Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 25, 1881, Image 1

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At tho present time, owing to the failure of
the corn crop in tho Western States, pork
hears a higher price thau was ever known in
Oregon. Meat packers are paying 7 to 8 cents
per pound for slaughtered hogs, ami the
farmer who has n good lot of store pigs is in
luck, because there is moro money in w heat
made into pork than selling it at 73 to 85 cnts
a bushel. There is always money in pork at
whatever the market prico lias been. Last
week we published a communication from G.
V. Hunt, of the Waldo Hills, who tells how
hts hugs fatten on Fall Butter and Lawrence
pears, and he told us last year that ho had
just planted a Urge pear orchard for his hogs
to feed in. Wo not long ago published the
experience of Mr. West, of Chehahs, W. T,,
who makes a successful business of raising,
fattening, killing and curn g pork, and evi
dently has a reputation in that line that is
worth possessing. We also gave tho experi
ence of Mr. Sunderland, who lives on the
Columbia river, whoso practijo is to cook up
vottetablps and apples and mix with mill feed
All these make pork without extraordinary
expense, and realizo handsomely by to iljiiiR'.
We have at various times given the expeii
enco of di IH rent persons in this line; some
have fed barley to advantage ; some have fed
green corn stalks in Summer, others have let
hogs run on clover ; and this reminds us that
Mr. It. H. Tyson, of Middleton, Washington
county, was in a few days ago, and hi says he
has hogs that are actually fat with running in
his clover field. So it appears that pork is
easily made in this country by those who
make a system of it. Vet we see Eastern
hams and bacon and lard sold in great quan
tity here in our midst, and even carried to
the best hog producing districts for the use of
t. farmers. There is something ridiculously
K - wrong about this ; a great lack of good man
agement to improve opportunities.
Many farmers prefer to sell their pork on
foot or in the carcase, to curing it in good
shape for market. They can make good
enough meat for their own use, but they
often lack the ability to prepare it suitably
for sale in cities. Country meat is, of course,
as good us any, when properly cured, and we
know, from considerable home experience,
that it is easy enough, with some oare and a
little knowledge of what u requisite, to make
the best of meat. People who live in towns
are always governed in great measure by ap
pearances. It two pieces ol meat are ottered,
oue being trimmed in good shape and pre
pared with care and taste, while tho other is
roughly cut and has no style, tne city pur-
i'V-1 chaser will always pay several cents a pound
XM mora for the one that suits his eye, while
there may be no actual difference in the qual
ity. Every farmer ought to know this, aud
any farmer can learn in what shape to cut
mrat by noticing the hams and shoulders and
ides that are for sale in stores put up in first-
class manner.
While many prefer to sell their fresh meat
to the regu'ar packer, others evidently make
good profit patting it up. themselves. We
lately heard of the experience of Mr. Wm. M.
Case, of Butteville, Marion county, who says
he took one single hog as a test, weighed it
cured the meat in good shape and made the
lard well, selling the products for a price that
netted him over ten cents a pound for the full
weight of the carcase. For the care given he,
of course, had some value in manure, and
when be was spending time it was during the
late Fall and Winter when farm work was not
orowding, so there was little expense.
There ought not to be a pound of meat
brought to Oregon or Washington. We have
more inducement to make a thorough business
of miking aud curing pork than exists any-
tx wnere else, ana a nine extra wont m garueus
j aud to grow root crops will make it easy to
more important theme for discussion in these
columns, or in grange or club, than how to
make pork a successful product and grow it to
best advantage.
A very important matter in this connection
is how to improve our native stock. We have
the Berkshire and Poland Chinas that seem
to be the roost popular breeds, and we ven
ture to say they are for sale cheaper in this
State than anywh-re else, because those who
have shown enterpri-e in importing the best
stock of swine have never been paid lor their
trouble, aad are glad to get rid of them
cheaply. The same is true of imported cattle
of bt breeds, while the men who bring
good horses sod ahrep here are usually well
repaid for their enterprise. The hog has been
bred up to great excellence, and, with care,
has attained perfection. Any 'of the best
breeds fattest easily aa qaicaly, and make
better meat than the long Moated common
viae. Good stock hog can be got by erase
lag p-ire blade on th o 'Samoa i the result
will be constant improvement and meat
aai.r and chssasr.as we'l a Utter,
To shew
. srJ.A efimr ktte 7l .-
H-aasaatiBBBBBBW -v sbv r .or .k . m, f . a - v 7 - v t wm .a a bbbsf" -m -k. -a v- i
4sw r5h " ? N Ws w fcsaaV
how much importance is attached to hog rais
ing in the East, we state that in one number
of the St. Louis Jourml nj' Agriculture we
counted seventy-five advertisements that
oflereil swine lor sale, while m tlie II.H
MtTTi: I'ahmku to-day there is not one. Men
who havo advertised in the past unanimously
assert they lo t money trying to bnu good
swine here lo improve Oiccon s'oek. It is
time that our people began to realize the value
of good stock in all brandies. They know that
they gain byiinproving their horscsand sheep,
but let swine and cattle come as they will.
