03tililislnng thorn solves mi their all itmo.its, and tho rixidiio is to bo appliul to the siippoit of an iiidiintuil fai in iiinl sjliuol for tho tiaiiiiug an ediicitiou of cliildrou of mud Indians m the ails and niisuioiis oi n Hum in.'. I liu lull in I'ouilu- tdnu pinvidos b i .in appioiuutiou of I0,(HK) to cany Hi piovisions into olteet, iiielmlmg 810,000 tcr tlio spoidy cstabliahmeiit ot tho iudustiial f.uin and school, Hoston The Garfield monument coinmittco wants more money. '. Guiteau is said to be tho author of the cele brated Morcy letter. Supreme court will bo aclje timed from tho 22d inst. until January 4th. The Headj'ustcrs have nominated Riddle bergcr for thu U. S. Senate Tho first through I'ullman car from Dallas to St. 1-ouls, left on tho 15th. The popo has named Cardinal Howard to succeed the late Caidinal Kdward liorromco. Clerical journals say in Homo that tho ques tion of tho pope's departuio is seriously mooted. Another disastrous freshet reported in the Sangamon liver in Illinois, caused by recent heavy lams. In a row at licno, lexis, ono negio was killed, two wounded, and a white man mor tally hurt. Tho time for the completion of tlio first sec tion of tho Telutantcpei; railway is extended live months. oit'.i.uv inns. Our Ilrlcjiillnn lliulniilnx to Hurl.. llenro'ciilituo (loorce, of Oregon, on tho Kith intitiilui'id bills nf l'aoilio Coast intiitst as folloivH i AppropriiluiK fib.OOO for u mil itiry and s lentlllo expedition to nsoort.titi tho timcgiitphlual, gtiijiniihiial and other miuu tilio It.ituii's of Al.v.hi Toiiitoi), n i id itipop tilaliou ami 10 iinielviil and iinluvtil.il le MHin'; appiopiiitllig $Klli,000 to I'llinlnlr.sc tu Oii''uii lu'i Mo loo war expuuditiiiu and In ikbtO'tiues; to authorize tho .inditing of mi piid aco units on tile in uM'utitivo dipoit uicuU tor MipnlitM fuiiuulioil and scvued leu duiod t'i hull ill vial' S'lvi'-uj to ailthotljw thu sale of p ii t of the t'm it illt ieskiviitioii adji coiit lu tlio town of t'eiidlrton, and a copv of Stmtitoi tliovi'i'V hunt luiulutiou, dinetiig tho Seointiry of War to aseeitaiii and upon t Gongii'st tlio toUl aiiioiint of luoiioy ex pended uuil liidetitiiluess assiiinud by tho .state nf Oio;ou in auppicuini- Indian hostil ities, i to., miko ISti'J. lie also introdiicetl privato lulls for tho benefit of Win. 1'. Adams, M, 1', Joui'ii, A Siueuor, P. O, Sohvvatka.Sr., .lames Colic, 1'. Moms, W. S!n.v, J. II, Smith, Jniuei K. Sturtov.int, llulKy llob sou ami W. H. White. He iIIkIH -e llllnl.rn, lloiirirr. CllU'Atio, Dec, 15. 7'iiim Wavhinatou. .loll Clinndlcr, a will known criminal lavv)tr ol rit. Louis, lias iiocu ittuni'ilns associate couuiel for lluitoau, When tho testimony is nil in ho will make argumcni- and taj s Ins will either obtain aniiiittnl on tlio groom! of in sanity or div iilu the jury, liaiiiulua l.ililrnrr, Timti I'lttsburgi John l 1'iittvr has been summoned to Washington at a vvitnes against (liiitoau. Ho will tcatifj that lie encountered tlio nts.isiu ltst Juno iu Wailiiiu-ton. (!ui. teau said liowaito lx npjioiiiteif couiisol at l'Aiis, ad dim;. "If 1 don't get that appoint ment there will boinoro t-xcitciueiit lieic than there lias biou siuco t.MJ.". Mrliilll Troulilrt. 7'ii'iM San Autonis, Tevasi Orat disordors 'J ho caso of Oeorgo 0. Ootlung, charged with tho murder of his wife, is now ou trial in San I'lanciseo. Albert Itlaucr, a German, aged about .15, committed suicide at Napa, Cal., on tlio I till, by shooting. .Jennings, who murdered John A. Iiarrctt, .iicspccted citieu, was lynched at Atistiu, New, on tho 14th. Western Union has declared a ono half per cent, iiuartetly dividend. This leaves a sur plus of $1,010,000. Kx-Senator Paddock, of Nebraska, will suc ceed Assistant Secretary Upon, who retires fi om the trca jury to-day. It is understood that liudlords will soon meet to express indkiiation at the working of tho land aet and demand compensation. l'ivo new cases of smallpox are reported in San Francisco on the 14th, by the health offi cer, making ten cases since Siturday. Liabilities of ,1. L. Derg & Co., dealers in ilrug-i, jMnmun .Lane, A. ., $i'Jlj,Ua(i; nomi nal assets, $150, 1 U 1 ; actual assets, $(i!l,595. At tho anuu il mectini; of the national coun cil of tl0 United League at i'hil.olelphia, on tho 11th, tho present olfictrs wcro re-elected. An uprising of Utcs, Piutes and Navajo In diins is expected iu tho Spring. Mounons are charged with giving them arms and am munition. Iu consequence of opposition to a schemo for a indiistiiul exhibition in Dublin, a strong movement is on foot to cariv ou the nroicet at llelfn.it. Margaret Dns.'oll has instituted suit iu San Francisco against the Sutter street railroid company to recover S25,000 damages for per sonal iujurius. In talk with a Tribune repoiter last oven ing, W. II, Vandcrbitt denied ho was respon mb'.o, any longer at least, for a continuance of thu piesent lailioad v sir. Maceulloso, who thnw a lovolver at Den- latii, prima minister of Italy, bis been seu ti need to a v ear's lmiiiisuument in thu Kl.iml ' . . . ol lscliii, with a small line. In nceoidauco with tho notice of tho comp ti oiler of currency, tlio stockholders of the Central National 11 ink voted to pay an as sessment of 100 per cent. Tho husband of Mrs. Ncttio Whcoler, of Now Voil., went to a houso of ill.f.iino winch ho kept, shot her iliad and then shot himself tin co times, resulting fatally. Dospito denials the postiinbtcr-gcnctal has icsiijiied for January 1st, bocau-o of impot taut and picssiiiK private business in tlio now bank which cannot wait. The Fiench minister of inaiino has foimed a project for prolonging brc.iUw.Ucis at Cher boil i g so as to iiielude the loidotcad, Tho works will cost 10,000,000 fiaucs. Smallpox in Chicago seems to bo still in criasing, and w holes do vaccinations aie nf tl illy inciiricnce. The entuo post olhto foice, iiiciuiiiug carrieis, uas neeu vaccinueil, Thu impel hi government will bo nsked to iiupiilo into tho stones of haiah tnatmciit of Nova Seotiins working m ulver mines in Mexico, homo miueia have been shot. A. A Murpliv, who was shot a few days ago hs Kilt. Seliloh, limine; a ipi iriel, died m San iiauciseo, on tho 14th. ihochaigc of minder has bctu booked against eliloli, It is unilirstooil that Dallas, after Decern bor 15th, will ho headipiartcrs of the 'Gould bvstom iu Tovas, and that F. II. Newman will bo m.ulo Line! of tho Texas agents on tho saino dato Five overdue steamships arrived ou tho 1 Kli at New York, one, tho Soimitct, being J" davs nut fiom ltntol iu terrific giles, Her first and thud othcirs and eight seamen wero iluablul. A lolejiaiii anuoiincis that Peteis. the al ii ged ilulil iniirilt rer, Kuiivndi'red and is now iu Swetshurijh j ul, Voimout lluvatsof Ivuching aiu nude, and ti.o Jul is cloclj guai ded. Tlueo thousind signatures have alieady been obtaiiied by tho society of lliooklvu wnimn to a petition to bo sent to Congies in tho latter part of this mouth, asking for speedy abolition of polygamy in 'Utah. An appeal to Christian woineu to join the autl polygamy society is also being citviiUted in the principal cities of tho United hUU. Aililcv speaking to liis ixinslitueney at Ventor, liopcd the proscnt powcis of tho gov ernment in lirland would bo suUieient, but that if when parliament assembled it would bo nectssary to ask for further powers ha lie liovcil tint tho giv.it liberal constituencies would bo willing to accord them. James Harris, a will-to-da farmer, whoso homo was at Atlantic, Ions, cut his throaton. tho 11 th on a l'ullmin car on tlio westbound Union Pacitio train, near Kearney. Ho was occupying a Iki tli with his unci at tho time. Ho was left at Kearney in an almoit lifeless condition. Teinporiry msanitv was the vaiuo of tho deed. He lcaiei a wife and three children. Auditor Uriel wcilel has filed with the State controller and board of supervisor! tho follow ing statement showing tho liruneitl condition of tho city of Sin Franciico on D.c. 1st i Tho amount of bonds illicit Is $A, 113 800 tHltstauditii!, ?.V.!5I,M10 llMtiug debt, ?1S.- ti .n.i inioresi on noating iti ii', sua ss arc reported across I im mo Uratule Aiurri aimunt of caii m tivnury. 