Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 18, 1881, Image 3

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    . .lit -I
OBEGON, NOyEMBER 18, 1 ;1.
f f
Edited bjr Mr Harriot T. Clnrhe.
tie (till and rest, in that serene reposo
That on this holy morning comes to those
Who have been buried with the cares that
The tad heart weary and tle tired heart ache.
Lie still and rest
God's way of all is best.
Awake! arisel Cast off thy drowsy dreams!
Red in tho cast behold the morning gleams.
"As Monday goes, so goes the week," dames
Refreshed, relieved, use .well the initial day:
And seel thy neighbor
Already seeks his labor.
Another morning's banners are unfurled
Another day looks smiling on theworld;
It beholds new laurels for thy soul to win;
Mar not its grace by slothfiilness and sin,
Nor sad, away
Send it to yesterday.
Half-way unto the end the week's high noon,
The morning hours do speed away so soonl
And when the noon is reached.however bright,
Intuitively wc look tow;ard the night.
The clow is lost
Once" the meridian crossed,
So well the week has sped, hast thou a friend,
60 spend an hour in converse. It will lend
New beauty to thy labors and thy life
To pause a little sometimes in tlio strife.
Toil seems rude
rbat has no interlude.
raw ay.
from feast abstain; be temperate and pray;
Fast if thou wilt: and yet, throughout the day,
Neglect no labor, and no duty shirk;
Not many hours are left thee for thy work
And it were meet
That all should be complete.
Now with the almost finished task make haste;
80 near the niglit thou hast no time to waste;
Post up accounts, and let thy soul's eye look
fn flaws and errors in life's ledger-book.
1 When labors cease.
How sweet the sente of peace!
The sight now and then of a puny little
baby, suggests the idea of a little talk upon
tbi subject,' .for it' is a wonder that so many
infants do live through the first two years of
life, or that more do not succumb to the
ignorance of young mothers. Iudigestion and
teething shortens the life of tho majority. A
fretful cry and tho mother immediately gives
it, food, when it is most probable that its
stomach is already overloaded. In these later
times it is often the case that' the mother's
milk will not suffice, hence the drug stores
are well supplied with the beBt' and latest im
provements in nursing bottles. Whatever
may be the reason for this deterioration in
mothers we cannot say, but still It is a, fact
that few babies now have their rights in this
line, and tho mother 1uJ the. sweetcst,.dcjtr
st privile.w of maternity' when she canuot
press the little face In her bosom for food, tlu
sovereign balm for eveiy infantile wound.
Whiro naturo refuses a lull supply it is really
best to dry tho breast, using cow's milk en
tirely, the milk of ono fresh cow. Babies
should bo like little animals,, fat and sleepy,
and would be if properly treated. Nothing
but milk should be given the first year. Only
for the first three months need tho milk be
warmed in the bottlo; after that tho milk
of ordinary temperature is better, giving less
trouble at night,
There is less reason for colic, if a bottlo is
led, for we mothers all know by experience
that the mother's milk is affected by circum
stances, wash day leaving the tired,, heated
mother in no condition to give healthy milk
for baby. Many mothers will give infants of
two years meat, bread and potatoes, which
they cannot masticate. Milk, mush or broth
is best. Fruits cooked are good. Teething
especially disturbs the whole system, creating
more or less feverish symptoms which, if com
bined with bad digestion, makes it perilous to
the child ; so nothing should be given but
milk until this period is past. Another hint
to girl mothers : Keep baby warm. Flannel
must be next the skin in this damp climate
when it is cool nights and- mornings ; though
the the temperature may seem comfortable to
grown people, yet baby, with nothing to ex
site circulation, will be cold.
If there is a big open fireplace in the living
room it is better than where a big black stove
gives out its fluctuating heat. Every family
that can should have this luxury of an open
wood fire. There will be less of fever, colds
and "shifties" among babies; the warmth
perTades the surface of the floor, and them a
good rag carpet should be there to soiten tne
bumps. The comfort of the little children
should be the first consideration; if well fed
and warm they will make less trouble, and
are not apt to cry. The looks of garments or
surroundings are not of consequence. The
ysung mother had better start out with the
determination to give up for a few years all
society, home is the best place for babies,
and for a mother not much comfort is to be
had visiting with children on either side.