It is nva isary, if we are to maintain good
standing with other countries, that wc follow
up in a reaonablc manner the improvements
making in connection with all branches of
tunning, and stock raising is the vital princi
ple hat the fanner succeeds upon.
We have lately sUnvMi how a tingle matt,
no doubt represent! g a ring, mo opolizcs the
sugar trade of the Padtic Coast, puiketiug all
the bein tits of reciprocity with the Hawaiian
Islauds, nud adding freight acivss tho conti
nent to the price we piy, so that we are worse
oH' than before the reciprocity treaty was
adopted. e have, in the past, argued tin
need and the possibility of growing cane or
sugat beet in Oregon, and manufacturing our
own sugar, but time docs not seem to have
developed any satisfactory mode of sugar pro
duction. The experiment of planting sugar
beets on the Puyallup, on Puget Sound, was
encouraged last year by liberal prizes offered
by citizens there, but wu have never heard
that it amounted to anything beyond experi
ment. It is proven that sugar beets can be
grown anywhere, on suitable soils, in West
ern Oregon or Washington, aud also in locali
ties east of the mountains, and we have seen
it asserted that alkali soils were especially fa
vorable to that vegetable, but as yet no man
ufacture has been attempted. One difficulty
in the way of establishing augar beet factories
lies in the great cost of the same ; for the
works, requiring costly chemical appliances,
are very expensive, and the manufacture in
Europe was only sneessful after a long trial
and wrt'i heavy subsidies for its encourage
ment from the governments interested. It is
now fully successful, and immense capital is
engaged in the business. No producer is a
manufacturer, however, but beets are sold at
a certain price, as other products ara. The
farmer knows that he can sell his beets, just
as our farmers know they can sell their wheat,
and such a condition of things here would be
eminently satisfactory.
Several points need to be considered before
sugar manufacture from beets can .be safely
attempted. First ; Can the farmer afford to
grow beets for a price the factory can pay ?
Second ; Can labor be procured at a cost sugar
manuftcturc can afford? These are not diffi
cult questions to answer. Third: Can sugar
beets be grown here of a good quality pos
sessing enough saccharine matter to work
well? This, we believe, was successfully
answered iu experiments of sugar beet raising
both in this valley and at Puyallup. While
the cultivation was generally defective, bo-
cause sugar beets need to be planted in grouud
stirred to at least eighteen inches in depth,
which was probably not done in any cae, and,
as a cousequence, the beets were not grown in
perfection. Still, the yield in saccharine mat
ter from beets grown in both sections was
considerably above the percentage considered
available in Frauce, and better than the aver
age of Calilornia grown beets, and far above
the average of beets growu in Maine.
We havo demonstrated the leading fact that
our climate and soil are adapted to the suc
cessful cultivation of the sugar beet, and that
the beets grown ht-re are above the average in
saccharine yield, and the only doubt seems to
be if they cau be grown and manufactured at
a profit. With that decided favorably, t
believe a factory could be operated in this oity,
and a fall supply of beets for iu use gathered
from the rich bottom lands that are to be
found near by, so that beets could be trans
parted to it at reasonable cost. A factory that
would promise a Daying price could contract
in advance for all the beets it Wuuld need for
the year's supply.
Sugar manufacture from cane has not yet
been attempted, but rich syrup has been
made both in Southern and Eastern Oregon.