3 1,111:1, 31 2 -J3 cam nro king inunlcrcd daily amino pro- i county rate of tnatiou, ?1 15 jh $100, items uy tj:llkaiji. Five thousand irn-n aro said to bo now at work on the N. P. Railroad and only 700 miles to bo completed. Senator Miller, of California, introduced a bill to incorporate a Nicaragua canal company. ev. o. vjtraut is vuo ui mo incorporators. Robinson, of New York, introduced a reso lution in Congress asking that American sympathy bo extended the Irish patriots. A Constantinople correspondent suggests that tho Ottoman epccial mission to licilin should visit Vienna instead of going to Uome A boat containingU4 persons left Galvvay on the loth for Arran Islands. Midway of tho passage it was wrecked and all lost. Dillon lias been indirectly informed he could at onco obtain liberation by promising to leave Ireland, no rctuecs to give the pledge. It is not truo ex-Senator Paddock will be made first assistant secretary of tho ticasury. Folger will appoint a Now Yorker whom he knows. J. Bancroft Davis has succeeded Ilitt as first assistant secretary of state and Secretarv Hunt is to take Judge Davis' place on tho bench of tho court of claims. It is intimated that tho final settlement of tho trunk line dilficulties may bo on a basis of equalities on oeetn freights and dillcrential rates on grain on local distribution. The stocks of tho Utah Central Railroad, Oregon and California Railroad and the Ore gon Tianscontiucntal Raihoad bavo been listed at tho stock exchango at New York, In consequence of tho Vienna lire disaster the lord chamberlain of Loudon has request! d managcis of theatres to separate the system ot lighting the auditorium from that of the stage. Tho good times now prevailing in San Fian- ciscoaie indicated by trade iu holiday articles lor tlio current month, amounting to ?1, 500,000. Several hundred tenant farmers p'owed ParuellV farm at Avondale, WicMow count, and pcifonued all other work thereon. De parting tlioy cliecreil 1'arueII, Dillon and Father Shechy. A. W. Hurley was yesterday afternoon fatally shot by Geo. Cruzan at Gunnison, Col. Cni7an claimed that Hurley threateui-d his life and that the shooting was in self-defense. Lorenzo Ranker, a prominent citien of Schagticoko, N. Y., has been sentenced to ono year's inipusonincnt for defrauding Rev. W. II. Meeker, of Hoosao Falls, out ot SIO. OOO. Thrco skiffs containing eight workmen cm plojed on government dock No. 3, Charles ton, W. V,i., wero driven by tho force of tho cuircnt over the dam. Four of the occupants were drowned. Home rulers in Paris sneak of nuttino for ward O'Doiiovan, correspondent of tlio Daihi Aetci, as a candidate ior parnaintnt. It is stated he will ba asked to go on a lecturing tour in tho United States. An attempt was recently mado to assassin ate Mayor Clum, of Tombstone, Arizona, ou account of trouble growing out of the mur der of sumo cowboys by desperadoes, llalh day and Karp brothers. Chum escaped. It is stated iu well infocmed circles that Vamlcrbilt is about to retire from active man agement of his property, leaving the practical administration in the bauds of Ruttcr and Cornelius Vanderbilt. Julius Rector and wife, (eoloicd) were shown out of the Grand Opera Houso par- quetto at St. Louis on tho 14lh, and their money relumleil, Hector, who is principal nf a school, will institute pioceedings against tho proprietor. 'Ihero is now afirm conviction at the palace at Constantinople that an olTepsivo and,, do fensiva alliance will shortly be coifcmdcd with Germany, that state having tho coin minding political iniliieiicu that luiclanil once vlpescsst d. Tho ruins of tho burned theatic at Vicnni luvobeen thoioughly disinfected. 'Jhofitst outbreaks of liro wero speedily extinguished. A iramli.r of coipscs and fragments of bodies weie recoveied. 