Then the little ones are happier at home, and
will miss accustomed privilegei, and are fret
ful without them, unless there is "mother" to
go io with the little ones. The great aim
should be to have the, children grow yp
healthy and strong, and how to do this may
be summed up inla few words r Keep them
warm and dressed warm, with plenty of plain
easily digested food, letting nature have a
aae to work in case of slight sickness, and do
sot dose with doctor's medicine for trifling
These days of motherhood should be happy,
anil when, in after years, the children have
gone out into the world a silent longing ill
one to the heart to be able to again press the
dear ones to your bosom, with the good night
kiss, wishing to be able to a.ain count the
little face' that used to lie sheltered and safe
in the little beds. There are worse troubles
in the world than having children. It is to
lose them.
Home training shows in this, and tho moth
er who is "mortified to death" at the bad be
havior of her child away from home, must re
member that good manners arc not like a Sun
day garment, to be put on and off for tho oc
casion. But every day in the privacy of home
circle, tho lesson should be taught a disagree
able child can make a meal very uncomfort
able indeed. As we had occasion to know not
long since, "why I never knew Johnny to act
so before," said a distressed mother, only -e
knew that Johnny did act just so three times
a day at home. "Johnnj, I shall whip you if
you don't stop kicking tho table." Johnny
know better than that, and kept on, adding a
tune with his knife onhis plate, "Xow I shall
take you up staiis." This caused a howl that
only tho promise of "a bit" for candy could
stop. Finally he got down under the table,
playfully pinching tho legs of those he felt
bcstacquaintedwith;alittlopersuasion brought
his head up above the table once more, when
he cried, "I want more meat. ".No; dear,
vou have had meat three times." "I don't
care; I like it awful well." Thereupon, with a
dexterous slight of hand, he snatched a piece
from tho platter and triumphantly chewed
away at it, keeping time with his heels. His
mother was mortified, and I was glad of it.
She said he was only six years old, and did
not know better. Several more little perform
ances gave us the opportunity to gently lead
him from the room, and the grip with which I
executed him, made him look up with aston
ishment, and thoroughly frightened, kept qui
et a whole hour.
There is a great disposition now-a-dayB to
notice children's ways and smart sayings, and
occasionally I And myself completely ignored
all attention from the mother ccaiug, while
sho answered tho questions of the children
only returning to conversation after the
youngsters are attended to. The old maxim
of children should bo seen; not head is a dead
letter. Old Fashioned Mother.
Meat Fritters. Sift a heaping teacupful of
flour and half a teasponful ot salt into a bowl,
mix it into a smooth batter with tho yolks of
two eggs, a tcaspoonful of salad oil, or melted
butter and tepid water, enough to make a bat
ter a littlo thicker than for griddle cakes; set
this aside for at least two hours; twenty-four
will do it no harm. When it is to be used,
whip the whites of two eggs to a stiff froth,
first adding a pinch of salt ; stir them lightly
into the batter and put in the slices of cold
meat. Have a saucepan or small kettle of hot
fat ready be sure that it is hot enough then
drop the slices of meat, well covered with the
batter, into it, and cook' until nicely browned
and done. The pieces should not touch each
other in frying, and -should be turned so as to
be well done On both sides, when thoymuet
be taken fror;..the fat with a skimmer and
laid on kitcbe3paper,.o drain before serving.
Skm theJloGseJtwrtMes'of batter oil 1-Jfr-puttir'ic.
uioJo fritTe'u, or they' will burn and
Aiil 11. Strain the drippings through a fine
(sieve and it will answer for next time. Hither
boiled or baked meat may be served in this
manner, and bacon is particularly nice.
Tomato Catsup. Wash half a bushel of
ripe tomatoes, cut them in pieces and remove
all green portions, as they injuro tho color.
