Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 11, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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MMtMM.- 3M
i 8
IkBUcd citry Wctk liy the
wiixuisjtti: r.ii(.iit:ic riiti.iHin ro.
Snej-esr, (Posturo fulil). In adtanco t W-J
llx months, (l-ostsiiMnll), In nclranrc '"
Less than six liiontlilll bo, pirinotitli a
Achcrtlicmrnliiull! Iio Insi-rlml, iroi Ulnjj tn arc
I sipcctaMc, at tlio follcmliifr table of rates :
One Inch ofsjuco for month. i-'f
Threo Inches of ace per month B .00
Ono-half column per month js.oo
One column per month ;.". 30.00
gSatnplo copies icni ireu on iipnniuun.
Publication Office: No. 6 Washington Street. Up
stairs, rooms No. fi and M
Telegraphic News.
ItnllroiKl MrllfSlira.
Nmv Voiik, Nov. 4, Tlio Union Pacific
lias given formal notice that their agreement
with the Pacific Mail has been cancelled. It
is reported that tho Union ami Central Com
panies aio willing to form a new alliance with
tho Paciiie Mail upon terms somewhat, less
favorable to the steamship company, and also
to purcliaso tho two Pacific Mail steamships
lorming tlio China line. It is pronauic ;i sat
isfactory adjustment will bo lnaile within a
short time.
rrnpnsrri AiIhiUhIiiii of Iruliotn.
Warhishtiis, Nov. 5. 'lhu inovoinent fc r
the admission of Dakota is taking more shnpu
than it has been generally Biippu-cd. Uepiili
lic.in scnatois regard it as a means of teeur
ing two mere senutotn to their pnity. Mora
than one speech has hi en written. .Some
Democrats will oppose it certainly, and pos
sibly all, but David Oivis has been fccuuied
to favor it.
The Star Kouli-llilete will liseitric.
Prominent lawyers of tho district aro unan
imous in the opinion that the defendants in
the star route contest will win the battle now
in progress against the validity of the infor
mation. Should tho present motion to strike
it oil' tho docket fail, a motion to quash will
follow with fair prospect of success; but the
opinion is general that Judge Cox will grant
the motion to strike (iff. It is alleged that
should this occur theio would bo an end of
the prosecution of Brudy. Tliero would re
main tho case against Dorsey and others of
loss note, hut tho moral ellect of a failure
against llr.itly would bo to render any other
prosecutions before tho present grand jury
exceedingly diflicilt to success. Lawyers
hero think that this proereding instead ot be
ing preliminary is the rcnl tiuht. Counsel on
both sides aro so treating it, and tho pros
pect is that tho arguments will last through
the greater ptrt of next week. Iugcrsoll will
continue to day and to-morrow and will oc
cupy tho wlmlu ihiy. Counsel for prosecution
holds that should information fail entirely,
there would still loinain good grounds for in
dictment against Hrady, French anil Turner.
Ingersoll appears to bo entirely confident that
to win now would bo decisive.
Drilllulr luilliini.
St. Paul, Nov. fi. Sitting Hull and eighty
immediate followers are guarded at Fort Kim
dall by a eonipmy of soldiers of tho Otis in
fantry. Miss Fletcher of llostou, after inves
tigating tho condition of tho prisoners has sent
homo an appeal for clothing.
TUr Late rrralilrnl's INfalc.
Mkntok, Nov. fi. Mrs. Garfield went to
Cleveland yesterday with her three youngest
children who will soon bu placed in a private
school. John iiui'olph lias been appointed
only constituency where the contest was at all
close. Elsewhere official candidates are in
miserable majorities.
, (Jrnrernl Kcrognlflon,
London, Nov. 2. When the Lord Mayor's
procession reaches Westminster the American
(lag will be borne to tho palace yard and
massed bands will play American national an
thems. The secretary of Americau legation
writes he is sure this graceful recognition of
it. : i.: I.--.. i. . : .Jn l -
wiu ins miiuiug lhu bwu nations win oc re
ceived with the greatest pleasure in America.
SI. (iiithnnl Tunnel Completed
The first comoleto train carrvimr one hun
dred pirtcngcrs passed through St. Gothard
tunnel in fifty minutes.
Mlilllst ('niters.
St. Pi'.Tf.iisiiCiwf, Nov. 2. Hive emp'oyes
of tho czar's pahre at Catcliiua wcro arrested
and one revealed a plot to lepcat at Gntchiur
tlio inter palace explosion, wlieu tho at
tempt was made to kill the Into czar.
Many naval officers recently received copies
of a resolution of tho army, a proclamation
summoning thorn to join tho cause of liberty
and justice.
Item from Irrlnml.
Dinit.lN, Nov. 2. The archbishop of Lim
erick, who is strenuously o iposcd to tho no
rent inaniCc'tn, has signified to Father Shcchy
tlio desirability of prolonging his absencofrom
tho diocese during the present agitition.