'I lie King and queen of Italy subsciibod S1.000. Mrs, Ann Jiunison.sa highly respected old lady, icsident of Lake llutler, Florida, was ansassinated on tlio 1 Uli. Herhotisowas first tired, and ns she was running- out was shot by a man, Rcfoio dying sho said the as3issiu was her son-ill law, Aaro-i Sapp. Special Assistant Attorney General Cook is in Philadelphia in consultation with Ronj. Han is lirowster of tlio counsel in the star mute prosecutions. Cook savs he has been instiucled to imniediitely proceed iu prose cution of tho r,Ur route criminal suits. ViiiicVSan Antonio: Neir Piesidio, Del Norte, on tho Northern Rio Graudo, Chief Anaquatti and thirty of lis tribe, tho main remnant of Vietono's baud, bavo been cap tured by Mexiciu tioons and tho chief and soveivi uncus snot. llneo luiliaus wcro killed in making the capture, ITEMS IIY TELEGRAPH. Many copies of United Ireland hare been sticd in Cork, Tho authorities of Livcipool and Glas gow are taking precautions against fires in theatres. Dennis O'Connor sent to Patrick Eagan at Pans $10,500, Chicago's first contribution to the anti-coercion fund. Tho Academy of Music was crowded in every part at Philadelphia on tho 10th on tho occasion of a reception to Rev. Father Shechy. Mr. Lowell, American minister to England, has been instructed to lay before the British Government our desiro for modification of the Clayton-Rulwer treaty. Reports that reduction of through rates cither limited or unlimited tickets will be mado by the Pennsylvania railroads aro de nied by the officials. R. W. L. Itasin it Co., of Baltimore, exten sivo manufacturer of fertilizers, have made an assignment. Liabilities estimated at 500,000 or upwards. Assets not known. The final testimony for the prosecution in tho Guiteau case was heard on Friday. The pruonei's wife testified that ho showed no signs of insanity while living with her. Railroad men whoso names hive been men tioned in connection with tho S"), 000, 000 in surance company in Davenport, are pretty unanimous in disowning their interests therein. Gocttel is the name of tho gentleman who contributed 02,500 floiins for the relief of. suflerors by tho theatro lire. Ho is an Austrian by bath and a naturalised Ameii can. A Vienna relief committee was organized at Biltimore on the 10th. Many prominent citizens took part in tho proceedings. Two thousand dollars Was subscribed on tho spot and $1,000 forwarded. Indians in tho Pembina mountains came in to announco their supplies cut otF by quaran tine regulations, and their pernio starving. Collector McMurton telegraphed tho fact to tho Indian and war departments. Capt. Col lins has volunteered to send provisions from Foit Pembina. STATE SEWS. R. A. Hawkins, of DalUs, has been found not guilty of horse stealing. Theio is a good opening for a sawmill at Springwatcr, Clackamas comity. Henry Smathers, of Clackamas county, got six gillons of oil lroin a black bear ho recently killed. J Gus Anderson, of Sheridan, arrested, charged by au irresponsible party with adul tery, has been acquitted. War rages in Clackamas county and there is blood on tho face ot tlio moon. The two Oregon City papers h ive locked horns and is to pop. Tho citizens of this county, says the Fall City, on tho routo to Soda Springs are making vigorous enorra co nave a mail routo estab lished fiejm Oregon City to that place. It has been needed very much for a long time. On Monday, at Oregon City, tho train killed 18 sheep belonging to Julius Logos and 9 belonging to Wheeler Church. Tho same engineer crippled and killed a lot of horses between Oregon City and Canemab tlueo yeais ago. John Myer, a young German, living about 5 miles northeast of Lebanon, shot a charge of buckshot at a pheasant last Saturday and killed it, but his father hannencel to bo on the other side of the pheasant and received one of tho shot in his leg between the calf and the ankle. A sentry guarding tho prison at Malaga noticed an F.iiglishmin walking orouud the walls and eh illeuged him live times. The latter, not understanding tho challenge, re mained silent, wheieupon the sentry shot him iteail, .Military authorities aro investigating me case. Among tho bills introduced in tho Houso on tho 14th, was ono providing tor the restora tion of the Khunitli Indian reservation to tho public domain, with a proviso that tho rights of piesent settlers to nnko homestead or pre emption entries shill dato back to tho time of actual settlement. Tho following nro among