Cook until soft, then strain through a sieve,
pressing well to obtain tho pulp. For this
quantity allow half an ounce of cayenne pep
per and a scant teacupful of salt. Stir these
into the catsup. Tho spices, being dark, will
injure tho color if ground and put in loose. To
avoid this bruise an ounce each of white
cloves, cinnamon, allspice, mace, celery seed
and half an ounce of black pepper-corns ; tie
them securely in a thin muslin bag, and when
the strained tomatoes have boiled an hour and
a half put in the bag of spices and boil as
much longer. Add a quart of good cider vin
egar, Don lor nan an nour aim turn mvu u
stone jar to cool, after which mix a pint of
brandy or pure spirits thoroughly with the
catsup and bottle it, putting a strip of hOrse.
radish root in each. Use new corkB to fit the
bottles j soak them in hot water, then pound
in as tightly as possible, and cut the cork off
even with the top. Make a cement by melt
ing together two ounces of resin and one each
of beeswax and gum-shellac. Insert each bot
tle in the hot cement, and when cool dip
Chili Sauce. Half a peck of ripe tomatoes,
six large onions and four red peppers chopped
together. Add two cups of sugar, four of
vtnesrar, a tablespoonful each of salt and
ground mustard, and two teaupoonf uls each of
cinnamon, allspice, ginger, nutmeg and
cloves. Boil for an hour, strain through a
coarse sieve and bottle for use. The same
sauce made of green tomatoes should be bot
tled without straining.
Knitted Leggings. Uso four coarse knit
ting needles and dark blue or brown yru.
Set up forty-one stitches on the first needle
forty-two on the next and forty-three on the
third. Beam every other stitch and knit
around eight times, thin maik the middle of
the needle which has forty-one stitches with a
white thread, It will be the twenty-first
stitch, and should be seamed from the begin
ning. The next time around narrow the nine
teenth and twentieth stitches together. Seam
the twenty-first, slip the next stitch with
out knitting, knit the next, then draw the
slipped stitch forward over the one last knit
and drop it from the needle. Knit arcund
four times more, seaming every other stitch,
then narrow, seam and slip i.ud bind as be
fore directed. Continue In the same manner,
narrowing every fourth time around until
only eighty-four stitches remain. This will
reach the top of the boot ; knit the balance,
seaming without narrowing, until as long as
necessary, then bind off half of the stitches
and carry the rest down a short distance to
protect the instep. Finish the edge with a
row of plain crochet, and fasten on an elastic
J bind to pass UneatU the sole of the shoe,
41 $m 4IiiliIrcti'
Burzing and gay in tho early dawn,
Fresh from a nap on' the pirlor wall,
Out for a fliuht over garden and lawn,
Fearing no tumble and dreading no fall,
Came a fly
A lively, frollicsome, bfue-bottlo fly
And his feet
Were as neat.
And his stybi
As com plete,
As his brain
Was replete
With the mischief that laughed in his eyel
"What glorious fun I'll have to-day,
When the baby's asleep and tho nurse away;
When Rover lies by tho kitchen door;
111 waken them both and make them roar!
Oh. what larks!"
Cried the rollicking, reckless, blue-bottlo fly;
What a cry,"
Said the fly,
"There will be
After me,
When I'vo done
And ho wickedly winked his wee eyel
"Then I'll go and dance on grandpa's head,
While ho struealc's to brush me awav:
And tiekle his ear till he'll wish ho was dead!
And over tho table at dinner 111 play
Back and torch,
And feast on crumbs from a freshly-baked pie!
And I'll up
From the lip
Of each glass
That may pass
All sweet things
Dinner bringsl"
Qouth this riotous blue-bottle fly.
But, alas for the plans he had laid!
And alas for tho day just .begun!
For this fly soon lit in the grateful shado,
To escape the hot rays of the sun,
And to dream
Of the sights that should soon greet his eye,
When, unseen,
From the green
Of a limb
Above him,
On his head,
By a thread,
Fell a spider,
Who coolly devoured that blue-bottle fly!
Christian Union.
Our dear little friends still keep this column
I .,tt.tli,i,l fl.mirrli nnmpfimra ven liivn liail faara
. . . . .
every letter in the drawer, for, true to a .rulo
we have, no do not like to use the very last,
but keep a " nest egg."