That su( ar can be made follows as a matter
of course. It requires much less expensive
apparatus to manufacture sugar from cane
juice .than from the juices of the sugar
beet, because there are fewer resisting
and foreign chemical ingredients to be
overcome. So that, if sugar cane can be
grown prolifically, there is no question aa to
ability to derive sugar from it at small ex
pense, sugar cane cannot be grown satisfac
torily west of the Ctecadea, except io the
warmer climate of Southern Oregon, and it is
well aaougk to accept that aa a fact, thaogk
experiments on a small scale.will no doubt be
continued by enterprising farmers in the en
deavor to discover somr variety of eano that
can bo successfully acclaniatizcd. Amber
cane can be grown to good advantage in favor
able localities east of the Cascades, and we are
pleased to hear that grown cano is to be man
ufactuicd this season into syrup in Umatilla
county. The success of this effort will per
haps induce further trial, and if it warrants
sufficient outlay we may-look for increased
cultivation of cane in that region. Tho object
to be attained is well worth serious efl'oi t, for
we need, as far as possible, to become imlc
pendent of all other States and countries.
Money by millions is paid for tobacco in
the various forms which men abue themselves
by using it, and when one looks at the whole
sale tiadu of this city that is entirely carried
on in the various items that make up the
qnalitiea of smoking aud chewing tobacco,
and considers that bss lies this much tobacco
is sold by retailers that is not wholesaled here,
then inquiry comes : Why not grow tobacco
in Oieou?
One day lately we stepped into a xhop
where they were manufacturing cigais, for
there are a number of places in this city where
cigars are manufactured in tho rear and sold
iu the frnt shop. The cigar-maker happened
to be an intelligent man who had been brought
up in the tobacco business, an 1 had once in
his life be n seut to Cuba to buy tobacco for
his employers, he understood something of
bow tobacco was to be grown and cured, aud
explained the modiu operandi of its manufac
ture, either for chewing or smoking, so we
spent some time watching him fix his "fill
ings," and then make "wraps," and then
manipulate the two to turn out the perfect
cigar, at the same time he told us his experi
ence It sems that while Cuba tobacco was once
considerhd the best in the world that of late
years Connecticut tobacco, that is grown in
the valley of Connecticut and Massachusetts,
ranks equal to any, as the rich, sandy alluvial
of the river bottoms is good soil and the farmers
there, having made a study of the business,
b th as to growing and curing the leaves, have
aojuired a proficiency that gives them practical
control of the business. Tobacco is not
grown to the full, strong leaf, but for the best
smoking uses is picked when tender, before
maturity. It requires some skill, probably to
cultivate tobacco, but the farmers of the
Willamette Valley certainly have as much
natural "gumption" as their Yankee br. tlireu,
and they can easily learn so simple a thing as
how to grow tobacco, and, besides, there are
many of our farmers who came from the to
bacco States and already understand bow to
bacco is grown. It only remains to ascertain
if this suil and climate are adapted to such
culture, and from what we can learn, it must
be capable of producing good tobacco if put to
the test. We have frequently seen tobacco
exhibited at State and County Fairs, and
there were some fine specimens exhibited at
the late Mechanics' Fair in this city, so it is
safe to conclude that it can be grown here.
ihe cigar maker above alluded to spoke of a
friend of his, who is well versed in quali
ties of tobacco, who says be saw this Summer
tobacco 'grown by a farmer near Buena Vista
that was of the beat quality for manufacture
of the finest cigars.
If tobacco can be grown at home for the
manufacture of the various varieties needed in
commerce, it will be a great step towards in
peudence and encouragement of mixed farm
ing. The trouble probably is that farmers do
not know where they can dispose of their pro
duct when it is grown, for theiv is rot yet a
fixed market for the raw leaf. It is always
so in a new country, but that difficulty will
be overcome as soon as it can be established
that tobaccco can be grown to supply home
needs. Manufactories will rise to make it up,
in various shape, as soon aa stock to manu
facture can be depended on, and no doubt the
cigar makers of Portland will be ready to buy
what they can use in their grow ine business.
Something ought to be done to retain iu this
State the millions now sent abroad for manu
factured tobaco, and to grow it and manu
facture it here will be an important step taken
towards making ourselves independent of for
eiitu markets, aa we said in the outset.
Evxnr friend who sends u a new subscriber
doe the most effectual thing possible to aid
aa. While we credit the sender with one
third of a year on hi own subscription w
alill feel that w ar hi debtor. It i often
th caa that a subscriber once made become
a steadfast friend. Our list ha a great pro
portion that have been on it five, tea and
hundred even thirUea ears, since th first
Kigbt thousand cask of wine were de
stroyed by a recent flr at Bordeaux.
When at Olympia two weeks ago we had
the pleasuro of meeting an old friend, Hon,
Horace Stratton, formerly of Eugene, for two
years past a resident of Farmington, in Whit
man county, the Palouso region, who not only
represents tlm people of that county in tho
Territorial Legislature, as he formerly did
Lane county in the Oregon Legislature, but
has the additional honor to be Pictident oi
tho Council of which ho is a member. Mr.