Sexton has assumed chief direction of
Uniltd Ireland and will contribute leaders.
League leaders have changed front, and ill
feet tenant fanners to send in claims under
tho land act with tho view of swamping the
Lord O'llagan retires from the Lord Chan
cellorship ol Ireland Monday.
IInrnieaii Commercial Treaty
London, Nov. 3 Conferences between tho
Kiuliali and French have termiiutrd. It is
semi-ollieiiilly stited many delicate questions
were discussed in a most conciliatory spirit.
Points on which no argument has been
reached will bo settled through ordinary dip
loiuatiu channels. The cordiality of commis
sioners of both countries cue mrages tho be
lief a dchuito agreement will soon bo con
cluded. The Hianco-Italian treaty of oomnicrco lias
been signed It is stated tho Kingaud Queen
of Spain will visit Vienna in January.
ArrnnnlitK n Treaty or Pence.
Advices from litieuos Ay res stato that Chill
has sent a special mission to Peru to conclude
a treaty of peaco or provide lor tho complete
military occupation ot Peru.
All Tranquil ut Tripoli.
A semi-ollicial telegram from Constantino
ple says ambassadors have been informed that
in conseiiucnco of tho trauiiuilitv of part of
Tripoli it is intended to recall part of tho
troops and supercede tho governor.
The Krcncli Chambers,
Pauls, Nov. 4. In the chamber of depu
ties to-day. President Itrisson announced that
ho had received notice of threo interpellations
on tlio luiiisian questions.
Ferry, president of tho council, said ho
wished to state the position of tho cabinet in
regard to the interpellations. The cabinet
had always considered that its powers would
cxpiro with the last chamber. Ho resolved
to rctiro from ollico, which would be carried
nut, whatever happened. It was only in
timo replied to charges against it. In con
clusion ho said that previous to retiring he
would give what explanations were considered
noecssary, and the sooner debate commenced
tho better.
Tho discussion was then tlxcd for Saturday,
administrator of tho President's estate,
Wnul no More lliioilluin.
Nkw Viiiik, Nov. fi. --Keshlouts of Iowa
and her sister States of the West have served
notice upon Whitolaw Jteid and Mrs. John
J as ton that they desiio no more street waifs
from New York. Sumo of their Arabs havo
already ripened into train wreckers.
llir Monroe llorlrlne Again.
World's London special: Tho rumored in
tervention of the United States boewocu Chili
ami Peru is regarded as a just and necessary
step. At first it waa thought that General
Ilurlbut did uxcerd Ins authority but it is
now understood that ho simply laid down the
policy adopted by Mr. Illume. It is iceog.
mzed as most undesirable! that Chili should lie
allowed to destroy thu Peiuviau Nationality
and admitted that the interference of tlio
American government is diiectly called for.
Hoar is expiessed in some miarters that Mr.
Blainu aims at making thu United States the
arbitrator of the doctrines uf tliuontitn Ameri
can continent. The piililiehonover,dii not share
in tho appichontiiiu, ami are confident that
ourguvcmniit "ill sen that justice is done.
Secretary Ulaiiiu's Puiiama uaual route has
evoked littlo opposition. The public freely
concedes that if l.ugland has a right to control
tho government of F.gypt because the Suez
canal i on tho road to Luglnud the United
States government has surely tho right to
prevent Kuropean interference with n route
directly affecting her interests oti tlio Pacific.
.nl nn liKrriiHlloual Qurtllnn.
Washington, Nov. fi. Tho Stato depart
ment has received a report from the United
States Consul at Havana in relation to an
alleged Mexican outrage uion citizens of the
United Statei engaged in collecting guano
near Key Arenas and arrested by Mexican
authorities. The Consul says Americans were
simply arrested for trespass and the question
is entirely as to the ownership of tho guano
deposits and does not involve ny interna
tional controvviay,
Kaflurrr' llrporl.
H. 0, Wright. Chief of F.uginvors V. S. A.,
has submitted hi annual uqsirt to the Secre
tary of War. During tho past llseal year
work on the sea coast defence has been limited
in accordance with tho terms of the act of
March !), IS3I, as to their protection, preser
vation suit repair. He calls, atteution to the
importance of early and reasonable expendi
tures on sea coast defences.
' Train lo 4'nlrimo,
ClIIUAUO. Nov. a. Tho New York Central
railroad, commencing next Sunday, will run a
necial last traiu to Chioigo. It will leave
New York at 8 A. M and v. ill cover the dis
tance in 27 hours, making eoiineetiuu with the
overland train tj San Hraneiacii,
Arthur Uault i:auilurn..
Washington. Nov. 2.A correal .ami -nt
hji tuu newara rain ueuicatlou lio cauuHt
the I'resideut to call the attention of tlio act.
ing secretory of the treasury to the system of
uauit examinations, no says ol tlio rsewark
defalcation that either the bank examiners
were inefficient or their inspection of the
books of national bauki were nominal, or their
inspections were so infrequent as to U of no
.practical account in detecting fraud.
rrearh Kiallallea.