Theso bright Fall days remind us of just
such Autumn afternoons when, years ago,
basket in hand, we started off " a nutting "
for liickory nuts, walnuts and chestnuts, when
we would run along so light hearted and
happy, kicking the dry, bright Autumn leaves
that lay in heaps over the ground. How they
rustled and flew about.
A few lines by Bryant express so beautifully
the charm of those Indian Summer days' : - "1
'Heaped in the hollow" of trie glflyfe
Tho withcrcJ leaves lie dead,
j -Theyfustled to the eddying gust
Anv totKfVMitVtiead.-
And now, when comes a calm mild day,
As still such days wi'l come,
To call tho squirrel and tho beo
From out their Winter home.
Then, when under tho tree, what a jolly
scrambling for the nuts, while Hie boys
climbed tho great trees and shook the limbs.
Old Jack Fiost helped to "shuck" the uutsl
just prying open a little tho bitter green she),
with his frost bitten fingers. Sometimes wo
sat down and shucked thein under the trees,
and sometimes wo carried them homo to do it
by the big spluttering fire of hickory bark
around the kitchen hearth. Tho chestnuts.
pith their prickly shells, were harder to
shuck. May be there aro some others who
read this will remember something liko this.
We were reminded of , all this only yesterday,
and so wo thought it would be well to tell
Oregon boys ami girls of tho pleasures of
other lands.
A family of immigrants were going up on
the cars, having just come from Indiana, and
the children of the family would laugh and
tlap their hands when passing by the leafless
orchards, where the bright red apples still
clung to the bare branches. How they chat
tered, in German sometimes, and then in
English, whilo tho mother promised plenty of
apples by and by. Ono bright little fellow,
like all other boys, all arms and legs that
would not stay still, wriggled about all tho
time, singing " Marching Through Georgia "
at the top of his voice, vnrying it with, "I
like hickory nuts; I like butter nuts ; I like
chestnuts." Poor little fellow, little he thought
he had had his last fill of them. His sister
said that they had never seen so many apples;
that they were a dollar and a half a bushel,
potatoes two dollars, and wheat not fit for
chicken feed. It had been 60 hot this Summer
that the whole time they wanted to come to
Oregon, where there was plenty of rain. No
fruit of any kind was to be had. Aunt Hetty
is forgetting the letters. Annie has reason to
be proud of being on tho roll of honor, and we
fff sure she is a wide awake girl, too, from
'what she tells of her daily life. I'arialee sends
her card we have a nice collection of cards
already from our little friends. She says sho
helps Iter mother, so that if she has no pU
her time is well employed. Fanny writes
again after a long time. Flies are so disagree
able in Summer that it is a pity there is no
way to get rid of them. Towards Fall the
flies get stupid, and if small branches with
leaves nn are suspended from the ceiling near
the stove in the kitchen they will alight on
them, and then, early in the morning, may,
while cold, be shaken into the open store into
the fire.
The coming and going of birds is called mi
gration, and much that is interesting is writ
tea by naturalists on the subject. Geese and
other birds fly many hundreds of miles to con
genial climaUs, making these journeys with
great regularity. In the Fall one may often
observe birds of various kinds collecting
together, noisyand bustling, getting ready for
the Joog flight, always returning to tbe same
locality. Myrtle is welcome, and wo admire
the spirit sho shows in wishing to improve
herself in writing ; it is ono of tho best of
accomplishments for a young girl. She docs
nicely, and rather better than some who havo
written before for tho first time. Katie is
right in saying that tho Circle, gets better all
the time. It is n most excellent thing to com
mit verses of Scripture to memory while
young. It is very seldom required in Sun
day schools now. We should like to know
how many who write for tho Circlo can re
peat tho Ten Commandments. Rhoda writes
nicely for so littlo a girl, and wo shall watch
to seo how sho improves. Nettie does very
well, indeed, and wo aro sure sho will be a
welcome correspondent. It is sad to lose a
dear kind father. Nelson must uso his wagon
for stove wood and for kindling part of the
time, and then ho can havo a frolic with
Dash, remembering to do kind and gentle with
him, as well as to all animals in his caro. A
dog is a good, faithful friend, and if kindly
used is very intelligent ; if kicked and beaten
is good for nothing.