Stratton describes Farmington as situated in
the midst of a fei tile region that be enthusi
astically says has no superior on the face of
the globe.
Our leaders have no doubt read that the
Oregon Improvement Company have bouglst
of the Northern Pacific Kailroad Company,
some time since, a tract of tailroad land lying
in tho Pnluuc region, of nearly 500,000 acres
in extent. Wc copy this week, fiom the Pa
louse Oazrtie, a statement that the Improve
ment Company is now engaged in breaking
ground, making improvements and construct
ing dwelling houses on this land, w ith a view
to rendering it easy for those who purchase of
them to make homes and immediately become
producers. Of courso they expect to sell the
land at a profit, and when we become informed
of the fertility and favorable lay of the ground
in all respects, we wonder that the N. P. R.
R. Co. ever consented to dispose of it.
Mr. Stratton gave us particular! of this
600,000 acres owned by the Improvement
Company, and as Farmington lies in the midst
of it he is able to speak corr.ctly. Ho says
every acre of it is "as good land aa lios out of
doors," that the Walla Walla Valley baa no
better land; that the world cannot show bet
ter land. This being the case wo can under
stand that this land is valuable and will find
readySaale. While we naturally deprioaja
thyLonopoly of land in any manner, one
company may as well OWrt'lt aVaribther, and
as the present owners propose to make it ready
for the purchaser to begin. life upon, and will
furnish improvements at the lowest cost, we
can respect their enteiprise. The description
given by Mr. Stratton was only a fair estimate
of this beautiful region and with millions of
acres of such land to produce faithfully the
Palouse Valley will soon begiu to furnish mil-
lioas of bushels of wheat to swell the com
merce of the Columbia river.
When at Seattle recently we hsd the pleas
ure of meeting Hon. Jas. O'Nell, of Colville
Valley, who is a member ol the Washington
Legislature from Stevens county, a region
close to the British line and of which little is
known. We took advantage of this opportu
nity to obtain all the information possible
concerning that vast and unsettled region,
and were surprised to aacerttin from him that
of the great area of Stevens county, supposed
ordinarily to be sterile and mountainous, that
fully one-half was good arable land, contain
ing many very rich and productive valleys,
and that stock raising was prosecuted to good
advantage. The mountainous regions contain
mining districts that will yield returns in the
future, aud unlike so much of the eastern part
of Washington this northern part is well tim
bered aud watered so as to present every fa
cility fur successful agriculture. Tin con
struction of the Northern Pacific railn ad
makes it possible to throw a brui.ch road to
a point on the Columbia not very distant from
the main line, which will be the key to a gnat
agricultural district, btouse, above thin point
for 300 miles the Columbia is navigable for
steamboats and on each side, including the
Colville valley, is a wide stretch of farming
country th .t can be easily made available
when immigration shall reach that way, and
at the Ttle it is tending towards it Stevens
county will soon lie iu demand for actual set
tlement. There is a warm reach close to the
Columbia, near the Colville, where they grow
tomatoes and melons, as well as other ten 'er
vegetables, though the uplands are not secure
from frost. The time will come, no doubt,
when navigation of the Columbia will be con
tinuous to the British line, when the rich ag
ricultural district that lies over the line in
British Columbia will send it product down
the great river.
Different Indian reservation occupy much
of this neirtheru region, but the time ought
con to come when Indians will be given
homesteads and held am liable to law, and
protected by it aa other citizen are, and not
planted on Kerrai ion they do not utilize.
It doe not seem possible to put them away
so far on the map that civi iz&ti.n wiil not
overtake them. They are to ! pitied some
what, but the feeling of our day l growing,
thai an Indian sfcould take hi chance with
th world and learn to labor and be self-sup
porting, not remain a mcr vagab- ml and ob
stacle to progre.
W have nut attempted to give any very
definite idea of this region, but to presont
to public attention the evident fact that this
country of which so little was expected, will in
time sustain its proportion of population and
will become iu turn productive. As we turn
from one part of the supposed w ildcrncss to
another we learn that the resources of all sec
tions develop beyond expectation. The very
sa ml and sage brush that w as scouted at as com
paratively worthless produces good yields of
wheat, and while there arc name stretches of
country that are of no aluo, those arc now
becoming tho exception not tho rule. Wo
publish cHowhcre in this issue noi-s of a
journey made by Hoa. A. W. Bash, Collector
of Customs at Puget Sauiul, to the &lvillo
country and beyond, which gives bis intclli
gent views of this, same remote region.