Paris, Nov. 3. Hrruch J vipers express
covert satisfaction with the result iu the
AhuooLorraiuo eleciioui for the Gemini
reicuaUir. Iu the late reichltstr the autoiiam.
ist or moderate party had several seats, now I twice
Tho busiuoss increase of the country is re
markable. Jiich mining discoveries have been mado in
Sexton will tako editorial charge of tho
lnilrtl Irrlaiul,
Sexton was released from prison on account
of ill health.
Yillartl and his party arrived from San
Francisco at Chicago on tho 2d.
A cabinet council in Loudon has been sum
moned to meet early next week.
By tho sinkinc of a ship's boat at Pannalic
recently, 10 persons wore drowned.
Painell was unanimously elected chairmai
of the Cork chamber of commerce.
Largo conservative gains wcro made iu the
recent H.uglish elections.
Tho act restricting Chinese immigration tc
Australia goes into ell'cct December 1st.
Tho Times denies that tho government has
decided to enter on uioiu diiect relations witl
thu Vatican,
Tlio jail nt Clonmol is fitted up for tho re
ccptiou of suspjeta. Further arrests sro con
templated. Lake Winnubago is rising constantly and
tho damage to business is estimated at $o,U0U
per day at Oshkosh,
Tho American Missionary Society's, renort
shows good work among Hreediuen, Indians
and Africans.
The government has discovered the delin
quent who conveyed P.irnoll's last manifesto
from thu Kiliiuiuliain jail.
Constable Delauev has been committed for
trial for an unprovoked assault by him during
tuu iveuui iiisiiiiuaiicus iu XiUOIIU.
Hen llutler told a lieiiiltl interviewer. "1
am opposed in every dictate of judgment aud
every sentiment of patriotism to tho Panama
canal scheme, either in peace or war.
Jews in llerlin instituted Droceedincs
against Dr. Sloeok for the part he is taking
iu allium; up ivupiu agiuust iiiu uews.
Koads leading to Aijlow aro blockaded with
stones, and a bridge has been broken for tho
purpose of impeding the movements of mili
tsry. Heavy snow storms and gales are reported
throughout Kuglaud, and iu several psrts of
the 'xtiddle counties two feet of snow is on the
llanUn goes to California fo play a star eu
pgeineut at $500 each of six appearances.
Plaisted goes out on a salary, ltotli men have
their expeutca paid by Capt. Mullet.
A military force was sent to ilellmully from
lulintale to ouell disturliance t. .,!. I'.,.
lice weto drafte.1. front all quarters and a
workhouse converted iuto a barracks.
A. 1). Wneelock, Ixwk keeper of J. C.
Walcott & Co., charged with embciilemeut
of JA5.1HX), arrived at New Yirk on the 2d
irom r.uroiw ami gave bail in 5.0,000,
1'Ugan sjates that sulstaiitial support con
tiuura so le received from America and Aus
tralia. The laud league he says does not in
tend to establish a permaueut centre iu
rrauce. iugc,ar is at rarts.
The commissioners appointed to cxamino
200 miles of the Northeiu Pacitio railroad iu
Washington Territory, have been directed to
examme an additional tectiou of 200 mile ex
tending eastward into Idaho,
Advanced Demovratio members of the
chamber of deputies decide to support Sorril
la's proirramme and nolicv. althouuli Manitoa
and friends ore forming a luiuority party
gainst this course. Newspapers ststo that
the clumber of deputies will, if uecossary, sit
a uay to permit Uiscusuou ol the
Smallpox is decreasing in Australia.
Floods cause enormous damago in Austria.
The Ladies' Land League still meets in
Hugh Law has been appointed Lord Chan
cellor of Ireland.
Cardinal Uarromco is better; Cardinal Pan
eblanco is very ill.
Tho Spanish govcrrment has decided to re
lease all political prisoners.
France has asked an explanation of the
arr. st in Ilussia of threo Frenchmen.
A naval expedition is preparing to oha9tise
tho rebellious tribes of southern Arabia.
Foster, chief secretary of Ireland, comc3 to
London for tho approaching cabinet council.
Jveirs" Ilearno special: Tho Texas K.xpi ess
Co. was robbed of $1,000 in silver on the 3d.
Nihilists threaten to prevent the czir's cor
onation unless he grants them specified con
cessions. Tom Betts, colored, was hanged at Jones
boro on the 4th, for tho murder of Judge Hil
iard Moore, last Fall.
The President directs tho pension asxencv at
St Louis to bo removed tho 1st of January to
Topeka, Kansas.
The treasurer has purchased 400,000 ounces
of fine silver for Philadelphia, New Oilcans
and San Francisco mints.