Irving, Nov. 4,-1881.
Editor Home Circle:
As you was so kind as to publish my other
letter, I will writo again. I think tho Home
Circle gets better all tho time. I wonder how
many of the littlo folks who writo to tho
Home Circle are going to school this Winter.
1 am not going, although I would liko very
much. My brother and sister go to school at
One of my sisters is at Junction visiting our
aunt. Ma is canning and preserving pears to
day. Come and seo us this Winter, and havo
'something nice to eat.
Wo havo a splendid Sunday school, and our
teacher has offered a prizo to the little girl
who recites tho most verses in a term of six
mouths, commencing Oct. 2d. 1 havo recited
85. I will close for this time.
From your little friend,
Katie Bosh.
Hubdakd, Nov. 4, 18S1.
Editor Home Circle:
I am'a littlo girl eleven years old, and liko
to read tho letters in tho Fakheb. I have a
little dog, named I Watch. I feed the chick
ens anil ducks, and hunt tho oggs. I am try
ing to learn liowto write when I know. Now
I will write a long letter. I havo a pet rabbit.
Also, I think tho girls and boys ought to lovo
Aunt Hetty; sho takes so much troublo to
correct and print the letters. I will closo for
this time. Myrtle.
Duckkrbush, W. T Oct. 24, 1881.
Editor Home Circle :
As it has been so long since I wrote my last
letter, so I thought that I would write again.
Wo have had a heavy rain storm. Father got
all of his potatoes in beforo the storm. My
mother raised fifty chickens this year. We
tried tho receipt for killing flics, but it did not
iilijhem. My oldest' sister is away, teaching
school. Mjrlat,ii.-L'Jiaiiing logs three quar
ters of a mile away from here, ami i,le-8 not
cfmo home every night, for ho has to taku
y-.re -i)f lijs teim. Father has got .14 head of
cattle and a few cows. Tho goeso havo come
so early. I guesi w e are going to havo a hard
Winter. I will closo for this time, wishing
the Faumek success. Fanny E. 1'ieuck,
Hubdakd Creek, Oct. 23, 1881.
Editor Homo Circle:
I will try to write you again. As school is
out, I will write again. I received a roll of
honor. There were 13 rolls of honnr. Ida,
my sister, got ono prize; she is 13 years of age.
It has been raining heio sinco school is out.
Wo havo to stay in tho house pretty much all
the day. My thrco Bisters aro visiting to-day;
Kitty and Josie are shaking tho table terribly
so that I can hardly write. Wo milk Old
Whito Faco this Winter. Our chickens are
doing pretty well; they aro all growing fast.
We have several that will do to fry by Christ
mas. I wish your son was here again to cat
dinner with us, as ho ato with us one year ago
last July 4th. My Bisters' names are Jano and
Martha that aro away to-day; one and one
havo to haul in tho neighborhood in the little
wagon that pa made for us. So T must close.
Annie Clark.
Grand Mound, W. T., Nov. 4, 1881.
Editor Home Circle:
I will bo ten years old on the 17th of this
month. I have one little brother seven years
old. I have no papa now; my dear good papa
died last May; he was very Bick nearly two
years. Mamma, myself and little brother arc
visiting with Aunt Mary now. Wo came up
on tho cars yesterday; mo and brother are
having a nice timo with our littlo cousins.
Aunt Mary has got the prettiest littlo baby I
have seen for a long time. We have a nico
home near Frceport, Cowlitz county, but it
was so lonesome there, after dear papa died,
that we could not stay there alone. So Mam
ma rented our place, and we are living with
Uncle John at Little Falls. Uncle John is
very kind to us; ho got brother a new wagon
last week. I have a nice doll and lots of
books; take the Golden Cennor. If you will
please print this, I will write again and tell
you more about our home and friends. So
good night.
From your littlo friend,
Nettie A. Moore.
Grand Mound, W. T Nov. 4, 1881.