Of courso the producers of this country
have not the means to invest ill building man
ufactories, nor is it to be presumed that tlicy
havo the business skill to conduct them,
and therefore they aro dependent on cap
ital and skilled industries to mako many
products available. Thcro is plenty of capital
in existence to do all that Is necessary to en
courage production in all possiblo directions.
Wo discuss, this week, tho cultivation and
manufacture of sugar and tobacco, and Iciievo
that we are able to produce both in sufficient
quantity ami of excellence oi quality to justify
manufacture, but where the capital to manu
facture must come from is the important ques
tion. We suggest to those who are interested
in making Portland a great manufacturing
point, that if the fanners can see a good mar
ket for sugar beets and leal tobacco they will
support capital in the attempt to create a
home supply to equal the demand.
Serious damtge has of late been done to tho
reputation of the Columbia river, and to the
coinerce of this region, by the wrecking of
three vessels within as many weeks. It
seems that Shoalwatcrbuy has been frequent
ly mistaken for the mouth of tho Columbia
snd this mistake cost the life of one lino ship.
Ano'her was nut aware of the new light hav
ing been built on Tillamook rock, and sup
posing that to be tho light north of tho
entrance, his good ship went ashore. The
other day another ship, loaded with an im
mense cargo of wheat, undcrbaik to sail out
with an east wind full in her sails, because
the tugs w ere spoken for in advance of him
by several other vessel', so the Edith Lome,
losing her wild midchanneL tossed at 'the
mercy of the serf, and her bones lie fixed in
the treacherous sands of Clatsop Spit.
All the wrecks that have happened at the
Columbia bar, or near there, for a long time,
have been due to want of good judgment and
not to any fault of our river, but as so many
such accidents are occuting, we ought to look
the matter up, and decide what can be done to
accommodate commerce more perfectly, and
make the entrance of the Columbia both safe
aud popular. To be safo depends much on tho
conveniences we furnish for entrance and exit
of vessels. There should bo good tugs and
plenty of thuin to attend to tho incieating
business. The merchants of Portland ought
to wake out of their selfish indifference, be.
cause the tune has come when trade may go
elsewhere. They have had fancied security,
but Puget Sound is at our very doors, and if
the Columbia river is to remain a scarecrow of
navigation and a perpetual complaint from
navigators, then the completion of the North
ern Pacific road from Portland to Kalama, and
the O. H. It N. Co.'s road from Portland to
The Dalles, will make it pons bio to ship car
toes direct fiom the whe-at fields if Eastern
Oregon and Washington t) deep water rm
1'ugi.t Round, and when thst time, comes Port
laud may depend upon it that commerce will
be governed by the great natural laws, that
regulate it everywhere else.
The people out-ide of this city will insist on
sei ding their wheat where it tan lt be sold,
a- d when safe in car grain can be carried a
hundred and fifty mile further at very small
expense. What the commerce of the Colum
bia seeds and will have If it is successful, is
the best appliiuces tliat can facilitate, and
they must Im furnished at a reasonable price.
Portland must it- p iu and provide all that is
needed, and accept on'y fair price for all
dcrvices rendered foreign ' ir. Ext-ition
used only to grind the producer, but now it
will react on the commerce of this city and
drive trade away aa soon a there U a rival
place to drive it too. To inak the Colombia
river popular with ship owners Is now the
moat important duty of th merchant, prop
erty owner and millionaire of Portland.
Tlie Winter fiiht have began at Weston.
Ou man tired a pisVd at another nd miawd,
.ad anothr bombr wa cut ou th. ueaa by
a flying tumbler.
NO. 41.
A New Dsparture.
Tho Oregon Improvement Company's outfit
for developing their lands ai riwd in the vicin
ity of James S. Davis' la-t Friday, the I lth,
anil began operations at onco on section 13,
township 18, range 43. Tho train cousisted
ol six wagons heavily loaded with agricul
tural implements, tents, commissary stores,
etc., forming tho best outfit of the kind that
has ever e'omo to our notice. Wc-undcrstand
it is the purpose of tho company, as far as
may bo found ava lablc, to employ tho teams
of tho farmers, in addition to their own, and
vigorously proccuto tho work of plowing and
seeding until at least '.'0,000 acres of their
lands sro prepaied fur tho hat vest.