Tho Jledjaisc, a native oCairo, Egypt, a
native military organ, has bcW suppressed for
publication of virulent articles.
The fire losses throughout theUiiit'd States
for October, are tho heaviest over known in
tho same space of tunc in tins country.
Tho Norwegian bark Terzo from Antwerp
for Philadelphia, had its captain killed an.l
six men seriously injured during a gale.
Wendell Phillips invited to urge "no rent"
in Ireland, wishes the movement God-sp cd,
but declines tho oiler on account of ill health.
It is stated that tho rtussiaus will shortly
occupy Mtrv. Chief Tekke has arrived at lo
negotiate on behalf of Kussia for submission
ot all Turcomans.
The police of lilackbum threatened f.csscs
Hall with loss of his license if ho permitted a
laud league meeting at which Miss Anna l'ar
licll was tn speak.
A Tucson dispatch says: Apaches arc re
ported depiedating in the Satairapa district,
Sonoro. Five men, two women and one child
wcro killed by them.
Cot. Thoinison, superintendent of railway
mail service, states that the lightning train
over Vande hilt's roads, to commence next
Monday, will reduce by o'uo day postal time
to all points west of Chicago.
At secret consistory Monday the Pope
snoko with unwonted violence and strongly
1)1 uncd Emperor Francis Joseph for receiving
Kins Humbert. He said somethinc must bo
done to shako off tho yoke from the church.
It is feared a great calamity has overtaken
six fishing boats with 110 men on board.
They went out to sea front Belogne-sur-mer
fort several days ago and it is believed they
perished in the terrible storm of Oct. 11th.
Tho Republican's Buena Vista, Cal., special
says: John Evans, chief engineer of tho Lou
ver, South Park & Pacilio railroad, was shot
and dangerously wounded by a discharged
employe, who was arrested and locked up.
Mayor Grace, of Now York, has addressed
tho police commissioners asking them to aid
him in suppressing political assessments on
policomen, and notifying tho lather that lm
was ready to receive complaints on tho sub
ject. ii .
Iu tho criminal court, counsel for Guitcau
made a motion for delivering to tlio property
clerk of the court papers belonging to
Guitcau. He also asked for further postpone
meut of the case. Court reserved its do
At an interview between the Princo of
Wales, Sir Charles Dilke and Gambetta, the
Prince of Wales asked Gambetta whether he
had seen Bismarck. Gambetta said he not
only had not seen him, but his recent visit to
Germany was the third visit there incognito.
Much anxiety prevails about Arabia. Ru
mors arc current that the sheerif of Mecca has
declared himself khalif and liberated Midhat
Pasha. It appears sure, however, that cer
tain tribes iu tho vicinity of Mecca havo re
volted. Tho sheerif is suspected ot con
nivance at thu movement. Tho Turkish
comnraiidcr was instructed to arrest him if
Hear Admiral Hodccrs w ill bo retired Nov.
15 til. It is understood Capt. Francis M.
Itamscy is selected for suneiintcudont of tho
naval academy. By the retirement of Ad
miral Kodgers, Commodoro Georgo H. Cooper
will bo promoted. Hear Admiral John C.
Howell will bo retired Nov. 24th, when
Commodoio John t. Beaumont will bo ad
vanced. A furious show storm has raged all day, on
the 14th, in St. Laureneo county, and is afoot
deep in the northern parts of New York.
Heavy squalls recurred atuugthe Hudson and
thu Catskills are covered wito eight inches of
snow. It is rt ported that iu northeastern
Ontario there w ere severe snow squalls, also
at Norwich, Coun., and other points in New
The commissioner of pensions recommends
mac congress be aaKcil to npnronr ihi Sinn.
000,000 for disbursement by his oliieo tho
next ttscal year ending Juno HO, lS&l, in pay
ment of annual aud accrued pensions, and also
that tho immediate deficiency appropriation
of $30,000,000 bo requested for the purpose of
jwyiug all arrears of peiisious, to claimants
whoso cases have been or may bo favorably
adjudicated during the current fiscal year.
Mrs. Garfield went to Paintsville on tho
0th and took out letters of administration.
The bulk of tho property is tho Mentor home
stead and Washington residence. A life in
surance policy of sJoO.OOO has been equally
-" -.. n,..wn nuu laniuy.
SI. Jhmc' Oatellt has demonstrated the
hollowncss of tho claim of holders of confed
erate ootids and the futility of endeavoring to
exeroiso pressure on southern states by means
resorted to with iudillcrent success in the
case of sovereign states, such s.s Turkey and
Peru. '
Henry George telegraphs the IrUh World,
that Helen -savior, daughter of the late John
Stuart Mill, addressed the ladies' land league
m Dublin to-day. She ssiJi "Never did
Austria commit in her brovinoa ; lu- ....
atrocities to be compared with those now po
petratcd in Ireland under Gladstone's lulnun-
irauuii. s nave traveled uucli. hut only
ouo country have I seen where things hap-
i isi or moderate party liiu several seats, now twice a day to permit diacuuion ol t
; in Ireland would lie posible, that
'V IS ruled by Hit t,,..b.s.iA T..-I.