tho postmasteis appointed by tho Prcs.dent on tho 14th: Wil him V. Cliinco, at Astoiia, Or.: John J. Sim leer, at San I.uh Obispi Cal ; Llovd V. Nan cvweu, at Visnliaj (). F. Townscnd, at Yuma, Aritona: V, i. Buxiks. nt'loiubstono. Aiirona: John L Keppier, at Gloudali', Montana. Thrco cars containing 250,000 cards of silk worm eggs each caul having 30,000 eggs, passed llast on the 15th overland; total value $250, 000. Tho eggs camo from Japan and aro bound for Milan, Italy. Formerly shipments vvcio made via India. Four Italisu nicrcIiauU have charge of the precious cargo. Acting Postmaster-General Hatton author izes tho iiiling that no supplement containing any advertisements whatever can ba allow cM in mails at second class rate's, unless the pub lisher makes affidavit that the same rates aro pud for advertisements in tho supplement as tor those In the boely of tho paper. SteK-MioUera of the Keoley Motor at their annual meeting at Philadelphia adopted tho rcpoitof the directors to the etlect that tho inventor should, lor the protection of stock holders, take out patents. Judge Advocate Gcucral Swain submitted his review of the Whittalcr court martial case ta,tho Secretarv of War. The verdict of the coutt will not be nude public until the case is acted upoti by the Presielcnt. TEKKITOUIAli. Walla Walli needs warehouses.' Of tho 111! cases of smaliuox at Davton. but Is! proved fatal. Tho Walla Wallu Union has increased its tlio to 23 columns. Gilbert ind Wasjon aro writing the history of Walla Walla. The machinery for a new doming mill has an I veil at Cheney. A daily beat will run from Texas Foiry to Lew lston as long as tho stage of tho water will pennit. Robert Sullivan, w ho shot McDonald, tho foot-iacer, at Seattle, Ins not escvpod, as stated, from tho Washington penitentiary. Tho Kaus.is eolouv at Whatcom i .lnin . rt..,l., T l l...i. . - uut.j. n iiiiiiiuuiD ucouiy sixty poisons on tho mound and .13 many moio to cumo within tho next four months. Four families aro to go in tliero tho ensuing week. A marhlo quart y has been ducoveied in Spokau cotiiry. Practicil judges anuouuee the specimens shown to be ot excellent iU,il ity. Tho qmtiy is extensive. Capt. Peaie, of tho steamer iilard, and Mr. Ihorno claim me discovery. Smco the Oregon Short Lino Railroad, says tho Idaho Jicmoi rat, has liecvin an nsi-aJ fact t'io crtrics of laud are increasing in this district. In the neighborhood of WciscrCity nearly all tlio land has been taken up, but there is an abundmeu of laud in other locali ties tor all who want a homestead. It has often been alleged that duriu" tho oxistenco of slavery m the South, Northern ov ci-secrs w ero the soveitst taskmasters. Tho Southern people have alo contended that theio is more piejudico agaiust tho colored peop'o in tho North than In tho South. Ro cent ev ents seem to fuiutjh piool of this. At the 11g1nn election thirteen coloied men were returned to the legislature. In one of tho counties of Ohio a colored mm ran on the Republican tiekot for tho Legislature. How.13 do'eated, while every white Republican on tho sime ticket was elect-d. An iucident like this betrays a prejudice of caste. Dr. J. R. Nichols, in tho Boston Journnl of Chtmhtrg, tells how to reduce bones.: "Bieak 100 pounds of bones iuto small fragments and pack them iu a tight cask or box w ith 100 pounds of good wood ashes which hive been previously mixed with 20 pounds of dry watcr-shekeel lime, and 12 pounds of sal soda. Twenty gallons of water will saturato the mass, and more may be added aa require!. In two or three weeks the boues will bo soft enough to turn out on tho ham Moor ami mix with two bushels of gooel soil." Miss Benson learned that Randell, who was wooing bcr at Mount Vernon, Ohio, already had a wife. Sho waited until he mado a formal proposition of marriage, and then ap plied to a justice for his arrest on a charge of bigamy. Being told that the crime of b gimy required a double marriage, she lept her secret, let ths engagement result in a wed. ding, and then triumphantly sent him to jail luuiicuiivij utter wic eerviuany, The Petersburg (Va.) Indtx-Aypenl