Editor Home Circle;
I am a little boy seven years old on tne 4th
of July. I have got a dog, J. Calldas'i, and a
nice little wagon to haul wood in. I live with
Uncle John and Aunt Emma. I havo not seen
my grandpa aud grandma for nearly a mouth;
I would like to see them. I don't go to school
because there is no school near here, but ma
teaches me at home. 1'lease print this.
From your little friend,
Nklhon Moouk,
Grand Mound, W. T., Nov. 0, 1881.
Editor Home Circle!
I will write you a few lines, in hopts that it
will be welcome. I live on a farm six miles
from CenUiville. My aunt and cousins are
over to sre us. I am a I'ttle girl 13 years blJ.
j I am not going to school now, but I will go
after awhile. I study arithmetic, geography,
reading, writing ai.d spelling. F.mnia says
bIio weighs 01 pounds. I think that is a good
deal for a girl 10 years old. I havo five sisters
and tlirco brothers. Fapa had tho thresher
about a week ago. If you print this, I will
writo again. I will send Aunt Hetty ono of
my cards. Good bye. Rhoda Robekts.
Ci.es Valley, Oct. 31, 1881.
Editor Home Circle:
I will writo you a few lines, and hope they
will bo welcome. I am 13 years old. I havo
no pets. I will tell you what I do to help
mamma. I help wash, iron, scrub, and wash
dishes. I have live sisters and three brothers.
I go to school and study fifth reader, spelling,
geography and arithmetic. I will close by
sending Aunt Hetty ono of my visiting cards.
Fakialek Thompson.
a tale ok the orient.
Many years ago there lived a certain Caliph
of Bagdad "who was a lnisogyniit.and ho hated
tho woman with an exceedingly great hatred,
so much so that the harem of the commander
of tho faithful, filled though it was with dark
eyed houris, looked not upon man's faco from
tho rising ot tho sun to tho going down there
of. For the Caliph said that all tho evil
which Allah permitted to desolate this fair
world was caused by women. And ho was
wont to say, when ought of evil was brought
to his knowledge, "Briuumo tho woman."
New tho Grand Vizierliked it not, foras
much as womankind, to him, was fair to look
upon, and ho loved them all with an exceed
ingly great affection. And ho was wont to
seek for incidents and accidents wherein fig
ured not women, wherewith to regalo his roy
al master's ears. Aud ha tound them not, and
lot he was cast down in spirit.
But it caino to pass a certain day that tho
Grand Vizier entered in unto tho presence of
tho Caliph, and he lifted up his voice, saying:
"0 mighty Caliph, Ruler of the World,
King ot Kings, tsword ot tno rami, ravorea
of Allah, and of Mohammed his Prophet, a
hod carrier lias tumbled oil n a scallold in the
next block, and has busted his coco.iuut."
"By the beard of tho prophet niashallah!"
said the Caliph.
" Even so, mighty Caliph," said tho Vizier;
' ho is inashed all up."
" But what mattith tho fall of this artificer
to me?" said tho Caliph; "is ho not a
" Even so, your highness from Yrreland;
but thcro ain't no woman in it," said tho
Vizier, with an ill-repressed chuckle.
" Dog and son of a dog, thou liest?" roared
the Caliph.
"Hut there hain't," said tho Vizier.
" Bring hither the remains," Baid the
Caliph. "Wo will interrogate them."
Tho remains were brought in on a
"Sou of an unbelieving mother' said tho
Caliph, "why dust thou thus muss up tho
streets of Bagdad ? Speak and truly, Giaour,
or on thy head bo it.
"Oinoighty king," said tho remains, "ye
must know that I was a currying of mo hod
up the laddhcrs, and when I reached the
scafforldin' I stopped and tuk a look below.
and tho prottiest cray thur I ever seen, ' w id
eyes like sloes, and an illigant anklo. Aud I
followed li cr wiu me eyes, ami wuen sue
reached tho dhrce-goods store at tho corner,
sho turned and looked at me, and dropped
her veil; and it upset me so, your higeness,
that I lost mo balance and tumbled of, and
I'm afecrd I'vo bruck me back."