H.uglish people mutt soon u A, n . .;i,f '(
the crimes perpetrated iu their name.
Negotiations for a commercial treaty with
brance fails, aud British commissioners are
coram j homo. Irench offers fall far short of
a point at wh ch a compromise might be en
UrUme.1. The priucip.1 difference u relative
to cotton. It is thought Gambetta' ministry
will prove more reasouvble tluui the present
Mattie Pohl. 30 years old, and hunch
backed, committed suicide by taking poison
at St. Louis on the 14th, liecause a youni
Ulan With whom she worked in a oln f..,.
tory, and for whom she had conceived pas-
inuiaa,UAmnntlafi-- .. 1 fuki tk. .i
Hannibal Hamlin, minister to Spain, left
for his post on the 5th.
Four hundred Mormon converts from
abroad havo arrived in this country.
Tlio two men who killed Joel Hinkley at
Franklin, I. T., have been arrested in Utah.
In tho star route cases, argument was bo
eun on the 3d on the motion to quash infor
mation. The senate at St. Paul, Miun., has concur
red in tho houso amendments to the bond
Confederate $1,000 bonds, after considera
hie advance, have declined to 1 12d in Lon
don. Crcmone, winner in the Derby of 1872, was
uold at Newmarket to Earl Scarborough for
Twenty-five hundred emigrants arrived at
New lork on tne ;iJ, mostly uermans, uounu
for tho west.
Several hundred fresh cases for the adjust
meut of rent were offered to thu land court on
thu 3d in Dublin.
.Vim: St. Julien arrived at New York Fri
day last and will take up Winter quarters
with Santa Clans as a stable companion.
In a general European alliance that has just
taken place, Franco is tho only one left out in
the cold, una uermany nnsus tne wiiip nauu.
Thcaccounts of the affrays at Balleinullet
last week appear to havo been exaggerated.
It is vow stated that only one death resulted
from the shooting.
The News' San Antonio special says that
the jury convicted Win. Petty of stago rob
bery, and fixed tho penalty at Of years in the
Brisson, Republican, was elected president
of the Freudi chamber of deputies by 34"
votes against 33 for legitimatists, and IS for
Bonapaito candidate.
Btports of a wreck havo been received from
the northwest coast at Now Foundlaud. T'jo
name of the vessel is not learned. One man
only of tho crew was saved.
A fire at tho poticro, San Francisco, on tho
3d, destroyed J. Christ's brewery, Median's
tannery, and damaoied several adjoining
houses. Loss about $10,000.
The U. S. circuit court of New York has
made permanent tho temporary injunction
icstraiiiinr' Samuel J. Tildeii from disposing
of stock of certain New York iron mines.
Tho Times says it is in a position to state
that the troaty negotiations with Hrance havo
not been broken off, the English commission
merely returning for fresh instructions.
James Hughes, propertyman for Sam
Hague's British Minstrels, disappeared from
Buffalo on tho 2d, taking with him $3,000
worth of diamonds, presented to Hague in
It is contemplated to summon parliament
for the dispatch ot business on the ijtb of Jan
uary, to give additional time to discuss rules
of procedure and parliamentary tactics in the
Bath difficulty.
The supreme court having decided the Sun
day law constitutional, business men and sa
loon keepers ot Mokelumne Hill, Cal., signed
an agreement to observe the law to its full
A drunken cowboy who tried to drive the
Chinese out of Camp Rice, Texas, on the 2d,
was riddled with bullets by whites, rle bad
wounded one Chinaman iu the shoulder.
A firm prints an advertisement in New
York olleriug $2 50 per $1,000 for from $1,000
to sl,0UO,UOU in confederate bonds maturing
in 1805.
The secretary of tho Livernool branch
league telegraphed to Gladstone: "The elec
tions yesterday show how your resources of
civilization ato appreciated by 100,000 Irish
Biidcet Murray and Thomas Malono have
died from burns received at a fire in Rouke'sJ
boarding houso. Policeman O'Donnell, who
lumped trom a window, is thought fatally in.
Tho first decision undor tho land act was
given at Monaghan on the 20th. The com
missioners, after viewing the holding in the
case, reduced tho rent by fifty shillings for
tlio next fifteeu years.
A H'orW correspondent says: I have good
authority for saying a cablo dispatch was sent
Monday by the United States Government to
Gen. Hurlbut, minister at Peru, directing him
to continue to recotrnizo the government of
Celderon as the legitimate government of
Tho board of managers of the produce ex
change, favor tho erection of a new building,
as recomineuded by tho building committee,
at a cost not to exceed $2,000,000, providing
it can bo completed without creating a total
debt of more than $1,250,000.