prints the follow inc. Miles l'anl.n .,,,.l,,i,f,. u. largest man on record, boru in North Carolina A HF.illLT l:..COIJMT.U. The particulars of a murderous shooting af fray, which occurred at Prinoville, Wasco county, on Sunday last, between Henry Vaughn and Charles Long, have been received here. Tho two parties had been drinking and gambling during tho fore part of the day and had quaireled ovor their cards, but were sep arated by friends. About 2 o'clock in the afternoon they met in Tell Glazes' saloon.took a drink together and commenced talking tho matter over. Neither would acknowledge to being in tho wrong, ami one word leading to another the quarrel was renewed, till both drew their pistols. This action caused a speedy evacuation of tho Baloon by everybody else present Tho two combatants shot away till their pistols were emptied, when their friends rushed in, nud it was found that both men wcro seriously, if not fatally, wounded. Vaughn received a serious wound, the ball entiling the left breast above tho heart, and tanging through the left lung; also, a scalp wound over tho left templo bone. Long was shot four tunes, one ball pacing through the left breast and right arm, but not bieaking it; ono through tho shoulder, breaking tho shoul der blado under tho point of tho shoulder; one iu tho forearm, tho ball ranging upward, making an ugly wuiicil eirzlit or 111110 inches iu length, and ono in the left side, tho ball stopping near tho spine. Dig. WhiitaUcr and Gesnor took tho wounded iiiph in charge and succeeded in extracting all the balls from Long, but failed to get the bullets froln Vaughn's body. Henry Vaughn is well known in sporting cir cles in this State and tho adjoining Territor ies. Ho commenced his career in Wasco couuty, where ho was born by, at the age of 15, riding off a horse belonging to another man. He and a companion were followed by SheiilT Mattock, of Umati'la, and thrco dep uties, and surprised w bile asleep in camp. In tho afiiay which en'ued his companion was shot dead and Vaughn fatally woumlcd ono of the deputies named Hart and also shot Mattock in the jiw. Ho reciived several wounds himself, but c-caped. Ho was finally captiiied and was sentenced t tho neniteu tiiryfor life. About five years after ho w. is naiiloiicil out on petition. He has since fol lowed gambling as a piofession, and lias been engaged in sev u al despeiato affrays. About three ears since ho shot and killed 0110 Pitt Smith at Boise City, but was acquitted. A little over a year ago ho married at Boise City the widow of a man named Ruby, who was killed in tho Ncz Perce outbreak. Sho was wealthy and since his manimo Vauchn was well supplied with coin. He spent several wcek 111 this city a short timo since and is re ported to have lost and squandered some $S,000, a well known gambler hcie having won over 2,000 from him at one sitting. V.iusbn, w ho is known to his associates as "Hank Vaughn" or "Bunch Grass," is said to be a dating fellow, and when in funds free hearted and generous, but when drinking a qu urelsomo and b a-a-d man. He appeals to have met bis match in this encounter, which from all accounts is likely to TJrove his last. Tell Glaze, in whoso ssloon the nuarrel oc curred, will be remembered as a saloon keeper at Dallas, Polk cuunty, who was implicated in tho killing of Whitney somo years smco. TJIT. AltSON I'AbK. COWS WANTED. TWO OK THREE OOOll COWS, ONE AT LBAW must be fresh. Jersey stock preferred. None bat gtou nniheri MMIKU. dec! Im Address K. IUUMAN, East Portland, Or, A SUPERIOR HARROW ! FAKMlii: Etr.RVlTIIMir. WANT IT-JIE. chamcs r. i:itvTiiriti: oa. make it. I will mail tho jilin, and rlj'it to nnko one, to th. first In any placo who sends me tl. Ilniroiis mid iiarl or Ilnrriivrs For gale. 1 have used this harrow two vparn. .and . i... eril of niv neighbors, and o know it is superior to m" other hanow of similar cost. ' For further particular addres 1110 at r.uttevllle. Or.. Ron. JOII.N W. I1ATCIIELOR, Airent. D3RS. S. E. KELLY " Succnn LLY TREWS THE FOLLOWIKO IHscai.cs troth Chronic and Acute, in Women Djspcpsla, Ilillniisni-ss, Llvir Complaint, Diseases of the btomach. Constipation, Nervous Disorders, Ilea Ache, Heart Disease, General Iicblillv, Diseases of tht lildnejs and lll.elder, Piles, AfT.ctfons of the Ianurs and Throat and Female Complaints generally, n.unK..i t - iau uii ui au.iita, MRS S. Tleasant Home, Multnomah Co,, Or. E. KELLY. 