'I, "Slave," mused the Caliph, "life secmcth
u-rR to viee..uit pcrnai'S it is not ninni
Hast thou a wife i - - -
"Divil a wan, your highness.
" Go in peace, O Giaour thou art free, and
shouldst bo happy. I" and the miserable
man turned Ins laco aside to conceal ms emo
tion. " I havo threo hundred !'
Contrary Billy.
Billly was a pcdlcr's horso. Every day ho
ilruw n largo wagon along tho country roads.
This largo wagon was loaded with tins and
brooms. It was n heavy load to draw. Hu
stopped at all tho houses, to that liis master
could sen tne nrooius uuu una. wnu uuy, in
ter ho had trotted along for several miles,
Billy stopped where there was no liouso in
"Go along! Bald his master.
"I won't!" Baid Billy.
This is the way Billv said "I won't:" He
set his fore feet out. Ho laid back lu's ears
and shook his head.
His master got out of the wagon and patted
him on the neck.
Billy would not stir.
Ho moved all tho harness hero and there,
and patted him more.
Billy would not stir.
Hu talked to him in a very pleasant tone.
But Billy would not stir.
What was to bo done?
The pcller wished to Bell his brooms and
tins, and go homo to supper. But ho could
not do this if Billy rcfueid to do his part. He
went to the back of the wagon. A guntlcman
who passed by thought lie was goiug to whip
the horse with some heavy tiling. Instead,
tlio pedler took a pail from the wagon. There
was some inc.'U ill tins pan. no aiioweii una
to Billy, then ho walked on and set tho pail
Billy could see tho pail.
Pretty booh Billy lifted his cars. He looked
very good-natured. He went forward to the
Then his master let him cat the meal.
Then he put his pul back in the wagon, ami
Hilly trotted on nrinxiy wiwi ins loan.
The meal was better for Billy than the
whip.--iW' WX lltadt,;
Fighting It Out On That Lion.
It has iust leaked out that while General
Grant was traveling in Asia, ho cxprtuBtd a
desire to get a shot at a lion. Not w ishing to
expose liim to any danger, the natives procur
ed a stuffed lion, set him up in a jungle, and
then took tho illustrious traveler out for a
hunt. When tho biast was sighted, the Gen
eral was all excitement, and, crawling up to a
favorable position, began to blazo away at the
animal with uo percuntihle eflect. After
firing about twenty shots, lie began to get
niaxl, aim tailing on ms cuav, uv bcuku iiuh
for a regular siege. Fearing his wrath when
ho discovered the sell, the attendants endeav
ored to induce him in give up the attempt to
kill the hea.it, telling him it bore a charmed
life, and that he could not possibly kill it.
He told them to go to thunder, that he was
after blood and was going to havo it. After a
vain fuailade "I hall an nour, no roso to ni
Itct, gnashing his teeth with rsgc, threw his
suspenders over his shoulders, rolled up 1
sleeves, and grabbed his rifle by the barrel
l. -An 1,1 inn it as a club, 'ilm attcndai
again begged him to desist, but he politely ill
I,.-... ...I nm lm would have that cuss or leaw
his honore 1 remains promiscuously all through
that jungle, and with a wild cry of "I'll fight
it out on this Hon if it take4 mo all Summer!"
ho rushed upon the beast, and, with one well
directed blow, laid it over on its side. Then,
he chased the ntivo attendants for six miles,
luit being better acquainted with the country
they got away from him In safety.
.Keoplni Eggs for a Good Price.
With a desire to ee our friends get tho
most for all product", we give, as we find,
every receipt for preserving eggs till Winter
will bring the highest price. Eggs seem to bo
in great demand at all times, but it is not tho
fanner's wife who gets tho benefit of tho big
prices wo pay in tho city. Just now eggs aro
jscarco at fifty cents a dozen :
My plan is to tako fresh eggs when they are
plenty and cheap, and coat them with lard or
any other clean grease. I prefer lard. I put
a lump in a Baucer or anything convenient to
melt (not boil); then, with a small rag, greaso
each egg it will tako but very littlo grease.