Tho editor of a French paper, tho E'jijple,
at Cairo, suppressed for calling Mahomet a
faho prophet, placed himself under protection
of tho French consul, owing to the sheiks
having voted his death. By advice., of the
consul tno editor returns to trance.
Win. II. Giirnce, one of tho ablest lawyers
of western New York, whoso brain was af
fected by a sunstroke, received four veura
ago, drowned himself in tho Niaeara river nn.
uer inn uaiiuciuaiiDii mat he would die in a
A tenant farmer named Doherty was shot
dead on tho 2d when entering his house at
Carrigan, Galway county, it is believed, be
cause he had paid his rent. Ho had been
"boycotted" some time ago. Two persons
were arrested.
A CUrioUS lllan is adonled in anma rtnpf a nf
West Ireland with a view of keeping the "no
rent" manifesto before tenants. It takes the
lorm ol a promissory note which has been cir
culated among : farmers attending the lair. The
Hum i a promise io pay rent on the day l'ar
nell and Davitt and other suspects are re.
leased. It is intended tho noto shall be
signed by tenants and seut to landlords.
The Times says : Two vears hence an en,
tirely new system of railroads from ocean to
ocean will be in operation and already the
better part of a great chain is completed. The
termini will be New York and Portland, with
steamship communication with San Francisco.
The roads forming the route will be the New
York, West Shore and Buffalo, the New
York, Buffalo and Chicago, tho Chicago, Mil
waukee and St, Paul, the Northern Pacifio
and the Oregon Railway and Navigation
Company a lines. Ihe system will be it di
rect opposition to the anderbilt line and
the Union Pacitio Railroad, and it is claimed
for it that it will run through a part of the
country that supplies the greatest amount of
travel ana ireignt business.
The movement for tho admission of Dakota
is taking more shape than it has been gener
ally supposed. Republican Senators regard it
as a means of securing two more Senators to
their party. Some DemocraU will oppose it
certainly, and possibly all, but David Davis
has been secured to favor it.
People are excited over the robbery and
outrage (our miles vest of Bloomington. A
yoouK woman named ixannie xiurton was tied
in a chair and chlorafortned, while burglars I
Foster, minister to Russia, has resigned.
At the Flipper court-martial tho defendant
pleaded not guilty.
Six inches of snow fell in tho Straits of
Mackinaw on tho 6th.
Tho liberals have gained a, victory in Ma
genco by the election of five districts.
An incendiary destroyed tho Pennsylvania
Central round houso aud contents on the utti.
Loss, $15,000.
Tho British societies in Washington gave
the new British minister, West, a grand re
ception on the 5th.
At Gridlev. Cal., on the 5th John M. Boylos
stabbed Hugh Galway in the neck, killing
mm instantly.
Frank Hudson, aned 14 years, whilo out
hunting at Grass valley on tho 5th acciden
tally shot and killed himself.
The results of tho land commission in Ire
land are very satisfactory to the tenants, the
rents being very materially reduced.
Tho total deficiency in the Newark Bank
amounts to $2,411,000 45, which will be made
up by assessments nn tho stockholders.
An insano farmer named Hcbdcn, of St.
Clair couuty, Mich., killed his three-year-old
boy on tho 5th and cut his own throat.
Saloon keepers in Stockton, Cal., have
formed a league for the purpose of defeating
the law ordering them to close on Sunday.
A Chinese row occurred at Truckee, Cal.,
on tho 5th, in which one Celestial waa shot
and killed and two others were badly injured.
Onirics Madden, a college student at Tiffin,
Ohio, proposed to Miss Phoebe Berward on
tho 15th, and on bciug rejected shot her dead.
Colonel Watson B. Smith, clerk of the U.S.
circuit court, was found Ivinc dead outside of
his ollico door on the 5th, shot by an unknown
Counsel for the defense in tho Star Route
cases havo commenced their areument. Tho
opinion is that tlio robbers will got off scot
A fight took place in the Apache country
on tho 4th between cavalry and the Indians.
Tho latter were routed with a loss of four
A negro named Bob Williams has been
lynched in Greenville county, N. C, for
an outrage upon a little whito girl. Ho con
fessed. Tho bottom has probably dropped out of the
confederate bond speculations, as New York
brokers send no more orders and $1 50 is bid
per thousand.
A manifesto, signed "Patrick Eagan," pri
vately circulated throughout Ireland, advises
farmers to pay no rent, avoid the land court
and hold tho harvest.
Tho central branch of the Boston land league
have pledged themselves not to purchase any
goods of English manufacture and to influ
ence their friends in the same direction.
The river steamer War Eagle was swept
against the piers of the bridge at Keokuk,
Mo., on the 4th, and damaged herself $20,000
and tho bridge $150,000. Two lives were
Five thousand people paid 25 cents each ad
mission feo to tho Caledonia Park, Jersey
City, to listen to O'Connor, member of the
British parliament, speak in the interest of
tne land league of Ireland.