1J TUTTS r IjLiBLS INDOPSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYWP70M3 0FA TORPID LIVE. Ios8 0fnppotit(i,Kauroa,bowelcostlve Vain inliioHeacljvHthiTciuU sensation in the back rmrfl'anruncler the shoulder blade, fniln essrt? ter eating, with a dlain" cllnation lo exertion of body or mincf! Irritability of tsmpar, jjow spirits, Iiosa 6T memory, with a feelirTg offaaylrm neg tocteet sotno duty, weariness. Dizziness, 17 lutterrog ol the Hoaif, 0ots before tha eyes, yellow ijkin, H eadache. H estlcBS ncos at night, hfchly coIorocTUrlne. IF THESEWAHNHf GS AHE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DCVEL0PE0. TUTT'S FILLS rere especially adapted to such cases.one eloeo effects sucha change of feeling as to nBtonl&H the sufferer. They Xnrrf .isellio Apiiellfe, and cause tha body to THlie 011 rieali. thus the sstem Is xiiiiirl.iicil.andbvthelr'XoiilcActtononthQ A) JffMllt e Sli'frann, Itcular MtoolH are pro duced. 1'rlco ii cents. 3.1 jKnrray tiU. N.V. itraiiBB u 1 &.i ORAVlTAin or WitiSKKres changed loaOLoasr Black by a single Application of (his Dve. It imparts a natural color, ucih Instantaneously. Kotd byrug(!hts,orse!itty eijretuon rt-ceiptoftl. Offlco, 35 Murray St., New York. a Dr. TlirS .1-1 Mil. of Vtlu.il. larorui.llo. ..d k VleMnil Ktc.llU lll b. MtlKd inEB oa .p)lle.Uga. Jtulgo Stott delivered his charge to tho jury in the case of tho Stato against T. V. Aueltows ostorday morning. The jury was out about three-quarters of an hour, when they returned a verdict of " truilty as charged in tho indictment." Tho indictment vi as for arson in settiuc; liro to a dwelling, as the rooms above the store occuiisd by Andrews wcro occupied by Mr. Hummell as a resi dence. This fact vv ill add considerably to the length of the sentence, as the penalty in such a caso is for not less than ten nor moro than twenty ye.113. !uildinj:s are often burne.i wheie it is the gencial impression that they are eet on fire, but tho crime of aisjii is a eliihcult one toprovo and convictions for it aio laie. DisttictAttorncy Caplcs has devoted consid- rable time to working up this case and is de serving of much credit for his success 111 se eming a conviction, as it was tho general opinion tint as in nearly every similar case the t'tiilty would escipu punishment. Aison is a heliums cumo, very p.-opcrly ranked, next in enormity to murder, ns. anyone guilty of it not only dustnys property, but takes the ehatieo of destiojing life as well, and as in such a case cannot fail to hnvoa good elket in dcterrim: wicked and mmcrunulous n-i. bons from attenintinz such a dastardlv oiimi-. Mr. Caples Ins good reason to congratulate him-olf that h:s untiring efforts have added tho security 01 tho hies and property of our citizens. Tho community is fortunate in pos sessing so indefatigable an oflicial. w ho has made his name a terror to ovibdncia. aa is amply pioved by tlio number of culpiits who have pleaded guilty rather than take their chances, with tho boat counsel obtain able, iu a contest against him. gue Mixture I The clumbers of commerce of pan's, Lyons, mat. Hrehelle, Monlpclicr, OrenoWe. An- Jan. '.M, ls.7. He was 7 feet flinches heh pou erne, l!.y,u..,, .Vviey Ilav re ami Mar- nn.l in IM3 ve.sheel b71 i i," A I e Ik. pronounce in favor of i.egotal. eons for death hi. we got wiu lltl Uover I 0M a 1 rnneo Amerii.Mii tr,tv .if -n,,,.,.,.., .. . a over j.evu ..,. ,. a tViuo4vmvi ivuuuii Tub Itosenrnn Stau RonrK. Tho an nouiKcino'it was lcccntly mado, says tlio Tmu3, nf Washiugton, tint the Post Oflico Departuieiit had ordered a reduction of $2!), GG0 per annum 111 thu pay of the contractor who holds tho important star route fiom Hedding, Cilifoima, to Ko3cburg, Oregon. Tins loute connocts the railroad nysteni of California and Oiegon. The reduct.ou was made becaiisoof