I pack in a box or in n keg in wheat, bran or
chaff, small end down. Anything liko chaff
or cut straw will answer. I prefer bran. I
havo kept eggstwclvo months as good as when
put away, and havo uo doubt they can bo
kept auy length of time.
Use tho patent stopper glass jar, with vul
canized India-rubber joints to mako it per
fectly tight, liko tho jars for preserving fruit.
As soon as .tho eggs are collected, put tho jars
into hot water, and when thorougly warm, so
as to ratify tho air, put tho cgps into tho jar,
tho pointed ends upward, and pack them with
paper cr something to prevent them from
breaking, then close the jar beforo taking it
out of tho water. If the work is skillfully
douo and tho jar is tight, tho eggs will keep
for many mouths and bo as good for the
breakfast table as tho day they were laid. It
is said they will be fit for hatching, also, a
year after so packed, but never having tried
them for that, wo cannot affirm it from actual
In tho common " liming " process, a tight
barrel is half filled with cold water, into
which is stirred Blacked limo and salt in tho
proportiou of about ono half pound duch for
every pail or bucket of wator. Somo dealers
uso no salt and others add a small quantity of
nitre, otio quarter pound to tho half barrel of
pickle. Into this tho eggs, which must bo
peifectly fresh and sound, aro let down with
a dish, when they settlo to tho bottom, small
end down.
Having selected perfectly fresh eggs, put
them, a dozen or moro at a time, into a small
willow basket, and immerse this for fivo
seconds in boiling water containing about five
pounds of common brown sugar per gallon of
water, l'laco tho eggs immediately over on
trays to dry. Tho scalding water causes tho
formation of a thin skin of hard albumen next
the inner surface of the shell, tho sugar effec
tually closing all tho pores of the latter. Tho
cool eggs are then packed, small end down, in
an intimatu mixture of ono measure of good
charcoal, finely powdered, and two measures
fine bran. Eggs thus stored havo been found
perfectly fresh and unaltered after six
Extoi-mlnatlng Rats..
Get a fow pounds of common potash, such
as is used by soap makers, and exposo it to
the air until it softens to tho consistency of
putty, then spread it thickly in their n-"
ways, and wherever you find a holosit in as
i 1 j ---a.. Aiivc.iiicntly, aim you wh
I in a short timo bo rid nt nil --.to and mice.
The caustic nature of tho potash makes their
feet sore, and thou they lick their feet, and
that gives them troublo with tlw months ; by
that time they coneludo the ncighboiliood has
become unhealthy and they leave.
To tho man that is overrun with rats I
would say get four femalo cats, mid tako good
caro of them, not letting dogs disturb them.
Perhaps two or three will he good ratters.
According to my experience tho rots will
leave. I was ouco overrun, and tho cats
proved successful. A oat which proves to be
a poor ratter I dispoo of in somo way. The
femalo cat with a young brood is a very indus
trious animal. If you are likely to bo overrun
witli tho young, mako way with all but ono ;
tho mother will work neatly as industriously
as with more.
A very sure way of ridding tho premises,
especially an old nuo, of rats, i to uso n good
ferret aud a couplo of good ratters (either tlio
Scotch or bliick-aud-tnii teiriers). A littlo
expericneo will show any ono how to uso both
tlio ferret and tho dogs, tlio former to chaso
ont the rats, and tho latter to destroy them
when they rusli out to avoid tueir natural
enemy, tho ferret. Poultry Monthly.
Mothers like, and Physician
recommend It
World's! great Paln-Itcllovlug
remedies. They lical, Houthe and
cure JJuiiHWounilHtWcukBucIr.
and Itliuuiuutitfiii unou Mau?
and Sprains, Galls, aud lame
ness iipou DeastH. CUeap, qulcV
aud rcllublo.
SPURTS of disgmatias Kaeaa,
SnuiMes, CraokUnsr Falsa lm tha
Head, Fetid Breath, SeatmaM, smA
any Catarrhal Complaint, gsaVtu
terminated ly Wei Da Meyer's
Catarrh Core, a Constitutional Am
tldotehy Absorption Tha most 1st
portent Discovery since Vaccina tioa