The U. S. steamer Rodgers, which sailed to
hunt the Jeanette, was spoken in the Arctic
ocean in September by the whaling bark
Dawn. Nothing had been seen or heard of
tne Jeanette.
A semi-official telegram says that in conse
quence of the occupation of Kairwan the in
surgents are disheartened and many tribes
have asked for amnesty, promising to surren
der the instigators of the revolt.
Advices from Buenos Ayrcs of the 11th ult.
report that tho United States minister at San
tiago informed the Chilian government that
his government would not interfere in the
negotiations for a treaty of peace with Peru.
The ship Now Era, ol Boston, from Hong
Kong for San Francisco, was totally wrecked
at Lazon Island recently. Seven of the
crew were saved and arrived at Manila. She
was 1,125 tons, and insured in Boston for
The Manchester Vamiiier onblishcs a varne
statement that the government intends tn m.
leaso Parnell and colleagues in time for them
to participate in the proceedings of parlia-
niein, jjiunueu mo state oi tno country justi
fies tho act.
Disturbances tontinuo at Bclmallst, county
Mayo. Thus far four nersons wounded in thu
affray Thursday last are dead, and, six more
oeatns aro oxpected. two hundred military
and two hundred police are on the spot.
It is expected Gambetta will shortly make
an important statement regarding his policy,
either during debate in interpolation with ref
erence to the government's Tunisian policy or
previously at a meeting of the majority.
Last week a number of nihilist proclama
tions were distributed about the city and sev.
eral copies thrown into the barracks of the
imperial guards. It is stated that the czar
has lately received many threatening letters.
Floods in Dalmatia and Croatia have caused
tho river Kerka to burst its bounds, and
houses are inundated, crops damaged, roads
submerged and postal communications sus
pended. Rain continues and the water is
The public prosecutor began action at Ber
lin on the 3d against the editor and publisher
ot tne neicnsnToia, a paper conducted by
Henrici, a notorious anti-Semitic, on account
of a poem in it approving the persecution of
tho Jews.
The Commercial Bulletin says: The comple
tion of the Panama canal will be effected only
through a physical and financial miracle, ana
it would be prudent tor statesmen to see the
miracle accomplished before they get up a
quarrel about the political auspices of the
Tho Falls City is now published weekly.
Deer are being killed in Grant county for
their skins.
P. C. Martin of Tyoh Volley, has tv.ki
a pond with German carp.
S. H. Shepherd has sold out his interest in
tho Grant county News to his partner, J. T,
The young man of Prairio City, Grant
county, who pointed a cun at his sister aid
threatened to shoot has been locked up.
E. J. Wright of Pcrrydalo, has raised two
Peerless potatoes, one of which weighs 8 and
tho other 6 pounds. Tacoma is still ahead
with a 9 pound spud.
A Harney valley correspondent of the
Grant county News, says: A son of Dr.
Glenn, the California wheat king, owns large
cattle interests in this valley and rides arouarl
in the rodeo in the full dress uniform ef a
The Standard says: "Clackamas count
has only two papers." Guess vou mean
"paupers," don't you Tom? Oregon City JBi.
Yes, we wrote paupers, but it was a truism
about the papers "all the same."
Charles Chambers chnrccd with robbing ths
Bellcvue stage at Soul's Rest, I. T., has been
A party of men engaged in trapping en
Challis creek made a haul of 28 beavers in
one week.
About $4,000 has been collected on Woad
river since last May by the United States U
ternal revenue officials.
Both the Monarch and Buffalo Companies'
mills, at Atlanta, are running, and there is
not an idle man in the camp.
John Hill, of St. Charles, Bear Lake
county, was killed on tho 4th iust. by a tree
falling on him in Big Creek canyon.
The Boise Statesman says that it is rumored
that J. K. Lewis, ex-Judge of this District, is
to bo appointed Governor of Idaho.
Robert Wallanstinc. of Paris, who had his
arm broken by falling from a horse, has bees
taken to Evanstown for amputation.
The Minnie Moore is the biggest and rich
est mine on the river to-day, and we bar none
in comparison. Wood River News.
The Ketchumites are jubilant over the an
nouncement that a Salt Lake banker is abont
to open a branch house in their town.
M. C. Fuller has bought out Mr. Robin
son's interest in the Bellevue and Bullion
stage line, and is now a full partner with Ike
The Register say h: Several new light coaches
have just been received to run on the road be
tween Arco and Challis, and Wood River.
J. M. Burkett, brother-in-law of Mr. H. Z.
Burkhardt. is in Hailev for the nurnosn of
starting a branch banking house of T. S.
Jones, Salt Lake.
Frank Holt, while clippine a horse's tail
last week, was kicked by the animal, and now
walks the streets of Lewiston with three
fingers in a sling.
The New York and Idaho Company have
run a tunnel in 150 feet on the Pacific ledtre
on Atlanta Hill, Alturas county, and cut
across some scams oi good ore.