tho discovery that every other day trips hid not beon performef' and that third class matter had been carried by steamer fiom San Francisco, This fact was known to the Department 111 IS70. Tho lino has .re cently been eiaimiied by one of tiu Depart ment inspectors, aud his report is of such na turo that it is haul to see why the Govern mont should not ivcov cr somo of the money wrongfully taken from the treasury by Con tractor C. W. roater, who belongs to" tho vv ealthy llai low partj , WlTEUN U.MOS Surtllt.NTEMIEhT. Col. Clovvry, vvh succecdrd Gen. Anson Stager at Chicago as general superintendent of the We.tcrn Uniou Telegraph lines, anivnl in Sau Francisco on the 14th inst. lie is accoai nauieei by his private secretary aud J. J. Dickie, nip;rintcudeut of tho Omaha distuct. Col. dowry's visit is ono of pleasure and bus iness coinbiued. It is his first tiip to tho Pacific Coast, and he expects to remain here aliout a week, when he may visit Oreaon Tho telegraph division over which Col, dowry's exeiciscs jurisdiction is the lamest on tho continent, extending from Chicago to the Pacific Coast and south to St. Louis, lie served duriu the entire neno.1 nf H,a ,,. aud was gazetted lieutenaut-colouel for Ins serv ices in me military telegraph corps. Xot Taken-. We noticed yesterday by our 1 oriiaua cxclianics, says the Salem Statu, man, that Shenif Huclitel was eoing to return with McKernand Smith to have them tried in the Multnomah circuit court, for robbing Dr. 'i'lit-Hing and Lucerne U-sser. As jet i-iey nave not ueon taKcn, oras far as we have neau!, ever asked for. It is a le-al qjesticn as to vv hether the authorities have a right to take erimuuls from the penitentiary, while they are serving out a sentence, to try them for another ollcnse. The prevailing opinion MH'ins to bo that tho trial for the last oilVnso shoal. 1 not Ik coiimcutleel unt I ths culprit s t iiu of eatenco Las expirei. Chills -and Fever aro pormanently cured by Dr. Jayue' Ague Mix tare. With a little care on tho part of tho patient to avoid exposure, and tho occasional uso of Jayne's Sana tive PiLLs.thls remedy will bo found to bo cortaln In its operation, and rad ical in its effects. In many section of tho country subject to Ague anc other malarial diseases, it has an es tablished character as a popular spe cific for these harrasslng complaints, and the number of testimonials re ceived show that its reputation Js constantly Increasing, Intermittent and Remittent Fevers aro effectually cured by lr. Jay uc's Ague Mixture. In these com plaints caro should bo taken to follow tho directions closely, and especial attention given to the liver, which should be assisted in performing its functions by Dr. Jayne's Sanative IIOIIUK, DAVIS CO rvLOn Wholesale Dealers fortlm i 03 lcj-rouniiip(fo,i,A-tiiiiin,IlroiieliItl8, fatnrrli. UyKciopTi i, llcnii.-.e'hc, Debil ity, Ac urn It; Id, l:ipuiiinliiii, and nil (lirouloiiuet Acrvuns Iliisorelcrg. l'uck nctsi uir.y ht ouvnilintly seut by s-x-iiri'ss, ready for ImumlUtcuseiit Jioiur. SenU for iren trentino n thotixsceu (rc.it ment. Aililre'emtlinptoprletoivr lion, liIKiiiatiirmcot, i''iiln.,Pn.. ,T.J,.,' MATIIKWS, I'nt-ille Deimsllory. iou .Uoiittronior.v.'ic(:uin 'iaiii'tM.-o.Col. THE mtffiM8M8aC0Z: ROSES Tba only estbahmeiit makln uuinmiiur KUtitva SPECIAL for rtOSFli alone. We deliver fitremg rc f lants. 80 LARCE HOUSES Hipf Rtnm& lint Pl.nl. Biutauioieruaai dliw Tlcvaa,. i j by msit. i-ostpsiJ. 8 erlendl J r.eti lair- l. fj'rry -fV tl help.l.frSllf C?l I1.1CT JJl ititirA. ftKfnrSUSt 7RfQP "J". I06 ior I3. Vie GIVE SlUlVJn Dru Vilums tab Extras, core ROSES Uiau lacctca. UbUtumeaU grav. Uur NEW CUIDE, a conpUu jrrmlu. en t. a170rrula"y IllutlraltJ ftM U a 1- - inb winv.HK a I.UHHKU bill SWH se Orowers, W;ct Orets. Cluster Ce47 m R C A C the y a r ur. feck s Artificial tar Drums rKltPKCTIVY RWSTOnK TUB lir.lKI.MJ .i.u1'. m ' ' wur ul " lllunel Drum. .ilwsi-1 1 1 pa ,0 iIt lusf.iuio tu alliens. All CXHiver.. 1 and t-vru wiiUiwrs lieard el . i .1- vy rfr u tbi Eiluc Una. &end for ' X?-Z.T. "!" n' n "fmoolals. AdJreu, U. r. E. PECE & CO, e-a Urol, j,tw Ywk. A