For many reas uis Wc congratulate the
farmers of the Palouso country upon this ac
tion of the Improvement Comi.iny. A weal thy
corporation, ow ning, perhaps, tho finest body
of agricultural lauds in tho Noithwest, en
gaged in their cultivation. To our people, and
especially to our land owncm, the company
say: We havo such confidence in the unfail
ing resources of your country that we are
willing to rick latgo sums in tho cultivation of
tour lands adjoining you. The action ot tho
company enhances tho value of every acre of
laud in the Palouso country. It gives almost
positive assurance of the early construction of
a railroad line, in timo to move the crop of
tho coming season. A few not engaged in
agriculture will dislike to see so large an area
of grazing country broken up, but this i a
narrow , consideiatioo compared with the
standing it wilt give our farming land and
stimulus it will bring to our couutry. A wa
understand, the company propose to sell thew
lands, plowed or seeded, whenever the settler
most deems it to his interest to buy them in
this condition. A a business, this extensive
cultivation of land by the Improvement, Com
pany is no hazardous undertaking; every acre
of land will bo worth ami really tell for the
additional cost of plowing.
Unless tin efforts of the company are
threatened by an unprecedented failure of
crops, a yield of from sixty to seventy thou
sand bushels of grain will be the result, which
will leave them with their lands cultivated
and a handsomo piofit. Fencing, and the
erection of small houses, for which the com
pany have Borne three million feet of lumber
accumulated at their niur.o at Dayton, will
follow iu early Spring. 1'aloute (lauttt
Railroad Survey.
Tho surveying party of eleven men, under
the charge of Col. Hiirlhurt, went over tse
mountains last Sunday, says tho Jacksonville
Stntinel, and camped near Cole's, at the point
where the heavy grade will begin. They will
probably be at work between the summit and
the California lino a good part of tho Winter,
and may have some rough weather 1 1 contend
with. Mr. Hurlnurt's work is to make the
final location of the road from the summit to
the Klamath, and it may bo necessary to run
a number of lines before this can be accom
plished, Ho begins at the Klamath, aud will
run to the summit with a level, of couree, in
stead of using the aneroid barometer to obtain
tho a'tituder, as iu tho prelimiuaiy surveys.
A Portland engineer had been engaged to be
gin similar work on tho northern approach to
tho Siskiyou piss, but was prevented by sick
nets from coming out, ami Mr. Howard, of
Jacksonville, will probably be seut in hi
stead. The exact location of tho required
tunnel can not bo fixed until tho line of up
proae.li has been a ttleel, and there will doubt
less bo a little delay as possible, hh that the
boring of the tunnel may he begitu ut an early
A Cieowti oir Not.uii ts. Tho new baggage
car anil engine iiitoiwcd lor mi y em tins en
vision of the narrow gauge, Lays tho Hilvcrtou
Ai'i'fnl, passe I up the road Thursday, On
lioard were the following gentlemen who be
fo'0 proceeding beyond Hilsctton come up
and took a survey cf the town: ('. W, Prcs.
ciitt, general manager O. H. & N, Co.; J. J,
M, Buckley, general superintendent 0. It. &
N. '" ; John Muir, general freight and ticket
ugent O. it. & N. Co.; Postal Agent, Ben
Simpson; J. M. Fillmore, acting superintend
ent uar ow gauge division O. It. & N. Co.,
nnd his successor, J. L. i'riecj slso Cuast
Siiperinteixlrut Ila-sfow, and Dudley Evans,
of Wells, Fargo's Express Company. These
gentlemen are uiakiug a tour of the road pre
paratory to the order of postal service on the
line, which will begin in all probability about
the flr-t of D cemler. Payinsst r William
Heiih'ilin, i.f the U, K. & N. Uo., also passed
over the road on Thursday ou the regular
traiu for Bruwnville.
Dalle kllltary Road Company.
It is stated that Th Dalles Military Wagon
Hoad Company have sold out their road and
lands to English capitalist, who intend to
puttheroal iu thorough repair, and so con
struct it that it can be traveled at all seai
f the ver, from The Dalle, via Canyon
lAA, Vnrf RI. n.i M..ak. !., Tk U
comiany bav sufficient capital to arinPlj
this, it m said, aud a. determined"0'10 "T
tbev undertake. Aa soou a th-.."
In nrnitiir nnii.lttinn fh lnjt Will t
and cJf.ie I fur sal. It I"" their ini
to indace some wcll-to-Jo tS"glin "
settle I'O th pioposeW route. liate