A contemporary has run the following mat
ter in a column space of his paper for about a
year: "Soon to be enlarged, the editor of the
Yankee fork Uerald. Boise Statesman.
Maybe the editor doesn't belong to the stent
er Bex.
A Boy Killed by a Falling Tree.
A strange and fatal accident occurred near
Lebanon on last Sunday afternoon, resulting
in the death of Clifton, son of Mr. J. Q.
Reed, a bright lad of thirteen. It seems that
the boy left his homo on horseback about 1
o'clock on Sunday afternoon, with the inten
tion of going to Lebanon, four miles distant.
At 8 o clock on Monday morning he was
found, about half way between the twe
places, he and his hoise, both dead, crushed
by a tree which had fallen on them. The
tree was an old dead one. abont. three feet ia
diameter, without any branches thereon, and
broke off about twelve or fifteec feet above
the ground. The wind blew quite strong at
times on Sunday, and the tree being old and
rotten, doubtless snapped without giving any
warning. Only one person passed the spot
after tho accident, on Sunday, and that waa
about uusk, aud he rode around the end of
the fallen tree without observing anything.
A jury was summoned and an inquest hefil
by Mr. G. W. Smith, justice of the peace,
and a verdict was rendered in accordance
with the facts. The remains were brought to
Albany on Tuesday morning, and were in
terred in the cemetery here on the same af
ternoon, the funeral services being conducted
by Rev. S. G. Irvine.
Astoria Kicks.
Tho following are the postal changes for
'the Pacific Coast for the week : Established
Ingles, Washington county, Or.. Wm. 8.
Ingles postmaster. Discontinued Spring
Brook, King county, W. T. Postmasters ap
pointed D, M. Baldwin, Hay Creek, Wasco
county. Or.; James O. Lyle, Klickitat Land
ng, Klickitat county, W. T.
At Oakland, Cal., on the 4th, Andreas
Wunderler, a partner in a confectionery es
tablishment, committed suicide by shooting
himself in the bead. Cause, mental aberra
tion, arising from a bruise on the head, re
ceived from San Francisco hoodlums about
two years ago.
The most horrible accident in the annals of
the city occurred at Keokuk on the 14th.
The steamer War Eagle going south ran
against a span of the Keokuk and Hamilton
bridge, breaking into fragments. The boat
was completely demolished. Eight persons
are known to be drowned.
Rlr.iiT or Wat. Just before going to press
we learn from Mr. Sol. Abraham, says the
Roseburg UdetieiultHt, that he has secured
the full richt of way for th nMi .! rvi..
fornia Railroad Company, south of Roaeburg.
for the nominal sum of SI. The farmm
went through tho house, leaving her nearly everywhere met Mr. Abraham' kindly, and bj
iK r.'iV a'V exhuUo or terror, ft their acta, more forcible than words, teVtifiea
The large iron ship Derbyshire, just
finished loading at Astoria, is one of a class
which we claim, says the Aetorian, is cheaper
to be loaded at Astoria than at Portland.
She has been loaded entirely at Astoria with
wheat and flour, and now draws twenty-twa
feet aa ready for tea. ,
The ship has been charged a wharfage here
of twenty-five cents per ton, amounting to
the sum of four hundred and eighty dollars.
This charge, it is claimed, is an unreasonable
and unwarranted one, not customary at this
port nor.at Portland. As the dock that the
ship has been loaded at is owned and con
trolled by a Portland company, it is thought
that the exaction of this charge is a direct
thrust at Astoria's shipping, a thing gotten up
to discourage any other vessels in the future
chartering for Astoria loading.
There have been quite a number of vessels
loaded entirely at Astoria this season prior to
the Derbyshire. Amongst them may be
named the Lanarkshire, Glenperis and Scot
tish Bard. None of these vessels, we are
told, have been charged any wharfage. The
wharfage has been charged, as ia the custom
at Portland, to the shipper and not to the
'"P- We will not comment particularly oa
this charge and only give it as it was given to
u; ." jt " true- we think however it is ol
sufficient moment for our chamber of com
merce to address a letter to Mr. Villar
thereon. This company will soon 1m uVinv
Astoria to ship her fifteen or twenty thousand
tons of canned salmon yearly to New York by
their railroad, instead of bv th (Vntral Pa.
cific railroad. Such a company can hardly
continue to make such discriminations against
Astoria as the Derbyshire charge.
Lo.no Passage. The British bark John G
Mnnro, which arrived yesterday from Hong
Kong, brings ten Chinese passengers. She
w delayed by strong easterly galea and wae
78 days on the passage. She reports seeing
pn the evening ol the seventh day out a wreck,
but waa unable to ascertain any particulars ia
regard to it. It is possible it may have beea
the Geraldine Paget, which ii supposed to
have been lost in a typhoon in -that mrioa
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